Antigua and Barbuda’s EAG step up their CWC efforts with a training event. (Photo by Sherrel Charles)
Cheers to our Sweet Sixteen! That’s how many years we’ve been tracking waterbird populations across the Caribbean with the Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC)! Our 2025 regional count took place from January 14th to February 3rd, and as always, we were thrilled to see so many of our partners, friends, and colleagues jumping in to contribute to this invaluable long-term dataset by counting waterbirds in their local wetlands!
Keep reading for some exciting 2025 CWC highlights, from the wonderful birds seen to the dedicated survey teams who ventured out to their favorite Caribbean wetlands. Each and every survey contributes to a meaningful impact—thank you to everyone who helped make our 2025 CWC a success!
Training for success in Antigua
To kick off a successful CWC regional count, the team at the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) began by recruiting andtraining new citizen scientists. They brought together a diverse group of participants—from complete beginners to seasoned birdwatchers—and equipped them with the skills to collect vital data at various wetland sites across Antigua! This inclusive approach ensured that all participants, regardless of their experience level, were empowered to gather accurate, valuable data that will support conservation efforts and guide effective management.
Shanna explains bird ID at Mckinnons Pond. (Photo by Sherrel Charles)
Yellow-crowed Night Heron. (Photo by Miquel Garcia)
Time for a group selfie at McKinnons Salt Pond. (Photo by Auriel Horsford Hunte)
Identifying waterbirds at CWC counts on Antigua. (Photo by Shanna Challenger)
Ruddy Turnstone. (Photo by Miquel Garcia)
It’s never to early to start learning waterbird ID. (Photo by Sherrel Charles)
The training began with a classroom session, on January 29th at the Antigua State College (ASC) Conference Room. New birders were introduced to the basics of bird identification while experienced members of the Wadadli Warblers Birding Club enjoyed a helpful refresher. Led by Offshore Islands Conservation Programme Coordinator Shanna Challenger, the session focused on key features for identifying common waterbirds and seabirds. This was followed by three days of outdoor birding sessions where participants learned to use binoculars and identify different shorebirds and seabirds at the McKinnon’s Salt Pond. Not only did this initiative strengthen the incredible Wadadli Warblers club, but it also contributed valuable data to the eBird database! Welcome to the CWC team!
Wide participation in Puerto Rico
From San Juan in the north to Jobos Bay in the south, participation in the regional count was stronger than ever in Puerto Rico! The amazing coverage and number of CWC lists we have gathered over the years is a testament to the power of citizen science! Don’t believe us? Check the hotspot map of Puerto Rico in eBird for wetland areas! Here are some highlights from Puerto Rico’s 2025 count:
San Juan Bay: In February, SOPI (Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña Inc.) collaborated with Comunidad Peninsula de Cantera to organize a CWC survey within the Estuary of the San Juan Bay, with logistical support from the San Jose Fisherman Cooperative. The count covered the easternmost mangrove forests of the San Jose Lagoon and Pinones Lagoon, with 10 participants, including SOPI members, taking part in the survey.
Surveying in San Juan estuary. (Photo by Emilio Font SOPI)
San Juan Bay. (Photo by Emilio Font SOPI)
The SOPI survey team. (Photo by Emilio Font SOPI)
It’s important to keep your strength up on waterbird counts. (Photo by Emilio Font SOPI)
Emilio Font, executive director or SOPI, shared that “even as these lagoons continue to experience the unregulated discharge of pollutants and the inadvertent presence of alligators from the pet trade, there was a significant presence of avian species now absent or reduced in other coastal areas in the island.” It’s good to hear that the birdlife of this area is still thriving, but these ongoing threats underscore the importance of continuing CWC monitoring to track these populations.
Jobos Bay: Heading south Carmen Maldonado and her sister Erika Enid volunteered with SOPI to carry our CWC counts at Cayo Caribe and Jobos Bay, in the towns of Guayama and Salinas. The counts were conducted by boat, allowing them to spot a wonderful variety of shorebirds, seabirds, waterbirds, and endemics; including Lesser Yellowlegs, Clapper Rails, several tern species, and both the Puerto Rican Woodpecker and Flycatcher.
Out in the bay doing CWC surveys by boat. (Photo by Carmen Maldonado)
At Cayo Caribe. (Photo by Carmen Maldonado)
Vegetation around Jobos. (Photo by Carmen Maldonado)
Cabo Rojo: In the southwest, Cabo Rojo is a vital haven for shorebirds and is a designated site of regional importance within the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN)! Luckily, Nahíra Arocho-Hernández and her team were on hand to carry out CWC counts at both Cabo Rojo and Laguna Cartagena National Wildlife Refuges (NWR). As Nahíra points out this monitoring is not just important for understanding the birds and their habitat use, but it also provides “a great opportunity for our volunteers to participate in the surveys and learn to identify the different species of waterbirds, shorebirds, and seabirds”.
Pelicans seen during surveys at Cabo Rojo. (Photo by Nahira Arocho Hernandez)
Counting shorebirds. (Photo by Nahira Arocho Hernandez
The elusive Wilson’s Snipe. (Photo by Luis Ramos)
Alongside volunteers Eduardo Cardona and Luis Ramos from the Gulf Restoration Office, Nahíra recorded 26 species at Cabo Rojo, including migratory birds like Black-bellied Plover and Ruddy Turnstone, as well as nesting Brown Pelicans (23 adults and 10 juveniles). At Laguna Cartagena, exciting sightings included a Sora, Limpkin, and the elusive Wilson’s Snipe!
Looking for shorebirds, Campaña, Vieques (Photo by Daphne Gemmill)
Vieques: Covering the east, Daphne Gemmill of the Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust, shared news of the CWC surveys on Vieques. While CWC counts have been regularly conducted on Vieques, this was the first year observers in Vieques have actively participated in the regional count. They put in a phenomenal effort with 15 observers carrying out 30 water bird surveys!
In a fantastic showing, they counted an impressive 71 species, including 32 waterbirds. Overall, 1,800 birds were counted, with over 1,000 of them being shorebirds, underscoring Vieques’ importance for both migratory and resident shorebirds. Highlights included the uncommon Least Grebe with young, 63 Brown Pelicans in their breeding colony, rare Sora Rails, and five extremely rare White-tailed Tropicbirds.
Small but mighty in Statia
The story from St. Eustatius is another example of a small island making a big impact! Jethro van ‘t Hul shared that the STENAPA team conducted counts around the island at the 15 sites they established in 2024. CWC counts are regularly carried out at these sites year-round, reminding us that CWC monitoring extends beyond the regional count period from January to February! During this year’s regional count, they also took part in a boat tour around the entire island to see what seabirds were encountered and to survey nesting habitats for Red-billed Tropicbirds. They confirmed several roosting sites for Brown Pelicans, Brown Boobies, and Magnificent Frigatebirds. Additionally, the team spotted a Peregrine Falcon perched in a remote cave!
Nesting Red-billed Tropicbird. (Photo by Jethro van ‘t Hul)
A Brown Booby. (Photo by Jethro van ‘t Hul)
A vagrant who might be ready to settle down?
Northern Pintail spotted on Bonaire. (Photo by Susan Davis)
Down on Bonaire, Susan Davis shared some fascinating sightings from the regional count. She mentioned that Bonaire was home to a remarkable variety of ducks, many of which were overwintering rather than just passing through on their way to South America. Among the highlights, Susan spotted a rare Northern Pintail, marking the first sighting in over 20 years! She also observed large numbers of Lesser Scaups, Northern Shovelers, and Black-bellied Whistling Ducks. Interestingly, breeding White-cheeked Pintails were also spotted—an unusual occurrence for Bonaire, as they typically breed later in the year.
Greater Ani spotted by Susan with a twig in December last year. (Photo by Susan Davis)
But one bird, in particular, had Susan really intrigued. During her counts she caught sight of a Greater Ani. This odd looking member of the cuckoo family is a rare vagrant on Bonaire with only a handful of previous sightings. This wasn’t the first time Susan has seen a Greater Ani recently. Back in December she also saw this species. Could her ‘CWC’ bird be the same individual? Back then, the Ani was carrying a twig! Was it building a nest?
The Greater Ani has never been known to breed on Bonaire, but seeing one transporting nesting material to a prime location—deep foliage overhanging water—is a promising sign. Does this mean there are other Anis on Bonaire? Or is this individual simply optimistic about future arrivals? Ani’s breed cooperatively and share nests, so it might be a while before enough birds show up for them to become a breeding species on the island. But stay tuned to Susan’s blog, where she is sure to provide any updates on this out-of-towner!
A Greater Ani
Although not strictly a ‘waterbird’ we think this beautiful pale eyed, black bird with its blue-green sheen deserves to be an ‘honorary waterbird’ due to its preference for river, lake and mangrove areas. Find out more about this species here.
The Caribbean Waterbird Census is an ongoing, long-term survey effort that provides important data that helps us keep track of the birds using Caribbean wetlands, understand the threats they face, and raise awareness. We are incredibly grateful for every single CWC count completed during the annual three-week regional census in January and February. THANK YOU to all those who sent us highlights and all those who led or joined a CWC survey this year.
If you missed this year’s regional census don’t worry—you can conduct a CWC count at any time throughout the year! CWC counts at Caribbean wetlands are valuable year-round and add to our knowledge of the resident and migratory birds that use them. Just be sure to use a CWC protocol in eBird Caribbean when entering your data every time you do a count at a Caribbean wetland, and do your best to do a complete count, i.e., record all the birds you see and hear.If you need help with your shorebird and waterbird ID you can check our resources page and take a look at our short ID videos on YouTube!
Find out more about the CWC program HERE and stay tuned for exciting developments on how to take part in the CWC on eBird- coming soon!
WE enjoyed seeing your posts on social media! here are a few hightlights
For birdwatchers in Cuba, October isn’t just a month; it’s a celebration of nature, science, and the unbeatable spirit of the birdwatching community. Despite the blackouts and shortages of essential items that come with life on the largest island in the Caribbean, birders across the country united for two magnificent birding extravaganzas—October Big Day and Garrido Biggest Week.
In 2023, Cuban conservationists Yaro Rodríguez and Nils Navarro received a Betty Petersen Conservation Fund grant to expand Cuba’s emerging birdwatching movement. The goal was to improve the understanding of Cuba’s birdlife through citizen science.
Their project provided community leaders with binoculars and training to identify and monitor local bird populations and report data through eBird Caribbean. These trained leaders then establish birdwatching clubs in their communities, raising awareness across Cuba about the importance of protecting birds and their habitats. Yaro and Nils’ project continues to grow, with birdwatching clubs across the country now actively engaging in ongoing bird monitoring and conservation efforts.
Yaro Rodríguez.
Nils Navarro.
In addition to several locally initiated birding celebrations throughout the year, birders across the island also participate in two major global citizen science programs: Global Big Day in May and October Big Day in October. Team Cuba is proudly known as the Gundlach Team, in honor of the German-Cuban naturalist and taxonomist Johannes Christoph Gundlach. Yaro details the how the Cuban birding community came together in October to celebrate and protect Cuba’s incredible birdlife.
Gundlach’s Hawk (Photo by Michael J. Good)
Passion and perseverance in Cuba’s birdwatching community
October saw the Gundlach Team remaining steadfast in their exemplary efforts. From dawn onward, birdwatchers from across Cuba ventured into the field, ready to discover and record the country’s rich avian diversity. Notable participants included Yanosky, Manuel Aroche, Ricardo Concepción, Nicolás Díaz, and Marleny Roque, who started their day at first light!
The national bird of Cuba – the Cuban Trogon. (Photo by Rafy Rodriguez)
What makes these events special is not only the number of birds recorded—but the personal stories behind each effort. For some, it was a day of surprises as they encountered new “lifers” to add to their personal lists, while for others, it was an opportunity to improve their standing in the Cuba Big Year 2024. Every list submitted to eBird helped to build a more comprehensive picture of the biodiversity on our island.
Omar Labrada, from Las Tunas, birdwatched with his daughters during October Big Day.
Yusneyda Alarcon and Manuel Lopez from Gramma crossing a mangrove channel during October Big Day.
The community’s dedication was particularly inspiring. Birdwatchers like Edwin Ruiz and Maite Cordoví, despite facing personal challenges, joined in from their windows, showing that a love for birds knows no bounds. Others, like Homar Labrada and his son Marcos, used the occasion to spend the day together, passing down a respect and fascination for birds to the next generation.
Against the odds: The Cuban reality
Birdwatching in Cuba presents unique challenges. One of the biggest challenge our birdwatching community faces is transportation, both to easily accessible areas and to new regions we want to explore. Compounded by fuel shortages, this significantly limits our ability to travel, making each trip a major logistical challenge. On top of that, we deal with frequent power outages and the ongoing stress of meeting our families’ basic needs. Despite these daily struggles and economic difficulties affecting everything from transportation to food, our birdwatching community remains determined, active, and enthusiastic.
Viñales Valley, Cuba.
Every activity we promote and every event in which birdwatchers participate is a meaningful achievement, reflecting the love and commitment we have for Cuban birds and future generations.
October Big Day in Cuba: An unmatched success
On October 12, 63 eBirders, across 15 provinces, with the exception of the Isle of Youth, recorded 186 bird species within just 24 hours. This resulted in 140 eBird checklists, enriched with 96 photos and 31 song recordings. These data not only strengthen the global knowledge base on birds but also underscore Cuba’s commitment to conservation and citizen science.
Among notable individual achievements, Manuel López Salcedo from Las Tunas led the count with 96 species observed across 11 lists. On the women’s side, Yuzaima Ortiz from Ciego de Ávila secured the title of top female lister with a total of 87 species observed.
Members of the formidable Gundlach Team.
This local success was part of a larger global achievement. Over 750,000 birdwatchers from 201 countries participated in this historic day of citizen science, documenting over 7,800 species in just 24 hours. This global initiative highlights the importance of birdwatching as a conservation tool. Each checklist, photo, and recording contributes essential data for science and biodiversity protection.
Garrido Biggest Week: A tribute to a legend
Despite the devastation caused by Hurricane Oscar and ongoing power outages, the Cuban birdwatching community honored Orlando H. Garrido, the country’s most influential ornithologist, who passed away in June 2024. In a fitting tribute to Cuba’s jewel of Caribbean ornithology, the first edition of Garrido’s Biggest Week was held from October 21 to 27. Created to honor Garrido’s legacy and encourage birdwatching during the autumn migration, the event coincided with the dates when Garrido himself would go into the field to record new species.
Orlando Garrido was a tireless explorer of the Cuban archipelago. Garrido has to his credit the discovery of four mammalian taxa and the description of: 58 insects, 21 birds, 37 reptiles. 78 new records among birds, reptiles, and fish, and 23 taxa have been dedicated to him, and in total he has 298 publications. (Photo by Susan Jacobson)
Orlando Garrido regales our group with stories of his Cuban adventures as a biologist and tennis pro! BirdsCaribean Cuba Bird Tour (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Orlando Garrido, Nils Navarro and Herb Raffaele at the 21st International Conference of BirdsCaribbean, in Topes de Collantes, Cuba, July, 2017. Orlando was awarded a BirdsCaribbean Lifetime Achievement Award.
Birdwatchers from all provinces participated enthusiastically, recording 183 species and capturing a total of 76 photographs. José Alberto Pérez Echavarría was the winner in this friendly competition, observing 108 species throughout the event.
This week featured some serendipitous sightings, among them was the first record in Cuba of a Lawrence’s Warbler, an important discovery for the island’s avifauna!
An adult male Lawrence’s Warbler. (Photo by Jeff Hapeman ML604876071)
Additionally, the first documented case of xanthochroism in a member of the Todidae family, the Cuban Tody, was observed—this rare phenomenon gives affected birds an unusual yellow coloration. Both discoveries will be part of an upcoming article, expanding on these unique observations in the region.
The Garrido Biggest Week will become an annual tradition. The community also organizes other thematic weeks to honor prominent figures in Cuban ornithology, such as Charles Ramsden Week in December, José H. Bauzá Week in April, and Juan Gundlach Week in August.
These activities are essential for keeping the birdwatching community active year-round, beyond major events like October Big Day and Global Big Day, while also enriching eBird during periods of lower tourist activity in the country. Through these efforts, the Cuban birdwatching community continues to advance the exploration and conservation of the island’s biodiversity, even in the face of adversity.
The power of citizen science
October Big Day and Garrido Biggest Week are also reminders of the value of our birds and the challenges they face. Cuban birdlife, like that around the world, faces constant pressures from habitat loss, climate change, and human activity. In addition, illegal trapping is a huge threat to endemic, resident and migratory birds in Cuba. Through citizen science and unwavering commitment, each Cuban birdwatcher has the opportunity to contribute to conservation and make a difference.
Cuban Parakeets in flight (Photo by Garry Donaldson)
Cuban voices from the field
To conclude, here are some stories that capture the passion and challenges of these unforgettable days:
“When I arrived, the battery pack I’d prepared for my camera failed, so I used my binoculars to do digiscoping and identify birds in tricky situations. Later, in the forest, as we returned to the reservoir embankment, Wency played a mix of bird calls, and we saw several warbler species. Surprise! Among them was a Worm-eating Warbler, a lifer for me. The excitement was indescribable; everyone pointed their cameras and managed to capture the moment.” – Freddy Ricardo, Holguín Birdwatching Club
“I had a lifer: White-eyed Vireo, though without a photo. But I managed to photograph an Osprey for the first time—81 shots as I got closer with digiscoping! I was thrilled to capture this species.” – Manuel Aroche, Granma Birdwatching Club
“A friend and I shared a lifer, a Philadelphia Vireo! The second record of this species in Ciego de Ávila, and during the week we honor Garrido! It couldn’t be better.” – Nicolás Díaz, Ciego de Ávila Birdwatching Club
“I want to dedicate my participation in the October Global Big Day to my dad, who recently passed away. I owe him my love and respect for nature.” – Ricardo Sánchez, Artemisa Birdwatching Club
These anecdotes reflect the dedication and love for birds that motivate our community to keep moving forward. In every field outing, every photo, and every checklist submitted, there lies a collective commitment to preserving Cuba’s rich biodiversity for future generations.
Special Thanks
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Betty Petersen Conservation Fund, managed by BirdsCaribbean, for their generous support, and to the team at BirdsCaribbean, especially Lisa Sorenson and Adrianne Tossas, for their unwavering dedication to the birdwatching community in Cuba.
Yaroddys Rodríguez, known as Yaro, is a self-taught ornithologist dedicated to the study and conservation of Cuban birds. Mentored by experts like Orlando H. Garrido and James Wiley, he began publishing scientific articles at a young age. Yaro founded the Cuban Birdwatchers Facebook group, now with over 30,000 members, and promotes the use of eBird for citizen science. He is also a member of the Cuban Zoological Society, BirdsCaribbean, and the Ariguanabo Foundation.
Los Observadores de Aves Cubanos Vuelan alto en Octubre: Aves, Ciencia y el Espíritu de Comunidad
Para los observadores de aves en Cuba, octubre no es solo un mes, es una celebración de la naturaleza, la ciencia y el inquebrantable espíritu de la comunidad de observación de aves. A pesar de los apagones y la escasez de productos esenciales que acompañan la vida en la isla más grande del Caribe, los observadores de aves de todo el país se unieron para dos magníficas extravagancias ornitológicas: el Gran Día de Aves de Octubre y la Semana Más Grande de Garrido.
En 2023, los conservacionistas cubanos Yaro Rodríguez y Nils Navarro recibieron una beca del Fondo de Conservación Betty Petersen para expandir el emergente movimiento de observación de aves en Cuba. El objetivo era mejorar la comprensión de la fauna aviar cubana a través de la ciencia ciudadana.
Su proyecto proporcionó binoculares y capacitación a los líderes comunitarios para identificar y monitorear las poblaciones locales de aves, reportando los datos a través de eBird Caribe. Estos líderes capacitados establecieron clubes de observación de aves en sus comunidades, generando conciencia en toda Cuba sobre la importancia de proteger a las aves y sus hábitats. El proyecto de Yaro y Nils sigue creciendo, con clubes de observadores de aves en todo el país que participan activamente en esfuerzos de monitoreo y conservación de aves.
Yaro Rodríguez.
Nils Navarro.
Además de varias celebraciones locales de observación de aves a lo largo del año, los observadores de aves de la isla también se reúnen para participar en dos grandes programas globales de ciencia ciudadana: Global Big Day en mayo y Gran Día de Aves de Octubre en octubre. El equipo de Cuba es conocido con orgullo como el Equipo Gundlach, en honor al naturalista y taxónomo germano-cubano Johannes Christoph Gundlach. Yaro detalla cómo la comunidad de observadores de aves cubanos se unió en octubre para celebrar y proteger la increíble fauna aviar de Cuba.
Gundlach’s Hawk (Foto de Michael J. Good)
Pasión y perseverancia en la comunidad de observadores de aves de Cuba
En octubre, el Equipo Gundlach se mantuvo firme en sus esfuerzos ejemplares. Desde el amanecer, los observadores de aves de toda Cuba se aventuraron al campo, listos para descubrir y registrar la rica diversidad aviar del país. Entre los participantes más destacados se encontraban Yanosky, Manuel Aroche, Ricardo Concepción, Nicolás Díaz y Marleny Roque, ¡quienes comenzaron su jornada al primer rayo de luz!
El ave nacional de Cuba conocida localmente como ‘tocororo.’ (Foto de Rafy Rodriguez)
Lo que hace especiales estos eventos no es solo la cantidad de aves registradas, sino las historias personales detrás de cada esfuerzo. Para algunos, fue un día lleno de sorpresas al encontrar nuevas especies “lifers” para agregar a sus listas personales, mientras que para otros, fue una oportunidad para mejorar su posición en el Cuba Big Year 2024. Cada lista enviada a eBird ayudó a construir una imagen más completa de la biodiversidad en nuestra isla.
Omar Labrada de Las Tunas observando aves con sus hijas.
Yusneyda Alarcón y Manuel López, de Gramma, cruzando un canal de manglares durante el Big Day de octubre.
La dedicación de la comunidad fue particularmente inspiradora. Observadores de aves como Edwin Ruiz y Maite Cordoví, a pesar de enfrentar desafíos personales, se unieron desde sus ventanas, demostrando que el amor por las aves no tiene límites. Otros, como Homar Labrada y su hijo Marcos, aprovecharon la ocasión para pasar el día juntos, transmitiendo el respeto y la fascinación por las aves a la próxima generación.
Contra viento y marea: La realidad cubana
La observación de aves en Cuba presenta desafíos únicos, centrados principalmente en el transporte. El mayor reto que enfrenta nuestra comunidad de observadores de aves es el transporte, tanto hacia áreas de fácil acceso como hacia nuevas regiones que queremos explorar. Aumentado por la escasez de combustible, esto limita significativamente nuestra capacidad para viajar, haciendo de cada viaje un gran desafío logístico. Además, lidiamos con frecuentes apagones y el estrés constante de satisfacer las necesidades básicas de nuestras familias. A pesar de estas luchas diarias y dificultades económicas que afectan desde el transporte hasta la comida, nuestra comunidad de observadores de aves sigue siendo determinada, activa y entusiasta.
Viñales Valley, Cuba.
Cada actividad que promovemos y cada evento en el que los observadores de aves participan es un logro significativo, reflejando el amor y compromiso que tenemos por las aves cubanas y las generaciones futuras.
Gran Día de Aves de Octubre en Cuba: Un éxito inigualable
El 12 de octubre, 63 eBirders de 15 provincias, con excepción de la Isla de la Juventud, registraron 186 especies de aves en tan solo 24 horas. Esto resultó en 140 listas de eBird, enriquecidas con 96 fotos y 31 grabaciones de cantos. Estos datos no solo fortalecen la base de conocimiento global sobre las aves, sino que también subrayan el compromiso de Cuba con la conservación y la ciencia ciudadana.
Miembros del formidable Equipo Gundlach.
Entre los logros individuales más destacados, Manuel López Salcedo de Las Tunas lideró el conteo con 96 especies observadas en 11 listas. Por parte de las mujeres, Yuzaima Ortiz de Ciego de Ávila se coronó como la mejor observadora femenina con un total de 87 especies observadas.
Este éxito local fue parte de un logro global mayor. Más de 750,000 observadores de aves de 201 países participaron en este histórico día de ciencia ciudadana, documentando más de 7,800 especies en solo 24 horas. Esta iniciativa global resalta la importancia de la observación de aves como una herramienta de conservación. Cada lista, foto y grabación contribuye con datos esenciales para la ciencia y la protección de la biodiversidad.
Semana Más Grande de Garrido: Un tributo a una leyenda
A pesar de la devastación causada por el huracán Oscar y los continuos apagones, la comunidad de observadores de aves de Cuba rindió homenaje a Orlando H. Garrido, el ornitólogo más influyente del país, quien falleció en junio de 2024. En un merecido tributo a la joya de la ornitología caribeña de Cuba, se celebró la primera edición de la Semana Más Grande de Garrido del 21 al 27 de octubre. Creada para honrar el legado de Garrido y fomentar la observación de aves durante la migración de otoño, el evento coincidió con las fechas en las que Garrido mismo salía al campo a reportar nuevas especies.
