On World Shorebirds Day, Benoit Laliberté, a Shorebird Biologist with the Canadian Wildlife Service, tells us about the connections between the shorebirds that breed in Canada and the Caribbean and shares his thoughts on the main conservation issues for shorebirds in the Caribbean.
Shorebirds are fascinating. Given their size, it can be hard to even try to imagine the incredible journeys they accomplish every year on migration. For example, Red Knots can fly more than 30,000 km annually! It is amazing that these birds weigh only 180g but can fly from the Canadian tundra to the tip of Tierra del Fuego, and back, within 10 months. Because these birds travel to (and stop over in) so many different countries, their conservation requires us to take a multi-national approach.
Enjoy our short video, created in honor of World Shorebirds Day 2021!
Conservation Across Borders
How do we address this cross-border challenge? To do this, the shorebird conservation community has developed flyway conservation initiatives. Flyways are major routes, like ‘migration highways,’ that shorebirds use to travel from breeding to wintering areas and back. Here in the Americas they are: the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Mid-continental Flyways. The Caribbean islands are located in the Atlantic Flyway
Migration routes of shorebirds on the Atlantic Flyway; many other migratory birds follow these same routes. (map courtesy of the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative)
The Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI) aims to conserve and protect the 30 or so species of shorebirds that use this route. These birds range from the small Plovers and Sandpipers to the large Whimbrels and Godwits. Unfortunately, the ongoing, ceaseless deterioration of our planet has led to large declines in shorebird populations. Across all shorebird species that occur in Canada – most of which also travel to the Caribbean – this decrease in numbers is estimated at -40% since 1970. However, the drop is much steeper for some species, like the Red Knot (-70% since 2000) or the Lesser Yellowlegs (-65% since 1970). In fact, many shorebirds are at the top of the list of ‘species of conservation concern’ worldwide.
Why are Shorebirds in Trouble?
Lesser Yellowlegs are a common migratory shorebird in the Caribbean; they are also one of the most hunted shorebirds in the Atlantic Flyway. (photo by Hemant Kishan)
The main threats to shorebirds in the Atlantic Flyway are hunting, predators, human disturbance, habitat loss and change, and climate change. Most of these occur in the Caribbean, but the threats of hunting, habitat loss, and climate change are the most relevant for the region.
We know that shorebirds are hunted on Barbados, Martinique and Guadeloupe. If we are able to address the threat of hunting, we in the conservation community can make rapid gains. This does not mean that hunting should be banned. In Canada and the United States, we have more than 100 years of experience working with hunters to develop sustainable hunting policies and working with the hunting community to conserve and restore bird habitats. We need to focus on raising awareness about this threat, measuring its impacts, and developing sustainable hunting policies that will allow birds to thrive and hunters to pursue their hobby – now, and in the future.
Habitat loss is more difficult for us to tackle. Shorebirds use a variety of habitats, whether it is beaches, intertidal sandflats and mudflats, mangroves, or salt, brackish, and freshwater ponds. This means that multiple types of developments and changes, for example those that alter the wetland’s hydrology, can threaten the shorebirds’ homes. Secondly, changes to habitat can ‘creep’ in slowly, with both human developments and the impacts of climate change gradually changing the places where shorebirds live – or removing those places altogether. Damaged habitats can take a long time to recover, so it is imperative to ensure that those that are still relatively intact are conserved for future generations.
What Can We Do the Help Shorebirds?
Red Knot in August molting from breeding plumage to plain winter plumage which is all gray. Red Knots have declined markedly in the last 25 years. Some Red Knots winter in the Caribbean; many use the islands as a refueling stop on their long journeys to South America. (photo by Hemant Kishan)
We need to make sure that key places for shorebirds are identified. To do this we need to carry out surveys such as the Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC). Information from these surveys can help identify and increase protection for vital shorebird habitats. Local communities have a key role to play. Anyone can carry out CWC surveys! BirdsCaribbean has provided training for people across the region on Shorebird ID and how to carry out surveys, both online and in person.
Shorebirds need safe habitats with clean water and abundant invertebrate food, when they stop during migration. As climate change increases the frequency and severity of hurricanes, it is possible that the Caribbean will play a bigger role for migrating shorebirds. Shorebirds are migrating through the region during the peak hurricane season. The wetland habitats on Caribbean islands should serve as refuge for these birds. This means local initiatives to restore and clean-up habitats can help shorebirds. Recent projects to restore mangroves in Puerto Rico and increase awareness of shorebirds in Montserrat, through community initiatives like beach clean-ups, will help both shorebirds and people!
Curbing the decline of shorebird populations needs global cooperation. It might seem like an overwhelming task, but every little step helps. To ensure future generations are in a good position to continue the work we start today, we need to spread the word. As a child, I was fortunate to get involved in activities that got me interested in nature and birds, and this inspired me to pursue a career in conserving biodiversity. Outreach and education programs, such as BirdsCaribbean’s BirdSleuth Caribbean, Wondrous West Indian Wetlands, World Migratory Bird Day, and the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival help to raise awareness and build a sense of responsibility in our communities. They do have long-term positive impacts, especially among our younger citizens.
As a final remark, I hope that as you read this post you have learned a little bit more about shorebird conservation and are reminded that small actions can make a difference. Learning is knowing. Knowing is loving. And loving is caring.
Ajhermae White helps students of the Grade 5 class of Look Out Primary School with shorebird ID during their field trip at Marguerita Bay. (Photo by Stephen Mendes)
Please enjoy and share our video!
Many thanks to Environment and Climate Change Canada, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Atlantic Flyways Shorebird Initiative, US Forest Service International Programs, film maker Esther Figueroa, talented photographers and videographers, and our partners, members, and donors for your generous support to create this video (second in a series!) and carry out Caribbean shorebird and waterbird conservation initiatives.
We hope that you will be able to visit many areas across your island and invite local birders and/or birding groups to get involved. Note that shorebirds are a type of waterbird; any tallies you do, whether it is at wetlands, mangroves, mud flats, coastal areas or beaches, are also considered as Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) counts. To increase the value of your count to science, be sure to count ALL birds at your site, including seabirds, herons and egrets, land birds, and so on.
Complete instructions on how to do a Global Shorebird Count/ Caribbean Waterbird Census count are available here and here; Shorebird ID resources are available here. Before you head out, it might well be helpful to watch our webinars on Waterbird ID and Shorebird ID to bone up on your ID skills!
September is right around the corner and migratory shorebirds are making their way south. Please join us this World Shorebirds Day to learn more about these fascinating birds and what you can do to help protect them. Take part in this year’s Global Shorebird Count and check out our cool resources for honing your ID skills and count techniques. We also have free, fun activities for kids and the whole family – read on!
Global Shorebird Count 2021
This year’s Global Shorebird Count will take place from September 1 to 7, 2021. All across the Caribbean and beyond, intrepid birders will be compiling checklists from island to island and recording them on eBird Caribbean. BirdsCaribbean urges you to participate! Our migratory shorebirds are more vulnerable than ever, threatened by human activities such as destruction of their habitats, pollution, disturbance, and climate change. In some countries they are hunted. Altogether this has led to severe declines in populations of shorebirds around the world.
Where are these fascinating birds to be found? While you will find them on shores and beaches, some shorebirds use habitats further inland, including freshwater and brackish marshes and ponds. Shorebirds are also fond of salt ponds, mud flats, mangrove areas, and tidal flats. Check out the new video we created in honor of this year’s World Shorebirds Day!
Make Your Shorebirds Count—Submit & Share Your Data!
A Piping Plover – the first seen in Jamaica! (Photo by Ann Sutton).
We encourage you to register to participate in the count and be sure share your eBird Caribbean checklist(s) with worldshorebirdsday – the eBird username of World Shorebirds Day. You can find guidelines for sharing checklists here.
eBird Caribbean is a critical tool for tracking and understanding bird migration and population changes – never more so than for our shorebirds. If you do not have an account, it is easy to register – here’s a quick guide to enter eBird data online. There is even a free eBird Essentials course to get you fully oriented. Download the free mobile app for recording your data in the field.
Note that shorebirds are a type of waterbird and any counts you do at wetlands, mangroves, mud flats, coastal areas or beaches at any time of year count as Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) counts. When you do your counts Please choose one of the CWC protocols in the eBird app or when you submit or edit your data online. When you are using the app make sure that you are using the eBird Caribbean Portal. To check or change the portal you are using go into your settings on the app and look for “Portal”. To increase the value of your count to science, be sure to count ALL birds at your site, including seabirds, herons and egrets, land birds, etc.
What if you spot a bird with a band on its leg?
While counting shorebirds you may see birds; especially Piping Plovers, Red Knots, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Semipalmated Plovers, Ruddy Turnstones, and Sanderlings, with colourful bands around their legs. Do your best to record the band colors and any numbers or letters – see guidance in the handy graphic. Binoculars or zoom photography may allow you to clearly see the band colors and the numbers engraved onto the band. Scientists use this information to track bird populations and migrations.
Handout from the US Fish and Wildlife Service that provides information about Piping Plover banding locations and how to read the flags.
Global Shorebird Count 101
After years of participating in the Global Shorebird Count we have created a list of some best practice tips to help make your count go as smoothly as possible. You may download and share this infographic with your fellow birders.
If you do not already have a favorite place to look at shorebirds, before doing your Global Shorebird Counts, you might need to choose your birding spot. Shorebirds can show up in many different types of wetlands from mangroves, to mudflats, saltponds, marshes, and beaches! If you are unsure where to find shorebirds near you why not take a look for ‘hotspots’ at your local wetlands on eBird. Just click on ‘Explore’ on the eBird Caribbean website, and find ‘Explore Hotspots’. You can open hotspots in a map and then click on a hotspot to see what type of birds have been seen there recently. When you visit your shorebird spot be sure to find a good place to count birds from – you need to have a clear view of the birds, but not be so close you disturb them!
Shorebirds can be challenging to identify, and some species are especially difficult to tell apart. If you have binoculars, a spotting scope or a camera with a good zoom lens don’t forget to take them along. These will help you get a closer look to pick out the ID features, without disturbing the birds. Of course, don’t forget to take you favorite bird ID guide with you when you do your shorebird counts. You might want to print out one of our handy Shorebird ID cards! In fact, you could even do a bit of ‘shorebird studying’ before you go using our useful reference guides and our CWC and Shorebird ID webinars. You can find all these free resources here.
Fun activities to engage kids in exploring wetlands and beaches
These activities were not designed to teach a child how to name and identify shorebirds but rather to give them space to explore and feel connected to their natural environment. Parents and guardians, you will not need to worry about your own knowledge of birds or plants. All you need to do is accompany and participate with your child in these activities.
Beach Scavenger Hunt. This activity is suitable for children ages 4 to 7 years old. They are asked to find plants and animals at the beach.
Beach Bird Bingo. This activity is suitable for children ages 8 to 12 years old. They are asked to find items on the list four in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally. They do not need to touch or collect any of the items on the list.
Talk about this with your children before beginning any of the activities. They should not touch or collect items on the lists. When observing birds they should speak softly. They do not need to get close to the birds but if they need to, ask them to do so slowly and quietly. You can check off the items (with a pencil or pen), as they are located. When everyone has had a chance to look for the items listed, come back together to chat about what they were able to find or see. For example, why is the bird’s beak long and straight?
World Shorebirds Day 2021 postcard. This activity is suitable for any age. Print and colour the postcard – sides 1 and 2. Then share it with a friend or family member.
Don’t forget to reward your junior birders with a scoop of their favourite ice cream!
They may also enjoy this Snowy Plover colouring book. You can print the colouring book and carry to the beach, just remember to pack the colouring pencils or crayons.
Get Social for Shorebirds
Celebrating World Wetlands day on Jamaica (Photo by Paula-Anne Porter)
This activity is suitable for anyone 12 years and older. Take photos at your local wetland, beach, mud flat, salt pond, or swamp, and share them on social media; Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and tag us @birdscaribbean and use the hashtag #worldshorebirdsday2021. The categories are:
Caribbean Shorebirds: snap a pic of a shorebird you saw at your local beach, mud flat, pond or swamp. Please also use the hashtag: #Caribshorebirds
Share the Shore: show us how you are helping shorebirds. For tips on how you can help shorebirds when you visit the beach, check out this blog. Please also use the hashtag: #sharetheshore
My Local Wetland: share a beautiful landscape or seascape photo of your local wetland or if you’re not camera shy, take a selfie in the habitat. Please also use the hashtag: #mylocalwetland and #HumansofBirdsCaribbean
Use a phone or any other camera that is available, but you must tag @birdscaribbean and use the hashtags provided. We look forward to seeing and sharing your amazing photos and reading your stories.
World Shorebirds Day, on Monday, September 6, is just around the bend. In honor of this annual global event, BirdsCaribbean created a new video to celebrate Caribbean shorebirds. From plump plovers to wave-catching Sanderlings to stately Stilt Sandpipers, shorebirds are delightful birds to get to know and love. Enjoy our short video and learn more about how you can help to conserve these treasures of our beaches and wetlands.
It is prime time to learn about and celebrate the diversity of shorebirds in the Caribbean. During late summer and early fall, our resident shorebirds, like the Killdeer and Wilson’s Plover, are joined by long-distance migrants, such as the Lesser Yellowlegs, Willet, Spotted Sandpiper, and many more. These migratory birds have just completed their breeding seasons, hopefully with much success, in the northern U.S. and Canada. Now, many are passing through the Caribbean, stopping to rest and feed as they travel to wintering areas further south. Other bird arrivals may stay with us for the entire winter.
Shorebirds are a diverse group of wading birds that live close to water—you can find them on our beaches, mangroves, marshes, salt ponds, and mudflats. Many can be easily identified by their long legs or unique bills, which are especially adapted to their diet and habitat. For example, the long, thin, probing bill of the Black-necked Stilt is ideal for plucking worms and crabs from sticky mud; while the Ruddy Turnstone, with his short, stubby bill, is adept at flipping over stones and shells to find tasty insects on the beach.
Hover over each image to see the caption; click on each photo to see it larger and to view images as a gallery
A Ruddy Turnstone in winter plumage. This shorebird is easy to identify from its short bright orange legs and stout ‘triangular’ bill. (Photo By Charles Sharp).
The Killdeer is one of our Caribbean residents, and can be found here year-round. (Photo By Lorie Shaull).
The striking Black-necked Stilt has long legs for wading into deep water to find food. (Photo by Dan Pancamo)
Migratory shorebirds make amazing journeys of thousands of kilometres! Beforehand, they need to store enough energy in the form of fat reserves to migrate. These small birds will eat until they are about double their normal weight. You may think that flying at their top weight would slow shorebirds down, but they are the marathon-winners of flight. Incredibly, this group of birds does not do any soaring, they are physically flapping the entire way!
Sadly, shorebird numbers have declined by roughly forty percent over the last 50 years, due to a number of threats. An increase in developments and various types of pollution have resulted in their habitats being degraded or even lost altogether. Human disturbance, hunting, and climate change…All these factors threaten shorebirds. Please join us this World Shorebirds Day to learn more about these fascinating birds and what you can do to help protect them.
Join the Global Shorebird Count, September 1 to 7 – every shorebird counts!
One of the main activities of World Shorebirds Day is the Global Shorebird Count. We encourage bird enthusiasts in the region to go out and count shorebirds from the 1st to 7th September 2021.
Spot the difference! A leucistic Willet seen in Zapata Swamp, Cuba. (Photo By Ernesto Reyes).
Your counts will help us to understand which species (and how many) are stopping to rest and feed in the Caribbean. This allows us to assess the health of populations and to determine whether they are increasing, decreasing, or stable. The data you collect will also help scientists to coordinate follow-up research and conservation actions, such as protecting important sites – or even taking immediate action to reduce threats to shorebirds and their environments, if necessary.
So, grab your binoculars, hat, waterboots, and field guide and head to your favorite muddy, sandy, or watery birding spot! Yes, it might get messy. You never know what new birds you might see, and there have been some remarkable discoveries over the years. Since the beginning of the Global Shorebird Count and the Caribbean Waterbird Census, new species have been recorded in the Caribbean. For example, in 2016 Ann Sutton spotted the first Piping Plover ever seen in Jamaica on Pedro Pond, and in 2018 a BirdsCaribbean birding tour in Cuba came across a leucistic (white) Willet in the Zapata Swamp. In addition, we have also greatly expanded our knowledge and conservation of the habitats and sites that shorebirds use across the region, thanks to our many citizen science shorebirders.
We hope that you will be able to visit many areas across your island and invite local birders and/or birding groups to get involved. Note that shorebirds are a type of waterbird; any tallies you do, whether it is at wetlands, mangroves, mud flats, coastal areas or beaches, are also considered as Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) counts. To increase the value of your count to science, be sure to count ALL birds at your site, including seabirds, herons and egrets, land birds, and so on.
Complete instructions on how to do a Global Shorebird Count/ Caribbean Waterbird Census count are available here and here; Shorebird ID resources are available here. Before you head out, it might well be helpful to watch our webinars on Waterbird ID and Shorebird ID to bone up on your ID skills!
Be sure to follow your country’s COVID-19 safety guidelines, have fun and definitely tag us, @birdscaribbean, in your photos on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We look forward to seeing your amazing photos and reading your stories!
Please enjoy and share our video!
Many thanks to Environment and Climate Change Canada, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Atlantic Flyways Shorebird Initiative, US Forest Service International Programs, film maker Esther Figueroa, talented photographers and videographers, and our partners, members, and donors for your generous support to create this video (first in a series!) and carry out Caribbean shorebird and waterbird conservation initiatives.
BirdsCaribbean extends heartfelt congratulations to our dedicated partners from the Bird Ecology Group (BEG) in Cuba, led by Dr. Martin Acosta Cruz. The group has received the American Ornithological Society’s (AOS) Ralph W. Schreiber Conservation Award. We applaud BEG members: Lourdes M. Mugica Valdés, Alieny González Alfonso, Ianela García Lau, Alejandro Rodriguez Ochoa, Daniela Ventura del Puerto, and Elio A. Fontes Otero; and former BEG members Orlando Torres Fundora, Dennis Denis Ávila, Ariam Jiménez Reyes Antonio, Rodríguez Suarez, and Jose L. Ponce de León García. Hats off to you all, we are so proud!
Part of the current Bird Ecology Group at the University of Havana, Cuba. Left to right: Elio Fontes, Ianela Garcia, Martín Acosta, Alieny González Alfonso, Lourdes Mugica, Daniela Ventura y Alejandro Rodriguez
Who was Dr. Schreiber?
The annual AOS award, named for Dr. Ralph Schreiber, honors extraordinary conservation-related scientific contributions by an individual or small team. Dr. Schreiber was an ornithologist and curator of birds and mammals at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. He is well known for his studies of Pacific seabirds, including the Brown Pelican, and the effects of El Niño on bird and mammal populations. The El Niño phenomenon occurs when the surface of the tropical Pacific Ocean becomes unusually warm, especially at the equator and along the coasts of South and Central America, disrupting the availability of fish populations that these birds feed on.
All about the Bird Ecology Group (BEG)
Drs. Martin Acosta and Lourdes Mugica in the field in Cuba.
Since 1978, the BEG has dedicated its research work to Cuban bird ecology. Motivated by their unwavering fascination for birds, its members have worked hard, overcoming many financial and logistic al obstacles. The BEG has combined university teaching with research, capacity building, and environmental education, to contribute significantly to the knowledge and conservation of Cuban birds.
The group’s research has led to the publication of 128 peer-reviewed papers and 18 books. The most recently published book, Ecología de las aves acuáticas en las arroceras de Cuba (Ecology of Waterbirds in the Rice Fields in Cuba), describes research on the birds that are connected with the second most important agricultural crop in the country, and the importance of the rice paddies for their conservation.
The BEG has proposed two new protected areas in two important coastal wetlands: those south of Los Palacios, and the Delta del Agabama. It has supported the proposal for five Cuban Important Bird Areas (IBAs): CU003 Humedal Sur de Pinar del Río; CU006 Ciénaga de Zapata; CU009 Humedal Sur de Sancti Spiritus; CU014 Río Máximo-Cayo Guajaba, and CU020 Delta del Cauto. The group also recommended the inclusion of the West Indian Whistling-Duck and the Masked Duck in the Red Book of Threatened Species of Cuba and the Birdlife Red Data Bird List. BEG members are engaged in the study of waterbird species; the structure of bird communities in coastal ecosystems; the ecology of birds using rice paddies and shrimp farms; and birds using Havana city ecosystems (mangroves, parks, and botanical gardens).
The BEG: Busy with Piping Plovers
Since 2016, the BEG has annually surveyed between 68 to 180 km of coastline to assess the conservation status of wintering Piping Plovers frequenting the Cuban archipelago. In this same year they reported the highest number of individuals for Cuba:104 plovers! Through many hours of dedicated band resighting (finding and reporting band numbers of plovers that have come to Cuba for the winter) they have also helped to identify the breeding origin of wintering Piping Plovers on Cuban coastlines. And while other islands continue to battle with hunting quotas and regulations, the BEG has successfully banned the hunting of two historical game species in Cuba: the endemic and threatened West Indian Whistling-Duck and White-Crowned Pigeon. The group has also carried out years of vital Caribbean Waterbird Census counts at Cuba’s many important wetlands to learn more about numbers and trends of resident and migratory waterbirds and shorebirds.
A group of Piping Plovers foraging in Cayo Paredon Grande, Cuba. (Photo by Martin Acosta)A banded Piping Plover sighted by the Bird Ecology Group at Guanabo Beach, Cuba, east of Havana City (photo by Karen-Aguilar)
BEG has received many awards and plaudits!
Both internationally and locally, the BEG has received significant commendations for its efforts to protect Cuban birds and expand our understanding of bird ecology. In the past 42 years the small team has accepted 48 prestigious awards. Internationally, the BEG received the Whitley Award for Birdlife Conservation in 2002 and the Continuation Award; and the Silver Award from BP Conservation Award in 2002. Dr. Martin Acosta Cruz and Lourdes M. Mugica Valdés have received Lifetime Achievement Awards in 2001 and 2017, respectively, from BirdsCaribbean. Ianela García Lau received the Founders Award from BirdsCaribbean for outstanding student research, while she and Alieny González Alfonso received the Educators Award for their leadership in organizing bird festivals and bird education projects in Cuba. Lourdes was honored with an Honorary Fellowship from AOS in 2020.
The Bird Ecology Group after receiving the National Environment Award from the Cuban government in 2008. From left to right: Antonio Rodriguez, Alieny Gonzalez, Martin Acosta, Lourdes Mugica, José Luis Ponce.
The local scientific community has also recognized their invaluable contributions. Two members have received the Carlos J. Finlay Order (the highest recognition given by the Cuban government for personal outstanding contributions to science). Martin and Lourdes have each received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Havana University President. The BEG remains the only research group to have won the National Environmental Award, given by the Cuban Government. They have also won five Academy Awards from the Cuban Academy of Sciences.
Nurturing the ornithologists and educators of the future
The BEG also places emphasis on training and supporting the future ornithologists of Cuba and beyond. So far, nine PhD theses, 14 Masters theses. and 46 undergraduate theses have been supervised by BEG ornithologists. Three more PhD theses and 2 Master theses are in progress.
In addition to providing quality tertiary education to students, the BEG extends its capacity building to staff from Cuban protected areas and other conservation institutions. Over 127 participants have benefited from these workshops. The group has also provided teacher-training workshops for primary and secondary school teachers – a total of 120 participants, in both urban and rural regions of the island. These workshops have enabled teachers to encourage student enquiry, feed their curiosity, and deepen their understanding of ornithological concepts.
Dr. Lourdes Mugica and the Bird Ecology Group share educational materials on birds with the local community and children, Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival.
The thriving Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival in Cuba
For the past 15 years, the BEG has been the Cuban organizers of the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival, a month-long festival to celebrate birds only found within the region. BEG members have worked to promote the value of and foster respect for Cuban birds and ecosystems among the public, using a mix of traditional (TV, radio, print) and new media (social media and apps). An astonishing 3,622 activities have taken place in the 15 Cuban provinces, with the participation of about 166,000 people, mainly children.
We are extremely proud to support and work alongside the Bird Ecology Group to study, conserve, and educate about Cuban birds and look forward to continuing our vibrant partnership. We wish the team many more years of success!
Alieny Gonzalez shows a young child how to use binoculars to see a bird for the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival in Cuba. (photo by Lourdes Mugica)Ianela Garcia (left) and Alieny González (right) during a shorebirds habitat use study in Rïo Máximo Fauna Refuge. (photo by Lourdes Mugica)
Red Knots are known for their extraordinary long-distance migrations. On the Atlantic Flyway they head north from their main wintering areas in South America to breed in the Arctic, traveling as far as 15,000 km each way! Here in the Caribbean, they winter in small numbers on various islands, and we see them also during Fall and Spring migration. Counts of birds on northward migration are way down from previous years, causing great concern. Did something different happen this year? Where are the missing Red Knots? We need your help to find out!
Target count dates are July 10-20, but counts at any time during July are welcome!
When Red Knots migrate north to their breeding grounds they will stop along the way to refuel, gathering in large flocks at key sites to rest and feed. These sites are vital for Red Knots and other shorebirds to re-build fat reserves before completing their long journeys north to breed. Counting birds at these sites can give us an indication of how the populations of these birds are faring.
