Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2022 is “Loving Birds is Human Nature”. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Bahama Swallow
On the most northern islands of The Bahamas, this acrobatic bird can be seen flying low over the roads, fields, and other open habitats. Its ability to twist and turn at the last second is truly impressive – the fighter jets of the bird world. Is it just showing off? No, the Bahama Swallow (Tachycineta cyaneoviridis) is hunting, grabbing unlucky flying insects directly out of the air.
But if a Bahama Swallow will sit still long enough, the stunning beauty of this Bahamian endemic will blow you away. The deep metallic green on its crown and upper back fades into dark blue, and then into grayish-brown on its long wings and forked tail. These gorgeous colors contrast sharply with the purest of whites on the throat and belly, which continues under part of the wing. The white under the wing, along with a more deeply forked tail, can help distinguish it from its close relative, the Tree Swallow.
During the breeding season (March – July), this special bird can only be found on three islands in the Northern Bahamas – Grand Bahama, Andros, and Abaco. Along with New Providence, these islands are the only ones in the Bahamian archipelago that contain large areas of Caribbean pine. During the non-breeding season, a few birds may wander south to other islands in the Bahamas, to northern Cuba, and the Florida Keys. More study on the species’ movements are needed!
The swallow has a strong connection with this unique and magical pine forest habitat. The species is a secondary cavity-nester, meaning that it will only build a nest in a cavity (i.e., a hole of some kind), but it cannot create this cavity for itself. Luckily for the swallow, two woodpecker species — the Hairy Woodpecker and the West Indian Woodpecker — are very good at making nesting cavities in dead trees. After the woodpeckers are done with them, the swallow can jump in! But it is generally safer for swallows to use the cavities in the pine forest, usually made by the Hairy Woodpecker, where they are less exposed to competition and predation.
The Bahama Swallow is an Endangered species, and its survival depends on healthy pine forest and woodpeckers to continue to make nesting cavities. The largest threat to the swallow is habitat loss from development and natural disasters like hurricanes. For example, in 2019, Hurricane Dorian destroyed huge sections of pine forest habitat on Grand Bahama and northern Abaco, where swallow populations were already small. So protecting the pine forest on Abaco and Andros is more important than ever to conserve this special bird!Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Bahama Swallow
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Bahama Swallow
The song of the Bahama Swallow is a jumble of liquid notes, they also have a “chet-chet” call which can be heard in this recording.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Bahama Swallow swoops low to the ground, they hunt on the wing feeding on small flying insects such as flies and beetles. (Photo by Brendan Fogarty)
A flock of Bahama Swallows take a rest in a pine tree. Bahama Swallows will make their nests in cavities in trees, using the needles of the Caribbean pine as nesting material. (Photo by Walker Golder)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Bahama Swallows feed on insects, swooping through the air to catch them on the wing! Can you help this hungry Bahama Swallow find its way through our maze to to grab some tasty insect food? You can find the correct route here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Want to find out more about the Bahama Swallow and what it is like to study these beautiful little birds? Read all about the work of ecologist and ornithologist Maya Wilson. Maya’s graduate research was focused on understanding more about the status and breeding biology of this endangered island endemic. In her blog post below you can share a day in the field with Maya as well as learning more about the fascinating research she carried out in the Bahamas.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2022 is “Loving Birds is Human Nature”. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Puerto Rican Spindalis
If you need a source of inspiration to start your day with a smile, then look no further than the Puerto Rican Spindalis (Spindalis portoricensis)—Reina Mora in Spanish. At dawn, males sing a simple, yet sweet, song from the treetops. When spotted, the striking and colorful plumage of the males is enough to stop you in your tracks. He has a black head with two bold white stripes, contrasting with a fiery-orange neck collar and throat that turns bright yellow down the chest and belly. The back is green and the wings and tail are grayish-black. Females are mostly olive-green, with faint streaking on the chest and drab whitish stripes on the head. The lack of bright colors on the female’s plumage is actually an advantage during the nesting season, providing camouflage during incubation in the nest.
The Puerto Rican Spindalis builds a cup-shaped nest, somewhat similar to a dove’s nest, on a fork at the tip of a high branch, usually hidden by leaves, making it difficult to find. Females lay 2 to 4 light blue eggs with brownish speckling on the wide end. Chicks fledge about a month after egg-laying and remain with the parents for a few weeks.
Their diet consists of fruits and small arthropods (e.g.., insects, spiders, worms, etc.). Small fruits are eaten whole, digesting the pulp but not the seeds. The seeds are then dispersed throughout their forest and urban habitats, making the species an important seed disperser. Larger fruits are no match for its short, yet strong, beak that it uses to rip the skin and expose the nutritious pulp. Many other species of animals benefit from this to get a free meal.
The Puerto Rican Spindalis is a single-island endemic, restricted to the largest island of the Puerto Rican archipelago, where it is widely distributed from coastal forests to the highest peaks, at 1,338 meters. Normally, they forage in pairs in their fiercely defended territories, but sometimes may be seen in small flocks, likely consisting of the parents and their recently fledged young.
The Puerto Rican Spindalis is a member of the family Spindalidae, a group formed by four Caribbean endemic species: 1. Western Spindalis (S. zena) of The Bahamas, Cuba, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, and Cozumel Island (off Mexico); 2. Jamaican Spindalis (S. nigricephala) restricted to Jamaica; 3. Hispaniolan Spindalis (S. dominicensis) of Hispaniola; and 4. Puerto Rican Spindalis.
Although the population size of this species has not been quantified, the population trend is believed to be stable and the Puerto Rican Spindalis is listed as “Least Concern” by the IUCN.
When you visit Puerto Rico, be sure to head out early in the morning to a forest or urban woodland park and, most likely, you’ll be rewarded with the wonderful sounds and stunning beauty of this ecologically important Puerto Rican endemic bird. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Puerto Rican Spindalis
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Puerto Rican Spindalis
The high-pitched song of the Puerto Rican Spindalis is a repeated series of three notes, “seet-see-seee, seet-see seee, seet-see-seee”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the images below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Male Puerto Rican Spindalis. (Photo by Lucas Limota)
Female Puerto Rican Spindalis. (Photo by Simon Best)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: What facts can you remember about todays endemic bird – the Puerto Rican Spindalis? Test your knowledge by filling in the missing words in each of our Puerto Rican Spindalis facts! We have given you the correct words but can you put them into the right fact? You can re-read the information all about this bird above, or search on the BirdsCaribbean webpages for lots more information about the Puerto Rican Spindalis! Then, when you have completed all the sentences, you can check your answers here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy this video of a male Puerto Rican Spindalis in the wild! This colourful Caribbean endemic can be found in urban areas and university campuses, as well as the more traditional woodland and forested habitats!
Don’t forget that our joint conference with the American Ornithological Society is happening soon! We’ve teamed up with local hosts Para La Naturaleza and Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña to bring you an exciting conference you won’t want to miss. This is all taking place in San Juan from June 27 – July 2, so get ready to wing your way over to beautiful Puerto Rico! The conference will bring together ornithologists, wildlife professionals, educators, students, and others to share information and learn about the latest research and innovative initiatives to conserve birds and their habitats. Read more about it by following the link below.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2022 is “Loving Birds is Human Nature”. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Orangequit
This energetic, busybody darting around the canopy is hard to identify at first. Is it another little brown bird? It stops at a flower and the sunlight hits it just right, showing a shimmering blue bird. It’s an Orangequit (Euneornis campestris)! This bird is endemic to the island of Jamaica and is the only member of the genus Euneornis.
When you hear the name Orangequit, the image the mind produces is a small orange bird. Although it is in fact a small finch-like bird, measuring only 14 cm, its only orange coloration is a brick orange throat in males. The males are striking and distinctive from the females. They are almost entirely a shimmering slaty-glossy gray-blue. This coloration shifts along a spectrum from slate-gray to vivid blue, depending on the lighting, and can appear black in poor lighting.
The females have medium-brown back, wings, and tail, blue-gray crown, and gray underparts that become more brownish or yellowish toward the belly. Immatures resemble females but are browner where the female is gray. Immature males resemble adult females but often have small patches of colorful feathers – most commonly on the coverts, chest, or throat. Males take two years to develop their characteristic plumage.
Another key indicator is its distinctive bill which is fairly long but thick, sharp-tipped, and slightly decurved. This precision instrument is used to access nectar, blooms, seeds, and fruits as they are typically seen contorting on vegetation in order to achieve the best angle to feed. Those lucky enough to live in or adjacent to Orangequit habitat can attract them with cut fruit – they particularly enjoy slices of orange. They’re found in montane forests, tropical or subtropical moist lowland forests and heavily degraded forests. Their call is a high, thin “tsit-tsit,” with the second note louder and higher in pitch, plus a thin, descending whistled “swee.”
Orangequits breed from April to June. Their nest is a very well concealed, deep, and roughly built cup – usually 6m above the ground, sometimes in bunches of seeds or in a large leaf. The females lay between two and four eggs that are white with reddish-brown and gray-brown markings.
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Orangequit
The song of Orangequit is a series of thin high-pitched “tsit-tsit” notes.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the images below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Female Orangequit. The female of another Jamaican bird, the Jamaican Euphonia, is superficially similar. But she will have a stubbier bill and a greenish back (Photo by Dave Curtis).
Male Orangequits are a shimmering slaty-blue with a distinctive brick-orange throat, but they can appear to be completely black in poor lighting. (Photo by Eric Hynes)Juvenile (female) Orangequit at Rockland’s Bird Sanctuary Jamaica. (Photo by Piet Grasmaijer, Macaulay Library ML116254561)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Orangequits love to eat nectar but they also enjoy juicy fruits! Why not try making this orange cup bird feeder? You can can fill it with pieces of fruit and perhaps a few seeds for your other backyard birds. Hang in your garden to keep your feathered friends well fed. Not in Jamaica – the home of these colourful little endemic birds? No problem, other fruit lovers that that live near you, such as orioles and many other types of wild birds, will love this feeder! Hang it out, fill it with food and see who comes to visit for lunch. Remember that this activity involves using scissors and knife, you will need an adult to help with making this.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: If you don’t have Orangequits that visit your garden you can still enjoy this video of a male Orangequit in the wild!
At the start of the pandemic backyards became the birding hotspots. Around the world people set up feeders and bird baths. The Caribbean was no exception to this trend. In Jamaica when Stuart Reeves learned that he had to be quarantined at home for 14 days, he was struck with the same question so many were asking themselves, “What to do?” Read about how he used that time to get to know and photograph the birds that visited his backyard get some inspiration and insider tips on how to attract, observe, and photograph your backyard birds! You can make your own bird bath following these instructions from our Cuban Oriole post
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2022 is “Loving Birds is Human Nature”. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Cuban Oriole
The Cuban Oriole (Icterus melanopsis) can only be found and admired in the Cuban territory, including the main island, the Isle of Youth, and most of the adjacent cays. It was considered a subspecies of the Greater Antillean Oriole, but recently earned its distinction as a unique jewel of Caribbean avifauna. Both males and females are mostly black, with a bright yellow rump, thighs, shoulder patches, and undertail coverts. Juveniles are yellowish-green with a blackish throat.
The Cuban Oriole is commonly found in pairs and lives in a variety of habitats—from natural and secondary forest, to shrub vegetation, and rural and farm areas. Scientists believe that, like its cousin the Puerto Rican Oriole, both males and females sing complex and diverse musical notes. You can enjoy this melodious song in the form of long and short whistles early in the mornings. Fruits, insects, flowers, and nectar comprise its regular diet—this bird is not picky!
During the breeding season, from February to July, Cuban Orioles show off their engineering skills. Both parents build a most-elaborate nest in the form of a globular basket, with a side entrance, woven with fibers of palm fronds. It is suspended from the underside of branches and big leaves of trees. This provides a secure home for the chicks which will hatch from three greenish white eggs, speckled with lilac gray and olive markings.
Even though it is considered a common resident in Cuba, in some places, it is becoming hard to find and populations may be declining. More study is needed, but scientists believe the cause of this apparent decline is nest parasitism by the Shiny Cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis). Additionally, its beautiful song makes it susceptible to being trapped and kept as a pet, an ongoing challenge for bird conservation in Cuba. We can all help to conserve this charismatic endemic, and many others, through education and advocacy for the protection of birds and their habitats. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Cuban Oriole
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Cuban Oriole
The song of the Cuban Oriole is series of clear upslurred and down-slurred whistled notes.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Until recently considered Cuban Oriole was considered as a subspecies of Greater Antillean Oriole. But this is now treated as four species – with one each on the Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico (Photo by Neil Hilton)Male and female Cuban orioles look very similar, but juveniles, as in this photo, are largely yellow-green. (Photo by Greg Lavaty)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: You can’t have a bird-friendly garden without a spot for the birds to drink from, bathe in or just cool themselves down on a hot day. Like humans, all birds need a reliable source of clean water. Follow our instructions and you can make your own bird bath using materials from around your house and yard. You will need, an old garbage bin lid, flower pot drip tray or serving tray; rocks or pebbles; any size and color tomato cage and wire cutters. As this activity involves using wire cutters you will need to ask an adult to help you.
Once you have made your bird bath make sure that you follow our “Keeping your bird bath safe for the birds & you” tips. By frequently changing the water and keeping your bird bath clean you should be able to provide a place for the bird in your garden to enjoy and for you to enjoy the birds!
Enjoy the video below of Cuban Oriole enjoying a tasty meal of some flowers!
Find out how BirdsCaribbean has been increasing bird tourism capacity in Cuba through the Caribbean Birding Trail Guide training program. Cuba has 26 endemic birds, engaging with visitors to the Island to help them to understand the secret lives of these birds is a special skill. In October 2017 the Caribbean Birding Trail Interpretive Guide Training course taught 26 persons how to connect visitors with the cultural and natural resources of the island. Read more about it in this account from course participant, Mariana Pedraza.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2022 is “Loving Birds is Human Nature” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Olive-capped Warbler
Hopping from pine tree to pine tree and crowned with…well, an olive-yellow colored cap, the Olive-capped Warbler is a lively little Caribbean endemic bird.This warbler is found only in pine woodlands where it feeds on insects and other tasty morsels of arthropods. It is restricted to two countries in the Caribbean: Cuba and The Bahamas. In the Bahamas it can be found on the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama while in Cuba it is restricted to the western and eastern parts of the island.
The Olive-capped Warbler has a yellow throat and breast, olive-yellow crown, slate-gray upper body, and two white wing bars. Also distinctive are the Olive-capped’s blotchy, black streaks on its sides and a plain face. It may sometimes be mistaken for either the Bahama Warbler or Yellow-throated Warbler because it is often difficult to spot its most distinctive feature – the olive-yellow crown – when it is perched high above in pine trees.
An interesting observation of this species is the relationship it has with its cousin, the Bahama Warbler. On Abaco, both species live in the same habitat and when the Bahama Warbler sings, its song excites the Olive-capped – sometimes leading to a chorus of responses to the Bahama Warbler’s song. It seems to be a big fan of the Bahama Warbler! Its song consists of a series of shrill whistled notes, descending in pitch and delivered fairly slowly, “wisi-wisi-wisi-wiseu-wiseu.” Call note is, “tsip-tsip-tsip,” repeated frequently.
The breeding season of the Olive-capped Warbler lasts from March to June. During this time, a cup-shaped nest is built and lined with soft feathers. Nests are usually located 2 to 15 meters above the ground in pine trees. Clutch size is two whitish, variably brown-spotted eggs.