Orlando Garrido fue un incansable explorador del archipiélago cubano. Garrido tiene en su haber el descubrimiento de cuatro taxones de mamíferos y la descripción de: 58 insectos, 21 aves, 37 reptiles. Se le han dedicado 78 nuevos registros entre aves, reptiles y peces, y 23 taxones, y en total tiene 298 publicaciones. (Foto de Susan Jacobson)
Orlando Garrido deleita a nuestro grupo con historias de sus aventuras cubanas como biólogo y tenista profesional. BirdsCaribean Cuba Bird Tour (Foto de Lisa Sorenson)
Orlando Garrido, Nils Navarro y Herb Raffaele en la 21 Conferencia Internacional de BirdsCaribbean, en Topes de Collantes, Cuba, julio, 2017. Orlando recibió el premio BirdsCaribbean Lifetime Achievement Award.
Los observadores de aves de todas las provincias participaron con entusiasmo, registrando 183 especies y capturando un total de 76 fotografías. José Alberto Pérez Echavarría fue el ganador de esta competencia amistosa, observando 108 especies a lo largo del evento.
Esta semana presentó algunas observaciones afortunadas, entre ellas el primer registro en Cuba de un Bijirita de Lawrence, ¡un descubrimiento importante para la avifauna de la isla!
Un macho adulto de Bijirita de Lawrence. (Foto de Jeff Hapeman ML604876071)
Además, se observó el primer caso documentado de xantocromismo en un miembro de la familia Todidae, el Cuban Tody (Cartacuba o Pedorrera), un fenómeno raro que da a los aves afectadas una coloración amarilla inusual. Ambos descubrimientos formarán parte de un artículo próximo, ampliando estas observaciones únicas en la región.
La Semana Más Grande de Garrido se convertirá en una tradición anual. La comunidad también organiza otras semanas temáticas para honrar figuras prominentes de la ornitología cubana, como la Semana Charles Ramsden en diciembre, la Semana José H. Bauzá en abril y la Semana Juan Gundlach en agosto.
Estas actividades son esenciales para mantener activa a la comunidad de observadores de aves durante todo el año, más allá de grandes eventos como el Gran Día de Aves de Octubre y el Global Big Day, mientras enriquecen a eBird durante períodos de menor actividad turística en el país. A través de estos esfuerzos, la comunidad de observadores de aves de Cuba sigue avanzando en la exploración y conservación de la biodiversidad de la isla, incluso ante la adversidad.
El poder de la ciencia ciudadana
El Gran Día de Aves de Octubre y la Semana Más Grande de Garrido también son recordatorios del valor de nuestras aves y los desafíos que enfrentan. La fauna aviar cubana, al igual que la del resto del mundo, enfrenta presiones constantes por la pérdida de hábitats, el cambio climático y la actividad humana. Además, la captura ilegal es una gran amenaza para las aves endémicas, residentes y migratorias en Cuba. A través de la ciencia ciudadana y un compromiso inquebrantable, cada observador de aves cubano tiene la oportunidad de contribuir a la conservación y marcar la diferencia.
Catey en vuelo. (Foto de Garry Donaldson)
Voces cubanas desde el campo
Para concluir, aquí hay algunas historias que capturan la pasión y los desafíos de estos días inolvidables:
“Cuando llegué, el pack de baterías que había preparado para mi cámara falló, así que usé mis binoculares para hacer digiscoping e identificar aves en situaciones difíciles. Más tarde, en el bosque, mientras regresábamos al dique del embalse, Wency puso una mezcla de cantos de aves y vimos varias especies de warblers. ¡Sorpresa! Entre ellas estaba un Worm-eating Warbler (Bijirita gusanera), un lifer para mí. ¡La emoción fue indescriptible! Todos apuntaron sus cámaras y lograron capturar el momento.” – Freddy Ricardo, Club de Observación de Aves Holguín
“Tuve un lifer: Vireo de ojos blancos, aunque sin foto. Pero logré fotografiar un Águila pescadora por primera vez—¡81 fotos mientras me acercaba con digiscoping! Estaba emocionado de capturar esta especie.” – Manuel Aroche, Club de Observación de Aves Granma
“Un amigo y yo compartimos un lifer, ¡un Vireo de Filadelfia! ¡El segundo registro de esta especie en Ciego de Ávila, y durante la semana que honramos a Garrido! ¡No podría ser mejor!” – Nicolás Díaz, Club de Observación de Aves Ciego de Ávila
“Quiero dedicar mi participación en el Global Big Day de Octubre a mi papá, quien falleció recientemente. Le debo mi amor y respeto por la naturaleza.” – Ricardo Sánchez, Club de Observación de Aves Artemisa
Estas anécdotas reflejan la dedicación y el amor por las aves que motiva a nuestra comunidad a seguir adelante. En cada salida al campo, cada foto y cada lista enviada, hay un compromiso colectivo para preservar la rica biodiversidad de Cuba para las futuras generaciones.
Agradecimientos especiales
Queremos extender nuestro más sincero agradecimiento al Fondo de Conservación Betty Petersen, gestionado por BirdsCaribbean, por su generoso apoyo, y al equipo de BirdsCaribbean, especialmente a Lisa Sorenson y Adrianne Tossas, por su dedicación incansable a la comunidad de observadores de aves en Cuba.
Yaroddys Rodríguez, conocido como Yaro, es un ornitólogo autodidacta dedicado al estudio y conservación de las aves cubanas. Mentoreado por expertos como Orlando H. Garrido y James Wiley, comenzó a publicar artículos científicos desde joven. Yaro fundó el grupo de Observadores de Aves de Cuba en Facebook, ahora con más de 30,000 miembros, y promueve el uso de eBird para la ciencia ciudadana. También es miembro de la Sociedad Zoológica de Cuba, BirdsCaribbean y la Fundación Ariguanabo.
The Lesser Yellowlegs, a medium-sized shorebird widespread in the Caribbean, has suffered a population decline of 30 to 49%. Its IUCN threat level has been raised from Least Concern to Vulnerable. (Photo by Hemant Kishan)
BirdsCaribbean is sounding the alarm over the significant declines in shorebird populations, highlighted in a recent update to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. The report, released during the COP16 UN Biodiversity Conference in November, reveals that 16 shorebird species have been moved to higher threat categories, with some populations plummeting by least 30% over the past three generations.
“This is a wake-up call,” said Lisa Sorenson, Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean. “The Caribbean is a lifeline for migratory shorebirds, providing critical stopover and wintering sites along the Atlantic Flyway. When these habitats are lost or degraded, or disappear, these birds face severe challenges.”
Many of the reclassified species are familiar visitors to the Caribbean, reflecting the region’s vital role in their life cycles. Among the newly listed species are the Lesser Yellowlegs, now classified as “Vulnerable,” and the Greater Yellowlegs, listed as “Near Threatened.” Other widespread species like the Ruddy Turnstone are also in decline, facing threats such as habitat loss, disturbance, and climate change-related impacts. The Short-billed Dowitcher has also experienced worrying population declines.
The Role of Coastal Habitats
Coastal wetlands, including mangroves, swamps, ponds, beaches, sand flats, and mud flats, are essential for shorebird survival, yet they are disappearing at an alarming rate. According to the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF), 12% of the world’s global mangroves are found in the Caribbean, but nearly 7,000 square kilometers were lost between 1980 and 2010. At this rate, the CBF surmises, “the Caribbean’s mangroves could disappear in the next 60 years.”
Over 20,000 shorebirds rely on the wetlands at Monte Cristi in the Dominican Republic during migration every year – making this a regionally important site and a critical lifeline for shorebirds. (Photo by GAE)
Shorebirds feeding at Cargill, which is designated as Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) site of regional importance, and holds important number of shorebird species such a Red Knot and Short-billed Dowitcher. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Over 100 Piping Plovers, classified as Near Threatened by the IUCN, along with many other wintering shorebirds, were counted on Andros and nearby cays in The Bahamas during our 15th Caribbean Waterbird Census. (Photo by Chris Allieri)
Mangroves across the region are experiencing degradation from multiple pressures, including pollution, unsustainable development, and the effects of climate change. (Photo by Maria Paulino)
A Call to Action
“The destruction and degradation of Caribbean coastal habitats from increased tourism, housing and agricultural developments, pollution, and extreme weather events has devastating consequences,” Sorenson noted. “We must act now to protect these vital ecosystems and the shorebirds that depend on them.”
A volunteer uses a Shorebird ID card at a Caribbean Waterbird Census count. (Photo by Dayamiris Candelario OPAS)
Counting waterbirds at Las Salinas, Zapata Swamp.
A flock of Willets and Short-billed Dowitchers take flight in Las Salinas mangroves, Zapata Swamp, Cuba (photo by Ernesto Reyes)
BirdsCaribbean is urging governments and citizens alike to step up:
Governments can lead the way by prioritizing wetland conservation and enforcing policies that safeguard mangroves and coastal habitats from pollution and unsustainable development practices.
Citizens can contribute by supporting habitat protection and restoration efforts, joining cleanups, participating in bird monitoring programs like the Caribbean Waterbird Census—essential for tracking bird populations and habitat use—and reducing pesticide use to protect waterways from pollution.
Together, these actions can create a lasting impact, safeguarding our birds and the vital habitats they depend on.
Get ready for the 16th annual Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) Region-Wide count! From January 14th to February 3rd 2025, you can make a direct impact on waterbird conservation in the Caribbean. Want to know more? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about our CWC 2025 regional count.
The data collected from the past 15 years of the CWC has been invaluable in helping us conserve waterbirds in the region! Your survey efforts can help us identify and protect important places for waterbirds in the Caribbean. For instance the Cargill Salt Ponds in Bonaire were designated a Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) site of Regional Importance as a direct result of survey efforts. CWC surveys are also critical in tracking waterbird populations and threats to waterbirds and their wetland homes.
Cargill Salt Ponds, Bonaire.
The Cargill Salt Ponds site also supports other habitat types, like these mangroves. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Least Sandpiper and Western Sandpiper walking on salt crystals at Cargill Salt Ponds. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Flamingo at the Cargill Salt Ponds, Bonaire.
Caribbean wetlands are home to over 185 species of waterbirds making them a treasure to explore and vital to protect. Our wetlands host endemic and globally threatened species, along with many migratory birds. The data you help us collect through this ongoing, standardized survey is crucial for understanding how to conserve these exceptional species and manage their habitats effectively.
Ready, set, count! Get out there and enjoy the waterbirds
Why not wade into the wonderful world of waterbirds? Everyone is welcome to join in with the CWC in 2025! You can do your waterbird counts solo, team up with friends, or even reach out to a local environmental NGO for support and guidance. It’s as easy as heading out to your nearest wetland, and recording all the birds you see.
A small flock of Little Blue Herons comes in to land. (Photo by Matthew Addicks Macaulay Library-ML189076771)
For the CWC, a wetland is any area where water is the primary factor controlling what lives there. This wide broad definition includes covers coastal wetlands like mangroves, mud flats, lagoons and beaches, as well as inland wetlands like lakes, ponds, swamps, areas around rivers and streams and even some types of agriculture (e.g. rice fields).
Of course, to participate in the Caribbean Waterbird Census, you need to be in the Caribbean when you do your counts! Check out our handy survey tips below to help you get started with your CWC surveys:
Coral Aviles listing the birds in the CWC list on eBird, Blassina Canal Puerto Rico. (Photo by Eliezer Nieves)
Want to be sure that your counts count? Then use eBird AND chose one of the CWC protocols. Data from the CWC is all stored on eBird Caribbean but to make sure your count is included in the CWC you must use one of the CWC protocols for your list.
Using one of these protocols in eBird is critical, without it we will not know that you have done a CWC count and your data will not be logged in our CWC database.
When you submit your sightings on Step 2, under “Observation Type” be sure to pick one of the CWC options. Simply making an eBird list during the regional count dates is not enough—selecting the appropriate protocol is required for it to be ‘counted’ as CWC data. If you are using the mobile eBird app to collect and submit your data, don’t forget that you need to use the eBird Caribbean portal to see the CWC protocol options (check in your settings). If you’re new to eBird, check out our helpful video here on how to use eBird and Merlin.
Finally, whilst you’ll be on the lookout for waterbirds (ducks, herons, egrets, shorebirds etc.) you should be sure to count all the birds that you see and hear during your survey visits. If you need help with eBird submissions, have questions about which CWC protocol to choose, or with setting up an eBird account, please contact Alex Sansom:
We’re here to help!
New to the CWC survey or need a refresher? Don’t worry! We’ve put together amazing resources that will make your counts easy, enjoyable and successful. To help you get started or refresh your memory, watch our YouTube webinar that walks you through the CWC survey steps!
What’s that? You need a hand with your waterbird ID? You’ve come to the right place—brush up on your ID skills using our videos on YouTube!
Part I covers herons, egrets, ducks, marsh birds, and seabirds.
A volunteer uses a Shorebird ID card at a Caribbean Waterbird Census count. (Photo by Dayamiris Candelario OPAS)
Handy Caribbean shorebird ID card
Studying shorebird identification in the field with Lisa Sorenson. (Photo by Kristy Shortte)
If you need more help with those troublesome shorebirds you can also check out our series of short videos. Each of these deals with ID-ing some of the shorebirds that are more difficult separate, like Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs and Peeps!
Have fun out there!
We hope you have a great time exploring your country’s wetlands and counting birds during the regional CWC count. Remember every count completed helps protect waterbirds! Please stay safe and carry out your counts responsibly. This means taking care not to disturb the birds or damage their habitats. See how many of your local wetlands you can visit during this three-week period and make an even greater impact on waterbird conservation.
If you find yourself having a fab time with your CWC counts and want to spot more waterbirds, the fun doesn’t stop at the regional count! You can do a CWC survey at any time of the year—just head to a Caribbean wetland and count all the birds you see!
Counting flamingos, herons, egrets, and many other waterbirds at Las Salinas, Zapata Swamp.
Good luck! We look forward to hearing about your findings. If you need help with bird ID, or have photos and exciting observations to share, please post to our Waterbird Group Listserv (everyone is welcome to join) and/or on our BirdsCaribbean Facebook page. For sharing on social media, use hashtags: #CaribbeanWaterbirdCensus and #WaterbirdsCount AND please tag us: @BirdsCaribbean
Promotional Social Media Graphics – Please feel free to download these graphics and use these to promote your Caribbean Waterbird Census surveys (just open the graphic you want to use right click and choose ‘save image as’) .
Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) with us in 2024! This year’s theme is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”. Have fun learning about a new migratory bird every day. We have coloring pages, interesting facts, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Migratory Bird of the Day: Wood Duck
Meet the dazzling Wood Duck! It is one of North America’s most stunning ducks, turning heads wherever it goes with its vibrant and ornate plumage. The elegant male sports a glossy green head with a long green, purple, and white crest at the rear, chestnut-coloured breast, black-and-white neck, orange-red bill, and brilliant red eye. Females have a more understated beauty with warm brown to grayish plumage, a pronounced white tear drop around the eye, white throat, and soft gray crest. Males in non-breeding plumage and juveniles resemble adult females.
True to their name, Wood Ducks live in or near forested swamps. They stand out among ducks for their ability to perch gracefully on tree branches and logs, thanks to their strong claws. Unlike most ducks that nest on the ground or in reeds, Wood Ducks favor snug tree cavities high above ground—sometimes directly over water. They rely on pre-existing holes, often crafted by woodpeckers or natural breaks in trees. The female selects the nest site, while the male waits nearby.
To make the cavity cozy, the female lines it with soft down feathers from her breast, ensuring warmth for her eggs. After hatching, the one-day old ducklings climb up to the cavity entrance and leap fearlessly, landing safely on the ground or water below, even from heights exceeding 50 feet! Their mother calls them, but the ducklings navigate this daring jump on their own—and land without injury!
A study in South Carolina found that 42% of nesting females returned to the same site the following year, highlighting the crucial need to protect these nesting trees.
Wood Ducks enjoy munching on aquatic plants, but they also eat seeds, fruits, insects, and other arthropods. When their aquatic buffet becomes scarce, they venture into the forest to forage for nuts or into fields to snack on grains. Ducklings feed exclusively on protein-rich insects and small invertebrates to fuel their rapid growth.
These birds can be found year-round along the Pacific Coast, in the Northwest, Midwest and Eastern United States, and in Cuba! Migratory populations winter in the southern U.S. and northern Mexico and are rare visitors to the northern Bahamas. Wood Ducks form pairs on their wintering grounds and males follow their mates back to their breeding areas. This means a male may make a long journey north one spring and a shorter one the next, depending on where his partner leads him.
In the early 20th century, hunting pressure coupled with loss of nesting sites pushed Wood Ducks to near extinction. Thanks to legal protection and artificial nest boxes, their populations rebounded, and the species is no longer considered threatened. However, preserving their habitats and the insects they rely on remains vital. Keep waterways clean, and opt for organic fertilizers and biopesticides to minimize harm to wetlands. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here. Great news! If you’re in the Caribbean, thanks to BirdsCaribbean, you have free access to Birds of the World and you can find out even more in the full species account of this bird!
Thanks to Aliya Hosein for the text and Arnaldo Toledo for the lovely illustration!
Color in the Wood Duck
Download the Migratory Birds of the Day Coloring Page! Use the picture above and the photos on this page as your guide, or look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your colored-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #WMBD2024Carib
Listen to the calls of the Wood Duck
Female Wood Ducks have a loud “oo-eek, oo-eek” call that they make in flight or when disturbed.
Enjoy these photos of Wood Ducks
The stunning and colorful male Wood Duck. Wood Ducks pair up in January, and most arrive at the breeding grounds in the spring already paired. (Photo by Alan D. Wilson)
The more demure female Wood Duck has an understated elegance of her own. Females normally lay 10-11 eggs per clutch, and will sometimes raise two broods in one breeding season! (Photo by Alan D. Wilson)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Some times birds can be hard to find! Your task in this activity is to find and identify the hidden bird in the given picture!
All you need to do is download and print this activity sheet. Then color in the spaces according to the instructions below to see what kind of bird this is. Once you have found them, describe or name the bird.
Esta actividad también se puede descargar en español en español. ¡Disfruta buscando todas las cosas de la lista!
Tu tarea consiste en encontrar e identificar el pájaro escondido en la imagen dada. Colorea los espacios según las instrucciones siguientes para ver de qué tipo de pájaro se trata. Una vez encontrado, describe o nombra el pájaro.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy this video of a Wood Duck in the wild!
Timed with the global migration of shorebirds from breeding to overwinter areas, World Shorebirds Day is celebrated every September 6th! This special day highlights these incredible birds and the amazing journeys they make. It also brings attention to the threats they face and actively promotes shorebird monitoring and conservation through the Global Shorebird Count (GSC). Over the week-long GSC, people all over the world come together to monitor shorebird populations and protect the vital habitats these birds depend on for shelter and food. In the Caribbean, we enthusiastically joined the count, showing our love for these remarkable birds. Here are highlights from around the islands!
Sargassum draws shorebirds in the British Virgin Islands (BVI)
Rondel Smith, a Terrestrial Warden with the National Parks Trust of the British Virgin Islands (BVI), headed out to survey shorebirds across Anegada’s wetlands. He was surprised that of all the wetland habitats he visited the beaches proved to be the hotspot for shorebirds. Perhaps because of their thick beds of sargassum? Rondel said “the beached sargassum seemed to be very popular as hundreds of sandpipers could be seen foraging through it.” You can learn more about how beneficial sargassum is to wildlife from the free e-book ‘Suddenly Sargassum’ by Les Fruits de Mer linked at the ned of this blog. Rondel also spotted Ruddy Turnstones, Sanderlings, Short-Billed Dowitchers. The highlight of the count?—A Piping Plover! This small globally near-threatened shorebird is a fairly common winter visitor in parts of The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, and Cuba, but it is a much rarer sight in the BVI. This shows that once you are out monitoring waterbirds you never know what you might find! Rondel’s efforts also revealed an unexpected discovery—an active Brown Pelican nesting colony, the first ever recorded nesting on the island!
Enjoy Rondel’s beautiful photos from his shorebirds surveys:
Western Sandpiper BVI. (Photo by Rondel Smith)
Shorebirds feeding on sargassum, BVI. (Photo by Rondel Smith)
A Semipalmated Sandpiper enjoying the sargassum, BVI. (Photo by Rondel Smith)
Young Brown Pelicans, BVI. (Photo by Rondel Smith)
You can also find out more about birds and sargassum in this great book on the topic “Suddenly Sargassum”
Ailen Anido Escalona shared some amazing finds from her shorebird surveys in Cuba with us. During their week of surveys, Ailen and her team counted many wetland birds in addition to shorebirds. Their efforts led to the discovery of a previously undocumented colony of American Flamingos—an exciting find! They also managed to visit the lagoons of the Las Balsas wetland, a site monitored with BirdsCaribbean’s support. Alien reflected on the importance of their work: “It was a unique experience, as we continue to build knowledge about our birdlife.”
Ailen and the survey team.
American Flamingos (Photo by Ailen Anido Escalona)
Engaging youth in St. Eustatius
Jethro and group enjoy a walk and bird survey along Zeelandia Beach for World Shorebirds Day. (Photo by Jethro van ‘t Hul)
Small islands with small wetland areas are still important for shorebirds on the move, so we were delighted to hear about the monitoring effort of Jethro van ‘t Hul of STENAPA on St. Eustatius. As part of their celebration, Jethro hosted an afternoon walk along a local beach on September 6th, World Shorebirds Day itself! Seven participants, including curious youngsters, joined in the fun. They spotted 17 bird species, 10 of which were shorebirds, including Short-billed Dowitchers and Wilson’s Plovers. This hands-on experience inspired participants to connect with nature and appreciate the importance of shorebird conservation.
Puerto Rico celebrated World Shorebirds Day with impressive results. Biologist Nahíra Arocho-Hernández along with volunteers, Julián Rivera and José (Cheo) Vargas, surveyed the Salt Flats of the Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge. Their efforts paid off in a big way! They identified an impressive 22 shorebird species of shorebirds, with a total of 2,540 birds counted! The Salt Flats were teeming with Stilt Sandpipers and Semipalmated Sandpipers. Nahíra and her team also encountered several individuals of the larger shorebird species, such as Whimbrels, Willets and striking American Oystercatchers, adding more excitement to their GSC. Their dedication highlights the incredible biodiversity of Puerto Rico’s wetlands.
The local organization De Pajareo Puerto Rico also joined in, sharing their shorebird adventures during the Global Shorebird Count. Follow along on their shorebird-counting adventures here:
World Shorebirds Day is more than a celebration of amazing shorebirds — it’s a tribute to the beautiful wetlands they rely on to survive and the love and dedication shown to them by all the Caribbean shorebird monitors. We thank everyone who participated in this year’s event. Together, we’re making a difference!
Mark your calendars for next year’s Global Shorebird Count and World Shorebirds Day. Bring your friends and family, and let’s make it another unforgettable celebration as well as grow the move to monitor and protect shorebirds and their habitats.
In case you missed them from earlier in the year, BirdsCaribbean made some great ID videos to help you separate the Peeps and Spotted Sandpiper from Solitary Sandpiper. You can find all our shorebird ID videos here, and all of our great shorebird ID and outreach resources can be found here.
BirdsCaribbean visiting Woodbourne in 2022 during our Wetlands Education Workshop in Barbados. L to R: Lisa Sorenson, Wayne “Doc” Burke, Alex Sansom, Ian “Bolt” Alkins. (photo by Michele Kading)
With deep sadness, we share the news of Wayne Burke’s passing on November 19th, in Barbados. Affectionately known as “Doc,” Wayne was a tireless advocate for shorebird conservation and a visionary leader in transforming Barbados into a safer haven for migratory birds.
In 2008, Wayne began his journey with BirdLife International to address the unsustainable hunting of shorebirds. Together with two former hunters, he helped secure the lease for the abandoned shooting swamp at Woodbourne. Following restoration, the Woodbourne Shorebird Refuge welcomed its first southbound migrants in 2009, becoming a vital sanctuary for a remarkable diversity of shorebirds and waterbirds year-round.
Wayne’s 2009 publication in the Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society beautifully documents Woodbourne’s establishment and highlights the site’s immense ecological value. To ensure its long-term protection, he co-founded the Shorebird Conservation Trust, a registered charity in Barbados.
Wayne Burke at Woodbourne Shorebird Refuge. (photo by Yves Aubrey)
Wayne’s influence extended beyond Woodbourne. His efforts, in collaboration with the Barbados Wildfowlers Association, helped shift hunting practices in Barbados, leading to self-imposed bag limits by hunters. The Wildfowlers Association and many hunters and ex-hunters actively supported the work Wayne and the Shorebird Conservation Trust did to restore and improve the habitat for shorebirds at the Woodbourne Shorebird Refuge. There are now several swamps in Barbados, including Congo Road and Fosters—where habitat is still managed for shorebirds but no shooting takes place, provide important shorebird refuges alongside Woodbourne.
In recognition of his tireless dedication, Wayne received the Pablo Canevari Conservation Award in 2017. You can read more about this award as well as his life and contributions to shorebird conservation in this article published when he received this award, and also in this tribute from Manomet.
Wayne with Ian “Bolt” Alkins at Woodbourne in 2022. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
For many years, Wayne managed the Woodbourne Shorebird Refuge with support from USAID, ensuring it remained a haven for shorebirds, students, researchers, and bird enthusiasts.
In recent years, as Wayne has faced health issues, Ian “Bolt” Alkins has taken up this work, continuing Wayne’s legacy with equal passion and commitment.
Last month, during our 8th Caribbean Birding Trail Guide Training Workshop in Barbados, Woodbourne was a highlight for participants. Its incredible diversity of shorebirds and waterbirds made for an unforgettable experience, reinforcing the importance of Wayne’s work.
