Antigua and Barbuda’s EAG step up their CWC efforts with a training event. (Photo by Sherrel Charles)
Cheers to our Sweet Sixteen! That’s how many years we’ve been tracking waterbird populations across the Caribbean with the Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC)! Our 2025 regional count took place from January 14th to February 3rd, and as always, we were thrilled to see so many of our partners, friends, and colleagues jumping in to contribute to this invaluable long-term dataset by counting waterbirds in their local wetlands!
Keep reading for some exciting 2025 CWC highlights, from the wonderful birds seen to the dedicated survey teams who ventured out to their favorite Caribbean wetlands. Each and every survey contributes to a meaningful impact—thank you to everyone who helped make our 2025 CWC a success!
Training for success in Antigua
To kick off a successful CWC regional count, the team at the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) began by recruiting andtraining new citizen scientists. They brought together a diverse group of participants—from complete beginners to seasoned birdwatchers—and equipped them with the skills to collect vital data at various wetland sites across Antigua! This inclusive approach ensured that all participants, regardless of their experience level, were empowered to gather accurate, valuable data that will support conservation efforts and guide effective management.
Shanna explains bird ID at Mckinnons Pond. (Photo by Sherrel Charles)
Yellow-crowed Night Heron. (Photo by Miquel Garcia)
Time for a group selfie at McKinnons Salt Pond. (Photo by Auriel Horsford Hunte)
Identifying waterbirds at CWC counts on Antigua. (Photo by Shanna Challenger)
Ruddy Turnstone. (Photo by Miquel Garcia)
It’s never to early to start learning waterbird ID. (Photo by Sherrel Charles)
The training began with a classroom session, on January 29th at the Antigua State College (ASC) Conference Room. New birders were introduced to the basics of bird identification while experienced members of the Wadadli Warblers Birding Club enjoyed a helpful refresher. Led by Offshore Islands Conservation Programme Coordinator Shanna Challenger, the session focused on key features for identifying common waterbirds and seabirds. This was followed by three days of outdoor birding sessions where participants learned to use binoculars and identify different shorebirds and seabirds at the McKinnon’s Salt Pond. Not only did this initiative strengthen the incredible Wadadli Warblers club, but it also contributed valuable data to the eBird database! Welcome to the CWC team!
Wide participation in Puerto Rico
From San Juan in the north to Jobos Bay in the south, participation in the regional count was stronger than ever in Puerto Rico! The amazing coverage and number of CWC lists we have gathered over the years is a testament to the power of citizen science! Don’t believe us? Check the hotspot map of Puerto Rico in eBird for wetland areas! Here are some highlights from Puerto Rico’s 2025 count:
San Juan Bay: In February, SOPI (Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña Inc.) collaborated with Comunidad Peninsula de Cantera to organize a CWC survey within the Estuary of the San Juan Bay, with logistical support from the San Jose Fisherman Cooperative. The count covered the easternmost mangrove forests of the San Jose Lagoon and Pinones Lagoon, with 10 participants, including SOPI members, taking part in the survey.
Surveying in San Juan estuary. (Photo by Emilio Font SOPI)
San Juan Bay. (Photo by Emilio Font SOPI)
The SOPI survey team. (Photo by Emilio Font SOPI)
It’s important to keep your strength up on waterbird counts. (Photo by Emilio Font SOPI)
Emilio Font, executive director or SOPI, shared that “even as these lagoons continue to experience the unregulated discharge of pollutants and the inadvertent presence of alligators from the pet trade, there was a significant presence of avian species now absent or reduced in other coastal areas in the island.” It’s good to hear that the birdlife of this area is still thriving, but these ongoing threats underscore the importance of continuing CWC monitoring to track these populations.
Jobos Bay: Heading south Carmen Maldonado and her sister Erika Enid volunteered with SOPI to carry our CWC counts at Cayo Caribe and Jobos Bay, in the towns of Guayama and Salinas. The counts were conducted by boat, allowing them to spot a wonderful variety of shorebirds, seabirds, waterbirds, and endemics; including Lesser Yellowlegs, Clapper Rails, several tern species, and both the Puerto Rican Woodpecker and Flycatcher.
Out in the bay doing CWC surveys by boat. (Photo by Carmen Maldonado)
At Cayo Caribe. (Photo by Carmen Maldonado)
Vegetation around Jobos. (Photo by Carmen Maldonado)
Cabo Rojo: In the southwest, Cabo Rojo is a vital haven for shorebirds and is a designated site of regional importance within the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN)! Luckily, Nahíra Arocho-Hernández and her team were on hand to carry out CWC counts at both Cabo Rojo and Laguna Cartagena National Wildlife Refuges (NWR). As Nahíra points out this monitoring is not just important for understanding the birds and their habitat use, but it also provides “a great opportunity for our volunteers to participate in the surveys and learn to identify the different species of waterbirds, shorebirds, and seabirds”.
Pelicans seen during surveys at Cabo Rojo. (Photo by Nahira Arocho Hernandez)
Counting shorebirds. (Photo by Nahira Arocho Hernandez
The elusive Wilson’s Snipe. (Photo by Luis Ramos)
Alongside volunteers Eduardo Cardona and Luis Ramos from the Gulf Restoration Office, Nahíra recorded 26 species at Cabo Rojo, including migratory birds like Black-bellied Plover and Ruddy Turnstone, as well as nesting Brown Pelicans (23 adults and 10 juveniles). At Laguna Cartagena, exciting sightings included a Sora, Limpkin, and the elusive Wilson’s Snipe!
Looking for shorebirds, Campaña, Vieques (Photo by Daphne Gemmill)
Vieques: Covering the east, Daphne Gemmill of the Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust, shared news of the CWC surveys on Vieques. While CWC counts have been regularly conducted on Vieques, this was the first year observers in Vieques have actively participated in the regional count. They put in a phenomenal effort with 15 observers carrying out 30 water bird surveys!
In a fantastic showing, they counted an impressive 71 species, including 32 waterbirds. Overall, 1,800 birds were counted, with over 1,000 of them being shorebirds, underscoring Vieques’ importance for both migratory and resident shorebirds. Highlights included the uncommon Least Grebe with young, 63 Brown Pelicans in their breeding colony, rare Sora Rails, and five extremely rare White-tailed Tropicbirds.
Small but mighty in Statia
The story from St. Eustatius is another example of a small island making a big impact! Jethro van ‘t Hul shared that the STENAPA team conducted counts around the island at the 15 sites they established in 2024. CWC counts are regularly carried out at these sites year-round, reminding us that CWC monitoring extends beyond the regional count period from January to February! During this year’s regional count, they also took part in a boat tour around the entire island to see what seabirds were encountered and to survey nesting habitats for Red-billed Tropicbirds. They confirmed several roosting sites for Brown Pelicans, Brown Boobies, and Magnificent Frigatebirds. Additionally, the team spotted a Peregrine Falcon perched in a remote cave!
Nesting Red-billed Tropicbird. (Photo by Jethro van ‘t Hul)
A Brown Booby. (Photo by Jethro van ‘t Hul)
A vagrant who might be ready to settle down?
Northern Pintail spotted on Bonaire. (Photo by Susan Davis)
Down on Bonaire, Susan Davis shared some fascinating sightings from the regional count. She mentioned that Bonaire was home to a remarkable variety of ducks, many of which were overwintering rather than just passing through on their way to South America. Among the highlights, Susan spotted a rare Northern Pintail, marking the first sighting in over 20 years! She also observed large numbers of Lesser Scaups, Northern Shovelers, and Black-bellied Whistling Ducks. Interestingly, breeding White-cheeked Pintails were also spotted—an unusual occurrence for Bonaire, as they typically breed later in the year.
Greater Ani spotted by Susan with a twig in December last year. (Photo by Susan Davis)
But one bird, in particular, had Susan really intrigued. During her counts she caught sight of a Greater Ani. This odd looking member of the cuckoo family is a rare vagrant on Bonaire with only a handful of previous sightings. This wasn’t the first time Susan has seen a Greater Ani recently. Back in December she also saw this species. Could her ‘CWC’ bird be the same individual? Back then, the Ani was carrying a twig! Was it building a nest?
The Greater Ani has never been known to breed on Bonaire, but seeing one transporting nesting material to a prime location—deep foliage overhanging water—is a promising sign. Does this mean there are other Anis on Bonaire? Or is this individual simply optimistic about future arrivals? Ani’s breed cooperatively and share nests, so it might be a while before enough birds show up for them to become a breeding species on the island. But stay tuned to Susan’s blog, where she is sure to provide any updates on this out-of-towner!
A Greater Ani
Although not strictly a ‘waterbird’ we think this beautiful pale eyed, black bird with its blue-green sheen deserves to be an ‘honorary waterbird’ due to its preference for river, lake and mangrove areas. Find out more about this species here.
The Caribbean Waterbird Census is an ongoing, long-term survey effort that provides important data that helps us keep track of the birds using Caribbean wetlands, understand the threats they face, and raise awareness. We are incredibly grateful for every single CWC count completed during the annual three-week regional census in January and February. THANK YOU to all those who sent us highlights and all those who led or joined a CWC survey this year.
If you missed this year’s regional census don’t worry—you can conduct a CWC count at any time throughout the year! CWC counts at Caribbean wetlands are valuable year-round and add to our knowledge of the resident and migratory birds that use them. Just be sure to use a CWC protocol in eBird Caribbean when entering your data every time you do a count at a Caribbean wetland, and do your best to do a complete count, i.e., record all the birds you see and hear.If you need help with your shorebird and waterbird ID you can check our resources page and take a look at our short ID videos on YouTube!
Find out more about the CWC program HERE and stay tuned for exciting developments on how to take part in the CWC on eBird- coming soon!
WE enjoyed seeing your posts on social media! here are a few hightlights
For birdwatchers in Cuba, October isn’t just a month; it’s a celebration of nature, science, and the unbeatable spirit of the birdwatching community. Despite the blackouts and shortages of essential items that come with life on the largest island in the Caribbean, birders across the country united for two magnificent birding extravaganzas—October Big Day and Garrido Biggest Week.