You may have heard that this year, on spring migration, a very steep decline in Red Knot numbers was recorded at one such site. The count of Red Knots at Delaware Bay (New Jersey, and Delaware) where knots gather in huge numbers to gorge on the eggs of spawning Horseshoe Crabs, was just 6,800. This is an alarmingly low count compared to the 19,000 seen last year, and 30,000 seen in 2018 and 2019. In fact, this year’s count was the lowest recorded since the 1980s when the population was about 90,000.
Help Us Find Out What Happened: CWC count July 10-20
We are asking for your help in July to try to understand what happened. It is possible that some of the ‘missing’ Red Knots decided not to migrate north and spent the breeding season in their wintering areas or stopped their journeys before reaching this key stopover site. As part of an international coordinated effort, we would like you to carry out a Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) count at wetlands and beaches you know are good for shorebirds, from July 10 – 20. These are the key dates for the coordinated count, but if you cannot make it out during this period doing a CWC count atany time in July will also help.
Red Knots in Trouble
A Red Knot, in in September still showing some remnants of breeding plumage. (Photo by Hemant Kishan)
We already know that Red Knots are in trouble, like many other shorebirds. They are threatened by climate change, loss of habitat, reduction in food resources, human disturbance, and hunting. The birds using Delaware Bay as a stopover site are of the Rufa sub-species of Red Knots, listed as Threatened since 2014. This sub-species also migrates through the Caribbean on the Atlantic Flyway and winters in small numbers in the islands. The population of rufa Red Knots is estimated to have declined by 75% in recent years and the USFWS say threats to this sub-species put it “in danger of extinction in the next few decades.” So, it is vital that we try to understand what has happened to Red Knots this year!
Ornithologists report that although horseshoe crab eggs were abundant at Delaware Bay, numbers of some of the other migratory shorebirds that stop there, like Ruddy Turnstones, Semipalmated Sandpipers, and Sanderlings were also lower than expected this year. One factor that may have contributed to low numbers of knots was poor reproduction on the breeding grounds last year (there is some evidence for this). Or perhaps migration was delayed due to poor weather, or there was abundant food at another stopover site and so not as many birds used Delaware Bay.
It’s also possible that more birds than usual may have stayed in the Caribbean or other parts of their nonbreeding range instead of migrating north—some juvenile Red Knots do not reproduce in their first year and spend the breeding season in different places across the Americas. Or perhaps some unknown factor (e.g., disease, a storm, etc.), caused the demise of a large numbers of birds. We hope that this is not the case!
Red Knot ID Tips – Click on each photo below to view larger.
Red Knot in breeding plumage. (Photo by Rick Evets)
Red Knots molting from breeding to non-breeding plumage. (Photo by Stephen Buckingham)
Red Knot in winter plumage. (Photo by Beth Hamel)
Your CWC Count Data is needed!
We need our CWC monitors throughout the Caribbean to help this international effort to try and understand why numbers of Red Knots and other shorebirds are down this year. Please carry out as many counts as you can during the period July 10-20. When you do your CWC count, remember to keep an eye out for other shorebird species at the same time, and that you should count all the birds you see (of any species, including “landbirds”) on each count—doing a complete count greatly increases the value of your data to science and conservation.
Don’t forget to enter your data in eBird Caribbean using one of the CWC protocols on Step 2 of data entry. If using eBird mobile, set your portal to eBird Caribbean to access the CWC options for your checklists/ counts at wetlands and beaches). Thanks to you, we now have 11+ years of CWC data and counting, and are able to look at status and trends for many species at different sites and in the region overall. Remember that CWC counts can be done at any time of year—whenever you are conducting a count at a wetland, mangrove, salt pond, or beach, make it a CWC count.
Share this special CWC July Count, Red Knot edition, with your networks!
As mentioned above this is an international collaborative effort, thus, we would like people to carry out counts throughout the Caribbean and the Americas! We have prepared promotional graphics (portrait, landscape, square) in English, Spanish, and French for our partners in the Caribbean – you can download them here. If you would like to use and adapt these graphics for your country, you are welcome to do so! Contact Lisa.Sorenson@BirdsCaribbean.org.
Please, do remember to follow any COVID rules and precautions in your country when doing surveys.
Thank you for contributing to our knowledge base, as we try to solve the mystery of the missing Red Knots.
Wilson’s Plover parent and two downy chicks. This species breeds on beaches and in mangrove areas in the Caribbean. (photo by R. J. Wiley)
It’s beach season! That means vacationers, boaters, photographers, and beach-lovers will be heading to the seashore to enjoy the water and beat the heat. But remember this is also the time when shorebirds are nesting and raising their adorably fluffy chicks. These shorebirds have travelled very long distances and we want to reduce the additional challenges that they face upon reaching our shores.
Eggs and chicks are at risk of being crushed or trampled over because these fluffy little beach bumblers have a knack for blending in. You will definitely want to double or even triple check where you set down your beach chairs, umbrellas, bags, and coolers. Vulnerable young birds and adults can be stressed or killed by predators when they are flushed from their areas. Some adult birds may abandon their nests altogether!
Here are some easy tips for sharing the shore with shorebirds this summer and making your trip more enjoyable:
Watch your distance. Sure these birds know how to camouflage but if you do find a nest, give them space, at least 100 feet. Getting too close can alarm the parents causing them to use precious energy in nest defense behavior that would have been used to forage for food. Some parents will do a broken wing display – where they may appear injured by dragging their wing along the ground. If you see this, the bird is likely fine and just trying to distract you from a nearby nest! Walk away and give these birds space.
Respect posted areas. Do not wander into roped-off or fenced-in areas where birds are nesting.
Never force birds to fly! These birds spent a lot of energy arriving here—shorebirds and seabirds make some of the most impressive migrations! Don’t chase these little beach runners.
Keep pets away from nesting areas. Even the most well trained dogs can be tempted to chase birds. They also do not know that these birds need space to comfortably nest. It is therefore always best to keep your pets on a leash near nesting sites.
Help keep the beach clean. Seabirds and shorebirds have some of the highest ingestion rates of plastic – help those little fluffs get the proper nutrition they need by using bins, if provided, or taking a garbage bag with you to the beach.
Do not feed the wildlife. Growing fluff balls have specific nutrition requirements that only parents can provide.
Spread the word! If you see people disturbing nesting shorebirds, gently remind them that shorebirds’ survival depends on our actions. Some areas even have hotlines to report offenders.
Together we can share the beach and give shorebirds and their adorable growing fluffs the best chance of survival!
Here is an infographic that you can use to encourage others to #ShareTheShore this beach season:
There will be many different species nesting on the shores, but they have similar behaviors and reactions to being disturbed. Here are some notable shore-nesting birds in the Caribbean and the US.
American Oystercatcher with two chicks (photo by J. Gray)
Black-necked Stilt with four chicks. (photo by Rick Evets)
Killdeer performing a broken wing act to lure potential predators away from its nest.
This young Killdeer chick is growing its characteristic black breast band. (photo by Dave Irving)
Piping Plover downy chick, vulnerable to predators and people as it blends in perfectly with its sandy environment. (photo by Dave Irving)
Respect posted protected areas for shorebird or seabird nesting. (photo by Erika Gates)
This Snowy Plover chick and egg blend in perfectly with the sandy beach substrate. (photo by Antonio Ros)
Snowy Plover chick running on the sand. Shorebird chicks are precocial, meaning they are born with downy feathers and can walk and feed themselves soon after they hatch. (photo by Hartmut Walter)
Wilson’s Plover nest in the Bahamas. Most shorebird species nests are a simple scrape in the ground, lined with a few shells and rocks. (photo by M. Zdravkovic)
Kristy Shortte, a Program Officer at the NGO Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.
A local community that understands the value of natural habitats and the wildlife that lives there is key to successful long-term conservation. Find out how this happens from Kristy Shortte, a Program Officer at the NGO ‘Sustainable Grenadines,’ on Union Island in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. From building observation platforms at vital wetlands, to garbage clean-ups and installing information signs, to training locals to identify and help monitor birds, Kristy describes the amazing and inspiring range of work carried out by her organization, local partners – and of course, the local community!
At the trans-boundary NGO Sustainable Grenadines Inc (SusGren) we know that conserving the places where birds live is key to their survival. But how do we achieve this? So many of our habitats are under threat—from pollution and degradation by human activities, to outright destruction for development. When there are competing demands on the use of our natural resources, we need to make wise decisions. Sometimes we need to educate our local citizens about the immense value of these areas to people and wildlife, and to get them actively involved in their conservation. It’s a hands-on approach with community partners. Showing people the benefits of managing and protecting habitats is the best way to ensure the long-term health of bird populations and the habitats on which they depend.
Finding the best ways to protect birds and their habitats
Residents of Union island, harvesting salt at Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Radio Grenadines).
Here at SusGren, we have taken the initiative to support birds and protect the places they live through two projects – both completed during the pandemic of 2020! SusGren believes that some areas are so special that they need to be protected – no ifs, ands, or buts!!!!
After many years of hard work to restore Ashton Lagoon and develop it as a bird and nature sanctuary for enjoyment by all, we turned our attention to Belmont Salt Pond. This is the second largest ecosystem on the island of Union and one of the last two remaining salt ponds in the entire St. Vincent and the Grenadines (he other salt pond is on Mayreau). Salt picking is still practiced at Belmont, providing economic benefits to locals.
So…what’s so special about Belmont Salt Pond?
The Belmont Salt Pond area is significant, in that it provides habitat to many species of resident and migratory birds. Here you can see Whimbrels, Willets, Blue-winged Teal, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Mangrove Cuckoo, and even the American Flamingo on occasion. Migratory birds use Belmont as a place to rest and feed. This can be for a few days or weeks, before they continue with their migration, while others stay from fall to spring. For other birds, the Salt Pond is ‘home’ all year round.
Blue-winged Teal female spotted at Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
American Flamingo Spotted at Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
With this rich history and biodiversity and the salt pond threatened by human activities, SusGren decided to enhance the area for enjoyment by locals and visitors alike. This would help ensure the protection of the area’s biodiversity and would increase ecotourism opportunities in Union Island, following our successful restoration of nearby Ashton Lagoon 2 years ago. The platform would also help us to continue the long-term bird monitoring of our wetlands through participation in the Caribbean Waterbird Census.
Taking a community-based approach
The ‘’Clean up Squad’’ at Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Zoe Jennett)
Due to a lack of community knowledge of the importance of the area, it was being used for the burning of charcoal and dumping garbage. We knew that over time these activities would damage Belmont Salt Pond and biodiversity would be negatively impacted. So at Susgren we decided to carry out a project in partnership with members of the community, to ensure that such behavior is reduced and eventually eliminated.
As part of this approach, SusGren contributed towards a cleanup organized by a local group of 10 people called “Union Island Cleanup Squad.” They held massive cleaning up sessions at the Belmont Salt Pond on May 7th and May 13th, 2020. A total of 30 bags of trash was collected during the first session, and 40 additional bags of trash were picked up at the second cleanup around the edges of the pond. It was great to see local community groups actively taking up the stewardship mantle of their island!
Follow the signs!
Interpretive sign at Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
Our project also involved the construction of viewing platforms at Belmont Salt Pond, designed to provide people with a fantastic overview of the wetland and the birds living there. At each of the Belmont Salt Pond platforms – and at the Ashton Lagoon Eco Trail – we installed interpretive signs displaying resident and migratory birds. We worked with BirdsCaribbean to design signs that included land birds, wetland birds, and shorebirds likely to be seen at each of the sites. At Ashton Lagoon, one sign also provides visitors with knowledge about the marine and terrestrial species of animals found in the area.
Our interpretive signs include features on bird identification. Thus, someone using the platforms at Belmont Salt Pond or our bird towers at Ashton Lagoon can receive a “self-crash-course” in basic bird identification. Moreover, there are now three 4 x 6 billboard signs installed at Belmont Salt Pond that explain the history of the area and its cultural and environmental importance. Two ‘rules’ signs also notify visitors about appropriate behavior in the area.
Keeping the trash at bay
“Bird branded” garbage bins and signs at Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
To reduce the problem of litter, we installed attractive garbage receptacles at both Belmont Salt Pond and Ashton Lagoon. The bright green receptacles are adorned with images of the various birds one can see in the area. Our hope is that this will help build local pride and community ownership and encourage people to dispose of their garbage in a responsible way.
Since the installation of 4 bins at each location, we are gratified to see that people are using them. The local solid waste management company ‘’Uni Clean’ assists with the weekly disposal of trash from these areas.
Reaching out in different ways
We found different ways of reaching out to our stakeholders and the general public. Normally, we would have been hosting lots of in-person outreach and birding activities and events with the community and schools during the last year. But due to the pandemic and schools closing, we used radio and social media platforms to engage the community and key stakeholders. We made phone calls and delivered letters with updates on our projects. We also sent out a media blast with the local telecommunications company on the island, so that recipients could obtain a poster of the activities being undertaken at Belmont Salt Pond on their phones.
Finally, we had a hugely successful radio interview and webinar with the show, “Conversation Tree” on Radio Grenadines. SusGren’s Program Director, Orisha Joseph and I gave a presentation and discussed our activities with the radio host. This was seen by over 2,000 people and was very well-received.
World Shorebirds Day
Kristy Shortte pointing out and identifying birds on a guided birding walk. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc).
To further community involvement in our work and help people develop a love for the environment and birds, we collaborated with Katrina Collins-Coy, Union Island Environmental Attackers, and celebrated World Shorebirds Day in September, 2020. Eleven students and two teachers from the Stephanie Browne Primary School participated.
The celebration involved a birding walk with Bird Bingo and a Bird Identification tour along the Ashton Lagoon Trail. The children also enjoyed activities in the classroom, such as learning about the Parts of a Bird, bird games, and bird arts and crafts. We were elated to see the enthusiastic students and teachers come out as early as 5:30 am to be a part of the session!
Birds of Belmont Salt Pond – A New Resource!
Through this project (with matched funding from the SVG Conservation Fund) we also developed a booklet entitled “Birds of Belmont Salt Pond.” The booklet includes notes from SusGren’s directors, information on the project’s team, a brief history of the Belmont Salt Pond, photographs of resident and migratory birds found there, and a full checklist and space for taking notes while bird watching and monitoring. Thirty copies were printed and distributed to key stakeholders in the community and other organizations in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. We hope this will be a great resource for visitors.
Belmont Salt Point. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
Bird Identification Training Workshop—“Conserving Caribbean Shorebirds and their Habitats”
Participants taking part in a Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) Basic Bird ID Training Workshop. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
We weren’t finished yet! We also held a five-day bird identification training workshop as part of the project, during October 2020. The workshop was facilitated by Lystra Culzac, who is the Founder and Manager of Science Initiative for Environmental Conservation and Education (SCIENCE) and graduate of our Conserving Caribbean Shorebirds and their Habitats Training Workshop in 2019 (as is Kristy!). Those taking part represented a wide range of professions, from Park Rangers, Tourism Division, Environmental Groups, and regular community members. As part of the training, a bird monitoring trip took place at the newly installed platforms, making good use of our new booklet “Birds of Belmont Salt Pond.”
We included training in seabird monitoring as part of the workshop and participants took a trip to Catholic Island and Tobago Cays Marine Park. Here they got the opportunity to learn firsthand how to identify a wider variety of the seabird species in their natural habitats. Following the bird watching trip in the Tobago Cays, SusGren, in partnership with SCIENCE, collaborated on a clean-up effort at Petit Bateau, one of the cays in the Marine Park and a known seabird habitat. A total of 6 bags of trash was collected.
Continued CWC Monitoring
At both Ashton Lagoon and Belmont Salt Pond we have been carrying out Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) surveys for many years. These surveys help us to keep track of which birds are using these sites, while keeping an eye out for any changes or threats to the habitats. During the project we carried out 9 CWC surveys across Ashton Lagoon and Belmont Salt Pond, making visits twice a month. Now that the project is over we plan to continue to monitor the birds at both sites using CWC surveys. With all our newly trained birders on Union island, equipped with binoculars and copies of the ‘Birds of Belmont Salt Point,’ we should have plenty of support to do this!
How did the community respond to our work?
During an Attitude and Perception survey interview done with residents on the island, persons expressed excitement and satisfaction with the new development. One noted interviewee was Benjamin Wilson, a Tobago Cays Park Ranger. Wilson said, “Before the enhancement, I would have passed the salt pond straight – but now I have to gaze at the work that was done.’’ SusGren believes that this project was the first step towards having a local community that value ‘their’ wetland. The wildlife viewing platform is now being regularly used by locals and tourists alike!
Mission accomplished? Yes, for that phase, which is a first step in the right direction towards bird and habitat conservation.
This project was made possible with funding and support from BirdsCaribbean via the US Fish and Wildlife Service NMBCA program and BirdsCaribbean members and donors, with matching funds from the SVG Conservation Fund.
Kristy Shortte has worked with Sustainable Grenadines Inc since 2013, starting out as an Administrative and Research Assistant. Since 2017 she has served as a Program Officer. Kristy has qualifications in Business Studies, and since working at Sustainable Grenadines, she has been dedicated to using her business knowledge and environmental training and experience to empower her community in the Grenadines to protect and develop their resources sustainably. She has grown to love and be inspired by nature and birds since working for SusGren. She comments, “A lot of times I would look at birds and observe how they are so fearless and free in the sky and by looking at these creatures you learn from them about how to create a beautiful life.”
Salt being produced at Belmont. (Photo by Radio Grenadines)
One of the new signs showing the bird of Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
The new platform at Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
Lesser Yellowlegs at Belmont Salt Pond. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
Kids with BirdSleuth Caribbean Bird Bingo-cards. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
Kids learning about birds with BirdSleuth Caribbean and World Migratory Bird Day materials. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
Viewing Platform at Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
Viewing Platform at Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
American Flamingo Spotted at Belmont Salt Pond. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
If you’re working today, you shouldn’t be. Tomorrow is Global Big Day for crying out loud. There is much to do.
And so, here’s your Friday Checklist:
Global Big Day – May 14, 2022Polish up your binos with one of those sweet microfiber cloths. Nobody knows what microfiber actually is; maybe spider silk, or the amazingly soft armpit hair of a baby goat, or dandelion seed fluffs sewn together. Scholars are mystified, so just be happy it works. Wipe away.
Begin carb-loading. Finding time to eat tomorrow will be challenging, so aim for consuming somewhere around four to five thousand calories today and you should be good to go. Pig out.
Play around on social media. Not just because it’s routine for you to do so at the top of every hour (isn’t working from home nice?!), but because you need to get the down-low on what other birders are up to. Some might already be tailgating in preparation for Global Big Day. Don’t let their cool personas get to you. Stay strong.
Take a nap from at least noon to 3pm. You’ve earned it. Plus, tomorrow is going to be an early one. Sunrise waits for no one, neither do those birds. Sleep easy.
It’s time to plan out the ground that you’re going to cover. Hour by hour planning is fun, but so is winging it. Keep some spontaneity on the docket. Remember that high vantage points can be really advantageous. Even though birds hate being looked down upon, it’s your best shot at seeing a lot of them at one time. Go high.
Refresh your knowledge of intricate molt patterns, especially with gulls. Rumor has it that some gull species have over 300 plumage variations, and that no mortal man or woman could possibly comprehend them all. Good luck.
Avoid people at all costs (unless you like people) because you might encounter other Global Big Day’ers out there. They may look friendly at first glance, but what they really want is information. Act naive, maybe even slightly disappointed, and ask them if they wouldn’t mind giving you advice on how to find whatever the most common species is in your area. They’ll leave you alone after that. Fly casual.
It’s gonna be a long day, so be sure to hydrate like crazy. Electrolytes are all the rage these days, and because they taste like hell by themselves you’ve got a great excuse to mix in a few cups of sugar. Nectar for the birds, and nectar for you. Pace yourself.
Reflect on which sock type to wear: tube socks or low-cuts? Don’t kid yourself, you’re a birder. That choice was made long ago. Tube up!
Tell a family member about Global Big Day. Not your second cousins on your mother’s side, they won’t care. But maybe your sweet aunt or the brother you’ve neglected for far too long. Convince them that birding is fun and that they should join you. Remember that family is obligated to love you and the things you do. Milk that.
Cue up your eBird account, make sure it still works, and take note of your GBD team’s username that you’ll be sharing your final list(s) with. Your role as a citizen scientist makes you awesome. And remind yourself that LBBs (Little Brown Birds) are not an acceptable species entry in eBird. That’s unfortunate.
With all this prep, your Global Big Day will surely be unforgettable. But your memory isn’t what it once was, so you might actually forget a lot of it. Best to document your exploits. While it’s highly likely that Uncle Sam is continuously taking beautiful photos of you from above, some good shots from ground-level of birds and people birdwatching will make you eligible for more prize giveaways—so be sure to pack a camera. Say cheese!
If you’re not having fun, then you’re not birding. And if you’re not birding, you’re definitely not having fun. Let’s make Global Big Day 2022 the best one yet!
p.s. It’s not too late to join one of our 17 awesome teams!!! Just click here to choose a team – or create one of your own! And here’s a link to our Global Big Day blog article with more information about how this fundraiser will benefit conservation of the Caribbean’s AMAZING birds!Any questions whatsoever about your birding mission tomorrow, don’t hesitate to email us! Lisa Sorenson – lisa.sorenson@birdscaribbean.org;Tahira Carter – tahira.carter@birdscaribbean.org; Justin Proctor – justin.proctor@birdscaribbean.org; and Jeff Gerbracht – jeffgerbracht@gmail.com.
It’s that time of year when Caribbean waterbirds get a chance to shine! Between the 14th of January and the 3rd of February, despite the limitations of the COVID-19 pandemic, binoculars, cameras and scopes were turned in their direction as they pottered about along our coastlines. Yes, it was the 12th annual Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC), an opportunity not only to count but also to learn and to raise awareness of these fascinating birds.
Learning the finer points of waterbird and shorebird ID on one of BirdsCaribbean waterbird ID webinars (image from Waterbirds ID Webinar Part II: Shorebirds; photo by Hemant Kishan)
This past year, it has been hard to meet in person and many events have ‘gone virtual.’ In keeping with this, BirdsCaribbean kicked off the 2021 CWC with a series of three online CWC webinars. The first focused on the importance of the Caribbean Waterbird Census, and explained how to participate. Our other two webinars concentrated on how to identify wetland birds, with a whole session dedicated to Shorebirds – a group that can tricky to identify, and are certainly a challenge when starting out! These webinars provided helpful reminders to those who have participated before and were an introduction to those new to the CWC. If you are looking for waterbird survey and ID tips, all three webinars are available to watch on BirdsCaribbean’s Youtube channel. In Puerto Rico, Sergio Colón and José Colón of Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña (SOPI) also presented a webinar on the common waterbird species in Puerto Rico to help people brush-up on their bird ID before doing CWC surveys.
Many of our partners took part in the 2021 CWC across our region. In Venezuela, with support from dedicated volunteers and BirdsCaribbean, Ave Zona carried out CWC surveys across an impressive number of different sites on several offshore islands and cays that are important to shorebirds and waterbirds, including some of the important wetland habitats on Margarita Island. They shared some of the species seen during their surveys on social media, including Laughing Gulls, Comb Duck, Great Blue Heron, Wilson’s Plover, and many other shorebird species. This is an amazing effort by Ave Zona given the logistical difficulties involved in travel in Venezuela.
Birders across our region took part in CWC 2021 (click to enlarge photos)
Birders from Ave Zona on on of their CWC surveys (Photo by Ave Zona)
Paula-Anne Porter and her birding group. Celebrating World Wetlands day with CWC surveys (Photo by Paula-Anne Porter)
BirdLife Jamaica celebrated Word Wetlands Day (2nd February) a few days early, with a weekend of wetland-themed activities including Caribbean Waterbird Census surveys in locations in and around Kingston Harbour. Sanderlings, Ruddy Turnstones, Belted Kingfishers, and a Louisiana Waterthrush were amongst the birds recorded. One of the surprises of the weekend, shared on Twitter by radio broadcaster and avid birder Paula-Anne Porter, was the sighting of a Brown Booby in the fishing village of Port Royal near the entrance to the harbour – “a rare sight in these parts” as it largely breeds on outlying cays. Additionally, several banded birds were spotted; one Sanderling, when reported, was recorded as having been banded in Saskatchewan, Canada, in 2019.
Piping Plover with a Snowy Plover spotted on Anguilla- can you tell which is which? (Photo by Nature Explorers Anguilla)
On Anguilla, Nature Explorers Anguilla wrapped up their CWC by identifying an impressive 53 species on their surveys! Their sightings included the Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, with a beautiful photograph of this bird shared on social media (see Gallery at end for this and other photos taken during CWC2021). Nature Explorers also shared an exciting and rare sighting, when a birding group spotted a Piping Plover hanging out with some Snowy Plovers, at Cove Pond Important Bird Area. The two species look similar but the Piping Plover can be picked out by its bright orange legs and short ‘stubby’ bill. Piping Plovers are not often seen on Anguilla, but this might be a favourite location for them, as one was seen in the same spot last year.
Garganey seen on Guadeloupe during CWC 2021 (Photo by Anthony Levesque )
Other rare waterbirds seen during this year’s CWC included a Garganey spotted on one of his CWC surveys by Anthony Levesque in Guadeloupe. This is only the second record of this species for the Island!
