Back in May 2019, BirdsCaribbean joined other guests to celebrate the opening of the lovely office of Sustainable Grenadines (SusGren), perched on the edge of Ashton Lagoon on Union Island in the Grenadines. It was a joyful occasion—the result of 13 years of planning and sheer hard work which transformed an old, abandoned, and failed marina development into a beautiful place for local residents to enjoy—as well as the birds and other wildlife nestling in its restored mangroves and lagoon waters. Read more here. On July 1, 2024, this brilliantly successful project was dealt a catastrophic blow by the major Hurricane Beryl, sweeping away the SusGren office building and most of Ashton Lagoon’s infrastructure, and causing widespread devastation.
Here SusGren’s Executive Director Orisha Joseph talks about her devotion to the project and her determination to “build back stronger.”
Sustainable Grenadines office was completely destroyed when Hurricane Beryl passed through Union Island on July 1, 2024. (Photo by Orisha Joseph)
If you would like to assist, please donate at the link below, and help Ashton Lagoon, Union Island and its residents—both human and animal—get back on their feet! Your generosity will be greatly appreciated.
I first visited Union Island as a young reporter in 2009, on a trip to the world famous Tobago Cays Marine Park. Instantly, I fell in love with this small beautiful island. Soon after, I was introduced to the non-governmental organization Sustainable Grenadines Inc (SusGren).
Who knew that this introduction would lead me to migrate from Grenada to Union Island in 2012, where I began work as Administrative Officer with this amazing organization!
At SusGren, I used my communications skills to further reach audiences across the Transboundary Grenadines, in the region and further afield, sharing the impactful work we do in conservation, sustainable livelihoods, youth engagement and policy development.
Orisha Joseph speaking at the opening ceremony for the successfully restored Ashton Lagoon.
Fast forward to 2024. As Executive Director of SusGren, looking back at our journey, I wouldn’t change a thing—no regrets, at all!
However, on July 1st, 2024, Hurricane Beryl “changed everything.”
In 2019 we completed restoration work in the largest mangrove ecosystem on Union Island: the “Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project”. It was one of our flagship projects, to rehabilitate a failed marina area, which had caused significant ecological and socio-economic impacts with both long-term and short-term consequences for Union Island.
Twin suspension bridges over breached gaps in failed marina causeway in the Ashton Lagoon. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc.)
Birdwatching tower in Ashton Lagoon. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc.)
Ashton Lagoon trail. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc.)
Our achievements after restoration saw the construction of a two-storey office space and welcome centre, twin bridges at Ashton Lagoon to provide access—which became the main attraction on Union Island—restoration of red mangroves, construction of wildlife viewing towers, trails and interpretive signage, and a swale system for water exchange in the mangrove forest.
Sadly, since Hurricane Beryl visited us on that fateful day, we have lost everything.
Ashton Lagoon trail destroyed by Hurricane Beryl, the earliest hurricane to reach Category 5 intensity. (Photo by Orisha Joseph)
I was with one of my team members, her partner, my landlord, and 10-year-old grandson. As Hurricane Beryl displayed her strength, hurled broken glass at us, and lifted our roof, we held a mattress in front of us for protection. As the roof began to cave in, we realized we were not safe and needed to get to another house on the property.
Once I thought it was “safe,” I ran across the yard to the next house, then called for the others to do the same. We made it! We were alive! We are all together!
We stayed there until Hurricane Beryl decided she had done enough, and it was calm enough to go outside. I looked around in total shock, I could not believe this was the second time I am experiencing a devastating hurricane—my first being Hurricane Ivan, which destroyed Grenada in 2004. I cried….
Hurricane Beryl damaged or destroyed more than 90% of homes on Union Island. (Photo by Orisha Joseph)
My mind went to my two other team members. Were they OK? Were their families OK? Was the office OK? Was the bridge OK? What about other infrastructure? My heart sank as I started to walk through the island, witnessing the utter devastation, people with bewildered looks on their faces, homes destroyed.