In 2023, Cuban conservationists Yaro Rodríguez and Nils Navarro received a Betty Petersen Conservation Fund grant to expand Cuba’s emerging birdwatching movement. The goal was to improve the understanding of Cuba’s birdlife through citizen science.
Their project provided community leaders with binoculars and training to identify and monitor local bird populations and report data through eBird Caribbean. These trained leaders then establish birdwatching clubs in their communities, raising awareness across Cuba about the importance of protecting birds and their habitats. Yaro and Nils’ project continues to grow, with birdwatching clubs across the country now actively engaging in ongoing bird monitoring and conservation efforts.
Yaro Rodríguez.
Nils Navarro.
In addition to several locally initiated birding celebrations throughout the year, birders across the island also participate in two major global citizen science programs: Global Big Day in May and October Big Day in October. Team Cuba is proudly known as the Gundlach Team, in honor of the German-Cuban naturalist and taxonomist Johannes Christoph Gundlach. Yaro details the how the Cuban birding community came together in October to celebrate and protect Cuba’s incredible birdlife.
Gundlach’s Hawk (Photo by Michael J. Good)
Passion and perseverance in Cuba’s birdwatching community
October saw the Gundlach Team remaining steadfast in their exemplary efforts. From dawn onward, birdwatchers from across Cuba ventured into the field, ready to discover and record the country’s rich avian diversity. Notable participants included Yanosky, Manuel Aroche, Ricardo Concepción, Nicolás Díaz, and Marleny Roque, who started their day at first light!
The national bird of Cuba – the Cuban Trogon. (Photo by Rafy Rodriguez)
What makes these events special is not only the number of birds recorded—but the personal stories behind each effort. For some, it was a day of surprises as they encountered new “lifers” to add to their personal lists, while for others, it was an opportunity to improve their standing in the Cuba Big Year 2024. Every list submitted to eBird helped to build a more comprehensive picture of the biodiversity on our island.
Omar Labrada, from Las Tunas, birdwatched with his daughters during October Big Day.
Yusneyda Alarcon and Manuel Lopez from Gramma crossing a mangrove channel during October Big Day.
The community’s dedication was particularly inspiring. Birdwatchers like Edwin Ruiz and Maite Cordoví, despite facing personal challenges, joined in from their windows, showing that a love for birds knows no bounds. Others, like Homar Labrada and his son Marcos, used the occasion to spend the day together, passing down a respect and fascination for birds to the next generation.
Against the odds: The Cuban reality
Birdwatching in Cuba presents unique challenges. One of the biggest challenge our birdwatching community faces is transportation, both to easily accessible areas and to new regions we want to explore. Compounded by fuel shortages, this significantly limits our ability to travel, making each trip a major logistical challenge. On top of that, we deal with frequent power outages and the ongoing stress of meeting our families’ basic needs. Despite these daily struggles and economic difficulties affecting everything from transportation to food, our birdwatching community remains determined, active, and enthusiastic.
Viñales Valley, Cuba.
Every activity we promote and every event in which birdwatchers participate is a meaningful achievement, reflecting the love and commitment we have for Cuban birds and future generations.
October Big Day in Cuba: An unmatched success
On October 12, 63 eBirders, across 15 provinces, with the exception of the Isle of Youth, recorded 186 bird species within just 24 hours. This resulted in 140 eBird checklists, enriched with 96 photos and 31 song recordings. These data not only strengthen the global knowledge base on birds but also underscore Cuba’s commitment to conservation and citizen science.
Among notable individual achievements, Manuel López Salcedo from Las Tunas led the count with 96 species observed across 11 lists. On the women’s side, Yuzaima Ortiz from Ciego de Ávila secured the title of top female lister with a total of 87 species observed.
Members of the formidable Gundlach Team.
This local success was part of a larger global achievement. Over 750,000 birdwatchers from 201 countries participated in this historic day of citizen science, documenting over 7,800 species in just 24 hours. This global initiative highlights the importance of birdwatching as a conservation tool. Each checklist, photo, and recording contributes essential data for science and biodiversity protection.
Garrido Biggest Week: A tribute to a legend
Despite the devastation caused by Hurricane Oscar and ongoing power outages, the Cuban birdwatching community honored Orlando H. Garrido, the country’s most influential ornithologist, who passed away in June 2024. In a fitting tribute to Cuba’s jewel of Caribbean ornithology, the first edition of Garrido’s Biggest Week was held from October 21 to 27. Created to honor Garrido’s legacy and encourage birdwatching during the autumn migration, the event coincided with the dates when Garrido himself would go into the field to record new species.
Orlando Garrido was a tireless explorer of the Cuban archipelago. Garrido has to his credit the discovery of four mammalian taxa and the description of: 58 insects, 21 birds, 37 reptiles. 78 new records among birds, reptiles, and fish, and 23 taxa have been dedicated to him, and in total he has 298 publications. (Photo by Susan Jacobson)
Orlando Garrido regales our group with stories of his Cuban adventures as a biologist and tennis pro! BirdsCaribean Cuba Bird Tour (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Orlando Garrido, Nils Navarro and Herb Raffaele at the 21st International Conference of BirdsCaribbean, in Topes de Collantes, Cuba, July, 2017. Orlando was awarded a BirdsCaribbean Lifetime Achievement Award.
Birdwatchers from all provinces participated enthusiastically, recording 183 species and capturing a total of 76 photographs. José Alberto Pérez Echavarría was the winner in this friendly competition, observing 108 species throughout the event.
This week featured some serendipitous sightings, among them was the first record in Cuba of a Lawrence’s Warbler, an important discovery for the island’s avifauna!
An adult male Lawrence’s Warbler. (Photo by Jeff Hapeman ML604876071)
Additionally, the first documented case of xanthochroism in a member of the Todidae family, the Cuban Tody, was observed—this rare phenomenon gives affected birds an unusual yellow coloration. Both discoveries will be part of an upcoming article, expanding on these unique observations in the region.
The Garrido Biggest Week will become an annual tradition. The community also organizes other thematic weeks to honor prominent figures in Cuban ornithology, such as Charles Ramsden Week in December, José H. Bauzá Week in April, and Juan Gundlach Week in August.
These activities are essential for keeping the birdwatching community active year-round, beyond major events like October Big Day and Global Big Day, while also enriching eBird during periods of lower tourist activity in the country. Through these efforts, the Cuban birdwatching community continues to advance the exploration and conservation of the island’s biodiversity, even in the face of adversity.
The power of citizen science
October Big Day and Garrido Biggest Week are also reminders of the value of our birds and the challenges they face. Cuban birdlife, like that around the world, faces constant pressures from habitat loss, climate change, and human activity. In addition, illegal trapping is a huge threat to endemic, resident and migratory birds in Cuba. Through citizen science and unwavering commitment, each Cuban birdwatcher has the opportunity to contribute to conservation and make a difference.
Cuban Parakeets in flight (Photo by Garry Donaldson)
Cuban voices from the field
To conclude, here are some stories that capture the passion and challenges of these unforgettable days:
“When I arrived, the battery pack I’d prepared for my camera failed, so I used my binoculars to do digiscoping and identify birds in tricky situations. Later, in the forest, as we returned to the reservoir embankment, Wency played a mix of bird calls, and we saw several warbler species. Surprise! Among them was a Worm-eating Warbler, a lifer for me. The excitement was indescribable; everyone pointed their cameras and managed to capture the moment.” – Freddy Ricardo, Holguín Birdwatching Club
“I had a lifer: White-eyed Vireo, though without a photo. But I managed to photograph an Osprey for the first time—81 shots as I got closer with digiscoping! I was thrilled to capture this species.” – Manuel Aroche, Granma Birdwatching Club
“A friend and I shared a lifer, a Philadelphia Vireo! The second record of this species in Ciego de Ávila, and during the week we honor Garrido! It couldn’t be better.” – Nicolás Díaz, Ciego de Ávila Birdwatching Club
“I want to dedicate my participation in the October Global Big Day to my dad, who recently passed away. I owe him my love and respect for nature.” – Ricardo Sánchez, Artemisa Birdwatching Club
These anecdotes reflect the dedication and love for birds that motivate our community to keep moving forward. In every field outing, every photo, and every checklist submitted, there lies a collective commitment to preserving Cuba’s rich biodiversity for future generations.
Special Thanks
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Betty Petersen Conservation Fund, managed by BirdsCaribbean, for their generous support, and to the team at BirdsCaribbean, especially Lisa Sorenson and Adrianne Tossas, for their unwavering dedication to the birdwatching community in Cuba.
Yaroddys Rodríguez, known as Yaro, is a self-taught ornithologist dedicated to the study and conservation of Cuban birds. Mentored by experts like Orlando H. Garrido and James Wiley, he began publishing scientific articles at a young age. Yaro founded the Cuban Birdwatchers Facebook group, now with over 30,000 members, and promotes the use of eBird for citizen science. He is also a member of the Cuban Zoological Society, BirdsCaribbean, and the Ariguanabo Foundation.
Los Observadores de Aves Cubanos Vuelan alto en Octubre: Aves, Ciencia y el Espíritu de Comunidad
Para los observadores de aves en Cuba, octubre no es solo un mes, es una celebración de la naturaleza, la ciencia y el inquebrantable espíritu de la comunidad de observación de aves. A pesar de los apagones y la escasez de productos esenciales que acompañan la vida en la isla más grande del Caribe, los observadores de aves de todo el país se unieron para dos magníficas extravagancias ornitológicas: el Gran Día de Aves de Octubre y la Semana Más Grande de Garrido.
En 2023, los conservacionistas cubanos Yaro Rodríguez y Nils Navarro recibieron una beca del Fondo de Conservación Betty Petersen para expandir el emergente movimiento de observación de aves en Cuba. El objetivo era mejorar la comprensión de la fauna aviar cubana a través de la ciencia ciudadana.