Although listed as ‘Least Concern’ by the IUCN, the population status of the Olive-capped Warbler is currently questionable. The pine forests of Abaco and Grand Bahama, where this bird lives, were severely damaged by Hurricane Dorian, a Category 5 hurricane in 2019. Bird surveys done on both islands after the storm show that this species has not been seen on Grand Bahama since Dorian. However, when members of BirdsCaribbean visited Grand Bahama in February 2022 they reported that the pine forests are recovering nicely – many young pine trees are growing as well as the understory shrubs. It is hoped that over time, the forests will once again support a rich bird community, including the Olive-capped Warbler. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Olive-capped Warbler
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Olive-capped Warbler
The song Olive-capped Warbler is a shrill, descending “wisi-wisi-wisi-wiseu-wiseu”.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Olive-capped Warblers are found only in pine forests. They like to remain high up in the trees, meaning the olive cap, this species’ most distinctive feature, can be difficult to see! (Photo by Eladio Fernandez)Olive-capped Warbler seen in Cuba where it is found in both Western and Eastern areas of the island. This Caribbean endemic can be also be found on in the northern Bahamas (Grand Bahama, Great Abaco and Little Abaco), however, it has not been seen on Grand Bahama since Hurricane Dorian devastated the pine forest and killed all the trees in 2019. (Photo Allan Hopkins)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Use the information above and the clues on the sheet to untangle our our word scramble – all about the Olive-capped Warbler, you’ll need to know about where is lives, what it eats and how it behaves. You can find all the answers to the clues here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: As well as living in the northern Bahamas this colourful gray and yellow Caribbean endemic can be found in parts of Cuba. Cuba is an fantastic location for seeing beautiful birds and hosts an amazing 28 cuban endemics. Find out all about our BirdsCaribbean bird tour to Cuba in 2016. Read about what birds did our group saw and which amazing places they managed to visit.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2022 is “Loving Birds is Human Nature” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Lesser Antillean Saltator
The Lesser Antillean Saltator, as its name indicates, is endemic to the Lesser Antilles region. It lives on only four islands in the World: Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, and Saint Lucia.
This bird is not well-known because it has a dull olive-green plumage that makes it difficult to observe in the forested habitat where it lives. Its head has a whitish eyebrow stripe, underparts are whitish streaked with olive-green, and it has a large blackish bill with a yellow tip and gape. It shows a heavy black mustache stripe. Males and females look alike. Juveniles have duller facial markings and breast streaks. This Saltator is the terror of bird banders because of its powerful beak—it can be very painful if not handled properly.
Lesser Antillean Saltators can be found in mangroves, dry forests, swamp forests, and in urban areas. But they prefer to forage in trees rather than on the ground for fruits, buds, flowers, and sometimes insects. If you’re lucky, you may catch a glimpse as it occasionally darts into gardens to feed on a bit of fruit – like papaya, guava, or mango.
One sure way to know if a Lesser Antillean Saltator is near is to listen for its distinct song—a series of harsh, loud notes that rise and fall and can be heard from very far away. Call notes include faint “tsi” and sharp “chink.”
The main breeding season is from April to July, similar to many other species in the Caribbean. The nest is built in the form of a cup using twigs and leaves. Clutch size; 2-3 light greenish-blue eggs with black lines concentrated at the blunt end of the egg. Both parents feed the chicks and remain with them for some time after they have fledged the nest.
The Lesser Antillean Saltator is listed as ‘Least Concern’ by the IUCN and is considered fairly common on the islands where it occurs. However, it prefers to live in dry forests and lower elevation shrubs which are being cleared for agriculture and, on some islands, fuelwood.Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Lesser Antillean Saltator
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Lesser Antillean Saltator
The song of the Lesser Antillean Saltator is a series of loud musical notes that rise and fall.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Lesser Antillean Saltator feeds on a coconut in St Lucia. (Photo by Steve Buckingham)
Lesser Antillean Saltator in Guadeloupe. (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Breeding season for the Lesser Antillean Saltator is between February and August. This Caribbean endemic builds its nest as a deep cup made from twigs and leaves and will have two or three hungry chicks to feed once its egg hatch! These nestlings love to eat fruits as well as parts of flowers and plants. Can you help these Lesser Antillean Saltators find their way through our maze to fetch the delicious papaya to feed their chicks? You can find the correct route here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy the video below of a Lesser Antillean Saltator feeding! You can see this bird using its heavy black-and-yellow bill to pluck berries from this tree. Lesser Antillean Saltators feed mainly on plants matter, including fruits, buds, and some flowers and petals; they also sometimes eat insects.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2022 is “Loving Birds is Human Nature”. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Green Mango
Today, we’re in search of a Green Mango – and we don’t mean the well-known tropical fruit! The Green Mango (Anthracothorax viridis) is one of two endemic hummingbird species that inhabit Puerto Rico – the other being the Puerto Rican Emerald (Chlorostilbon maugaeus). A total of five hummingbird species can be found on the island, but they are segregated by geographical areas, elevations, habitats and preferences for flower resources. The Green Mango is a forest specialist, look for it in montane habitats, forest edges, and shade coffee plantations of the central and western parts of the island.
The Green Mango is a large dark-green hummer (11-12 cm, 6-7 g) with a black, down-curved bill, and rounded tail. Its upperparts are glossy emerald-green, underparts metallic blue-green, and tail metallic blue-black. The sexes look alike; the only difference is the presence of a tiny white eye spot in adult females.
The Green Mango might be confused with the similar-sized Antillean Mango which also has a curved, black bill. However, they are easy to tell apart. The Antillean Mango is lighter green above. The male has black underparts, iridescent green throat, and dark purple tail. The female is whitish-gray below with whitish tail tips. Although both species overlap in habitats at mid-elevation, the Antillean Mango is mainly found in the coastal scrub, open habitats and gardens at lowlands.
Green Mangos feed on insects, spiders, and nectar; and are particularly fond of Heliconia flowers. They are “trapliners,” which means that they forage on widely dispersed flowers that last only one day. Thus, they rely on extended blooming periods of individual plants. This species is the primary pollinator of flowers with long-tube corollas, like those of native bromeliads and Heliconias. They aggressively defend territories of flowering plants with high sugar content in the nectar (often red and tubular-shaped flowers). Males are known to defend their feeding area, often an entire flowering tree!
The female builds a cup-shaped nest with woven plant fibers lined with lichen. She lays two white eggs and incubates and feeds the chicks with regurgitated food, mostly insects. The chicks leave the nest when they are about 20 days old.
The Green Mango is listed as Least Concern by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). It is a restricted range species, however, and thus vulnerable to impacts from severe storms and hurricanes, which may damage its habitats and food sources.Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Green Mango
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the calls of the Green Mango
The calls of the Green Mango include a high-pitched twitter and can also include rattling or chattering notes.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Green Mango in flight. As well as eating nectar from flowers, Green Mangos eat insects, often caught in the air, above tree tops. (Photo by Ricardo Sanchez)
Green Mango. Males and females of this species look very similar to each other. Males will defend a territory around flowering trees, sometimes defending an entire tree! (Photo by Jose Santiago- from the Macaulay Library- ML98678841)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Green Mangos love to feed on nectar! Why not try making this hummingbird feeder? You can can fill it with home-made nectar, and hang in your garden to keep the hummingbirds well fed. Be sure to follow our nectar recipe carefully so that your hummingbirds get the correct levels of sugar in their food! Not in Puerto Rico – the home of these beautiful endemic hummingbirds? No problem, hummingbirds that live near you will love this feeder! Hang it out, fill it with nectar and see who comes to visit for lunch. Remember that this activity involves using scissors and an electric drill, so you will need an adult to help with making this.
Once you have made your hummingbird feeder make sure that you follow the “Hummingbirds Feeder Tips” given in the instructions, so that your feeder is hung in the right place for the birds and is kept safe and clean for them to feed from.
Even if you aren’t able to make this feeder or don’t live in a place where there are hummingbirds you can still enjoy this video of a Green Mango in the wild!
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2022 is “Loving Birds is Human Nature” . Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Ring-tailed Pigeon
If you are hiking or camping in the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, you will likely see the Ring-tailed Pigeon flying gracefully across the valleys, awakening the forest with its resonating calls. The National Park, as well as Cockpit Country, are Protected Areas – providing a safe haven for this beautiful bird. One of Jamaica’s 29 endemic bird species, it is also the largest pigeon native to the Caribbean, measuring up to 48cm (approx. 19 inches) in length.
Living up to its name, the Ring-tail has a dark band or ring around the upper parts of its light gray tail. This is most visible in flight as it likes to flare its tail, especially as it approaches to land. The dark tail-band can sometimes be hard to spot when the bird is perched; but its large size and pinkish head and underparts, contrasting with the dark gray wings, are easy to identify. Look for its bright red eyes and short dark bill. The back of its neck reflects metallic bluish-green colors. You may hear it calling softly: “oooOOO-hooo,” or a throaty “croo-croo-croooo.”
The Ring-tail’s main habitat is the interior wet broadleaf forests along Jamaica’s spinal ridge. The wet limestone forest of the Cockpit Country and Blue and John Crow Mountains are where it is most at home, nesting in mid-canopy in tall trees between March and September. Ring-tails often descend to lower elevations in cooler months and move higher into the mountains during the summer.
The Ring-tail feeds exclusively on small fruits. Some of its favorite feeding trees include Jamaica’s native trumpet tree and hogberry. Some introduced berries, such as cheeseberry, wild raspberry and billberry may also be on its menu. Surprisingly, in 2021 it was seen going to ground and feeding on vegetables in farmers’ fields.
Illegal hunting is a concern for this species because of its large size, its flocking tendency and seemingly nonchalant demeanor. This, along with habitat loss from agriculture and mining are the main reasons the Ring-tailed Pigeon is considered vulnerable by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Ring-tailed Pigeon
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the calls of the Ring-tailed Pigeon
The calls of the Ring-tailed Pigeon are a soft repeated, “oooOOO-hooo, oooOOO-hooo.”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Ring-tailed Pigeons feeds on small fruits. Some of its favorite feeding trees include Jamaica’s native Trumpet Tree and Hogberry. (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
A small group of Ring-tailed Pigeons perched in a pine tree. Look for the banded tail, this feature is unique among pigeons in its range (Photo by Paul Jones)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Ring-tailed Pigeons love to make their homes in the humid broadleaf forests of Jamaica’s mountains. Sadly, numbers of Ring-tailed Pigeons are decreasing and this bird is considered to be a vulnerable. Read the text above, all about Ring-tailed Pigeons, carefully and find out what the threats to this beautiful bird are. Then take a look at this image and circle all the things you can see in it that would a danger to Ring-tailed Pigeons. Think about where these birds live and what they eat. Once you think you have found them all you can check your answers here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy the video below of Ring-tailed Pigeons in the wild!
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2022 is “Loving Birds is Human Nature” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Broad-billed Tody
Who’s that beep-beeping in your Dominican yard?? It’s the Broad-billed Tody!
The Broad-billed Tody looks similar to the other todies of the Caribbean, with a bright green back and ruby red throat. However, Hispaniola is the only island with two todies to tease apart instead of one. Where to start? First look at the breast, the Broad-billed Tody has a gray-yellowish wash on the breast whereas the Narrow-billed Tody has a stark white breast. Next check the iris, the Broad-billed Tody has a dark iris contrasting the pale blue of the other species. Finally, look at the namesake bill, the Broad-billed Tody of course has a broader bill that is pale orange underneath whereas the Narrow-billed Tody has a narrower bill with a dusky underside.
If you’re still stumped, take a listen. The Broad-billed Tody gives a monotonous whistled terp-terp-terp-terp call, similar to that of a peeping chick, as well as a chatter call reminiscent of their Kingfisher cousins. The Narrow-billed Tody sounds drastically different, making a succinct staccato call and an insect-like chi-cui sound.
The Broad-billed Tody is the only one of the two species to do a wing flick display, which sounds like running your fingers through a comb. But if you get them really mad they’ll do a threatening fluff display where they’ll take their cotton candy pink flank feathers and fluff them over their wings. The angriest colorful cotton ball you’ve ever seen!
Broad-billed Todies are found throughout Hispaniola at lower elevations in humid tropical forest, dry forest, mangroves, and fragmented landscapes. As their Dominican name implies, the Barrancolí can be found creating nest burrows in dirt banks. And they’re not picky! They’ll take a pile of dirt behind your house or the slope from a recently made trail. They usually nest from April – July, laying 3-4 eggs. They are avid insectivores, constantly sallying from small perches to catch anything flying from mosquitos to butterflies. Interestingly, todies change their diet during the breeding season to include more local fruits and have been found foraging on as many as 27 different kinds!
Their adaptability has allowed them to thrive with increasing urbanization, but they’re still losing habitat to deforestation and face nest predation from invasive mammals like rats and mongoose. Although currently considered by the IUCN as Least Concern, we definitely want to keep an eye on these adorable fluffs. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Broad-billed Tody
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the calls of the Broad-billed Tody
The Broad-billed Tody makes repeated and persistent “terp, terp, terp….” calls.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Broad-billed Todies are insectivores and you might see one sallying out from its perch to snatch its insect prey out of the air. (Photo by Dax Roman)
Broad-billed Tody. Hispaniola is the only island with two todies the Narrow and Broad-billed. Don’t just look for the broader bill you can also tell the two apart by looking for the distinctive dark iris of the Broad-billed Tody and gray-yellowish color of the breast (not white like the Narrow-billed). (Photo by Tony Pe)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Can you find the words in our Broad-billed Tody word search? Remind yourself of some of the interesting facts about this endemic bird as you look for all 15 hidden words! Remember the words appear forwards and backwards, as are horizontal, vertical and diagonal! Need some help? Or want to check your answers? You can see where all the words were here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Read all about the problems that invasive mammals can cause to breeding Broad-billed and Narrow-billed Todies in the Dominican Republic. Holly Garrod explains from her first-hand experience, how species such as rats and mongooses could cause decreases in the populations of Todies by predating their nests. Find out more about Holly’s research on Todies in our blog post (link below).
Enjoy the video below of a Broad-billed Tody in the wild! List out for the persistent and slightly disgruntled sounding calls that are typical of these colourful little birds.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2022 is “Loving Birds is Human Nature”. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Cuban Bullfinch
You’re walking through a scrubby forest and suddenly you see a blur of black zip by and land in a thick shrub. You hear it calling, a series of short, repeated tsee notes. What could it be? Finally, it pops out – a small, chubby, black bird with a short, thick, curved bill and bright white band on the wing edge. It’s a Cuban Bullfinch!
Despite its name, the Cuban Bullfinch is not found only in Cuba, it is also found on Grand Cayman. The male of the Cuban subspecies, called Negrito, is shiny black while the female and juvenile are duller black with a smaller white wing patch. The Cayman subspecies, called Black Sparrow, has a slightly larger bill and the female is a paler slate-gray-black tinged with olive.
The Cuban Bullfinch is found all across Cuba, the Isle of Youth, and surrounding coastal cays, from sea level up to mid-elevations in different kinds of forests. It is usually absent from open areas and cultivated fields. On Grand Cayman, it lives in woodland, dry shrubland, buttonwood and mangrove edge, rough pasture and inland gardens.
It feeds on a great diversity of fruits, seeds, flower buds, and nectar. In fact, 72 plant species have been recorded in its diet! Small insects are also a tasty meal. During the breeding season, from March to August, Cuban Bullfinches are usually found in pairs. Leaves, grass, twigs, vines, roots, hair, and feathers are used to build a large globular nest with a side entrance. Females lay three to five greenish-white eggs with reddish-brown spots. Both parents feed the chicks.
The Cuban Bullfinch is among the greatest singers of the forest. Its song is a soft and melodious trill that descends and then ascends in pitch, ‘ti, ti, ti, ti, si-sssiiittt-sssiii.’ Although not studied, its song repertoire is said to vary in different parts of Cuba. Males sing most frequently in the breeding season, especially when determining territory boundaries, during flying displays, and nest construction. Although it is considered by IUCN as a “Least Concern” species, Cuban ornithologists have categorized the Cuban Bullfinch as “Near Threatened” in the “Red Book of Cuban Vertebrates” due to growing demand for wild caught birds in the live song and caged bird trade.Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Cuban Bullfinch
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Cuban Bullfinch
The Cuban Bullfinch has a trilling and melodious ‘buzzy’ song that descends and then ascends in pitch at the end, ‘ti, ti, ti, ti, si-sssiiittt-sssiii.’