SusGren employee Kisha McFarlen and other residents of Union Island survey the damage around them. (Photo by Orisha Joseph)
Then it all sank in, as I got to the office. It was completely gone, except for the stairs and two walls on the first floor. The mangrove was littered with chairs, desks, filing cabinets, papers. Birds were just hanging around and fiddler crabs were trying to find shelter.
The charming SusGren office before it was destroyed by Hurricane Beryl. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc.)
Sustainable Grenadines office was completely destroyed when Hurricane Beryl passed through Union Island on July 1, 2024. (Photo by Orisha Joseph)
Ashton Lagoon mangrove littered with littered with chairs, desks, filing cabinets, papers. (Photo by Orisha Joseph)
Despite the devastation, there was an overwhelming sense of relief. We had survived. Hurricane Beryl tested our resilience and reminded us of the power of Mother Nature.
But more importantly, Hurricane Beryl showed us the strength of our community and the unyielding spirit of Union Island. In the face of such adversity, we discovered that together, we could weather any storm.
As we pick up the pieces from here, to build back better and stronger, we welcome your support! If you are able to help, please go to our fundraising page here. Any gift, no matter how small, will be gratefully received!
New twin suspension bridges over breached gaps in failed marina causeway in the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
The local non-profit conservation organization Sustainable Grenadines (SusGren) welcomed guests to the lagoon’s (re)birthday celebration at its welcoming eco-friendly building on Union Island in the Grenadines on May 31, 2019. The building adjoins Ashton Lagoon, the largest natural bay and mangrove ecosystem in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. This area was legally designated a Conservation Area in 1987 and named as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International in 2008.
The story of Ashton Lagoon is worthy of honor and rejoicing, far and wide. The birthday party guests wore beaming smiles.
After 13 years of diligent work, SusGren, supported by its national and international partners, has succeeded in restoring the lagoon—not only for the well-being of the marine and bird life, but also for that of future generations of Union Islanders. Now it is transformed, blossoming into a beautiful place in which to learn, observe, and enjoy the bounties of nature.
Orisha Joseph, Sustainable Grenadines Executive Director, welcomes everyone to the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project Unveiling event on May 31st, 2019. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
As the King said in “Alice in Wonderland,” it’s best to begin at the beginning. The tale of Ashton Lagoon began some 25 years ago, in 1994. That year marked its decline—the moment when an overseas investor said: “Let’s build a golf course over the mangroves. Let’s build a marina for 300 boats!” as Joseph described it. A causeway was to join Frigate Rock to Union Island.
Map of Union Island ecosystems prior to the Ashton Marina Project and the airport runway extension (Map by Price & Price, 1998)
The following year, the investor went bankrupt. The project was abandoned, but the damage had already been done. Joseph described the development as a “catastrophe.” The causeway and marina berths, constructed from metal sheet piles and dredged coral, blocked the circulation of water, causing immense harm to the mangroves, reefs, and seagrass.
Thereafter, Ashton Lagoon languished. With its stagnant green waters and its degraded mangrove forest, locals—including fisherfolk who passed through to their fishing grounds—shunned it. It became a lonely place, Joseph recounted during her presentation in Guadeloupe (which you can watch below!).
But hope appeared on the horizon. In 2004, Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean Lisa Sorenson visited Union Island to deliver a Wetlands Education Training Workshop. The group took a field trip to the damaged lagoon and learned about the heartbreak residents and fishers felt living with the eyesore of the abandoned and algae-filled lagoon. Sorenson began work to raise funds, and in 2007, thanks to support from the USFWS, SusGren and BirdsCaribbean held a 3-day Participatory Planning Workshop with local stakeholders. All agreed (including, thankfully, donors) that something must be done. But wasn’t this a Herculean task?