Su proyecto proporcionó binoculares y capacitación a los líderes comunitarios para identificar y monitorear las poblaciones locales de aves, reportando los datos a través de eBird Caribe. Estos líderes capacitados establecieron clubes de observación de aves en sus comunidades, generando conciencia en toda Cuba sobre la importancia de proteger a las aves y sus hábitats. El proyecto de Yaro y Nils sigue creciendo, con clubes de observadores de aves en todo el país que participan activamente en esfuerzos de monitoreo y conservación de aves.
Yaro Rodríguez.
Nils Navarro.
Además de varias celebraciones locales de observación de aves a lo largo del año, los observadores de aves de la isla también se reúnen para participar en dos grandes programas globales de ciencia ciudadana: Global Big Day en mayo y Gran Día de Aves de Octubre en octubre. El equipo de Cuba es conocido con orgullo como el Equipo Gundlach, en honor al naturalista y taxónomo germano-cubano Johannes Christoph Gundlach. Yaro detalla cómo la comunidad de observadores de aves cubanos se unió en octubre para celebrar y proteger la increíble fauna aviar de Cuba.
Gundlach’s Hawk (Foto de Michael J. Good)
Pasión y perseverancia en la comunidad de observadores de aves de Cuba
En octubre, el Equipo Gundlach se mantuvo firme en sus esfuerzos ejemplares. Desde el amanecer, los observadores de aves de toda Cuba se aventuraron al campo, listos para descubrir y registrar la rica diversidad aviar del país. Entre los participantes más destacados se encontraban Yanosky, Manuel Aroche, Ricardo Concepción, Nicolás Díaz y Marleny Roque, ¡quienes comenzaron su jornada al primer rayo de luz!
El ave nacional de Cuba conocida localmente como ‘tocororo.’ (Foto de Rafy Rodriguez)
Lo que hace especiales estos eventos no es solo la cantidad de aves registradas, sino las historias personales detrás de cada esfuerzo. Para algunos, fue un día lleno de sorpresas al encontrar nuevas especies “lifers” para agregar a sus listas personales, mientras que para otros, fue una oportunidad para mejorar su posición en el Cuba Big Year 2024. Cada lista enviada a eBird ayudó a construir una imagen más completa de la biodiversidad en nuestra isla.
Omar Labrada de Las Tunas observando aves con sus hijas.
Yusneyda Alarcón y Manuel López, de Gramma, cruzando un canal de manglares durante el Big Day de octubre.
La dedicación de la comunidad fue particularmente inspiradora. Observadores de aves como Edwin Ruiz y Maite Cordoví, a pesar de enfrentar desafíos personales, se unieron desde sus ventanas, demostrando que el amor por las aves no tiene límites. Otros, como Homar Labrada y su hijo Marcos, aprovecharon la ocasión para pasar el día juntos, transmitiendo el respeto y la fascinación por las aves a la próxima generación.
Contra viento y marea: La realidad cubana
La observación de aves en Cuba presenta desafíos únicos, centrados principalmente en el transporte. El mayor reto que enfrenta nuestra comunidad de observadores de aves es el transporte, tanto hacia áreas de fácil acceso como hacia nuevas regiones que queremos explorar. Aumentado por la escasez de combustible, esto limita significativamente nuestra capacidad para viajar, haciendo de cada viaje un gran desafío logístico. Además, lidiamos con frecuentes apagones y el estrés constante de satisfacer las necesidades básicas de nuestras familias. A pesar de estas luchas diarias y dificultades económicas que afectan desde el transporte hasta la comida, nuestra comunidad de observadores de aves sigue siendo determinada, activa y entusiasta.
Viñales Valley, Cuba.
Cada actividad que promovemos y cada evento en el que los observadores de aves participan es un logro significativo, reflejando el amor y compromiso que tenemos por las aves cubanas y las generaciones futuras.
Gran Día de Aves de Octubre en Cuba: Un éxito inigualable
El 12 de octubre, 63 eBirders de 15 provincias, con excepción de la Isla de la Juventud, registraron 186 especies de aves en tan solo 24 horas. Esto resultó en 140 listas de eBird, enriquecidas con 96 fotos y 31 grabaciones de cantos. Estos datos no solo fortalecen la base de conocimiento global sobre las aves, sino que también subrayan el compromiso de Cuba con la conservación y la ciencia ciudadana.
Miembros del formidable Equipo Gundlach.
Entre los logros individuales más destacados, Manuel López Salcedo de Las Tunas lideró el conteo con 96 especies observadas en 11 listas. Por parte de las mujeres, Yuzaima Ortiz de Ciego de Ávila se coronó como la mejor observadora femenina con un total de 87 especies observadas.
Este éxito local fue parte de un logro global mayor. Más de 750,000 observadores de aves de 201 países participaron en este histórico día de ciencia ciudadana, documentando más de 7,800 especies en solo 24 horas. Esta iniciativa global resalta la importancia de la observación de aves como una herramienta de conservación. Cada lista, foto y grabación contribuye con datos esenciales para la ciencia y la protección de la biodiversidad.
Semana Más Grande de Garrido: Un tributo a una leyenda
A pesar de la devastación causada por el huracán Oscar y los continuos apagones, la comunidad de observadores de aves de Cuba rindió homenaje a Orlando H. Garrido, el ornitólogo más influyente del país, quien falleció en junio de 2024. En un merecido tributo a la joya de la ornitología caribeña de Cuba, se celebró la primera edición de la Semana Más Grande de Garrido del 21 al 27 de octubre. Creada para honrar el legado de Garrido y fomentar la observación de aves durante la migración de otoño, el evento coincidió con las fechas en las que Garrido mismo salía al campo a reportar nuevas especies.
Orlando Garrido fue un incansable explorador del archipiélago cubano. Garrido tiene en su haber el descubrimiento de cuatro taxones de mamíferos y la descripción de: 58 insectos, 21 aves, 37 reptiles. Se le han dedicado 78 nuevos registros entre aves, reptiles y peces, y 23 taxones, y en total tiene 298 publicaciones. (Foto de Susan Jacobson)
Orlando Garrido deleita a nuestro grupo con historias de sus aventuras cubanas como biólogo y tenista profesional. BirdsCaribean Cuba Bird Tour (Foto de Lisa Sorenson)
Orlando Garrido, Nils Navarro y Herb Raffaele en la 21 Conferencia Internacional de BirdsCaribbean, en Topes de Collantes, Cuba, julio, 2017. Orlando recibió el premio BirdsCaribbean Lifetime Achievement Award.
Los observadores de aves de todas las provincias participaron con entusiasmo, registrando 183 especies y capturando un total de 76 fotografías. José Alberto Pérez Echavarría fue el ganador de esta competencia amistosa, observando 108 especies a lo largo del evento.
Esta semana presentó algunas observaciones afortunadas, entre ellas el primer registro en Cuba de un Bijirita de Lawrence, ¡un descubrimiento importante para la avifauna de la isla!
Un macho adulto de Bijirita de Lawrence. (Foto de Jeff Hapeman ML604876071)
Además, se observó el primer caso documentado de xantocromismo en un miembro de la familia Todidae, el Cuban Tody (Cartacuba o Pedorrera), un fenómeno raro que da a los aves afectadas una coloración amarilla inusual. Ambos descubrimientos formarán parte de un artículo próximo, ampliando estas observaciones únicas en la región.
La Semana Más Grande de Garrido se convertirá en una tradición anual. La comunidad también organiza otras semanas temáticas para honrar figuras prominentes de la ornitología cubana, como la Semana Charles Ramsden en diciembre, la Semana José H. Bauzá en abril y la Semana Juan Gundlach en agosto.
Estas actividades son esenciales para mantener activa a la comunidad de observadores de aves durante todo el año, más allá de grandes eventos como el Gran Día de Aves de Octubre y el Global Big Day, mientras enriquecen a eBird durante períodos de menor actividad turística en el país. A través de estos esfuerzos, la comunidad de observadores de aves de Cuba sigue avanzando en la exploración y conservación de la biodiversidad de la isla, incluso ante la adversidad.
El poder de la ciencia ciudadana
El Gran Día de Aves de Octubre y la Semana Más Grande de Garrido también son recordatorios del valor de nuestras aves y los desafíos que enfrentan. La fauna aviar cubana, al igual que la del resto del mundo, enfrenta presiones constantes por la pérdida de hábitats, el cambio climático y la actividad humana. Además, la captura ilegal es una gran amenaza para las aves endémicas, residentes y migratorias en Cuba. A través de la ciencia ciudadana y un compromiso inquebrantable, cada observador de aves cubano tiene la oportunidad de contribuir a la conservación y marcar la diferencia.
Catey en vuelo. (Foto de Garry Donaldson)
Voces cubanas desde el campo
Para concluir, aquí hay algunas historias que capturan la pasión y los desafíos de estos días inolvidables:
“Cuando llegué, el pack de baterías que había preparado para mi cámara falló, así que usé mis binoculares para hacer digiscoping e identificar aves en situaciones difíciles. Más tarde, en el bosque, mientras regresábamos al dique del embalse, Wency puso una mezcla de cantos de aves y vimos varias especies de warblers. ¡Sorpresa! Entre ellas estaba un Worm-eating Warbler (Bijirita gusanera), un lifer para mí. ¡La emoción fue indescriptible! Todos apuntaron sus cámaras y lograron capturar el momento.” – Freddy Ricardo, Club de Observación de Aves Holguín
“Tuve un lifer: Vireo de ojos blancos, aunque sin foto. Pero logré fotografiar un Águila pescadora por primera vez—¡81 fotos mientras me acercaba con digiscoping! Estaba emocionado de capturar esta especie.” – Manuel Aroche, Club de Observación de Aves Granma
“Un amigo y yo compartimos un lifer, ¡un Vireo de Filadelfia! ¡El segundo registro de esta especie en Ciego de Ávila, y durante la semana que honramos a Garrido! ¡No podría ser mejor!” – Nicolás Díaz, Club de Observación de Aves Ciego de Ávila
“Quiero dedicar mi participación en el Global Big Day de Octubre a mi papá, quien falleció recientemente. Le debo mi amor y respeto por la naturaleza.” – Ricardo Sánchez, Club de Observación de Aves Artemisa
Estas anécdotas reflejan la dedicación y el amor por las aves que motiva a nuestra comunidad a seguir adelante. En cada salida al campo, cada foto y cada lista enviada, hay un compromiso colectivo para preservar la rica biodiversidad de Cuba para las futuras generaciones.