Participants at our Caribbean Birding Trail (CBT) Guide Training Workshop in Barbados last month enjoyed the huge diversity of birds at Woodbourne Shorebird Refuge (photo by WIRRED)
Our deepest condolences go out to all who knew and worked alongside Wayne. His unwavering dedication to protecting shorebirds has left an indelible mark on conservation in Barbados. We are profoundly grateful for his hard work, humor, and passion, and we are honored to continue supporting his vision for a thriving Woodbourne Shorebird Refuge.
We invite anyone with memories or stories about Wayne to share them with us and we will add them to this tribute (see below).
Find out more about the history of hunting in Barbados and the work Wayne and other did to change hunting practices and establish Woodbourne as a no-shooting refuge here.
You can read more about Wayne’s pioneering shorebird conservation efforts and Woodbourne Shorebird Refuge in this feature published in “Ins and Outs of Barbados” in 2013.
If you would like to know more about threats to shorebirds in the Caribbean and Wayne’s contribution to their conservation see this post:
From Brad Andres: “Wayne “Doc” Burke worked tirelessly for the conservation of shorebirds, and other species, on Barbados. He gave me a thorough education about the history of shorebird hunting on the island and was a constant source of information on the changing politics and attitudes towards shorebird hunting. His efforts helped form the first Shorebird Harvest Working Group that engaged hunters and practitioners across the Caribbean Basin. I appreciated Wayne’s frank perspectives on what was best for conservation of shorebirds on Barbados. He conducted work at Woodbourne and elsewhere for mediocre wages and even suffered personal injury for his conservation efforts. I hope the trade winds will carry his soul to a place of painless tranquillity.”
From David Wege:“Wayne was a unique conservationist. A surfer birder who’d settled in Barbados after surfing the Americas. Passionate about Bajan birds and their conservation, he was probably the only person able to bridge the divide between the Bajan shorebird hunters and an international conservation community that was in part anti-hunting. Wayne showed that there was a way that benefitted shorebirds by working with the hunters. A way that he was so passionate about that he was often knee deep in mud, literally “getting his hands dirty” to ensure the vision of a shorebird refuge became a reality. When not moving mud or birding at Woodbourne Shorebird Refuge, he would often be on the porch of a swamp hut sharing stories with shorebird hunters. His legacy lives on across the swamps of Barbados – long may they be filled with fall shorebirds and other wildlife.”
David also shared these photos with us:
Wayne showing a group Woodbourne Shorebird Refuge. (Photo by David Wege)
Golden Plover decoys, used by hunters, Wayne contributed to this species no longer being hunted on Barbados. (Photo by David Wege)
Wayne speaking about shooting swamps. (Photo by David Wege)
Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) with us in 2024! This year’s theme is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”. Have fun learning about a new migratory bird every day. We have coloring pages, interesting facts, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Migratory Bird of the Day: Louisiana Waterthrush
Who’s that cutie bobbing their booty? It’s the Louisiana Waterthrush! This lively songbird is famous for its constant tail-bobbing, which inspired its scientific name (Parkesia motacilla)—both parts meaning “tail-wagger.” True to its name, the Louisiana Waterthrush thrives near fast-moving rivers and streams, often hopping gracefully along rocky edges.
Its cryptic, thrush-like plumage is dark olive-brown above and white below, with brown streaks on its breast and sides. A bold white eyebrow stripe (wider behind the eye) and a clean, white throat help set it apart from its equally bobbing cousin, the Northern Waterthrush. The latter has buffier underparts, a narrower eyebrow stripe, and streaking on its throat.
You can also tell them apart by song: the Louisiana Waterthrush’s tune begins with 2-4 clear, descending whistles, followed by a complex jumble of notes. Its sharp metallic chip call is higher-pitched than the Northern’s.
While both species winter in the Caribbean, the Louisiana Waterthrush tends to prefer fast-flowing streams, while its cousins favor mangrove swamps—though they can sometimes overlap. It’s hypothesized that the tail-bobbing behavior may serve as camouflage, mimicking rippling water as they forage for invertebrates near streams. Other wetland birds, like Spotted Sandpipers and Solitary Sandpipers have similar bobbing behavior.
The Louisiana Waterthrush is one of the earliest migrants to arrive in their Caribbean and Central American wintering grounds, often reaching as early as July or August. It is also among the first to return north in spring, arriving on breeding grounds in eastern North America well ahead of most warblers. They seem to prefer traveling solo, usually spotted migrating with only one or two individuals.
Despite being a relatively common migrant in the Caribbean, much remains to be learned about their migration. Some take inland routes through Mexico and Central America, while others cross the Gulf of Mexico to overwinter on islands like Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico.
These streamside specialists feed on a great variety of insects, larvae, and even the occasional small frog or minnow. They walk briskly and skillfully among rocks and sticks as they pursue their prey, sometimes wading into water to obtain food. Their reliance on clean streams makes them bioindicators—birds whose health reflects the condition of their habitat. Studies show that water pollution directly affects their survival and breeding success, as it reduces the macroinvertebrates they depend on for food.
Although not considered threatened, Louisiana Waterthrush populations depend on healthy stream ecosystems. Simple actions like disposing of trash properly and using eco-friendly fertilizers can help protect these amazing birds and the waterways they call home. Keeping streams clean safeguards not only the Louisiana Waterthrush but also countless other species that share their habitats.
Thanks to Holly Garrod for the text and Arnaldo Toledo for the lovely illustration!
Color in the Louisiana Waterthrush
Download the Migratory Birds of the Day Coloring Page! Use the picture above and the photos on this page as your guide, or look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your colored-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #WMBD2024Carib
Listen to the calls of the Louisiana Waterthrush
The call of the Louisiana Waterthrush is a loud, metallic ‘chip‘, similar to that of the Northern Waterthrush.
Enjoy these photos of Louisiana Waterthrush
Louisiana Waterthrush. This bird is a very early migrant arriving back on the wintering grounds as early as July or August. (Photo by Jesse Gordon)Louisiana Waterthrush grabbing a tasty insect snack, this bird mainly feeds on aquatic invertebrates. (Photo by Ryan Shean ML618924609)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Use your observation skills and go on a migratory birds and insect Scavenger hunt! Print the cards on sturdy paper and use a clipboard or piece of cardboard as a writing surface outside.
Talk about this with your kids and then go outside to investigate your habitat and get looking for birds and insects. Instead of collecting the items, this is an observational scavenger hunt. See what you can find on your search and note down each bird or insect you find and anything interesting you spot about them, as they are located. When everyone has had a chance to take part and add items to the list, come back together to chat about what was seen and where they were located. How many different bird did you see? Which habitat had the most insects? Did you spot any birds eating insects?
Esta actividad también se puede descargar en español. ¡Disfruta buscando todas las cosas de la lista!
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy this video of a Louisiana Waterthrush in the wild! In the winter you will likely only hear their ‘chip- chip’ call, but here is a sample of their sweet song from the breeding grounds.
If you like Caribbean birds, maybe you want to learn to put a ring (or band) on them!
BirdsCaribbean is excited to invite applications to participate in a 5-day training workshop focused on bird banding, an important tool for research and monitoring! Participants will learn about the basics of bird banding, from setting up a mist-net to examining molt patterns, through a blend of classroom and field based activities. We’ll also discuss and demonstrate some of the benefits of joining our new Caribbean Bird Banding Network. We’re very excited to return to the Dominican Republic to one of our favorite workshop sites, Baiguate Ecolodge in Jarabacoa. Mark your calendars — this year’s workshop will take place from 20-24 February, 2025.
Why do we need to band birds?
A Cuban Tody wearing a BirdsCaribbean band about to be released. (Photo by Daniela Ventura)
Bird surveys, like those covered in our Caribbean Landbird Monitoring Training Workshops, provide valuable information about abundance and species presence. But bird banding is a different methodology that takes a deeper dive into how bird populations are doing by assessing the condition of individual birds. By marking and assessing birds in the hand, we can collect data that can tell us about their demography and health, including:
Looking at fat scores and weights to assess the body condition of birds in different habitats and at different times of the year, which in turn sheds light on the quality of the habitats these birds are using.
Aging birds using plumage to investigate demographic patterns.
Using recapture records to learn about survivorship and longevity.
Assessing the presence or absence of breeding characteristics to better understand the timing of breeding and life history for many of our understudied Caribbean endemics.
Finding out which migratory routes our shared birds are taking and gaining a better understanding of factors influencing survival and longevity of species.
Over the long-term, bird banding data can also help us understand patterns and trends in bird populations, to aid in their management and conservation.
About the workshop
This workshop is the fourth annual Caribbean Bird Banding (CBB) Training Workshop. It will cover many of the same topics explored in our previous CBB Training workshops held in The Bahamas (March 2022) and the Dominican Republic (March 2023) and Grenada (March 2024). This bilingual (English and Spanish) workshop is designed for Caribbean wildlife professionals and volunteers who are interested in gaining more experience with bird banding. Prior banding experience is not required. However, priority will be given to applicants who are likely to continue training to gain the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to contribute to or initiate avian research and/or banding programs on their home islands.This workshop will focus on banding landbirds, with an emphasis on Passerines. We hope to provide banding training opportunities for other bird groups in the future.
Daniela Ventura del Puerto (Cuba) provides instruction on bird molt to workshop participants Giselle Raganoonan (Trinidad) and Elvin Manual Vargas Estevez (Dominican Republic).
Zoya Buckmire instructs a participant on how to correctly hold a bird to take measurement. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
The purpose of the workshop is to:
Provide participants with a basic understanding of bird banding techniques and best practices.
Discuss what it takes to set-up and run a bird banding station.
Prepare participants for additional bird banding training and potential North American Banding Council (NABC) certifications (assistant, bander, trainer) in the future.
Share information about the other training opportunities, resources, and community available through the CBB Network.
Several NABC-certified trainers will share their knowledge in the classroom, at the mist-net, and at the banding table, covering topics including:
Juan Carlos Fernández Ordóñez shows participants how to correctly set up mist nets in Grenada. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
Proper set-up and placement of a mist-net
Proper techniques for extracting birds from mist-nets
Starting a banding station
Bird first-aid and safety
Bird banding ethics and basics
Using bird banding for education and public demonstrations
Aging birds using both WRP and Howell-Pyle terminology
Molt patterns
Bird banding is a complex skill to learn. This workshop is intended to be a starting point, and participants should not expect to leave the workshop with the necessary qualifications to band birds independently. To become fully immersed and practice what was learned at the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to be considered for bird banding internships following the workshop.
In an effort to decrease the amount of time spent in the classroom, some materials will be shared virtually prior to the in-person workshop. These virtual sessions will also be made available to a wider audience. Stay tuned for more information!
Funding and Logistics
We aim to include approximately 15 participants in this workshop. BirdsCaribbean has funding for a limited number of need and merit-based scholarships to cover the costs of travel and participation. Participants who are able to contribute all or part of their costs can allow us to include additional participants. We encourage applications from all candidates who are well-suited to make use of this training, regardless of their financial ability. Participants should plan to arrive in the Dominican Republic by February 18 and depart on February 25.
Participants at our Caribbean Bird Banding Workshop held in the Dominican Republic in March 2023. (Photo by Joshua Covill)
If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please fill out this form by 8 December 2024.
Oportunidad de formación: Taller de anillamiento de aves caribeñas
Si te gustan las aves del Caribe, ¡Quizás quieras aprender a ponerles un anillo (o una anilla)! BirdsCaribbean se complace en invitarte a participar en un taller de formación de 5 días centrado en el anillamiento de aves, ¡Una importante herramienta para la investigación y el monitoreo! Los participantes aprenderán los fundamentos del anillamiento de aves, desde la instalación de una red de niebla hasta la revisión de los patrones de muda, a través de una mezcla de actividades en el aula y sobre el terreno. También discutiremos y demostraremos algunos de los beneficios de unirse a nuestra nuevaRed de Anillamiento de Aves del Caribe. Estamos muy contentos de volver a República Dominicana, a uno de nuestros lugares favoritos para los talleres: Baiguate Ecolodge, en Jarabacoa. Márcalo en tu calendario: el taller de este año tendrá lugar del 20 al 24 de febrero de 2025.
¿Por qué necesitamos anillar aves?
Los censos de aves, como los que se tratan en nuestrosTalleres de Formación para el Monitoreo de Aves Terrestres del Caribe, proporcionan información valiosa sobre la abundancia y la presencia de especies. Pero el anillamiento de aves es una metodología diferente que profundiza en la situación de las poblaciones de aves mediante la evaluación del estado de cada individuo. Marcando y estudiando a las aves en la mano, podemos recopilar datos que nos informen sobre su demografía y salud, entre otros:
Observar la acumulación de grasa y el peso para evaluar la condición corporal de las aves en diferentes hábitats y en diferentes épocas del año, lo que a su vez arroja luz sobre la calidad de los hábitats que estas aves están utilizando.
Determinación de la edad de las aves mediante el plumaje para investigar patrones demográficos.
Utilizar los registros de recapturas para conocer la supervivencia y la longevidad.
Evaluar la presencia o ausencia de características reproductivas para comprender mejor el momento de la reproducción y el ciclo biológico de muchas de nuestras poco estudiadas endémicas caribeñas.
Averiguar cuáles rutas migratorias siguen nuestras aves compartidas y comprender mejor los factores que influyen en la supervivencia y longevidad de las especies.
A largo plazo, los datos provenientes del anillamiento también pueden ayudarnos a comprender los patrones y tendencias de las poblaciones de aves, para contribuir a su gestión y conservación.
Sobre el taller
Este taller es el cuarto taller anual de formación sobre anillamiento de aves en el Caribe (CBB). Cubrirá muchos de los temas ya explorados en nuestros talleres anteriores de capacitación sobre la CBBN celebrados enBahamas (marzo de 2022), República Dominicana (marzo de 2023) y Granada (marzo de 2024). El taller bilingüe (inglés y español) está diseñado para profesionales y voluntarios que trabajan con vida silvestre en el Caribe y que estén interesados en adquirir más experiencia en el anillamiento de aves. No se requiere experiencia previa en anillamiento. Sin embargo, se dará prioridad a los solicitantes que tengan posibilidades de seguir formándose para adquirir los conocimientos, habilidades y experiencia necesarios para contribuir o iniciar programas de investigación y/o anillamiento de aves en sus islas de origen. Este taller se centrará en el anillamiento de aves terrestres, con énfasis en los paseriformes. Esperamos ofrecer oportunidades de formación en anillamiento para otros grupos de aves en el futuro.
Los objetivos del taller son:
Proporcionar a los participantes una comprensión básica de las técnicas de anillamiento de aves y las mejores prácticas.
Discutir lo que se necesita para montar y dirigir una estación de anillamiento de aves.
Preparar a los participantes para formación adicional en anillamiento de aves y posibles certificaciones del Consejo Norteamericano de Anillamiento (NABC) (asistente, anillador, entrenador) en el futuro.
Compartir información sobre otras oportunidades de formación, recursos y comunidades disponibles a través de la Red CBB.
Varios formadores certificados por el NABC compartirán sus conocimientos en el aula, en las redes de niebla y en la mesa de anillamiento, cubriendo temas como:
Montaje y colocación adecuados de una red de niebla
Técnicas adecuadas para extraer aves de las redes de niebla
Puesta en marcha de una estación de anillamiento
Primeros auxilios y seguridad
Ética y fundamentos del anillamiento de aves
Uso del anillamiento de aves para educación y demostraciones públicas
Determinación de la edad de las aves utilizando terminología WRP y Howell-Pyle
Patrones de muda
El anillamiento de aves es una habilidad compleja de aprender. Este taller pretende ser un punto de partida, y los participantes no deben esperar salir del taller con las calificaciones necesarias para anillar aves de forma independiente. Para sumergirse completamente y practicar lo aprendido en el taller, los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de ser considerados para prácticas o pasantías de anillamiento de aves tras el taller.
En un esfuerzo por reducir la cantidad de tiempo que se pasa en el aula, algunos materiales se compartirán virtualmente antes del taller presencial. Estas sesiones virtuales también se pondrán a disposición de un público más amplio. Mantente atento para más información.
Financiación y logística
Nuestro objetivo es contar con aproximadamente 15 participantes en este taller. BirdsCaribbean cuenta con financiación para un número limitado de becas basadas en la necesidad y el mérito para cubrir los costes de viaje y participación. Los participantes que puedan contribuir con la totalidad o parte de sus costes pueden permitirnos incluir participantes adicionales. Animamos a presentar solicitudes a todos los candidatos que reúnan las condiciones necesarias para aprovechar esta formación, independientemente de su capacidad financiera. Los participantes deben planificar su llegada a la República Dominicana para el 18 de febrero y su salida para el 25 de febrero.
Si estás interesado en participar en este taller, llena este formulario antes del 8 de diciembre de 2024.
Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) with us in 2024! This year’s theme is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”. Have fun learning about a new migratory bird every day. We have coloring pages, interesting facts, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Migratory Bird of the Day: Ring-necked Duck
With such a fab updo and glossy plumage, the Ring-necked Duck is one dashing duck! It is also a strong and fast flier, able to take flight by springing up directly from the water! In contrast, most diving ducks need to do a laborious take-off run before flying off. Although Ring-necked Ducks are diving ducks, they’re frequently seen in shallow waters (four feet deep or less), where patches of open water are fringed with aquatic or emergent vegetation such as sedges and lilies.
Ring-necked Ducks don’t tip up as “dabbling” ducks do, like the elegant Northern Pintails and Blue-winged Teals. They plunge underwater and swim using only their feet for propulsion. The plants they munch on include crunchy leaves, stems, seeds, and tubers from pondweed, water lilies, wild celery, wild rice, millet, sedges, and arrowhead. They also chomp down on snails (shell included!), dragonfly larvae, and even leeches! When it’s time to lay eggs during spring (March through April), these ducks need lots of protein, so they gobble up more bugs and small creatures. In the fall, they switch back to munching on plants during their big migration!
Ring-necked Ducks breed in freshwater marshes and bogs across the boreal forests of northern North America. They build their nests about 10 inches above the water, using bent plant stems, or on floating vegetation. This elevated nesting keeps their eggs safe from land predators like foxes. The female lines the nest with her own down feathers, making it soft and cozy. She typically lays between six and 14 eggs. Ducklings hatch and leave the nest within two days, already able to swim and find food, though they stay under their mother’s watchful eye. As temperatures drop, Ring-necked Ducks migrate to warmer areas, including Central America, northern South America, and the Caribbean. On your island, you’re most likely to spot them in swamps, river floodplains, and reservoirs.
The Ring-necked Duck is named for the chestnut collar across its black neck. This collar is hard to see in the field but it was clearly visible to the nineteenth-century biologists that described the species using dead specimens. Males can instead be identified by their pointed heads, bright yellow eyes, satiny black body, light gray sides, and white wedge at the shoulder. Males have a gray bill with a black tip. Their bills are bordered by a white ring. Females have a gray bill with white band and black tip but no white ring around the bill. Males in eclipse (nonbreeding or “hiding”) plumage, which is worn for a month or more after breeding in the summer, display a browner plumage with brown-black head, breast and back. They differ from the females by having bright yellow eyes and no eye-ring.
Females have a brown-gray body, pale white feathers around the base of the bill, a brown top of the head that contrasts with its gray face, and white eye-ring with a narrow white line that extends back from the eye. Immature ducks resemble their corresponding adult plumages by sex, but they are duller in color.
Ring-necked Ducks and other waterbirds rely heavily on wetlands for breeding, wintering, and migrating. If these vital habitats are threatened, their populations can suffer too. Even if wetlands seem far from where you live, you can still help protect them. Keep your sidewalks, lawns, and driveways free of pet waste, trash, and toxic chemicals like motor oil, which can wash into storm drains and pollute wetlands. Talk to friends and family about the importance of wetlands for both wildlife and people. Also, opt for non-nitrogen lawn fertilizers to prevent nutrient pollution, which can lead to harmful algae blooms and dangerous “dead zones” in water. Your actions can make a big difference in preserving these vital habitats and supporting waterbird populations.Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here. Great news! If you’re in the Caribbean, thanks to BirdsCaribbean, you have free access to Birds of the World and you can find out even more in the full species account of this bird!
Thanks to Aliya Hosein for the text and Arnaldo Toledo for the lovely illustration!
Color in the Ring-necked Duck
Download the Migratory Birds of the Day Coloring Page! Use the picture above and the photos on this page as your guide, or look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your colored-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #WMBD2024Carib
Listen to the calls of the Ring-necked Duck
Ring-necked Ducks make a series of short calls consisting of grating barks or grunts.
Enjoy these photos of Ring-necked Ducks
A beautiful male Ring-neck Duck in striking black and white breeding plumage. In winter he will have gray-brown sides, but you can still use his distinctive peaked head to ID him. (Photo by Becky Matsubara)Females are brown with a subtle white eye-ring and grayish face. Look for these ducks in small, shallow wetlands. (Photo by Denny Swaby ML317836361)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: During migration, Ring-necked Ducks will stop to rest and feed on shallow lakes with lots of vegetation. Here they will munch on submerged plants and aquatic creatures.
Can you help this tired and hungry Ring-necked Duck get to the swamp to take a rest and grab a snack on its journey south?
Colorful and friendly, the Cuban Tody is one of Cuba’s most beloved endemic birds. (photo by Aslam Ibrahim)
Join BirdsCaribbean, the Caribbean Birding Trail, and expert Cuban bird guides, Ernesto Reyes Mourino and Tania Piñeiro, on the adventure of a lifetime! Choose from our January or March 2025 trips to explore Cuba’s spectacular landscapes, vibrant culture, and extraordinary birdlife. The tour is perfect for individuals, couples, and groups of friends looking for a truly unique experience!
Due to a cancellation, ONE SPACE is available for someone to join the March 2025 tour!
With over 400 bird species recorded, including 29 unique endemics and 21 globally threatened species, Cuba is a birder’s paradise. Its expansive landscapes and prime Caribbean location make it a critical stopover and wintering site for over 180 Neotropical migratory species, creating rare opportunities to observe both endemic and migratory birds.
Our carefully crafted itinerary takes you to Cuba’s premier birding locations, where you’ll encounter the island’s diverse avifauna. Along the way, you’ll connect with Cuban ornithologists, guides, and community members; stay in welcoming casas particulares (Bed & Breakfast establishments); and dine in cozy paladars (private restaurants), giving you an authentic taste of Cuba’s rich culture, delicious food, and warm hospitality. Discover Cuba through its birds, landscapes, and people—join us for an unforgettable experience in 2025!
Explore, Enjoy, and Empower: Why you’ll Want to Book this Trip ASAP!
Your trip, led by outstanding and experienced certified Cuban guides Ernesto Reyes & Tania Piñeiro, and group leaders Lisa Sorenson (Executive Director, BirdsCaribbean, January trip) and Jeff Gerbracht (Checklist Working Group Co-Chair, BirdsCaribbean, March trip), combines expert guidance with local insights. Your adventure includes hassle-free Cuban visa arrangements, dedicated driver and first-class bus transportation, bilingual guides, accommodations, meals and non-alcoholic drinks (with tips at restaurants taken care of), and admission fees for all itinerary locations, ensuring a seamless experience.
Traveling with us not only lets you experience the beauty of Caribbean birds, it also directly supports their conservation. A portion of your trip proceeds goes towards our bird conservation programs and partners in Cuba and the Caribbean. Enjoy unforgettable sightings of some of the world’s most iconic birds, all while contributing to their welfare and supporting the dedicated people who study and protect them.
From Cuba’s majestic mogotes to lush tropical forests to vibrant swamps and wetlands, we explore a wide variety of spectacular habitats. For a glimpse of the incredible bird species you may encounter, take a look at our eBird trip reports:
Still not convinced? Check out the rave reviews at the bottom of this page and see what fellow birders are saying about their unforgettable experiences! See also photos from past trips in the gallery below.
Two exceptional tours to choose from in 2025: a 9-day trip in January and a 12-day trip in March
See detailed itineraries for our 2025 trips below!
Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) with us in 2024! This year’s theme is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”. Have fun learning about a new migratory bird every day. We have coloring pages, interesting facts, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Migratory Bird of the Day: Summer Tanager
Summer Tanagers are one of our boldest and brightest migratory birds, and they come in three exciting “flavors”! Look for them in an entirely bright red plumage or what we like to call strawberry (adult male), a warm yellow plumage better known as banana (adult female), and finally, a mixture of reds and yellows AKA strawberry-banana (young males and older females)!
Despite this buffet of colors, like many birds, Summer Tanagers were named after the appearance of the male. Their latin name, Piranga rubra, is a combination of the Tupi (a language native to Brazil) word for “bright red,” and the Latin word for “red.” Their name essentially means “bright red red” — a perfect description for the male’s stunning plumage!
These striking beauties breed in many parts of the Southern United States. However, there are two distinct breeding populations that likely each take different migration routes. Birds breeding in the Southwestern US migrate through Mexico, down into Central America, and even to northern South America. Birds breeding in the Southeastern US migrate through the Caribbean — Summer Tanagers have been recorded migrating through Cuba, The Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Barbados, Grenada, and Curacao. Whilst the majority will continue on to South America, some birds have been recorded overwintering in the Caribbean!