An aerial view of Ashton Lagoon in 2004 shows how the failed marina disrupted the natural water flow. Impacts included stagnant polluted water in the lagoon and marked declines in marine life and the health of the mangrove. (Photo by Michele Kading)
Yes, it was. The Restoration Project was a tough, complex undertaking, not for the faint-hearted. Initially, stakeholders developed a vision for the management and sustainable use of the area, and wrote funding proposals. Surveys and monitoring of the ecologically sensitive area were conducted. And then, there were the engineering issues to be resolved. Joseph reserved special appreciation for the man she called her “miracle worker,” Ian Roberts, Engineer/ Works Supervisor for the restoration.
Joseph emphasized that, apart from the onerous technical issues that besieged them (how to deal with those horrible metal piles?) another challenge was a less “concrete” one: How to keep the local community engaged and interested. They were impatient and SusGren’s credibility and reputation were at stake on this small island with a population of 3,500.
The group went through a funding crisis in 2014—one that Joseph looked back on with wry humor. In 2016, when the funds began to work out, the project’s three broad objectives were refined. These were to restore the ecosystem; to strengthen the community’s resilience to climate change, for its economic benefit; and to increase environmental awareness.
In 2018, the water began to flow again. The “miracle workers” had created some breaches in the marina’s piles for it to flow through …after 24 years. “The lagoon said, ‘I can breathe again!’” laughed Joseph.
There followed a frantic period of activity, as SusGren worked on several projects simultaneously. The mangroves were flooded with new water and circulation in the lagoon restored through strategic breaches and culverts in the causeway and marina berths. Two bird towers were built (one named after Lisa Sorenson’s favorite seabird, the Royal Tern). The Interpretive Centre was built and some moorings at Frigate Island were created. A nursery of 3,000 red mangroves was created; the seedlings, donated by the Grenada Department of Forestry. They were planted using bamboo, rather than PVC. A community-owned apiculture and honey production enterprise started up (“bees like black mangroves,” noted Joseph).
Approximately 3,000 red mangroves seedlings were replanted in the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
There are also two bridges. After the marina causeway and berths were breached in several places to allow the water to flow freely, the bridges were needed to provide access to the whole causeway—a part of which had been washed away by storms—as a place to walk and watch birds and wildlife. Now, the marina berths are turning into “little islets” with mangroves and other vegetation—growing well and providing a roosting place for birds and habitat for other wildlife.
Hon. Camilo Gonsalves (Minister of Finance, Economic Planning, Sustainable Development and Information Technology) and Hon. Saboto Ceasar (Minister of Agriculture, Industry, Forestry, Fisheries, and Rural Transformation) on the suspension bridge at Ashton Lagoon at the May 31st Restoration Unveiling event. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.).
Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean, Lisa Sorenson felt a great emotional investment in the project. “I could not stop smiling at the launch!” she confessed. “We are so proud of SusGren, their local partners and the donors for persevering with the project. This is a shining example of what can be done, with vision and determination, to right an environmental wrong that occurred many years ago. SusGren did not give up on Ashton Lagoon. Now it is a wonderful place for people—and birds—to visit. An American Flamingo showed up there recently, for the first time!”
BirdsCaribbean continues to provide support for clean-up activities, tree planting and additional signs for the bird towers.
Importantly, members of the public are using the Lagoon Eco Trail, including schoolchildren and teachers, eager to learn. In July, Danny’s Summer School on Union Island went birding at the Lagoon, identifying birds and exploring the trail. “This is what brings me most joy,” admits Orisha Joseph. Those years walking round the lonely lagoon with a colleague are gone. Now, at last, it is appreciated by local people. Non-motorized recreational activities have begun to take off. Kite surfing is booming!
Sustainable Grenadines, Inc. Junior Rangers visit to the Ashton Lagoon Trail. Students poses with Hon. Camillo Gonsalves, Dr. Lisa Sorenson, and Mr. Herman Belmar (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
World Migratory Bird Day monitoring with the Stephanie Browne Primary School students and teachers. The students pose with bird ID cards outside of SusGren’s new headquarters at the lagoon. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.).