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Cuban Bullfinch male in Cuba. Note the glossy black plumage and white wing border, usually showing prominently in males but not so much in this photo. (Photo by Greg Lavaty)Cuban Bullfinch female in Cuba. Females and juveniles are duller black and have a less prominent white wing patch. (Photo by Mario Olteanu)Cuban Bullfinch male on Grand-Cayman. He is black with a greenish gloss and has a prominent white wing border. Note that the Cayman subspecies has a slightly larger and heavier bill than the Cuban subspecies. (Photo by Ray Robles)Cuban Bullfinch female on Grand-Cayman. Her color is dull slate-black tinged with olive. (Photo by Ray Robles)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Get creative and try singing (or playing a musical instrument) like a bird! Be inspired by the lovely song of today’s bird the Cuban Bullfinch, or one of our other featured endemic birds or get outside and listen out for the sounds the birds are making and create your own birdsong! You can download our instructions here to help you make some melodious bird-inspired tunes.
Please note that by submitting your video you give BirdsCaribbean consent to use your photos and/or videos on our website and social media accounts.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy the video below of a Cuban Bullfinch! Filmed in Cuba, this striking black-and-white bird is taking a break from singing and is busy feeding on seeds.
Sadly, the song of the Cuban Bullfinch makes it, and other song birds in Cuba, vulnerable to the increasing threat from capture and illegal bird trafficking. Catching and keeping wild birds in cages is a common and widespread tradition in Cuba that dates back to the colonial days of Spanish rule. The birds, including migrants, residents, and endemics, were kept as pets in families and communities. In recent years, however, the trapping of wild birds has increased dramatically. BirdsCaribbean and its partners are deeply concerned by the number individual and range of species being trapped and have called on the Cuban Government to do much more to protect their resident and migratory wildlife. You can read more in our blog post below, which is also available in Spanish.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2022 is “Loving Birds is Human Nature” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Pearly-eyed Thrasher
Meet the “supertramp” of species—the Pearly-eyed Thrasher! This belligerent and highly intelligent bird is found throughout many islands in the Caribbean basin, including The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic, many Lesser Antilles Islands, Bonaire and Curacao. They occupy a variety of forest and scrub habitats from seashore to mountain tops. They also live in urban areas, farms, and orchards where they take advantage of crops, fruit trees, and man-made structures for nesting. Like a popular Caribbean phrase, the Pearly-eyed Thrasher is a ‘sometime-ish’ bird—sometimes bold and vocal and other times shy and secretive.
Pearly-eyed Thrashers measure ~11-12 inches in length. They are medium to dark brown on top, and white with brown streaking below. They might be mistaken for a close cousin, the Scaly-breasted Thrasher, but can be distinguished by their large pale bill and conspicuous pearly-white iris, as well as subtle differences in streaking (the Scaly-breasted Thrasher is barred, not streaked, below). Males and females are similar in appearance, though females tend to be slightly larger. Juveniles resemble adults.
Pearly-eyed Thrashers are a classic example of an avian “supertramp” – a highly successful generalist species that is able to colonize and exploit all available habitats, sometimes to the detriment of other resident birds. They feed on fruits, insects, small vertebrates, and even carrion. This famously aggressive bird also preys on eggs and chicks of other birds. Although they prefer to nest in cavities in trees, rock crevices and man-made structures, they may also build open-cup stick nests in trees, palms and other vegetation. In Puerto Rico, Pearly-eyed Thrashers compete for nesting cavities with the Critically Endangered Puerto Rican Parrot.
Local names for these birds include Thrushie, Zorzal Pardo, Chucho, Truche, Grosse Give, Paw-Paw Bird, Sour-sop Bird and Mango Bird, the latter names for their deep love of these fruits.
Pearly-eyed Thrashers sing one to three-note whistled phrases all day and into the night in the breeding season. They also utter several rough, guttural calls, “craw-craw” and a harsh “chook-chook.”
According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Pearly-eyed Thrashers’ conservation status is listed as Least Concern. Their population sizes can fluctuate a lot, however, and they face predation by invasive species and habitat loss. Thus, they should be monitored, especially on small islands. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Pearly-eyed Thrasher
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Pearly-eyed Thrasher
The song of the Pearly-eyed Thrasher is made up of slow whistled notes with one to three phrases.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
A Pearly-eyed Thrasher in the Dominican Republic. Across the Caribbean, this bird is known by more than 40 different local names in English, Spanish, Dutch, and French, including Creole and Patois! (Photo by Tony Pe)
A Pearly-eyed Thrasher seen perching in a Seagrape tree. It is similar to the Scaly-breasted Thrasher, but is larger with a longer yellowish to horn-colored (not black) bill, and has the distinctive white iris. (Photo by Francisco Alba)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: With lots more Caribbean endemic birds to enjoy and colour in during the coming weeks take a look at our colouring-in guide. This will give you some hints and tips on how to make your endemic birds look even more beautiful! Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Enjoy the video below of a Pearly-eyed Thrasher in the wild!
Volume 34 of the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology (JCO) presents a wide spread of original contributions, from methodical surveys of seabirds and landbirds, to the documentation of rarely seen behaviors, that all add to the knowledge of the Caribbean avifauna. Despite ongoing challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, our team of editors, reviewers, other JCO staff, and valued authors worked together to provide all these publications to the scientific and conservation communities around the Caribbean. Thank you all!Behind the scenes, Dr. Stefan Gleissberg has taken over the reins as JCO Managing Editor, learning the ropes from Justin Proctor, who continues to work on behalf of JCO as BirdsCaribbean’s Vice President. See below short summaries of the 12 regular articles reporting from 7 island territories. Free access to the journal’s entire content also includes 4 book reviews and the annual review of ornithological literature from the Caribbean by Dr. Steven Latta. Please take some time to enjoy all of Volume 34. If you enjoyed reading an article, please send the authors or the Managing Editor a quick email letting them know. — Joseph M. Wunderle, Jr., JCO Editor-in-Chief | jmwunderle@gmail.com— Stefan Gleissberg, JCO Managing Editor | stefan.gleissberg@birdscaribbean.org
Map depicting research locations of the studies published in Volume 34.
Luis A. Ramos-Vázquez, Nahíra Arocho-Hernández, Cielo Figuerola-Hernández, José L. Herrera-Giraldo, and Jan P. Zegarra-VilaThe Cordillera Reef Nature Reserve, an island chain just off the northeast coast of Puerto Rico, provides critical breeding habitat for seabirds in the Caribbean; however, little is known about the seabird populations, and the threats they face, on these islands. To address this, Ramos-Vásquez et al. conducted seabird surveys and an invasive animal detection assessment across the nature reserve, providing updated information that highlights the importance of the reserve for seabird colonies and the need for effective, well-planned invasive species management.
Vivan M. Lee, Alejandra Pérez, Olive Onyekwelu, Jordan M. Chan, Dominic E. Cannady-Lindner, Alexander A. Levitskiy, María Teresa Reinoso-Pérez, and André A. DhondtAre Broad-billed Todies territorial during the non-breeding season? To answer this, Lee et al. conducted playback experiments in native scrub forest in the Dominican Republic to assess responses to three distinct Broad-billed Tody vocalizations. Todies responded more rapidly and intensely to song playbacks compared to other sounds, suggesting that they aggressively defend their habitats even during the non-breeding season.
Karina Velazco Pérez, Felix Noel Estrada Piñero, Hiram González Alonso, and Alina Pérez HernándezThe Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) is a common winter resident and one of the most abundant migratory species in the Cuban Archipelago; however, little is known about the species’ migration dynamics. In this study, Velazco Pérez et al. conducted mist-net surveys on the Guanahacabibes peninsula to establish a baseline for both the physiological and ecological characteristics of the Ovenbird’s autumnal arrival in Cuba.
Ted GillilandIt’s a bird-eat-bird world! Pearly-eyed Thrashers (Margarops fuscatus), known for their aggressive interspecific interactions, are suspected predators of other resident birds, including Bananaquits (Coereba flaveola). Northern Parulas (Setophaga americana) are neotropical migrants that regularly mob predators in defense and to gain information. In this research note, Gilliland documents a chance observation in Puerto Rico of Northern Parulas mobbing a Pearly-eyed Thrasher, a behavior with implications for social learning and future predator avoidance.
Pascal Villard, Alain Ferchal, Philippe Feldmann, Claudie Pavis, and Christophe BonenfantOrganochlorine insecticides can have lasting and devastating effects on bird populations, by altering bird behaviour and reproductive success. Almost three decades after the cessation of its use in Guadeloupe, the organochlorine “chlordecone” persists in the soils and waterways of the island. The Ringed Kingfisher (Megaceryle torquata) is one of the species likely affected by this persistent pollutant, and in this paper, Villard et al. explore the possible links between remnant chlordecone pollution and habitat selection by Ringed Kingfishers.
Alexandra Heathcote, Paulson Des Brisay, Christopher De Ruyck, Paula Grieef, and Nicola KoperHow are birds on small, species-poor islands like Grenada different from their neighboring conspecifics? Lower species diversity on islands can lead to more generalist behaviour in birds, where these island populations live in more varied habitats and eat a more varied diet than elsewhere. This phenomenon is called “ecological release”. In this paper, Heathcote et al. explore the morphological effects of ecological release on four common Grenada bird species, comparing them to their neighbors throughout the Caribbean Basin and providing evidence that these Grenadian birds are perhaps even more different than we thought.
Pedro M. Alarcón-Elbal, Holly M. Garrod, Spencer C. Schubert, and Alonso Santos MurgasLouse flies (Hippoboscidae) are obligate parasites that often live on birds. The louse fly Ornithoctona erythrocephala has been documented with avian hosts of all sizes throughout the Caribbean, though it is previously unreported on tanagers (Thraupidae). In this research note, Alarcón-Elbal et al. describe the first record of this fly parasitizing the Black-faced Grassquit (Melanospiza bicolor) and Green Heron (Butorides virescens) in the Dominican Republic, an observation with implications for avian health and the direction of ornithological and entomological research in the region.
Juliana Coffey and Natalia CollierThe Grenadine islands are one of the remaining hotspots for breeding seabird populations in the Caribbean. There, as elsewhere, introduced mammals threaten the survival of seabirds through predation and habitat degradation. In this paper, Coffey and Collier present the most thorough inventory ever compiled of invasive mammals throughout the Grenadines, a critical first step to conservation planning for mammal eradication and habitat restoration.
Jean P. González-Crespo and Alberto R. Puente-RolónBlackbirds (Icteridae) have been known to engage in some cutthroat nesting behaviours, such as brood parasitism (e.g., the infamous Shiny Cowbird [Molothrus bonariensis]) and nest piracy or usurpation. Nest usurpation involves stealing another individual’s nest for breeding, and the usurper will forcefully remove all obstacles in its way, including any unfledged nestlings. In this research note, González-Crespo and Puente-Rolón present the first record of nest usurpation by the Yellow-shouldered Blackbird (Agelaius xanthomus) in Puerto Rico, with implications for the reproductive success of this endemic and Endangered species.
Cielo E. Figuerola-Hernández, Rickard S. Toomey III, Patricia Kambesis, José L. Herrera-Giraldo, and Nick D. HolmesInvasive mammals pose a threat to seabird populations throughout the Caribbean, and Mona Island—off the coast of Puerto Rico—is no exception. The Audubon’s Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri) and the Bridled Tern (Onychoprion anaethetus) are two cave-breeding seabirds whose habitat is limited by the presence of rats, cats, and other invasive mammals. In this research note, Figuerola-Hernández et al. present evidence of breeding of these two species in caves on Mona Island, the first documented nests in over eight decades.
Eleanor S. Devenish-Nelson and Howard P. NelsonResident landbirds are an ubiquitous yet unique part of the avifauna in the Caribbean, but they are relatively understudied. Several of these species are also endemic to the region, making the documentation and monitoring of their populations all the more important. On Grenada, there are approximately 36 resident landbird species, of which at least 25% are regionally endemic. In this paper, Devenish-Nelson and Nelson present abundance and density estimates for these species, from one of the first island-wide surveys since the 1980s.
Andrew le F. Dobson, Andrea Webb, Ingela Perrson, Richard Brewer, Luke Foster, and Miguel A. MejíasIn this research note from Bermuda, Dobson et al. document a vagrant Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides), a western North American species discovered by local birders among Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis). The observation represents the first record of the species outside the continent.
Steven LattaThe annual compilation of the most important articles that appeared elsewhere, annotated by Steve Latta. Article by:(1) Zoya Buckmire – Copy Editor for the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology; (2) Joe Wunderle –Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology(3) Justin Proctor –Vice President of BirdsCaribbean(4) Stefan Gleissberg – Managing and Production Editor for the Journal of Caribbean OrnithologyThe Journal of Caribbean Ornithology relies on donations to keep all of our publications free and open-access. Support our non-profit mission and give a voice to Caribbean ornithologists and their work by becoming a supporter of JCO.
Are you looking for a good birding read? We recommend that you log on to “The Cuban Birder,” a quarterly, digital, free magazine, published in English and Spanish. Richly illustrated and packed with information, it is a gem of a publication for birders in all walks of life, and the first of its kind in Cuba. An initiative of Birding Havana, its third issue was released in August 2021, and it is supported by BirdsCaribbean.
The magazine is more than just a substantial and fascinating read. The goal of the publication is simple: to get Cubans – especially the younger generations – excited about birds, so that they can take it up as a hobby. After all, Cuba has the highest number of recorded species in the insular Caribbean (397), of which around 262 are migratory. Once new devotees learn more and become engaged, this will lead to a deeper understanding of how the environment works, as well as a desire to protect and conserve the birds and the places where they live. In other words, it is hoped that the magazine will light a spark of awareness about Cuban birds and the serious, pressing challenges they face. The first issues have already received good readership.
The Cuban Birder has been a long-cherished dream of Birding Havana’s founding director Mr Vladimir Mirabal, former diplomat, lawyer, photographer and passionate birder. He says: “We have needed a magazine like this for a long time. There is great joy in birdwatching, and we want to express this through our publication. It is an educational tool that we hope will support our plans to rebuild a Cuban Birdwatchers Movement. Already, the Cuban Birders Club (Club de Observadores de Aves Cubanas) has experienced growth of over 3,000 new members in the past two months.” All who are seeking more information on Cuban birds and birding activities may join the Club’s Facebook page.
Helping to combat the caged bird threat
The magazine is especially timely as Cuba’s birds and nature face an uncertain future. The threats of climate change and habitat destruction loom large for Cuba, as they do for other Caribbean countries. Another significant threat is capturing and keeping wild birds to sell and keep as pets. Although illegal, this practice, long part of the culture, is growing among the Cuban population. Parrots, parakeets, grassquits, the Cuban Bullfinch, and many songbirds (residents, endemics, and migrants) are trapped, sold, and trained to compete in songbird competitions and kept as pets.
Fall migration is prime “hunting season” for the trappers and private Facebook groups in Cuba show off hundreds of migratory birds for sale, including Painted Buntings, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and dozens of warbler species. Even children are involved in the trapping. BirdsCaribbean will continue to assist with efforts to reduce these harmful behaviors by supplying birding gear and educational materials to help promote birding and develop Bird Clubs in each province. Bird watchers are a growing voice in Cuba. Vladimir commented, “With your support we will be able to reach out to a lot more people in our communities as part of our efforts to replace bird cages and traps with binoculars and field guides by increasing the appreciation for Cuban birds and supporting conservation efforts.” Many of our Cuban colleagues and partners have been working hard to educate and raise awareness about this issue for many years, but it remains a huge challenge. If you would like to donate to help us send binoculars and field guides to Cuba, please click here and select “Reducing bird trapping in Cuba” for your gift designation.