Like many other songbirds, Summer Tanagers prefer to migrate at night. Cooler temperatures help them avoid overheating during long flights, calmer nighttime air provides smoother flying conditions, and traveling under the cover of darkness means that they can avoid predators that hunt during the day. These birds sometimes flock together, forming groups of up to 30 individuals before leaving to their next stopover site. Flocking may help birds navigate and better avoid predators on the move.
Their rest and refuel time is spent gorging on the good stuff — flying insects like bees, wasps, and beetles, crunchy grasshoppers, and gooey caterpillars. Much like their strawberry and banana plumage, Summer Tanagers are also big fans of fruit, and they can often be found munching on mulberries, blackberries, citrus, and bananas. These crucial meals help them build muscle and fat reserves prior to taking off — in fact, in a study looking at weights and fat storage of migratory birds in the tropics, Summer Tanagers arriving in Panama in the fall were estimated to have enough fat to continue another 860 km of flying!
Summer Tanagers are ready to take summer with them, they are one of the earlier migrants detected migrating as early as August and arriving to their overwintering grounds by the end of September! During migration, look for these birds in secondary growth forests, with a preference for edge habitats and gardens. Their overwintering habitat is similar and they can often be found in forest edges and second-growth woodlands such as those used in shade-grown coffee plantations. You may spot them anywhere from low-lying mangroves, up to 1800 m in elevation!
If you’re fortunate enough to live on an island that serves as a migration stop for the Summer Tanager, you can attract these beautiful birds to your backyard by planting native trees that provide a rich source of flying insects and produce the fruits they love to feast on. This will help sustain these tanagers on their journey to South America. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here. Great news! If you’re in the Caribbean, thanks to BirdsCaribbean, you have free access to Birds of the World and you can find out even more in the full species account of this bird!
Thanks to Holly Garrod for the text and Arnaldo Toledo for the lovely illustration!
Color in the Summer Tanager
Download the Migratory Birds of the Day Coloring Page! Use the picture above and the photos on this page as your guide, or look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your colored-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #WMBD2024Carib
Listen to the calls of the Summer Tanager
The calls of the Summer Tanager are a short, descending “pit-a-tuck.”
Enjoy these photos of Summer Tanagers
A pair of Summer Tanagers. Adult males are completely red whereas females can be a range of colors, from pale dull yellow to brighter orange. (Photo by Magdalena Richter ML623482755)
Immature male Summer Tanager. When it comes to diet these colorful birds are bee and wasp specialists though they will also eat fruit. (Photo by Linda Petersen)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Honey bees feed on both nectar and pollen. Nectar provides energy, and pollen provides protein and other nutrients. They find their food through sight and smell.
In today’s activity you will do an experiment to test how great bees are at remembering where they can find food!
With the help of an adult, you will need to gather the following items before you get started:
Pan or microwave-safe dish
50g sugar
5 clear dishes
4 pieces of white paper
1 piece of red paper
Then download and follow these simple instructions and get started finding out more about bees!
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy this video of a male Summer Tanager feeding on fruit!
Conservation is not an easy calling. Biodiversity protection is a complex undertaking that requires a myriad of interventions: sometimes education and awareness raising, sometimes capacity building, sometimes difficult and tiring fieldwork for us to learn more about how to protect species, sometimes navigating complex networks of stakeholders and laws — always, it requires a special kind of dogged persistence. Work often demands long hours, exhausting days in the field, and battling against entrenched systems and beliefs. Despite the challenging nature of this work, our community consistently goes above and beyond in service of a stronger, beautifully biodiverse Caribbean.
On the final night of every BirdsCaribbean conference, we set aside the evening to recognize and celebrate those in our community who truly embody the tenets of dedication and tireless passion in pursuit of the conservation of Caribbean birds and their habitats. The Awards Ceremony is not only a ritual, but an important moment to show support for our amazing colleagues. We are proud to honor our phenomenal community members who not only advance conservation in our region, but who inspire us to keep pushing harder every day.
On the last evening of the BirdsCaribbean 24th International Conference, we gathered for a special Closing Gala, recognizing the tremendous efforts of our hardworking community.
And the award goes to…!!!
The BirdsCaribbean Lifetime Achievement Awards is our most prestigious award, conferred upon those remarkable individuals in our BirdsCaribbean family who have helped change the future for Caribbean birds and their habitats for the better through a lifetime of work and dedication.
We honored two individuals with the Lifetime Achievement Award for their tireless commitment to the study and protection of Caribbean birds and their habitats.
(1) Christopher Rimmer, Emeritus Executive Director of Vermont Center for Ecostudies (VCE), was recognized for his unwavering dedication to the Bicknell’s Thrush, a bird that “connects two worlds”, and for fostering conservation capacity throughout the Caribbean. As a co-founder of VCE, Chris has championed wildlife conservation over the past 3+ decades, blending ecological research with community engagement. Much of his career has been focused on studying the Bicknell’s Thrush across its full life cycle, from the breeding sites in New York and New England to the cloud forests of Hispaniola and Cuba. In 2007, Chris co-founded the International Bicknell’s Thrush Conservation Group (IBTCG), which completed the first-ever Bicknell’s Thrush conservation action plan, a collaborative effort of all six countries across the species’ full annual cycle. Beyond his fieldwork, Chris has also been a dedicated mentor to dozens of young biologists, many of whom have gone on to careers in ornithology and conservation — a testament to his belief that conservation is as much about people as it is ecology. Among his many contributions, we especially honor Chris for his continued support to science, local-based conservation, and capacity building, particularly in the Dominican Republic.
(2)Dr. Steven C. Latta, Director of Conservation and Field Research at the National Aviary, was celebrated for his extensive contributions to Caribbean and Latin American ornithology over the past 25 years. His research has explored the winter ecology of migratory birds, examining how species adapt to both natural and human-induced changes in their habitats. Using the Louisiana Waterthrush as a focal species, he has studied population dynamics and the effects of water quality on bird health. Steve has coordinated some of the longest bird monitoring programs in Latin America, and co-founded the Ruta Barrancolí, the first national birding trail in the region. His work is distinguished by strong local collaboration, partnering with Dominican biologists and naturalists as collaborators in field efforts, and by innovative efforts with locally-based educators to build a culture of bird conservation among children and adults across the island. He has authored multiple books on Hispaniola’s avifauna, published over 175 research articles, and continues to dedicate himself to mentoring the next generation of conservationists in field research and avian monitoring techniques.
Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Christopher Rimmer with BirdsCaribbean Executive Director Lisa Sorenson, BirdsCaribbean President Adrianne Tossas and Andrea Thomen.
Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Dr Steve Latta with BirdsCaribbean Executive Director Lisa Sorenson, BirdsCaribbean President Adrianne Tossas and Andrea Thomen.
President’s Awards recipients are hand selected by by our President Dr Adrianne Tossas, who takes into account multiple factors, such as their capacity to adapt in difficult circumstances and excel in their abilities, ultimately raising the level of service in conservation. This year, four organizations were honored with the President’s Award:The Peregrine Fund Dominican Republic, Grupo Jaragua, Grupo Acción Ecológica and Action pour la Sauvegarde de l’Écologie en Haïti.
(1)The Peregrine Fund Dominican Republic, led by Carlos Suarez and Marta Curti, along with former members Christine and Thomas Hayes, and many other technicians and active community members such as Juan Gavilán and many more, were celebrated for their devotion to the conservation of Ridgeway’s Hawk through effective community engagement and fostering partnerships with the private and public sector. The Peregrine Fund’s Ridgway’s Hawk conservation project, launched in 2002, and has made significant strides in protecting this critically endangered species. A key achievement is their advances in preventing botfly infestations in nestlings, a major threat that could otherwise cause over 70% mortality. The Peregrine Fund has also successes with their Assisted Dispersal Program, which releases young hawks from Los Haitises National Park to the Ojos Indígenas Reserve, establishing new breeding pairs and fledging young in the wild. Partnerships with private organizations have helped retrofit hazardous power lines, reducing the risk of electrocution for Ridgway’s Hawks and other bird species. The Peregrine Fund’s wholistic approach to conservation goes beyond wildlife protection, incorporating community development and environmental education that benefits local people through training, educational programs, and employment opportunities, all while improving the hawk’s conservation outlook.
(2) Grupo Jaragua, led by Sixto J. Inchaustegui, Yvonne Arias, and Yolanda León, along with many other staff and members, were honored for their dedication to advocacy for threatened species and ecosystems, and for their work towards ensuring the conservation of the Dominican Republic’s protected areas. Grupo Jaragua is a leading force in conserving the biodiversity and natural resources of Hispaniola, working across the Dominican Republic and Haiti through initiatives that combine scientific research, community involvement, and sustainable development. Their programs have achieved tangible conservation outcomes for endangered species such as the Ricord’s Rock Iguana, Hawksbill Turtle, and many other wildlife. Their efforts extend beyond fieldwork, playing a pivotal role in shaping environmental policy in the Dominican Republic, including advising the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Dominican Republic on the expansion of protected areas, the UNESCO nomination of the Jaragua–Bahoruco–Enriquillo Biosphere Reserve, and the establishment of Ramsar wetlands and specially protected areas under the Cartagena Convention. In the field, they partner with local communities, building skills and empowering residents as key contributors to conservation. Many community members have become experts in techniques such as GPS navigation and camera trapping, enhancing the impact of their work, and ensuring that conservation knowledge is deeply rooted in the region.
Members of The Peregrine Fund (Dominican Republic) with BirdsCaribbean Executive Director Lisa Sorenson, BirdsCaribbean President Adrianne Tossas and Andrea Thomen.
Members of Grupo Jaragua with BirdsCaribbean Executive Director Lisa Sorenson, BirdsCaribbean President Adrianne Tossas and Andrea Thomen.
(3) Grupo Acción Ecológica (GAE), led by Maria Paulino, along with Danilo Mejia and Luis Paulino, were recognized for their efforts to monitor and conserve wetland birds and raise awareness about their threats. GAE, a Dominican nonprofit founded in 2009, is dedicated to protecting biodiversity through field research and community education, operating under the inspiring motto, “For the birds, the environment, and you.” Partnering with the National Aviary in Pittsburgh, GAE has contributed to groundbreaking discoveries about the Louisiana Waterthrush’s annual cycle, highlighting the crucial link between water quality, biodiversity, and human health. As a leader in the Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC), GAE has played a vital role in surveying key wetlands across the DR, including the Monte Cristi wetlands, now recognized as a migration hotspot for shorebirds. GAE has also been instrumental in fostering a love for birds and nature, hosting the long-running “Campamento Barrancolí” children’s camp in Duarte Province and spearheading celebrations for the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival and Migratory Bird Day at the National Zoo in Santo Domingo. These initiatives have reached thousands of children and families, making a lasting impact. More recently, GAE has become a key force behind the government’s “Rescate Rosado” initiative, focusing on the rescue, rehabilitation, and monitoring of the American Flamingo. Thanks to GAE’s efforts, hundreds of flamingo traps have been removed, and their data collection is directly influencing conservation strategies and decisions.
(4) Action pour la Sauvegarde de l’Écologie en Haïti (ACSEH), founded by conservation leader Anderson Jean was recognized for their exemplary efforts in building capacity for avian monitoring, conservation, and education in Haiti. This grassroots organization, founded in 2017, has established itself as a leading advocate for the country’s environment, and works towards “taking action to save Haitian ecology.” ACSEH works along with international partners such as Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) and the Grupo Jaragua DR Petrel Monitoring Team to advance the conservation of the Endangered Black-capped Petrel (Diablotin) in several localities in Haiti. This group has pioneered innovative education initiatives, such as the annual Diablotin Festival, celebrated amongst schoolchildren and farmers in Boukan Chat and surrounding areas. In 2019, ACSEH discovered a small population of the Critically Endangered Ridgway’s Hawk on Petite Cayemite Island and is presently working to gather key data to understand the status of this species in a new locality.
Members of Grupo Accion Ecologia with BirdsCaribbean Executive Director Lisa Sorenson, BirdsCaribbean President Adrianne Tossas and Andrea Thomen.
Anderson Jean (center) with Haitian schoolchildren planting trees for the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival. While the ACSEH team was not able to attend this year’s conference, their contributions were recognized at the ceremony, and the President’s Award collected on their behalf.
Established in 2011 at our conference in Freeport, Grand Bahama, the Founders’ Award is given to the student who presents the best paper in conservation research or management research at our conference. The paper must present a scientific research project, the results from which directly apply to management of bird populations, their habitats, or related critical natural resources in the Caribbean Region.
This year, we were proud to present the Founder’s Award to Andrea Thomen for her paper “Endemic Parrot Trade in Dominican Republic: Implications for Conservation and Management.” Her groundbreaking research into the domestic parrot trade revealed the extent and geographical spread of parrot ownership in the Dominican Republic through a nationwide survey.
Founder’s Award recipient Andrea Thomen with Dr Mark Hulme, BirdsCaribbean Executive Director Lisa Sorenson, BirdsCaribbean President Adrianne Tossas, and Kyle Kittelberger, Michelle Moyer, and Garry Auguiste.
Other delegates were commended for their exceptional aptitude for research and oral presentations too. Honorable mention goes to Garry Auguiste (Dominica) for his paper “Quantifying the Population Density and Distribution of Amazona Parrots of the island of Dominica, Post-Hurricane Maria”, Michelle Moyer (USA) for her paper “Investigating Male and Female Vocalizations of an Understudied Caribbean Endemic Bird”, and Kyle Kittelberger for his paper “Evaluating Extinction Risk Among Resident Bird Species on Islands.”
With a powerful mix of passion, innovative approaches, and a flair for the creative, educators drive awareness and nurture change in their communities by introducing birders of all ages to the world of avian conservation. Our Educator Awards are given jointly with our partner, Environment for the Americas, to organizations and individuals that have truly excelled as educators in their communities. With great enthusiasm and energy, these persons have consistently organized fun and exciting community activities for both the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival and World Migratory Bird Day.
Educator Awards were given to BirdLife Jamaica, SCIENCE (St Vincent and the Grenadines), Les Fruits de Mer (St Martin), Yaritza Bobonis (Fundación Amigos de El Yunque, Puerto Rico), Giselle Ragoonanan (Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre, Trinidad and Tobago), Daniela Ventura del Puerto (University of Havana, Cuba) and Simón Guerrero (posthumous award, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic). Congratulations to all the winners!
Educator’s Award recipients Mark Yokoyama and Jennifer Yerkes of Les Fruits de Mer with Aliya, Lisa, and Eduardo.
Justin Saunders, president of Birdlife Jamaica, expresses his gratitude before being presented with the Educator’s Award by Lisa.
Members of SCIENCE proudly display their Educator’s Award.
Miguel presenting Daniela with the Educator’s Award and binoculars from Environment For The Americas. (Photo by Martin Rodriguez)
Sixto accepting the Educator’s Award and binoculars for Simón Guerrero, from Miguel. (Photo by Susan Bonfield)
Educator’s Award recipient Yaritza Bobonis of Fundacion Amigos de El Yunque with Aliya, Lisa, and Eduardo.
Miguel presenting Giselle with the Educator’s Award and binoculars from Environment For The Americas. (Photo by Susan Bonfield)
The only confirmed breeding location of the Endangered Black-capped Petrel, or Diablotin, is the island of Hispaniola, which made it especially fitting for us to use the occasion of our conference to honor the dedicated Dominican and Haitian field teams who have been working tirelessly to advance our understanding of this elusive seabird. Black-capped Petrel nests are notoriously difficult to locate, and even when they are found, navigating the unforgiving highland terrain they nest in is challenging. Our understanding of the status of the petrel in recent years has largely been driven by these resolute field teams from the Dominican Republic and Haiti who boldly undertake this daunting work.
To recognize these exemplary teams, the audience were given insight into the logistical, physical and emotional challenges of their field work. All field team members were then awarded Certificates of Achievement and rain-jackets specially designed to make future field expeditions just a bit more comfortable. The names of all members – Haitian and Dominican – were read aloud to honor their remarkable level of stamina and determination in the face of challenging logistics, difficult terrains and adverse weather. It is with the deepest respect and admiration that we acknowledge the magnitude of these teams’ contribution to the world’s scientific understanding and conservation of the Black-capped Petrel.
We are proud to recognize the Haitian Black-capped Petrel field team: Anderson Jean, René Jeune, Samuel Nossirel, Tinio Louis, Renozier Victome, Maxon Fildor, Jephtanie François, Lionel Raymond, Brazil Jonel, Julcene Raymond, and Wilson Aubourg; and the Dominican Republic (Grupo Jaragua) Black-capped Petrel field team: Ernst Rupp, Gerson Feliz, Geny Marcelo Feliz, Juan Pérez Vidal, Juan Pablo Montero, Jairo Issa Matos, Jose Luis Castillo, and Esteban Garrido.
Geny Marcelo Feliz, Juan Pablo Montero, and Juan Pérez Vidal of the Domincan Republic Black-capped Petrel field team trying on their new rain-jackets and posing for a shot with Yvan Satgé (second from left) (Photo by Ariel Contreras)
(L to R) Anderson Jean, Wilson Aubourg, Maxon Fildor, Jonel Bazil, and Julcene Raymond of the Haitian Black-capped Petrel field team on site in Haiti.
The Partners in Flight Leadership Award recognizes outstanding individuals and groups across the Americas for their exceptional contributions to the field of landbird conservation. We are delighted to share that our President,Dr Adrianne Tossas, was honored by Partners in Flight for her almost three decades of promoting conservation of bird species in Puerto Rico and throughout the Caribbean region through research, education, and advocacy. Adrianne’s journey has exemplified resilience and adaptability while building an impressive legacy of leadership in conservation. As a founding member of the Puerto Rican Ornithological Society, she initiated and coordinated the Important Bird Areas program in Puerto Rico. A published author, she wrote “Aves de Puerto Rico Para Niños,” making bird conservation accessible to younger audiences. Since becoming an active member of BirdsCaribbean in 1999, Adrianne has served as Director-at-Large, where she initiated the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival, which is now in its 22nd year. Today, she proudly leads as the President of BirdsCaribbean. Adrianne is also a Professor of Biology at the University of Puerto Rico.
Carol Beidleman presenting BirdsCaribbean President Adrianne Tossas with the Partners in Flight Leadership Award.
Posthumous AWARDs
This year, we were deeply saddened by the passing of two pillars of our community. Simón Guerrero, and Orlando Garrido continue to stand out as giants among us in their influence and impact, and the contributions that they have each made will advance Caribbean conservation for decades to come. We honored their immense legacies with with Posthumous Awards, and continue to celebrate their memory.
Simón Guerrero, a revered Dominican psychologist, naturalist, and bird behavior expert, left an indelible mark on the conservation community. Serving as a professor for over 40 years at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), he also directed the Experimental Behaviour Lab, inspiring countless students with his engaging teaching style and profound love for nature. Simón’s career extended to the National Natural History Museum in Santo Domingo and the National Zoo-Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C. As a founding member of the Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds, Simón holds a treasured place in our history; he was a beloved presence at every biennial conference for 30 years, and his absence was deeply felt at this year’s gathering. Simón was a passionate advocate for environmental education, contributing over 300 press articles that promoted conservation in the Dominican Republic. His love for nature went beyond birds to include native flora, encouraging the planting of bird-friendly plants across the country. Known for his quick wit, captivating anecdotes, and heartfelt compassion for animals, he inspired many to become defenders of the natural world. His innovative contributions, such as designing artificial nests for bird species, remain a testament to his ingenuity and dedication. As we honor Simón’s memory, we are guided by the question he often posed: “Does the species know?” His legacy continues to challenge and inspire us to ensure that every conservation effort is felt by the creatures it aims to protect.
Orlando Garrido, celebrated biologist and ornithologist, is remembered as one of Cuban natural sciences most illustrious sons, and as an inspiration to generations of Caribbean naturalists. His legacy includes the discovery of four mammalian taxa and the description of 58 insects, 21 birds, and 37 reptiles. His name is immortalized in the 78 new records among birds, reptiles, and fish, and 23 taxa that have been dedicated to him, and his prolific career produced 298 scientific publications. His spirit of discovery is remembered with respect and awe, oftentimes going out into the field almost “blindly,” armed only with a backpack full of the passion, at a time when there were not yet the field guides of today. He is remembered not only for his scientific achievements but also for his generosity in sharing knowledge, his sharp insights, and his irreverent sense of humor. Orlando’s legend extends beyond science; he was also an internationally recognized tennis player, competing at Wimbledon six times and representing Cuba on the global stage. From dropping out of Biology at university, to becoming the pride of Cuban science, Orlando Garrido’s story is one of remarkable transformation. His life’s work continues to inspire, and we celebrate his memory with deep respect and admiration.
Orlando Garrido was a tireless explorer of the Cuban archipelago. Garrido has to his credit the discovery of four mammalian taxa and the description of: 58 insects, 21 birds, 37 reptiles. 78 new records among birds, reptiles, and fish, and 23 taxa have been dedicated to him, and in total he has 298 publications. (Photo by Susan Jacobson)
Simón Guerrero was a founding member of the Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds. An engaging teacher and speaker with a great sense of humor, he influenced many to become fans and defenders of nature for many decades.
We’re still buzzing from our fantastic BirdsCaribbean 24th International Conference in Santo Domingo! Our week-long Dominican Republic adventure was packed full of insightful learnings, spectacular birding, and experiencing the rich culture of our gracious hosts — but there’s one feature of the conference that most stands out to us — our incredible community! The opportunity to connect with the passionate trailblazers advancing the work of bird conservation across the region was unforgettable. Thanks to our generous sponsors, we were able to offer scholarships to Caribbean conservation leaders from around the region to join us in sharing knowledge and planning interventions to tackle the Caribbean’s most pressing conservation challenges. One superstar conservationist that we were thrilled to host at the conference was Trinidad and Tobago’s Giselle Ragoonanan.
Giselle Ragoonanan, Co-founder of the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre.
An indigenous naturalist and dedicated educator, Giselle is the co-founder of the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre (TTBO) which works towards advancing avian research, conservation, and education through bird banding, habitat management, and community engagement spanning across both islands. As a sponsored delegate, Giselle Ragoonanan had the privilege of diving deep into workshops and discussions that nurtured her passion for preserving Caribbean birds. From hands-on training in advanced monitoring techniques to dynamic sessions led by conservation leaders, each moment was a step toward impactful change. Join Giselle as she shares insights from inspiring keynotes, innovative collaborations, and the personal connections that transformed this conference into a pivotal experience for her work at the TTBO.
Bird Nerds Unite! Workshops and Learning: Diving into Conservation
July was a whirlwind month, and the highlight was undoubtedly the BirdsCaribbean International Conference in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. This event brought together hundreds of bird enthusiasts, conservationists, and researchers from across the world, all with a shared passion for avian life. For me, it was more than just a conference—it was an unforgettable experience filled with learning, laughter, and connections that I’ll carry with me for years to come.
The pre-conference workshops were a true highlight of the event, setting the stage for the deeper discussions that would unfold during the conference itself. These sessions were intense but incredibly rewarding, covering everything from advanced bird monitoring techniques to community-based conservation strategies diving into the nitty-gritty of bird conservation across the region. Each session offered valuable insights that were immediately applicable to our work on the ground. It was a chance to deepen my knowledge, share experiences, and learn from some of the brightest minds in bird conservation.
Giselle completes an activity during the Create Your Own Coloring and Activity Book workshop hosted by Les Fruits de Mer. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
What made these workshops particularly effective was their interactive nature. Instead of passively absorbing information, we were actively engaged in problem-solving exercises, hands-on work, and group discussions that fostered collaboration and idea-sharing. This approach deepened our understanding of the topics and equipped us with new tools and techniques that could be adapted to our unique challenges back home.
Giselle explaining the conservation challenges she faces in Trinidad and Tobago during the BirdsCaribbean’s Capacity Building Assessment session at the conference. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
These workshops laid a solid foundation for the conference’s breakout sessions. The knowledge and skills we gained beforehand allowed us to engage more meaningfully in discussions, ask more targeted questions, and contribute to the collective learning experience. The seamless integration of these pre-conference workshops with the broader conference agenda made the entire event cohesive and impactful, ensuring that we left with actionable takeaways and a clearer sense of direction for our conservation efforts.
The Urban Birder: David Lindo’s Inspiring Keynote
One of the most anticipated sessions of the conference was the keynote address by David Lindo, famously known as “The Urban Birder.” David’s talk was nothing short of inspiring. He’s well known for his mission to connect urban populations with nature, particularly birds. He talked about his fascinating journey to to get the nation involved in changing Britain’s national bird from the robin to a species that truly represented the country. What struck me most was his genuine passion for getting people to simply look up and appreciate the birds around them, regardless of where they are. His energy was contagious, and it left everyone in the room buzzing with ideas on how to engage more people in birding, whether in bustling cities or rural landscapes.
David Lindo, The Urban Birder, inspired delegates with his keynote on connecting with nature in urban spaces. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
Shaping the Future of TTBO: Insights and Innovations from the BirdsCaribbean Conference
The BirdsCaribbean International Conference was a turning point for the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre (TTBO). The insights and connections we gained during the event will undoubtedly shape our organization’s future. One of the most significant takeaways was the potential to integrate cutting-edge technologies and collaborative networks into our conservation efforts with the MOTUS project. This stood out as a particularly promising initiative. I think by joining this network, TTBO can contribute to and benefit from a global effort to better understand bird migration patterns, which is crucial for developing effective conservation strategies.