In Antigua the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) and their ‘ Wadadli Warblers’ Birding Club split into teams and organised several CWC Level 2 counts at three different sites. During their census they managed to count a fantastic total of 42 bird species. The EAG used the need to wear face masks during COVID as an excuse to get creative. They challenged people to join in their bird ‘mask-erade’ by designing bird-themed face masks to celebrate the finale of their CWC. The results were some wonderful, fun, and colourful creations. The winning prize went to Auriel Hunte for her Snowy Egret-inspired Mask. Read more about the EAG’s CWC activities and check out some more of the bird masks in our blog post from Shanna Challenger and Britney Hay.
EAG’s Mask-erade Competition for the 2021 CWC – click to enlarge photos
Flyer for EAG’s Bird Mask-erade
Winning mask of the EAG’s Wadadli Warblers “Mask-erade,” designed by Auriel Hunte after the beautiful Snowy Egret
Over in Grenada, a wonderful flock of 92 Blue-winged Teal was spotted on La Sagesse Pond; and 3KC Birding Adventures recorded some nice footage of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks on Antoine Lake.
Challenges there were, but this year’s CWC yielded some interesting results. Most importantly, many of our partners did get out and about and enjoyed an array of species, while counting furiously!
A huge thank you from BirdsCaribbean to all those who took part in the Caribbean Waterbird Census this year- your survey results help us keep track of what is going on with waterbirds in our region and identify trends and important sites for waterbirds. Big thanks also to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Forest Service, Canadian Wildlife Service, and our members and donors for supporting our Caribbean Waterbird Census! Don’t forget you can do CWC surveys at your wetland all through the year, find out more about CWC and how to take part here and find fantastic resources to help you here.
More photos from our partners during CWC 2021 – ENJOY!
Flock of Laughing Gulls in flight in Venezuela (Photo by Ave Zona)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron seen by Nature Explorers Anguilla during their CWC survey (Photo by Nature Explorers Anguilla)
Piping Plover, spotted on Anguilla- a rare sighting (Photo by Nature Explorers Anguilla)
Orange Valley Mudflat in Trinidad during CWC2021 (photo by Mark Hulme)
CWC survey on the West Coast Mudflats Trinidad (Photo by Mark Hulme)
Identifying shorebirds during a CWC survey on the West Coast Mudflats Trinidad (photo by Mark Hulme)
Shorebirds spotted by Ave Zone during one of their CWC surveys (Photo by Ave Zona)
One of the fun entries in EAG’s “maskerade” contest!
The Snowy Egret in its natural habitat, which Miss Hunte’s mask was designed after. (photo by Nick Hollands)
Lovely artwork on a mask from EAG’s “maskerade” competition for the CWC 2021.
Another clever mask from EAG’s competition – can you tell what species this is?
Shanna Challenger shows off her White-cheeked Pintail mask – we love it!
The #McKinnonsMallards conducting their bird surveys at the McKinnon’s Saltpond for the Caribbean Waterbird Census. (photo by Shanna Challenger)
The EAG Bird Club “Wadadli Warblers” celebrating the completion of another successful CWC count in Antigua.
This Brown Booby was spotted on Jamaica during CWC surveys.
A banded Ruddy Turnstone seen during CWC2021 on Jamaica
This Sanderling, seen in Jamaica was banded in Saskatchewan, Canada in 2019
Enjoy this video of the Black-bellied Whistling Ducks seen on Antoine Lake, Grenada
Some birders posted about their CWC surveys on instagram
Ajhermae White helps students of the Grade 5 class of Look Out Primary School with shorebird ID during their field trip at Marguerita Bay. (Photo by Stephen Mendes)
Enthusiasm is a key ingredient when observing, teaching, and talking about birds. For Ajhermae White, organizing a shorebird education initiative funded by BirdsCaribbean on her native Montserrat was a learning experience for her as well as her audiences, and a deeply satisfying one all around. Here is Ahjermae’s account of her journey as a shorebird educator – with young children, frigatebirds, and Government officials thrown into the mix.
The ‘Education on Shorebirds in Montserrat’ project is an initiative carried out by the island’s Department of Environment and sponsored by BirdsCaribbean. The aim is to spread awareness of shorebirds and their habitats. Once island residents learn more about these birds and understand their significance, the likelihood of threats to shorebirds, such as habitat destruction and human disturbance, will be reduced. As the project leader, I was really excited about the possible outcomes of this initiative.
The journey of being a shorebird educator has been a fulfilling experience. It has been a real privilege for me as the project leader to be given the opportunity to educate the local populace, in schools and among the general population about this fascinating topic. This has afforded me personal growth in addition to the enormous pleasure of sharing my passion for birds and their habitats.
Cleaning Up the Beaches Where Shorebirds Hang Out
Young girls participating in the clean-up. (Photo by Stephen Mendes)
The first major activity of this project was hosting a beach clean-up, in August 2020. Together with my colleagues from the Department of Environment, we brought the local community together to clean a shorebird habitat ahead of the migratory season.
We chose Marguerita Bay, which is located on the eastern side of the island, for this clean-up. Debris is constantly deposited on this beach as a consequence with the tides of the Atlantic Ocean. Nonetheless, this beach has been a popular site for shorebirds on Montserrat during the migratory season.
It was a good turnout of volunteers of all ages, from various community groups. I found it quite surprising to see the various types of items that were collected from the beach. These included items such as fishnets, clothing items, shoes, and even a 20 pound propane bottle! This clean-up was a success. An amazing 1,300 pounds of trash was removed from the beach. As such, the beach was much cleaner for the 2020 fall migrants.
Click on photos to enlarge
Some of the participants of the beach clean-up. (Photo by Stephen Mendes)
Participants collecting trash at the beach clean-up. (Photo by Stephen Mendes)
Working in Schools and Communities
Ajhermae White giving a shorebird presentation to the Grade 6 students of the Brades Primary School. (Photo by Rianna Thomas)
During the month of October 2020, we were out in the schools and communities, conducting outreach sessions. We gave presentations and organized field trips. We conducted outreach sessions with The Rotaract Club; grade classes in three primary schools; two groups with members of the public; and last but not least, an After School Club of four to six-year-olds.
For most of the school engagements, we made presentations in the afternoons. The following morning, we took the students out on the field trip, as soon as the school day started.
The students listened intently and participated actively in all the presentations, which was impressive. We talked to them about “What is a shorebird?” and went on to discuss their habitats, feeding habits, and threats to their survival. We then described some common shorebirds on Montserrat.
Semipalmated Sandpiper at Marguerita Bay during the field trip with the Grade 6 students of the Brades Primary School.
We made sure that these presentations included many pictures and videos of shorebirds and their habitats. Some classes had interesting questions. I specifically recall that during one presentation a student asked whether the Killdeer was the adult version of the Semipalmated Plover. When the student asked this, I felt a sense of gratification. This not only demonstrated that they were paying attention but that they were engrossed sufficiently to spot the similarities and differences and between the different species.
After every presentation, we gave the students a short quiz with spot prizes. After the quiz, every student was given a token (badge, sticker, pamphlet, or bird band). Needless to say, they were very excited to be “little ambassadors” for migratory shorebirds with their stickers and other tokens.
Meanwhile, Out in the Field…Frigatebirds Were a “Hit”
Our first stop for every field trip was the recently-cleaned Marguerita Bay, where students were thrilled to see shorebirds like the Sanderling, Pectoral Sandpiper, and the Semipalmated Sandpiper. However, as the month of October progressed, there were fewer sightings, as the shorebirds were moving on.
During every field trip at Marguerita Bay, we could count on the Magnificent Frigatebirds to put on a show by flying very low and putting on acrobatic performances when swooping down to drink water from the pond. It was as if they enjoyed the attention from the young bird-watchers, who could observe the sexual dimorphism in this species.
Even if there weren’t many shorebirds to see at the beach at the time of the visit, the Frigatebirds captivated the students. The After School Club birders (4-6 year olds) were mesmerized by the Magnificent Frigatebirds. I recall that I wasn’t certain whether these little ones would understand terms like “female”, “male” and “juvenile,” so to simplify for these kindergartners, I told them which frigatebirds were “girls”, “boys” and “babies”. They kept shouting out “That one’s a baby bird!” They were so funny.
Some of the information about the shorebirds was in Spanish, so I made sure that any student who spoke Spanish as a first language was able to see the Spanish names as well for the various species. Those students also received a Spanish Shorebird poster.
All Went Well With the Student Birders!
Students from the After-School Club are excited to identify shorebirds with Scriber at Marguerita Bay, Montserrat (photo by Ajhermae White)
The second stop during the field trips was to Carr’s Bay. This area is near a busy road so we always took extra precautions when visiting this area. Students spotted species like the Sanderling, LesserYellowlegs, GreaterYellowlegs, SolitarySandpiper, and others wading in the water. There were also a few other wetland bird species that the students were able to identify, such as the Common Gallinule and the Snowy Egret.
When we returned to the classroom we distributed refreshments and provided additional tokens. I gave students a shorebird word search that I created online, to help them remember the names of the shorebirds of Montserrat.
Students of the Brades Primary School identifying shorebirds at Carr’s Bay. (Photo by Ajhermae White)
Although I always felt a little anxious before leading a field trip, I felt relieved afterwards, because they were successful and went ahead without mishaps. This was quite a responsibility for me, especially with the smallest bird enthusiasts. The students were able to see shorebirds and many other birds. Fortunately, there were no accidents during the field trips and even if it was a rainy day, the rain stopped long enough for the field trips to take place.
Engaging with the students was really gratifying. After the first few educational events, I started feeling more confident about putting myself out there to educate more students and the public. The enthusiasm that the students displayed showed me how much potential there is to impart knowledge to the younger generation, so that they can become more intensely aware of the avian biodiversity on Montserrat.
Students of the Grade 6 class of the St Augustine Primary School showing their shorebird identification cards after their field trip. (Photo by Thiffanie Williams)
Radio, a Powerful Medium for Reaching People
We used radio a great deal during this project. We recorded a few radio spots to inform the public about shorebirds, their habitats and migration, playing shorebird calls to grab the listeners’ attention. The spots also informed listeners about some of the threats that these birds face, such as habitat loss and pollution. A few of our outreach activities were scheduled around World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) so this celebration got coverage on the local news and the public was informed about the activities planned.
The Department of Environment was featured on the Ministry of Agriculture’s radio program called “MALHE VIBES” in October. On this live program, James ‘Scriber’ Daley (Forest Ranger) and I spoke about shorebirds and their habitats, informed listeners about our activities throughout the month, and used the opportunity to invite people to a public shorebird educational event. (See the end of this post for links to all Ajhermae’s radio appearances during this project!).
Great Support for Public Events – and a Government Minister, Too
We hosted public events to educate people in the community about shorebirds and give them opportunities to see shorebirds in their habitat. We advertised these events on the radio and on Facebook. I was really grateful to my co-worker, Thiffanie Williams, who created digital flyers to advertise the public events of this project.
Digital flyer for the first public shorebird educational event. Created by Thiffanie Williams, Montserrat Dept of Environment.
For the public events Scriber and I conducted presentations, starting at 6:30 am. This presentation covered the same topics as the school presentations – but this time, people of all ages attended these sessions. We also gave a mini-quiz to participants, with the opportunity to win a BirdsCaribbean tote bag. After stocking up on refreshments and equipping them with binoculars, the participants boarded a bus at 7:00 am. Just like the school field trips, we took the participants to Marguerita Bay and then to Carr’s Bay. At Marguerita Bay we didn’t see as many shorebirds as we had hoped to see but some seabirds were present.
The Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Crenston Buffonge, looking at shorebirds in the spotting scope. (Photo by Ajhermae White)
The radio sessions had clearly paid off, as residents of all ages attended the public birding events. I was particularly grateful that the Minister of Agriculture, Lands Housing and the Environment (MALHE), Hon. Crenston Buffonge and the Parliamentary Secretary, the Hon. Veronica Dorsette-Hector, each attended one of our public outreach sessions. It made me really pleased that these members of Parliament took part in these educational events and publicly showed their support for the project. This gave me hope for the future of wetlands on Montserrat.
Shorebirds at Carr’s Bay during the first public field trip on October 17th 2020. (Photo by Ajhermae White)
Carr’s Bay never disappointed us! On the first public birding trip, we saw fifteen different bird species at this site, including various species of shorebirds, like the Spotted Sandpiper and the Least Sandpiper! The first public birding trip was quite fulfilling for me because I saw two bird species that I had never seen before: the Merlin, and one that had eluded me many times – the Belted Kingfisher. The Minister jokingly commented that perhaps he and the other participants brought the good luck that allowed me to see these species.
It was quite satisfying to see when someone got an ‘aha moment’ after learning something new or finding out the name of a bird that they’ve often seen. A young girl, Kearah Ryan, who joined the second public birding trip, wrote a lovely blog about her experience. During that trip, Scriber and I were interviewed live on the radio by phone, informing the listeners about shorebirds, their habitats, migration, and the importance of protecting these birds. To my further delight, this clip was featured on ZJB Radio on the local news the following Monday. This served to boost my confidence as a shorebird educator.
Kearah Ryan looking through the spotting scope at Carr’s Bay. Be sure to check out Kearah’s lovely blog and photos on her first shorebirding experience! (link above) (Photo by Ajhermae White)
An Impactful Project, a Great Personal Experience
Participants of the second bird watching trip. (Photo by Ajhermae White)
Overall, this project has been a resounding success! The Covid-19 pandemic had minimal impact on this educational project, as we have been fortunate in that Montserrat recorded no active cases between July 2020 and February 2021. With the use of the radio spots, the radio program, and the news, we effectively reached and educated many people locally about shorebirds and raised awareness about the threats that this group of birds face. So far we have directly engaged 145 persons, including two elected politicians. The feedback has been positive!
It is fair to say that I experienced personal growth while undertaking this project. It allowed me to sharpen my organizational skills, as quite a lot of planning and coordination was required to organize the clean-up and field trips. Additionally, with the wide coverage through the media and in-person presentations, my communication skills were also enhanced. As a direct consequence of this and the feedback I received, I am more confident to take on other projects in the future. I am therefore thankful to BirdsCaribbean for firstly, igniting my interest in birds, which allowed me to gain knowledge about avian species. Secondly, through their generous funding of this project I had the opportunity to educate Montserrat about this fascinating group of birds.
Ajhermae White and James ‘Scriber’ Daley with the participants of the first public shorebird outreach session. (Photo by Stephon Hixon)
Ajhermae White is an Environment Officer from the Department of Environment in Montserrat. She received a small grant from BirdsCaribbean to support her in this project to help educate people on Montserrat about shorebirds, their habitats and conservation. Thank you to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Forest Service, Canadian Wildlife Service, and Manomet for supporting our Caribbean Waterbird Census and Shorebird Monitoring and Conservation Projects!
Check out the awesome live interviews of Ajhermae White and James “Scriber” Daley (Montserrat Dept of Environment) for their shorebird education events:
On Thursday 22nd October 2020, the Department of Environment were the guests on the Ministry of Agriculture’s radio program “MALHE Vibes” where they spoke about out shorebirds and the activities that they had been conducting for the Shorebird Education project (start at 2:34):
While on the Public bird watching trip at Carr’s Bay, Ajhermae got a chance to go live on ZJB Radio to let everyone know about our birding trip. Here is a link to that snippet of the radio program:
One of the mini-birders on the public birding trip, Kearah Ryan, wrote a lovely blog post and shared photos about her shorebirding experience on Saturday. Here is a link to her blog:
BirdsCaribbean note: We are so proud of Ajhermae White, a young conservation leader in Montserrat! Ajhermae attended our Conservation Caribbean Shorebirds International Training Workshop in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico in February 2019. Thank you to the Dept of Environment and James Scriber Daley for their incredible support! Many thanks also to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Fund, Vortex Optics, Optics for the Tropics, and to our generous members and donors for supporting this project.
One of the species found at all CWC sites, the bold Green Heron. (photo by Britney Hay)
This year marked the 12th anniversary of the Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC). Shanna Challenger and Britney Hay from the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) update us on the highlights of this years CWC activities on Antigua. Find out what the group saw during their citizen science surveys and who made the winning mask in their fun and creative ‘Bird Mask-erade’ !
We’ve all heard the age-old saying “birds of a feather flock together” – but when counting birds, we realize that birds not of a feather will still flock together, making counting an even more challenging experience, requiring a sharp eye, and close attention to detail.
The aptly named Lesser Yellowlegs, one of the many migratory bird species spotted at the Fitches Creek Mangrove during surveys conducted by the #FitchesCreekFalcons. (photo by Nick Hollands)
It’s a beautiful Sunday evening, and the sun is beginning to make its descent. You arrive at the mangrove, armed with your mask, binoculars, reusable water bottle, and most importantly, insect repellent. White feathery heads dot the lush mangrove, and you get into position, ready to count the mysterious colony of egrets or “garlings”. As you look through your spotting scope and begin your count, you take a closer look and realise that the seemingly monotonous flock of egrets also includes other species, such as Yellow-Crowned Night Herons, Brown Pelicans, and Little Blue Herons. As you excitedly record the numbers of birds seen, you look around for the final three minutes, and a majestic Osprey flies overhead just in time to be included in your count.
What’s described above is a typical experience of being a birder and participating in the annual Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC). This year marked the 12th anniversary of this region-wide wetland bird and waterbird monitoring program, spearheaded by BirdsCaribbean. The CWC, which took place between January 14th and February 3rd across the region, aimed to raise awareness of wetland birds and their habitats by engaging different agencies and individuals in monitoring and conservation. Across the Caribbean, avid birders took to their favourite wetland bird sites to record the number and species of wetland birds in the spirit of conservation.
The #McKinnonsMallards conducting their bird surveys at the McKinnon’s Saltpond for the Caribbean Waterbird Census. (photo by Shanna Challenger)
Members of the EAG’s birding club, the Wadadli Warblers, and friends were sure to get involved in the CWC action this year. The 21 participants were split among three different wetland sites: the Fitches Creek Mangrove, McKinnon’s Salt Pond, and Nevis Street Mangrove. Except for the Nevis Street Mangrove, each of these sites are considered Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) because of the notable species and numbers of native and migratory birds that they regularly support.
At each site, CWC Level 2 counts were conducted by the respective teams, affectionately named the “Nevis Street Noddies”, the “McKinnons Mallards” and the “Fitches Creek Falcons”. During the census this year, a whopping 42 species of birds were seen between the three sites. Preliminary findings showed the evidence of nesting White-Cheeked Pintails, as ducklings were observed at McKinnons; and the surprising presence of Laughing Gulls, which are not usually seen until later in the year. Collecting this data is invaluable for monitoring the health of waterbird populations and their habitats in our Antiguan wetlands. It is beneficial to both birds and people, since we rely on the same habitats for our health and well-being.
The EAG Bird Club “Wadadli Warblers” celebrating the completion of another successful CWC count in Antigua.
Unfortunately, each of these sites were under pressure, threatening the bird species that lived there. Pollution through illegal dumping, noise, invasive species, and infrastructural developments were all examples of this.
This year’s census was the most robust CWC data collection effort to date and we applaud our teams for their contributions as citizen scientists. For the grand finale of the CWC activities, the EAG encouraged the Wadadli Warblers to participate in a Bird Mask-erade, where members were tasked with designing a face mask inspired by their favorite wetland bird. In addition to celebrating the CWC, the friendly competition sought to link our culture with our love of the environment, while providing a keepsake of our current times during the pandemic. The winner of the competition, Auriel Hunte, won a Birds of the West Indies field guide (new Second Edition!), written by renowned author Herb Raffaele, and a $50 food voucher for her feathery Snowy Egret-inspired mask.
Click on the photos below to view them larger.
Winning mask of the EAG’s Wadadli Warblers “Mask-erade,” designed by Auriel Hunte after the beautiful Snowy Egret
The Snowy Egret in its natural habitat, which Miss Hunte’s mask was designed after. (photo by Nick Hollands)
More fund photos from EAG’s ‘bird Mask-Erade’ (click on the photos below to see the them larger in a gallery).
Flyer for EAG’s Bird Mask-erade
One of the fun entries in EAG’s “maskerade” contest!
Shanna Challenger shows off her White-cheeked Pintail mask – we love it!
Lovely artwork on a mask from EAG’s “maskerade” competition for the CWC 2021.
Another clever mask from EAG’s competition – can you tell what species this is?
The Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) works to raise awareness about the importance of waterbirds and the need for conservation efforts to improve their habitat, especially in local Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) like the McKinnon’s Saltpond, and the Fitches Creek Mangrove. Our work is possible through support provided by BirdsCaribbean, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. BirdsCaribbean also thanks the US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Forest Service, Canadian Wildlife Service, Manomet, and our members and donors for supporting our Caribbean Waterbird Census and Shorebird Monitoring and Conservation Projects!
Find EAG on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EAGAntigua
Trinidad and Tobago has a rich abundance and diversity of shorebirds and provides vital habitats for them during migration and over winter.Martin Gebauer, the recipient of a small grant for work on shorebirds from BirdsCaribbean, gives us a historical perspective and an update on shorebird populations and their habitats on the island of Trinidad.Find out from Martin if using drones can help us to count and monitor shorebirds.
Trinidad has a rich diversity of Shorebirds. This mixed group, using Trinidad’s west coast during spring migration has six different shorebird species. Can you find and name them all? Scroll down to see the answers. (Photo by Jerome Foster)
Arctic-nesting shorebird populations have shown serious declines on breeding grounds, and at staging and wintering areas across their range. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS), BirdsCaribbean (BC), and others have been looking into threats – including hunting – to shorebirds in the Caribbean through the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (AFSI). It is clear, however, that more research is needed on the abundance, diversity, distribution, and habitat use of shorebirds migrating through or wintering in Trinidad and Tobago (TT), as well as the location of staging and wintering areas in the country. To support the AFSI, shorebird surveys (including the use of a drone) were conducted from 2018 to 2020. To determine the scale of shorebird declines, survey data were compared to data from aerial surveys on fixed wing aircraft conducted by Morrison and Ross (CWS) in 1982. The current work was supported by the USFWS and BirdsCaribbean.
Part of a group of Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers resting on Trinidad’s west coast during spring migration. (Photo by Jerome Foster)
Shorebird diversity in Trinidad and Tobago is particularly rich. Of the 48 shorebird species recorded to date, some of which are European vagrants, 23 species were observed during the 2018 to 2020 surveys. Our surveys, and those by Morrison and Ross and others, found that the Semipalmated Sandpiper is by far the most common species, representing around 90% of shorebirds tallied in the country. Other common species are Western Sandpiper (see photo), Semipalmated Plover, Lesser Yellowlegs, Stilt Sandpiper, Whimbrel, and Willet. Historical accounts suggest a similar mixture of species
The February 1982 aerial survey of Trinidad by Morrison and Ross documented more than 13,600 Nearctic shorebirds. But there is worrying news. The maximum number of birds seen on the 2018 to 2020 surveys was 4,174 (September 2018). This disturbing decline, which is described in more detail below, matches up with the USFWS and CWS findings. Although an accurate estimate of the percent decline is difficult, current shorebird populations are likely only between 20 to 30% of 1982 levels.
Some of the most important habitats for shorebirds are on the west coast of Trinidad. In fact, the west coast mudflats are designated as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by Birdlife International. The area between the southern end of Caroni Swamp and south past the Couva River mouth to around Pointe-à-Pierre seems to be particularly good for shorebirds. Where the mudflats look greenish in color, there is a thick slurry of biofilm (i.e., diatoms, bacteria, organic detritus, and benthic invertebrates), a very important food source for Semipalmated and Western sandpipers. Morrison and Ross found that about 99% of all shorebirds observed on their aerial surveys were on the west coast mudflats, which aligns with the approximately 95% of shorebirds documented from 2018 to 2020. Very few shorebirds have been observed on the northern, eastern, or southern coasts.
Aerial image, taken from a drone, of the mudflats at Orange Valley, looking south towards Point Lisas. (Photo by Nicolaas Kersting)
Another important area for shorebirds is the Caroni Rice Fields. Regrettably, since 2003, rice farming has been abandoned in large portions of these fields and the overall habitat for shorebirds has declined. However, in some years – for example, in 2020 – large numbers of shorebirds can still be found here.
Active rice farming in Caroni Rice Fields provides habitat for shorebirds. (Photo by Martin Gebauer)
The drone surveys provided an excellent overview of habitats at each of the sites surveyed. Unfortunately, because the images were not sufficiently high resolution, a detailed analysis of shorebird use, whether manual or software-driven, was not possible. Another challenge was that birds were disturbed and often flew away, even when the drone was at a height of 100 m. We did find that drones may be suitable for surveying larger species such as gulls, skimmers and terns, as shown in the adjacent picture (Brickfield, 40m, 05 April 2020).
Still image from drone footage. The birds have been marked for counting. This image contains 878 Black Skimmers, 1001 Laughing Gulls and 19 Large-billed Terns. (Image by Nicolaas Kersting)
The area with the highest shorebird numbers during the 1982 Morrison and Ross surveys was the Point Lisas industrial development (see photo). However, currently this area is not accessible by foot or drone. Nevertheless, a review of recent aerial imagery suggests that habitats in this area have been dramatically altered through dredging and land reclamation activities.