“The first bird of the season fell” – August 2021 Facebook post by a bird trapper in Cuba showing a migratory warbler, the Northern Parula.The caption reads “Ready for the hunt.” Painted Buntings in cages for sale – August 2021 Facebook post by a bird trapper in Cuba.Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, a migratory warbler in a cage in Cuba, for sale on a private Facebook group.Cuban boy trapping wild birds, posted on Cuban social media.Bird hunters in Cuba heading out with their traps, shared on social media.Painted Buntings in cages in Cuba – this colorful bird is a popular species for the caged bird trade.
The legacy of Juan Cristóbal Gundlach in Cuba
So what will you find, as you turn the digital pages of this third issue of The Cuban Birder? If you love science history, you will enjoy browsing through articles on the life and work of Juan Cristóbal Gundlach (1810 – 1896), who was born in Germany but left a rich legacy in Cuban scientific discovery. The author of the first major work on Cuban ornithology, among other studies, his name is included in the Latin names of no less than sixty animal species – among the birds he discovered, these included the Gundlach’s Hawk and the Cuban Vireo.
According to a 1915 account, the avid collector and descriptor of thousands of species did not drink and was a frugal eater, often departing in the morning with a biscuit and a sandwich in his pocket – which he forgot to eat during the day. He was tall and reportedly had a bit of a limp, but he was quiet and unassuming, traveling from one end of the island to the other. What a dedicated man! You will enjoy getting to know Juan Cristóbal Gundlach better in the pages of the Cuban Birder. This fascinating section of the magazine, about a significant figure in Cuban natural history is illustrated with photographs of some of the birds he discovered, accompanied by his own descriptions.
Don Juan, as he was known, was also the man who first discovered the smallest bird in the world – the Bee Hummingbird, which is the topic of another article in The Cuban Birder. Noting the tiny bird’s mating ritual, Gundlach noted, rather sweetly: “I have also seen the male when he is in love, go up perpendicularly with a non-progressive flight, sometimes singing, others not, stop, hover for a moment at the female, and then drop down.” Unfortunately, it is not as widely distributed as it was in Gundlach’s day, and is listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List. You can read a detailed description of this exquisite but endangered bird in the magazine. On another page, there is a very useful fact sheet on Hummingbirds; there are some 343 species identified in the Americas, and they are surprisingly aggressive for their size!
This is just a taste of what you can find in the latest issue of The Cuban Birder. It is an absorbing read that also includes helpful advice on the art of birdwatching and the best cameras for wildlife photography; as well as a gorgeous photo feature on the Alexander Humboldt National Park. A section on identifying hotspots using the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s eBird Caribbean includes how to determine the criteria for a hotspot, and how to navigate the website to suggest one. This section also emphasizes the importance of using the portal, which is specially designed for the Caribbean – especially on days when there are special “counts,” such as the eleven-year-old Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) established by BirdsCaribbean. Data on Cuban birds – and our island birds in general – is more important than ever!
Previous issues have featured interviews with well-known Caribbean scientists like the legendary Orlando Garrido, and artist and naturalist, Nils Navarro, author of Field Guide to the Endemic Birds of Cuba. The magazine is also packed with tips on how to photograph birds, how to identify them, and places to visit and stay to enjoy Cuba’s amazing bird life.
We warmly recommend this digital magazine to our BirdsCaribbean members, and to anyone who wants to learn about and protect Cuba’s birds. We congratulate the editorial team and all the contributors, and hope that readers will share the publication widely online – including, of course, on social media. We eagerly look forward to the next issue of The Cuban Birder!
Here are some readers’ reviews:
José Eugenio Martínez González:
I have been very excited about this idea. You have given us a nice surprise. As a birder, which I have practiced alone or in the company of my family, without equipment, but with a lot of desire, I take my hat off to this initiative.
Daniela Ventura del Puerto:
Excellent! I hope this magazine contributes to more people leaving the cages and changing them for cameras and binoculars. Success in that work!
Alejandro Padrón:
Excellent work for Cuban nature. Congratulations to all the members of this Club. I will follow you with attention.
Agustín Dimas López Guevara:
What good news! Graphic showcase and sample of the work of this great team that brings to light, with image, nature; fauna and flora, beauties to appreciate.
Lázaro Ramón Sosa Morell:
Great initiative, something very worthy of the culture of respect in our country and the effort that so many people have made for years to make it so! Congratulations!
September is right around the corner and migratory shorebirds are making their way south. Please join us this World Shorebirds Day to learn more about these fascinating birds and what you can do to help protect them. Take part in this year’s Global Shorebird Count and check out our cool resources for honing your ID skills and count techniques. We also have free, fun activities for kids and the whole family – read on!
Global Shorebird Count 2021
This year’s Global Shorebird Count will take place from September 1 to 7, 2021. All across the Caribbean and beyond, intrepid birders will be compiling checklists from island to island and recording them on eBird Caribbean. BirdsCaribbean urges you to participate! Our migratory shorebirds are more vulnerable than ever, threatened by human activities such as destruction of their habitats, pollution, disturbance, and climate change. In some countries they are hunted. Altogether this has led to severe declines in populations of shorebirds around the world.
Where are these fascinating birds to be found? While you will find them on shores and beaches, some shorebirds use habitats further inland, including freshwater and brackish marshes and ponds. Shorebirds are also fond of salt ponds, mud flats, mangrove areas, and tidal flats. Check out the new video we created in honor of this year’s World Shorebirds Day!
Make Your Shorebirds Count—Submit & Share Your Data!
A Piping Plover – the first seen in Jamaica! (Photo by Ann Sutton).
We encourage you to register to participate in the count and be sure share your eBird Caribbean checklist(s) with worldshorebirdsday – the eBird username of World Shorebirds Day. You can find guidelines for sharing checklists here.
eBird Caribbean is a critical tool for tracking and understanding bird migration and population changes – never more so than for our shorebirds. If you do not have an account, it is easy to register – here’s a quick guide to enter eBird data online. There is even a free eBird Essentials course to get you fully oriented. Download the free mobile app for recording your data in the field.
Note that shorebirds are a type of waterbird and any counts you do at wetlands, mangroves, mud flats, coastal areas or beaches at any time of year count as Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) counts. When you do your counts Please choose one of the CWC protocols in the eBird app or when you submit or edit your data online. When you are using the app make sure that you are using the eBird Caribbean Portal. To check or change the portal you are using go into your settings on the app and look for “Portal”. To increase the value of your count to science, be sure to count ALL birds at your site, including seabirds, herons and egrets, land birds, etc.
What if you spot a bird with a band on its leg?
While counting shorebirds you may see birds; especially Piping Plovers, Red Knots, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Semipalmated Plovers, Ruddy Turnstones, and Sanderlings, with colourful bands around their legs. Do your best to record the band colors and any numbers or letters – see guidance in the handy graphic. Binoculars or zoom photography may allow you to clearly see the band colors and the numbers engraved onto the band. Scientists use this information to track bird populations and migrations.
Handout from the US Fish and Wildlife Service that provides information about Piping Plover banding locations and how to read the flags.
Global Shorebird Count 101
After years of participating in the Global Shorebird Count we have created a list of some best practice tips to help make your count go as smoothly as possible. You may download and share this infographic with your fellow birders.
If you do not already have a favorite place to look at shorebirds, before doing your Global Shorebird Counts, you might need to choose your birding spot. Shorebirds can show up in many different types of wetlands from mangroves, to mudflats, saltponds, marshes, and beaches! If you are unsure where to find shorebirds near you why not take a look for ‘hotspots’ at your local wetlands on eBird. Just click on ‘Explore’ on the eBird Caribbean website, and find ‘Explore Hotspots’. You can open hotspots in a map and then click on a hotspot to see what type of birds have been seen there recently. When you visit your shorebird spot be sure to find a good place to count birds from – you need to have a clear view of the birds, but not be so close you disturb them!
Shorebirds can be challenging to identify, and some species are especially difficult to tell apart. If you have binoculars, a spotting scope or a camera with a good zoom lens don’t forget to take them along. These will help you get a closer look to pick out the ID features, without disturbing the birds. Of course, don’t forget to take you favorite bird ID guide with you when you do your shorebird counts. You might want to print out one of our handy Shorebird ID cards! In fact, you could even do a bit of ‘shorebird studying’ before you go using our useful reference guides and our CWC and Shorebird ID webinars. You can find all these free resources here.
Fun activities to engage kids in exploring wetlands and beaches
These activities were not designed to teach a child how to name and identify shorebirds but rather to give them space to explore and feel connected to their natural environment. Parents and guardians, you will not need to worry about your own knowledge of birds or plants. All you need to do is accompany and participate with your child in these activities.
Beach Scavenger Hunt. This activity is suitable for children ages 4 to 7 years old. They are asked to find plants and animals at the beach.
Beach Bird Bingo. This activity is suitable for children ages 8 to 12 years old. They are asked to find items on the list four in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally. They do not need to touch or collect any of the items on the list.
Talk about this with your children before beginning any of the activities. They should not touch or collect items on the lists. When observing birds they should speak softly. They do not need to get close to the birds but if they need to, ask them to do so slowly and quietly. You can check off the items (with a pencil or pen), as they are located. When everyone has had a chance to look for the items listed, come back together to chat about what they were able to find or see. For example, why is the bird’s beak long and straight?
World Shorebirds Day 2021 postcard. This activity is suitable for any age. Print and colour the postcard – sides 1 and 2. Then share it with a friend or family member.
Don’t forget to reward your junior birders with a scoop of their favourite ice cream!
They may also enjoy this Snowy Plover colouring book. You can print the colouring book and carry to the beach, just remember to pack the colouring pencils or crayons.
Get Social for Shorebirds
Celebrating World Wetlands day on Jamaica (Photo by Paula-Anne Porter)
This activity is suitable for anyone 12 years and older. Take photos at your local wetland, beach, mud flat, salt pond, or swamp, and share them on social media; Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and tag us @birdscaribbean and use the hashtag #worldshorebirdsday2021. The categories are:
Caribbean Shorebirds: snap a pic of a shorebird you saw at your local beach, mud flat, pond or swamp. Please also use the hashtag: #Caribshorebirds
Share the Shore: show us how you are helping shorebirds. For tips on how you can help shorebirds when you visit the beach, check out this blog. Please also use the hashtag: #sharetheshore
My Local Wetland: share a beautiful landscape or seascape photo of your local wetland or if you’re not camera shy, take a selfie in the habitat. Please also use the hashtag: #mylocalwetland and #HumansofBirdsCaribbean
Use a phone or any other camera that is available, but you must tag @birdscaribbean and use the hashtags provided. We look forward to seeing and sharing your amazing photos and reading your stories.
World Shorebirds Day, on Monday, September 6, is just around the bend. In honor of this annual global event, BirdsCaribbean created a new video to celebrate Caribbean shorebirds. From plump plovers to wave-catching Sanderlings to stately Stilt Sandpipers, shorebirds are delightful birds to get to know and love. Enjoy our short video and learn more about how you can help to conserve these treasures of our beaches and wetlands.
It is prime time to learn about and celebrate the diversity of shorebirds in the Caribbean. During late summer and early fall, our resident shorebirds, like the Killdeer and Wilson’s Plover, are joined by long-distance migrants, such as the Lesser Yellowlegs, Willet, Spotted Sandpiper, and many more. These migratory birds have just completed their breeding seasons, hopefully with much success, in the northern U.S. and Canada. Now, many are passing through the Caribbean, stopping to rest and feed as they travel to wintering areas further south. Other bird arrivals may stay with us for the entire winter.
Shorebirds are a diverse group of wading birds that live close to water—you can find them on our beaches, mangroves, marshes, salt ponds, and mudflats. Many can be easily identified by their long legs or unique bills, which are especially adapted to their diet and habitat. For example, the long, thin, probing bill of the Black-necked Stilt is ideal for plucking worms and crabs from sticky mud; while the Ruddy Turnstone, with his short, stubby bill, is adept at flipping over stones and shells to find tasty insects on the beach.
Hover over each image to see the caption; click on each photo to see it larger and to view images as a gallery
A Ruddy Turnstone in winter plumage. This shorebird is easy to identify from its short bright orange legs and stout ‘triangular’ bill. (Photo By Charles Sharp).
The Killdeer is one of our Caribbean residents, and can be found here year-round. (Photo By Lorie Shaull).
The striking Black-necked Stilt has long legs for wading into deep water to find food. (Photo by Dan Pancamo)
Migratory shorebirds make amazing journeys of thousands of kilometres! Beforehand, they need to store enough energy in the form of fat reserves to migrate. These small birds will eat until they are about double their normal weight. You may think that flying at their top weight would slow shorebirds down, but they are the marathon-winners of flight. Incredibly, this group of birds does not do any soaring, they are physically flapping the entire way!
Sadly, shorebird numbers have declined by roughly forty percent over the last 50 years, due to a number of threats. An increase in developments and various types of pollution have resulted in their habitats being degraded or even lost altogether. Human disturbance, hunting, and climate change…All these factors threaten shorebirds. Please join us this World Shorebirds Day to learn more about these fascinating birds and what you can do to help protect them.
Join the Global Shorebird Count, September 1 to 7 – every shorebird counts!
One of the main activities of World Shorebirds Day is the Global Shorebird Count. We encourage bird enthusiasts in the region to go out and count shorebirds from the 1st to 7th September 2021.
Spot the difference! A leucistic Willet seen in Zapata Swamp, Cuba. (Photo By Ernesto Reyes).
Your counts will help us to understand which species (and how many) are stopping to rest and feed in the Caribbean. This allows us to assess the health of populations and to determine whether they are increasing, decreasing, or stable. The data you collect will also help scientists to coordinate follow-up research and conservation actions, such as protecting important sites – or even taking immediate action to reduce threats to shorebirds and their environments, if necessary.
So, grab your binoculars, hat, waterboots, and field guide and head to your favorite muddy, sandy, or watery birding spot! Yes, it might get messy. You never know what new birds you might see, and there have been some remarkable discoveries over the years. Since the beginning of the Global Shorebird Count and the Caribbean Waterbird Census, new species have been recorded in the Caribbean. For example, in 2016 Ann Sutton spotted the first Piping Plover ever seen in Jamaica on Pedro Pond, and in 2018 a BirdsCaribbean birding tour in Cuba came across a leucistic (white) Willet in the Zapata Swamp. In addition, we have also greatly expanded our knowledge and conservation of the habitats and sites that shorebirds use across the region, thanks to our many citizen science shorebirders.
We hope that you will be able to visit many areas across your island and invite local birders and/or birding groups to get involved. Note that shorebirds are a type of waterbird; any tallies you do, whether it is at wetlands, mangroves, mud flats, coastal areas or beaches, are also considered as Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) counts. To increase the value of your count to science, be sure to count ALL birds at your site, including seabirds, herons and egrets, land birds, and so on.
Complete instructions on how to do a Global Shorebird Count/ Caribbean Waterbird Census count are available here and here; Shorebird ID resources are available here. Before you head out, it might well be helpful to watch our webinars on Waterbird ID and Shorebird ID to bone up on your ID skills!
Be sure to follow your country’s COVID-19 safety guidelines, have fun and definitely tag us, @birdscaribbean, in your photos on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We look forward to seeing your amazing photos and reading your stories!
Please enjoy and share our video!
Many thanks to Environment and Climate Change Canada, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Atlantic Flyways Shorebird Initiative, US Forest Service International Programs, film maker Esther Figueroa, talented photographers and videographers, and our partners, members, and donors for your generous support to create this video (first in a series!) and carry out Caribbean shorebird and waterbird conservation initiatives.