The Near Threatened White-tailed Sabrewing is one of TTBO’s target species for enhanced conservation initiatives on Tobago. (Photo by Adam Bowley ML 205389221)
Additionally, the conference highlighted the importance of rigorous, standardized monitoring techniques, such as Landbird Monitoring through point counts and transect points. Applying these methods will allow us to gather consistent, high-quality data on bird populations in Trinidad and Tobago, providing a solid foundation for our research and conservation initiatives.
The connections made at the conference were just as impactful. Engaging with other conservationists who are implementing similar projects across the region offered valuable insights into best practices, potential challenges, and innovative solutions. These interactions have already begun to shape our approach to future projects, ensuring that TTBO’s efforts are aligned with global conservation standards, and are part of a broader, collaborative network.
Building Connections and Sharing Our Work
One of the most rewarding aspects of the conference was the opportunity to share the work we’ve been doing in Trinidad and Tobago with a broader audience. Presenting our initiatives and progress at the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre sparked insightful conversations and constructive feedback from peers across the region. It was incredibly validating to hear seasoned professionals express admiration for our efforts, and even more so to engage in dialogues where we could exchange ideas and strategies.
Giselle discussing her research project with Jamaican ornithologist Dr Ann Sutton. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
Northern Waterthrush. (Photo by Jesse Gordon)
Che Ragoonanan’s presentation on community engagement in Trinidad. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
Children and ARC Conservation members wear their hand crafted masks.
Kelvin Kirk discussing his study on the avifauna of Tobago with Cuban ornithologist and scientific illustrator Arnaldo Toledo. (Photo by Holly Garrod)
Daveka Boodram speaking about efforts to conserve the Near Threatened White-tailed Sabrewing in Tobago.
Shivam Mahadeo and Jennifer Wheeler reviewing the data obtained from his seabird research in Tobago. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
The connections we made were not just professional; they were deeply personal. It was fascinating to see how scientists and conservationists from different corners of the Caribbean and the world, each working in distinct ecosystems, were tackling similar challenges. The sessions became a melting pot of ideas, where everyone was eager to share their successes, failures, and lessons learned. We were all trying to piece together similar puzzles in our respective environments, and this collective brainstorming inspired me.
The genuine interest people showed in our work was both humbling and motivating. There was a strong sense of camaraderie as we realized that, despite the geographical distances, we were all part of a larger, interconnected community. These interactions reinforced the idea that conservation is not a solitary pursuit but a collaborative effort that thrives on shared knowledge and mutual support. For me, the conference drove us beyond networking; it was about building lasting partnerships and fostering a regional network of allies who are all striving towards the same goal: the preservation of our unique Caribbean biodiversity.
The Grand Silent Auction: Beautiful Chaos
The Grand Silent Auction was, in true Caribbean style, anything but silent. It was a delightful, chaotic spectacle where the usual calm and composed demeanor of scientists gave way to competitive zeal. Picture this: conservationists and researchers, who are usually discussing bird migration patterns and habitat restoration, suddenly turn into stealthy bidders, eyeing each other’s movements with laser focus. The air was thick with a beautiful and disruptive chaos as everyone tried to silently undermine their competitors by upping the bid by just 50 cents (AKA ME LOL). The room was filled with furtive glances, whispered strategies, and the occasional playful smirk as someone outbid their colleague at the last second. It was one of the funniest yet most rewarding human interactions I’ve ever observed—who knew that scientists could be so cutthroat when there’s a field guide or a rare bird print on the line? The auction was a hilarious reminder that, underneath the serious commitment to conservation, we all have a playful, competitive side just waiting for the right moment to emerge. And yes, ah win the map I alone bid on! Success!
Bidders placing their last, and hopefully winning bids during the Silent Auction. (Photo by Holly Garrod)
The Infamous Field Trip: From Punta Cana to “Poola Cana”
Giselle enjoying sightseeing on her ‘Poola Cana’ trip.
Ah, the field trip—what should have been a serene journey to the stunning hotspot of Punta Cana turned into an adventure all its own. In a classic case of “missing the bus,” what actually happened was the bus was scheduled to leave at 3:30am and I snoozed my alarm. Instead of Punta Cana, we jokingly dubbed our unexpected destination “Poola Cana.” We may not have reached our intended location, but the pool, pizza, and spontaneous birding we enjoyed made it one of the trip’s highlights. Sometimes, the best memories are the ones you don’t wake up on time for!
A Journey of Inspiration and Growth
Attending the BirdsCaribbean International Conference was not just an opportunity for professional development—it was a journey of inspiration and growth. My primary purpose for attending was to deepen my understanding of regional conservation efforts, to learn from others, and to find ways to enhance the work we’re doing in Trinidad and Tobago. BirdsCaribbean delivered on all these fronts and went far beyond my expectations.
The collective energy of the conference was palpable. Even those who have been in the field for over 20 years were visibly inspired by the new ideas and fresh perspectives brought by the younger generation of conservationists. There was a sense of renewal, as seasoned professionals shared their wisdom while also eagerly embracing the innovative approaches presented by up-and-coming researchers and activists. It was a powerful reminder that conservation is a dynamic field, one that benefits immensely from intergenerational collaboration.
Members of the TTBO at the poster session.
For me, the conference reaffirmed the importance of our work and provided a renewed sense of purpose. I left Santo Domingo with a deeper commitment to the birds and ecosystems we strive to protect, fueled by the knowledge that we are part of a vibrant and supportive community. The experience was a reminder that no matter how challenging our work may be, we are not alone in this journey. We are all connected by our shared passion for the natural world and our determination to ensure that future generations can continue to marvel at the beauty of Caribbean birdlife.
The BirdsCaribbean International Conference was more than just an event; it was a transformative experience. It strengthened my resolve, expanded my horizons, and connected me with a network of incredible individuals who are all making a difference in their own unique ways. As I return to Trinidad and Tobago, I carry with me not only new knowledge and ideas, but also the inspiration and support of a community that I am proud to be a part of.
Giselle Ragoonanan is an Indigenous naturalist and wildlife conservationist with a deep passion for preserving biodiversity. A certified NABC bird bander and nature soundscape recordist, Giselle is honing expertise in avian research and conservation. As the co-founder of the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre (TTBO), she has been working towards advancing bird conservation in the Caribbean. Giselle is also a committed educator, sharing her knowledge and fostering a deeper connection between people and the natural world. Through her work, she continues to inspire and engage communities in the protection of wildlife and their habitats.
We extend our sincerest gratitude to everyone who contributed to the overwhelming success of this conference! Travel and Attendance scholarships were made possible through the generosity of our conference sponsors, donors, and local partners. These include The Rufford Foundation, Audubon, US Forest Service, Teleuniverso, American Bird Conservancy, Banco Popular, Caribbean Biodiversity Fund, Fondo Nacional para el Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Fondo MARENA) Dominican Republic, Naturalist Journeys, Vermont Center for Ecostudies, Mass Audubon, Cúa Conservation Agency, Vortex Optics, Rare Species Conservatory Foundation, and the FUPAROCA Foundation.
Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) with us in 2024! This year’s theme is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”. Have fun learning about a new migratory bird every day. We have coloring pages, interesting facts, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Migratory Bird of the Day: Cliff Swallow
Meet the Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota)! The Cliff Swallow is a master of the skies, performing dazzling acrobatics as it hunts for its favorite food—flying insects. Unique among swallows, the Cliff Swallow frequently changes altitude while flying, has a high-speed flight, and often glides with its wings tilted downward.
The Cliff Swallow is a compact swallow with a short, square tail. Its striking plumage features a metallic, dark-blue back and crown, cinnamon-colored neck, pale buffy-orange rump, whitish belly, and bright buff-white forehead patch. Males and females look similar, while juveniles look like a drab version of the adult.
It can be challenging to identify these fast-flying birds, so it’s important to know how they differ from similar species. The Cave Swallow (Petrochelidon fulva) has a paler throat and orange forehead, while the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) has a long deeply forked tail and lacks the Cliff Swallow’s buffy-orange rump.
The Cliff Swallow has a vast range, breeding throughout North America. It winters in and/or passes through many Caribbean islands on migration, traveling as far south as Brazil and Argentina. Its exact distribution in these wintering areas and the migratory routes it follows are not well understood highlighting the need for more research.
Cliff Swallows are highly social, often nesting in colonies that can host up to 6,000 nests at a single site! Historically, they chose natural sites like cliff faces or canyon walls to place their intricate mud nests. But in the last 100 to 150 years, they’ve expanded their range across North America, finding nesting spots on modern structures like bridges, culverts, and buildings.
The social behavior of the Cliff Swallow during the breeding season has been well-studied, helping us understand the evolution of colonial nesting and rapid adaptation to environmental changes both natural and human-made. Their flexibility has allowed them to thrive across North America, even colonizing areas where they hadn’t previously been recorded.
Cliff Swallows migrate through a wide variety of habitats. You can most likely spot them over grasslands, wetlands, and agricultural areas, zooming around acrobatically to catch insects on the wing. You may also spot them perched in trees preening or roosting for the night, or bathing in shallow water.
Although classified as a species of “Least Concern,” conservation actions are still vital to their long-term survival. Reducing pesticide use helps keep their insect food abundant, and participating in citizen science counts aids researchers in tracking migration and population trends — contributing to the protection of this remarkable species.
Thanks to Alieny González Alfonso for the text and Arnaldo Toledo for the lovely illustration!
Color in the Cliff Swallow
Download the Migratory Birds of the Day Coloring Page! Use the picture above and the photos on this page as your guide, or look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your colored-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #WMBD2024Carib
Listen to the calls of the Cliff Swallow
The calls of the Cliff Swallow are a short, repeated “chur”.
Enjoy these photos of Cliff Swallows
Cliff Swallows eat flying insects all year round, catching them on the wing and sometimes foraging in large flocks of thousands of birds! (Photo by Daniel Irons Macaulay Library-ML193593551)Cliff Swallow Perched. Migration in both in Fall and Spring spans several months. In Fall birds can arrive on migration from July through to November and may even still be arriving in December. (Photo by Brad Imhoff Macaulay Library-ML338869051)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Use your observation skills and go on a migratory birds and insect Scavenger hunt! Print the cards on sturdy paper and use a clipboard or piece of cardboard as a writing surface outside.
Talk about this with your kids and then go outside to investigate your habitat using the Habitat Scavenger Hunt cards. Instead of collecting the items on the list, this is an observation scavenger hunt. You can check off the items (with a pencil or pen), as they are located. When everyone has had a chance to look for the items listed, come back together to chat about where they were located. Were any difficult or impossible to find? Why do you think that was? For example, was it too dry to find any waterbirds or insects that live in water?
Esta actividad también se puede descargar en español en español. ¡Disfruta buscando todas las cosas de la lista!
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy this video of Cliff Swallows in the wild! You can see a Barn Swallow, which is also a migratory bird in the Caribbean, next to the Cliff Swallow for comparison (it does not have a white ‘forehead’!).
Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) with us in 2024! This year’s theme is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”. Have fun learning about a new migratory bird every day. We have coloring pages, interesting facts, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Migratory Bird of the Day: Gull-billed Tern
Have you ever spotted a sleek, silver-gray and white tern with a thick black bill soaring gracefully above a saltmarsh, beach, or flooded field? You’ve likely encountered the Gull-billed Tern! This medium-sized bird can also be identified by its long black legs and slightly forked tail. During the breeding season, it sports a striking black cap, while in other months, its head has a more subtle black band stretching from the eyes to the back of the head. Juveniles, on the other hand, have fine dark speckles between the crown and back of the neck and warm brown mottling on the upper wings.
The Gull-billed Tern has an impressive range, with breeding populations scattered across the Americas (including the Caribbean), Europe, Africa, and Asia. Birds from North America and the Caribbean fly south to winter along the Gulf of Mexico and coasts of Central and South America, while some remain in the Caribbean. It breeds in select spots in The Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, and Sombrero Island (Anguilla).
This adaptable bird thrives in various habitats. During the non-breeding season, it can be found foraging and resting in salt pans, coastal lagoons, marshes, and even plowed or flooded fields. Inland, it favors large rivers, lakes, rice paddies, sewage ponds, and irrigation canals. When it’s time to nest, Gull-billed Terns prefer to nest in colonies on islands with sparse or no vegetation, or on sandbanks, dry mudflats, dunes, and even near wetlands like marshes and lagoons. It uses small stones and plant material to build nests and typically lays one to two eggs. This species appears less tolerant to human disturbance and is not as faithful to nesting sites as other gulls and terns.
Unlike many of its gull and tern relatives, Gull-billed Terns are not die-hard seafood lovers. They have a broad diet, and this where having a thick bill comes in handy. They hawk for insects in the air, pluck crabs, small reptiles and frogs from the ground, and snatch small fishes out of the water — without diving! They also boldly pilfer fish straight from the bills of other birds like the Common Tern. Occasionally, they’ll eat the chicks of other species, such as shorebirds and Least Tern!
What does this audacious tern sound like? Its call has been described as a slightly upslurred “kay-wek.” Its song is “raspy” and consists of 2-3 syllables.
Although their global population is stable, it’s crucial to share the shore with this and other waterbird species. Human disturbance can cause parents to abandon nests and chicks can die if driven away from the nest area too soon. So when you’re near their habitat, remember to give these birds space, keep dogs leashed, and clean up after yourself. You can find more tips on sharing the shore and a free downloadable infographic here.
Keep your eyes to the skies and your senses sharp — spotting this charismatic seabird is always a thrill! Whether it’s soaring gracefully or acrobatically hunting its insect prey, the Gull-billed Tern never disappoints. Happy birding! Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here. Great news! If you’re in the Caribbean, thanks to BirdsCaribbean, you have free access to Birds of the World and you can find out even more in the full species account of this bird!
Thanks to Antonio Garcia Quintas for the text and Arnaldo Toledo for the lovely illustration!
Color in the Gull-billed Tern
Download the Migratory Birds of the Day Coloring Page! Use the picture above and the photos on this page as your guide, or look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your colored-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #WMBD2024Carib
Listen to the calls of the Gull-billed Tern
The call of the Gull-billed Tern is a lightly upslurred “kay-wek”
Enjoy these photos of Gull-billed Tern
In breeding plumage, Gull-billed Terns sport black-caps. Gull-billed Terns are monogamous and pairs stay together for many years! (Photo by Steve Schnoll)
Gull-billed Tern foraging with its distinctive thick bill. This tern is not fussy when it comes to food, and will eat a variety or prey, including insects it catches on the wing. (Photo by Pablo Re, Macaulay Library-ML350199221)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Four our activity today why not imagine that you are a Gull-billed Tern and complete the My Migration Adventure creative writing activity!
We have provided a template for you to write a short story about a migration journey. Pretend that you are a migrating Gull-billed Tern flying from the US to the warm and sunny Caribbean. Imagine getting ready to make this epic journey: how would you be feeling having to fly so far? Think about the places you will see along the way and perhaps about other migratory birds you could ‘meet’ on the way.
This is a long journey so you should also think about challenges you, as a Gull-billed Tern, might face!
As well as writing about the journey you might also want to add some pictures to your story. Perhaps you could add a map of where you would be traveling or you could add some pictures of the other migratory birds on the route, of a particular challenge you might face or of a ‘rest stop’.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy this video of a Gull-billed Tern in the wild! First in breeding plumage and then, in winter plumage without its black cap.
Students at Sandy Bay Primary School with a St Vincent Parrot plushie during CEBF celebrations organized by the local NGO SCIENCE. (Photo by Science SVG)
BirdsCaribbean is thrilled to lead the charge for the annual Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF), collaborating with a vibrant network of environmental and community organizations throughout the region! Join us as we reflect on the fantastic celebrations of our beloved Caribbean birds, being in nature, and the joy of discovering the fascinating world of insects. Together, we’re making bird conservation an exciting and essential part of daily life in the Caribbean!
This year, the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) celebrated the theme “Protect Insects, Protect Birds.” This theme highlighted the vital connection between birds and insects, emphasizing the crucial role insects play in sustaining bird populations and ensuring the overall health of ecosystems. The festival ran from April to May, with some organizations continuing the festivities well into summer. Our partners were instrumental in uniting bird enthusiasts, nature lovers, conservation organizations, and communities across the region to raise awareness and foster a deeper appreciation for endemic birds and the environmental balance that supports them.
A hive of activity across the Caribbean
This year’s CEBF saw vibrant participation from more than 20islands. CEBF island coordinators organized engaging activities, including birdwatching tours, habitat cleanups, parades, educational talks, art exhibitions, and so much more, all focused on endemic bird species and the critical role insects play in their survival.
Insects provide a rich source of protein essential for birds’ energy needs and overall health. Unfortunately, insect populations worldwide are declining, making this festival theme a timely call to action for insect conservation. “This year’s theme serves as a friendly reminder that every bee, butterfly and bug play a vital role in keeping nature thriving,” said Eduardo Llegus, co-regional coordinator of the CEBF. “Unsung heroes, insects are key players in our ecosystems. Without them, many birds – and the very balance of nature – would face serious problems, including the forests and wetlands that are essential for their survival. Protecting insects is about ensuring that all life, including birds, in the Caribbean can flourish together.”
A Martinique Oriole searches for food. They eat both insects and fruits. (Photo by Bussier Romain-Macaulay Library-ML136544221)
Trinidad and Tobago
The Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre (TTBO) held a fun-filled event hosting more than double the previous year’s participants — from 30 in 2023 to over 70 in 2024! Activities like the “Save the Soil for Cicadas” parade and interactive displays on birdwatching and insect identification captivated participants. The day culminated with habitat model constructions of nests and hives.
Are you Team Insects or Team Birds — or both?! (Photo by TTBO)
Handmade nests with paper birds. (Photo by TTBO)
Green-backed Trogon spotted during the TTBO Bird Harvest festival. (Photo by TTBO)
Youth learning about beekeeping. (Photo by TTBO)
Proud to be on Team Insects! (Photo by TTBO)
Beekeepers demonstrating how to handle bees safely. (Photo by TTBO)
Happy to be on Team Birds! (Photo by TTBO)
Youth birdwatching during the Bird Harvest festival. (Photo by TTBO)
Youth wearing an insect face mask. (Photo by TTBO)
St Vincent and the Grenadines
The team at Science Initiative for Environmental Conservation and Education (SCIENCE SVG) brought the excitement of bird festivities to Sandy Bay Primary School. Students were thrilled to dig deep into the world of their unique endemic birds, such as the majestic St. Vincent Parrot and the charming Whistling Warbler. For many, it was their first-time observing the beautiful birds in their schoolyard through a spotting scope, sparking awe and a deeper appreciation for local wildlife.
The event was not just about birdwatching; it also featured a variety of fun activities, including face painting, coloring, and mask-making. These creative endeavors allowed students to explore self-expression while learning about birds and insects.
Student displays his colored in drawing of the Whistling Warbler. (Photo by SCIENCE SVG)
Students coloring endemic bird coloring pages and decorating their insect and bird masks at Sandy Bay Primary School. (Photo by SCIENCE SVG)
Youth wearing a bird mask that she colored. (Photo by SCIENCE SVG)
AMAZONAhosted a birdfair for the community of Petit-Bourg. The event was a delightful celebration of nature, with birdwatching taking center stage. Enthusiastic participants ventured into the lush surroundings, where they were thrilled to spot an impressive 19 species of birds, including the striking Guadeloupe Woodpecker and the adorable Plumbeous Warbler.
The Guadeloupe Woodpecker is endemic to Guadeloupe. (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
Plumbeous Warbler. (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
St Eustatius
The St. Eustatius National Parks Foundation (STENAPA) hosted a booth at the monthly Taste of the Cultures event, allowing them to engage with and educate the public and visitors, especially children, on the importance of birds and insects through fun games. A major hit was the “I spy” bird game where children used binoculars to spot small bird photos that were set up around the booth. They shared with us that teenagers especially enjoyed the game, one of whom exclaimed “You should have more of these games! Seriously, I was looking for all the hidden birds around the booth with the binoculars for a while!” They also provided Endemic Birds of the West Indies coloring books, Statia bird ID guides, activity guides, stickers and other materials to fuel their interest in birds and nature.
STENAPA staff setting up their bird booth for the event. (Photo by STENAPA)
Posters about insect types and functions, created by STENAPA staff. (Photo by STENAPA)
STENAPA’s bird booth at the Taste of Cultures event with books, stickers and other materials on display. (Photo by STENAPA)
Antigua and Barbuda
barbudanGO hosted a variety of activities aimed at enhancing understanding and appreciating the Barbuda Warbler, the only endemic bird to Antigua and Barbuda, currently listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. Participants engaged in artistic events that provided insights into the warbler’s habitat and conservation needs, fostering awareness and advocacy for its protection. Key highlights included the “Sip and Paint” event, which combined relaxation with artistic expression and education, and the “Puzzle Master” challenge designed for adults.
For children, they offered a “Birdhouse Construction” workshop where 11 to 16 year olds built and decorated birdhouses for a garden that was specifically planted to attract the Barbuda Warbler!
Completed birdhouses. (Photo by BarbudanGO)
Over in Antigua, the Environmental Awareness Group hosted bird fairs at two Important Bird Areas on the island: McKinnon’s Saltpond and Fitches Creek/Parham Harbour (Byams Wharf) and a habitat cleanup. Participants enjoyed seeing regional endemics like the Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, Caribbean Elaenia, and Green-throated Carib. Of course, no CEBF bird fair would be complete without games from our BirdSleuth Caribbean curriculum such as “Bird Spy Bingo” and the “Bird Survival Game.” Find out more about BirdSleuth Caribbean here.
Habitat cleanup crew consisting of members of both Environmental Awareness Group and The Rotaract Club. (Photo by EAG)
St. Martin
Les Fruits de Mer integrated birds into their larger Endemic Animal Festival, which included challenging scavenger hunts, free book giveaways, and lots of art and craft activities for over 100 attendees. Their coloring and activity books are free to download here.
A young girl decorating her pouch using bird stencils during the Endemic Animal Festival. (Photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Les Fruits de Mer founders Mark Yokoyama and Jennifer Yerkes with volunteers.
Both children and adults attended the Endemic Animal Festival. (Photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Young girls learning about the endemic animals of St. Martin. (Photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Puerto Rico
Conservation Opportunity headed to Playa Buje, Cabo Rojo for a bird census — which we were told was a hit among participants! They rounded out the day with a beach cleanup, an educational talk that emphasized the integral role insects play in bird conservation, and installed an interpretive sign at the beach reminding beach goers to keep their environment clean.
Participants of the morning bird census led by Carla Montalvo of Roots and Shoots Puerto Rico.
Bird ID cards used by participants of the morning bird census. (Photo by Conservation Opportunity)
Fabiola Torres, Conservation Opportunity Founder, giving a presentation on endemic birds and insects. (Photo by Conservation Opportunity)
And at El Yunque National Forest, over 1,000 enthusiastic participants came together for what could be the biggest CEBF one-day event of the year! The Fundación Amigos de El Yunque joined forces with Para La Naturaleza, Fundación Alma de Bahía, Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña (SOPI), Hacienda El Portal, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service to create a spectacular celebration of birds and bugs! From bird tours to inspiring presentations and nature-based activities, this event was a whirlwind of energy, creativity, and a shared commitment to protecting our birds!
Opening remarks from Yaritza Bobonis. (Photo by Amigos de El Yunque)
Iguaco (Puerto Rican Parrot mascot) from USFWS with Amigos de El Yunque. (Photo by Amigos de El Yunque)
Families having fun at the festival. (Photo by Amigos de El Yunque)
Youth learning how birds eat and build their nests through sensory play. (Photo by Amigos de El Yunque)
Presentation by Jessica Ilse from Forest Service. (Photo by Amigos de El Yunque)
USFWS exhibit at the festival. (Photo by Amigos de El Yunque)
Coriecis, Inc. invited adults and children to learn about the endemic birds of Puerto Rico through a webinar, after which they took the learning into nature at the Piñones State Forest — where they documented 34 species! Check out their eBird checklist here.Surfrider Foundation Puerto Rico and Pajareo Virtual superbly integrated their CEBF celebrations into Global Big Day bird counts. They formed a small but determined team to spread the message that insects are important to birds and people and conducted a bird count at Playa Table Rock. Here is their checklist from Global Big Day. Along their route they spotted some insect munching birds like the Gray Kingbird and Puerto Rican Flycatcher. This activity was repeated at Caño Madre Vieja Reserve where 33 species were recorded.
Coriecis’ virtual presentation on the endemic birds of Puerto Rico. (Photo by Coriecis)
Birding group at Bosque Estatal de Pinones. (Photo by Coriecis)
Surfrider Foundation Puerto Rico’s small but dedicated birding group at Playa Table Rock. (Photo by Surfrider Foundation Puerto Rico)
Gray Kingbird feeding, Puerto Rico. (Photo by Edgardo Cruz)
At the University High School, Miguel Sabatier (OREC) gave a riveting presentation highlighting the importance of insects for both endemic and migratory birds. Miguel shared with us that “the students, teachers, and graduate students’ faces lit up when they heard the bird calls and recognized some they were familiar with.”
Birding is truly for every body and we are proud to share that the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources’ CEBF activities involved leading an interpretive tour through La Plata Reservoir Natural Reserve for a group of blind birders.
The staff of the US Fish and Wildlife Service led a massive 580 participants on exhilarating birdwatching tours through Laguna Cartagena and Cabo Rojo NWR. They also organized an epic movie night under the stars that brought people together in celebration of birds and community.