Agradecimientos especiales
Queremos extender nuestro más sincero agradecimiento al Fondo de Conservación Betty Petersen, gestionado por BirdsCaribbean, por su generoso apoyo, y al equipo de BirdsCaribbean, especialmente a Lisa Sorenson y Adrianne Tossas, por su dedicación incansable a la comunidad de observadores de aves en Cuba.
Yaroddys Rodríguez, conocido como Yaro, es un ornitólogo autodidacta dedicado al estudio y conservación de las aves cubanas. Mentoreado por expertos como Orlando H. Garrido y James Wiley, comenzó a publicar artículos científicos desde joven. Yaro fundó el grupo de Observadores de Aves de Cuba en Facebook, ahora con más de 30,000 miembros, y promueve el uso de eBird para la ciencia ciudadana. También es miembro de la Sociedad Zoológica de Cuba, BirdsCaribbean y la Fundación Ariguanabo.
The first annual BirdsCaribbean Endemic and Threatened Species Working Group (ETSWG) newsletter is now available, and it’s brimming with exciting updates and achievements! From celebrating conservation leaders to spotlighting critical challenges, read about all the latest research, conservation, and education activities taking place across the region—in English, Spanish, and French!
In the newsletter we celebrate some of the Caribbean’s emerging researchers and leaders advancing the study and protection of Caribbean endemic and threatened species. We also provide a roundup of the 24th BirdsCaribbean Conference in the Dominican Republic this past July—endemic and threatened species took center stage in sessions on habitat restoration, species monitoring, and the effects of climate change. We share the latest news about thrilling taxonomic changes that have increased the number of Caribbean endemic species, the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival, and Caribbean Landbird Monitoring Programme, as well as research and conservation updates from across the islands. From celebrating conservation leaders to spotlighting critical challenges, this issue is packed with news that showcases the resilience and dedication of our community. Click here to view the newsletter in Spanish or French.
Across the Caribbean, exciting projects are underway. Conservation efforts for the critically endangered Grenada Dove include predator control and public education, while surveys for the Trinidad Piping-Guan are set to inform a new recovery plan. In Cuba, citizen science initiatives and artificial nest programs are enhancing protection for endemic species like the Cuban Parakeet.
Grenada Dove. With fewer than 190 individuals left in the wild, we must act NOW to secure its survival. (Photo by Greg Homel)
Trinidad Piping-Guan, locally known as “Pawi.” Acoustic surveys will reveal vital data about the Pawi’s abundance and habitat. (Photo by Josh Bajnath)
Cuban Parakeet. With support from a Betty Petersen Conservation Fund award, an Artificial Nest Program is being implemented. (Photo by Aslam Castellón Maure)
The Caribbean’s 2024 hurricane season was one of the most severe on record, with significant impacts on both human and avian communities. The newsletter explores the challenges posed by increasingly intense storms and highlights recovery efforts, like habitat restoration and emergency appeals.
Ashton Lagoon trail destroyed by Hurricane Beryl, the earliest hurricane to reach Category 5 intensity. (Photo by Orisha Joseph)
The Endangered Bahama Warbler is restricted to Grand Bahama and Abaco Islands, where it is resident. Hurricane Dorian decimated its population in 2019. In this issue, researchers explore the warbler’s habitat preferences. (Photo by Scott Johnson)
Recovering Caribbean Nature
This issue also rounds up recent publications on endemic and threatened Caribbean birds, and invites collaborators to join critical initiatives, including monitoring high-elevation endemic species and contributing to Birds of the World accounts. Check out opportunities to partner on projects that make a lasting impact.
Are you working on research on a high elevation species, like the La Selle Thrush, or a high elevation habitat? We’d love to partner with you! (Photo by Dax Román)
If you’re interested in getting involved with the Endemic and Threatened Species Working Group (we hope you are!) please get in touch with us by signing up to our listserv.
Finally, our newsletter highlights just some of the many amazing activities on endemics in the region—we’d love to hear from you if you’ve got news to contribute to next year’s newsletter!
– ETSWG co-chairs, Ellie and Howard
P.S. The WG is also looking for an additional co-chair so let us know if you’d be interested in joining us!
Click on the Flipbooks below to read and/or download this newsletter.
Click on the individual images below to download a PDF of the newsletter in your preferred language.
Get ready for the 16th annual Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) Region-Wide count! From January 14th to February 3rd 2025, you can make a direct impact on waterbird conservation in the Caribbean. Want to know more? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about our CWC 2025 regional count.
The data collected from the past 15 years of the CWC has been invaluable in helping us conserve waterbirds in the region! Your survey efforts can help us identify and protect important places for waterbirds in the Caribbean. For instance the Cargill Salt Ponds in Bonaire were designated a Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) site of Regional Importance as a direct result of survey efforts. CWC surveys are also critical in tracking waterbird populations and threats to waterbirds and their wetland homes.
Cargill Salt Ponds, Bonaire.
The Cargill Salt Ponds site also supports other habitat types, like these mangroves. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Least Sandpiper and Western Sandpiper walking on salt crystals at Cargill Salt Ponds. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Flamingo at the Cargill Salt Ponds, Bonaire.
Caribbean wetlands are home to over 185 species of waterbirds making them a treasure to explore and vital to protect. Our wetlands host endemic and globally threatened species, along with many migratory birds. The data you help us collect through this ongoing, standardized survey is crucial for understanding how to conserve these exceptional species and manage their habitats effectively.
Ready, set, count! Get out there and enjoy the waterbirds
Why not wade into the wonderful world of waterbirds? Everyone is welcome to join in with the CWC in 2025! You can do your waterbird counts solo, team up with friends, or even reach out to a local environmental NGO for support and guidance. It’s as easy as heading out to your nearest wetland, and recording all the birds you see.
A small flock of Little Blue Herons comes in to land. (Photo by Matthew Addicks Macaulay Library-ML189076771)
For the CWC, a wetland is any area where water is the primary factor controlling what lives there. This wide broad definition includes covers coastal wetlands like mangroves, mud flats, lagoons and beaches, as well as inland wetlands like lakes, ponds, swamps, areas around rivers and streams and even some types of agriculture (e.g. rice fields).
Of course, to participate in the Caribbean Waterbird Census, you need to be in the Caribbean when you do your counts! Check out our handy survey tips below to help you get started with your CWC surveys:
Coral Aviles listing the birds in the CWC list on eBird, Blassina Canal Puerto Rico. (Photo by Eliezer Nieves)
Want to be sure that your counts count? Then use eBird AND chose one of the CWC protocols. Data from the CWC is all stored on eBird Caribbean but to make sure your count is included in the CWC you must use one of the CWC protocols for your list.
Using one of these protocols in eBird is critical, without it we will not know that you have done a CWC count and your data will not be logged in our CWC database.
When you submit your sightings on Step 2, under “Observation Type” be sure to pick one of the CWC options. Simply making an eBird list during the regional count dates is not enough—selecting the appropriate protocol is required for it to be ‘counted’ as CWC data. If you are using the mobile eBird app to collect and submit your data, don’t forget that you need to use the eBird Caribbean portal to see the CWC protocol options (check in your settings). If you’re new to eBird, check out our helpful video here on how to use eBird and Merlin.
Finally, whilst you’ll be on the lookout for waterbirds (ducks, herons, egrets, shorebirds etc.) you should be sure to count all the birds that you see and hear during your survey visits. If you need help with eBird submissions, have questions about which CWC protocol to choose, or with setting up an eBird account, please contact Alex Sansom:
We’re here to help!
New to the CWC survey or need a refresher? Don’t worry! We’ve put together amazing resources that will make your counts easy, enjoyable and successful. To help you get started or refresh your memory, watch our YouTube webinar that walks you through the CWC survey steps!
What’s that? You need a hand with your waterbird ID? You’ve come to the right place—brush up on your ID skills using our videos on YouTube!
Part I covers herons, egrets, ducks, marsh birds, and seabirds.
A volunteer uses a Shorebird ID card at a Caribbean Waterbird Census count. (Photo by Dayamiris Candelario OPAS)
Handy Caribbean shorebird ID card
Studying shorebird identification in the field with Lisa Sorenson. (Photo by Kristy Shortte)
If you need more help with those troublesome shorebirds you can also check out our series of short videos. Each of these deals with ID-ing some of the shorebirds that are more difficult separate, like Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs and Peeps!
Have fun out there!
We hope you have a great time exploring your country’s wetlands and counting birds during the regional CWC count. Remember every count completed helps protect waterbirds! Please stay safe and carry out your counts responsibly. This means taking care not to disturb the birds or damage their habitats. See how many of your local wetlands you can visit during this three-week period and make an even greater impact on waterbird conservation.
If you find yourself having a fab time with your CWC counts and want to spot more waterbirds, the fun doesn’t stop at the regional count! You can do a CWC survey at any time of the year—just head to a Caribbean wetland and count all the birds you see!
Counting flamingos, herons, egrets, and many other waterbirds at Las Salinas, Zapata Swamp.
Good luck! We look forward to hearing about your findings. If you need help with bird ID, or have photos and exciting observations to share, please post to our Waterbird Group Listserv (everyone is welcome to join) and/or on our BirdsCaribbean Facebook page. For sharing on social media, use hashtags: #CaribbeanWaterbirdCensus and #WaterbirdsCount AND please tag us: @BirdsCaribbean
Promotional Social Media Graphics – Please feel free to download these graphics and use these to promote your Caribbean Waterbird Census surveys (just open the graphic you want to use right click and choose ‘save image as’) .
Timed with the global migration of shorebirds from breeding to overwinter areas, World Shorebirds Day is celebrated every September 6th! This special day highlights these incredible birds and the amazing journeys they make. It also brings attention to the threats they face and actively promotes shorebird monitoring and conservation through the Global Shorebird Count (GSC). Over the week-long GSC, people all over the world come together to monitor shorebird populations and protect the vital habitats these birds depend on for shelter and food. In the Caribbean, we enthusiastically joined the count, showing our love for these remarkable birds. Here are highlights from around the islands!