Male Hispaniolan Crossbill, one of our featured endemic birds during CEBF 2021. (Photo by Dax Roman)
Over 45 days, the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) 2021 explored the theme of Sing, Fly, Soar – Like A Bird! The festival celebrates the birds found only in the region, highlights the threats to their survival and demonstrates how we can protect them for generations to come. We extend a massive “thank you” to our donors, supporters, and partners for helping us put on another successful Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival!
With many of the 171 endemic birds living only on a single island and being elusive, the events celebrating these one-of-a-kind birds are also unique. In spite of COVID-19 restrictions continuing across parts of the region, our partners and supporters found different ways to carry on with the festivities on their respective islands.
“Birding Bundles” on your doorstep, and learning with a past president!
We recognize and applaud the CEBF organizers on each island, who adapted their events to make them educational, safe, and enjoyable for children and adults. The Environmental Awareness Group on Antigua supplied their participants with ‘The Birding Bundle’– a kit with all the essentials for birdwatching in their backyards. The Natural History Museum of Jamaica created videos of the island’s endemic birds and hosted a bird-themed ‘An Afternoon With a Scientist’ session for students with past BirdsCaribbean president Dr. Leo Douglas. In Venezuela, Ave Zona hosted an art contest focused on birds of the Venezuelan Caribbean (view the gallery here).
Hover over each image to see the caption; click on each photo to see it larger and to view images as a gallery
The EAG Birding Bundle
Screen shot from the “Afternoon with a Scientist” webinar
Art by Estefani Romero from the Ave Zona art event
Students in Cuba kept busy with birds
The CEBF event organizers in Cuba held workshops at schools to teach students about Cuba’s endemic birds through art and poetry competitions, games, and bird identification activities. Similar to The Birding Bundle, games and infographics were also delivered to homes for parents and children to learn about Cuban birds. Some participants also gathered for a beach clean-up titled “Cleaning for the Birds.” They expanded their outreach through the use of traditional media, specifically radio, to introduce the book “Endemic Birds of Cuba” and the annotated checklist of Cuban birds. Online activity was non-stop as well. Each day an infographic of a selected Cuban bird was shared and discussions with local researchers were held using the Telegram app.
CEBF games in Cuba, prepared by La Empresa Flora y Fauna Santiago.
Some even burst into song!
Grupo Acción Ecológica celebrating the start of CEBF
In the Dominican Republic, Grupo Jaragua asked members to record themselves singing like a bird, with sometimes hilarious results! The videos were then compiled and shared on Facebook. On the same island, Grupo Acción Ecológica started with a tree planting event. Afterwards, they took small groups of participants on short birdwatching trips to both urban and forested areas, and followed up with conversations on bird biology and habitat protection.
Endemic birds went virtual…
The St. Lucia Parrot, one of the “Endemic Birds of the Day” during CEBF 2021. A beautiful illustration by Josmar Marquez.
Because many islands were still restricted in terms of gatherings and movements, the CEBF team at BirdsCaribbean worked with well-known birders, researchers, photographers, writers, and artists from the region to present a diverse virtual festival program.
Each day we featured an endemic bird on our website and across the BirdsCaribbean socials. The list of endemic birds was carefully curated to include popular species like the St Lucia Parrot and Green-throated Carib, those with amazing bill adaptations like the Hispaniolan Crossbill and Lesser Antillean Flycatcher, revered species like the Gundlach’s Hawk, and clever birds like the Cuban Crow. You can find the complete list of birds here.
Each endemic bird profile was accompanied by a beautifully drawn image by Josmar Marquez of Ave Zona, stunning high quality photos and videos, online puzzles tailored for different levels (between six and 1,024 pieces), and bird calls. Fun and engaging activities were also provided for both kids and adults, including trivia quizzes (How Well Do You Know Caribbean Birds Pt. 1 and Pt. 2); outdoor games for the entire family; scavenger hunts, bug hunt and Operation Food Drop; crafts (Hummingbird Button Art and Jamaica Rainforest Collage); and cryptograms.
…and weekly webinars were a hit
The CEBF 2021 also boasted a fascinating series of weekly webinars on a range of topics with presenters from The Bahamas National Trust, Rainforest Connection, The Puerto Rican Parrot Recovery Project, the University of the West Indies, Science and Perspective, and the University of Maryland. Every Thursday promptly at 4pm, BirdsCaribbean donors, members, and supporters from around the globe listened as our guest presenters shared enlightening information on birds, including recent advances in bird acoustic monitoring technology and its applications to bird conservation; the importance of community engagement in conservation; and how a Critically Endangered raptor in the Dominican Republic transformed the lives of the local team.
Scroll through to see some of the CEFB 2021 webinar topics
Ann Maddock offered a photographic narrative, encompassing behaviors and molting sequences of hummingbirds with a focus on species in the Bahamas, and explaining how to turn your yard into a hummingbird haven, using plant species that are easy to source and care for. The most anticipated was a webinar on bird flight – still the most admired “superpower” of birds. World-renowned author David Sibley used illustrations and information from his latest book “What It’s Like to be a Bird” to explain how nearly every aspect of a bird’s anatomy, physiology, and behavior has been shaped in some way by the requirements of flight. If you missed any of the webinars or just want to re-watch, be sure to head on over to our Youtube channel or check out our Facebook Page.
Zines, videos, social media…Oh my!
We received 33 amazing entries during the CEBF 2021 Bird Zine competition. All are now available for viewing in our BirdsCaribbean Zine Library.
This year we introduced a new activity, a Bird Zine Contest. We received zines from children, teenagers, artists, educators, tour guides, photographers, bloggers and biological illustrators from the Caribbean. The winning zines and all others are now stored in the virtual Caribbean Bird Zine Library. It is the first zine library in the region! We invite you to visit our Caribbean Bird Zine Library to explore and enjoy the amazing bird zines we received. We would love to see this collection of bird zines grow! Please contact info@birdscaribbean.org and Aliya.Hosein@birdscaribbean.org if you would like to contribute a zine – or two – to our library.
We also invited everyone to answer the question “’What does Sing, Fly, Soar – Like a Bird!’ mean to you?” We are still in the process of reviewing and editing the lovely video submissions, but we assure you they are truly inspirational, reflecting the diversity of language and culture in the region. These videos will be shared across our social media platforms. Stay tuned!
We may ask for your help…
This year’s CEBF is over – but don’t worry. We still have plenty of bird content for you to enjoy! Make sure you are following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and have joined the BirdsCaribbean mailing list, to ensure you are kept up to date with our latest news via our monthly newsletter.
The Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival will return next April 2022 – but we need help coming up with a theme. We would love to hear your ideas for next year’s theme, which should allow us to highlight a critical problem that affects birds throughout the region. Please email your theme and a brief explanation (1-3 sentences) of why it should be the 2022 CEBF theme to CEBF@birdscaribbean.org, info@birdscaribbean.org and Aliya.Hosein@birdscaribbean.org
Thank you to all of our partners and friends across the region for participating so enthusiastically and making this another memorable CEBF. Enjoy the gallery below!
Hover over each image to see the caption; click on each photo to see it larger and to view images as a gallery
Webinar about endemic birds of Puerto Rico. (Photo by DRNA Puerto Rico)
Tropical Screech Owl artwork from Victor Moreno. (Photo by Ave-Zona)
Students participate in CEBF activities in Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo Food Drop Game, one of our BirdsCaribbean activities for CEBF.
Observing a parakeet nest on a birding walk for CEBF in the Dominica Republic. (Photo by Grupo Accion Ecologia)
Screen shot from Leo Douglas’ BirdLife Jamaica webinar.
Screen shot from Leo Douglas’ BirdLife Jamaica webinar
Screen shot from Leo Douglas’ BirdLife Jamaica webinar.
Hummingbird art by Izza Huerta. (Photo by Ave Zona)
Male Hispaniolan Crossbill, on of our featured birds during CEBF2021. (Photo by Dax Roman)
Green-throated Carib tweet from Martin Lambdon.
Facebook post about the Purple-throated Carib by Natalya Lawrence.
Facebook post celebrating endemic birds by DRNA Puerto Rico.
The cover of Dayami Rovelo’s Grand Prize winning Zine, in the under 16s category.
Beautiful illustration by Josmar Marquez, featuring one of our ‘Endemic Birds of the Day’
Cuban Grassquit Infographic by CEBF organizers in CUBA
Children speaking about the Hispaniolan Parakeet during CEBF in the Dominican Republic. (Photo by Grupo Accion Ecologia)
Children playing a bird ID game in Cuba (Photo by Zaimiurys Hernandez)
Children and parents play games prepared by La Empresa Flora y Fauna Santiago, Cuba.
Children flying their bird kites in Cuba (Photo by Kenia Mestril Cosme)
Children making bird kites in Cuba (Photo by Kenia Mestril Cosme)
Best nest contest rub by EAG. (Photo by Ms Derrick).
Cover of Arnaldo Toledo’s amazing Grand Prize winning bird Zine
We rounded off the BirdsCarbbean daily online activities with a two part endemic bird quiz
The poster entitled “The Endemic Birds of Jamaica – 31 More Reasons to be Proud of Jamaica” will be distributed island wide, free of cost to all public education institutions. National school distribution efforts will commence on September 1st. The artwork is from “A Guide to the Birds of the West Indies” by Herb Raffaele et al., illustrations by Tracy Pedersen and Kristin Williams.
It was October 2001, a few weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, when BirdLife Jamaica launched the first ever poster to illustrate all of Jamaica’s endemic birds at the Public Affairs Auditorium of the United States Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica. The newly minted U.S. Ambassador to Jamaica, Sue McCourt Cobb, attended the launch.
Dr. Herbert A. Raffaele, then Chief of Division of International Conservation at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, was scheduled to be the keynote presenter at that event, but was unfortunately not able to attend. All senior-level U.S. federal government employees were on high alert and non-essential international travel had been banned. Despite the stress-filled and unusual atmosphere, the launch of Birdlife Jamaica’s poster and associated booklet, entitled “Birds of Jamaica — A Celebration,” to illustrate all of Jamaica’s endemic birds proceeded and was an immediate success. The 2001 poster, along with copies of the Teacher’s Guide to the Birds of Jamaica and the book “Birds of Jamaica” by Downer & Sutton – which provided full photographic coverage of every resident bird species in Jamaica – was distributed free of cost to almost 600 primary, all-age and secondary schools across the island.
Twenty years later, Dr. Raffaele was again guest speaker on July 25, 2021, when BirdLife Jamaica launched a new, updated poster to illustrate Jamaica’s endemic birds. This time he was able to attend the launch, albeit on Zoom, due to the pandemic. Raffaele applauded BirdLife Jamaica for the organization’s leadership in shedding light on the island’s commonly marginalized natural history. He emphasized that today there was more interest, and greater opportunities to bring Jamaicans face-to-face with the island’s biodiversity and to magnify the local eco-culture. Raffaele said, “This is what conservation is all about! Working with local people to develop respect and pride in THEIR biodiversity.”
He added, “Your success at this will ultimately be reflected in the extent to which future generations of Jamaicans will have prospering populations of local birds to enjoy. This poster can prove a valuable tool in such a process. I and the Cape Cod Bird Club congratulate you on this especially important accomplishment.”
This new poster features thirty one species of birds (download the PDF here). The 2001 edition featured 30 species. So why thirty-one? On the new poster, the Olive-throated Parakeet (Eupsittula nana) which has one subspecies in Jamaica (E.n. nana) and one in Central America (E.n. astec), is now considered by some taxonomists as two full species—the Jamaican Parakeet (Eupsittula nana) and Aztec Parakeet (Eupsittula astec). BirdLife Jamaica President Damany Calder explained:
“As with a number of other birds, whether the Jamaican Parakeet (or Olive-throated Parakeet) is considered an endemic species or not depends on which classification system is used.
During the launch webinar event, BirdLife Jamaica also unveiled their new logo. It pays homage to the original logo but has a new modern look to it.
“The American Ornithological Society, which publishes the AOS Checklist of North and Middle American Birds* does not consider the bird endemic at the species level. It is lumped together with the Central American bird. However, AOS did change the scientific names of a number of parakeets, including Jamaica’s. The Jamaican and Central American population are now Eupsittula nana and the Jamaican subspecies is E.n. nana. In the UK, however, they use a different taxonomy. By the closest of votes, the British Ornithologists’ Union adopted the International Ornithological Council’s World Bird List as its favored taxonomy. So that list too classifies the Jamaican parakeet as a subspecies. A third classification system is that of Birdlife International, which compiled the Handbook of Birds of the World. That is the system used in the recent “Birds of the West Indies” (Lynx and BirdLife International Field Guides) written by Kirwan et al. That system splits many more species, including the Jamaican Parakeet as a distinct species, using the same scientific name as above – that is, Eupsittula nana.
“So, it comes down to preferences. The two primary ornithological societies lump the Jamaican population with the Central American population; the UK’s top bird non-profit organization splits it. A paper in Zootaxa by Remsen et al. reviews the genetics of these birds and led to the change in the genus name. For us working in Jamaica, we are inclined to split the bird into a distinct species, because it can be justified by a solid source and it gives us another important selling point to push for the conservation of this widely persecuted Jamaican species, which is perceived as a pest.”
The first poster of the Endemic Birds of Jamaica, published in 2001.
The production of the first poster and informational booklet in 2001 received broad corporate sponsorship and support (from Shell Jamaica Ltd, The Caribbean Cement Company, The Hilton Hotel, and the Jamaica Gleaner Company, among others). The poster quickly became a fixture at major hotels across the island. On this occasion, BirdLife Jamaica took the position not to solicit sponsorship directly from corporations whose values and goals directly conflicted with the conservation of birds and their habitats. BirdLife Jamaica believes this to be a critical issue. Calder noted: “We felt it might be confusing and even counterproductive to add the names and logos of businesses whose existence depended on the continued degradation, pollution and marginalization of the natural world.”
This time around, the Cape Cod Bird Club in Massachusetts is a major sponsor of the new poster. BirdLife Jamaica provided a 100% match to the Cape Cod Bird Club grant through donations from its Board. The Club provides small grants of up to US$1,000 to the Caribbean for projects relating directly or indirectly to the well-being and protection of birds.
In launching this long-anticipated public educational resource, BirdLife Jamaica Calder described the poster as invaluable for school education programs. He believes it will help all Jamaicans learn about the island’s rich and globally significant natural heritage, encouraging Jamaicans to value nature and to acknowledge the public’s right to a clean, healthy environment.
BirdLife Jamaica is the only organization on the island specifically concerned with the conservation of birds and their habitats. Ten species of Jamaican birds are considered globally threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), that is, at risk of becoming globally extinct, and at least two Jamaican species have become extinct since the 1800s. Field-based efforts are ongoing to determine whether the latter two species, namely the Jamaican Petrel and the Jamaican Pauraque, may yet survive in remnant populations within the most inaccessible areas of the island, such as the Cockpit Country and Blue & John Crow Mountains National Park.
The poster is perfect for schools, libraries, and anyone who loves birds. It will be officially available from September 1st, 2021 but you can pre-order yours using this form.
*The AOS Checklist is considered the official source on the taxonomy of birds in North and Middle America, including adjacent islands. It is the checklist used by Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s popular eBird program and Birds of the World – the new comprehensive website on all of the world’s birds, bringing together content from 4 different resources (a subscription to this website is included in BirdsCaribbean membership). Hence, if you are entering your sightings of the Jamaican Parakeet in eBird Caribbean you will not find Jamaican Parakeet, you need to search for Olive-throated Parakeet and enter it as such in your eBird checklists. If, in the future, the species is deemed to merit full species status by the AOS Checklist Committee, then your sightings will be updated to the new name, Jamaican Parakeet. Similarly, note that the Red-billed Streamertail and Black-billed Streamertail are no longer considered two distinct species by the AOS. They are now lumped into one species “Streamertail” (Trochilus polytmus) with two subspecies: Streamertail (Red-billed) – T.p. polytmus and Streamertail (Black-billed) – T.p. scitulus). In ebird you have the option to enter your sighting as Streamertail or Streamertail (Red-billed).