Of course, more work remains to be done. SusGren and its partners now face a number of new and different challenges. They had not quite been prepared for a sudden flood of publicity (for example, in the Caribbean Compass yachting magazine) and the thousands of “likes” on social media. “We were even featured in the phone book!” said Joseph, with a hearty laugh.
Ashton Lagoon on Caribbean Compass cover
The Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project is still lobbying the Governments of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada—not only for funds, but to have the lagoon properly gazetted as a Marine Protected Area. On the ground, SusGren is tackling such issues as an invasion of cattle in the mangroves during the “let-go season” and management of vehicles. While increasing bird habitat, the organization wants to encourage community involvement that is orderly, and above all sustainable.
Kristy Shortte, SusGren Program Officer, conducts Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) bird monitoring from the Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Birding Tower (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Now, the tides are flowing again in the lagoon, and the jewel-like waters, turquoise and opal, are clear and free. The mangroves are busy with bird life. Marine life is thriving. Pedestrian and boat access has been opened up.
Residents of Union Island visiting Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
In some ways, the story of Ashton Lagoon is almost like a Hollywood plot: disasters, disappointments, struggle and ultimately a sense of triumph. The less glamorous sub-plot is the sheer hard work and determination to see the project through, tackling red tape and unexpected obstacles, worrying about funding. It is the story of many conservation non-profits across the region.
The story of Ashton Lagoon has a happy ending—but actually it has not ended. Ashton Lagoon is cared for, again. It has a bright future, for wildlife and for people.
Supporters of the Ashton Lagoon Project at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project Unveiling event on May 31st, 2019. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Partners and supporters of the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project included:BirdsCaribbean; the Phillip Stephenson Foundation; The Nature Conservancy (TNC); the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Program (CMBP); the German Development Bank (KFW) through the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (5C’s); the Global Environment Facility–Small Grants Program (GEF-SGP); US Fish and Wildlife Service, Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Fund, the St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Trust; Global Coral Reef Alliance; AvianEyes; Science Initiative for Environmental Conservation and Education; Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries and Industry; Construction Logistics, Inc.; Ministry of National Security, Lands and Survey Department; National Properties Limited; National Parks, Rivers and Beaches Authority; Grenadines Partnership Fund; University of New Hampshire; Union Island Environmental Attackers; Union Island Tourism Board; Union Island Association for Ecological Preservation (UIAEP); Union Island Ecotourism Movement, and others.
We invite you to enjoy the gallery of photos below. Hover over each photo to see the caption or click on the first photo to see a slide show.
Grenada Flycatchers are found only in Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. (Photo by Ted Eubanks)
Manchineel Tree warning sign – although poisonous to humans, the Manchineel tree is a valuable food tree for birds. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Shorebirds enjoying the peace of Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Mangrove Sign (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
One of the interpretive signs along the trail.
Alex Smith- SusGren Junior Ranger participating in the planting of mangrove seedlings project in the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Ruddy Turnstone (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Wallets rest in the protected waters of the Ashton Lagoon mangroves. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc).
Beautiful performance by the Cultural Conquerors at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling event on May 31st, 2019. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc.)
Mayreau Government School visits the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Visitors on the Swing Bridges Following the Official Launch Ceremony for the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Lisa and Orisha in front of the Royal Tern observation tower, named after Lisa’s favorite seabird. (photo by Ian Roberts)
Everyone is excited about the new bridges! Hon. Saboto Ceasar, Orisha Joseph, and Dr. Lisa Sorenson (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
View of the marina berth islets and Union Island from the Twin Bridges (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Louise Mitchell (St. Vincent and the Grenadines Environment Fund ) and other attendees at the launch event marvel at the new gazebo and bridges. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc).