Drone footage of Point Lisas on the west coast of Trinidad (Photo by Nicolaas Kersting)
Aerial image of Point Lisas
Apparently, this loss of the mudflats that provide so much food and foraging for small shorebirds (Semipalmated and Western Sandpipers) appears to be a cause of the considerable declines of these charming, once abundant little birds between the 1982 and the 2018-2020 surveys.
Following the construction of the Orange Valley fishing pier, there has been a dramatic decline in the surrounding mudflats, with a rapid expansion of mangroves in the area.
Aerial image of Orange Valley in 2004
Aerial image of Orange Valley in 2018
There are local factors that are contributing to the declining numbers of shorebirds in Trinidad. Previously rich areas where they foraged for food are disappearing. In some areas, an increase in mangrove growth has affected the mudflats that shorebirds love. We must also take into account the global picture; across the flyway shorebirds are declining. What lessons can we learn from other countries? One thing is clear: To ensure that these losses of habitats for the wintering shorebirds do not continue in Trinidad, protecting and restoring remaining mudflat areas on the west coast of Trinidad has to be a critical goal in shorebird management.
This downward spiral has to be slowed or better still, turned around.
Martin Gebauer is an ornithologist and president of Gebauer & Associates Ltd., an environmental consulting firm. He is currently working on his PhD at the University of Oxford. He carried out research on shorebird hunting in the Caribbean for his MSc from Oxford.
Here are the six species of shorebirds with labels to identify them. Good for you if you were able to name some or all of them correctly! (Photo by Jerome Foster)
To learn more about shorebird ID, check out this training webinar:
With this year’s Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) in full swing BirdsCaribbean recently held some webinars to help out those who want to get involved. One attendee, Emma Lewis, shares her thoughts with us on why counting birds matters so much, and the trials and tribulations (sometimes humorous) of learning to identify shorebirds and waterbirds.
The devil is in the details, they say, and as birders across the region gird themselves up and go out to muddy, sandy, wet places to spot birds, figuring out what is what is no joke. The birds are – what’s the word, indefinable? – at times.
As I may have mentioned before, it’s always important to find birds, but it’s also very important to count them. This helps scientists figure out populations – what, when, where, and how many – and to map them to see how these populations are moving around the planet. What has become apparent in recent years is that waterbirds, especially shorebirds, have been declining in numbers around the world for decades now. In the UK, for example, waterbird numbers have declined by 25 per cent in just the past ten years, according to one survey. There are many reasons for the global decline (some 40 per cent since the 1970s in our hemisphere), with climate change and coastal development high on the list in the Caribbean.
Population trends of different species groups since 1970. Shorebirds have declined by 40%. (Screen shot from BirdsCaribbean Shorebird ID webinar).
Bearing in mind that we need to understand more about our waterbirds, by observing and recording them, in order to conserve them, BirdsCaribbean has organized the Caribbean Waterbirds Census (CWC), now in its twelfth year (January 14 to February 3; including World Wetlands Day on February 2). This year, three webinars were organized to help confused birders identify those delightful birds, of all shapes and sizes, that potter around on our beaches, salt flats, marshes, mangroves, mudflats,and riversides at this time of year.
In descending order… Big, little and…smaller still, like the Least Sandpiper. Last, but not least. Full guide and other resources available here (Screenshot from BirdsCaribbean shorebird ID webinar)
Ducks a-dabbling. These are Blue-winged Teals, which are the most common migratory duck to visit us in the Caribbean. The male has a distinctive white crescent on his face & both sexes have a large blue-wing patch. (Photo by Sharon Cardin)
The thing is, you see, there are ~185 species of waterbirds around the Caribbean. These include dabbling ducks and diving ducks, tall stately herons and small crouching herons, egrets with various colored legs and bills, and a baffling (and disconcertingly large) group of sandpipers and plovers – breeding, non-breeding, and in between (sometimes they are molting in or out of their breeding plumage). Males, females, and immature ones. Most of them actually are super-migrants, breeding way up in the Arctic and making their way all the way down to the Caribbean in winter to just hang out, rest, feed, and prepare to migrate back again.
I took this photo in Portland Bight, Clarendon, in 2019. Could it be…? Is it…a Lesser Yellowlegs? **see end of post
I had some little chuckles to myself during the webinars. It was harder than the most difficult New York Times crossword at times – the Sunday one. We had regular quizzes throughout to “test our knowledge,” during which I felt increasingly desperate and took wild guesses. Is A or B a Semipalmated Sandpiper? Or could it be a Spotted Sandpiper? Is it “front heavy” (it could be a Western Sandpiper)? Is its back the color of wet sand, or dry sand? What is the difference between a Greater Yellowlegs and a Lesser Yellowlegs (if you saw just one of them)?
Look for clues, our presenters urged. Sometimes the differences can be “very subtle.” Indeed.
So, next weekend, all being well, I will be taking the “Waterbird Challenge.” Why don’t you try it too? If you need some inspiration, go to BirdsCaribbean’s YouTube page (see links below). The webinars were all streamed live on Facebook, so you can find them there, too. I would also recommend downloading the free Merlin bird ID app from the Cornell Lab on your phone! And of course, don’t forget to enter your birding checklists on eBird Caribbean (be sure to choose one of the Caribbean Waterbird Census protocols – see instructions here) – your data are invaluable to science and conservation.
Ultimately, as for so many things in life, the best advice is “practice makes perfect.” In other words, the more you get out there and tackle those waterbirds, the better. Spend hours with them!
And, as Jeff Gerbracht from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, who gave us those finer points, reminded us: “Waterbirds need the Caribbean.”
We learned the finer points of waterbird and shorebird ID – many valuable tips were provided. Now I just need to study! (image from Waterbirds ID Webinar Part II: Shorebirds; photo by Ray Robles)
If you would like to become a member of BirdsCaribbean, you do not have to be an expert at all! What unites us is our love of birds. For students and Caribbean nationals, the membership is only US$25 annually. If you are a Caribbean institution, the membership is US$60. Your membership helps BirdsCaribbean’s efforts to raise awareness, train and mentor conservation professionals, support research and monitoring, advocate for birds and their habitats, and engage people in citizen science and conservation actions. One big plus is that as a member you get free access to Birds of the World, a fabulous online resource which costs more than your membership fee to subscribe to!
**This shorebird does have yellow legs but it is in fact a Spotted Sandpiper. It has shorter legs than a Lesser Yellowlegs and a heavier bill. Note the white “smudge” or wedge at the shoulder, another good field mark. It also shows the typical ’tilted forward’ posture of a Spotted Sandpiper and lacks the speckled plumage on the back, you would expect on a Lesser Yellowlegs.
Many thanks to Emma Lewis for this inspiring and fun article. Emma is a blogger, social and environmental activist, and avid birder based in Jamaica. She also recently joined the board of BirdsCaribbean. Thank you to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Forest Service, Canadian Wildlife Service, and our members and donors for supporting our Caribbean Waterbird Census and Waterbird-Shorebird Education, Monitoring and Conservation Projects!
West Indian Whistling-Ducks swimming through duckweed at Negril Royal Palm Reserve in Jamaica. WIWDs are endemic to the West Indies. Their long-term survival is threatened by destruction and degradation of their wetland habitats from development, climate change, and pollution, as well as poaching and predation by invasive species. (photo by Ann Sutton)
We are pleased and proud to announce that Inauguration Day, 20th January 2021 was the start of a new and wonderful initiative. This big event happened far from Washington D.C., in a remote wetland near Negril, Jamaica. On this day, two West Indian Whistling-Ducks, nicknamed “Joe” and “Kamala”, became the first of their kind to bear GPS trackers. From now on, like their namesakes, these birds will be the focus of constant scrutiny and international attention. Their solar–powered backpack trackers will report their locations every hour. Read on as Dr. Ann Haynes-Sutton shares more with us about this exciting new initiative.
West Indian Whistling-Ducks (WIWD) are one of the rarest ducks in the Americas. We know very little about the behavior and movements of these secretive ducks, which are found only in the northern Caribbean (including the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico, Antigua and Barbuda; extirpated, very rare, or vagrant elsewhere). WIWDs are classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as “Near Threatened.” Threats to these ducks include destruction of their wetland habitats, climate change (severe droughts, storms, and flooding), predation by invasive species (e.g., mongoose), poaching, and pollution from agriculture and other sources. BirdsCaribbean members have long reported declines in the population of Whistling-Ducks and their habitats throughout their range, which led to the creation of the WIWD and Wetlands Conservation Project. Jamaican populations are among the worst affected in recent years.
Three GPS trackers ready for application. (photo by Ann Sutton)
About 10 years ago, I regularly saw more than 150 in the Negril wetlands but over the years I heard reports that their numbers had declined catastrophically. The reports reached the Jamaican Government, who made the recovery of the WIWD the focus of part of their Global Environment Facility Project “Integrating Water, Land and Ecosystems Management in Caribbean Small Island States – Jamaica sub-project Biodiversity Mainstreaming in Coastal Landscapes within the Negril Environmental Protection Area of Jamaica.” The Government hired me as the lead expert for the West Indian Whistling-Duck component.
In order to plan for the ducks’ recovery, I needed detailed information, for example, how many there are, where they feed, nest, and roost, and the threats they face. I couldn’t find any such data, for Negril or any other part of Jamaica. I set out to survey the ducks from the ground, from roads, and by boat, using tapes, drones and cameras. All these approaches failed. Apart from one location, I could not find any ducks, although with the help of the Negril Environmental Protection Trust I received some reports from local community members.
Thus, I was more than delighted when BirdsCaribbean and Hope Zoo Preservation Foundation supported the purchase and importation of some GPS trackers from Cellular Tracking Technologies. These state-of-the-art trackers, used successfully on species like Peregrine Falcons and Greater Sage Grouse, will plot the positions of the ducks every hour to within a few metres.
BirdsCaribbean Executive Director, Lisa Sorenson commented, “We are thrilled with the launch of this exciting project. I expect it will lead to major improvements in our knowledge of the ducks’ movements and habitat use. If so, BirdsCaribbean will seek to do tracking in other parts of the Caribbean. WIWDs populations are small on every island where they occur (with the exception perhaps of Cuba) and they have been extirpated from several countries. We hope to ramp up our knowledge and conservation of this important regional endemic.”
Brandon Hay and Ricardo Miller taking measurements on one of the two WIWDs that were captured. (photo by Ann Sutton)
On 20th January 2021, our small team – composed of Ricardo Miller of the National Environment and Planning Agency, D. Brandon Hay of the Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation, and myself – captured two West Indian Whistling-Ducks in Negril and fitted them with transmitters. It was an amazing thrill to hold these beautiful birds in our hands and very carefully attach the devices. Gina Kent from the Avian Research and Conservation Institute in Florida and Lisa Sorenson of BirdsCaribbean were on hand remotely to provide us with technical advice and support.
With excitement and trepidation we set the ducks free. Now we are looking forward to see what we can learn from them. The information I gather will support my work with the local and international communities to develop and implement measures to preserve West Indian Whistling-Ducks in Negril. No doubt our findings will promote initiatives to assess and conserve the ducks in the rest of Jamaica, and throughout their range.
We decided to call the ducks “Joe” and “Kamala” in honour of the very auspicious date and our hope that they can help to save the species. Go for it Kamala and Joe – we wish you well!
Dr. Ann Haynes-Sutton is a Conservation Ecologist and Co-Chair of BirdsCaribbean’s Bird Monitoring Working Group and Seabird Working Group. She has been a long-time member of BirdsCaribbean’s WIWD Working Group and is also the senior author of Wondrous West Indian Wetlands: Teachers’ Resource Book, published by BirdsCaribbean and used in over 145 Wetlands Education Training Workshops since 2002.
Acknowledgements: We are thankful to BirdsCaribbean members and donors whose financial support made this project possible. We are also thankful to National Environment and Planning Agency, Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation, Avian Research and Conservation Institute, Hope Zoo Preservation Foundation, and Cellular Tracking Technologies for support and assistance with this exciting project.
If you would like to donate to support this project, please click here. Thank you in advance!
First data coming in from “Kamala” showing her movements around the Negril Royal Palm Reserve in Jamaica.
Brandon Hay with Joe, one of the two WIWD. (photo by Ann Sutton)
WIWDs are a secretive duck, difficult to survey and study, as they typically roost in mangroves or other dense vegetation during the day. They become active at dusk, flying around to different wetlands to feed. (photo by Ann Sutton)
WIWD with GPS tracker attached using a backpack style harness. The tracker weighs about 20 g, which is about 2% of the species’ body weight. The batteries are solar powered. (photo by Ann Sutton)
The team at work, taking measurements on one of the two ducks that were fitted with GPS transmitters.
The 12th annual Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) starts on Thursday January 14th and we need your help surveying all types of waterbirds on your island! Anyone can participate in the CWC. Grab your binoculars and your mask, head out to your nearest wetland or beach, and record the birds you see. Detailed information about how to conduct surveys can be found here.
Starting in 2010, dedicated bird enthusiasts have ventured into wetlands across the Caribbean to systematically survey all types of waterbirds (shorebirds, seabirds, wading birds, marshbirds, and waterfowl) each January 14th to February 3rd. The Caribbean is home to over 185 species of waterbirds, including a number of endemic and globally threatened species and many migrants. A structured, ongoing survey is essential for understanding how to best conserve this exceptional group of birds and manage their habitats.
Good luck, stay safe, and we look forward to hearing about your findings. If you have any exciting observations to report or photos to share, or need help with bird ID, please post to our Waterbird Group Listserve (everyone is welcome to join) and/or on our BirdsCaribbean Facebook page. For sharing on social media, use hashtags: #CaribbeanWaterbirdCensus and #WaterbirdsCount AND please tag us: @BirdsCaribbean
Count Birds & Stay Healthy
In these extraordinary times, many of our friends and partners are still trying to navigate their new normal and safely participate in outdoor activities. However, in many countries, we understand it is still not possible to do so. Participants of the Caribbean Waterbird Census should check their national guidelines to make sure their activities are in compliance with local health recommendations. Please take all the necessary precautions and stay safe, wherever you are!
The CWC Provides Critical Information about Wetlands & the Birds that Rely on Them
Wetlands are unique ecosystems that provide critical habitat to many specialist species. They are also one of the most threatened habitats in the world. Since 1900, 64% of the world’s wetlands have disappeared, and the Caribbean region is no exception to this crisis. In order to properly manage habitat for waterbirds in the Caribbean, we need to understand waterbird population trends. In addition, monitoring the health of waterbird populations and their habitats is beneficial to both birds and people, since we rely on the same habitats for our health and well-being.
Survey Team for North and Middle Caicos, Sarah Neima, Caleb Spiegel, Junel Blaise, B Naqqi Manco, Elise Elliott-Smith, Dodley Prosper, Craig Watson (Photo by Jen Rock)
Recent survey work in Turks and Caicos has revealed important sites for many shorebird species, including birds of conservation concern such as the Piping Plover and rufa Red Knot. In fact, teams surveying there recently documented record-breaking numbers of wintering Piping Plover in some areas and recording new Piping Plover sites altogether. This information is so important for conservation as just a few decades ago it was not well-understood where these endangered birds spent the winter. Now, we know the Caribbean plays a major role for the species and we are learning more with every survey effort.
Survey data can also be used as a tool to designate habitats that are essential for birds. For example, The Cargill Salt Ponds in Bonaire were designated a Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) site of Regional Importance as a direct result of survey efforts. With the survey data we collected, our team was able to provide evidence that the site met the criteria for listing. Now, Cargill is dedicated to managing habitat for shorebirds on their property. It’s amazing what birding can achieve!
The CWC is also important for monitoring how hurricanes effect bird abundance and distribution. In 2017, Hurricanes Irma and Maria wreaked havoc in the Caribbean, damaging fragile wetland ecosystems. Results from the CWC in 2018 several months later were concerning, with our counters reporting dramatic declines in common bird species. The CWC in 2019 revealed encouraging numbers, especially for shorebird populations. It is important to continue monitoring the response of birds to hurricanes in the years that follow and we look forward to what the 2021 CWC will reveal.
Banded Birds
Be sure to be on the lookout for banded birds! Especially Piping Plovers, Red Knots, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Ruddy Turnstones, and Sanderlings. You may report your sightings to BandedBirds.org and the USGS Bird Banding Lab which oversee all banding in the United States.
Need Help?
Find a tricky shorebird in winter plumage that you can’t identify? Need help setting up an eBird account? Want to participate in the CWC but you’re not sure how to get started? Please contact BirdsCaribbean’s Executive Director Lisa Sorenson at lisa.sorenson@birdscaribbean.org.
Shorebird ID Resources
You can find all our free, downloadable shorebird resources by clicking “Resources” –> “Shorebird Resources” at the top of the page. You can download the pdf of our Quick ID Guide to Common Shorebirds of the Caribbeanhere. For use in the field, print on cardstock and laminate.
Also, check out our Common Shorebirds of the Caribbean poster, which is available in English, Spanish, and French. Download them from this page.
We also have available a two-page Common Shorebirds of the Caribbean ID Guide – you can download it here. All these ID resources work well in the entire Atlantic Flyway, not just the Caribbean islands.
Entering CWC Data in eBird
CWC data is stored on eBird Caribbean. If you participate in the CWC, it’s very important that you enter your data through this website using the correct CWC protocol, because this is where we collate all the data used for analyses. We don’t want to miss a single bird or site! Simply making an eBird list during these dates is not enough- the protocol is required for it to be CWC data.
If you are using the mobile eBird app to enter your data:
First, make sure the portal is set to eBird Caribbean (“Settings” –> “Portal”)
After you are done birding and press stop “Stop Track”
On the next page under the Date/Location and above Observers, click on “Incidental”
Select the appropriate CWC protocol under Observation Type
If you are using a desktopcomputer to enter your data:
Sign into your account on ebird.org/Caribbean
Enter location information
Select the appropriate CWC protocol under Observation Type
If you recorded your CWC data using the mobile eBird app and didn’t use the eBird Caribbean portal/input the correct CWC protocol :
After you have submitted your checklist on your smartphone:
Log into eBird on a desktop computer
Click on “My eBird” at the top of the screen
Click on “Manage My Checklists” on the right menu
For your CWC checklist, click on “View or Edit”
Click on “Edit Date and Effort”
For Observation Type, select “Other” and then choose the appropriate CWC protocol
Caribbean shorebirds count in 2020! With growing threats to their habitats, perhaps now more than ever.
As shorebirds begin to arrive in the Caribbean, many still have not fully transitioned from their breeding plumage, like this beautiful Black-bellied Plover. In the winter, these birds are mottled gray and white overall. (Photo by Jerome Foster)
Our Caribbean partners went out “shorebirding” in their favorite spots between September 3 and 9, 2020, as part of the Global Shorebird Count. Despite some local challenges, the efforts of Caribbean birders were rewarded. Worldwide, preliminary results show 1,567checklists from 1,303 unique locations where 146 species of shorebirds were recorded. The official 2020 results summary results have not been posted yet but will appear on the World Shorebirds Day website. The Caribbean should be well represented.
In the Dominican Republic, Grupo Acción Ecológica visited several sites important to shorebirds in Samaná, San Cristobál, La Vega and Peravia. They recorded a wide range of shorebird species and some large groups of birds including 800 Semipalmated Sandpipers, 600 Stilt Sandpipers, 420 Black-bellied Plover, and 350 Semipalmated Plover. They even encountered some less common species, likea group of three Wilson’s Phalaropes.
In Barbados, several BirdsCaribbean members spent the week of The Global Shorebird Count visiting the many swamps across the island. Notable observations included an impressive group of 32 Whimbrels, in addition to 6 Upland Sandpipers and another Wilson’s Phalarope. Other birds observed included Semipalmated Sandpiper, White-rumped Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, and Ruddy Turnstone, among many others.
Black-necked Stilts are found in the Caribbean throughout the year. (Photo by Hemant Kishan)
In Guadeloupe, Anthony Levesque visited Pointe des Chateaux and counted 430 Semipalmated Sandpipers, 19 Hudsonian Godwits and even a European subspecies of Whimbrel. See all the species on his eBird checklist here. On a different day during the week, he was able to capture an Eastern and Western subspecies of Willet foraging next to each other (see the eBird checklist for a photo). According to eBird, the “Eastern” subspecies breeds in saltmarshes along East Coast of U.S. while the “Western” breeds in marshy grasslands in the Interior West of North America. It seems that “East meets West” in Guadeloupe’s wetlands during migration!
Emma Lewis provided an excellent round-up of World Shorebirds Day with stunning photos in a blog article for Global Voices:
For some Jamaican birders, the highlight of World Shorebirds Day was perhaps the appearance of an adorable family of West Indian Whistling Ducks, captured on video by Damion Whyte, biologist, birder and a passionate social media educator on all things environmental. Others in Jamaica were not so lucky. Members of BirdLife Jamaica — much fewer in numbers this year, due to COVID-19 restrictions — trekked in ones and twos to their favorite viewing sites. One member, on arriving in Old Harbour Bay after heavy rains the day before, found the location overwhelmed with mud!
Young birders celebrate World Shorebirds Day in Ashton Lagoon with SusGren on Union Island, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. (Photo by SusGren)
There were also more sociable events on the calendar. The NGO SusGren (Sustainable Grenadines) shared photos of an educational trip to the newly-restored Ashton Lagoon on Union Island. In celebration of World Shorebirds Day 2020, SusGren in collaboration with Environmental Attackers conducted educational outreach for students of the Stephanie Brown Primary school. The high-spirited students, who were out of their beds as early as 5:30 a.m. for the session, were engaged in activities such as bird labeling, bingo, and bird identification.
Shorebirds rely on Caribbean habitats to rest and refuel during their long migratory journeys, while some are resident year-round in the region. Large tourism developments, including hotels, marinas and other projects, continue to be built along the islands’ coastlines, resulting in the destruction of vital mangroves and wetlands. Currently, three tourism projects under way in Grenada threaten wetlands that shelter birds and other endangered species, including turtles. On other islands, hunting and plastic pollution are major threats for shorebirds.
As Emma noted, “World Shorebirds Day in the Caribbean is not only a celebration of the birds themselves, but of the beautiful places they call home, even if only temporarily for many of them.”Thank you to everyone who participated in the event this year!
In case you missed it earlier, you can download the pdf of our Quick ID Guide to Common Shorebirds of the Caribbean here. For use in the field, print on card-stock and laminate.
A Ruddy Turnstone and Lesser Yellowlegs in the Dominican Republic. (Photo by Pedro Genaro)
Red dots represent 2020 Global Shorebird Count participation; gray dots represent previous year’s locations.
Least Sandpiper foraging at Great Pedro Pond in Jamaica, 6 September 2020 (photo by Ann Sutton)
A group of Whimbrels at Chancery Lane, Barbados. (Photo by Julian Moore).
A Curlew Sandpiper. (Photo by Jerome Foster)
A pair of Hudsonian Godwits in Barbados. (Photo by John Webster)
Semipalmated Plovers in the Dominican Republic. (Photo by Maria Paulino).
A Willet in flight, Barbados. (Photo by John Webster)
Short-billed Dowitchers feeding and resting near Great Bay, St Elizabeth, Jamaica, 6 September 2020. (photo by Ann Sutton)
Spotted Sandpipers don’t have their breeding plumage spots year-round. During the winter in the Caribbean, they are commonly seen without them. (Photo by Hemant Kishan)
Grupo Acción Ecológica members counting shorebirds in the Dominican Republic. (Photo by Maria Paulino).
A striking Wilson’s Plover. (Photo by Hemant Kishan)
American Golden-Plovers, Willets, Short-billed Dowitchers, and Southern Lapwing. (Photo by Jerome Foster)
Wilson’s Snipe in Barbados. (Photo by John Webster)
BirdsCaribbean is expressing deep concern over three areas of Grenada — critical bird habitats and ecosystems — that are now being damaged from development: Mt. Hartman, La Sagesse, and Levera. This includes the island’s only Ramsar site (Levera) and other wetland and forest areas harboring a wide variety of wildlife, including endangered species of sea turtles, and the Critically Endangered Grenada Dove.
Projects underway in these three areas include large resorts, a marina, waterpark, and golf course, all of which will have wide-ranging and permanent negative consequences on the local ecosystems.
BirdsCaribbean is calling for the immediate cessation of destructive activities, pending the completion of proper Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and approvals, mitigation plans, and full and transparent consultations with stakeholders. See links below for how you can help.
Wilson’s Plover (female) at Mt. Hartman wetland in Grenada. It is one of many species of resident and migratory waterbirds and shorebirds that depend on Grenada’s wetlands (including beaches, mangroves, salt ponds ,and mud flats) as breeding and wintering habitat. This species is resident in Grenada and breeds here at the Mt. Hartman wetlands. (photo by Gregg Homel).
BirdsCaribbean’s Executive Director Lisa Sorenson urges Grenada not to destroy or damage its last remaining wetlands. “Not only are these significant habitats for many vulnerable species of birds and endangered wildlife, wetland areas perform myriad important ecosystem services that improve the safety and health of local communities. These services are increasingly important and economically valuable in the face of climate change.”