Movie night at Cabo Rojo. (Photo by USFWS)
The staff at the Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan concentrated on recruiting more citizen scientists from nearby communities for their bird monitoring initiatives. To engage various community groups, they offered informative webinars and exciting birdwatching trips to local natural reserves.
Eliezer Nieves giving a presentation on the birds of Estuario de la Bahia de San Juan.
Despite the rainy weather which impacted attendance, Para La Naturaleza made a meaningful impact by introducing a dedicated participant to the fascinating world of birds. Together, they identified 15 species, including six that are endemic to Puerto Rico.
Eduardo Llegus, CEBF Coordinator based in Puerto Rico, along with his students got their hands dirty for the birdies and completed an early morning habitat cleanup at Punta Cucharas Nature Reserve in Ponce.
Eduardo with is students at Punta Cucharas.
Dominican Republic
Grupo Jaragua created an exciting roster of events for Dominicans to discover and celebrate their iconic birds. Throughout May, they hosted a variety of engaging activities, including an interpretative walk and bird count celebration for Global Big Day on May 11. They also held a recycling workshop and a short talk on the connections between pollution, insects, and birds on May 25. Their vibrant social media campaign featured nine informative posts, while a live webinar on May 16 brought in a wider audience. Additionally, influencer, nature advocate, and entomologist Yohan Nunez (@YohanNature) produced a captivating reel, and bird conservation outreach took place in the preschool program Natura Avventura throughout the month.
The CEBF celebrations in Cuba were a huge success. We owe a huge thank you to our amazing partners at Club de observadores de aves Granma, Club de Observadores de Aves de Guisa, Club de Observadores de Aves en Libertad (Holguín), Grupo Ecologia de Aves (University of Havana) and Jardín Botánico Nacional Cuba, Empresa Flora y Fauna, Museo de Historia Natural Joaquín Fernández de la Vara, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Cuba, and independent coordinator Yorniel Martínez Cruz! Their enthusiasm and expertise were truly invaluable in making the events both memorable and impactful for Cuban bird conservation.
People of all ages and abilities enjoyed bird-themed puzzles, cartoons, and games, while also taking part in habitat clean-ups and tree planting. They were especially excited to see the birds in their neighborhoods, school yards, and nature reserves. Local media, and a podcast for kids by kids, Amiguitos de Las Aves, helped spread the word about the important relationship between birds and insects.
Youth enjoying bird games offered by the University of Havana Bird Ecology Group. (Photo by University of Havana Bird Ecology Group)
A young Cuban birder’s one-stop bird station set up by Club de Observadores de Aves de Guisa.
How long is your wingspan? A young girl measures her arm length against a banner with various bird wing lengths printed on it. (Photo by University of Havana Bird Ecology Group)
University of Havana Bird Ecology Group brought the wonders of birds and birdwatching to differently abled students. (Photo by University of Havana Bird Ecology Group)
University of Havana Bird Ecology Group member shows a younger birder where to locate the bird. (Photo by University of Havana Bird Ecology Group)
Protect Cuban birds posters designed by Yorniel for the Proyecto Amiguitos de la Naturaleza.
Youth birdwatching in Laguna de Maya Wildlife Refuge in Matanzas, Cuba.
Youth with their bird masks and participation certificates. (Photo by University of Havana Bird Ecology Group)
BirdLife Jamaica joined forces with Hope Gardens once again to host not just one, but two captivating bird walks at the beautiful Hope Botanical Gardens. This engaging event allowed participants to spot some of Jamaica’s unique endemic birds right in the heart of the city of Kingston! To cap off the experience, attendees also had the chance to plant bird-friendly trees, contributing to the preservation of these remarkable species. It was a wonderful blend of education, appreciation, and action for our feathered friends!
Group birdwatching at Hope Botanical Gardens. (Photo by BirdLife Jamaica)
Common Gallinule at Hope Botanical Gardens. (Photo by BirdLife Jamaica)
Insect mounts on display at Hope Botanical Gardens. (Photo by BirdLife Jamaica)
The Yellow-billed Parrot is one of two endemic parrots on Jamaica.(Photo by BirdLife Jamaica)
Two young birders using our Landbirds of the Caribbean bird ID card while birdwatching. (Photo by BirdLife Jamaica)
You’re never too young to start birdwatching! (Photo by BirdLife Jamaica)
Over in Clarendon, our partner Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation hosted a poster competition for primary and secondary schools. They also provided delightful activities at the Portland Bight Discovery Centre such as Pin the Beak on the Bird, a Scavenger Hunt, and a Guess That Bird Sound activity for staff, students, and teachers. After an engaging presentation by guest speaker Michelle Roberts (BirdLife Jamaica) on Caribbean birds, participants were led on a birdwatching trip around the Centre.
Michelle Roberts speaks to attentive students during CCAM’s CEBF event at the Portland Bight Discovery Centre
CCAM staff member and Michelle Roberts teaching students how to use binoculars. (Photo by CCAM)
Students in CCAM’s bird hide using binoculars to watch birds. (Photo by CCAM)
Poster from the Pin the Beak on The Bird game. (Photo by CCAM)
The Bahamas
On Grand Bahama Island, EARTHCARE Bahamas was kept busy with tree planting (over 1500 mangrove seedlings!) and habitat clean-up at Water Cay; a magnificent birdfair and thrilling bird count at Rand Nature Centre; and a presentation at Bishop Michael Eldon School introducing students to the wonderful world of birds.
Gail Woon of EARTHCARE Bahamas explaining how to complete the scavenger hunt. (Photo by EARTHCARE Bahamas)
Gail and Dr Ancilleno Davis speaking to attendees about Bahamian birds. (Photo by EARTHCARE Bahamas)
A Legacy of Advocacy for Urban Wildlife and Inclusivity in Conservation
We remember an extraordinary environmental educator, Simón Guerrero, who passed away earlier this year. His research on urban ecology focused on making cities more habitable for wildlife, including birds. Simón had a remarkable ability to bring the wonder of birds into classrooms, captivating both students and teachers. A passionate advocate for inclusivity, he founded a birding group for blind Dominicans and emphasized the importance of ensuring that birds “know” our actions are in their favor.
His bird festivals always included the planting of native trees around schools and the university he worked at. Through the CEBF Small Grants and with the support of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, he was able to install nests for Hispaniolan Woodpeckers and Hispaniolan Parakeets. The Hispaniolan Parakeet is one of two endemic but threatened parrot species on the island. While there is a breeding population on the university campus, there are not enough nest cavities. During World Migratory Bird Day celebrations last year, Simón shared, “I always plant some trees to be sure birds will know we are doing something real for them, not just talking.”
Simón Guerrero was a founding member of the Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds. An engaging teacher and speaker with a great sense of humor, he influenced many to become fans and defenders of nature for many decades.
Students plant the firebush plant in their school’s garden. (Photo by Simón Guerrero)
Artificial nest boxes built by Simón and his team. (Photo by Simón Guerrero)
Simon leading a birdtour in the DR. (Photo by Grupo Jaragua)
We believe that his vision for greener urban spaces will continue to inspire future generations of conservationists.
Conservation champions honored at #BCDR24
In July, we were grateful for the opportunity to connect with our amazing community of Caribbean conservationists at the BirdsCaribbean 24th International Conference in the Dominican Republic. We took the opportunity to honor organizations and educators too. They were awarded for their exceptional efforts in celebrating the CEBF over the past two years in consistently organizing creative and enjoyable activities for youth and local communities, and submitting their event reports and photos. Recipients of the 2024 Educator Awards will be shared in an upcoming blog highlighting all of BirdsCaribbean’s 2024 awardees.
We also distributed CEBF materials, featuring the artwork of Arnaldo Toledo, to participating organizations for their bird conservation outreach activities.
Feathery facts and free resources for classrooms and homes
Each day, we featured a new Endemic Bird of the Day on our website and across BirdsCaribbean’s socials, sharing 27 new species in 2024. The species were carefully selected to include truly unique birds, like the Vitelline Warbler; species which keep birders’ ID skills in check, like the Antillean Palm Swift; and endemic crooners, like the Greater Antillean Elaenia. You can find the complete library of 131 endemic birds covered thus far here.
Each endemic bird profile was accompanied by a beautifully drawn image by award-winning Cuban artist Arnaldo Toledo, stunning high quality photos and videos, online puzzles tailored for different levels (between six and 1,024 pieces), and bird calls. Fun, free and engaging activities were also provided for both kids and adults, including downloadable coloring pages, experiments, up-cycle crafts, and more. If you’re looking for more insect activities to do with children, inside and outdoors, to have fun together and be creative, download our ‘Incredible Insects’ activity booklet today.
This year’s CEBF is over — but don’t worry, we still have plenty of bird content for you to enjoy! Make sure you are following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn; and have joined the BirdsCaribbean mailing list to keep up to date with our latest news via our monthly newsletter.
The Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival will return next April 2025 — but we need your support to help ensure that bird education remains accessible to all in the Caribbean.
Your donation is an invaluable investment in the future of Caribbean bird conservation and will help us provide materials and access to capacity-building programs to early-career Caribbean conservationists. These passionate individuals are committed to advancing bird conservation on their islands through engaging outreach events, like those listed above, that inspire communities to embrace bird-friendly practices. Your support will help amplify their efforts, fostering a deeper connection between people and the incredible wildlife that surrounds them.
Acknowledgements: A massive THANK YOU to the island coordinators for your enthusiasm and dedication to making this another memorable CEBF! Each year we see a growing number of participants committed to increasing their knowledge of Caribbean birds and actively working to protect their habitats. We also extend our gratitude to our donors and members who help us provide the coordinators with the support and resources they need to educate and inspire future generations of bird and nature loving communities. Special thanks to the US Forest Service, International Programs and the United Nations Development Program Ridge to Reef and IWEco Project for funding for our education and conservation programs.
Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) with us in 2024! This year’s theme is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”. Have fun learning about a new migratory bird every day. We have coloring pages, interesting facts, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Migratory Bird of the Day: Pectoral Sandpiper
If you’re out birding in marshy, wet, grasslands during migration season, and you see a shorebird’s head pop up — with a slightly down-curved bill — chances are you’ve just spotted a Pectoral Sandpiper! As the medium sized shorebird obligingly steps out of the vegetation you will observe its distinctive, boldly-streaked brown breast. One more stride into the open reveals that this streaky breast pattern ends abruptly — in a stark line marking the start of the white belly and underparts! Pectoral Sandpipers also sport streaked heads and necks, while the feathers on their back and wings are brown with rufous edges. They have shortish yellow-green legs, and are often seen in shallow water or at the water’s edge in grassy vegetation. You might spot them with American Golden Plovers who like similar habitats, and sometimes form flocks with Pectoral Sandpipers.
We all know that many shorebirds are great travelers during migration, but the long-distance journey of the Pectoral Sandpiper is especially amazing! They breed in the high arctic tundra through Siberia and North America, and most of their population winters in South America. Their winter range includes Peru, south Bolivia, south Brazil, Uruguay, south to central Chile, all the way down to southernmost Argentina. This means that some individuals, leaving from the northernmost parts of the breeding range and flying down to the southern tip of Argentina, are making round trip migrations of up to 30,000 km! This is similar to the journeys made by another epic long-distance migrant, the Arctic Tern, and is amongst the longest migrations for a shorebird in the Americas. Pectoral Sandpipers fuel up for these long trips by chowing down on wriggling midge and crane fly larvae.
In fact, Pectoral Sandpipers feast on different types of insects year-round, underscoring our WMBD theme “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”. During fall and winter they can be found in their favorite grassy wet areas — freshwater marshes, pond edges, and flooded agricultural areas. Their love for these environments have earned them the nickname “grasspipers” among birders. They use their down-curved bills to peck at insects at the water’s edge and probe the soft mud, feeling for aquatic insects such as diving beetles, insect larvae of midges and flies, as well as mollusks and worms.
Pectoral Sandpipers are listed by the IUCN as ‘least concern’, but like many shorebirds, their population is unfortunately in decline. Although this shorebird was extensively hunted in North America in the past, this is unlikely to be the cause of the current population decline. The reasons for this present decline are not well understood and need further study, however, it is thought that the loss of freshwater wetlands needed during migration and on their wintering grounds could be part of the problem. Wetland areas supporting thriving insect and invertebrate populations provide essential food for so many of our migratory and resident birds. Keeping wet, grassy areas full of the insects that birds like Pectoral Sandpipers need to thrive can help them on their way during their long migrations! Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here. Great news! If you’re in the Caribbean, thanks to BirdsCaribbean, you have free access to Birds of the World and you can find out even more in the full species account of this bird!
Thanks to Alex Sansom for the text and Arnaldo Toledo for the lovely illustration!
Color in the Pectoral Sandpiper
Download the Migratory Birds of the Day Coloring Page! Use the picture above and the photos on this page as your guide, or look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your colored-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #WMBD2024Carib
Listen to the calls of the Pectoral Sandpiper
The calls of the Pectoral Sandpiper is a low, sharp “churt”. This call is quite distinctive and can help identify Pectoral Sandpipers when flushed or in flight.
Enjoy these photos of Pectoral Sandpipers
Pectoral Sandpiper in its typical setting during winter and migration. You can often find this shorebird in small flocks feeding in freshwater grasslands, marshes, and pools. (Photo by Jesse Gordon)Pectoral Sandpiper. Did you know that although this species mainly winters in the southern part of South America? A small proportion of the population however migrates to Australasia to spend the winter!
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Have you ever wondered how migratory birds like the Pectoral Sandpiper know which direction to go when they hit the skies for their long trips south? And why it is they they hardly ever get lost (unless they get blown off course)!
We don’t yet fully understand how it is that birds are so good at finding their way to their winter homes. But they know that birds can use different senses to help them navigate as they migrate. They can help set their direction using the position of the sun and stars. They can also use landmarks, just like we do, to help them know where they are. One other special way birds can navigate is to use Earth’s magnetic field. Just like birds we can navigate using this magnetic field, unlike birds we cannot sense this ourselves but we can use a magnetic compass.
Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) with us in 2024! This year’s theme is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”. Have fun learning about a new migratory bird every day. We have coloring pages, interesting facts, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Migratory Bird of the Day: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Meet our first ‘Migratory Bird of the Day’ for 2024, the Semipalmated Sandpiper! Despite being pint-sized and gray-brown in color, this bird is anything but boring! For a start do you know why it has such a curious name? ‘Semipalmated’ refers to the bird’s partially webbed toes—amongst the other small sandpipers this trait is only shared with the Western Sandpiper!
Semipalmated Sandpipers belong to the exclusive ‘peep’ club, a group of small, tricky-to-identify sandpiper species. Semipalmated Sandpipers can be separated from their cousins, the Least and Western Sandpipers, by a few subtle details. Least Sandpipers have yellow legs, a thin slightly down-curved bill, and their upperparts are a warmer brown hue, while Semipalmateds sport dark legs, straighter, slightly thicker bills, and are more gray-brown in color.
Separating Semipalmateds from Westerns can be challenging even for experienced birders since both have gray-brown upperparts and dark legs. Start by looking at bill length and shape. Semipalmated Sandpipers typically have shorter, blunter and straighter bills compared to Western Sandpipers, whose bills are typically longer and curve down slightly at the tip. Western Sandpiper can also look ‘chunkier’ and more ‘front-heavy’. You can find some more great ID tips for separating peeps in our video here (be sure to read the caption too!).
Though tiny, Semipalmated Sandpipers are mighty when it comes to migration! They travel thousands of kilometers from their breeding areas in the Arctic to their wintering grounds in South America with the Caribbean serving as an essential pit stop to refuel. On migration they are often found in flocks (sometimes of thousands of birds), and often with other ‘peeps’. They feast on aquatic invertebrates that live in the surface layer of the muddy habitats they prefer. You can spot them on mudflats, beaches, on the edges of ponds and lagoons, and even in muddy agricultural areas!
Sadly, Semipalmated Sandpiper populations are in decline, and they’re currently listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN. Habitat loss, hunting, and changes in their food supply pose threats to these birds during the course of their long journey. That’s why it’s crucial to protect wetlands across the Caribbean and ensure that these tiny travelers have safe places to rest and feed on their amazing journeys south each year. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here. Great news! If you’re in the Caribbean, thanks to BirdsCaribbean, you have free access to Birds of the World and you can find out even more in the full species account of this bird!
Thanks to Alex Sansom for the text and Arnaldo Toledo for the lovely illustration!
Color in the Semipalmated Sandpiper
Download the Migratory Birds of the Day Coloring Page! Use the picture above and the photos on this page as your guide, or look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your colored-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #WMBD2024Carib
Listen to the calls of the Semipalmated Sandpiper
The calls of the Semipalmated Sandpiper include a strident “jer-jer-jer-jer-jer” as well as softer chirping calls made when in flocks and sometimes in flight.
Enjoy these photos of Semipalmated Sandpipers
Semipalmated Sandpiper. These small sandpipers build up and store fat reserves before migrating. This means they make amazing non-stop trips, with some individuals probably migrating over 4000km directly from New England in the US to South America! (Photo by Anthony Levesque Macaulay Library-ML67930001)Semipalmated Sandpiper (left) and Western Sandpiper (right). You can see the shorter, straighter bill of the Semipalmated Sandpiper. This feature can be great for ID but there is an overlap in bill length between both species, so also take note the ‘heavier’ appearance of the Western Sandpiper and the slight ‘barrel chested’ look. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Test your shorebird ID skills with our “Spot the Semipalmated Sandpiper” challenge! Small sandpipers or ‘peeps’ can look very similar to each other. As well as their small size, they share other similar features—both have plumage that is brown or grey above and white below, pointed black-coloured bills, and a habit of feeding in muddy wetland areas. You can pick out Semipalmated Sandpipers if you look very carefully. You need to pay special attention to their leg color, back color, and bill size and shape. Read the text above, watch our handy ID video, and look closely at the pictures we have shared. Once you’ve done this take a look and see if you can pick out the Semipalmated Sandpiper! (there are some extra tips for you on the second page if you get stuck). You can find the correct answer here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy this video of a Semipalmated Sandpiper in the wild! This bird is on the mud feeding on ‘biofilm’. This is made up of microorganisms living on the surface of the mud that are stuck together. They eat this by slurping the biofilm into their bill!
Bahama Woodstar, male. The Bahama Woodstar can only be found on the Turks and Caicos Islands and The Bahamas! (Photo by Keith Salveson)
In 2023, Martha Cartwright of Grand Bahama Island Birding (GBIB, a local birding club) accepted the challenge of restarting Grand Bahama’s famous “Introduction to Birding” classes—the brainchild of the legendary Erika Gates. Erika’s Beginner Birding course had been a fixture of Bahamian birding for decades and had ushered many a new birder into the flock. In this blog, Martha shares just how much brain-racking work involved in planning and running a successful birding course—and gives some tips on how others can take up the mantle and grow the community through their own courses!
Birding is awesome! The vibrant colors, entertaining behaviors, and unique songs and calls of birds provide us with the incentive to get outside and reconnect with nature. However, birding isn’t always an easy hobby! It can be challenging and unpredictable. Beginners often struggle with spotting and identifying birds, especially in poor lighting or when obstructed by leaves and branches. Additionally, learning to use equipment like binoculars can be frustrating. These challenges can make the hobby seem daunting at first, but with patience and practice, the rewards are well worth the effort.
Minutes of Grand Bahama Island Birding (GBIB) Annual Meeting, 31 March 2023:
Birding classes can provide the resources and community to help new birders get started. These courses can be highly rewarding to both instructors and participants. They are also a crucial part of GBIB’s remit and it was decided at the club’s annual meeting in 2023 that they should be revived. Members shared that “They (the classes) are important for recruitment (over half of them joined as a result), as a community service, and as a legacy to Erika.”
I agree to take the lead on this with the aim of running a course in November 2023.I cracked my egg-head skull for seven months because of that one small hold-your-hand-up moment volunteering for this job. In retrospect, despite said cracks-in-head, I’m glad I did. The actual teaching part was great fun—I love teaching. But as any teacher will tell you, hours and hours of planning and preparation are needed before that “fun” begins.
I thought this would be easy. Our beloved mentor, Erika Gates who passed away in December 2021 had taught the class for years. I figured I’d find her notes and teach from them. Unfortunately, Erika’s notes were nowhere to be found. The irony was not lost on me that I was practically the only local resident who, because of teaching yoga on Saturday, had not been able to attend Erika’s classes. However, Erika had generously taught me about birds and birding at her elbow, I had old student binders to review, and I had thousands of bird and habitat photos on file. I could do this.
Erika doing some lock-down birding on Global Big Day, May 2020.
Erika birding with a young participant during the Grand Bahama West Indian Whistling Duck & Wetlands Conservation Workshop, March 2007.
Martha Cartwright, Marilyn Laing & Erika at Garden of the Groves in 2018. (Photo by Linda Huber)
Erika received a Lifetime Achievement Award from BirdsCaribbean (Lisa Sorenson presenting) for her outstanding contributions to bird conservation, BirdsCaribbean Conference in Freeport, Grand Bahama, July 2011. (Photo by Bruce Purdy)
Erika at a Tainos Trail bird sign, a birding trail she created in Grand Bahama. (Photo by Linda Huber)
My hope is that by sharing our process for creating this class, your skull will have fewer cracks when you design your own program. Out of 10 students, nine gave us a 10/10 review. One student gave us a 9/10 review with a comment, “Maybe more classes so that it is not too jam-packed.” Tough criticism, that.
Did you notice? I’ve switched from writing as an “I” to a “we.” I may have put my name on the job, and I have put my name on this blog, but this has been a group effort! Delores Kellman, GBIB President, was with me every step of the way both in preparing for the class and as co-instructor. She too is an educator, and an organized and reliable one at that. She delivered on every commitment she made. She is the best—thank you, Delores.
Martha and Delores at Owl’s Hole. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Many other GBIB members generously helped with ideas and suggestions when asked—and I asked often. Thanks to Bridget Davis and Charmain Hall for leading the group out in the field. Thanks to Deana Williamson for donating classroom materials. Thanks to GBIB members who came to audit the class and assist if needed. Special thanks to another educator, Mark Milkovich, who critiqued the syllabus time and time again, and was instrumental in getting us to clearly define our objectives and then pack them into four half-day classes—classes which included time outside birding! Jam-packed indeed.
Antillean Nighthawk, Grand Bahama. (Photo by Steven Oxley)
Cape May Warbler male in Erika Gates’ garden, Grand Bahama. (Photo by Erika Gates)
Black-necked Stilt, Grand Bahama. (Photo by Steven Oxley)
Bahama Warbler (Photo by Larry Therrien)
It takes a village to raise a child—and it takes a flock to organize a birding class. It takes good sponsors too. Ed Gates’ Grand Bahama Nature Tours made a generous donation that we used to buy Vortex binoculars from BirdsCaribbean (BC) at a discounted price. We sold those as needed and our expenses were covered. Our second sponsor was, you guessed it, the fabulously supportive and generous BirdsCaribbean. BC shared their professional PowerPoint presentations. Their awesome Bird Sleuth program,available for download in English and Spanish here, also has many great ideas that can be tailored for adults. They provided Raffaele’s “Birds of the West Indies” field guides, which we sold to cover costs. They shipped down posters and gifts of buffs, hats, and tote bags. Little gifts always make for fun classes. Lisa encouraged and reviewed and suggested and encouraged some more. Thank you, Lisa; thank you, BirdsCaribbean! Our final sponsor was Garden of the Groves who donated the beautiful venue for the classes and gave entrance to students free of charge. Thanks to Ed Gates and Marilyn Laing for their support.
For four Saturdays in November, from 8:30am -12.00pm, we charged $20.00 for the course, accepting students from a minimum age of 16 years and older. Students were required to have the Raffaele field guide and a pair of binoculars. We had both available for purchase. We also provided loaner binoculars. Membership in GBIB was encouraged but not required. We distributed homework every week and reviewed it in class, but—no grades ever!
Course participants got hands-on training in Bird ID and using binoculars. (Photo by Triston Gibson)
The survey consensus was “more time out birding.” Our outings were rained out twice, I talked too much once (what, only once?). After that first class Delores and I put time constraints for teaching each concept. To have more time for birding would mean more classes, longer classes, or teaching fewer birding skills. Well? I suppose we could leave off the eBird section of the course, but there is so much information on eBird for continued learning—bar charts, range maps, hot spots, Birds of the World—there’s a lifetime of learning! Besides, I believe strongly in citizen science. Submit an eBird checklist—what a simple way to give back to the birds for the pleasure we receive when observing their intriguing lives! No, eBird stayed in the course.
Martha speaking about the variety of birds at Reef Golf Course, Freeport, The Bahamas. ( Photo by Tristan Gibson)
Martha helps a participant use eBird during the classroom session. (Photo by Tristan Gibson)
GBIB President, Delores Kellman, was also a course facilitator. (Photo by Triston Gibson)
Martha explaining the basics of birdwatching to participants. (Photo by Tristan Gibson)
Course facilitators teaching participants how to use the field guide to ID birds. (Photo by Tristan Gibson)
Below are our “10 Objectives” and our “To-Do List” from start to finish. I hope it helps and encourages you to develop your island’s Basic Birding Class. If you want a copy of the final version of our syllabus, please send me an email at and I’ll be happy to share with you. This has been a totally rewarding experience, and we plan to make it an annual event. As you can see from the comments below, Erika was very much a part of our class, and we know she’d be proud to see her tradition carried on.