Enjoy the Gallery of Photos below showing presentations of the poster to different agencies and organizations in Jamaica and also a few screen shots from the July 25th poster launch event on zoom. Click on each photo to see it larger and to view as a slide show.
Poster presentation to Heather Pinnock, Urban Development Corporation, by Damion Whyte, BirdLife Jamaica
Damany Calder, BirdLife Jamaica President, welcomes viewers at launch webinar on Zoom.
During the webinar launch on zoom, Ricardo Miller explained why the new poster has 31 species.
Poster presentation to Mr. Ainsley Henry, CEO & Conservator of Forests at the Jamaican Forestry Dept, by Ricardo Miller, BirdLife Jamaica.
Poster presentation to Dr. Theresa Rodriguez-Moodie, CEO, Jamaica Environment Trust by Damany Calder, BirdLife Jamaica President.
Poster presentation to Ms. Shanique Hamilton, Senior Teacher at Denham Town High School, by Damion Whyte, BirdLife Jamaica.
Poster presentation to Mrs. Helen Austin, Vice Principal of Charlie Smith High School, by Damion Whyte, BirdLife Jamaica.
Herb Raffaele, keynote speaker, at the poster launch event on Zoom.
Poster presentation to Dr. Tracy Commock, The Director, Natural History Museum of Jamica, Institute of Jamaica by Ricardo Miller, BirdLife Jamaica
Poster presentation to Dr. Dwight Robinson, Head of the Dept of Life Sciences, University of the West Indies, by Ricardo Miller, BirdLife Jamaica & NEPA (National Environment and Planning Agency).
Birding legend John Fletcher is interviewed by Damion Whyte about his life as a birder and how ornithology and birding has developed in Jamaica over the years.
Poster presentation to Gary Allen, RGR Gleaner Communications Group by Damion Whyte, BirdLife Jamaica.
Red Knots are known for their extraordinary long-distance migrations. On the Atlantic Flyway they head north from their main wintering areas in South America to breed in the Arctic, traveling as far as 15,000 km each way! Here in the Caribbean, they winter in small numbers on various islands, and we see them also during Fall and Spring migration. Counts of birds on northward migration are way down from previous years, causing great concern. Did something different happen this year? Where are the missing Red Knots? We need your help to find out!
Target count dates are July 10-20, but counts at any time during July are welcome!
When Red Knots migrate north to their breeding grounds they will stop along the way to refuel, gathering in large flocks at key sites to rest and feed. These sites are vital for Red Knots and other shorebirds to re-build fat reserves before completing their long journeys north to breed. Counting birds at these sites can give us an indication of how the populations of these birds are faring.
You may have heard that this year, on spring migration, a very steep decline in Red Knot numbers was recorded at one such site. The count of Red Knots at Delaware Bay (New Jersey, and Delaware) where knots gather in huge numbers to gorge on the eggs of spawning Horseshoe Crabs, was just 6,800. This is an alarmingly low count compared to the 19,000 seen last year, and 30,000 seen in 2018 and 2019. In fact, this year’s count was the lowest recorded since the 1980s when the population was about 90,000.
Help Us Find Out What Happened: CWC count July 10-20
We are asking for your help in July to try to understand what happened. It is possible that some of the ‘missing’ Red Knots decided not to migrate north and spent the breeding season in their wintering areas or stopped their journeys before reaching this key stopover site. As part of an international coordinated effort, we would like you to carry out a Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) count at wetlands and beaches you know are good for shorebirds, from July 10 – 20. These are the key dates for the coordinated count, but if you cannot make it out during this period doing a CWC count atany time in July will also help.
Red Knots in Trouble
A Red Knot, in in September still showing some remnants of breeding plumage. (Photo by Hemant Kishan)
We already know that Red Knots are in trouble, like many other shorebirds. They are threatened by climate change, loss of habitat, reduction in food resources, human disturbance, and hunting. The birds using Delaware Bay as a stopover site are of the Rufa sub-species of Red Knots, listed as Threatened since 2014. This sub-species also migrates through the Caribbean on the Atlantic Flyway and winters in small numbers in the islands. The population of rufa Red Knots is estimated to have declined by 75% in recent years and the USFWS say threats to this sub-species put it “in danger of extinction in the next few decades.” So, it is vital that we try to understand what has happened to Red Knots this year!
Ornithologists report that although horseshoe crab eggs were abundant at Delaware Bay, numbers of some of the other migratory shorebirds that stop there, like Ruddy Turnstones, Semipalmated Sandpipers, and Sanderlings were also lower than expected this year. One factor that may have contributed to low numbers of knots was poor reproduction on the breeding grounds last year (there is some evidence for this). Or perhaps migration was delayed due to poor weather, or there was abundant food at another stopover site and so not as many birds used Delaware Bay.
It’s also possible that more birds than usual may have stayed in the Caribbean or other parts of their nonbreeding range instead of migrating north—some juvenile Red Knots do not reproduce in their first year and spend the breeding season in different places across the Americas. Or perhaps some unknown factor (e.g., disease, a storm, etc.), caused the demise of a large numbers of birds. We hope that this is not the case!
Red Knot ID Tips – Click on each photo below to view larger.
Red Knot in breeding plumage. (Photo by Rick Evets)
Red Knots molting from breeding to non-breeding plumage. (Photo by Stephen Buckingham)
Red Knot in winter plumage. (Photo by Beth Hamel)
Your CWC Count Data is needed!
We need our CWC monitors throughout the Caribbean to help this international effort to try and understand why numbers of Red Knots and other shorebirds are down this year. Please carry out as many counts as you can during the period July 10-20. When you do your CWC count, remember to keep an eye out for other shorebird species at the same time, and that you should count all the birds you see (of any species, including “landbirds”) on each count—doing a complete count greatly increases the value of your data to science and conservation.
Don’t forget to enter your data in eBird Caribbean using one of the CWC protocols on Step 2 of data entry. If using eBird mobile, set your portal to eBird Caribbean to access the CWC options for your checklists/ counts at wetlands and beaches). Thanks to you, we now have 11+ years of CWC data and counting, and are able to look at status and trends for many species at different sites and in the region overall. Remember that CWC counts can be done at any time of year—whenever you are conducting a count at a wetland, mangrove, salt pond, or beach, make it a CWC count.
Share this special CWC July Count, Red Knot edition, with your networks!
As mentioned above this is an international collaborative effort, thus, we would like people to carry out counts throughout the Caribbean and the Americas! We have prepared promotional graphics (portrait, landscape, square) in English, Spanish, and French for our partners in the Caribbean – you can download them here. If you would like to use and adapt these graphics for your country, you are welcome to do so! Contact Lisa.Sorenson@BirdsCaribbean.org.
Please, do remember to follow any COVID rules and precautions in your country when doing surveys.
Thank you for contributing to our knowledge base, as we try to solve the mystery of the missing Red Knots.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Hispaniolan Oriole
One of its Dominican names is “Platano Maduro.” In Haiti, people call it the “Bananann mí.” These local names for the Hispaniolan Oriole mean “Ripe Plantain” because of its black and yellow colors, as well as the mottled appearance of juveniles – and because it is quite long and slender, just like a plantain (20 to 22 cm). In the DR it is also called “Cigua Canaria.”
Indeed, this handsome, conspicuous jet-black bird with bright yellow shoulders, rump and lower belly is a real find! It is not a common bird, restricted to more remote areas. But when you see it, it really stands out, whether it is feeding on orange maguey (agave) flowers, flying across open fields, or perched on trees in open woodlands or treelines
The Hispaniolan Oriole mostly feeds on nectar, fruit, and other flowers, but it can also be found searching for insects under palm fronds. These fronds are also where it attaches its nest, a shallow basket woven of palm fibers. The oriole’s song is an jumble of squeaky and metallic notes and whistles. Its calls include a sharp “check” and scratchy sounding “jrrrt.”
The Hispaniolan Oriole is found in a variety of habitats island-wide: in highland forests of the Central Mountain range in the Dominican Republic, in shade coffee and fruit plantations in the foothills of San José de Ocoa, and also at sea level where there are palms including Las Dunas de Baní, the beaches of Miches and Punta Cana, Los Haitises National Park, and on offshore islands like Saona. It is regularly seen in the Puerto Escondido Valley on the north slope of the Sierra de Bahoruco, where abundant ficus trees and maguey provide food.
Although listed as “Least Concern” by the IUCN, the population may be declining due to loss of habitat caused by increased agricultural activities in its favored habitat. Another threat is the increasing numbers of the invasive Shiny Cowbirds, brood parasites who lay their eggs in the oriole’s nests, displacing the oriole’s eggs. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Hispaniolan Oriole
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Hispaniolan Oriole
The song of the Hispaniolan Oriole is a jumble of squeaky and metallic notes and whistles. Calls include a scratchy sounding “jrrrt” and metallic “zhwee.”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
The Hispaniolan Oriole is scarce but found in a wide variety of habitats, from highland forests to coffee and fruit plantations to gardens, as well at beaches and on offshore islands. (Photo by Dax Roman)Hispaniolan Orioles are decreasing due to its preferred habitats being lost through increased agricultural activities and by increased numbers of Shiny Cowbirds who lay their eggs in the oriole’s nests, displacing the oriole’s eggs. (Photo by Jay McGowan)Hispaniolan Orioles mainly feed on nectar, fruit, and flowers, but also can be found searching for insects under palm fronds (Photo by Alberto Rojas)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: How much can you remember about the birds we have featured during the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival 2021? Test your memory of your newly gained knowledge of these wonderful birds with our 2021 Caribbean Endemic Bird Quiz! Today we have Part Two of a two-part bird trivia quiz. Try to answer all the questions without checking back to our posts or looking up the answers online or in your bird guides! But just in case you do get stuck you or if you want to do some studying before you try the quiz you can read about all our featured endemic birds here or take a browse on ebird. Did you miss Part One of our quiz? You can find it here.
There are two different ways for you to try tackling our bird-themed questions. You can download a fun and interactive version of the quiz as a PowerPoint file here. If you don’t have PowerPoint you can also open the quiz in google slides here. Read the instructions (given before the questions start) carefully and remember to view the quiz in presentation / slide show mode to play interactively! OR if want to, you can download a pdf version of the quiz here, as printable question sheets. An answer sheet to go with this is available here, but don’t look till you’ve tired to answer all the questions! This is a great activity to try by yourself or with a group of friends and family, either in person or online! If you play in a group remember to designate one person as the ‘host’ who will read the questions, keep score and give the correct answers (if you play with the printable version). Have fun!
Who remembered the most? Which team got highest score over the two parts of the quiz? Who can claim the title of Caribbean endemic bird expert 2021? !
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Green-throated Carib
A flash of emerald zips through the forest — could it be a Green-throated Carib (Eulampis holosericeus)? This is a large bird by hummingbird standards (10.5-12 cm, 4.9-7.8 g), characterized by its slightly down-curved bill, and bright green, iridescent head, back, and throat. As with other birds with iridescent feathers, its black belly and brilliant violet-blue breast band can be hard to see in poor light, and its dark blue tail may sometimes look black in color. Look for the “fan” created by its wide tail feathers. Males and females are similar, but the female’s bill is a little longer and more down-curved, and she is slightly less colorful.
The Green-throated Carib can be found in highlands and lowlands, in gardens, parks, and forests. Its entire range is in eastern Puerto Rico (primarily in coastal areas), the Virgin Islands, and the Lesser Antilles. Like other hummingbird species, it loves to feed on nectar, as well as small invertebrates like flies, small wasps, and beetles. Like the Purple-throated Carib, males and females of the Green-throated Carib may feed on different flowers, judging from the differences in their bill lengths. You may hear a sharp chewp and a short tsip, which it repeats rapidly when upset – and whirring wings!
This species nests from March to July, and both sexes aggressively defend their feeding territories. Hummingbirds are good home-builders, and the Green-throated Carib’s nest is cozy. The female – who does all of the work during breeding season – builds a cup-shaped nest lined with soft plant fibers, and camouflages it with tree bark and lichens to hide it from predators. She lays 2-3 tiny white eggs, which she incubates for 17-19 days. After feeding the nestlings for 20-22 days, they will follow her around for several weeks after fledging. A mother’s work is never done!
The Green-throated Carib is common through most of its range, and is considered “Least Concern” by the IUCN. It seems to adapt well to humans’ presence. However, we need to find out how its movements are affected by habitat fragmentation created by development. We still have a lot to learn about this bird in order to ensure it continues to thrive. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Green-throated Carib
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the call of the Green-throated Carib
The calls of the Green-throated Carib include a mix of twittering noises and a “chewp” call.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
The Green-throated Carib is characterized by its slightly down-curved bill, and bright green, iridescent head, back, and throat. Males and females may specialize in feeding on different flowers, due to the differences in their bill lengths (Photo by Dave Wendelken)Green-throated Carib. Like other hummingbird species, it loves to feed on nectar, as well as small invertebrates like flies, small wasps, and beetles. (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)Both male and female Green-throated Caribs will aggressively defend their feeding territories. But during the breeding season the female does all of the work, including building the lichen-covered cup-shaped nest in which she lays 2-3 tiny white eggs (Photo by Guillermo Plaza)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: How much can you remember about the birds we have featured during the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival 2021? Test your memory of your newly gained knowledge of these wonderful birds with our 2021 Caribbean Endemic Bird Quiz! Today we have Part One of a two-part bird trivia quiz. Try to answer all the questions without checking back to our posts or looking up the answers online or in your bird guides! But just in case you do get stuck you or if you want to do some studying before you try the quiz you can read about all our featured endemic birds here or take a browse on ebird.
There are two different ways for you to try tackling our bird-themed questions. You can download a fun and interactive version of the quiz as a PowerPoint file here. If you don’t have PowerPoint you can also open the quiz in google slides here. Read the instructions (given before the questions start) carefully and remember to view the quiz in presentation / slide show mode to play interactively! OR if want to, you can download a pdf version of the quiz here, as printable question sheets. An answer sheet to go with this is available here, but don’t look till you’ve tired to answer all the questions! This is a great activity to try by yourself or with a group of friends and family, either in person or online! If you play in a group remember to designate one person as the ‘host’ who will read the questions, keep score and give the correct answers (if you play with the printable version).
See how many you can get right and remember to have fun!
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Greater Antillean Grackle
This noisy bird is quite an extrovert. Not at all shy, the Greater Antillean Grackle is a clever bird, quickly adapting and modifying its behavior based on the circumstances. It is quite comfortable in heavily disturbed habitats or areas with high human activity – such as outdoor restaurants – where it can become quite a nuisance, trying to steal humans’ food!
Did you know that there are seven sub-species of the Greater Antillean Grackle? Endemic to the Greater Antilles, this is a common bird found on Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, the Cayman Islands, and adjacent offshore islands.
Ranging in size from 10-12 inches long, this raucous bird has glossy, metallic-blue to violet-black plumage over its entire body, a yellow iris, and an unusual keel-shaped tail which is often held fanned open in flight. Locally referred to as Chango, Cling-cling or variations of this name, it makes its presence known with a distinct 4-syllable song “cling cling clii-ing” that sounds like a rusty hinge. It also gives musical notes, a sharp “cluck,” and wheezy gasps. It has no difficulty expressing itself, in its vocalisations and flamboyant behavior.