Sorenson notes that Grenada is a leader for environmental conservation. It has recently embraced the concept of the “Blue Economy.” In 2013, Grenada went beyond its Caribbean neighbors’ commitments, pledging to protect 25% of its near-shore marine and coastal environment by 2020 under the Caribbean Challenge Initiative signed in 2013. Sadly, these developments and the failure to designate a majority of the protected areas proposed under its Protected Areas Systems Plan, make it increasingly unlikely that Grenada can meet its international obligations and national targets.
Sorenson pointed out that it appears that vegetation has been removed before an approved EIA/plan for all three projects, which would be in direct violation of Grenada’s Physical Planning Act of 2016. Moreover, the developments and the way they are being carried out does not seem consistent with Grenada’s own Blue Growth Coastal Master Plan, whose Guiding Principles and Goals call for Sustainability, the Precautionary Principle, Good Governance, and Equity.
We stand with our local partners and call for action from the leaders of Grenada’s government to protect Grenada’s invaluable natural assets from destruction. You can help – SIGN THE PETITION HERE and see more ways to help below.
Map of Grenada showing National Parks and Protected Areas and the locations of the 3 developments at Levera, La Sagesse and Mt. Hartman. (note that not all protected areas in Grenada are included on this map).
Local conservation groups and partners of BirdsCaribbean in Grenada are alarmed at the recent deforestation of these areas. Jane Nurse of the Grenada Land Actors Platform (GLAP) commented: “We have engaged with decision makers, including the developers and the Physical Planning Unit, but have encountered mostly disappointing negligence. In rectification, we demand that our communities and civil society are consulted before development projects of such a scale are undertaken.”
Other members of the GLAP questioned whether Grenada could accommodate these mega-projects, from water, sewerage, and solid waste treatment, to road infrastructure and airlift, particularly at a time when the world is heading towards one of its biggest recessions. Jody Daniel-Simon of Gaea Conservation Network added: “There are numerous examples of our lands being cleared with no considerations of the ecological impacts; sadly, many of these projects fail because of insufficient funds, leaving behind them only a trail of debts and destruction.”
Mt. Hartman: Last Refuge for the Critically Endangered Grenada Dove and Vital Wetlands
In the Mt. Hartman Estate, dry forest habitat is in the process of being cleared for a new resort and marina that will be developed by the Hartman Resort Group Ltd (formerly Grenada Resort Complex LTD); this Chinese company now owns the property. Communications with the Grenadian Government’s Physical Planning Unit indicate that they are apparently unaware of the project and have not given any permission. There is no known EIA in progress.
The Mt. Hartman National Park was set up to protect habitat crucial to the survival of one of the rarest birds in the world, the Critically Endangered Grenada Dove, unique to Grenada. So special is the dove (there are only about 110 adults remaining) that it is recognized as Grenada’s National Bird. Over 90 other bird species have been recorded throughout the area, including the Grenada Hook-billed Kite, an Endangered subspecies, also endemic to Grenada.
The Grenada Dove on its nest at Mt Hartman. The Grenada Dove is a Critically Endangered species endemic to Grenada. The Mt. Hartman National Park and Dove Sanctuary were set up to protect the dove. The development is adjacent to the park. Without careful mitigation, the long-term survival of the dove is in jeopardy. (photo by Greg Homel)
Although the development falls just outside the National Park, it will be directly adjacent to it. Grenada Dove Biologist, Bonnie Rusk, indicated: “Development that is not done carefully, with sufficient mitigation to support the site’s ecosystem and species, will significantly impact the National Park and the purpose for which it was established—the conservation of the Grenada Dove.”
With its unique dry coastal scrub ecosystem and associated biodiversity, Mt. Hartman is internationally recognized as an Important Bird Area (IBA) and as an Endemic Bird Area (EBA) of the Lesser Antilles by BirdLife International, the world leader in bird conservation, and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it.
The Mt. Hartman Estate also encompasses the largest expanse of black mangroves on the island, as well as red mangroves, providing an important “nursery” for fisheries stock to the Woburn fishing community. The mangroves and wetlands act as a buffer zone for land-based pollution, and a natural filter for water. Mangroves have repeatedly been shown to provide protection from storms, hurricanes, and floods. The two wetlands provide critical habitat for numerous species of resident and migratory shorebirds and waterbirds, including many species of conservation concern.
Mt. Hartman wetlands in June 2014 (left; photo by Greg Homel) before vegetation was cleared for Grenada Resorts (2015) and Mt. Hartman Resorts Group (2020). Mt. Hartman wetlands in August 2020 (right; photo by Reginald Joseph), following the removal of dry scrub and mangrove forests without the knowledge of the Physical Planning Unit.
An artistic rendition for the resort (see image below) shows that one of the two vital wetlands and the adjacent mangrove in the Mt. Hartman Estate will be destroyed to create a Marina in Secret Harbor; the other one will be severely impacted by the development. “We successfully protected these wetlands from prior proposed developments,” commented Dr. Sorenson. “It would be a sad loss for one of Grenada’s last remaining wetlands to be destroyed. It is difficult to understand how this can happen when the Government has pledged to protect its vital coastal resources for the benefit of the Grenadian people.”
Artist rendition of the Mt. Hartman resort development and marina within the Mt Hartman Estate. The development is adjacent to the Mt. Hartman National Park and Dove Sanctuary, which was established to protect this Critically Endangered endemic species. Grenada Doves also live in the Mt. Hartman Estate where the development is taking place. One of the wetlands will be completely destroyed for the marina. This is inconsistent with Grenada’s pledge to protect 25% of it marine and terrestrial environment.
La Sagesse: Destruction of Habitat for Endangered Turtles (Six Senses/Range Developments)
At La Sagesse—listed as a Natural Landmark and Area of Cultural and Historical Interest—there has been extensive clearcutting of mangroves and other vegetation on the headland and around the salt pond, to build the 100-room, Six Senses Resort (tagline “Sustainable is not something we do; it is who we are”). Permission to do the clearing was given by the Physical Planning Unit. Phase II, separate from the Six Senses Resort, adds a 185-room Luxury Hotel, catering to families. Both projects are managed by Range Developments through the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme.
La Sagesse Pond in May 2019 (left), before the Six Senses Resort and Luxury Hotel development plan was approved. La Sagesse Pond in August 2020 (right), four months after there was extensive clear cutting and bulldozing to accommodate the first phase of construction (photos by Reginald Joseph).
While the EIA and project plan have been approved, only one Town Hall style community meeting was held last week after clearing had already taken place, contrary to the recommendations made in the EIA. Further consultations with the local community are apparently in the works following public outcry. Following a review of the EIA and development plans by scientists from Gaea Conservation Network, the developers have since promised to work with them to develop a mangrove and pond restoration plan; they also claim to have harvested mangrove propagules for restoration purposes. In their 9-page review, Gaea Conservation Network highlighted a litany of environmental concerns that should have been addressed in the EIA, based on the Terms of Reference provided by the developer.
Photo showing the complete deforestation around the La Sagesse Salt Pond this spring. (photo by Reginald Joseph)
Before the extensive clear cutting, La Sagesse Pond supported white and buttonwood mangrove, providing cover for Critically Endangered hawksbill sea turtles. It is also a nesting site for the Endangered leatherback turtle. A diverse array of some 89 bird species attracts birding tours to this site. Under an older National Parks and Protected Areas plan, the area was proposed as a Protected Seascape due to its outstanding features including a mangrove estuary, salt pond, 3 beautiful beaches, interesting geological formations, coral reefs, and excellent examples of littoral woodland and thorn scrub cactus woodland.
Levera: Grenada’s Large, Highly Diverse Wetland of International Importance
The Levera Wetland is Grenada’s only Ramsar site, designated as a Wetland of International Importance on May 22, 2012. Despite an EIA still being under way, forest has already been removed to build temporary housing for a one billion dollar resort, to be constructed under the CBI programme by the Singapore Heng Sheng (Grenada) Development PTE LTD company, who now owns the property. The mega-resort will include a water park, golf course, villas, and 500-room hotels (see artistic renditions of the development in the gallery below).
As a Contracting Party of the Ramsar Convention, Grenada has agreed to the wise use of its wetlands. Ramsar describes “wise use” as the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands and all the services they provide, for the benefit of people and nature.
The over 500-hectare highly productive ecosystem includes a variety of habitats: woodland, dry scrub forest, mangrove wetlands, beach, brackish pond, seagrass beds, and coral reefs. Surrounded by red, white, black and buttonwood mangroves, the large freshwater pond and beach area boast a large diversity of birds, with over 85 species documented on eBird Caribbean from 2006 to date. The site is also a critical area for the survival of the Grenada Hook-billed Kite, an Endangered sub-species endemic to Grenada.
Leatherback sea turtle (an Endangered species) returning to the ocean after laying eggs on the Levera Beach. (photo by Kate Charles, Ocean Spirits)
Moreover, Levera is a critical habitat for numerous species of mammals, snakes and fish. The beach is the third largest nesting site for Endangered leatherback sea turtles in the Caribbean, with 600–1400 nesting activities recorded annually, according to Ocean Spirits (a local sea turtle NGO). Offshore, there are important foraging grounds for Endangered green sea turtles and Critically Endangered hawksbill sea turtles, as well as Critically Endangered elkhorn coral colonies growing in shallow waters close to the coastline.
Although the area is used by local fishermen and Grenadians for recreational purposes, there has been very little consultation with the community and no modification of the plans to address environmental and social concerns. Notably, a recent survey of stakeholders done in 2016 in the communities in and around Levera suggests that less than 15% of individuals support hotel development. More than two-thirds support the establishment of a National Park and Recreational Area and have suggestions for how they would like to see their community involved through a “co-management” approach.
It is unclear if the current deforestation—including for the purpose of building migrant workers’ barracks—was approved by the Physical Planning Unit, or whether an EIA has been undertaken for this development. Furthermore, there is strong evidence that funds for the Levera project have been grossly mismanaged in the past. (see here, here, here, and here). The development company’s website shares information on the Grenada Levera project from the home page, including a short video regarding the vision for this area (see photos in the gallery below) and how one can invest in the project through the CBI (Citizenship By Investment) programme.
Levera Pond in June 2019 before (left; photo by Reginald Joseph) permission was granted by the Physical Planning Unit to clear vegetation. Levera Pond in August 2020 (right; photo by Orlando Romain) after temporary housing and storage containers were built for migrant workers to build the mega-resort, which will include a water park, golf course, villas, and 500 room hotels. Based on a recent survey of stakeholders in the communities in and around Levera, more than two thirds of community persons would prefer that this area is established as a National Park and Recreational Area – only 15% support hotel development.
Protect Grenada from Destructive Land Development – Final Thoughts
We must prevent future generations from wondering how Grenada managed to destroy so much of its natural habitat, a precious resource in which man and nature should exist in harmony. It’s not too late to put a stop to these developments, which are already having a significant damaging effect on the environment. Tourism is a key element of Grenada’s economy, but any new developments must take place within the context of true sustainability and sensitivity to these fragile ecosystems and the needs of local Grenadians.
In an online opinion piece dated August 25, 2020 in NowGrenada, S. Brian Samuel observes: “Naturally, tourism must play a central role in the regeneration of the Grenadian economy, but the crucial question is: What kind of tourism? You can’t fit square pegs into round holes; a country’s tourism strategy has to gel with its natural and human attributes.”
Local economies are best protected by protecting nature. We stand with our local partners and call on the Government of Grenada to immediately cease destructive activities at these sites and plan a way forward that protects Grenada’s natural assets for generations to come.
Note: After signing this petition, change.org will ask for a donation – this is inherent functionality of change.org petitions. The donations are used by change.org as payment to boost the petition, and it is not possible to remove this feature from the petition. All donations go to change.org and not the Grenada Land Actors Platform (consortium of concerned local citizens and groups) – we do apologize for this, and are working on a way for people that wish to do so to support the cause in Grenada directly through donations as well as signing the petition.
Artist renditions of the 3 developments are shown in the gallery below.
Artist rendition of the Six Senses La Sagesse Resort.
Artist rendition of the Mt Hartman resort development and marina. The development is adjacent to the Mt Hartman National Park and Dove Sanctuary, which was established to protect the Critically Endangered endemic species. Grenada Doves also occur in the Mt Hartman Estate where the development is taking place.
Artist rendition of the Mt Hartman resort development and marina. The development is adjacent to the Mt Hartman National Park and Dove Sanctuary, which was established to protect the Critically Endangered endemic species. Grenada Doves also occur in the Mt Hartman Estate where the development is taking place.
Artist rendition of the Mt Hartman resort development and marina. The development is adjacent to the Mt Hartman National Park and Dove Sanctuary, which was established to protect the Critically Endangered endemic species. Grenada Doves also occur in the Mt Hartman Estate where the development is taking place.
Artist rendition of the Lavera Resort development. The resort includes a waterpark, golf course and 500 room hotel.
Artist rendition of the Lavera Resort development. The resort includes a waterpark, golf course and 500 room hotel.
Artist rendition of the Lavera Resort development. The resort includes a waterpark, golf course and 500 room hotel.
A sample of the beauty and biodiversity of Grenada at the 3 sites is shown in the gallery below.
Adult Eared Dove with chick in Grenada – Mt. Hartman Estate. (Photo by Greg Homel)
Yellow-bellied Elaenia, Grenada race. Note the crest and yellow belly. (photo by Greg Homel).
Billboard at a parish boundary advertising the Mt Hartman National Park. (Billboard design by Madelaine Smith, photo by Greg Homel/Natural Encounters)
Grenada Dove at Mt. Hartman – Grenada’s National Bird and found only in Grenada at 2 locations. It is Critically Endangered one of the rarest birds in the world (photo by Greg Homel)
A huge diversity of waterbirds and shorebirds call the Mt. Hartman wetlands home, including both resident and migratory species. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
White-rumped Sandpiper, one of the many species of migratory shorebirds that relies on Grenada’s wetlands as wintering habitat. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
A huge diversity of waterbirds and shorebirds call the Mt. Hartman wetlands in Grenada home, including both resident and migratory species. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Aerial view of the Mt. Hartman Estate during the dry season. You can see the 2 salt ponds – the extensive mangrove vegetation is green year-round. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
A huge diversity of waterbirds and shorebirds call the Mt. Hartman wetlands home, including both resident and migratory species. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Grenadians that participate in BirdsCaribbean Bird Guide Training Workshop in 2013 practice identifying shorebirds on La Sagesse Beach. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Caribbean Birding Trail Guide Training Workshop in 2013 – a group of Grenadians received a week-long training all about birds, birding, the bird tourism market, and how to be a guide. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Blowhole at Levera Beach. (photo by Ted Eubanks)
Levera Boardwalk and observation tower at Levera Pond and Ramsar site. (photo by Ted Eubanks)
Levera Pond, Wetland of International Importance and Grenada’s only Ramsar site. Sadly, this pond will be severely impacted by the resort development.
Male Hook-billed Kites tend to be a solid bluish-gray color on their heads and backs, while their breasts are grayish and adorned with pale streaking in horizontal bars. (Photo by Andrea Easter-Pilcher)
Grenada’s endemic subspecies of the Hook-billed Kite is considered to be Endangered. (Photo by Andrea Easter-Pilcher)
Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, an endemic bird to the Lesser Antilles. (Photo by Ted Eubanks).
A Grenada Hook-billed Kite chick. Female and male Hook-billed Kites work together to build their nests, which are shallow and cup-shaped and built from small twigs and sticks.
Grenada Hook-billed Kite, an endemic sub-species only found in Grenada.
Red Mangrove prop roots protect the coastline and property from flooding and damage from severe storms and hurricanes, which are increasing with climate change. (photo by Greg Homel).
Mt. Hartman National Park and Dove Sanctuary Visitors Centre and bird sign. (photo by Greg Homel)
Pneumatophores or “breathing roots” of the Black Mangrove at Mt. Hartman wetlands. Mangroves help reduce climate change by absorbing carbon. They also protect coastal areas from storms and flooding. (photo by Ted Eubanks)
Leatherback turtle hatchling at Levera Beach, making its way to the ocean. (photo by Kate Charles, Ocean Spirits)
Caribbean Bird ID Monitoring at Flickr
Stilt Sandpipers are one of many species of migratory shorebirds that rely on Grenada’s wetlands as a winter home. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Stilt Sandpipers
Antillean Crested Hummingbird, one of 3 species of hummingbirds that are resident in Antigua and other Lesser Antilles islands plus Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. (photo by Nick Hollands)
We have all had to adapt to a drastically different way of life in a very short time. One of our partners, the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) in Antigua and Barbuda, has risen to the challenge and made the best of a difficult situation. They organized an online “Birding for Beginners” course to encourage more people in Antigua to learn about local birds, take up birdwatching as a hobby, and to help with citizen science initiatives in Antigua. Here they describe the course and initial outcomes.
The Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) in Antigua and Barbuda is constantly seeking out means to connect our people with nature. EAG aims to promote a greater understanding of and appreciation for how our natural environment provides essential services that support our very lives.
Much of the work that EAG is involved in promotes the conservation of birds and their habitats. One of our goals is to encourage our residents to go out and become citizen scientists—observing birds, collecting data, and sharing it on a platform that can be used by scientists and decision-makers.
A Virtual Introduction to the World of Birds
Yellow Warbler or Canary, as it is commonly called in Antigua. This small bright yellow bird is often found among Wild Tamarind plants and has a beautiful song. (photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
But first, how do we get people to bird, if they don’t know much about the birds? And how do you bird during a pandemic lockdown? The EAG team decided to launch an online Bird Training session called Birding for Beginners, in the month of May. This consisted of six webinars that taught the basics of birding, including identification, behavior, habitat, ecology, Important Bird Areas, monitoring techniques, threats to birds, conservation, and ethical birding.
Antigua and Barbuda is home to numerous species of resident birds, and over one hundred species of migratory birds spend part of their year here. Birds are ubiquitous on our islands; they are found from the mountain tops of the Shekerley mountain range right down to the wave-chasers on our sandy beaches. We have big, imposing raptors and tiny little hummingbirds. We have land birds, shorebirds, wetland birds, and in-between birds!
Getting to Know Birds
Ruddy Turnstones are common winter shorebirds in Antigua and the Caribbean. They find invertebrate prey items on the beach by flipping over stones, hence their name “turnstone.” (Photo by Arnaldo Toledo)
During the webinars, the participants were challenged to learn to identify birds by their shape, size, colour, behaviour and location. For example, one should be able to look at a bird’s bill and decide if it’s a meat-eater, a seed-eater, an insect-eater, a fruit-eater, or otherwise. Some birds glide in flight while others flap. When feeding, some probe and peck, while others snap prey out of the air, or flip over everything in sight. How about their behaviour on the ground? Some run around, some pose majestically with a piercing gaze, and some even “twerk” (bobbing their tail incessantly)!
Participants learned about the important part birds play in our environment. The EAG webinars highlighted some of birds’ vital ecosystem roles. These include keeping the insect population under control, dispersing seeds, pollinating flowers, cleaning up carcasses, advising on the weather, enriching the soil – and even influencing fashion! Participants also learnt about birding “hotspots,” Important Bird Areas and Key Biodiversity Areas across our islands. Examples of these are our offshore islands, Christian Valley, Wallings, McKinnons Pond, and the Codrington Lagoon.
An International Study Group is Born
The Barbuda Warbler, found nowhere else in the world except the tiny island of Barbuda (photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Of course, we also examined identifying common birds, as well as rare birds and resident and migratory species. We highlighted birds of conservation concern due to threats they face, both human-caused (e.g., destruction of their habitats) and natural (e.g., hurricanes). Special mention was made of our endemic Barbuda Warbler, found nowhere else in the world but – Barbuda.
To wrap up the course, participants learned how to implement actions to conserve birds, how to monitor them, and how to use the online applications eBird Caribbean and Merlin to identify birds and store their birding observations.
The participants were eager and enthusiastic, joining EAG via Zoom and Facebook. The interest was greater than expected and they all returned regularly to keep up with the course. Most of our participants were local, but others from across the region joined us – including participants from Anguilla, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts, and Trinidad and Tobago. Even persons from the UK and US who are regular visitors to the island followed the course!
Inspiration and Support – Thank You!
Shawn Maile was enthusiastic about the course and his new-found hobby and shared his experience and certificate proudly on his LinkedIn.
One of the participants, Shawn Maile, shared his thoughts in an article he posted on his LinkedIn: “I jokingly posted a status to say that maybe I should take up birdwatching. Next thing you know, I was signed up for an online birding course in the middle of a pandemic and starting a new hobby.”
He further commented, “Fast forward to the end of the course and I have currently logged over 25 different species of birds. I can no longer walk, drive, run, or simply go outside without seeing, hearing or sensing a bird. Now armed with the skills to identify and count the avian species, I can proudly say I am a certified beginner birder. Armed with my binoculars and ebird app, I forge into the unknown tracking and viewingmy winged friends.”
Following the course, we are pleased to announce the formation of our very own bird club, the Wadadli Warblers! Our first team outing occurred last week as we began field training at McKinnons Pond, all while wearing masks. We anticipate building up our team of local contributors who monitor birds and their habitats (e.g., participating in the Caribbean Waterbird Census), traveling the Caribbean islands to see the region’s incredible diversity of birds (there are 171 endemics) – and having fun doing it!
The Wadadli Warblers take on their first birding expedition to birding hotspot, McKinnon’s Pond, in Antigua.
This training opportunity and ongoing mentorship would not have been possible without the support of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Cape Cod Bird Club, BirdsCaribbean, and the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival. Our participants were treated to a special appearance by Dr. Herbert Raffaele, former Director at USFWS Division of International Conservation (funding millions of dollars for conservation projects around the world), and award-winning author of several books including the important field guide, “Birds of the West Indies.” Special thanks to Dr. Lisa Sorenson of BirdsCaribbean for her assistance, and for being present at every webinar, supporting the presenters and answering questions.
We urge you to start appreciating our natural world. We urge you to take this time to reconnect to nature. Join the EAG and join the bird club too! For more information, contact us at 268-462-6236 or eagantigua@gmail.com. To donate and support our programs, click here. And enjoy the photo gallery below (click on each photo to see it large and view as a slide show).
Editors Note: Congratulations to the EAG team for this hugely successful and engaging online training. EAG has been a long-time partner of BirdsCaribbean and the 3 facilitators of this course, Natalya Lawrence, Shanna Challenger, and Andrea Otto, have all been active members of BirdsCaribbean. They have participated in our workshops and conferences and have been awarded many grants to carry out education, monitoring, restoration and conservation projects in Antigua and Barbuda. We applaud their enthusiasm, professionalism and sheer hard work to advance awareness, appreciation, and conservation of Antigua and Barbuda’s incredible biodiversity. We encourage you to support the amazing work of the EAG either through membership or a donation.
To learn more, check out the following articles and Youtube videos:
Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us in our virtual “From the Nest” edition! Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: West Indian Whistling-Duck
The West Indian Whistling-Duck (WIWD) is a tall, graceful, mostly brown duck with a beautiful haunting call. It is endemic to the West Indies and can be found in different wetland habitats, like salt ponds, mangroves, marshes, swamps, rice fields, and palm savannas. It is always a thrill to see this species because they often remain hidden during the day, roosting in mangrove trees or other vegetation. They become active at sunset when they fly around to different wetlands to feed.
This duck was once common, but populations are now very small and isolated on each island. Destruction of wetland habitats, illegal hunting, and invasive predators (like mongoose) have all contributed to the decline of this species. The gorgeous WIWD is the flagship species for wetlands conservation and education efforts by BirdsCaribbean and partners. You can help save this species by reporting illegal hunting, teaching others about this bird, and supporting conservation of mangroves, ponds and marshes on your island. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the West Indian Whistling-Duck!
Download the page from Endemic Birds of the West Indies Colouring Book. Use the drawing above or photos below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the call of the WIWD
The call of the WIWD is a shrilly whistled Chiriria, which is the origin of one of its Spanish names.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!
Close-up of the beautiful West Indian Whistling-Duck (photo by Ray Robles)Two West Indian Whistling-Ducks having a rainwater drink in Antigua (photo by Nick Hollands)
Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS! Learn about what makes a bird a bird, and play Bird Spy Bingo in your backyard. Parents – some great activities for your kids to help them enjoy and learn about nature in your own backyard. Do one or all of the activities described in this lesson. Print the Bird Spy Bingo game and play with the whole family!
Josmar Marquez, from AveZona, has lead bird monitoring projects on Coche Island in Venezuela since 2018. In addition to data collection, his work involves mentoring young conservationists and promoting nature-friendly behavior changes in the local community of the island. Here, Josmar describes his most recent Snowy Plover monitoring season and some exciting firsts for shorebird monitoring in Venezuela. (More photo and Español debajo)
In Venezuela, thanks to the support of the BirdsCaribbean David S. Lee Fund, AveZona and the ARA MACAO Scientific Foundation have carried out population surveys of Snowy Plovers (Charadrius nivosus tenuirostris) on Coche Island. A large number of the birds have been recorded in the “Salina de San Pedro de Coche.” This has lead to an appreciation and increased value of the island as this species is threatened in the Caribbean region.
A newly marked Snowy Plover. (Photo by Antonio Ros)
Our project formally began in 2019, and since then we have conducted monitoring visits monthly to the San Pedro de Coche salt pans. Before we stepped foot in the field, the first step was to receive permission from the Ministry of Ecosocialism (MINEC) for the relevant permits to be able to move forward with the project. Thankfully, we were successful.