Here are some edited notes from Tristan Gibson’s article on the class. Photographs are by him as well. Our thanks to Tristan for covering the event in the local news.
For novice birder, Gemma Hudson, this class was a way to reconnect with Erika.
“I was working for her [at Kayak Nature Tours] from 2010. Even outside of work, she made an impact on me,” she said. Gemma jokingly added, “When I trained to be a tour guide, Erika would come along. She’d often ask, ‘Okay, what [bird] is that?’ Just to keep you on your toes.”
“I remember going out to Lucayan National Park for a kayaking tour where there were many shorebirds. One time she asked me if I knew what they were. I said, ‘baby birds,’ and she was like, ‘No, Gemma. We need to get it together,” she chuckled. Despite her position, Gemma admitted that this was her first formal birding class. “It was actually fun to finally understand the theory behind birding. And I guess it’s been rubbing off of me because I now have a son, and he wants to go birding too. He gets upset when I go without him.”
Mangroves at Lucayan National Park. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
As a long-time friend to Erika, Eugena Granger was happy to see the class being offered once more. “I’ve known Erika for many, many years—probably 40 or more at this point. She was the type of person who mastered what she took on. She did her best and just wanted you to reach your best.”
She continued, “This class is a tremendous tribute to her legacy. She was not only a birder; she was an environmentalist at heart. She used to walk on the beach, pick up distressed bees she noticed near the water, and take them to a dry spot. She was always one to promote protecting the environment and witnessing all it had to offer.”
Gemma and Eugena both noted that birding has become a competitive, yet relaxing activity that bolsters a supportive community they’ve grown to love. “The excitement of getting up in the morning to see what else you’ll find, comparing what you’ve found with others, it’s exhilarating,” Eugena enthused.
Delores Kellman noted that as interest in birding grows on the island, more classes will be offered in the future. “We are very blessed here in Grand Bahama. There are many birds to discover, including five Bahamian endemics that can be found on the island. Considering the 10,000 species of birds worldwide, how can you get bored of birding!” she exclaimed. “Erika was always concerned with making yourself better, becoming more knowledgeable, especially in this field. Birding was her gift we wanted to pass on.”
Goals and Objectives
By completing the course, student should be able to:
Properly use and care for binoculars and birding scopes.
Know birding etiquette (in group & alone.)
Know how to observe and describe a bird in the field: Size & shape, Color Pattern / Topography, Behavior, and Habitat. “Notice 3 things about a bird.”
Understand the organization of a field guide and the information contained in the Guide.
Know how to find a bird in the Guide. Have highlighted in the Guide the birds likely to be seen on Grand Bahama.
Know how to find when you’ll see a bird on the island (using field guide status and eBird bar charts.)
Know basic habitat classifications on GBI. Understand the importance of habitat to the bird, and how habitat affects behavior.
Know how to submit a bird record on eBird and eBird Mobile app. Understand the importance of eBird data for scientists and for maintaining your personal birding data / journal. Know how to navigate eBird for information.
Build a list of additional resources to continue learning after the course is completed.
Identify ways you can contribute to bird conservation in your yard, locally, nationally, and globally.
A Bahama Mockingbird with nesting material, spotted on Abaco, the Bahamas, during Global Big Day 2022. (Photo by Elijah Sands)
“To do” list for our home-grown class:
Determine course objectives and goals for class. Create a four-week syllabus.
Find sponsors to assist with costs, materials, and hand-outs.
Determine course requirements, dates & time, class size, age limits, location.
Update the Grand Bahama Island bird checklist for distribution.
Organize sign-up procedures. Create an e-mail group (or chat group) for class notices and updates. Have students create an eBird account before starting the class.
Advertise to the community.
Create PowerPoint and Keynote presentations for use during class.
Prepare materials for distribution and homework assignments.
Determine locations for weekly field trips and ask GBIB members to lead the outings.
Create a survey for end of class feedback and suggestions.
Have printed Certificates of Completion for distribution to “graduates.”
Group photo of course facilitators and participants. (Photo by Tristan Gibson)
This course came full circle for me. I started off as a student of Erika’s, barely able to identify birds on my own. And now, working with a network of dedicated bird conservationists, I have helped new birders to identify birds by sight and birdsong. They understand the importance of habitat not only as a place to live, but as a place birds need to survive and raise their young. Birding is a lifelong hobby that can provide you with many benefits if properly nurtured. So, if you’ve been telling yourself that you want to start birding—don’t wait. Start now.
Considering starting a beginners birding course on your island? (We hope you are!) We have loads of FREE educational resources that can help. Explore the links below, and feel free to reach out to us at
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2024 is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”—highlighting the importance of protecting insects for birds and our environment. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy learning about and celebrating nature!
Endemic Bird of the Day: Cuban Kite
Today we delve into the natural history of a fascinating, elusive, and controversial bird—the Cuban Kite (Chondrohierax wilsonii)! It is a distant and mysterious relative of the widely known Hook-billed Kite (Chondrohierax uncinatus). The Cuban Kite is an endemic species confined to the beautiful island of Cuba where it is called Gavilán Caguarero.
Although once sighted in various regions, from the lush savannas of Cienfuegos to the wetlands of the Zapata Swamp, its presence nowadays is restricted to the far eastern part of Cuba, specifically in the provinces of Holguín and Guantánamo. Unfortunately, its appearance in these territories has become so rare that there are serious concerns about its possible extinction, or at least its imminent functional disappearance.
The taxonomic history of the Cuban Kite has been as intriguing as its existence in the wild. Named by the prominent ornithologist John Cassin in the 19th century, this bird has gone through periods of uncertainty regarding its taxonomic status, oscillating between being considered an independent species and then as a subspecies of the Hook-billed Kite. However, it has recently regained its status as a separate species, a well-deserved recognition for this marvelous raptor.
One of the most distinctive features of the Cuban Kite is its plumage and massive bill, which reveal its unique identity. With its broad wings and barred tail, and a notably large and hooked yellow bill, this elegant raptor stood out in the Cuban landscape. It was once incorrectly believed that the Cuban Kite feasted on birds, especially doves, and the occasional lizard. But this Cuban emblem has a more sophisticated palate and prefers escargot. This bird feeds exclusively on tree snails! In the eastern part of Cuba its primary food source is the Cuban painted snail (Polymicta picta), however this species does not occur in its former range in west-central Cuba, where tree snails of the genus Liguus (presumably L. fasciatus and L. vittatus, based on range) might be its alternative food source. The Cuban Kite uses its strong hooked bill to pierce or crush the mollusk’s shell before slurping up the soft snail. As a famous animated lion cub once said, “Slimy…yet satisfying!”
Currently there are no sound recordings for the Cuban Kite, but in flight calls are believed to be very similar to that of the Hook-billed Kite. Additionally, with just a handful of sightings, most recently in 2010, information on its breeding ecology, and other social or antagonistic behaviours remain unknown.
However, ornithologists are certain that the survival of the Cuban Kite is in jeopardy. Habitat destruction, indiscriminate snail collection, and direct persecution by farmers who mistakenly believe it preys on their poultry represent significant threats to its existence. The shells of the snails that the kite feeds on come in a wide variety of colors: pastel yellow and pink, brick red and black, pearly white and ochre and are sought by collectors who sell them to tourists or trade them to the US and Europe.
The Cuban Kite reminds us of the fragility of wildlife and the importance of our role as stewards of nature. It is crucial to organize expeditions to search for the Cuban Kite and implement urgent conservation measures, ranging from the protection of its vital habitat to public awareness of the importance of preserving this unique and little-known species. Every effort to protect this majestic bird contributes to maintaining Cuba’s rich biodiversity and preserving an invaluable treasure for future generations. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here. Great news! If you’re in the Caribbean, thanks to BirdsCaribbean, you have free access to Birds of the World and you can find out even more in the full species account of this bird!
Thanks to Arnaldo Toledo for the illustration and Nils Navarrofor the text!
Colour in the Cuban Kite
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
The Cuban Kite was once seen across Cuba. Today its presence is likely restricted to the far eastern part of Cuba, specifically in the provinces of Holguín and Guantánamo. Unfortunately, sightings of this bird are so rare that there are serious concerns about its possible extinction, or at least its imminent functional disappearance. (Art by Nils Navarro)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS : The only food theCuban Kite will eat is tree snails! They use their huge strong hooked bills to pierce or crush the snail’s shell, before slurping up its soft insides.
Can you help this hungry Cuban Kite find its way through our maze to to grab some tasty snails?
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2024 is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”—highlighting the importance of protecting insects for birds and our environment. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy learning about and celebrating nature!
Endemic Bird of the Day: Jamaican Crow
The Jamaican Crow (Corvus jamaicensis), otherwise locally known as the ‘Jabbering Crow,’ is endemic to Jamaica and is the only species of crow on the island! They are infamous for their loud and distinctive call, consisting of a harsh “Craaaa” and various nasal jabbering, bubbling sounds. It’s a call that will surely scare the wits out of any person in the forest who is unfamiliar with this crow’s presence.
The Jamaican Crow has sooty gray-black plumage and a thick and heavy black bill. It is the smallest species of crow in the Caribbean, with a length ranging from 35-38cm. Despite this fact, it is actually the largest of the fully black birds found in Jamaica. They are often seen perched high in the trees in small flocks of up to five individuals. These birds are frequently observed in forested areas at elevations above 500m and are reported to migrate to lower regions in the dry season. They are also observed in farms, gardens, and urban areas, including towns—there just might be one outside your window!
Jamaican Crows are omnivores. They forage for fruits like soursop, banana, and plantain—but also leave no leaf or bark unturned in search of protein-rich insects. They can be found inspecting epiphytes for lizards, frogs, and other small animals. They also have an appetite for bird eggs and nestlings! They are known particularly to raid the nests of wild pigeons.They intimidate their victims with harsh vocalizations and even physical contact to get their beaks on the prized eggs. Instead of nesting in tree cavities like other crows, they usually build their nests on a high platform in tall trees. Research is needed on this species’ breeding season, clutch size, and incubation and nestling periods which remain undescribed.
Whilst the Jamaican Crow is listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List, little is known about the main threats to this species. Since this crow has been observed spreading into parts of the island outside of their habitat range, notably in Westmoreland and Manchester, it is possible that they are threatened by habitat loss. The Jamaican Crow, and many other birds in Jamaica, will benefit from policies that prevent the unsustainable destruction of forests and intensive reforestation efforts where needed. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here. Great news! If you’re in the Caribbean, thanks to BirdsCaribbean, you have free access to Birds of the World and you can find out even more in the full species account of this bird!
Thanks to Arnaldo Toledo for the illustration and Damion Whyte for the text!
Colour in the Jamaican Crow
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the call of the Jamaican Crow
The calls of the Jamaican Crow are an emphatic harsh “raaaa” sometimes given in a series.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Jamaican Crows will feed on fruits—but also leave no leaf or bark unturned in search of protein-rich insects. They can be found inspecting epiphytes for lizards, frogs, and other small animals. (Photo by Sam Zhang, Macaulay Library-ML612254125)Jamaican Crows are frequently observed in forested areas at elevations above 500m and are reported to migrate to lower regions in the dry season. (Photo by Brandon Nidiffer, Macaulay Library-ML587100461)
The Jamaican Crow is the smallest species of crow in the Caribbean, with a length ranging from 35-38cm.
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS : Can you work out what the Jamaican Crow saying? Test your skills to decode our Jamaican Crow Cryptogram! Once you’ve decoded the message you can can check the solution to the puzzle here.
When you have completed the cryptogram why not use the key to make your own cryptic crow messages and challenge your friends and family to decode them!
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS : Enjoy this video of a Jamaican Crow in the wild!
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2024 is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”—highlighting the importance of protecting insects for birds and our environment. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy learning about and celebrating nature!
Endemic Bird of the Day: Greater Antillean Elaenia
The Greater Antillean Elaenia might not be a bird that jumps right out at you, but they do possess a subtle beauty that rewards the thoughtful eye. They have a pale breast and belly, contrasting with a dark olive head and back. Look for their two bold, whitish wing bars, the pale edges to their flight feathers, and their adorably tiny beak. They have a faint spot on their lores and just the barest hint of an eye ring. If you’re lucky, you might even get to catch a flash of their white crest, which often remains tucked away in their head feathers.
There are whispers in the birding community that the Jamaican and Hispaniolan Greater Antillean Elaenias could be different species! Some organizations like BirdLife International currently recognize them as such but for now they are still usually considered the one species. In plumage, the Jamaican subspecies seems to have a light-yellow wash to the belly, whereas the Hispaniolan subspecies is much whiter below.
Although they sport the name “Greater Antillean,” you can consistently find them on just two of the Greater Antilles—Hispaniola and Jamaica. While they prefer montane forest on both islands, they do have slightly different preferences. In Hispaniola, they prefer higher elevation pine-dominated forests, where they can be quite common and fairly easy to see. In contrast, the Greater Antillean Elaenias in Jamaica are much more enigmatic. You can find them in the highlands of Jamaica, though during nesting season you might only be lucky enough to hear them. In Jamaica, listen for their “tseerrr-che-wit-che-wit … tseerr-che-wit … che-wit … che-wit” song; on Hispaniola they have more of a fast descending trill described as “whee-ee-ee-ee-ee”, or “pwee-chi-chi-chiup, see-ere, chewit-chewit.”
After the breeding season in Jamaica, they may also do a bit of an elevational movement, migrating from the highlands of Eastern Jamaica across most of the island in the non-breeding season. In Hispaniola these elaenias aren’t so apt to wandering and are found in the mountains year-round. Vagrants (likely of the Hispaniolan subspecies) have been recorded as far east as Puerto Rico though!
In Jamaica and Hispaniola, the key to identifying the Greater Antillean Elaenia is looking for their wing bars! In Jamaica there is another species, the Jamaican Elaenia, that they can be confused with—the Jamaican Elaenia however lacks wing bars. Likewise, on Hispaniola, the similarly drab Hispaniolan Pewee also does not sport this distinctive feature.
Like many other tropical flycatchers, these birds thrive on a diet of both insects and fruits. They are adept at aerial maneuvers, sallying from a perch to snatch an insect off the underside of a leaf or hover-gleaning to find the ripest fruits. Elaenias agree that foraging is more fun with friends, and they’ve often been observed joining mixed-species flocks. In Jamaica, you can catch them feeding with both Blue Mountain and Jamaican Vireos. And you can often see them foraging in pairs.
Breeding season is similar for both subspecies—it starts as early as late April and continues through July. Greater Antillean Elaenias build a bulky moss cup, delicately lined with the softest feathers, placed either low in a bush or higher in the trees. Once the nest is built, they lay two pale pink eggs. Not much else is known about their breeding habits though, and more study is needed.
Both subspecies are not considered to be globally threatened, with a designation of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. However, whilst we might think of them as abundant, they still face notable habitat loss in Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica. This highlights the continued need for protected areas for these and other endemic birds. If you’re lucky, you might just get to see one (or a few!) at our Ebano Verde field trip during our July conference in the Dominican Republic. We (Greater Antillean Elaenia included) hope to see you there!
Thanks to Arnaldo Toledo for the illustration and Holly Garrod for the text!
Colour in the Greater Antillean Elaenia
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Greater Antillean Elaenia
The song of the Greater Antillean Elaenia is a descending whistled “Cheeeu” followed by a quick “wibit-wibit.”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Greater Antillean Elaenia. Like many tropical flycatchers, these birds have a diet of both insects and fruits. They can often be found feeding in mixed species flocks. (Photo by Jim Tietz, Macaulay Library-ML64580761)Both in Jamaica and Hispaniola, the key to identifying the Greater Antillean Elaenia is looking for their wing bars! By this feature, you can separate them from the Jamaican Elaenia in Jamaica, and the Hispaniolan Pewee in Hispaniola. (Photo by Dax Roman)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS : Can you find the words in our Greater Antillean Elaenia word search? Read the text above all about this endemic bird to remind yourself of some of the interesting facts and information, as you look for all 15 hidden words!
Remember the words appear forwards and backwards, as are horizontal, vertical and diagonal! Need some help? Or want to check your answers? You can see where all the words were here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS : Enjoy this video of a Greater Antillean Elaenia in the wild!
The annual BirdsCaribbean Seabird Working Group (SWG) newsletter is now available! Catch up on the latest research, conservation, restoration, and education projects happening across the Caribbean—in English, Spanish, and French!
In this issue of the SWG newsletter learn about the spread of herpes virus in Magnificent Frigatebird populations; recent and ongoing regional projects and publications, including habitat modeling of seabird breeding sites in Cuba; census results of an extensive survey of breeding seabirds in the Virgin Islands; a conservation action plan for Red-billed Tropicbirds in the Dutch Caribbean; and more.
We suggest also getting your popcorn ready because seabird conservationists in the Turks and Caicos Islands have produced two fantastic short documentaries about seabird monitoring and research efforts in the archipelago. Links are provided in the newsletter. Admission is FREE.
Field crew off the coast of Guana Island, USVI. (Photo by Paige Byerly)
Red-billed Tropicbird. (Photo by Birding the Islands client, Keith Clarkson)
Researcher Daniel Nellis swimming gear out to Congo Island, USVI. (Photo by Paige Byerly)
The newsletter also provides updates from the International Black-capped Petrel Conservation Group and shares future conservation plans that entail continuing the searching for the petrel’s nesting areas, techniques to attract breeders to suitable nesting sites, and intensified predator surveillance and control among others.
Black-capped Petrel in flight, spotted in May, at sea in North Carolina. (Photo by Kate Sutherland Macaulay Library-ML343236161)
The Caribbean Seabird Census (ongoing) added a cruise ship to its list of enumerators! While Viking Octantis sailed from the Panama Canal to Ft. Lauderdale, onboard Ornithology Specialist, Dr. Jeff Skevington, conducted seabird surveys. You can learn more about this data collection method and the seabirds recorded with the link to the Viking Octantis’ eBird trip report in the newsletter.
While Viking Octantis sailed from the Panama Canal to Ft. Lauderdale, onboard Ornithology Specialist, Dr. Jeff Skevington, conducted seabird surveys for the Caribbean Seabird Census (CSC).
If you would like to contribute to the Caribbean Seabird Census (and we hope you do!), SWG members have created a suite of resources (webinars, bird ID cards, and books) to ensure you are well equipped for your seabird census. Visit the Seabird Working Group webpages and our Seabirds Resources page to access these resources.
Interested in connecting with the SWG and its members? Please take advantage of the many avenues for communication described in the newsletter, including their Facebook group, and if you have seabird news to share, let us know! We would love to feature your work in the next issue!
-Yvan, Rhiannon and Ann
P.S. If you’ll be attending the BirdsCaribbean 24th International Conferencein the Dominican Republic, do plan to attend our Seabird symposium where we will be discussing Caribbean seabird conservation, research, and monitoring in a changing world. We would love to connect with you in person!
Click on the Flipbooks below to read and/or download this newsletter along with past issues.
Click on the individual images below to download a PDF of the newsletter in your preferred language.
2024 saw our most extraordinary Big Day yet! It was a phenomenal day of birding, Caribbean commitment to avian conservation, soaring competitive spirit, and boundless potential to make valuable contributions to science and conservation.
On Saturday, May 11, birders in the Caribbean and around the world woke up extra early and excitedly joined forces for Global Big Day (GBD)! Twice a year, during peak migration times (once in spring (May), and once in fall (October)), birders worldwide leap into action and attempt to spot as many different bird species as possible within 24 hours. Besides the pure, adrenaline-pumping thrill of the day, the lists of birds recorded and submitted to eBird from across the globe are immensely valuable for science and conservation!
To say that Big Day numbers were impressive would be conservative—Global Big Day 2024 was a resounding success!7,725 bird species were recorded by over 63,000 people around the world. A mind-boggling 156,000 checklists were logged by eBirders in 24 hours!
In the West Indies, we proudly broke our previous records for participation and sightings! Big Day birders saw 551 West Indian species, thanks to the amazing efforts of 710 eBird observers—a fantastic increase of 199 observers from 2023! There were more species sighted (1354 total, 208 more than last year) and a huge leap in the number of checklists submitted—2755 total, nearly 1,000 more than last year—phenomenal!!!.
Figure 1: Global Big Day 2020-2024 comparisons showing changes in total number of eBird Observers in the West Indies, total species seen, and total number of eBird checklists submitted.
Welcome to our New eBirders and GBD Teams!
This year, many Caribbean islands saw an increase in the number of people taking part in Global Big Day. In fact, the number of eBirders in 2024 grew by more than 100% from 2023 in some countries! Special mention goes to Puerto Rico, who added 37 more eBirders in 2024, increasing participation by over 119%. What a great achievement! New recruits to the growing “army” of eBirders are always welcome, helping to boost birding records for the region.
Grenada experienced a 56% increase in the number of recorded bird species for Global Big Day, while Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Dominican Republic experienced increases of 28%, 27%, and 24%, respectively.
LGBT team members en route to count birds on La Désirade, Guadeloupe. (Photo by Anthony Levesque)
Subgroup of the Whistling Warblers taking a break from birding at the Botanical Gardens in Kingstown St Vincent. (Photo by Glenroy Gaymes)
This year we were also thrilled to welcome more national (island) teams to the competition! We thank the phenomenal team leaders and members of the following teams for joining us and giving the “OG teams” a run for their money (or checklists?): Bahamians, Birds and Botany, Bird Nerds Exuma, BVI Birders, USVI Flock, LGBT (La Gwada Birder Team), Saba Conservation Foundation, Statia’s Golden Warblers, Imperial Seekers, Whistling Warblers, and Econetics.
Dominica’s Imperial Seekers seeking out the magnificent Imperial Parrot for GBD 2024. (Photo by Garry Auguiste)
Members of Imperial Seekers in Dominica stop to take a selfie before beginning their GBD count. (Photo by Jeanelle Brisbane)
Our ultimate goal is to have a team representing each island in the Caribbean. We know we have the best birds and birders who always bring BIG energy, passion, and pride to conserving birds. If you would like to lead a team on your island for GBD 2025 please get in touch with us by emailing: and It’s not too soon to start plotting for Big Day 2025 domination!
Members of Wadadli Warblers in Antigua got in on the early birding action for GBD 2024. (Photo by Shanna Challenger)
Our Caribbean teams showed up and showed out this year! And in an incredible record-breaking year like this—there’s bound to be some surprising results! So, which longstanding Big Day champions were finally unseated? And which team scored those bragging rights? Who were our birding MVPs (MVBs?) in the Caribbean and beyond?
Members of The Palmchatters taking a break from birding in the Dominican Republic.
One Love Jamaica Birders team leader Justin with his team at Hope Botanical Gardens, Jamaica. (Photo by Justin Saunders)
Colossal country checklists and a new GBD Team champion
We know that the suspense is unbearable! Without further ado, we present the stats from this year’s team competition!
Once again, the multinational “Flying Pintails” led by Executive Director Lisa Sorenson topped the list seeing the most species—703! We might need to change their team name to the “Dominant Ducks!” With team members from a total of 12 countries, their impressive performance is perhaps not surprising. To put it in perspective, this works out to just 58 species per country which is still far less than for some of our national teams’ totals. Perhaps Lisa needs to get her team working harder next year…Or, on second thought, maybe that’s not such a good idea! Coming in second place for total species was another multi-national team, “President’s Perch” with a sizable 512 species, while the Globe-Trotting Todies trotted into third place with a respectable 418.
Figure 2: Global Big Day results for our 27 BirdsCaribbean Teams. The numbers in red show which team had the highest number for each category.
A subgroup of the Gundlach Team in Cuba ready to dominate the competition on the morning of GBD 2024.
The “Gundlach Team” from Cuba deserves a special mention for their champion work in community mobilization! Congrats to the incredible team leaders of Cuba’s national team for once again getting the most people involved, with a fabulous 86 team members entering their species lists on eBird. Yaroddys (Yaro) Rodriguez and Nils Navarro have set an exceptional example as team leaders, and have landed us once more in the happy position of having to figure out how to get around the limit of how many persons could be added to an eBird Trip Report! The “Gundlach Team” also saw an impressive 182 species. But this was a year unlike any other—and even that magnificent performance was not enough to hold on to their species count winning streak! In a shocking turn of events, for the first time in four years—and since the very inception of our GBD Teams Competition—the seemingly untouchable Cuban dream team has been dethroned as the West Indies species lead! Our 2024 West Indian Species count champions are the venerable “Piping Pawis” from Trinidad, who saw an extraordinary 214 species in the West Indies!
The large turkey-like Trinidad Piping-Guan is only found in Trinidad’s mountainous Northern Range. (Photo by Wendell SJ Reyes (ML66246621))
The victorious Piping Pawis counted birds from the mountains to the plains in Trinidad. (Photo by Mark Hulme)
A young member of the Piping Pawis team birdwatching in Brasso Seco, Trinidad for Global Big Day. (Photo by Giselle Ragoonanan)
Small teams, Big records
In the ‘species seen’ statistics, large multinational teams like “Flying Pintails” and “President’s Perch” dominated. However, when it came to species seen by each team member, our smaller teams performed exceptionally well. For instance, the two members of “Bird Nerds Exuma” each recorded an impressive average of 24 species. Similarly, the two members of “BVI Birders” and three members of “Imperial Seekers” recorded an average of 19 species each. It’s remarkable what the GBD Teams accomplished in just 24 hours of birding!
Figure 3: The average number of species seen per person for each of the 27 Global Big Day teams. Team Bird Nerds Exuma saw the most birds per team member with an average of 24 species/person.