Sargassum draws shorebirds in the British Virgin Islands (BVI)
Rondel Smith, a Terrestrial Warden with the National Parks Trust of the British Virgin Islands (BVI), headed out to survey shorebirds across Anegada’s wetlands. He was surprised that of all the wetland habitats he visited the beaches proved to be the hotspot for shorebirds. Perhaps because of their thick beds of sargassum? Rondel said “the beached sargassum seemed to be very popular as hundreds of sandpipers could be seen foraging through it.” You can learn more about how beneficial sargassum is to wildlife from the free e-book ‘Suddenly Sargassum’ by Les Fruits de Mer linked at the ned of this blog. Rondel also spotted Ruddy Turnstones, Sanderlings, Short-Billed Dowitchers. The highlight of the count?—A Piping Plover! This small globally near-threatened shorebird is a fairly common winter visitor in parts of The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, and Cuba, but it is a much rarer sight in the BVI. This shows that once you are out monitoring waterbirds you never know what you might find! Rondel’s efforts also revealed an unexpected discovery—an active Brown Pelican nesting colony, the first ever recorded nesting on the island!
Enjoy Rondel’s beautiful photos from his shorebirds surveys:
Western Sandpiper BVI. (Photo by Rondel Smith)
Shorebirds feeding on sargassum, BVI. (Photo by Rondel Smith)
A Semipalmated Sandpiper enjoying the sargassum, BVI. (Photo by Rondel Smith)
Young Brown Pelicans, BVI. (Photo by Rondel Smith)
You can also find out more about birds and sargassum in this great book on the topic “Suddenly Sargassum”
Ailen Anido Escalona shared some amazing finds from her shorebird surveys in Cuba with us. During their week of surveys, Ailen and her team counted many wetland birds in addition to shorebirds. Their efforts led to the discovery of a previously undocumented colony of American Flamingos—an exciting find! They also managed to visit the lagoons of the Las Balsas wetland, a site monitored with BirdsCaribbean’s support. Alien reflected on the importance of their work: “It was a unique experience, as we continue to build knowledge about our birdlife.”
Ailen and the survey team.
American Flamingos (Photo by Ailen Anido Escalona)
Engaging youth in St. Eustatius
Jethro and group enjoy a walk and bird survey along Zeelandia Beach for World Shorebirds Day. (Photo by Jethro van ‘t Hul)
Small islands with small wetland areas are still important for shorebirds on the move, so we were delighted to hear about the monitoring effort of Jethro van ‘t Hul of STENAPA on St. Eustatius. As part of their celebration, Jethro hosted an afternoon walk along a local beach on September 6th, World Shorebirds Day itself! Seven participants, including curious youngsters, joined in the fun. They spotted 17 bird species, 10 of which were shorebirds, including Short-billed Dowitchers and Wilson’s Plovers. This hands-on experience inspired participants to connect with nature and appreciate the importance of shorebird conservation.
Puerto Rico celebrated World Shorebirds Day with impressive results. Biologist Nahíra Arocho-Hernández along with volunteers, Julián Rivera and José (Cheo) Vargas, surveyed the Salt Flats of the Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge. Their efforts paid off in a big way! They identified an impressive 22 shorebird species of shorebirds, with a total of 2,540 birds counted! The Salt Flats were teeming with Stilt Sandpipers and Semipalmated Sandpipers. Nahíra and her team also encountered several individuals of the larger shorebird species, such as Whimbrels, Willets and striking American Oystercatchers, adding more excitement to their GSC. Their dedication highlights the incredible biodiversity of Puerto Rico’s wetlands.
The local organization De Pajareo Puerto Rico also joined in, sharing their shorebird adventures during the Global Shorebird Count. Follow along on their shorebird-counting adventures here:
World Shorebirds Day is more than a celebration of amazing shorebirds — it’s a tribute to the beautiful wetlands they rely on to survive and the love and dedication shown to them by all the Caribbean shorebird monitors. We thank everyone who participated in this year’s event. Together, we’re making a difference!
Mark your calendars for next year’s Global Shorebird Count and World Shorebirds Day. Bring your friends and family, and let’s make it another unforgettable celebration as well as grow the move to monitor and protect shorebirds and their habitats.
In case you missed them from earlier in the year, BirdsCaribbean made some great ID videos to help you separate the Peeps and Spotted Sandpiper from Solitary Sandpiper. You can find all our shorebird ID videos here, and all of our great shorebird ID and outreach resources can be found here.
I wanted to get to know the elusive Whistling Warbler on the island of Saint Vincent — which meant that we needed to go up. Straight up some very steep slopes!
Whistling Warbler spotted on La Soufriere Windward Trail. (Photo by Jonathan Slifkin ML621602299)
The Whistling Warbler (Cathoropeza bishopi) is an endangered, endemic species of bird that lives on the Lesser Antillean island of Saint Vincent. When we say a species is endemic, it means that the species exists nowhere else on the planet other than at a discrete location. This is a common designation for many island species. When a species is endemic and endangered, that can be a ‘code red’ for conservationists — because the species has nowhere else to go to disperse from threats! In the case of the Whistling Warbler, those threats come mainly from deforestation, land use change, hurricanes (exacerbated by climate-change), and the recent explosive eruption of Saint Vincent’s La Soufrière volcano in 2021, the largest to occur in the Caribbean in the last 250 years.
Figure 1. Map of St Vincent showing locations of our PROALAS Point Counts without Whistling Warbler (WHWA) sightings, with warbler sightings, and eBird Caribbean sightings prior to the April 2021 eruption of La Soufriére Volcano.
So where is the Whistling Warbler to be found? Well, this charming bird (whose plumage delightfully brings to mind an Oreo cookie!) appears to require a specific kind of natural forest for habitat: forests growing in steep, wet, montane environments. These mostly grow on the windward (east) side of the island. However, these forests have been experiencing a great deal of “wear and tear” in recent years. Some have been cut to grow non-native tree plantations, or terraced to provide farmland, in some cases for the illegal cultivation of Cannabis. Many of the northern areas were decimated by wind and volcanic ash from the 2021 volcanic eruption. The windward forests also take the brunt of hurricanes moving west across the Atlantic, which can wreak havoc on the essential habitat of the warbler. Hurricane Beryl just recently tore through St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG); the extent of the damage to the mainland forests (and the warbler) is currently unknown, though nearby Union Island has been devastated. These growing and more frequent impacts of climate change cannot be overlooked.
And yet, the Whistling Warbler has so far been able to hold on in small numbers, in the face of these daunting challenges to its habitat. Much of its success is thanks to conservation efforts that protect and restore their habitat. Now, it is absolutely vital that the warbler population is actively monitored to ensure its survival, and to inform future conservation efforts aimed at protecting its habitat. Part of the challenge here is that there is still so little known about this bird. We don’t know much about their habitat requirements; their nest construction; and when and where they breed. It is critical to understand these aspects of the warbler’s life cycle to make effective management decisions. We can only find this information by getting people out into the forest to make these discoveries and to monitor the population.
Preparing for the trip: some homework required
I am a graduate student at Antioch University New England studying Conservation Biology. Antioch Professor Dr. Mike Akresh has been working with Caribbean birds for over a decade, and when he asked if I would like to accompany him on a two-week field study trip in March 2024 to Saint Vincent, I was initially apprehensive. Leaving my young child and a pile of school work at home for two weeks sounded daunting, but I knew there was important work to be done on Saint Vincent as there is not an overabundance of researchers working on the Whistling Warbler. I made the decision to go.
The Vulnerable St Vincent Parrot. (Photo by Mike Akresh)
A pair of Rufous-throated Solitaire in St. Vincent (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
Lesser Antillean Tanager on St. Vincent. (Photo by Steven Hunter ML200625941)
Firstly, I went into an intense learning period focussed on the birds of Saint Vincent; it was especially important to learn their calls. With the help of eBird, the Merlin App, and a handy field guide to the “Birds of the West Indies,” I familiarized myself with most of the birds we could expect to encounter on the trip. How were we going to monitor for the Whistling Warbler? Well, we were planning to work with the PROALAS landbird monitoring protocol, which requires us to document every bird seen and heard during a specific period of time at a point or transect. Every bird has a story to tell about the environment; birds are regarded as indicator species. This means that the presence of certain species or lack thereof provides critical insights about the impacts of land use change, climate change, and volcanic activity; in other words, the obstacles and challenges that the Whistling Warbler faces.
The song of the Whistling Warbler consists of an ascending trill of loudly whistled notes.
Our enthusiastic team on Saint Vincent
Our collaborators on the island were the talented and professional members of the SVG Forestry Department. Our point of contact and monitoring collaborator was the energetic Glenroy Gaymes, who has been working closely with the Whistling Warbler conservation efforts. Glenroy is an expert birder and naturalist, whose passion for conservation on Saint Vincent is infectious. With invaluable help from Glenroy and other Forestry staff such as Felicia Baptiste, Romano Pierre, Caswin Caine, and Kishbert Richards, we reached the steep and remote areas where the warbler lives. Glenroy and the Forestry Department have also been monitoring the endemic and endangered Saint Vincent Parrot (Amazona guildingii) and many other non-bird species.
Mike Akresh, Glenroy Gaymes and Christian Carson in Kingstown, St. Vincent.
Our days on Saint Vincent were demanding, but rewarding. We did find the Whistling Warbler!
Mike hiking nearly straight uphill. Accessing the Whistling Warbler’s habitat is not easy. (Photo by Christian Carson)
Primary Forest in St. Vincent. (Photo by Christian Carson)
Every morning we would wake up before sunrise, and head up into the sawtooth-like mountains, shrouded in mist. You may have seen these impressive mountains before if you have seen the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, which were largely filmed on Saint Vincent. Fortunately, we encountered the Whistling Warbler several times at various locations. In keeping with previous observations, most or all of our encounters with the Whistling Warbler took place over 300 meters and in steep, wet forests. Did I mention that we had to go up high? The slopes of the misty mountains of Saint Vincent were steep and slippery.