During our monitoring visits, we record the following information: number and location of Snowy Plovers, their age (adults or juvenile), sex, and any reproductive activity. In addition to monitoring, we also have indivudally marked some of the birds. Our team marked the first Snowy Plover in Venezuela in September 2019. It may seem like a small feat but it represents a lot of work! The birds are marked with black flags and white codes (right leg) and metal rings (left leg). Marking the plovers will help us better understand the behavior of each individual and to determine their site fidelity. In addition, we can learn if there is any migratory movement across the Caribbean for our local population of Snowy Plovers. To date, we have tagged seven individuals.
In February and March, 2019, we were fortunate to count Snowy Plover nests and chicks in the San Pedro salina. Joining us for this activity were students from the local community at Napoleón Narváez Bolivarian High School. It was rewarding to share information about these precious birds with young people and they were amazed to learn that the salina is so important to the Snowy Plover and other bird species (for example, Least Terns also nest there).
How many plovers are there?
A young Snowy Plover chick and egg on the beach of Coche Island. (Photo by Antonio Ros)
Currently, we are partnering with with Adrián Naveda-Rodríguez from the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture at Mississippi State University, United States. Together, we are working on the detectability and abundance of the Snowy Plover in eastern Venezuela. The preliminary analyses are using samples from the non-reproductive season, from counts made at 12 points in the San Pedro de Coche salina.
We modeled the relationship between detection probability and air temperature, time of the day, and distance to salt. We included covariates for the number of feral dogs, horses and salt miners when modeling abundance. Detection probability was negatively affected by the distance to salt piles (0.49, 95% CI=0.49-0.5). Abundance was not associated with the presence or abundance of domestic animals nor salt mining activities. We estimated there were 96 (95% CI: 46-201) and 116 (95% CI=61-220) Snowy Plovers in February and December, respectively. We hope to present this information in more detail at the next NAOC and subsequently we plan to publish our results in a scientific journal.
Our group participated in the 22nd International BirdsCaribbean Conference in Guadeloupe in July 2019 and in the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting in October 2019 in Panama. We were so excited to present the latest results from our research and the ways in which we involve the community in our projects.
A community effort
Our partnership with the community has continued beyond school field trips. Recently, we created a unique bird-inspired mural in the school of “La Uva” community which, of course, included depictions of the Snowy Plover and the Least Tern. It is truly a beautiful work!
The new mural featuring Snowy Plovers and Least Terns. (Photo by Josmar Marquez)
One of the reasons for working in this region is to promote the integration of communities that have historically been marginalized from science and conservation. In search of improving this situation, we are carrying out activities within this project that integrate and dignify the local community, and also give recognition to the worldview of the inhabitants of the biological diversity of their island.
Josmar and students in the field observing Snowy Plovers. (Photo by Josmar Marquez)
Since the beginning of this project, we understood that in order to protect the salina and other places on the island, it is necessary to work hand in hand with the locals. We are very grateful for the school district of Coche Island, which has allowed us to work with educational institutions. Also, we are especially fond of the Napoleon Narváez Lyceum High School 9th Grade class, and teachers from various educational institutions for their receptivity and commitment. There are many locals that have opened their doors and hearts to this project and our team: Antonio Ros, Daniel Serva, Oscar Riera, Jose Gonzalez, Jesus Escalona, JC Fernández Ordoñez.
Many obstacles can arise when executing a project of this magnitude in Venezuela, but thanks to the constant support of BirdsCaribbean (including the David S. Lee Fund for Conservation) we are achieving our objectives. It’s very important to carry out this project that will help us to better understand the population of the Snowy Plover in the islands of the Venezuelan Caribbean. For me, it is a beautiful, very peculiar bird with very interesting habits. Luckily, in Venezuela it still can be observed very frequently in some places. Being able to say that there is a reproductive colony on Coche Island, and that it remains to this day, is a light of hope in the face of the global ecological crisis.
Please enjoy these short videos showing our work with the community from our Ave Zona Facebook page!
Josmar marquez, de AveZona, ha liderado proyectos de monitoreo de aves en Isla Coche, Venezuela, desde el 2018. Además de la colecta de datos, Su trabajo consiste en asesorar a jóvenes conservacionistas y la promoción de cambios conductuales ambientalmente amigables en la comunidad local de la isla. Aquí, Josmar describe su más reciente temporada de monitoreo del Chorlito Nevado.
Una pareja de chorlitos / A pair of plovers. (Photo by Antonio Ros)
En Venezuela gracias al apoyo de la beca David Lee, de BirdsCaribean, AveZona y la Fundación Científica ARA MACAO realizan el proyecto de evaluación poblacional del Chorlito Nevado (Charadrius nivosus tenuirostris) en la isla de Coche. En “Salina de San Pedro de Coche” se ha registrado un alto número de aves, lo que ha llevado a un aumento en la apreciación del valor de la isla para la especie, que se encuentra amenazada en la región del Caribe.
El proyecto comenzó formalmente en 2019, y se están realizado salidas mensuales a la salina de San Pedro de Coche. Antes de dirigirnos al área, el primer paso fue recibir el permiso del Ministerio de Ecosocialismo (MINEC) para el estudio de campo. Afortunadamente, tuvimos éxito.
Durante las visitas de monitoreo, anotamos la siguiente información: cantidad de individuos y localidad, edad (adultos o juveniles), sexo, y actividad reproductiva del Chorlito Nevado. Además del monitoreo, también hemos marcado algunos individuos. Nuestro equipo marcó el primer Chorlito Nevado de Venezuela en septiembre de 2019. ¡Toda una hazaña! Se usaron banderas negras con códigos blancos (pata derecha) y anillos metálicos (pata izquierda). Marcar los individuos nos ayudará a entender mejor su comportamiento y determinar su fidelidad al sitio. Además, podríamos llegar a saber si existe algún movimiento migratorio entre esta población y el resto del Caribe. Hasta la fecha se han logrado marcar 7 ejemplares de Chorlito Nevado.
Durante los meses de Febrero y Marzo de 2019 logramos contar nidos y pichones de Failecito en la Salina de San Pedro. A esta actividad asistieron jóvenes del Liceo Bolivariano Napoleón Narváez. Fue muy gratificante compartir información sobre estas preciosas aves con los jóvenes y se sorprendieron al saber que la salina es tan importante para el Chorlito Nevado y otras especies de aves (por ejemplo, el Charrán Menor también anida allí).
¿Cuántos Chorlito Nevados Hay?
Marcando uno de los siete chorlitos/ Marking one of the seven plovers. (Photo by Josmar Marquez)
Actualmente, nos estamos asociando con Adrián Naveda-Rodríguez del Departamento de Vida Silvestre, Pesca y Acuicultura de la Universidad Estatal de Mississippi, Estados Unidos. Juntos, estamos trabajando en la detectabilidad y abundancia del chorlito nevado en el este de Venezuela. Los análisis preliminares están utilizando muestras de la temporada no reproductiva, de conteos realizados en 12 puntos en la salina de San Pedro de Coche.
Modelamos la relación entre la probabilidad de detección y la temperatura del aire, tiempo del día y la distancia a las pilas de sal. Incluimos covariables para la cantidad de perros salvajes, caballos y mineros de sal al modelar la abundancia. La probabilidad de detección se vio afectada negativamente por la distancia a las pilas de sal (0.49, IC 95% = 0.49-0.5). La abundancia no se asoció con la presencia o abundancia de animales domésticos ni actividades de extracción de sal. Estimamos que había 96 (95% IC: 46-201) y 116 (IC 95% = 61-220) Chorlito Nevados en febrero y diciembre, respectivamente. Esperamos poder presentar esta información en la próxima reunión del NAOC y publicarla posteriormente en alguna revista científica.
En agosto de 2019, nuestro grupo participó en la conferencia internacional de BirdsCaribbean en la isla de la Guadeloupe, y en noviembre de 2019 en la Reunión del Grupo de Aves Playeras del Hemisferio Occidental, en Panamá. Allí presentamos los avances de nuestra investigación, y las maneras en que involucramos a las comunidades en este proyecto.
Un Esfuerzo Comunitario
Obteniendo todos los detalles perfectos en el mural/Getting all the details perfect on the mural. (Photo by Josmar Marquez)
Nuestra asociación con la comunidad ha continuado más allá de las excursiones de la escuela. Recientemente, creamos un mural único inspirado en las aves en la escuela de la comunidad “La Uva” que, por supuesto, incluía representaciones del Chorlito Nevado y el Charrán Menor. ¡Es realmente un trabajo hermoso!
Una de las razones para trabajar en esta región es promover la integración de comunidades que históricamente han sido apartadas de la ciencia y la conservación. En busca de mejorar esta situación, estamos llevando a cabo actividades dentro de este proyecto que integran y dignifican a la comunidad local, y también reconocen la cosmovisión de los habitantes sobre la diversidad biológica de su isla.
Desde el comienzo de este proyecto, entendimos que para proteger la salina y otros lugares de la isla, es necesario trabajar de la mano con los lugareños. Estamos muy agradecidos con la dirección del municipio escolar Obteniendo todos los detalles perfectos en el mural.de Isla de Coche, que nos ha permitido trabajar con las instituciones educativas; así como con el Liceo Napoleón Narváez y los jóvenes de 9no grado, y docentes de varias instituciones educativas por su receptividad y compromiso. Hay muchos miembros de la comunidad que han abierto sus puertas y corazón a este proyecto y a nuestro equipo: Antonio Ros, Daniel Serva, Oscar Riera, Jose Gonzalez, Jesus Escalona, JC Fernández Ordoñez.
Observando los chorlitos/ Observing the plovers (Photo by Antonio Ros)
Pueden surgir muchos obstáculos al ejecutar un proyecto de esta magnitud en Venezuela, pero gracias al apoyo constante de BirdsCaribbean estamos logrando nuestros objetivos. Es muy importante llevar a cabo este proyecto que nos ayudará a comprender mejor la población del chorlito nevado en las islas del Caribe venezolano. Para mí, es un pájaro hermoso, muy peculiar con hábitos muy interesantes. Afortunadamente, en Venezuela todavía se puede observar con mucha frecuencia en algunos lugares. Poder decir que hay una colonia reproductiva en la Isla de Coche y que permanece hasta el día de hoy es una luz de esperanza frente a la crisis ecológica mundial.
The 11th annual Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) starts on Tuesday January 14th and we need your help surveying all types of waterbirds on your island! Anyone can participate in the CWC. Grab a friend, head out to your nearest wetland or beach, and record the birds you see. Detailed information about how to conduct surveys can be found here.
Starting in 2010, dedicated bird enthusiasts have ventured into wetlands across the Caribbean to systematically survey all types of waterbirds (shorebirds, seabirds, wading birds, marshbirds, and waterfowl) each January 14th to February 3rd. The Caribbean is home to over 185 species of waterbirds, including a number of endemic and globally threatened species and many migrants. A structured, ongoing survey is essential for understanding how to best conserve this exceptional group of birds and manage their habitats.
Increasing Caribbean eBird Presence
For all eBird records for the year 2019, there were 36 countries and regions across the world that doubled their eBird growth compared to 2018. We are so excited that 4 Caribbean countries were among them! Saint Martin (French part) (265.52% growth), Turks and Caicos Islands (204.3%), Sint Maarten (115%), and Antigua and Barbuda (101%). Joining the CWC in 2020 is a great way to keep the momentum going and to continue putting the Caribbean and its birds on the global stage! In 2019, the three-week CWC period yielded a total of 321 checklists from 19 countries.
The CWC Is an Important Tool for Conservation
Piping Plover are one of the shorebird species that rely on Caribbean habitats. (photo by Walker Golder)
Since 1900, 64% of the world’s wetlands have disappeared, and the Caribbean region is no exception to this crisis. Wetlands are in urgent need of conservation. They are unique ecosystems that provide critical habitats to specialist species. Yet, they face many threats ranging from complete conversion due to development, degradation due to pollution and introduced species, and loss due to sea-level rise.
The waterbirds that rely on wetlands not only face the threats of their habitat being altered or destroyed but also hunting and introduced predators. In order to properly manage habitat for waterbirds in the Caribbean, we need to understand waterbird population trends. In addition, monitoring the health of waterbird populations and their habitats is beneficial to both birds and people, since we rely on the same habitats for our health and well-being.
The CWC is an important tool for monitoring how hurricanes effect bird abundance and distribution. In 2017, Hurricanes Irma and Maria wreaked havoc in the Caribbean, damaging fragile wetland ecosystems. Results from the CWC in 2018 several months later were concerning, with our counters reporting dramatic declines in common bird species. The CWC in 2019 revealed encouraging numbers, especially for shorebird populations. We look forward to the 2020 CWC to know if bird diversity and abundance have continued to recover. In addition, we anxiously await results from areas hit by Hurricane Dorian in September 2019.
In addition, survey data can be used as a tool to designate habitats that are essential for birds. The Cargill Salt Ponds in Bonaire were designated a Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) site of Regional Importance as a direct result of survey efforts. With the survey data we collected, our team was able to provide evidence that the site met the criteria for listing. Now, Cargill is dedicated to managing habitat for shorebirds on their property. It’s amazing what birding can achieve!
Good luck, have fun, and we look forward to hearing about your findings. If you have any photos to share, please share them on our BirdsCaribbean Facebook page. For sharing on social media, use hashtags: #CaribbeanWaterbirdCensus and #WaterbirdsCount AND please tag us: @BirdsCaribbean
Banded Birds
Be sure to be on the lookout for banded birds! Especially Piping Plovers, Red Knots, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Ruddy Turnstones, and Sanderlings. You may report your sightings to BandedBirds.org and the USGS Bird Banding Lab which oversee all banding in the United States.
Need Help?
Find a tricky shorebird in winter plumage that you can’t identify? Need help setting up an eBird account? Want to participate in the CWC but you’re not sure how to get started? Please contact BirdsCaribbean’s Waterbird Program Manager, Jessica Rozek Cañizares at jessica.rozek@birdscaribbean.org.
Entering CWC Data in eBird
CWC data is stored on eBird Caribbean. If you participate in the CWC, it’s very important that you enter your data through this website using the correct protocol on Step 2, because this is where we collate all the data used for analyses. We don’t want to miss a single bird or site! Simply making an eBird list during these dates is not enough- the protocol is required for it to be CWC data.
If you are using a desktopcomputer to enter your data:
Sign into your account on ebird.org/Caribbean
Enter location information
Select the appropriate CWC protocol under Observation Type
If you recorded your CWC data using the mobile eBird app:
After you have submitted your checklist on your smartphone:
Log into eBird on a desktop computer
Click on “My eBird” at the top of the screen
Click on “Manage My Checklists” on the right menu
For your CWC checklist, click on “View or Edit”
Click on “Edit Date and Effort”
For Observation Type, select “Other” and then choose the appropriate CWC protocol
Looking back on 2019, the year provided us with a range of experiences. There was excitement, success, tragedy, and hope. When we reflect on all that we have accomplished this year, in both the good times and the bad, there was one common theme: collaboration. Sometimes it took the form of official partnerships and other times grassroots community efforts. Even fundraising, which was critical for efforts like hurricane relief, is a collaborative process. Here, we review some of the most important moments of the past year and acknowledge and thank all those who collaborated with us to further our mission. We are also grateful to our many members, volunteers, and donors who generously support our work. We have an awesome community!
Celebrating Success & Partnerships
The Cuban contingent! A record 20 Cubans attended, thanks to our generous sponsors! (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Keeping Birds Aloft! This was the inspirational theme of our 22nd BirdsCaribbean International Conference held in July. Over 250 delegates from 34 countries grabbed French phrasebooks and headed to the Karibea Beach Hotel in Le Gosier, Guadeloupe. The lively, productive and thought-provoking meeting was organized with our major partners, the Parc National de la Guadeloupe. Keynote speakers, workshops and brainstorming sessions helped participants plan how to engage their communities, combat wildlife trafficking, and address the varied environmental threats facing the Caribbean and its birds. A mentorship program for younger members was launched. (Check out what a few of our sponsored delegates had to say about how they benefited from attending the conference). Despite the profound topics being discussed, participants were upbeat and as would be expected of any Caribbean event, there was dancing on the final night!
At the conference, we were humbled and proud to receive the 2018 Partners in Flight Award. Our Board President Andrew Dobson accepted the award, presented by the U.S. Forest Service, in recognition of BirdsCaribbean relief and recovery work in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.
Ceremony celebrating the the opening of the restored Ashton Lagoon.
BirdsCaribbean was thrilled to celebrate the official reopening of the restored Ashton Lagoon, which took place on May 31, 2019. After 13 years of truly challenging work, our partners in the island archipelago between St. Vincent and Grenada – called the Transboundary Grenadines – proudly welcomed supporters and generous donors to Union Island. After a misguided tourism project at the site lay in ruins for 25 years, the neglected wetlands finally have a chance to reawaken. Orisha Joseph and her team at Sustainable Grenadines, Inc. (SusGren) were the stars of the show. Next step: to have the Lagoon and its surroundings designated as a Marine Protected Area.
During the restoration work, BirdsCaribbean organized a highly successful Interpretive Bird Guide Training Workshop on Union Island, empowering citizens from the Grenadines and beyond. In August, the Caribbean Birding Trail’s spectacular new website – https://www.caribbeanbirdingtrail.org – covering more than 150 birding sites in 24 countries, was launched. If you have not already done so, we invite you to explore – both virtually and in person, with our enthusiastic trained guides!
Devastation from Hurricane Dorian
Six Grand Bahama Island Birders carried out the first bird survey of the Eastern End of Grand Bahama Island one month after Hurricane Dorian. Left to right – Shelagh Paton-Ash, Delores Kellman, Gena Granger, Bridget David (recorder) and Erika Gates. (photo by Martha Cartwright)
Just a few weeks after our conference, we watched with heavy hearts as tragedy of incredible proportions struck the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama. The Category Five Hurricane Dorian, which lingered from September 1 to 3 over these islands, brought death and destruction to many communities, and devastated the landscape.
Immediately, BirdsCaribbean formed a response team to raise funds and deliver supplies. The first tentative forays by our Bahamian partners were subdued and sad, with moments of joy and relief when bird species such as the Bahama Parrot, thought to be badly impacted from the island by the storm, were discovered to be doing okay. As always, severe storms bring strong emotions in their wake – and for conservationists, deep anxiety over whether habitats and birds will eventually recover.
Our Hurricane Dorian Recovery Fund has raised US$29,000 to date, with less than one month to go. Thanks to our generous supporters, we shipped thousands of pounds of bird seed and hundreds of feeders. We also used funds to help replace equipment the Bahamas National Trust lost during the storm in addition to funding field surveys. Now the questions loom: Did the Bahama Nuthatch population survive? How quickly will the parrots recover? Will the waterbirds return? While there are encouraging signs, the future is still uncertain. There is much work to be done.
Supporting Conservation & Community
Participants of the shorebird conservation workshop on a field trip within Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
This year we also focused on our most vulnerable migratory species, shorebirds. We know these birds are in trouble; this is a global phenomenon. In February, we hosted the International Training WorkshopConserving Caribbean Shorebirds and Their Habitats in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico with 33 enthusiastic participants on “Conserving Caribbean Shorebirds and their Habitats.” Our partners were Manomet and local NGO Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña (SOPI).
Our Betty Petersen Conservation Fund provided support to finance direct conservation actions for three endangered Caribbean species: The Black-capped Petrel in Haiti, the Ridgway’s Hawk in the Dominican Republic, and the White-breasted Thrasher in St. Lucia. In all these projects, community involvement (especially youth) has been a key factor. In Haiti, entire farming communities that cultivate lands adjacent to the Petrel’s nesting colonies are pledging to protect these critical breeding areas while in the Dominican Republic, teenagers are volunteering to guard the hawks’ nests. This work would not be possible without the many generous donations to the Betty Fund.
Children in the Dominican Republic learn to celebrate their endemic raptor with the new Ridgeway’s Hawk brochure. (photo by Marta Curti)
Meanwhile, our dedicated citizen scientists have been hard at work again. Global Big Day was – well, really big. 846 checklists were posted on May 4 – over twenty percent more than in 2018. The Bahamas ran away with the top number of species this time – 138. Runners up were Puerto Rico and third-place Cuba were not far behind. In all, eighty percent of the Caribbean’s endemics were spotted in just one day. BirdsCaribbean is proud of its partnership with eBird through our portal eBird Caribbean. Have you downloaded the free mobile app? Every bird counts!
In 2019 we all learned how to protect birds by becoming the solution to plastic pollution. This was a hugely popular theme for the Caribbean region, which witnesses daily the scourge of plastic pollution and its harmful impacts on birds. Dozens of coordinators organized many events related to this theme for our annual Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival in spring and World Migratory Bird Day celebrations in fall, including beach and wetland clean-ups, raising awareness about the issue and how plastic pollution harms us and wildlife, and how to personally reduce your use of plastic. Many Caribbean countries are leading the way with this global problem by banning plastic bags, plastic straws, and styrofoam. And, we continue to train and empower local educators so that they can develop the next generation of bird conservationists and environmental stewards – watch this inspiring short story from one of our star educators, Natalya Lawrence.
Creative use of plastic waste to make bird feeders! St. Croix Environmental Association WMBD event. (photo by Jen Valiulis)
Finally, there were lessons learned (or re-learned) in 2019. In the face of climate change, Caribbean islands must build greater resilience, especially along their vulnerable coastlines. The restoration of wildlife habitat is critical. So is the sustained and determined protection of our most endangered bird species, including migratory birds, in the face of encroaching human development. But we cannot do it alone. We need the support and the active participation of the communities where birds live – and we need you!
Then, and only then, will Caribbean residents – humans, birds, and wildlife in general – truly thrive, and continue to thrive in the future.
Our sincere gratitude to all of our donors and funding agencies for your generous support in 2019, which allowed us to carry out the work highlighted above, and much more! And a big thanks to all of our awesome partners, members, and volunteers for your dedication and hard work. You all inspire us every day!!!
Bananaquit by Aslam I. Castellan Maure. This unique shot of our logo bird won an Honorable Mention in our 2019 Photography Contest.
New twin suspension bridges over breached gaps in failed marina causeway in the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
The local non-profit conservation organization Sustainable Grenadines (SusGren) welcomed guests to the lagoon’s (re)birthday celebration at its welcoming eco-friendly building on Union Island in the Grenadines on May 31, 2019. The building adjoins Ashton Lagoon, the largest natural bay and mangrove ecosystem in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. This area was legally designated a Conservation Area in 1987 and named as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International in 2008.
The story of Ashton Lagoon is worthy of honor and rejoicing, far and wide. The birthday party guests wore beaming smiles.
After 13 years of diligent work, SusGren, supported by its national and international partners, has succeeded in restoring the lagoon—not only for the well-being of the marine and bird life, but also for that of future generations of Union Islanders. Now it is transformed, blossoming into a beautiful place in which to learn, observe, and enjoy the bounties of nature.
Orisha Joseph, Sustainable Grenadines Executive Director, welcomes everyone to the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project Unveiling event on May 31st, 2019. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
As the King said in “Alice in Wonderland,” it’s best to begin at the beginning. The tale of Ashton Lagoon began some 25 years ago, in 1994. That year marked its decline—the moment when an overseas investor said: “Let’s build a golf course over the mangroves. Let’s build a marina for 300 boats!” as Joseph described it. A causeway was to join Frigate Rock to Union Island.
Map of Union Island ecosystems prior to the Ashton Marina Project and the airport runway extension (Map by Price & Price, 1998)
The following year, the investor went bankrupt. The project was abandoned, but the damage had already been done. Joseph described the development as a “catastrophe.” The causeway and marina berths, constructed from metal sheet piles and dredged coral, blocked the circulation of water, causing immense harm to the mangroves, reefs, and seagrass.
Thereafter, Ashton Lagoon languished. With its stagnant green waters and its degraded mangrove forest, locals—including fisherfolk who passed through to their fishing grounds—shunned it. It became a lonely place, Joseph recounted during her presentation in Guadeloupe (which you can watch below!).
But hope appeared on the horizon. In 2004, Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean Lisa Sorenson visited Union Island to deliver a Wetlands Education Training Workshop. The group took a field trip to the damaged lagoon and learned about the heartbreak residents and fishers felt living with the eyesore of the abandoned and algae-filled lagoon. Sorenson began work to raise funds, and in 2007, thanks to support from the USFWS, SusGren and BirdsCaribbean held a 3-day Participatory Planning Workshop with local stakeholders. All agreed (including, thankfully, donors) that something must be done. But wasn’t this a Herculean task?
An aerial view of Ashton Lagoon in 2004 shows how the failed marina disrupted the natural water flow. Impacts included stagnant polluted water in the lagoon and marked declines in marine life and the health of the mangrove. (Photo by Michele Kading)
Yes, it was. The Restoration Project was a tough, complex undertaking, not for the faint-hearted. Initially, stakeholders developed a vision for the management and sustainable use of the area, and wrote funding proposals. Surveys and monitoring of the ecologically sensitive area were conducted. And then, there were the engineering issues to be resolved. Joseph reserved special appreciation for the man she called her “miracle worker,” Ian Roberts, Engineer/ Works Supervisor for the restoration.