Yachts Anchored at Frigate Rock using SusGren mooring services (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Panoramic view from the second floor of SusGren’s new headquarters at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling Ceremony, May 31, 2019. (photo Lisa Sorenson)
View of the rejuvenating Ashton Marina (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Mr. Edwin Snagg – Director Grenadine Affairs delivering brief remarks (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Kristy Shortte, SusGren Program Coordinator, conducting Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) bird counts (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Royal Terns on remains of Ashton Marina (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Students from Stephanie Browne Primary School enjoy bird watching on World Migratory Bird Day 2019 (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Wilson’s Plovers are common residents of Ashton Lagoon; they nest on mudflats near the mangroves. (photo by Peter Duce)
View of suspension bridges and Union Island. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Students from Stephanie Browne Primary School on World Migratory Bird Day, October 2019 (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
View of mangroves and suspension bridges in the distance from the Royal Tern Observation Tower. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Brief remarks by Mr. Joaquin Monserrat, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy of Barbados, Eastern Caribbean and the OECS. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Birding Tower, named after local birder Katrina Collins Coy’s favorite bird (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Hon. Camilo Gonsalves (Minister of Finance, Economic Planning, Sustainable Development and Information Technology) provides brief remarks at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling event. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
View of the causeway, marina berth islets, and Frigate Island from the Twin Bridges (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Ian Roberts, Engineer/ Works Supervisor, and Orisha Joseph on one of the suspension bridges that Mr. Roberts designed. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Hon. Saboto Ceasar, (Minister of Agriculture, Industry, Forestry, Fisheries, and Rural Transformation) giving the featured address at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling Ceremony (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Cinders Creative Nest Preschool visit to the Ashton Lagoon area (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Tropical Mockingbird (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
1st Birding tower from the entrance, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Tower (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Landbirds of Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines (side 1) – these waterproof bird ID cards help residents and visitors to know and enjoy the country’s beautiful birds. (cards produced by BirdsCaribbean)
Educational signs found in Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Migratory shorebirds now find great wintering habitat in the newly restored lagoon, mangroves and salt pond. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
Many more shorebirds use the lagoon since it has been restored (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc.)
Visitors to Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Like mother, like son, birding in the Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
SusGren Staff (Sonia, Chandra, and Orisha) and Dr. Lisa Sorenson crossing the gap in 2013 in the days before the bridges! This was necessary to carry out Caribbean Waterbird Census bird counts. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Humorous Signs Found in Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Directional Signs along the Trail (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
A happy moment – Lisa Sorenson reunited with Martin Barriteau and Matthew Harvey at the restoration unveiling ceremony. Martin is the former Executive Director of SusGren and worked on the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project for many years. Matthew Harvey is a local fisher whose livelihood was harmed by the failed marina development. He never gave up hope that the lagoon would be restored.
Swales from the Entrance (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
American Flamingo spotted at Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Ribbon cutting ceremony for the new office and visitor centre of Sustainable Grenadines, Inc. adjacent to Ashton Lagoon. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
The Whimbrel is a fairly common winter visitor to Ashton Lagoon and other wetlands in Union Island. (photo by Peter Duce).
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Drone Shot of the Entrance to the Ashton Lagoon Trail (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Mermaid sign and mermaid on trail. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Visitors from Caribbean Tourism Authority (CTO) (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Landbirds of Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines (side 2) – these waterproof bird ID cards help residents and visitors to know and enjoy the country’s beautiful birds. (cards produced by BirdsCaribbean)
Signs at the Entrance of the Trail (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Visitors from Caribbean Tourism Authority (CTO) (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
A Whimbrel, a migratory shorebird, visits Ashton Lagoon. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Wetlands are wonderful places for birds, recreation and learning. View of the Twin Bridges, Ashton Lagoon, Union Island, St Vincent and the Grenadines. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Green Heron (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Read more about the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project (and also a project at Belmont Salt POnd) at the links below:
By Emma Lewis, Blogger, Writer, Online Activist, and member of BirdsCaribbean’s Media Working Group, based in Kingston, Jamaica. Follow Emma at Petchary’s Blog—Cries from Jamaica.