The slightly smaller females lay 3-5 eggs, which are incubated for about two weeks. Juveniles fledge after 23-25 days and resemble the adult, except they have shorter tails and lack iridescent coloring. Nesting and roosting occurs in a colony in mangroves, trees, or reeds and often near a water source. For some reason, this bird also likes to roost on power plants. It truly loves water, and can often be seen splashing around in bird baths in the rain!
Using its strong pointed bill, it forages mostly on the ground, eating pretty much anything that they can fit into their beaks. This includes fruits, plants, small vertebrates, invertebrates, and human food scraps.
The Greater Antillean Grackle is classified as Least Concern. Common threats to this species would include deforestation of its nesting and roosting habitats due to the clearing of land for development. Designating specific areas as wildlife reserves would help to combat this issue .Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Greater Antillean Grackle
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Greater Antillean Grackle
The song of the Greater Antillean Grackle a metallic 4-syllable song “cling cling clii-ing” that sounds like a rusty hinge. It also gives musical notes, a sharp “cluck,” and wheezy gasps.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Greater Antillean Grackle (Photo by Hartmut Walter)Greater Antillean Grackle (Photo by Alberto Estafanía)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Get out your colouring pencils, pens, or paints and get ready to be creative with our “My Caribbean Bird” art activity! Choose your favourite endemic Caribbean bird and draw or paint its portrait. You can download our colourful feather frame and get started. Not sure which bird you want to draw? Or want to check where your bird lives or what its call is? Check back to all our featured Caribbean endemic birds here. OR let you imagination run wild and create your very own imaginary endemic bird using other endemic Caribbean birds as your inspiration! Have fun making up a name for your ‘new’ Caribbean endemic bird! Where do you think your imaginary bird might live? And what sound does it make?
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: What does the Greater Antillean Grackle have to do with James Bond? Find out here in this blog post by Jim Wright – all about Bond, Fleming and Kling-klings! (the local name for Greater Antillean in Jamaica).
Enjoy these videos of Greater Antillean Grackles! The first video shows a handsome glossy blue-black adult bird, perched on a branch. In the second you can see another adult, filmed in a tree in the Dominican Republic. You can also hear this bird’s distinctive call in this video.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Bahama Warbler
Wandering through the pinelands of the northern Bahamas (specifically, the islands of Grand Bahama and Abaco), you might be lucky enough to come upon the charming Bahama Warbler (Setophaga flavescens). The male has a bright yellow throat, breast, and underparts with black stripes on his sides. His black face mask is broken up by a yellow lore (that’s the area between the eye and the upper base of his beak) and white stripes surround his eye. He also sports the longest bill of any wood-warbler species, which he uses to find tasty insects in the bark of pine trees. The grey on his crown and back are accented by two white wingbars. The female looks similar, but is not as bright.
How do you tell the Bahama Warbler apart from a Yellow-throated Warbler – which visits the Caribbean in winter? Well, it’s confusing. They are close relatives and look very much alike; however, the Yellow-throated Warbler’s breast and sides are white, and the forehead is blackish-grey.
These species also have different songs. From a perch in the canopy, the male Bahama Warbler sings sweetly: short, loud, and clear whistled notes that increase in pitch. The Yellow-throated Warbler, on the other hand, has a descending song.
This bright little warbler loves pine trees. Grand Bahama and Abaco include large areas of Caribbean pine forest – just perfect for the Bahama Warbler, which is often seen creeping up and down the tree trunks, feeding on insects. It also breeds in these forests in spring and summer, but its breeding behavior remains a mystery.
However, there is a sad story. The Bahama Warbler is now listed as Endangered. In 2019, Hurricane Dorian slammed into Abaco and Grand Bahama, causing massive destruction. Grand Bahama lost most of its pine forest habitat due to heavy winds, rain, and storm surges. No Bahama Warblers have been found there since then, despite intensive searches by researchers from the Bahamas National Trust and the American Bird Conservancy.
The island of Abaco is now perhaps the last refuge for this Bahamian endemic, and conservation is critical. Already hit by Hurricane Dorian, this lovely bird faces other threats, including habitat loss, predation by introduced feral cats and raccoons, and frequent fires. Let us hope this beautiful endemic survives these dangers, and thrives once again! Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Bahama Warbler
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Bahama Warbler
The song of the Bahama Warbler is an ascending “chutty, chutty, chutty, swee, swee, tsoo, tsoo”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
The Bahama Warbler has recently be listed as Endangered by the IUCN. In 2019, Hurricane Dorian caused massive destruction to this species’ pineland habitat. Sadly, Grand Bahama lost most of its pine forest and the Bahama Warbler has not be found since on Grand Bahama despite intense searches. (Photo by Larry Therrien)The Bahama Warbler is a habitat specialist, being found only in the pinelands. It is often seen creeping up and down the trunks of Caribbean pine trees, where it feeds on insects. (Photo by Beth Hamel)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: What facts can you remember about todays endemic bird – the Bahama Warbler? Test your knowledge by filling in the missing words in each of our Bahama Warbler facts! We have given you the correct words but can you put them into the right fact? You can re-read the information all about this bird above, or search on the BirdsCaribbean webpages for lots more information about the Bahama Warbler! Then, when you have completed all the sentences, you can check your answers here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: There are 37 warbler species recorded on the island of Abaco in the Bahamas. You can find about more about them here, especially the five species that are resident in Abaco (live there all year round), including today’s endemic bird, the Bahama Warbler!
Enjoy the video below of a Bahama Warbler in the wild! This bird was filmed on Grand Bahama (before Hurricane Dorian); you can see it creeping up the trunk of a Caribbean pine tree, probably searching for food.
Learn how to draw and colour a Yellow-throated Warbler! Draw along with artist Josmar Esteban Marquez- who created all the pictures for the birds featured in our 2021 Endemic Bird Festival! The Yellow-throated Warbler is also found on the Bahamas and looks at lot like a Bahama Warbler. But the Bahama warbler has a yellow throat and belly, and shorter wings. The adult male Bahama Warbler also has a less black forehead than the Yellow-throated Warbler and its wingbars are shorter and thinner.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Lesser Antillean Flycatcher
This chill bird gives off that famous, laid-back Caribbean vibe — a true Caribbean endemic. As you wander through woodlands or dry scrubland, the Lesser Antillean Flycatcher (Myiarchus oberi) peers down, thoughtfully, curiously, watching you. This medium-sized flycatcher (8.5 inches) is inconspicuous, blending in nicely with the vegetation just below the canopy.
Feeling at ease with your presence, it might hazard its distinctive call: a loud, whistling, peeeeeee, or pheeuuu song, or shorter bursts of oo-ee, oo-ee or e-oo-ee. Or maybe it gives away its location going after that delectable flying insect — its favorite food.
Once you spot it, you might second guess yourself. Could it be a Flycatcher after all, or a similar-looking family member, an Elaenia maybe? You replay the call in your mind as you focus on the characteristics that set this species apart. It has a distinctive pale gray chest, a yellow belly, rufous edges to the wings, and rufous-toned tail. The bill is slightly heavy and black. If your eyes are good, or you’ve brought your binoculars, you’d even notice the tiny hook at the tip of its bill. Its dusty gray-brown upper body is capped with an elegantly round head. When excited, individuals may erect the feathers on the crown of their head.
The Lesser Antillean Flycatcher breeds from March to July. It builds its nest using strips of leaves and sticks, usually in a tree cavity. It lays 3–4 eggs that are cream-colored, with heavy purplish-brown and violet-grey markings.
Although its conservation status is Least Concern, the Lesser Antillean Flycatcher is found in only a handful of Caribbean islands. It is common in Antigua, Barbuda, St. Kitts, Nevis, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique and Saint Lucia.
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Lesser Antillean Flycatcher
The song of the Lesser Antillean Flycatcher is a plaintive, drawn out “pheee” or “phee-u-uu.”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
The Lesser Antillean Flycatcher is similar to some other species of flycatchers but can be distinguished by the combination of pale grey chest, yellow belly, rufous edges to the wings, and rust-brown undertail. (Photo by Blake Matheson)Lesser Antillean Flycatcher typically perches below the canopy of the tree, keeping completely still before flying out in pursuit of prey. (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: The Lesser Antillean Flycatcher catches and insects to eat. It sometimes this bird will flit between plants searching for its next meal. At other times it will perch perfectly still on a twig or branch and wait to strike its prey- perhaps catching a moth, fly or spider! Imagine you are a Lesser Antillean Flycatcher and find out what bugs there are in your backyard in our fun bug hunt! Follow out instructions and see how many different types of bugs you can find! Perhaps you will spot a butterfly of a bee flitting past? Remember just to look at the bugs and not to touch or collect them. You can check the ones you see off on our list and perhaps take some photos of them?
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy the videos below of Lesser Antillean Flycatchers in the wild! In the first you can see a Lesser Antillean Flycatcher perched in the branches of a tree, filmed on Barbuda. You can tell the bird is excited because his the feathers on the top of his head are raised. In the second video you can see another perched Lesser Antillean Flycatcher, you will hear its distinctive, loud “oo-ee” calls.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Gundlach’s Hawk
The Caribbean has some handsome endemic hawks! One of them is Gundlach’s Hawk (Accipiter gundlachi) – an elegant, medium-sized forest hawk endemic to Cuba. Known locally as falcon or falconeta, this bird is easy to distinguish by its short, rounded wings and its long, narrow, banded tail, rounded at the tip. The steel-blue on its back becomes darker on the top of the head. Its grey throat fades to a reddish-brown breast and belly, with varying amounts of barring. Females are slightly larger than males, with a longer tail. Juveniles are dark brown above and streaked with brown below.
You are likely to hear its strong and strident kec-kec-kec-kec-kec-kec call in many forest types, wetlands, and on wooded coastlines in Cuba. This species is adapted to fly at high speed through the trees, although it can also be seen gliding across open spaces.
Gundlach’s Hawk perched. (photo by Michael J. Good)
The Gundlach’s Hawk breeds from January to June, building a platform nest with branches and twigs in a tall tree, and lays 2-4 eggs. It will aggressively defend its nest, even attacking humans who wander too close. Its fledglings will follow their parents around, constantly begging for food.
The Gundlach’s Hawk is a feared (and often hunted) predator that specializes in hunting birds. Medium-sized birds such as parrots, gallinules, pigeons, doves, crows, nighthawks, and thrushes are among its prey. Unfortunately, this highly efficient predator has gained a bad reputation: it is one of the few Cuban birds of prey known to hunt chickens. Hunting and the destruction of nests are major threats to the species. This species is one of the most sought after for use in falconry, which has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is often captured in the wild or taken from the nest.
Habitat loss remains the biggest threat to this Endangered species. The Gundlach’s Hawk was considered common in the 20th century, but its populations have declined considerably to an estimated 400 individuals. There is an urgent need to conserve this splendid hawk by protecting the places where it lives, feeds, and breeds. Raising public awareness about the extremely serious situation of this fascinating raptor would also help to discourage people from persecuting it. Let’s protect this superb Cuban endemic! Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Gundlach’s Hawk
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the call of the Gundlach’s Hawk
The calls of the Gundlach’s Hawk are a loud repeated “eh-eh-eh-eh-eh…”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Juvenile Gundlach’s Hawk – they are dark brown above and streaked with brown below. (Photo by Maikel Cañizares)Adult Gundlach’s Hawk. Note the steel-blue on its back that becomes darker on the top of the head, and the long banded tail. (Photo by Michael J. Good)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Can you find the words in our Gundlach’s Hawk word search? Remind yourself of some of the interesting facts about this endemic bird as you look for all 15 hidden words! Remember the words appear forwards and backwards, as are horizontal, vertical and diagonal! Need some help? Or want to check your answers? You can see where all the words were here.
Find out more about birds of prey! Hawks, like todays birds the Gundlach Hawk, falcons, kestrels, eagles, owls and others birds including vultures are all different types of a group of birds know as ‘birds of prey’; birds in this group are also also known as ‘raptors’. Find out more about this group of birds by reading all about raptors here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy this video of a Gundlach’s Hawk in the Wild! The video shows a bird high up in the air in a soaring flight.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Jamaican Spindalis
When you set eyes on a male Jamaican Spindalis (Spindalis nigricephala), you cannot help but admire this spectacular endemic. The vivid black-and-white stripes on his head give him one of his local names — “Mark Head.” He has a brilliant yellowish-orange breast that becomes yellow on the belly, and a white lower belly and undertail. His yellow-olive back fades into yellowish-orange on the rump. The black feathers on his wings and tail are edged with white.
What’s the difference between male and female? This species is “sexually dimorphic,” meaning that males and females look different from each other. As is often the case, the female is less colorful – she is the dull one! She has an olive back, a greenish-yellow breast and belly that fades to pale yellow, and a grayish-olive head and throat. Like the male, she has a white undertail and white-edged wing feathers, but she lacks those bright stripes on her face.
The thin, high-pitched call “tsee” of the Jamaican Spindalis is a common sound in Jamaican forests, and might be your first (or only) hint that one is nearby. It also gives a soft, weak “seep” in flight. While foraging in groups, individuals may give a fast, high “chi-chi-chi-chi-chi.” From an exposed perch, a male will sing a song that consists of a long-sustained phrase repeated several times — “chu wheet, chee see whee see, chu wheet.” These distinct sounds have inspired another popular local name, “Champa Beeza.”
The Jamaican Spindalis roams through forests, woodlands, and brushy areas in the hills and mountains, searching for fruiting trees. Some of their favorites include ficus, pimentos (allspice), palms, cecropia, and oranges. They will also consume nectar, blossoms, leaves, and the occasional insect. You might meet them in pairs and family groups, but you can also find them in flocks with different species.
This agile bird is often seen hanging from twigs and leaves to take berries, or even using its bills to swing effortlessly between plants. Despite these impressive moves, it can only perform short-distance flights, which limits its habitat to forest and forest edges. To protect the Jamaican Spindalis, it is important to conserve and connect habitat, including the preservation of large canopy trees in an ever-changing urban landscape. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Jamaican Spindalis
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the call of the Jamaican Spindalis
The call of the Jamaican Spindalis is a high-pitched “tsee,” sometimes alone sometime repeated in quick succession.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
The male Jamaican Spindalis is a stunning bird. Note the black head with two bold white facial stripes which give him one of his local names — “Mark Head.” He also has a brilliant yellowish-orange breast that becomes yellow on the belly, and black wing and tail feathers edged with white.(Photo by Matt Grube)The female Jamaican Spindalis has a greenish-yellow breast, olive upperparts, and a greyish head. (Photo by Linda Bushman)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: The Jamaican Spindalis, along with many other Caribbean endemic birds found on Jamaica, like the Yellow-shouldered Grassquit, Vervain Hummingbird, Arrowhead Warbler, Jamaican Euphonia and Jamaican Vireo love to live in and around the forests of Jamaica’s hills and mountains. In fact birds across the Caribbean rely on forests as places to nest, feed, rest and shelter. Forests in the Caribbean contain many different types of plants such as, ferns, orchids, other flowering plants and canopy trees. Forests also provide homes for many other types of wildlife as well as birds and plants! Using a variety of textures and colours of paper create your own forest collage with some of Jamaica’s endemic birds! Download our instructions here including some helpful silhouettes and shapes to get you started. You can get an adult to help you with any cutting out.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Read all about how Goat Island, one of the homes of today’s featured bird, the Jamaican Spindalis, and many other Jamaican and Caribbean endemic birds was saved from what would have been a catastrophic development. Then read about the plans to make the same area a Wildlife Sanctuary!
Enjoy these videos below of Jamaican Spindalis in the wild! In the first video you can see a female Spindalis, filmed in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. The second video shows the more strikingly coloured male, feeding on some flowers.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Loggerhead Kingbird
What is that noisy bird? The boisterous, chattering call of the Loggerhead Kingbird (Tyrannus caudifasciatus) can be heard echoing throughout dense coppice forests, pine forests, gardens, settled areas, mangroves, and swamp edges in the Caribbean.