Notes from the field
When studying where Whistling Warblers like to live, we found that they prefer primary forests with lots of moss. Younger and older secondary forests had fewer warblers. Interestingly, palm brakes were about the same as primary forests for warbler sightings, especially near certain trails. Detection was low in elfin woods, which seem to be unsuitable habitat for them. The drier, western side of the island has less of the wet montane forest they prefer.
We noticed that Whistling Warblers really like wetter forests, especially where there’s a lot of moss. For example, at one site – Silver Spoon, where the forest is very wet, we found lots of warblers. However, on the leeward side of the island, the forests were dry and grassy, and we didn’t find any warblers there.
We didn’t look for warblers in the northern part of the island because it’s too dry and no warblers have ever been found there. Tree plantations were the least likely place to find Whistling Warblers because these areas have trees, like Blue Mahoe and Big-leaf Mahogany, that are all the same age and don’t provide enough food or shelter for the birds. Overall, we also noticed that there were fewer other forest birds around areas affected by the volcano. Birds like Bananaquits and House Wrens were common near the volcano, but other species like Cocoa Thrush and Ruddy Quail-Doves were missing. The ash from the volcano may have made it harder for some birds to find food. However, some of these birds are starting to come back now, so we’ll keep studying and monitoring the area to learn more.
Christian and Kishbert surveying for the Whistling Warbler on La Soufrière. (Photo by Mike Akresh)
We still need more information on the mysterious Whistling Warbler!
Over the past few years and during this current trip, we have come across several nests that might possibly be those of the Whistling Warbler, but without a positive ID of a warbler using the nest, we cannot say for sure. Finding a nest is particularly important for conservation efforts because it allows us to better understand the warbler’s breeding ecology and habitat requirements. We also do not know how successful the warbler is in breeding; invasive mongoose or black rat populations may prey on eggs or fledglings. But it must be acknowledged that without more research, we cannot know for sure. There are limited resources available to protect the Whistling Warbler, so the more specifics we have about this species, the better those resources can be utilized to have the greatest conservation impact. We need to know more, so that we can do a better job at protecting this species, which is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List.
With the data we have been able to collect while on Saint Vincent, we aim to create a conservation action plan (CAP) specifically for the Whistling Warbler. Without the dedicated work of the Saint Vincent Forestry Department, BirdsCaribbean, and donors small and large, this work would not be possible, and the Whistling Warbler would likely be added to the alarming (and growing) number of species lost forever.
We owe it to the Whistling Warbler, up there in the remote rainforest and beautiful mountains of Saint Vincent.
Christian holding a Sphinx Moth. (Photo by Mike Akresh)
Christian Carson is a graduate student at Antioch University New England studying conservation biology. He is interested in ways people seek and find meaning in the living world, and how this meaning (or lack thereof) shapes global environmental issues. He lives with his partner and three-year-old son in Western Massachusetts. He enjoys quiet walks in the woods, flying kites, and sitting zazen. You can reach him at
Acknowledgements: BirdsCaribbean is grateful to the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for funding our Conservation of the Endangered Whistling Warbler Project, launched in 2022. We are also deeply grateful to Mr. Fitzgerald Providence and his staff at the St. Vincent Forestry Department for their help and support. Special thanks Glenroy Gaymes, who has been working closely with us on the warbler project. Finally, we thank BirdsCaribbean members, partners, and donors for your support, which made this work possible.
If you like Caribbean birds, maybe you want to learn to put a ring (or band) on them!
BirdsCaribbean is excited to invite applications to participate in a 5-day training workshop focused on bird banding, an important tool for research and monitoring! Participants will learn about the basics of bird banding, from setting up a mist-net to examining molt patterns, through a blend of classroom and field based activities. We’ll also discuss and demonstrate some of the benefits of joining our new Caribbean Bird Banding Network. We’re very excited to return to the Dominican Republic to one of our favorite workshop sites, Baiguate Ecolodge in Jarabacoa. Mark your calendars — this year’s workshop will take place from 20-24 February, 2025.
Why do we need to band birds?
A Cuban Tody wearing a BirdsCaribbean band about to be released. (Photo by Daniela Ventura)
Bird surveys, like those covered in our Caribbean Landbird Monitoring Training Workshops, provide valuable information about abundance and species presence. But bird banding is a different methodology that takes a deeper dive into how bird populations are doing by assessing the condition of individual birds. By marking and assessing birds in the hand, we can collect data that can tell us about their demography and health, including:
Looking at fat scores and weights to assess the body condition of birds in different habitats and at different times of the year, which in turn sheds light on the quality of the habitats these birds are using.
Aging birds using plumage to investigate demographic patterns.
Using recapture records to learn about survivorship and longevity.
Assessing the presence or absence of breeding characteristics to better understand the timing of breeding and life history for many of our understudied Caribbean endemics.
Finding out which migratory routes our shared birds are taking and gaining a better understanding of factors influencing survival and longevity of species.
Over the long-term, bird banding data can also help us understand patterns and trends in bird populations, to aid in their management and conservation.
About the workshop
This workshop is the fourth annual Caribbean Bird Banding (CBB) Training Workshop. It will cover many of the same topics explored in our previous CBB Training workshops held in The Bahamas (March 2022) and the Dominican Republic (March 2023) and Grenada (March 2024). This bilingual (English and Spanish) workshop is designed for Caribbean wildlife professionals and volunteers who are interested in gaining more experience with bird banding. Prior banding experience is not required. However, priority will be given to applicants who are likely to continue training to gain the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to contribute to or initiate avian research and/or banding programs on their home islands.This workshop will focus on banding landbirds, with an emphasis on Passerines. We hope to provide banding training opportunities for other bird groups in the future.
Daniela Ventura del Puerto (Cuba) provides instruction on bird molt to workshop participants Giselle Raganoonan (Trinidad) and Elvin Manual Vargas Estevez (Dominican Republic).
Zoya Buckmire instructs a participant on how to correctly hold a bird to take measurement. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
The purpose of the workshop is to:
Provide participants with a basic understanding of bird banding techniques and best practices.
Discuss what it takes to set-up and run a bird banding station.
Prepare participants for additional bird banding training and potential North American Banding Council (NABC) certifications (assistant, bander, trainer) in the future.
Share information about the other training opportunities, resources, and community available through the CBB Network.
Several NABC-certified trainers will share their knowledge in the classroom, at the mist-net, and at the banding table, covering topics including:
Juan Carlos Fernández Ordóñez shows participants how to correctly set up mist nets in Grenada. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
Proper set-up and placement of a mist-net
Proper techniques for extracting birds from mist-nets
Starting a banding station
Bird first-aid and safety
Bird banding ethics and basics
Using bird banding for education and public demonstrations
Aging birds using both WRP and Howell-Pyle terminology
Molt patterns
Bird banding is a complex skill to learn. This workshop is intended to be a starting point, and participants should not expect to leave the workshop with the necessary qualifications to band birds independently. To become fully immersed and practice what was learned at the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to be considered for bird banding internships following the workshop.
In an effort to decrease the amount of time spent in the classroom, some materials will be shared virtually prior to the in-person workshop. These virtual sessions will also be made available to a wider audience. Stay tuned for more information!
Funding and Logistics
We aim to include approximately 15 participants in this workshop. BirdsCaribbean has funding for a limited number of need and merit-based scholarships to cover the costs of travel and participation. Participants who are able to contribute all or part of their costs can allow us to include additional participants. We encourage applications from all candidates who are well-suited to make use of this training, regardless of their financial ability. Participants should plan to arrive in the Dominican Republic by February 18 and depart on February 25.
Participants at our Caribbean Bird Banding Workshop held in the Dominican Republic in March 2023. (Photo by Joshua Covill)
If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please fill out this form by 8 December 2024.
Oportunidad de formación: Taller de anillamiento de aves caribeñas
Si te gustan las aves del Caribe, ¡Quizás quieras aprender a ponerles un anillo (o una anilla)! BirdsCaribbean se complace en invitarte a participar en un taller de formación de 5 días centrado en el anillamiento de aves, ¡Una importante herramienta para la investigación y el monitoreo! Los participantes aprenderán los fundamentos del anillamiento de aves, desde la instalación de una red de niebla hasta la revisión de los patrones de muda, a través de una mezcla de actividades en el aula y sobre el terreno. También discutiremos y demostraremos algunos de los beneficios de unirse a nuestra nuevaRed de Anillamiento de Aves del Caribe. Estamos muy contentos de volver a República Dominicana, a uno de nuestros lugares favoritos para los talleres: Baiguate Ecolodge, en Jarabacoa. Márcalo en tu calendario: el taller de este año tendrá lugar del 20 al 24 de febrero de 2025.
¿Por qué necesitamos anillar aves?
Los censos de aves, como los que se tratan en nuestrosTalleres de Formación para el Monitoreo de Aves Terrestres del Caribe, proporcionan información valiosa sobre la abundancia y la presencia de especies. Pero el anillamiento de aves es una metodología diferente que profundiza en la situación de las poblaciones de aves mediante la evaluación del estado de cada individuo. Marcando y estudiando a las aves en la mano, podemos recopilar datos que nos informen sobre su demografía y salud, entre otros:
Observar la acumulación de grasa y el peso para evaluar la condición corporal de las aves en diferentes hábitats y en diferentes épocas del año, lo que a su vez arroja luz sobre la calidad de los hábitats que estas aves están utilizando.
Determinación de la edad de las aves mediante el plumaje para investigar patrones demográficos.
Utilizar los registros de recapturas para conocer la supervivencia y la longevidad.
Evaluar la presencia o ausencia de características reproductivas para comprender mejor el momento de la reproducción y el ciclo biológico de muchas de nuestras poco estudiadas endémicas caribeñas.
Averiguar cuáles rutas migratorias siguen nuestras aves compartidas y comprender mejor los factores que influyen en la supervivencia y longevidad de las especies.
