Search for from the nest - 459 results found

Wet Work in Jamaica’s Wondrous Wetlands

Protecting Jamaica’s wetlands through a combination of artistic expression, role playing scenarios and traditional science.  “Tell it your school, Tell it to your church, Tell it to your community: We and the wetlands must live in unity!” These are the words written and creatively performed by Phillip, an employee of the Government of Jamaica, on the …

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Las’ Lap or the Party Now Start? Eye-opening New Report on the Status of the Caribbean’s Forest Endemic Birds

Ellie Devenish-Nelson and Howard Nelson share a recent assessment of how our forest endemic birds are doing. The results are sobering, but you can help us turn the situation around – read on! We are lucky in the Caribbean to have an incredible diversity of forest-dependent endemic birds. Did you know that the Cuban Bee …

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Searching for the Golden Swallow in Jamaica’s Ram Goat Cave

Do not attempt, unless you are a ram goat (or a swallow), advises Justin Proctor. From January 15th to February 12th and March 24th to 27th 2015, I surveyed the greater Cockpit Country region of Jamaica in search of the critically endangered Jamaican Golden Swallow (Tachycineta euchrysea euchrysea), accompanied by two other Cornell alumni: Seth Inman …

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Funding Opportunity—The David S. Lee Fund for the Conservation of Caribbean Birds

Dave Lee holding a White-tailed Tropicbird in the Bahamas.

2016 Awards Now Open! Size of Award: $3,000 is budgeted for several grants up to $1,000 each from the David S. Lee Fund. (thanks to a new anonymous donor, the size of the award is increased this year from $1,000 to $3,000) Application Deadline: December 15th, 2016 at 5 p.m. EST. Address Questions and Send Application …

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Loving the Lora and Chasing the Chuchubi at Bonaire’s Caribbean Birding Trail Guide Training Workshop

Many of Bonaire’s visitors already have a keen interest in nature—as evidenced by the tens of thousands of divers and snorkelers that arrive to the island each and every year, with fish ID lists in hand. What many visitors don’t realize is that the island boasts a topside fauna that is just as diverse and fascinating …

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Spreading Our Wings for International Migratory Bird Day 2016

There’s a rustling in the hedgerow, and a fluttering in the branches. In the Caribbean islands, we are starting to hear different voices and our gardens and landscapes are filled with bright new colors. Our “winter visitors” are arriving, and we welcome them every year. Many may be surprised to learn that the Caribbean is …

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#GoatIslandsSaved! Conservationists Warmly Welcome Jamaican Government Decision Against Transshipment Port in Protected Area

It’s not often that Caribbean environmentalists like Diana McCaulay, CEO of the Jamaica Environment Trust (JET), have serious cause for celebration. However, McCaulay and her team of “Jetters” are thrilled with the news that the Jamaican Government has decided not to proceed with a transshipment port at Goat Islands, an ecologically sensitive area in the …

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BirdsCaribbean at the NAOC VI—Largest Gathering of Bird Brains Ever

Our flock gathers at the BirdsCaribbean booth at the NOAC.

The 6th North American Ornithological Conference (NAOC) – 16-20 August 2016, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington DC—BRINGING SCIENCE AND CONSERVATION TOGETHER #NAOC2016 BirdsCaribbean co-hosts an Outstandingly Successful Conference Between 16-20 August BirdsCaribbean joined with the Smithsonian Institution/Migratory Bird Center, American Ornithologists Union, Association of Field Ornithologists, CIPAMEX, Cooper Ornithological Society, Wilson Ornithological Society, Society of Canadian Ornithologists and …

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Newly-trained Transboundary Grenadines Citizen Scientists Unite to form Seabird Volunteer Patrol Group

In an inspirational move towards seabird protection, concerned advocates pledge to work together to monitor and protect the seabirds and natural heritage of the Grenadine Islands. Will Mackin and colleagues share their journey in forming the Grenadines Seabird Team.   Seabirds are a common sight when you live by or work on the ocean—especially in the tiny remote …

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BirdSleuth Caribbean Brings Protection for Resident and Migratory Birds in Carriacou, Grenada

Marina Fastigi of KIDO Foundation in the Grenadines shares how they were able to transform a small island community that had never had a bird and wildlife conservation culture by engaging its younger citizens in birding activities. Based in Carriacou in the Grenadine Islands of Grenada, KIDO Foundation, a local NGO, has for years endeavored to establish a formally-recognized …

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Join the Crowd and Support Caribbean Seabirds!

