October Big Day comes just once a year! And it’s always about community, and our love of birds.
Here at BirdsCaribbean, we believe in October Big Day—which this year coincides with World Migratory Bird Day—WMBD (Saturday, October 14, 2023). It is an opportunity for birders across the region to focus, deploy those binoculars, cameras and scopes, and share information (especially on eBird Caribbean!)
Whether you are quietly observing from your verandah or balcony, on a family outing with the kids, or on an organized trip to a birding hotspot, we invite you to make the most of those 24 hours on October 14. But wait! Note that Global Bird Weekend is also happening over October 13, 14 and 15, which offers up even more possibilities. We are hoping that the world record created last October on Global Bird Weekend (and broken on May 13 this year for the Global Big Day) will be smashed once again. Let’s do it!
Where are the birds, and what are they doing?
Data collected on October Big Day will be used by birders and scientists to better understand and protect birds. This is also an opportunity for the individual birdwatcher to contemplate birds, their behavior, and the places where they may be found. For example, are there birds you are only likely to see in the late morning or early afternoon? And if so, are they at specific locations? Tanagers and bullfinches are often very active during the morning hours. As the day heats up, you may see raptors soaring above. Seagulls and shorebirds can be observed at almost any time of day. Migratory warblers generally show up in early morning or evening hours, feeding and bathing in suburban gardens and parks.
Make your birding count—submit & share your data!
Participating is easy with the essential tool, eBird, where you should record all the birds you see (and even hear) on Saturday 14th October via the eBird website or mobile app. If you’re in the Caribbean, be sure to use eBird Caribbean (and choose the eBird Caribbean portal in your eBird app settings on mobile). If you do not already have one, it’s easy to sign up for a free eBird account—here’s a quick guide on how to use eBird. Eager birders should spot as many birds as they can from midnight to midnight in their local time zone on October 14; or bird anytime during the weekend of Oct. 13-15 for the Global Bird Weekend. The handy mobile app allows you to keep and submit lists while you’re still out birding, perhaps exploring nearby Hotspots. It will even track how far you have walked while watching birds. Remember to submit eBird checklists before October 17, 2023 to be included in the initial results announcement!
Share your sightings with us, and join BirdsCaribbean!
We look forward to seeing your stories and photos on social media. You can find us on Facebook and on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram @birdscaribbean. Be sure to tag us! If you’re not on social media, consider joining our discussion group where you’ll be able to share your October Big Day experience with over 850 members.
May we remind you that BirdsCaribbean membership has so many benefits; you will receive discounts on our products, workshops and conferences; meet and network with fellow birders, scientists, educators and conservationists across the region; and keep in touch with birding trends and news through our monthly newsletters (free sign-up here). Join us today and help us save our Caribbean birds and their important habitats!
See you on October Big Day 2023—and let’s see some birds!
Most importantly, have fun and don’t forget to tag BirdsCaribbean (@BirdsCaribbean) in your birding adventures! We can’t wait to see which of our migratory friends have arrived to the Caribbean!