A largo plazo, los datos provenientes del anillamiento también pueden ayudarnos a comprender los patrones y tendencias de las poblaciones de aves, para contribuir a su gestión y conservación.
Sobre el taller
Este taller es el cuarto taller anual de formación sobre anillamiento de aves en el Caribe (CBB). Cubrirá muchos de los temas ya explorados en nuestros talleres anteriores de capacitación sobre la CBBN celebrados enBahamas (marzo de 2022), República Dominicana (marzo de 2023) y Granada (marzo de 2024). El taller bilingüe (inglés y español) está diseñado para profesionales y voluntarios que trabajan con vida silvestre en el Caribe y que estén interesados en adquirir más experiencia en el anillamiento de aves. No se requiere experiencia previa en anillamiento. Sin embargo, se dará prioridad a los solicitantes que tengan posibilidades de seguir formándose para adquirir los conocimientos, habilidades y experiencia necesarios para contribuir o iniciar programas de investigación y/o anillamiento de aves en sus islas de origen. Este taller se centrará en el anillamiento de aves terrestres, con énfasis en los paseriformes. Esperamos ofrecer oportunidades de formación en anillamiento para otros grupos de aves en el futuro.
Los objetivos del taller son:
Proporcionar a los participantes una comprensión básica de las técnicas de anillamiento de aves y las mejores prácticas.
Discutir lo que se necesita para montar y dirigir una estación de anillamiento de aves.
Preparar a los participantes para formación adicional en anillamiento de aves y posibles certificaciones del Consejo Norteamericano de Anillamiento (NABC) (asistente, anillador, entrenador) en el futuro.
Compartir información sobre otras oportunidades de formación, recursos y comunidades disponibles a través de la Red CBB.
Varios formadores certificados por el NABC compartirán sus conocimientos en el aula, en las redes de niebla y en la mesa de anillamiento, cubriendo temas como:
Montaje y colocación adecuados de una red de niebla
Técnicas adecuadas para extraer aves de las redes de niebla
Puesta en marcha de una estación de anillamiento
Primeros auxilios y seguridad
Ética y fundamentos del anillamiento de aves
Uso del anillamiento de aves para educación y demostraciones públicas
Determinación de la edad de las aves utilizando terminología WRP y Howell-Pyle
Patrones de muda
El anillamiento de aves es una habilidad compleja de aprender. Este taller pretende ser un punto de partida, y los participantes no deben esperar salir del taller con las calificaciones necesarias para anillar aves de forma independiente. Para sumergirse completamente y practicar lo aprendido en el taller, los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de ser considerados para prácticas o pasantías de anillamiento de aves tras el taller.
En un esfuerzo por reducir la cantidad de tiempo que se pasa en el aula, algunos materiales se compartirán virtualmente antes del taller presencial. Estas sesiones virtuales también se pondrán a disposición de un público más amplio. Mantente atento para más información.
Financiación y logística
Nuestro objetivo es contar con aproximadamente 15 participantes en este taller. BirdsCaribbean cuenta con financiación para un número limitado de becas basadas en la necesidad y el mérito para cubrir los costes de viaje y participación. Los participantes que puedan contribuir con la totalidad o parte de sus costes pueden permitirnos incluir participantes adicionales. Animamos a presentar solicitudes a todos los candidatos que reúnan las condiciones necesarias para aprovechar esta formación, independientemente de su capacidad financiera. Los participantes deben planificar su llegada a la República Dominicana para el 18 de febrero y su salida para el 25 de febrero.
Si estás interesado en participar en este taller, llena este formulario antes del 8 de diciembre de 2024.
We’re still buzzing from our fantastic BirdsCaribbean 24th International Conference in Santo Domingo! Our week-long Dominican Republic adventure was packed full of insightful learnings, spectacular birding, and experiencing the rich culture of our gracious hosts — but there’s one feature of the conference that most stands out to us — our incredible community! The opportunity to connect with the passionate trailblazers advancing the work of bird conservation across the region was unforgettable. Thanks to our generous sponsors, we were able to offer scholarships to Caribbean conservation leaders from around the region to join us in sharing knowledge and planning interventions to tackle the Caribbean’s most pressing conservation challenges. One superstar conservationist that we were thrilled to host at the conference was Trinidad and Tobago’s Giselle Ragoonanan.
Giselle Ragoonanan, Co-founder of the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre.
An indigenous naturalist and dedicated educator, Giselle is the co-founder of the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre (TTBO) which works towards advancing avian research, conservation, and education through bird banding, habitat management, and community engagement spanning across both islands. As a sponsored delegate, Giselle Ragoonanan had the privilege of diving deep into workshops and discussions that nurtured her passion for preserving Caribbean birds. From hands-on training in advanced monitoring techniques to dynamic sessions led by conservation leaders, each moment was a step toward impactful change. Join Giselle as she shares insights from inspiring keynotes, innovative collaborations, and the personal connections that transformed this conference into a pivotal experience for her work at the TTBO.
Bird Nerds Unite! Workshops and Learning: Diving into Conservation
July was a whirlwind month, and the highlight was undoubtedly the BirdsCaribbean International Conference in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. This event brought together hundreds of bird enthusiasts, conservationists, and researchers from across the world, all with a shared passion for avian life. For me, it was more than just a conference—it was an unforgettable experience filled with learning, laughter, and connections that I’ll carry with me for years to come.
The pre-conference workshops were a true highlight of the event, setting the stage for the deeper discussions that would unfold during the conference itself. These sessions were intense but incredibly rewarding, covering everything from advanced bird monitoring techniques to community-based conservation strategies diving into the nitty-gritty of bird conservation across the region. Each session offered valuable insights that were immediately applicable to our work on the ground. It was a chance to deepen my knowledge, share experiences, and learn from some of the brightest minds in bird conservation.
Giselle completes an activity during the Create Your Own Coloring and Activity Book workshop hosted by Les Fruits de Mer. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
What made these workshops particularly effective was their interactive nature. Instead of passively absorbing information, we were actively engaged in problem-solving exercises, hands-on work, and group discussions that fostered collaboration and idea-sharing. This approach deepened our understanding of the topics and equipped us with new tools and techniques that could be adapted to our unique challenges back home.
Giselle explaining the conservation challenges she faces in Trinidad and Tobago during the BirdsCaribbean’s Capacity Building Assessment session at the conference. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
These workshops laid a solid foundation for the conference’s breakout sessions. The knowledge and skills we gained beforehand allowed us to engage more meaningfully in discussions, ask more targeted questions, and contribute to the collective learning experience. The seamless integration of these pre-conference workshops with the broader conference agenda made the entire event cohesive and impactful, ensuring that we left with actionable takeaways and a clearer sense of direction for our conservation efforts.
The Urban Birder: David Lindo’s Inspiring Keynote
One of the most anticipated sessions of the conference was the keynote address by David Lindo, famously known as “The Urban Birder.” David’s talk was nothing short of inspiring. He’s well known for his mission to connect urban populations with nature, particularly birds. He talked about his fascinating journey to to get the nation involved in changing Britain’s national bird from the robin to a species that truly represented the country. What struck me most was his genuine passion for getting people to simply look up and appreciate the birds around them, regardless of where they are. His energy was contagious, and it left everyone in the room buzzing with ideas on how to engage more people in birding, whether in bustling cities or rural landscapes.
David Lindo, The Urban Birder, inspired delegates with his keynote on connecting with nature in urban spaces. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
Shaping the Future of TTBO: Insights and Innovations from the BirdsCaribbean Conference
The BirdsCaribbean International Conference was a turning point for the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre (TTBO). The insights and connections we gained during the event will undoubtedly shape our organization’s future. One of the most significant takeaways was the potential to integrate cutting-edge technologies and collaborative networks into our conservation efforts with the MOTUS project. This stood out as a particularly promising initiative. I think by joining this network, TTBO can contribute to and benefit from a global effort to better understand bird migration patterns, which is crucial for developing effective conservation strategies.
The Near Threatened White-tailed Sabrewing is one of TTBO’s target species for enhanced conservation initiatives on Tobago. (Photo by Adam Bowley ML 205389221)
Additionally, the conference highlighted the importance of rigorous, standardized monitoring techniques, such as Landbird Monitoring through point counts and transect points. Applying these methods will allow us to gather consistent, high-quality data on bird populations in Trinidad and Tobago, providing a solid foundation for our research and conservation initiatives.
The connections made at the conference were just as impactful. Engaging with other conservationists who are implementing similar projects across the region offered valuable insights into best practices, potential challenges, and innovative solutions. These interactions have already begun to shape our approach to future projects, ensuring that TTBO’s efforts are aligned with global conservation standards, and are part of a broader, collaborative network.
Building Connections and Sharing Our Work
One of the most rewarding aspects of the conference was the opportunity to share the work we’ve been doing in Trinidad and Tobago with a broader audience. Presenting our initiatives and progress at the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre sparked insightful conversations and constructive feedback from peers across the region. It was incredibly validating to hear seasoned professionals express admiration for our efforts, and even more so to engage in dialogues where we could exchange ideas and strategies.
Giselle discussing her research project with Jamaican ornithologist Dr Ann Sutton. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
Northern Waterthrush. (Photo by Jesse Gordon)
Che Ragoonanan’s presentation on community engagement in Trinidad. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
Children and ARC Conservation members wear their hand crafted masks.
Kelvin Kirk discussing his study on the avifauna of Tobago with Cuban ornithologist and scientific illustrator Arnaldo Toledo. (Photo by Holly Garrod)
Daveka Boodram speaking about efforts to conserve the Near Threatened White-tailed Sabrewing in Tobago.
Shivam Mahadeo and Jennifer Wheeler reviewing the data obtained from his seabird research in Tobago. (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
The connections we made were not just professional; they were deeply personal. It was fascinating to see how scientists and conservationists from different corners of the Caribbean and the world, each working in distinct ecosystems, were tackling similar challenges. The sessions became a melting pot of ideas, where everyone was eager to share their successes, failures, and lessons learned. We were all trying to piece together similar puzzles in our respective environments, and this collective brainstorming inspired me.