Roseate Tern, a seabird of conservation concern. (photo by Jenny Daltry)

Seabirds are among the most endangered of all vertebrate groups. A new crowdfunding campaign is underway to support three critical scientific projects that will drive new discoveries and aid conservation of these most amazing birds. Please help us succeed! Three projects that will advance conservation of Caribbean seabirds via a crowdfunding grant have just been launched by BirdsCaribbean biologists. …

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Empowering Youth to Garden for Wildlife in Grand Bahama

Erika Gates is an inspiring powerhouse whose work in the Bahamas has not gone unnoticed. She has been involved in a multitude of projects in Grand Bahama to raise awareness, restore native habitats and foster sustainable tourism. This article highlights one of her successful campaigns—certifying Lucaya International School as a wildlife habitat. Last year, Erika suggested to Lucaya …

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Islanders of All Ages Celebrate Caribbean Endemic Birds

In Puerto Rico’s Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge, members of the public went on a morning birding session, followed by a talk on endemic birds, in particular the “Reinita” – the Adelaide’s Warbler, known for its delightful song. On Grenada’s Belmont Estate, fifth-graders excitedly held bird bags, learned about mist netting and banding, and enjoyed …

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Seventh Annual Caribbean Waterbird Census a Huge Success

The first internationally coordinated waterbird count was organized in January 1967 by Wetlands International. Now entering its 50th year, the International Waterbird Census has become a vital source of information for the conservation and management of wetlands and waterbirds around the world. Seven years ago, the Caribbean Islands, under the auspices of BirdsCaribbean, formally began …

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Caribbean Waterbird Census Reveals Important Sites for Waterbirds

One bird, two bird, three bird, four! Since 2010, hundreds of dedicated volunteers have been spreading out across the Caribbean’s vast wetlands, large and small, and counting birds for the Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC). The goal is to learn more about the status of migratory and resident waterbirds and strengthen their conservation. Waterbirds in the …

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Mt. Hartman Reborn: A Showcase for One of the World’s Rarest Birds, the Grenada Dove

Listening along the hillsides of the Mt. Hartman Estate, you can hear the mournful call of the Grenada Dove, one of the world’s most critically endangered birds. It is a shy and elusive bird, staying well within the forested hills and valleys of the estate, and very rarely seen outside of the forest canopy. The …

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First study of Jamaican wildlife knowledge, attitudes and behaviors launched

Last week 430 high school students from the parishes of Manchester, St. Elizabeth and Westmoreland participated in the second year of the first ever long-term study of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards birds, and indeed the natural environment in the Western Hemisphere on the island of Jamaica. A majority of these students had spent two …

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JCO Roundup: New Research from Aruba, Cuba and Jamaica

2015 has been a busy year for BirdsCaribbean’s peer-reviewed journal, the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology. The team put out the gorgeous special issue Birds of Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, and are busy creating a complete digital archive of the journal which will be available for free on the journal’s web site. Even with all that, …

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Birding Tours of Cuba in 2016 from BirdsCaribbean

Join BirdsCaribbean, the Caribbean Birding Trail and acclaimed Cuban bird guide, Ernesto Reyes Mouriño, on the adventure of a lifetime in January or March of 2016. Cuba is well-known for its amazing landscapes, vibrant culture and unique biodiversity. According to the new Endemic Birds of Cuba: A Comprehensive Field Guide, 371 birds have been recorded …

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Free Webinar: Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Caribbean Dry Forests

You are invited to a free webinar on Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Tropical Dry Forests in the Caribbean and Grenada. The webinar takes place on Friday, November 13th from 9-11am EST. With future climate change potentially threatening Tropical Dry Forests (TDFs) in Grenada and throughout the Caribbean with increased storm intensity, changes in rainfall …

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