Media Working Group

The goal of the Media Working Group (WG) is to raise the profile of birds and conservation issues in the Caribbean region using all available media. The group writes articles about BirdsCaribbean’s work and solicits articles by our partner organizations to share the latest results from research, education, and on-the-ground conservation projects in the Caribbean.
Raising awareness and facilitating a public response on issues related to Caribbean bird conservation is critical to our mission as a regional organization. The Media WG also provides support and training in media relations to interested members and organizations to increase their capacity to reach local audiences with important conservation messages.
The Media WG meets every month to plan upcoming media activities, including press releases, blog articles, videos, and social media. The group also hosts a training workshop at each of our international conferences on topics such as:
- How to Write a Press Release
- How to be Interviewed on Radio and Television, including ‘vox pop’ interviews to publicize upcoming events
- How to take better photographs at events to promote your organization’s work
- How to create videos to promote your organization’s work
- Effective use of Social Media for Engagement and Advocacy
The Media WG also takes on special projects such as preparing colorful and informative ebooks on important topics, and assists with creating educational materials, including content for the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) and World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD).
Some of our products can be viewed on our Resources page, our library of Endemic Bird of the Day resources (from our CEBF From the Nest campaign), WMBD (Birds Connect Our World) and BirdsCaribbean Live pages. See our library of Endemic Bird of the Day resources here. Here are some additional Media Resources for our members and media organizations. If you can’t find what you are looking for, contact us.
If you enjoy writing or editing or have photographs you would like to contribute, please consider joining our Media WG – we would love to have you! Contact our chair below.
Working Group Chair & BirdsCaribbean Communications Manager: Christel Mohammed (

Download the book on our Resources page.