Joseph emphasized that, apart from the onerous technical issues that besieged them (how to deal with those horrible metal piles?) another challenge was a less “concrete” one: How to keep the local community engaged and interested. They were impatient and SusGren’s credibility and reputation were at stake on this small island with a population of 3,500.
The group went through a funding crisis in 2014—one that Joseph looked back on with wry humor. In 2016, when the funds began to work out, the project’s three broad objectives were refined. These were to restore the ecosystem; to strengthen the community’s resilience to climate change, for its economic benefit; and to increase environmental awareness.
In 2018, the water began to flow again. The “miracle workers” had created some breaches in the marina’s piles for it to flow through …after 24 years. “The lagoon said, ‘I can breathe again!’” laughed Joseph.
There followed a frantic period of activity, as SusGren worked on several projects simultaneously. The mangroves were flooded with new water and circulation in the lagoon restored through strategic breaches and culverts in the causeway and marina berths. Two bird towers were built (one named after Lisa Sorenson’s favorite seabird, the Royal Tern). The Interpretive Centre was built and some moorings at Frigate Island were created. A nursery of 3,000 red mangroves was created; the seedlings, donated by the Grenada Department of Forestry. They were planted using bamboo, rather than PVC. A community-owned apiculture and honey production enterprise started up (“bees like black mangroves,” noted Joseph).
Approximately 3,000 red mangroves seedlings were replanted in the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
There are also two bridges. After the marina causeway and berths were breached in several places to allow the water to flow freely, the bridges were needed to provide access to the whole causeway—a part of which had been washed away by storms—as a place to walk and watch birds and wildlife. Now, the marina berths are turning into “little islets” with mangroves and other vegetation—growing well and providing a roosting place for birds and habitat for other wildlife.
Hon. Camilo Gonsalves (Minister of Finance, Economic Planning, Sustainable Development and Information Technology) and Hon. Saboto Ceasar (Minister of Agriculture, Industry, Forestry, Fisheries, and Rural Transformation) on the suspension bridge at Ashton Lagoon at the May 31st Restoration Unveiling event. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.).
Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean, Lisa Sorenson felt a great emotional investment in the project. “I could not stop smiling at the launch!” she confessed. “We are so proud of SusGren, their local partners and the donors for persevering with the project. This is a shining example of what can be done, with vision and determination, to right an environmental wrong that occurred many years ago. SusGren did not give up on Ashton Lagoon. Now it is a wonderful place for people—and birds—to visit. An American Flamingo showed up there recently, for the first time!”
BirdsCaribbean continues to provide support for clean-up activities, tree planting and additional signs for the bird towers.
Importantly, members of the public are using the Lagoon Eco Trail, including schoolchildren and teachers, eager to learn. In July, Danny’s Summer School on Union Island went birding at the Lagoon, identifying birds and exploring the trail. “This is what brings me most joy,” admits Orisha Joseph. Those years walking round the lonely lagoon with a colleague are gone. Now, at last, it is appreciated by local people. Non-motorized recreational activities have begun to take off. Kite surfing is booming!
Sustainable Grenadines, Inc. Junior Rangers visit to the Ashton Lagoon Trail. Students poses with Hon. Camillo Gonsalves, Dr. Lisa Sorenson, and Mr. Herman Belmar (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
World Migratory Bird Day monitoring with the Stephanie Browne Primary School students and teachers. The students pose with bird ID cards outside of SusGren’s new headquarters at the lagoon. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.).
Of course, more work remains to be done. SusGren and its partners now face a number of new and different challenges. They had not quite been prepared for a sudden flood of publicity (for example, in the Caribbean Compass yachting magazine) and the thousands of “likes” on social media. “We were even featured in the phone book!” said Joseph, with a hearty laugh.
Ashton Lagoon on Caribbean Compass cover
The Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project is still lobbying the Governments of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada—not only for funds, but to have the lagoon properly gazetted as a Marine Protected Area. On the ground, SusGren is tackling such issues as an invasion of cattle in the mangroves during the “let-go season” and management of vehicles. While increasing bird habitat, the organization wants to encourage community involvement that is orderly, and above all sustainable.
Kristy Shortte, SusGren Program Officer, conducts Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) bird monitoring from the Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Birding Tower (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Now, the tides are flowing again in the lagoon, and the jewel-like waters, turquoise and opal, are clear and free. The mangroves are busy with bird life. Marine life is thriving. Pedestrian and boat access has been opened up.
Residents of Union Island visiting Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
In some ways, the story of Ashton Lagoon is almost like a Hollywood plot: disasters, disappointments, struggle and ultimately a sense of triumph. The less glamorous sub-plot is the sheer hard work and determination to see the project through, tackling red tape and unexpected obstacles, worrying about funding. It is the story of many conservation non-profits across the region.
The story of Ashton Lagoon has a happy ending—but actually it has not ended. Ashton Lagoon is cared for, again. It has a bright future, for wildlife and for people.
Supporters of the Ashton Lagoon Project at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project Unveiling event on May 31st, 2019. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Partners and supporters of the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project included:BirdsCaribbean; the Phillip Stephenson Foundation; The Nature Conservancy (TNC); the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Program (CMBP); the German Development Bank (KFW) through the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (5C’s); the Global Environment Facility–Small Grants Program (GEF-SGP); US Fish and Wildlife Service, Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Fund, the St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Trust; Global Coral Reef Alliance; AvianEyes; Science Initiative for Environmental Conservation and Education; Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries and Industry; Construction Logistics, Inc.; Ministry of National Security, Lands and Survey Department; National Properties Limited; National Parks, Rivers and Beaches Authority; Grenadines Partnership Fund; University of New Hampshire; Union Island Environmental Attackers; Union Island Tourism Board; Union Island Association for Ecological Preservation (UIAEP); Union Island Ecotourism Movement, and others.
We invite you to enjoy the gallery of photos below. Hover over each photo to see the caption or click on the first photo to see a slide show.
Wetlands are wonderful places for birds, recreation and learning. View of the Twin Bridges, Ashton Lagoon, Union Island, St Vincent and the Grenadines. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Mayreau Government School visits the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Visitors from Caribbean Tourism Authority (CTO) (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Signs at the Entrance of the Trail (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Wallets rest in the protected waters of the Ashton Lagoon mangroves. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc).
Alex Smith- SusGren Junior Ranger participating in the planting of mangrove seedlings project in the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Ian Roberts, Engineer/ Works Supervisor, and Orisha Joseph on one of the suspension bridges that Mr. Roberts designed. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Visitors from Caribbean Tourism Authority (CTO) (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Drone Shot of the Entrance to the Ashton Lagoon Trail (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Louise Mitchell (St. Vincent and the Grenadines Environment Fund ) and other attendees at the launch event marvel at the new gazebo and bridges. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc).
View of the causeway, marina berth islets, and Frigate Island from the Twin Bridges (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Hon. Camilo Gonsalves (Minister of Finance, Economic Planning, Sustainable Development and Information Technology) provides brief remarks at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling event. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Birding Tower, named after local birder Katrina Collins Coy’s favorite bird (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Everyone is excited about the new bridges! Hon. Saboto Ceasar, Orisha Joseph, and Dr. Lisa Sorenson (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Grenada Flycatchers are found only in Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. (Photo by Ted Eubanks)
Brief remarks by Mr. Joaquin Monserrat, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy of Barbados, Eastern Caribbean and the OECS. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
One of the interpretive signs along the trail.
Panoramic view from the second floor of SusGren’s new headquarters at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling Ceremony, May 31, 2019. (photo Lisa Sorenson)
View of mangroves and suspension bridges in the distance from the Royal Tern Observation Tower. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
View of the rejuvenating Ashton Marina (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
1st Birding tower from the entrance, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Tower (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Manchineel Tree warning sign – although poisonous to humans, the Manchineel tree is a valuable food tree for birds. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
SusGren Staff (Sonia, Chandra, and Orisha) and Dr. Lisa Sorenson crossing the gap in 2013 in the days before the bridges! This was necessary to carry out Caribbean Waterbird Census bird counts. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Many more shorebirds use the lagoon since it has been restored (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc.)
Visitors on the Swing Bridges Following the Official Launch Ceremony for the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Ruddy Turnstone (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Tropical Mockingbird (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Educational signs found in Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Beautiful performance by the Cultural Conquerors at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling event on May 31st, 2019. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc.)
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
American Flamingo spotted at Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Migratory shorebirds now find great wintering habitat in the newly restored lagoon, mangroves and salt pond. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
Directional Signs along the Trail (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Like mother, like son, birding in the Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Humorous Signs Found in Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Mangrove Sign (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Hon. Saboto Ceasar, (Minister of Agriculture, Industry, Forestry, Fisheries, and Rural Transformation) giving the featured address at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling Ceremony (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Yachts Anchored at Frigate Rock using SusGren mooring services (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Mr. Edwin Snagg – Director Grenadine Affairs delivering brief remarks (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Lisa and Orisha in front of the Royal Tern observation tower, named after Lisa’s favorite seabird. (photo by Ian Roberts)
Visitors to Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Ribbon cutting ceremony for the new office and visitor centre of Sustainable Grenadines, Inc. adjacent to Ashton Lagoon. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Royal Terns on remains of Ashton Marina (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Mermaid sign and mermaid on trail. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Swales from the Entrance (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
A happy moment – Lisa Sorenson reunited with Martin Barriteau and Matthew Harvey at the restoration unveiling ceremony. Martin is the former Executive Director of SusGren and worked on the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project for many years. Matthew Harvey is a local fisher whose livelihood was harmed by the failed marina development. He never gave up hope that the lagoon would be restored.
Shorebirds enjoying the peace of Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
View of suspension bridges and Union Island. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Green Heron (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Landbirds of Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines (side 1) – these waterproof bird ID cards help residents and visitors to know and enjoy the country’s beautiful birds. (cards produced by BirdsCaribbean)
Students from Stephanie Browne Primary School on World Migratory Bird Day, October 2019 (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Students from Stephanie Browne Primary School enjoy bird watching on World Migratory Bird Day 2019 (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Cinders Creative Nest Preschool visit to the Ashton Lagoon area (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Landbirds of Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines (side 2) – these waterproof bird ID cards help residents and visitors to know and enjoy the country’s beautiful birds. (cards produced by BirdsCaribbean)
The Whimbrel is a fairly common winter visitor to Ashton Lagoon and other wetlands in Union Island. (photo by Peter Duce).
Wilson’s Plovers are common residents of Ashton Lagoon; they nest on mudflats near the mangroves. (photo by Peter Duce)
A Whimbrel, a migratory shorebird, visits Ashton Lagoon. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
View of the marina berth islets and Union Island from the Twin Bridges (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Kristy Shortte, SusGren Program Coordinator, conducting Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) bird counts (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Read more about the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project (and also a project at Belmont Salt POnd) at the links below:
By Emma Lewis, Blogger, Writer, Online Activist, and member of BirdsCaribbean’s Media Working Group, based in Kingston, Jamaica. Follow Emma at Petchary’s Blog—Cries from Jamaica.
The Avalon is setting sail again this May for important shorebird and seabird conservation and research – join us! The mission is a continuation of on-the-ground protective and restorative measures to limit human-caused disturbance and control invasive Australian pine at key shorebird and seabird sites in The Bahamas with support from Conservian, BirdsCaribbean, Bahamas National Trust, and partners.
Volunteers Needed!
Our days will be filled with much adventure aboard the 75ft schooner “Avalon”. (Photo by Margo Zdravkovic)
We need your help to protect beach-nesting birds, nests and young. Conservian is seeking a weekly crew of 10 enthusiastic volunteers for our Bahamas shorebird habitat conservation project in May 2020 aboard our 75ft research schooner. Crews fly to the Bahamas each week to designated airports for shuttle transport to schooner. All trips include bunk, onboard meals, water, & ground transportation associated with project. Trip cost is is $1,750 per person/per week. Please see website for more information at Coastalbird.org A valid passport is required. Airfare & insurance are not included.
This is a wonderful opportunity to gain field experience and shorebird ID skills or simply a once in a lifetime experience! In 2018, BirdsCaribbean’s own Jennifer Wheeler joined the trip. Read all about her amazing adventures here. And check out an article by Margo about one of the past expeditions.
May 2020 Expedition Dates & Locations:
Please note our ports of call were not impacted by Hurricane Dorian. All islands on the 2020 itinerary were unaffected.
American Oystercatcher with young (Photo by J. Gray)
Choose one week or more! Each week includes 7 nights aboard the schooner
Week 1: May 3-10 – Ambergris Cay, Joulter Cays & S. Andros (Nassau Int Apt)
Week 2: May 10-17 – Exumas & Great Exuma (Nassau Int Apt/Exuma Int. Apt)
Week 3: May 17-24 – Cat Island, Little San Salvador, Eleuthera (Exuma Int. Apt/Nassau Int. Apt)
Project Crew Activities:
Protect, post & sign shorebird & seabird sites
Collect new data on nesting shorebirds, seabirds & habitat
Locate & protect shorebird & seabird nests & downy young
Control invasive Australian pine on beach habitats (select trips)
Work with local volunteers to accomplish the above goals
Snorkel reefs in gin clear waters
Learn sailing crew skills
Fish for dinner-catch of the day!
To join our conservation pirate crew please contact Margo Zdravkovic at MargoZ@Coastalbird.org Go to Coastalbird.org for more information on our 2020 expedition and Conservian’s coastal bird conservation work.
Aerial photo of prime shorebird habitat on Andros.
IMPORTANT: Applicants must be responsible, adventurous, in good physical condition, enjoy working in teams, and be capable of walking several miles during warm weather on Bahamas beaches. Applicants must be comfortable living communally onboard a schooner for a week and riding in small boats to access survey sites.
BirdsCaribbean is excited to announce the release of The Complete Checklist of the Birds of the West Indies! Jeff Gerbracht and Anthony Levesque, in consultation with experts across the region, have compiled important details for all of the bird species observed in the West Indies, including abundance, seasonality, breeding status, endemism and establishment.
The goal of The Checklist is to provide consistent, accurate and up-to-date information for use by researchers, conservationists and policy makers. The taxonomy of species follows the current version of the Clements Checklist of birds of the world. The most recent version of the checklist can be downloaded here and consists of two different documents:
The first document includes the introduction and explanatory text, definitions used and a summarized version of the species list as a pdf.
The second is a more detailed checklist in an excel spreadsheet. Providing the checklist as a spreadsheet enables you to easily sort and summarize the checklist by the columns you are most interested in, such as ‘Endemic Region’ or ‘Abundance’.
The Caribbean is home to over 700 species of bird, including 171 species that are endemic to the region and found nowhere else in the world. You can use the checklist to explore the many birds that are endemic to the Greater Antilles (109 species), to learn about the migrants and visitors that rely on the Caribbean habitats (334 species), or to check just how rare it is to see a Common Ringed Plover (very rare).
The excel spreadsheet is an invaluable resource, allowing you to manipulate the checklist and extract important information for your research, grant proposals, or personal interest. For example, how many endangered bird species are there in the Dominican Republic? Using the sort functions in excel, we see that there are six, with five of them endemic to Hispaniola: Ridgway’s Hawk, White-fronted Quail-Dove, Bay-breasted Cuckoo, La Selle Thrush, Hispaniolan Crossbill, and Black-capped Petrel.
At the BirdsCaribbean 21st International Conference in Guadeloupe, Jeff and Anthony facilitated a West Indies Checklist Working Group meeting. During the meeting we announced the release of the first checklist and quickly reviewed the format and types of information contained in the checklist. There was great interest in this initial release and we had several lively discussions about the future direction and expansion of the checklist. Creating country and island versions of the checklist is our next step in expanding the checklist coverage and a number of representatives agreed to begin work on country lists. Additionally, there was strong interest in expanding the checklist to cover subspecies (the current version of the checklist covers birds at the species level only). Everyone agreed that this checklist fills a much-needed void in open access to information on birds in the region and the enthusiasm around moving it forward was exciting and bodes well for the future of this working group.
When you are birding, remember to record all your observations in eBird Caribbean as those records will be used to keep this checklist up to date.
Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines is an innovative new avian field guide by co-authors Juliana Coffey and Alison (Aly) Ollivierre for the Grenadine archipelago shared between the countries of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada in the Eastern Caribbean. This is the first guide to specifically cover these transboundary islands, which are geologically, ecologically, historically, and culturally more similar to one another than to their respective mainland islands (Saint Vincent and Grenada). The book contains:
140+ pages of high-quality photographs of the birds and natural areas of the Grenadines
117 bird profiles with details on identification, diet, habitat, local knowledge, and sightings
14 detailed maps illustrating conservation areas and local toponyms on more than 50 islands and cays
Full chapter of previously undocumented local ecological knowledge, folklore, and prehistoric-to-modern-day human values of birds
To purchase via credit card (more buying options are listed below):
A page of seabird profiles in “Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines” with text detailing a description of each species, including identification, interesting facts, local knowledge, and symbols depicting habitat, diet, and migratory statusOne of the 14 detailed maps, featuring Mayreau and the Tobago Cays, in “Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines”First page of the “People and Birds” chapter of “Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines”
On one fateful rainy day in July 2011, Juliana and Aly met at the airport on Union Island where they had both just moved for work in their respective fields. Not only did they become neighbors, but they quickly became great friends. Early on in their friendship, they saw an opportunity to collaborate on their professional interests and passion for ornithology, cartography and participatory strategies for conservation and management. Both authors have a strong background in community-focused research with Juliana working in co-management and documenting local ecological knowledge amongst indigenous and fisherfolk communities in Canada, Saint Lucia and throughout the Grenadines, and Aly facilitating participatory mapping programs in the transboundary Grenadines and conducting research on participatory mapping in the Caribbean as a whole. Together their shared perspectives on the value of combining scientific with local ecological knowledge made for a perfect partnership.
Juliana and Aly have been living and working throughout the islands intermittently ever since, although not always at the same time or on the same island. Their continued commitment to completing this project allowed the book to be written and designed in all corners of the world—including at sea and remote field camps—as they regularly pursued other opportunities in their careers. They have conducted extensive literature and field research to ensure that this guide is regionally representative of the natural, cultural, and historical contexts of the islands. Local bird names, knowledge, and lore are highlighted throughout the book: compiled through consultation with over 100 stakeholders throughout the Grenadines.
The seven years the authors spent researching and writing Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines is evident in the book—the attention to detail and user-friendly design make the guide a valuable companion for any type of outing in the transboundary Grenadines! Juliana and Aly created this book with the following goals in mind:
serve as a valuable resource for local bird monitors to learn species identification and carry out surveys,
enhance the overall conservation and management of Grenadine resources,
educate the general public, and
be useful to both locals and foreigners with an interest in the avifauna of the region.
They’ve already received great feedback from local environmentalists, casual tourists, bird biologists, government officials and most importantly—the local fisherfolk and resource users who now take pride in seeing their knowledge represented in this publication. If you’re planning a trip to the Grenadines, this book is a must-have.
Alison Ollivierre (author), Lisa Sorenson (BirdsCaribbean Executive Director), and Juliana Coffey (author) at the book launch (Photo by Justin Proctor)
BirdsCaribbean was honored to officially launch this new and exciting avian field guide in July 2019 at their 22nd International Conference in Guadeloupe. Juliana gave a presentation on the local ecological knowledge research that went into the guide which provided additional information to the one Aly had given at the BirdsCaribbean 20th International Conference in Jamaica in 2017. After waiting four years since many of the BirdsCaribbean delegates had first learned about the upcoming book, everyone was excited to share in the celebration of this launch. The guide was especially praised for its skillful combination of scientific and local knowledge as well as its final chapter which focuses on interactions between people and birds in the Grenadines spanning from first occupation by Amerindians to the modern day.
The authors would like to thank everyone who assisted them throughout the duration of this project, including the more than 100 residents and visitors to the Grenadines who took the time to provide local knowledge and lore, and to all of the people that contributed to the crowdfunding and review of the book which made the publication possible. A complete list of acknowledgments is available in the book!
Buy the Book:
Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines can be purchased from BirdsCaribbean with a credit card below, or with a US check or postal money order made payable to BirdsCaribbean and mailed to 841 Worcester Street #130, Natick, MA 01760, USA.
Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines By Juliana Coffey and Alison Ollivierre 142 pages, section sewn softcover (7” x 5”), full color photographs and maps ISBN 978-1-9994585-0-8 Price: US$25 US shipping – $6.95 Canada shipping – $24.95
To purchase via credit card:
Please reach out to Alison Ollivierre if you’re interested in international shipping elsewhere and we can provide a shipping quote.
Books can be purchased within Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada at local businesses, for more information visit: www.grenadinesbirds.com/avian-field-guide
Please also consider helping Juliana and Aly fulfill their goal of getting copies of the books into the hands of all of the schools and relevant community organizations in the transboundary Grenadines! So far, more than one third of the books that have left their hands have been donated. Help them keep up this momentum with any donations that you can.
Interview with the Authors:
How did you first become interested in birds and birding?
Juliana: I first became interested in wildlife in general at a very young age, and at just five years old (even though I couldn’t spell the word “biologist”) I told my family that’s what I wanted to grow up to become. This was likely due to the plethora of stray animals that my parents let me take home and care for, always stating “no more pets!”, but always having room for just one more. When I was sixteen, I officially began my career with birds during a summer internship with a world renowned ornithologist, Dr. Bill Montevecchi, at Memorial University of Newfoundland, and was exposed to both the field research aspect and community outreach.
Aly: I first got excited about birds at an Audubon Youth Camp in rural Vermont in the 1990s when I had the opportunity to mist net and band birds with an ornithologist. I saved up for months for the first edition Sibley field guide, went birding with anyone who would go with me, earned the Girl Scout birding badge, and even competed on a youth team in the World Series of Birding in 2002.
Where did you go from there, did you decide to become ornithologists?
Juliana: I was very fortunate after my internship, that Dr. Montevecchi recognized my passion for wildlife, and decided to keep me involved in his work throughout my undergraduate degree. When I was 18 years old, he sent me to Labrador, Canada, to work in the field with indigenous seabird harvesters. Although I initially expressed that I did not want to work with hunters, his statement that “sometimes hunters are the best conservationists” changed my perspective entirely. After I saw first-hand how skilled and knowledgeable these hunters were, I very quickly became an advocate for traditional ecological knowledge and resource harvesting issues in marginalized communities, and that branched my career in a completely different direction. Since that time, I have always advocated for the consultation of local communities and the documentation of such knowledge that is threatened to be lost in future generations. I focus on seabirds, and as such, I have spent a considerable amount of time at sea and in remote seabird colonies ranging from the Arctic to the Southern Ocean, and working with fisherfolk.
Aly: By the time I got to university I had a hard time choosing between my interests in the hard sciences (environmental science, biology) and social sciences (history, sociology, international studies, political science). When I took my first geography class, I knew that was the perfect field to combine all my passions (think: environmental geography, historical geography, political geography). My career specialties are in participatory mapping and cartography, and while I didn’t become the ornithologist I thought I might be as a kid, I’ve found a really great balance doing conservation work with a geospatial focus.
How did you first end up in the Grenadines?
Juliana: I had been working as a fisheries biologist for a co-management board in an Inuit territory (Nunatsiavut) in northern Labrador and elsewhere in the Arctic. Prior to that I had completed my Masters degree research in Saint Lucia. After departing my job in the north, I wanted to continue in the same field, but gain additional international experience. I applied for a placement through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and was matched with the Sustainable Grenadines, Inc. (SusGren)—a transboundary NGO—in the Grenadines, and worked on implementing multiple grants ranging from research to community outreach.
Aly: After graduating from undergrad and completing an internship at National Geographic, I received a really amazing research fellowship through the Compton Foundation which funded my facilitation of a participatory mapping project I designed to map the important historical, cultural, and ecological heritage sites throughout the transboundary Grenadines to strengthen the countries’ joint application for designation as a mixed (natural and cultural) marine transboundary UNESCO World Heritage site. Through this, I also had the opportunity to work with The Nature Conservancy and SusGren on the marine multi-use zoning plan for the Grenadines. After I finished up my fellowship year, I knew I had to find a way to come back and work in the islands again!
What made you decide to create this field guide?
Juliana: During my career with birds, I always collected and relied on avian field identification guides, that enabled me to effectively do my work. During my bird surveys on Union Island, however, I quickly became aware that there was no field guide for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, nor Grenada, and not even a complete bird list. So, in essence, I needed a bird book for the Grenadines! Through my previous experience in collecting traditional knowledge I also noticed that there was an opportunity to document unwritten information to promote awareness and valuation of birds amongst residents of the Grenadines. I told myself it would be complete in a year. Seven years later, and through my partnership with Aly, it exceeds what I originally envisioned it could be. I could not have completed such an extensive project alone, without Aly’s complementary expertise and commitment. She has had a remarkable patience with me throughout this project since I regularly tell her, “I’m going to sea for a month with no phone or internet – I’ll work on that when I get back”. At times, I was living in a tent and using a generator to charge my computer, so I could have an update to send Aly when I returned from remote field camps.
Aly: This book was Juliana’s brainchild, but I loved the idea and went with her to that first bird meeting she organized back in 2011 when she first floated the idea of a bird book specific to just Union Island! In early 2013 Juliana was still talking about how much she wanted to write this book and I offered to come on board and partner with her to help make it a reality. Given my work with participatory mapping in the Grenadines, I had a lot of knowledge and contacts across all the islands and knew that if we combined our extensive expertise, we could only succeed in making an even better book together!
