We have a new activity for the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) and we think you’re going to love it! This year’s CEBF theme is “Sing, Fly, Soar — Like A Bird!” And BirdsCaribbean has lots of fun events and activities planned around this theme, including a zine (pronounced zeen) making contest!
We are very excited to invite you to participate in our first Bird Zine Contest. This is a fantastic opportunity for children and adults to revisit and creatively express their understanding of birds. You will find detailed guidelines and judging criteria in these docs: Bird Zine Contest Guidelines and What is a Zine and Bird Zine Contest Instructions. Be sure to read both documents carefully. There are prizes for each age category and two awesome GRAND PRIZES of a pair of waterproof Vortex Optics Binoculars!
What is a Zine?
A zine is a self-published booklet. Zines tend to be a collage of different images, text, and messages put together by writing, drawing, and/or cutting and gluing content into a booklet. The booklet can be reproduced through photocopying and hand-binding, or shared online via a PDF or flip booklet. Because they are informal and colorful, they are an engaging way to learn and accessible to different types of learners. Need more information? We’ve put together this document that explains how it works, and how you can make your very own!
The Bird Zine Contest was created to allow people in all walks of life, children and adults, to creatively explore the fascinating world of birds. Entries could be from researchers, educators, photographers, students, tour guides, storytellers, artists, advocates – even the ‘I saw my first bird in the wild yesterday’ people! We hope that these zines will also illuminate the intimate relationship between birds and people. It can also be an enjoyable way to further connect our community, so that zine creators will communicate with each other, find opportunities, or even collaborate on future projects.
Remember, birds are super clever and resourceful. They freely express themselves everyday. So should YOU!
We look forward to receiving your bird zines. This collection is meant to reflect our incredibly diverse species of birds and culture and your creativity.
Help us spread the word! Tell your friends and family about the contest and the cool prizes.
Be sure to read these 2 documents and follow instructions carefully:

Bird Zine Contest Guidelines – information on who is eligible to participate in the contest, how to submit your zine, prizes, judging, and more.
What is a Zine and Bird Zine Contest Instructions – detailed information on what is a zine and how to make one; Bird Zine Contest topics, examples of zines from around the world, and more!
The deadline for submission is 11:59 PM EDT on Sunday, May 30th, 2021.
Learn More About Zines
A quick online search for ‘Zines’ can provide you with endless examples and tutorials. Here are some zines, many environmental, to look at to get your creative juices flowing.
How to make a zine – helpful blog article
All about Zines – helpful blog and video on the history of zines
The Small Science Collective – Ecology Zines
Pigeonary by KS Whittle
Owllustration by KS Whittle
Berea College’s Environmental Zines collection
White Oak Bayou Association Bird Zines
Art and poetry zines on Pinterest – lots of fun ideas