Hot on the trail of Caribbean icons
The Global Big Day in the Caribbean offers birding teams the chance to discover and document the unique bird species found on the islands. While this can be quite challenging, Caribbean birders enjoy the opportunity to spot the feathered pride and joy of their countries.
Grenada Dove. With fewer than 190 individuals left in the wild, we must act NOW to secure its survival. (Photo by Greg Homel)
Puerto Rican Parrot eating fruit. (Photo by Tanya Martinez)
Barbados Bullfinch, endemic to Barbados. (Photo by Julian Moore)
The “Bajan Birders & Friends,” “Cayman Birding,” “Grenada Hook-billed Kites,” “Piping Pawis,” “Warbling Warriors,” and “LGBT (La Gwada Birder Team)” successfully found all their endemic birds on Big Day! The “Peeping Cuckoos,” “The Palmchatters,” and “Gundlach Team” all came really close, spotting about 82% of their endemics! Congratulations to all our teams for their outstanding efforts!
Figure 4: Percent of endemics seen (by proportion) on Global Big Day, 2024.
Biggest Big Day team birders
There are teams…and then there are the amazing individual birders.
This year we had some seriously monumental individual efforts. Topping the top team birders list was Marshall IIiff, who was birding in the US and recorded 166 species for the Flying Pintails. Marshall out bird-ed last year’s top birder from Panama—Beny Wilson who recorded 164 species in 2023. Beny didn’t go far in our rankings though, and is now holding on to second place for GBD 2024. Our top birders from the Caribbean and across the globe, respectively, on Big Day were:
Our top ten birders (or birding duos) with the most species in the West Indies were:
125 Jerome Foster – Piping Pawis
112 Mark Hulme and Alex Sansom – Piping Pawis
103 Xavier Ragbir – Piping Pawis
102 Ricel Polán Hernández – Gundlach Team
93 Eric Torres-Rivera – Warbling Warriors
85 Andrea Thomen – The Palmchatters
83 Noelia Nieves – Warbling Warriors
80 Nicolás Díaz Pérez – Gundlach Team
80 Josh Bajnath – Piping Pawis
Our top five birders located anywhere (not necessarily in the Caribbean) on Big Day were:
166 Marshall Iliff – Flying Pintails
144 Beny Wilson – Flying Pintails
134 Karina Anahi Esparza – Globe-Trotting Todies
132 John Garrett – Flying Pintails
125 Jerome Foster – Piping Pawis
Working hard for the endemics
Within the Caribbean, some birders went the extra mile to find the region’s endemic birds. So we want to give a special mention to the following birders who had 20 or more West Indies Endemics on their GBD checklist on May 11th:
Efrain Feliz – 27
Manuel López Salcedo – 26
Yusneyda Alarcón Jorge – 26
Ricel Polán Hernández – 25
Dayron Breto – 24
Nicolás Díaz Pérez – 22
Eric Torres-Rivera (Puerto Rico) – 22
Adriana Hernández Rodríguez – 21
Pedro Genaro Rodríguez – 21
Carlos Arévalo (Cuba) – 21
Andrea Thomen (Dominican Republic) – 21
Wilberto Rodríguez – 20
The biggest winner of all? Caribbean conservation!
In a year of incredible firsts, we are really proud of the epic increase in eBird checklists submitted this Big Day. With nearly 1000 more checklists submitted this year, we can’t help but feel deeply moved by how the dedication to science and conservation of our awesome teams! Thank you, thank you, thank you to our passionate team leaders and members. With you by our side, we will continue to make great strides in protecting birds and their homes, supporting communities, and sustaining future generations of bird advocates to come.
The Sky’s the Limit!
Our Big Day birding teams rallied together to raise funds for travel scholarships, enabling Caribbean nationals to attend our 24th International Conference in the Dominican Republic this July. With the support of 305 wonderful donors (Wow!!), we have exceeded our US$25,000 goal. A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved!
Group photo of Caribbean delegates at AOS-BC Conference 2022 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
These donations, along with sponsorships and support from other generous funders, have already benefited 44 deserving scholarship recipients. However, there are still many hardworking Caribbean conservationists, especially local applicants in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, in need of support to attend the conference. They are eager to improve their conservation aptitude while expanding their professional networks. Therefore, we have raised our goal to $30,000 to ensure these dedicated individuals can join us. Your donation can make a significant difference in the lives of these conservationists. Please consider supporting us here:
Black-necked Stilts in flight. (Photo by Ray Robles)
Every single bird recorded during our Global Big Day birding fundraiser counted towards our effort and every birder taking part helped make this year an amazing success! We want to thank everyone who helped us raise funds and donated to help Caribbean nationals attend the BirdsCaribbean 24th International Conference. It’s not too late to contribute to our 2024 fundraiser! Your donation will help us enhance our local partners’ capacity to carry out impactful bird conservation work:
Please note that the data used here is based on validated eBird records as of May 16th 2024. Sightings under review may not have been included in these totals in some instances. Please see the links below to explore the most up-to-date team trip reports.
2024 BirdsCaribbean Global Big Day Teams
List of teams and links to trip reports pages on eBird:
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2024 is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”—highlighting the importance of protecting insects for birds and our environment. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy learning about and celebrating nature!
Endemic Bird of the Day: Cuban Emerald
Picture this—you’re enrapt in a spectacular pine forest in Cuba, quietly marveling at the many bird species that call it home—and you’re suddenly distracted by the buzzing sound of a giant bumble bee practically grazing your ear! Or so you thought! After the initial surprise, you spin around and spot the culprit and are dazzled to discover that it’s not a bee at all! Just a few feet away, much to your shock and awe, is a stunning green hummingbird—the fantastic Cuban Emerald.
As the name implies, the Cuban Emerald (Riccordia ricordii) is a vibrant green, medium-sized hummingbird. When the light hits them at just the right angle, they’re nearly impossible to miss! Males have an iridescent green throat and breast with a long forked tail, white undertail coverts, and a long thin bill that is black on top and reddish-pink on the underside. Females look similar to males except with green upperparts along with a grayish throat and breast, and a slightly shorter and less forked tail. Both sport a very distinctive white spot behind their eyes, though that of the female extends slightly further back than the male.
The vocalizations of the Cuban Emerald are not as exciting as their looks. When singing, males make repetitive, and slightly high-pitched, “cheep” notes that can often go unnoticed. When close enough though, you can easily hear the distinct buzzy (insect-like) sound produced by their wings as they flit around.
Cuban Emeralds are native to Cuba where they can be found both on the mainland and also on various surrounding cays. Locally, they are called ‘zunzún.’ These beauties are also found on three of four pine islands in The Bahamas, namely Abaco, Grand Bahama, and Andros. These agile flyers are known to use all types of habitats, including pine forests, coppice forests, gardens, parks, and plantations. It is common to see them zipping around as they forage on nectar from native plants, and snack on insects on the fly (known as hawking). They’ve even been known to eat the occasional spider!
This species breeds at any time throughout the year. Like other hummers, they build the cutest little nests! These are tiny but deep, cup-shaped nests using twigs, pieces of bark, and even spiderwebs. The nests are carefully constructed in the fork of small branches up to four meters above the ground. Females lay two tiny white eggs that they will incubate alone for about two weeks. She then takes care of the chicks until they fledge about 19 to 22 days later.
Currently, Cuban Emeralds are considered to be of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, though the current population and population trend is unknown. Likely threats to the species include habitat loss due to natural disasters or habitat destruction by humans. and predation by invasive species such as feral cats. But we can work together to protect these glittering gems by planting native plants that can offer their favourite sweet drink—nectar. Native plants also attract tasty insects which are especially important to nesting females for egg production and to feed their young. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here. Great news! If you’re in the Caribbean, thanks to BirdsCaribbean, you have free access to Birds of the World and you can find out even more in the full species account of this bird!
Thanks to Arnaldo Toledo for the illustration and Demonica Brown for the text!
Colour in the Cuban Emerald
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Cuban Emerald
The song of the Cuban Emerald includes a high-pitched, descending “tsee, tsee, tsee, tse, tse.”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Male Cuban Emerald. Males have an iridescent green throat and breast with a long, forked tail, white undertail coverts, and a long thin bill that is black on top and reddish-pink on the underside (Photo by Neil Hilton)Cuban Emerald. This shining green hummingbird can be found both in Cuba (and its offshore islands and cays) and in The Bahamas where they are found on three islands: Abaco, Grand Bahama, and Andros. (Photo by Greg Lavaty)Cuban Emerald in flight. These agile flyers are known to use all types of habitats, including pine forests, coppice forests, gardens, parks, and plantations. (Photo by Maikel Canizares)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS : Like lots of birds, the Cuban Emerald and other hummingbirds like to bathe. But they won’t use a traditional birdbath. They prefer to take a shower in moving water: like from a mister, sprinkler, or dripper. They will also bathe in very shallow water, and will even sometimes bathe in the water droplets that collect on leaves!
Why not make a hummingbird water dripper so that these lovely little birds can take a shower in your garden? If you have an empty juice bottle you can make this dripper. Other wildlife in your yard will also appreciate having some water!
To make the dripper you will need:
1 plastic jug or bottle, clean, empty and with labels removed
craft wire, twine, ribbon, strips of cloth
1 straight pin or fine-gauge needle
Paint or markers (optional)
Be sure to have an adult on hand when using the needle and scissors!
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS : Enjoy this video of a Cuban Emerald in the wild!
The Cuban Emerald featured in our Global Big Day Photo Awards in 2023- read our blog post to find out more!
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2024 is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”—highlighting the importance of protecting insects for birds and our environment. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy learning about and celebrating nature!
Endemic Bird of the Day: Rufous-tailed Flycatcher
Known locally as “Big Tom Fool,” the Rufous-tailed Flycatcher (Myiarchus validus) reigns supreme as the largest Myiarchus flycatcher endemic to the lush landscapes of Jamaica! Standing at an impressive 24 cm (10 in), this charismatic bird captivates observers with its distinctive rufous wings and tail, creating an unforgettable sight when seen in the first morning light on the mountains.
The adult Rufous-tailed Flycatcher boasts a brown head, which may be either rounded or peaked when its crest erects for display. Its bill is large, wide, and flattened, and presents a striking contrast between the dark brown upper mandible and orange base on the lower mandible. The back is a subtle brown, while the wings and tail showcase an olive-brown hue, broadly edged with a mesmerizing orange-rufous. The throat and upper breast adopt a pale gray tone, transitioning to a yellowish hue on the belly. Undertail-coverts maintain a light brown shade, and the legs appear in a subdued grayish-brown.
Distinctive in its habitat and behavior, the Rufous-tailed Flycatcher frequents wooded hills and mountains, thriving in various forest types, dry scrub, and secondary forests. Foraging on a diet of insects and berries, including Red Birch, Sweetwood, and Bitterwood, this flycatcher demonstrates its versatility in adapting to different environments. During the breeding season, spanning from April to July, these birds nest in vertical cavities in trees and rotten fence posts, evincing their resourcefulness in creating secure habitats for their offspring.
What makes the Rufous-tailed Flycatcher truly stand out is its vocal prowess. Its fast, rolling “pree-ee-ee-ee-ee,” reminiscent of a horse neighing, echoes through the wooded hills, and is often heard more easily than the bird itself is seen! However, when in view, the Rufous-tailed Flycatcher exhibits a fascinating obliviousness to observers, allowing for extended close encounters, and earning it its endearing local moniker, “Big Tom Fool.”
Despite its distinctive features and engaging behavior, the Rufous-tailed Flycatcher faces conservation challenges. While currently listed as “Least Concern” by IUCN, the species contends with habitat loss and degradation due to hunting, timber removal, deliberate fires, and agricultural expansion. The resilience of this charismatic bird serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between human activities and the preservation of Jamaica’s rich avian biodiversity. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensuring the continued existence of the Rufous-tailed Flycatcher in the vibrant landscapes it calls home.
Thanks to Arnaldo Toledo for the illustration and Qwahn Kent for the text!
Colour in the Rufous-tailed Flycatcher
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the calls of the Rufous-tailed Flycatcher
The calls of the Rufous-tailed Flycatcher include a squeaky, emphatic repeated “or-will,” as well at twittering sounds, a whistled “pi-pi-pi-pi-pee-pee-pee-pee,” and a harsh squeaky “pew.”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Rufous-tailed Flycatchers can be found in various forest types, dry scrub, and secondary forests. They forage on a diet of insects and berries, including Red Birch, Sweetwood, and Bitterwood. (Photo by Matt Grube)Rufous-tailed Flycatcher. Listen out for the rolling “rolling “pree-ee-ee-ee-ee,” calls this bird makes! They are often more easily heard than seen. (Photo by Zak Pohlen, Macaulay Library-ML551249461)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS : Our theme for the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival this year is “Protect insects, protect birds“. Celebrate this theme in our “DIY Butterfly Costume” activity! You will have fun learning all about butterflies. From wings to antennae, you will explore the different parts of the butterfly while making your own butterfly costume!
For this activity you will need:
An empty cereal box or poster board
Craft supplies (anything than you can decorate your wings with, such as tissue paper, cotton balls, crayons, fabric strips, markers, paints, pom poms, tinfoil)
Pipe cleaners
Glue or tape
Hole punch
Elastic string or yarn (about two feet long)
You will need a parent or trusted adult to help you with this activity! You can find all the instructions and information you will needhere.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS : Enjoy this video of a Rufous-tailed Flycatcher in the wild.
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2024 is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”—highlighting the importance of protecting insects for birds and our environment. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy learning about and celebrating nature!
Endemic Bird of the Day: Antillean Piculet
Imagine walking through the dry forests of Sierra de Bahoruco in the southwestern part of the Dominican Republic when, from up above, you hear a whistling, “kuk-ki-ki-ki-ke-ku-kuk”. You stop to look up and you spy a small bird with a large bill and olive-green wings and back! Struck by this curious sight, you quickly begin to search through your field guide and discover that it’s an Antillean Piculet (Nesoctites micromegas), a small relative of the Hispaniolan Woodpecker (Melanerpes striatus).
You focus your binoculars on the diminutive woodpecker and notice the black dots and streaks against the white to whitish-yellow cheek, throat, chest, and belly. As the piculet flutters through the overhead vegetation, you get a great glimpse of the brilliant lemon-yellow crown. After a few minutes of enjoying this wonderful sight, the bird gives a series of “wiiii” calls and is joined by another piculet! This new piculet looks just the same as the one you have been watching—except for a particularly intense orange spot on the top of the bird’s head! This new bird, with its vibrant orange dot, is a male. You’re invested now, and watch as the pair of piculets work their way to the crown of the tree, and take off for the next feeding site—giving a noisy “yeh-yeh-yeh-yeh” as they go.
The Antillean Piculet can be found throughout the island of Hispaniola, which includes the Dominican Republic and Haiti, living in many types of habitats including humid to dry primary and secondary forests, pines forests, mangroves, and occasionally fruit orchards. In these habitats, you can find the piculet clinging to vines, tree trunks, and branches, or zipping through vegetation in the understory, searching for tasty insects and fruit.
These small woodpeckers that range in size from 14 to 16 centimeters and can weigh as much as 33 grams (about as heavy as a light bulb!). However, the Antillean Piculet is unlike most woodpeckers because the female is larger than the male! Despite this size difference, both males and females will carve out the cavity and take care of the young during the breeding season which starts in February and ends in July. Cavities may be excavated in trees, palms, and fence posts, or they will use another woodpecker’s abandoned cavity—piculets are not too picky when it comes to finding a nest. In the cavities, the female will lay 2 to 4 glossy white eggs. Scientists do not yet know how long chicks take to hatch or how long they stay in the nests.
The Antillean Piculet has been given the “Least Concern” status by the Global IUCN, but habitat destruction, for development and agriculture, may pose a threat to the species in the future, especially in Haiti. For the survival of this chubby woodpecker, and other insectivores, we remind you to use organic pesticides, and to plant more native than ornamental plants which will attract native insects and provide shelter for birds and other wildlife!
Thanks to Arnaldo Toledo for the illustration and Qwahn Kent for the text!
Colour in the Antillean Piculet
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the calls of the Antillean Piculet
The call of the Antillean Piculet is a loud staccato “kuk-ki-ki-ki-ke-ku-kuk.”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Male Antillean Piculet. This bird can be found throughout the island of Hispaniola in many types of habitats, including humid to dry primary and secondary forests, pines forests, mangroves, and occasionally fruit orchards (Photo by Miguel Landestoy)Female Antillean Piculet. The Antillean Piculet is different most other woodpeckers because the female is larger than the male. (Photo by Carlos A. Objio)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS : Today’s bird the Antillean Piculet searches vines, small branches and twigs, stalks, and leaf clusters for insects to eat! It feeds mainly by gleaning (‘picking’ insects of the surface of leaves, branches etc.) but will sometimes also make weak pecks in search of food items. You can find food by probing in fruits and flowers, and in leaf or pine-needle clusters. Of course having a sharp bill helps!
But birds that eat rodents, flower nectar or shrimps all need very different shaped bills feed themselves! In the following activity, you will learn about beak adaptations and how they help birds to survive.
You can find out more in our activity introduction here. You can find all the information, instructions, a guide to learning objective in our “Fit the Bill” activity guide and materials. This activity is perfect to play with school groups or outdoor education clubs etc.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS : Enjoy this video of an Antillean Piculet in the wild!
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2024 is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”—highlighting the importance of protecting insects for birds and our environment. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy learning about and celebrating nature!
Endemic Bird of the Day: Cuban Nightjar
If you are fortunate enough to visit the first national park established in Cuba—Pico Cristal National Park, you will no doubt be thrilled by the beautiful landscape and abundant wildlife. But while your eyes drink in the bountiful beauty around you, we urge you to also turn your gaze down, and scan the forest floor as you walk along the trails for an especially mysterious bird! You see, spotting this elusive species will require vigilance—it blends in superbly with the leaf litter, rocks, and twigs of the forest floor!
If you’re lucky and attentive though, you might just get a glimpse of the cryptically patterned Cuban Nightjar! You may know it as the Greater Antillean Nightjar (Antrostomus cubanensis) but this species was split in 2023 into the Hispaniolan Nightjar (Antrostomus ekmani) and Cuban Nightjar (Antrostomus cubanensis) based on vocal differences between the two populations. The Cuban Nightjar’s song is described as a low, burry “weeyo” given in rapid succession, whereas the Hispaniolan Nightjar’s song, “pit, whoo-vore?” has an overall rise in pitch.
The Cuban Nightjar has two subspecies, the nominate A. c. cubanensis and A. c. insulaepinorum. The subspecies of the Cuban Nightjar A. c. cubanensis is 25 to 29.5 cm (9.8 to 12 in) long. Males weigh approximately 76 g (2.7 oz) and females 70 g (2.5 oz). Their upperparts are dark brown mottled with grayish buff, pale buff, and grayish brown. The tail is brown and the three outer pairs of feathers are tipped white in males and beige in females. The innermost pair has grayish-brown chevrons. The wings are brown with spots, bars, and mottles of lighter shades. The face is tawny with dark brown flecks, the chin and throat dark brown with flecks of cinnamon, the breast dark brown with large spots and smaller buff-white flecks, and the belly and flanks are dark brown with gray flecks. A.c. insulaepinorum is smaller, much darker, and has a shorter tail.
The nominate subspecies of the Cuban Nightjar is found on the main island of Cuba and most of the adjacent small islands of the archipelago. A.c. insulaepinorum is found only on the Isla de la Juventud (“Island of Youth”, formerly Isla de Pinos). They inhabit forests, swamps, and adjacent semi-open habitats. The Cuban Nightjar is crepuscular. It feeds at dawn and dusk on insects, most likely sallying from a low perch or from the ground. Although it is a small and stocky bird, it has been seen maneuvering swiftly among the vegetation, wood patches, or along the edges of roads in the dark.
This bird breeds between March and July. The usual clutch of two grayish-green eggs, spotted with brown, is laid directly on the ground among dry leaves. Both male and female are believed to incubate the eggs. If a predator approaches their nesting area, the incubating birds will give an injury-feigning display, similar to the Killdeer’s broken wing display, to distract and lure the predator away from the eggs or chicks.
The Cuban Nightjar has been listed as a Least Concern species by the IUCN. In Cuba it is protected by law from direct (killing or capturing) and indirect (habitat destruction) threats. However its population is believed to be declining. Cuban conservationists emphasize this excellent insect hunter’s importance in controlling pests, and they encourage communities to not destroy its habitats. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here. Great news! If you’re in the Caribbean, thanks to BirdsCaribbean, you have free access to Birds of the World and you can find out even more in the full species account of this bird!
Thanks to Arnaldo Toledo for the illustration and Yanelis Sánchez Serrano for the text!
Colour in the Cuban Nightjar
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Cuban Nightjar
The song of the Cuban Nightjar is a low, rapidly repeated, burry “weeyo.”
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
The Cuban Nightjar has two subspecies: A. c. cubanensis and A. c. insulaepinorum. The ‘cubanensis’ subspecies is larger and less darkly coloured than the ‘insulaepinorum’ subspecies. (Photo by Arturo Kirkconnell)Scan the ground carefully for this bird! The Cuban Nightjar blends in superbly with the leaf litter, rocks, and twigs of the forest floor. (Photo by Ernesto Reyes Mourino)Cuban Nightjars feed on insects. They head out to forage at dawn and dusk, likely sallying to catch insects on the wing, from a low perch or from the ground. (Photo by Greg Griffith, Macaulay Library-ML204321841)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS : Birds like the Cuban Nightjar are very good at hiding in plain sight. Their colours help them to blend in with their environment. Insects also use camouflage to blend in with their environment and keep them safe from other animals that love munching on them. But note that it also helps some insects catch prey that doesn’t see them! Their colours, patterns and even physical shape make them indistinguishable from their surroundings.
In this activity you’re going to go outside (with an adult) and help insects and birds find the best spot for them to blend in such as in the grass, amongst fallen leaves, branches, leaves, flowers, dirt, tree trunks, and other plants.
You will need:
clipboard (optional)
copy of Masters of Camouflage page
Can you find the ‘Masters of Camouflage’ page to print (in colour or black and white) and full instructions of this activity in here !
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS : Enjoy this video of Cuban Nightjars in the wild!
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us! Our theme in 2024 is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”—highlighting the importance of protecting insects for birds and our environment. Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy learning about and celebrating nature!
Endemic Bird of the Day: St. Lucia Black Finch
Known locally as the ‘Moisson Pied-blanc,’the spectacular St. Lucia Black Finch is endemic to the eastern Caribbean island of Saint Lucia! Though it resembles the Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, which can also be spotted on Saint Lucia, this finch cannot be mistaken for its cousin as it boasts distinct field marks and calls.
Male St. Lucia Black Finches have jet-black plumage with pale pink legs, while the females sport brown upperparts and brownish-gray underparts paired with a gray crown and pale pink legs which explains the “Pied-blanc” part of its local name. Females and immature birds look alike. The similarly sized Lesser Antillean Bullfinch also sports a sleek all-black coat. But its red throat and patches above the eyes will help you to distinguish it from the St. Lucia Black Finch. It also twitches its tail from left to right while perched unlike the St. Lucia Black Finch which bobs its tail up and down.
Be sure to observe as well the St. Lucia Black Finch’s thick, large bill! This heavy bill is perfect for its diet of insects, fruits (mostly berries) and seeds which it finds in the understory. Its habitat includes both the dry forest and the rainforest. Though they can be seen alone, they are more often in pairs. The female lays two white eggs with brownish-red spots in a spherically shaped nest of twigs, located in a palm or shrub about three meters above ground, between November and June.
The call is a high “tseea-ts-ts-tsew” and a slightly squeaky “tsip!” Emphasis is placed on the second and last notes in a similar fashion to the Bananaquit.
Unfortunately, this endemic finch is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Its estimated population range is between 250 and 999 individuals. One of its major threats is habitat conversion for agriculture and tourist amenities. Other threats it faces include the clearing of the understory in commercial woodlands like timber plantations and predation by invasive species like rats and mongooses. This species will benefit from the protection of dry forests on the island which are usually targeted for development associated with tourism. There is also a need to continue public awareness and engagement to increase local support for the conservation of this bird and other wildlife found within the same habitats in Saint Lucia.
Thanks to Arnaldo Toledo for the illustration and Jeanette Victor for the text!
Colour in the St. Lucia Black Finch
Download our West Indies Endemic Bird colouring page. Use the photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the St. Lucia Black Finch
The song of the St. Lucia Black Finch is a blurry “tick-zwee-swisiwis-you” .
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Male St. Lucia Black Finch. The similarly sized Lesser Antillean Bullfinch also has black plumage, but its red throat and patches above the eyes will help you to distinguish it from the St. Lucia Black Finch (Photo by Cliff Buckton)Female St. Lucia Black Finch. Both females and immatures look alike, being brown and gray rather than black. (Photo by Peter Hawrylyshyn, Macaulay Library-ML614484439)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS : Can you find the words in our St. Lucia Black Finch word search? Read the text above all about this endemic bird to remind yourself of some of the interesting facts and information, as you look for all 15 hidden words!
Remember the words appear forwards and backwards, as are horizontal, vertical and diagonal! Need some help? Or want to check your answers? You can see where all the words were here.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS : Enjoy this video of a St. Lucia Black Finch in the wild!
Take a virtual tour across St. Lucia, Dominica, St. Vincent, and Trinidad in search of Amazon parrots!