Search for from the nest - 459 results found

Black-capped Petrel Working Group

Black-capped Petrel Working Group The Black-capped Petrel (Pterodroma hasitata), also known as the Diablotin, is one of the Caribbean’s most fascinating seabirds, and one of its most threatened. Spending most of its life at sea, this species comes to land only to breed, nesting in burrows or crevices which they visit only in cover of …

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International Migratory Bird Day 2015

Birds migrate twice each year, once in spring and again in fall. In the Caribbean region, the miracle of bird migrations is celebrated through International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD). IMBD is coordinated throughout the Western Hemisphere by Environment for the Americas (EFTA). In the Caribbean, EFTA works with BirdsCaribbean and other organizations to promote awareness …

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Featured Bird: Sooty Tern

How to spot it: Known locally as the ‘egg bird’, the Sooty Tern is Anguilla’s most abundant seabird. It is named for its strikingly dark black upperparts, which contrast with white underparts. It has a thin, black bill and legs, long wings and deeply forked tail. A conspicuous white forehead patch extends to the eye. …

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Featured Bird: Peregrine Falcon

How to spot it: The Peregrine Falcon is a powerful and fast-flying large crow-size falcon. It’s dark grey above and cream-colored with dark brown bars below. Pointed wings, long, narrow tail and rapid pigeon like flight identify it on the wing. When perched, its mask-like head pattern is distinctive. Immatures are brown above, cream-coloured with …

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BirdSleuth Caribbean

BirdSleuth Caribbean Birds are engaging and a fun and wonderful way to get youth interested in nature, science, and inquiry-based learning. Through our BirdSleuth Caribbean program we are training teachers in the Caribbean to involve young people in the natural world and build their science skills. The overall goal is to develop a strong conservation …

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Celebrate Birds

Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival BirdsCaribbean is working to increase awareness and appreciation of the region’s unique bird life through an annual Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF). The theme of the 2024 festival is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds.” We want to highlight the importance of protecting insects for birds and our environment. For our dazzling hummingbirds, our captivating todies, swooping …

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