What was your favorite part about the 7 years you spent working on the book?
Local Ecological Knowledge Interview with Christopher Bartholomew and authors Juliana Coffey and Alison Ollivierre on Carriacou in 2014 (Photo by Vendol Ollivierre)
Juliana: There have been many wonderful times throughout this project. While sometimes it felt like we may never complete the book, I can say what an honest relief it was to finally send it to the printers, and to personally pick them up at a jetty in Saint Vincent. I am also so honored now to be back in the Grenadines to be able to officially donate copies to fisherfolk, local NGOs, schools and others who either helped us along the way or who have an interest in preserving the birds of the Grenadines. We met a lot of great people along the way, and despite rarely seeing each other, Aly and I have remained best friends and continue to work with each other on other projects.
Aly: My favorite part was definitely when Juliana and I were able to do our local ecological knowledge interviews in 2014. It was really important to us to ensure that we had accurately collected as much local knowledge as we could from each of the Grenadine islands and it was also just a lot of fun to travel around and talk to people about birds with my best friend and our local liaison (aka my now-husband, Vendol Ollivierre).
What work are you still involved with in the Grenadines?
Juliana: Currently I am working as a consultant for Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) on the “Conservation of Key Offshore Island Reserves” in the Grenadines. After 20 years of working with seabirds around the world, and 8 years of coming to the Grenadines, I can say that this is a dream project for me. The seabirds in the Grenadines are present in globally significant numbers, yet are located in remote and inaccessible areas and afforded little attention or protection. I work to bring awareness to the plight of seabirds in this region, train local seabird monitors, promote awareness at all levels of society and, of course, get out to see the birds!
Aly: While I am currently based in the USA and working full-time making maps for National Geographic, I am still actively involved with projects in the Grenadines. I serve on the Board of Directors for We Are Mayreau, Inc., which manages the Mayreau Community Centre; I am an Associate with Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) and assist with the Protecting Seabirds in the Transboundary Grenadines project; and I work for BirdsCaribbean as the Cartographer and the Caribbean Birding Trail (CBT) Project Coordinator. I also freelance as Tombolo Maps & Design and am currently working on a series of wall maps for the transboundary Grenadines!
September has come around again, and that means it’s time to head for your favorite birding spot (or spots) to count Caribbean shorebirds. World Shorebirds Day 2019 is Friday, September 6th.
This year’s Global Shorebird Count will take place from September 3 to 9, 2019. All across the Caribbean, birders will be compiling checklists from island to island and recording them on eBird Caribbean. BirdsCaribbean urges you to participate! Our migratory shorebirds are more vulnerable than ever, threatened by human activities that have changed their habitat. Most species of shorebirds are in decline around the world.
Where are these fascinating birds to be found? While you will find them on shores and beaches, some shorebirds use habitats further inland, including freshwater and brackish marshes and ponds. Shorebirds are also fond of salt ponds, mud flats, mangrove areas, and tidal flats. Last year, the Whimbrel, a regular migrant through the region, was selected as “Shorebird of the Year.”
eBird Caribbean is a critical tool for tracking and understanding bird migration and population changes – never more so than for our shorebirds. If you do not have an account, it is easy to register – here’s a quick start guide. A useful free mobile app is also available for recording your data in the field.
To make your submitted data visible to World Shorebirds Day, please be sure to share your checklist with worldshorebirdsday eBird username of World Shorebirds Day, or add shorebirdsday@gmail.com email address, to your contact list, and share all your related checklists with us. Only checklists made during the World Shorebirds Day count period between 3–9 September 2019 (inclusive) are eligible. Guidelines for sharing checklists are here.
We hope you will visit as many sites as possible during the 6 days of the count! For more tips on how to do the Global Shorebird Count, go to the World Shorebirds Day website.
For helpful resources on Shorebird ID, including our Shorebird poster, visit this page and this page.
Which species will be Shorebird of the Year 2019? Whichever one is selected – all our shorebirds are precious. The Global Shorebird Count is an important way to help us to learn more about them.
Participate in the International Shorebird Survey (ISS)!
Some of our birds are already on the move. BirdsCaribbean invites all shorebird lovers to schedule some extra counts during the migration season (August to October and March to May) by volunteering for the International Shorebird Survey, a year-round initiative organized by Manomet since 1974. On eBird Caribbean simply do a Caribbean Waterbird Census entry, choosing one of the CWC Count Protocols (Point Count, Traveling Count or Area Search) on Step 2 of “Submit observations” in eBird Caribbean. Fill out a Site Form if you are new to ISS.
Depending on the timing of migration, you may see a lot of birds or just a few at your site(s). Don’t be disappointed if you only see just one. Remember that very effort counts and adds to our knowledge of shorebirds and waterbirds and their habitat needs in the Caribbean!
Good luck and we look forward to hearing about your findings and seeing your photos! Please share on our BirdsCaribbean Facebook page.
Banded Birds
Be sure to be on the lookout for banded birds! Especially Piping Plovers, Red Knots, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Ruddy Turnstones, and Sanderlings. You may report your sightings to BandedBirds.org and the USGS Bird Banding Lab which oversee all banding in the United States.
Handout from the US Fish and Wildlife Service that provides information about Piping Plover banding locations and how to read and record the flags for reporting.
Barbuda Warbler, endemic to the tiny island of Barbuda. The world’s population of this bird is restricted to 62 square miles. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
March 28th, 2019: A year and a half after Category 5 Hurricane Irma smashed into the beautiful island of Barbuda. A survey team is on the local ferry, returning to conduct follow-up population assessments of the endemic Barbuda Warbler and the Magnificent Frigatebird colony. The Barbuda Warbler was last evaluated by the IUCN in October, 2016 and was classified as Near Threatened; the Magnificent Frigatebird colony is the largest breeding colony in the western hemisphere. As an endemic, the Barbuda Warbler is completely restricted to the 62 square mile island and with its relatively small population, is at a higher risk from extreme weather events and habitat loss. The frigatebird colony as the largest breeding colony in the region is critical to the continued success of this species in the Atlantic. When Hurricane Irma swept over the island, we feared for the safety of both the Barbuda Warbler and the frigatebird breeding colony. An assessment team was quickly gathered and sent to assess both species in October 2017. We found that the Barbuda Warbler seemed to have survived the hurricane well and the Magnificent Frigatebirds were already started to return in numbers. But, we were returning to investigate: how were these populations both doing 18 months later?
Of Tents, Tarps, and Old Friends
Shanna and Junior observing while Fernando records the observations. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Immediately upon landing at the ferry docks, we were greeted by the faces of friends we had made on the previous visit. Kelly Burton, Codrington Lagoon National Park Manager (Dept of Environment), was there making sure that the arrangements for transportation, food and lodging were taken care of and that our sometimes ‘unusual’ needs were met. Once we settled into our lodgings, we had a quick look around the town of Codrington, which had been nearly destroyed by the hurricane. Many homes now have electricity and roofs, but many were still without the basic needs of a simple roof. Tents and tarps are still being used by many Barbudans. Before we even left Codrington for an initial training session on methods, we encountered several Barbuda Warblers and the local subspecies of Yellow Warbler. A good sign for the first day.
We then headed north towards Two Foot Bay, where Jeff Gerbracht and Fernando Simal from BirdsCaribbean oriented the rest of the team with the survey methodology and what to expect for the following week: early mornings, late evenings and lots of walking, counting birds and good company!! Natalya Lawrence (Environmental Awareness Group – EAG), Sophia Steele (Flora & Fauna International) and Joseph (Junior) Prosper (EAG) enthusiastically dove right into the methods, asking great questions about the survey forms and practicing the count protocol. Sophia was part of the field team just after Irma and her prior experience with the methods was an added bonus. Of the eight point counts made that first afternoon, only one didn’t include a Barbuda Warbler, again a great start to a great week.
Revisiting Old Haunts, Meeting the Barbudans, and Lobster Wraps for Lunch
Discussing the Barbuda Warbler with John Mussington, secondary school principal and science teacher. (Photo by Natalya Lawrence)
The next day started with sunrise, with two teams visiting the points we had sampled a year and a half earlier. Generally, each team was able to cover 8-15 points before the sun drove both us and the warblers into hiding. We looked forward to the lunch breaks with fantastic lobster wraps provided by Claudette and the occasional visits by her lovely granddaughter. After a relaxing lunch and brief rest, we were back in the field by 3pm, covering as many points as possible before sunset. Evenings were a group dinner, followed by a few Wadadlis (local beer!) and strategizing for the following day.
One of the biggest differences from my prior visit was the number of people that were back on the island. During our first visit, Codrington was almost deserted, and this time it was a vibrant community. This also meant we could meet with the community members, discuss what we were doing and why, and also begin to understand their lives and challenges post-Irma. We met with the principals of both schools, gave presentations on the Barbuda Warbler and the monitoring efforts to several of the classes, and had many enlightening discussions with Barbudans we would meet in and around town. Several times during the week we met children returning home from school, which often resulted in some impromptu birding classes.
The Frigatebird Revival
Most of the smaller groups of mangroves appeared to be dead though the frigatebirds are still using them for nesting. The larger sections of mangrove appear to be slowly recovering with much dead vegetation still in evidence. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Partway through the week, Natalya and Sophia had to return to Antigua and Shanna Challenger (Flora and Fauna International), also an alum from the first season, joined the field crew and quickly showed her talent for spotting hard to find birds. With the help of Shanna and Joseph (who walked more miles than any of us), we were able to complete the necessary point counts, which gave us some extra time to conduct a rapid count of the Magnificent Frigatebird colony in the Codrington Lagoon NP. An afternoon boat trip to the colony was spectacular. We were joined by additional EAG staff (Nathan Wilson) and we counted as much of the colony as possible. One person counted adults, a second counted downy chicks and a third counted the ‘white-headed’ birds (mostly birds hatched either last year or very early this year). We counted a whopping 7,451 frigatebirds. The mangroves appear to be recovering slowly but that didn’t seem to bother the frigatebirds too much.
Connecting with Barbudans of All Ages
One of the very important aspects of our trip, besides counting the birds of course, was interacting with the Barbudans. During the second half of the trip, a team from EAG traveled from Antigua to do just that. In addition to the visits that we had already made to both schools, Arica Hill, EAG’s Executive Director, led the charge to host Barbuda Warbler presentations at the elementary school, complete with Shanna dressed as a Barbuda Warbler! Arica and EAG Director, Tahambay Smith, also organized a town hall meeting that was held with Barbudans, to gauge their interest in establishing an arm of the EAG over there. And let’s not forget filming! Lawson Lewis captured moments in the field, in the schools and in the meeting. These will be made into a short documentary that should become available very soon.
A New Airport Raises Concerns
Survey point now in the middle of the new airport runway. (Photo by Joseph Prosper)
Back to the field work! During the first few days, we kicked up clouds of red dust as we walked from point to point to count the Barbuda Warbler. Then, there were a few unexpected challenges, some caused by the much-needed heavy rains we encountered (Antigua and Barbuda have been in a drought for several years). But folks were happy to pull us out of the resulting mud when we got stuck and we were able to complete our surveys despite several rain delays. The construction of the new airport meant that several points we had previously counted were now either on the runway or in the middle of the rock quarry supporting the new construction. Habitat loss and concerns about the impact the airport will have on the surrounding warblers are something that should be closely monitored into the future.
There was also good news. We observed warblers throughout the island in numbers roughly similar to the previous counts shortly after the hurricane. 71 of the 105 random points counted during the week included at least one Barbuda Warbler. Certainly, one of the reasons the Barbuda Warbler population is doing this well, following a direct hit by Irma, is simply the amount of habitat available on Barbuda. The small human population and communal land ownership laws on Barbuda have resulted in most of the island remaining in a wild state, providing the warbler and other life with ample habitat. This likely provides significant buffers to the impacts of natural disasters such as droughts and hurricanes. As that habitat decreases, however, with the developments that are sure to follow the opening of a new airport, the risks to the warbler and its long term survival will also increase.
While the warbler appears to be doing fairly well, the data are still being analyzed and any conjecture about the true population status at this time is based on our observations and not statistics. We will follow up this blog post with the population estimates once the numbers have been crunched (and we will also present our work at BirdsCaribbean’s 22nd International Conference in Guadeloupe). The data are now off to Dr. Frank Rivera-Milan (who led the team during the first visit) – he will be running the various models to produce a current population estimate.
All in all, it was a very busy week but we had a wonderful time. Counting birds, meeting new friends, and spending time on such a beautiful, mostly wild island is a special experience—I’m ready to go back !!!
Thank you to our Partners!
We thank our donors and supporters who made this trip a successful one. Firstly, many thanks are expressed to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Fund), Global Wildlife Conservation, and Mr. Lamont Brown for providing funding for these important surveys and also for the educational outreach in Barbuda. Sincere thanks to the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) for assisting with the logistics, especially Ms. Arica Hill and Mr. Kelly Burton (Dept of Environment). Thanks to Fernando Simal (WILDCONSCIENCE), Joseph (Junior) Prosper, Natalya Lawrence, Shanna Challenger, and Sophie Punnett-Steele for tireless help with the field work. Thank you to Mr. John Mussington and Ms. Charlene Harris, principals at both the secondary and elementary schools in Barbuda, for affording us the opportunity to visit and speak with the students. Finally, we wish to thank the Barbuda Council and the Barbudan people who provided us with their assistance and support.
By Jeff Gerbracht, Lead Application Developer, eBird, Cornell Lab of Ornithology. For many years, Jeff has served as a volunteer facilitator at our BirdsCaribbean training workshops and assisted with a number of field survey and monitoring efforts.
Hover over each photo to see the caption or click on the first photo to see a slide show.
Jeff showing Barbudan child how to use binoculars and catch a glimpse of local birds. (Photo by Joseph Prosper)
Natalya Lawrence recording birds and vegetation cover. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Clearing surrounding new runaway and road to quarry. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Jefff and Fernando planning logistics with Kelly Burton. (Photo by Natalya Lawrence)
Sunset at the Codrington wharf. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Counting Magnificent Frigatebirds, white-headed immatures and downy chicks in abundance. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Natalya and Jeff in the field. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
The quarry, which is the source for the new airport foundation. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Impromptu bird monitoring class. Fernando showing some school children how to use binoculars. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, seen and heard on many of our points. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Magnificent Frigatebird chicks. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Roofs yet to be repaired and some businesses still aren’t open. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
It’s that time of year again – spring migration! Migratory birds have started making their way to the temperate areas of the globe for breeding, Some of these birds have spent the entire winter in the Caribbean and others are passing through as part of a longer journey. In both cases, the Caribbean provides essential habitat that supports these fearless travelers. Safe, clean places to rest and refuel are critical to their survival.
A round trip migration for the Pectoral Sandpipers can reach over 18,000 miles (30,000 km). (Photo by Nick Dorian)
Some of the longest trips made this spring will be completed by the arctic-breeding shorebirds. If you catch a glimpse of a Red Knot in the next few weeks, you are seeing it on just a small part of its 9,300 mile (15,00 km) journey! Shorebirds are both incredible athletes and world travelers: they can travel hundreds of miles a day without rest and pass over continents in weeks.
Capturing data of birds during migration is vital to understanding their status, distribution, and how they are using sites in the Caribbean throughout their life cycle. While you are out birding don’t forget to log your observations in eBird Caribbean. If you are visiting a wetland, please do a Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) count! The regional count occurs in January and February, but CWC data is collected year-round! When entering your data on eBird, on Step 2 “Date and Effort” page, be sure to choose either the “CWC Point Count” “CWC Traveling Count” or “CWC Area Search” observation type. (you can also choose one of these options if you are using the EBird Mobile app – adjust your settings – choose eBird Caribbean as your portal and the options will show up!)
Is that a Least Sandpiper or a Western?
Earlier this year, we redesigned an existing poster of common shorebirds in the Caribbean which features many of the sandpipers, plovers and larger shorebirds that you may see while birding. This poster is a great resource because: 1) it shows the relative size of the shorebirds to each other and 2) all the birds are in their winter plumage. In their non-breeding plumage shorebirds – especially peeps – can be challenging to identify. We hope that this resource is a helpful guide for those learning their shorebird identification.
The poster is also available in Spanish and French. Below the English common name and scientific name, the common name of the bird appears in Spanish for Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. For example, the Red Knot has three Spanish common names: Zarapico Raro (Cuba), Playero Gordo (Dominican Republic), and Playero Pechirrojo (Puerto Rico). If only two Spanish common names appear, this indicates that two of these three countries have the same common name for the bird.
Do you have access to a large format printer and want to have a hard copy of this beautiful resource? The poster is the perfect addition to wildlife offices, public education spaces, or to have on hand for events like presentations and bird festivals! Larger versions of the posters can be downloaded here: French, English and Spanish.
We very much appreciate the National Audubon Society and the Bahamas National Trust allowing us to redesign their original poster and for Manomet’s input during the process. We thank the Canadian Wildlife Service for supporting poster printing costs in 2019. Participants at the Conserving Caribbean Shorebirds and Their Habitats Workshop were treated to small versions of the poster thanks to a generous donation from the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources.
We are impressed. We are excited. We are hopeful. Yes, CWC 2019 has sparked some emotions among us all!
First and foremost, we at BirdsCaribbean wish to thank you – our partners, who joined in the 2019 Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC). The Census is now in its tenth year of data collection by energetic birders across the region. Over the three-week count period ending on February 3rd, we received a total of 321 checklists from 19 countries, with 212 different species observed. We are deeply impressed by the work you have all put in!
This year’s CWC was unusual in some ways. We were not sure what to expect. In 2017, Hurricanes Irma and Maria cut a swathe of chaos and destruction across parts of the region. Our birds suffered and struggled to survive, and conservationists struggled to recover along with them. Results from the CWC in 2018 a few months later were worrying. Our counters reported dramatic declines in the diversity and numbers, even of some of our most common bird species. We might have expected this as the hurricanes damaged fragile wetland habitats – which had already been threatened in recent years by human activities. Even though the storms occurred in 2017, those ecosystems still have a long road to recovery.
The results from this year were heartening, compared to the post-hurricane CWC results in 2018. There were quite a few surprises and records during the counts.
Locations of the sites surveyed during the 2019 Caribbean Waterbird Census (Map by Aly Ollivierre)
Encouraging Numbers
It’s early days yet. We won’t have a complete picture of how birds are recovering until we analyze all of the data. However, there have been promising reports from the field. In the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Canadian Wildlife Service led Piping Plover surveys with a team of partners and volunteers. The team counted 134Piping Plovers this year at six sites – compared to 62 plovers at three sites in 2018. Among these birds, the surveyors spotted 15 marked with unique leg codes (including ten from their own study!).
A group of Piping Plovers foraging in Cayo Paredon Grande, Cuba. (Photo by Martin Acosta)
The teams visited a variety of good shorebird sites including foraging sand and mud flats, salinas, and ponds. Black Rock, an area of islets and sandbar on the south side of Middle Caicos, came out top in terms of the range of species and numbers counted. Almost 1,500 shorebirds were spotted, including 180Red Knot (five of which were banded with unique codes). In the past, this location has yielded many bird sightings, but in the post-hurricane count last year numbers were lower (around 500 birds). This may have been due to the redistribution of sand from Hurricane Irma which limited good foraging habitat. The abundance of birds has since tripled – which is exciting news.
In Cuba, Professor Lourdes Mugica and her team from the University of Havana counted 41Piping Plovers in Cayo Paredon Grande on the north coast of the island. Lourdes reports that they observed more Piping Plovers in other areas. However, interestingly this is the largest flock her team has ever encountered in four years of CWC monitoring. Five of the birds were banded – these were read and reported in their eBird entry.
Is it too early to suggest that this lovable, endlessly fascinating bird is making a comeback?
Exciting Discoveries
Does this plover look suspicious to you? It’s a Common Ringed Plover, which should be overwintering in Africa. Seen in Guadeloupe, this is the third record for the Caribbean. (Photo by Anthony Levesque)
On to Antigua, where Andrea Otto and her team from the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) spotted a Wattled Jacana! Not only is this a new island record, but it is a first sighting for the West Indies. This range map from eBird Caribbean clearly shows that this is a South American species. In addition to the jacana, the group also saw an American White Pelican – a new record for the island. Both are incredible sightings – check out the eBird report here!
Andrea and Natalya Lawrence shared the news of the Wattled Jacana sighting, explaining the importance of the CWC and Antigua’s waterbirds in a lively television interview on the “Antigua Barbuda Today” morning show. To see the interview, complete with photos, advance to 2:05:15 here). Our partners at EAG really helped to put their island’s waterbirds on the map!
Nature Explorers Anguilla also had an unexpected American White Pelican during their CWC count at Meads Bay Pond in Anguilla. According to the literature available and eBird records, it would appear to be a first record for the island. Way to go team! Their eBird list is available here.
Anthony Levesque in Guadeloupe spotted a Common Ringed Plover. This is only the 2nd Guadeloupe and 3rd Caribbean record of this species! Common Ringed Plovers usually overwinter in Africa (see the eBird range map). They are quite a challenge to identify in the field, especially when they are supposed to be on the other side of the world! Read Anthony’s descriptive notes on his eBird list here.
In Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Lystra Culzac spotted a single male American Wigeon. This is also a rare, and possibly first, sighting for the island.
Future CWC Surveyors in the Making
Students practice their waterbird identification in Jamaica during the CWC. (Photo by Ava Tomlinson)
In Jamaica, the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) hosted 65 students to participate in the CWC in the Palisadoes, Port Royal Protected Area. Students learned about the importance of the area, which is a RAMSAR site close to the capital city of Kingston, and the species they might encounter. In addition, they learned about the impact of pollution on this fragile environment.
The students used materials from BirdsCaribbean, including “Wetland Birds of the Caribbean” and “Seabirds of the Caribbean,” identification cards, binoculars, and data sheets, and set out to record their observations. They worked in groups of four, validating the type of birds seen under the guidance of NEPA staff. The students were excited to see the Belted Kingfisher, Magnificent Frigatebird, Royal Tern, Ruddy Turnstone, and Sandwich Tern.
On World Wetlands Day, a group from BirdLife Jamaica counted in the same area, which is slated for tourism development – including a retractable pier for cruise ships that is already on the island. How will this affect the wetland habitat and the birds that shelter there? Time will tell. Among the species counted there was a “party boat” full of Laughing Gulls.
Disturbing Events
Grupo Acción Ecológica (Dominican Republic) discovered and removed over 300 traps for waterbirds during their CWC counts. Here, an American Flamingo is freed. (Photo by Maria Paulino)
Wetlands were the focus for Maria Paulino and her team from Grupo Acción Ecológica in the Dominican Republic. However, there were some unhappy discoveries. At one of the country’s important wetland sites, Monte Cristi on the north coast, the team found large traps designed to catch American Flamingos. Tragically, other species were casualties – including a dead Snowy Egret, a dead Reddish Egret – and two days later, a similar trap was found with three dead Tricolored Herons. The team freed one trapped flamingo from a trap.
Altogether, the team removed over 300 traps! This terrible situation was reported to the Environmental Department in Santo Domingo and (hopefully) this will pressure the government into taking some action. It is not clear what the fate of the flamingos would be when caught, but Maria Paulino has heard that they are sold to resorts and hotels.
What is the CWC?
The Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) is a multi-partner, region-wide waterbird and wetland monitoring program led by BirdsCaribbean. The goal of this program is to learn more about the distribution, status, and abundance of waterbirds in the Caribbean in order to better conserve and manage these beautiful birds and their habitats.
Environmental Awareness Group in Antigua discussed the CWC and their record findings in a television interview.
The program also aims to increase awareness, build capacity (for example through training workshops), and engage communities and volunteers in wetland monitoring and conservation. Ultimately, we want to identify and ensure that as many important wetland sites as possible are protected, thus nurturing the many fascinating bird species that live in them.
Since the program began in 2010, dedicated bird enthusiasts have ventured into wetlands across the Caribbean to systematically survey all types of waterbirds (shorebirds, seabirds, wading birds, marshbirds, and waterfowl). The three-week regional counting period begins on January 14th and ends on February 3rd each year – just including World Wetlands Day (February 2nd).
However, this is not a “once per year” event – you certainly don’t have to wait until January of 2020 to join the CWC. We collect data all year-round! To learn more about migration routes and important stopover sites, everyone is asked to count waterbirds as often as possible throughout the year, especially during migration periods in fall (August-November) and spring (March-May).
The CWC forms part of the International Waterbird Census (IWC) – the largest volunteer waterbird count in the world, organized by Wetlands International and now in its 53rd year. We are still relatively “new kids on the block,” but after ten years we are making valuable contributions to the knowledge base for these critical but often overlooked species.
The collected data is recorded on the newly designed eBird Caribbean online platform.
Any time you are counting birds in Caribbean wetlands, you can enter your data on eBird as a CWC Point Count or Traveling Count. Make sure to choose one of these protocols on “Observation Type” if using the eBird Mobile app (be sure to choose eBird Caribbean portal in your Settings), or on Step 2 of data entry on your laptop.
A rare American Wigeon (male) spotted by Lystra Culzac and Glenroy Games in St. Vincent. (photo by Lystra Culzac)2019 CWC Survey team in the Dominican Republic – Kate Wallace, Maria Paulino and Daniel Mejia.