This chunky flycatcher (9.5 -10 inches) has a blackish head with a yellow-orange patch on the crown that only shows when it is excited. It has a dark gray back and wings, accented by whitish edges. The throat, breast, and belly are whitish, with varying amounts of yellow wash. Its square tail is also dark grey with a whitish tip. Juveniles have brownish edges on the wings and no crown patch.
You will always know when the Loggerhead Kingbird is around. It is often seen on exposed perches such as posts, tree branches, and telephone wires. From there, it forages by “sallying” forth – flying out to capture prey, and returning to the same or nearby perch. Its diet mostly consists of insects, berries, small lizards, and amphibians. It builds a cup-shaped, woven nest in the fork of horizontal branches of trees. It will lay 2-4 whitish or salmon-colored eggs, with markings that vary in color in different parts of its range.
The Loggerhead Kingbird is a year-round resident. Endemic to the West Indies, its range extends throughout the northern Bahamas, Cuba, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico. There are seven recognized subspecies, characterized by the amount of yellow wash and the tail pattern. Two subspecies — Tyrannus caudifasciatus taylori of Puerto Rico and Tyrannus caudifasciatus gabbii of Hispaniola — are under consideration to be classified as new species!
At first glance, you might confuse a Loggerhead Kingbird with another Kingbird species. The Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus), a winter migrant to the region, has a bolder white tail band and smaller bill. The Gray Kingbird (Tyrannus dominicensis), a summer migrant to The Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, and Cayman Islands, is much paler overall, with a dark face mask and a larger bill. Gray Kingbirds are also much more territorial and aggressive than the Loggerhead Kingbird. The Giant Kingbird (Tyrannus cubensis), which only occurs in Cuba, is a bigger bird with a massive bill and notched tail. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Loggerhead Kingbird
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Loggerhead Kingbird
The song of the Loggerhead Kingbird is a loud, emphatic trilling, “pit-pit-pit-pit-pit-tirrr-ri-ri-reeee.”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Loggerhead Kingbird (Photo by Matt Grube)Loggerhead Kingbird (Photo by Sergey Uryadnikov)Loggerhead Kingbird (Photo by Dave Curtis)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Can you tell the difference between todays bird, the Loggerhead Kingbird and the other, very similar, types of kingbirds you might meet when out bird watching? Make sure to read our fascinating facts in this post and then test your memory skills in our kingbird matching game ! Be sure to look carefully at the colours, bill sizes, and also the tails of these birds to tell them apart!
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy these videos below showing Loggerhead Kingbirds in their natural habitat! In the first you will see a bird giving the bubbling, chattering calls typical of this species, and you should spot the rarely seen orange-yellow patch on the crown of this bird. The second video shows a Loggerhead Kingbird from the Puerto Rico race, you can see that the tail lacks the white trailing edge seen on this species elsewhere.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Key West Quail-Dove
Key West? Well, despite its name, you are very unlikely to see this bird in Key West. Although it was first discovered in the Florida Keys, it is now just an occasional vagrant there. It is a truly Caribbean island bird, endemic to The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico.
This is a great loss for Florida, because the Key West Quail-Dove, a chunky, round bird (170 g, 28-30 cm), is strikingly beautiful. The iridescent bluish-green and bronze head and neck of the adult male is accented by a broad white facial stripe. The purple and bronze iridescence on his back and wings contrast with his pale pinkish-grey breast that fades into whitish on the belly. The female looks similar, but her colors are generally more subtle and less iridescent. The plumage of a juvenile is duller, with whitish margins on the wing coverts.
This elegant bird is can be found in both arid and moist habitats: coastal thickets, swamp forest, semi-arid woodland, wet montane forest, semi-deciduous and evergreen woods. It favors the understory up to at least 500 m in elevation, but is found up to at least 1,000 m in Dominican Republic.
The Key West Quail-Dove is a secretive bird, difficult to detect on the forest floor. Listen for a rustling of leaves and you may be lucky to spot it as it quietly rummages around looking for fruit, seeds, insects, and small snails to eat. From the dense vegetation you might also hear its deep, mournful call, consisting of a single, repeated hoooooo. The call usually lasts about 1.4 seconds, increasing in volume and then fading and sliding slightly downward in pitch at the end.
This bird generally breeds from February to August. It builds a nest near the ground or low in trees, laying two buff-colored eggs. It is solitary outside the breeding season.
The Key West Quail-Dove is considered a common resident throughout most of its range, but is declining in some islands. Sadly, it is threatened by habitat fragmentation and hunting. You can help this beautiful bird and others to survive by supporting conservation of habitat on your island. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Key West Quail-Dove
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Key West Quail-Dove
The song of the Key West Quail-Dove is a soft, low-pitched, mournful “hooooooo.”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
The Key West Quail-Dove feeds on fruit, seeds, small snails. It will usually forage on ground but can also be seen perching on trees low to mid-level. (Photo by Doug Greenberg)Key West Quail-Dove. This species is declining in some islands, these declines are mainly cause by habitat fragmentation and hunting. (Photo by Alvaro Jaramillo)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Breeding season for the Key West Quail-Dove is between September and July. This Caribbean endemic dove builds its nests on the ground or sometime low-down in a tree. This makes their eggs vulnerable to predators, including the Indian Mongoose, which has been introduced to the Caribbean from Asia. Can you help the Key West Quail-Dove find her way through our maze and save here eggs from a hungry mongoose? You can find the correct route here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy this video of a Key West Quail-Dove in the wild! This bird was seen in Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. The video shows a Quail-Dove on the ground foraging. You can see the beautiful iridescent plumage on the birds head and neck.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Puerto Rican Vireo
It seems as if the Puerto Rican Vireo wants to challenge its local name, bien-te-veo, (“I see you well”). You will probably have some difficulty getting a full view of this active little bird as it flits around, tail cocked, searching for insects and the occasional berry. Looking for it is rather like a game of hide-and-seek!
Ah! There it is! When you finally spot it, you’ll see that this vireo has a brownish-gray head and olive-brown back, wings, and tail, a grayish-white throat and breast, and pale-yellow belly and sides. It also has brown eyes, surrounded by an incomplete whitish eye ring.
Luckily, this species is very vocal, and is usually heard before it is seen. Both sexes will sing a song consisting of 3-4 melodious notes. The species likes to scold intruders, especially near the nest, inspiring other species like Bananaquits to join in.
This vireo is endemic to Puerto Rico and can be found in a variety of forested habitats at all elevations, including wet and dry forest, mangroves, and shade coffee plantations. It avoids open areas. The species breeds from March to July, with males and females sharing parenting responsibilities. They build a tight hanging cup nest in the fork of a tree or shrub, beautifully created from thin vines, grasses, and dry leaves. The birds glue these building materials together with spider webs, adding a touch of moss for additional camouflage. The female lays 2-3 eggs, pale pink with reddish-brown spots, but the nest usually produces only one young.
Sadly, the vireo’s wonderfully camouflaged nest is often the target of an invasive species—the Shiny Cowbird. This species is a “brood parasite” – it lays its eggs in the nest of other bird species. The unsuspecting parents raise the cowbird nestling as their own – which means their own babies suffer. Shiny Cowbirds, as well as invasive mammals like rats, mongooses, and feral cats, threaten vireo populations. Habitat fragmentation and the removal of shade in favor of sun grown coffee are also factors posing a threat. To help this charming bird, be sure to purchase bird-friendly shade grown coffee! Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Puerto Rican Vireo
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Puerto Rican Vireo
The song of the Puerto Rican Vireo is made up of variations of “chuwee-chuweech-you” and “chewee-wit-weee”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Puerto Rican Vireos can be found in a variety of forested habitats at all elevations, including wet and dry forest, mangroves, and shade coffee plantations. (Photo by Beny Diaz)Puerto Rican Vireo. These active little birds can be hard to spot as they flit around in the vegetation, tail cocked, searching for insects. (Photo by Ken Pinnow)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: How much do you know now about the Puerto Rican Vireo? Test your knowledge with our crossword puzzle all about this little endemic bird! You’ll need to know about how this bird looks, where is lives, what it eats, and its behaviour as well as some facts about birds in general. Try to remember as much as you can, but if you are not sure of an answer you can check back to the text above or take a look at the Puerto Rican Vireo page on ebird! And you can find the answers here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Growing coffee under trees – a traditional practice called shade-grown coffee – can result in many benefits, both to people, habitats and wildlife. In fact shade-grown coffee is one of places where you might find the Puerto Rican Vireo, todays featured endemic bird! Find out more about how drinking shade-grown coffee can help save birds in the Caribbean any beyond!
Enjoy the videos below of Puerto Rican Vireos in the wild! In the first you will hear a bird singing, and see a bird at it’s mossy nest. The second video also shows some birds at a nest, in this one you can see the adults swapping places as they take turns incubating their eggs. The final video shows an adult bird feeding a fluffy little fledgling that has left the nest.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Yellow-shouldered Grassquit
This charming bird makes a nice fashion statement. The Yellow-shouldered Grassquit (Loxipasser anoxanthus), known locally as the “Yellow-backed Finch,” is an attractive, two-toned small bird endemic to Jamaica. Living up to both of these names, the adult male will catch your eye with his bright yellow “shoulders” and upper back, which contrast with his black head and breast. The yellow upper back fades to greenish-yellow on the rump, the lower belly and flanks are dark grey, and the under-tail is rusty-brown.
The female also sports a yellow shoulder patch, but her colors are more subtle. Her olive-gray head and breast fade into grey underparts, and her back and wings are a paler greenish-yellow.
This Grassquit is a fairly common sight in the hills and mountains of Jamaica, preferring the edges of forests and other vegetation. It also forages in gardens and roadsides. To find this species, look for plants with seeds and fruits that it loves to eat, such as the Prickly Yellow Tree, Maiden Plum, Fiddlewood, and Guinea Grass. It may announce its presence with a quick, high-pitched chi-chi-chi-chi-chi descending call, which sounds a bit like beads shaken in a jar – an echo effect. Like other Grassquits, it flies only short distances.
If you’re lucky, you might come across this bird’s bowl-shaped nest in tree canopies or garden shrubbery. This Grassquit is an excellent nest-builder, and both male and female birds take a lot of trouble to create a cozy home, usually made of finely-woven dried grass and twigs, and perhaps Spanish Moss (Tillandsia sp.). The species usually lays 3-4 eggs that are white with reddish or brown speckles. Rather unusually, the home-loving parents often make improvements to the outside of their nest, even after their young have hatched. The breeding season is between March and July.
This unique Grassquit is not threatened, but there is still so much we need to know about this species. It is noticeably absent from areas with minimal vegetation, which means that habitat loss and degradation could affect its population. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Yellow-shouldered Grassquit
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Yellow-shouldered Grassquit
The song of the Yellow-shouldered Grassquit is made up of four or five descending or ascending notes, that are high-pitched and ‘scratchy’.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
The male Yellow-shouldered Grassquit is a striking two-toned bird with bright yellow shoulders and upper back that contrasts with his black head and underside.(Photo by Sam Woods)The female Yellow-shouldered Grassquit also sports a yellow shoulder patch but her colors are more subdued—olive-gray head and breast, gray underparts, and greenish-yellow back and wings. This species can be seen in a wide range of habitats from mountains, hillsides and forest edges to lowland areas including gardens and roadsides. (Photo by Matt Grube)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Todays featured endemic bird, the Yellow-shouldered Grassquit, builds its rounded nest in tree canopies or garden shrubbery. These little birds will use dried grass and twigs, and sometimes moss, to make the perfect nest in which to lay their eggs and raise their chicks. You could give them and any other birds nesting near your house or in your garden a helping hand, with our nest-material activity. Put out some materials, selected especially to be suitable for bird nests, and see who arrives to make use of them! You can download full instructions here. Be sure to follow our suggestions for nest materials, as some things might be dangerous for birds and their chicks if they put them in their nests. You can keep note of who visits and which things they choose to include in their nests – do some birds have a favourite type of nest material?
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy this video of a Yellow-shouldered Grassquit in the wild! Here you will see (and hear!) a Yellow-shouldered Grassquit amongst some vegetation, singing it’s buzzy descending song. You might hear this little birds song before you spot it!
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2021 is “Sing, Fly, Soar—Like a Bird!” Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Cuban Parakeet
The Cuban Parakeet (Psittacara euops) is charismatic and easy to identify. It is quite a gorgeous bird—bright green with red feathers like spots scattered on the head, sides of the neck and chest. It has a white eye-ring, a long pointed tail, and a brilliant red patch under its wing can be seen when the bird is in flight. Males and females look alike but juvenile Cuban Parakeets lack the red spots on the body. It is 24–27 cm long.
This Parakeet’s beak is robust and downcurved – a useful tool for eating seeds, pods, green and ripe fruits, leaves, shoots, flowers and buds, pollen, and nectar. In fact, it feeds on over 50 species of plants.
Sadly, this striking bird is now listed as “Vulnerable.” Its numbers are declining, primarily because it is frequently caught for the caged bird trade. Farmers also still shoot them as agricultural pests. Its habitat is also threatened by extreme weather due to climate change. It was once common throughout Cuba, but now only fragmented populations exist in the Zapata Peninsula, Sierra de Najasa, and Guantánamo.
The Cuban Parakeet dwells in palm savannas; on forest edges; on tree stumps near swamps; and in some degraded forest areas, as well as undisturbed forests.
This lively parrot can express itself well. When flying, you may hear a loud, repeated crick-crick-crick. A high pitched kkkkeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr can often be heard when a flock is feeding in the canopy and looking out for predators. The warning calls, increasing if there is a nearby threat, are repetitive metallic sounds of erh, erh, erh, erh. When socializing, it emits a keirp-keirp-keirp. You may hear an interesting buzzing sound made with its tail and wing feathers during rapid take off or landing.
Living in flocks of six to 50 parakeets, pairs usually mate for life. Nesting parakeets compete aggressively for the best sites: woodpecker holes in dry palm trunks, and occasionally cavities in cliffs and caves. Females lay two to five eggs between March and August.
Trapping for the pet trade remains a serious issue. Cuban Parakeets are beloved household pets. But let us remember that these are wild birds. Let’s allow them to fly free and thrive in the beautiful savannas and forests of Cuba! Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Cuban Parakeet
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the calls of the Cuban Parakeet
The Cuban Parakeet has many different calls to communicate with members of its flock. A shrill and squeaky call is often heard when this bird is in flight.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Cuban Parakeet. Here you can see the scattered red feathers on the head, sides of the neck and chest. This parrot is eating West Indian elm (guásima). (Photo by Aslam Castellón Maure)Cuban Parakeets feed on seeds, pods, green and ripe fruits, leaves, shoots, flowers and buds, pollen, and nectar. In fact, they feed on over 50 species of plants! (Photo by Jean Sébastion Guénette)Cuban Parakeets pairs usually mate for life and are considered monogamous. Nesting parakeets compete for prime nest sites in woodpecker holes, cavities in trees, and occasionally in cavities in cliffs and caves. (Photo by Sergey Uryadnikov).
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS:Use our template to write a poem about Parakeets! Each line of your poem should start with the letters of this birds name. This type of poem is called an ‘acrostic’. You can use words and ideas from the description and information about Cuban Parakeets above. Think about how this bird looks, its colours, the way it flies, how it behaves, where is lives and what it likes to eat. If you feel inspired you could write some more bird-themed poems! Just choose your favourite endemic bird, write it’s name vertically to get started. You can look at the birds we’ve featured so far for inspiration here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy these videos of Cuban Parakeets in the wild! The first video shows a small group of Cuban Parakeets foraging, as they flit around in the bush you can see the bright red patches under their wings. The second shows some Parakeets preening and in the final video you can see some a bird feeding on West Indian elm (guásima).