The genuine interest people showed in our work was both humbling and motivating. There was a strong sense of camaraderie as we realized that, despite the geographical distances, we were all part of a larger, interconnected community. These interactions reinforced the idea that conservation is not a solitary pursuit but a collaborative effort that thrives on shared knowledge and mutual support. For me, the conference drove us beyond networking; it was about building lasting partnerships and fostering a regional network of allies who are all striving towards the same goal: the preservation of our unique Caribbean biodiversity.
The Grand Silent Auction: Beautiful Chaos
The Grand Silent Auction was, in true Caribbean style, anything but silent. It was a delightful, chaotic spectacle where the usual calm and composed demeanor of scientists gave way to competitive zeal. Picture this: conservationists and researchers, who are usually discussing bird migration patterns and habitat restoration, suddenly turn into stealthy bidders, eyeing each other’s movements with laser focus. The air was thick with a beautiful and disruptive chaos as everyone tried to silently undermine their competitors by upping the bid by just 50 cents (AKA ME LOL). The room was filled with furtive glances, whispered strategies, and the occasional playful smirk as someone outbid their colleague at the last second. It was one of the funniest yet most rewarding human interactions I’ve ever observed—who knew that scientists could be so cutthroat when there’s a field guide or a rare bird print on the line? The auction was a hilarious reminder that, underneath the serious commitment to conservation, we all have a playful, competitive side just waiting for the right moment to emerge. And yes, ah win the map I alone bid on! Success!
Bidders placing their last, and hopefully winning bids during the Silent Auction. (Photo by Holly Garrod)
The Infamous Field Trip: From Punta Cana to “Poola Cana”
Giselle enjoying sightseeing on her ‘Poola Cana’ trip.
Ah, the field trip—what should have been a serene journey to the stunning hotspot of Punta Cana turned into an adventure all its own. In a classic case of “missing the bus,” what actually happened was the bus was scheduled to leave at 3:30am and I snoozed my alarm. Instead of Punta Cana, we jokingly dubbed our unexpected destination “Poola Cana.” We may not have reached our intended location, but the pool, pizza, and spontaneous birding we enjoyed made it one of the trip’s highlights. Sometimes, the best memories are the ones you don’t wake up on time for!
A Journey of Inspiration and Growth
Attending the BirdsCaribbean International Conference was not just an opportunity for professional development—it was a journey of inspiration and growth. My primary purpose for attending was to deepen my understanding of regional conservation efforts, to learn from others, and to find ways to enhance the work we’re doing in Trinidad and Tobago. BirdsCaribbean delivered on all these fronts and went far beyond my expectations.
The collective energy of the conference was palpable. Even those who have been in the field for over 20 years were visibly inspired by the new ideas and fresh perspectives brought by the younger generation of conservationists. There was a sense of renewal, as seasoned professionals shared their wisdom while also eagerly embracing the innovative approaches presented by up-and-coming researchers and activists. It was a powerful reminder that conservation is a dynamic field, one that benefits immensely from intergenerational collaboration.
Members of the TTBO at the poster session.
For me, the conference reaffirmed the importance of our work and provided a renewed sense of purpose. I left Santo Domingo with a deeper commitment to the birds and ecosystems we strive to protect, fueled by the knowledge that we are part of a vibrant and supportive community. The experience was a reminder that no matter how challenging our work may be, we are not alone in this journey. We are all connected by our shared passion for the natural world and our determination to ensure that future generations can continue to marvel at the beauty of Caribbean birdlife.
The BirdsCaribbean International Conference was more than just an event; it was a transformative experience. It strengthened my resolve, expanded my horizons, and connected me with a network of incredible individuals who are all making a difference in their own unique ways. As I return to Trinidad and Tobago, I carry with me not only new knowledge and ideas, but also the inspiration and support of a community that I am proud to be a part of.
Giselle Ragoonanan is an Indigenous naturalist and wildlife conservationist with a deep passion for preserving biodiversity. A certified NABC bird bander and nature soundscape recordist, Giselle is honing expertise in avian research and conservation. As the co-founder of the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory and Research Centre (TTBO), she has been working towards advancing bird conservation in the Caribbean. Giselle is also a committed educator, sharing her knowledge and fostering a deeper connection between people and the natural world. Through her work, she continues to inspire and engage communities in the protection of wildlife and their habitats.
We extend our sincerest gratitude to everyone who contributed to the overwhelming success of this conference! Travel and Attendance scholarships were made possible through the generosity of our conference sponsors, donors, and local partners. These include The Rufford Foundation, Audubon, US Forest Service, Teleuniverso, American Bird Conservancy, Banco Popular, Caribbean Biodiversity Fund, Fondo Nacional para el Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Fondo MARENA) Dominican Republic, Naturalist Journeys, Vermont Center for Ecostudies, Mass Audubon, Cúa Conservation Agency, Vortex Optics, Rare Species Conservatory Foundation, and the FUPAROCA Foundation.
Ready, set—BIRD! It’s time to flock together for the season’s biggest day of birding!
A male Magnolia Warbler in breeding plumage, with his bright yellow underparts and heavy black streaking, forming a necklace band on its upper breast.
Get ready for a spectacular October Big Day! This annual event, falling on Saturday, October 12, 2024, coincides with World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) and is a thrilling celebration of our feathered friends and the vibrant birding community.
At BirdsCaribbean, we eagerly anticipate October Big Day. It’s a wonderful opportunity for us to unite with fellow bird lovers to share in the joy of birdwatching and the beauty of Caribbean wetlands, forests, botanical gardens, and neighborhoods. This is our chance to celebrate our passion for birds, support science, and strengthen our conservation efforts. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet morning from your balcony or heading to a prime birding hotspot with your birding crew, October 12 is your moment to puff out your chest and rack up those eBird checklists!
And there’s more! Global Bird Weekend runs from October 11 to 13, offering even more opportunities to engage and possibly set new world records. Last year, we saw record-breaking participation during Global Bird Weekend—36,332 people from 191 countries submitted 83,735 checklists with eBird, and we’re aiming to surpass that achievement this year. Let’s make birdwatching history together!
Where are the birds, and what are they doing?
Dive into the excitement—track the birds, observe their behaviors, and discover their favorite spots. Early mornings are perfect for spotting warblers, while raptors soar as the day heats up. Seagulls and shorebirds are ever-present, and you might catch tanagers and bullfinches at their most active.
Make your birding count—submit & share your data!
Participating is easy with the essential tool, eBird, where you should record all the birds you see (and even hear) on Saturday 14th October via the eBird website or mobile app. If you’re in the Caribbean, be sure to choose the eBird Caribbean portal in your eBird app settings on mobile. If you do not already have one, it’s easy to sign up for a free eBird account—here’s a quick guide on how to use eBird.
Birders should aim to spot as many birds as they can from midnight to midnight in their local time zone on October 12; or bird anytime during the weekend of October 11-13 for the Global Bird Weekend. The handy mobile app allows you to keep and submit lists while you’re still out birding, perhaps exploring nearby hotspots. It will even track how far you have walked while watching birds. Remember to submit eBird checklists before October 15, 2024 to be included in the initial results announcement!
Make connections: Birdwatching can be a peaceful solo activity, like a serene stroll through the forest punctuated by bird sightings. But it’s also a fantastic social experience, and there’s so much to learn from fellow birders. They can help with spotting and identifying birds. Connect with your local environmental or birding club—there’s a good chance someone is organizing a birding event for October Big Day on your island, and they’d be thrilled to have you join in!
Don’t wing it: Make a to-pack list and use a backpack. Remember to pack your field guide, stylish and functional BC buff, medicine, water, and food too! If you’re birding in an unfamiliar place, make a trip plan. Be sure to consider where you might park your car, the amount of time you plan to spend birdwatching, how far you want to walk, and tell your friends and family about your plans and where you will be.
Embrace being a beginner birder: If you’re a newbie don’t let anxiety keep you from discovering the wonderful world of birds. Birding groups love it when new members join their flock; they will share their scopes and field guides and work with you to identify the birds you see. They’ll even help you navigate the eBird app and submit your very first eBird checklist!
Find your flock! Birding in a group can be rewarding and fun. (Photo by Edward Hernandez Lara)
Show off your bird sightings and let us in on the birding blast!
Don’t forget to share your birding stories and photos with us on social media. Follow us on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram @birdscaribbean and tag us in your posts. If social media isn’t your thing, join our discussion group with over 950 members to share your October Big Day experiences.
May we remind you that BirdsCaribbean membership has so many benefits; you will receive discounts on our products, workshops, and conferences; meet and network with fellow birders, scientists, educators and conservationists across the region; and keep in touch with birding trends and news through our monthly newsletters (free sign-up here). Join us today to help protect Caribbean birds and their habitats!
Let’s make October Big Day 2024 unforgettable. Have a blast, remember to stay hydrated, and tag @BirdsCaribbean in all your birding adventures. We can’t wait to see the incredible migratory birds that have arrived in the Caribbean!
Jennifer Wheeler weaves through the buzzing crowd at theDominican Fiesta Hotel’s Convention Centre, raises the BC conch shell to her lips, and blows with all her might. The booming sound of the conch fills the air, instantly silencing conversations and commanding everyone’s attention. This spirited signal marks the official start of the BirdsCaribbean 24th International Conference—five exhilarating days of non-stop science, birding, and forging lasting conservation connections! Here we dive into the standout moments that made the conference truly unforgettable.
The BirdsCaribbean conch shell. (Photo by Martin Rodriguez)
Conservation thrives on the strength of community. This belief in the power of community is why every two years, BirdsCaribbean joins forces with our partners to host our International Conference—a transformative event where collaboration and learning drive real, impactful change. Conservationists from all walks of life come together on a beautiful Caribbean island, united by a shared passion: protecting the incredible birds that define our region.
This year’s conference, held at the Dominican Fiesta Hotel in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in partnership with local NGO Grupo Jaragua, invigorated this mission. Centered on the theme “From Mangroves to Mountains: Safeguarding Our Avian Treasures,” the conference brought together a diverse group of conservationists—including representatives from international and regional higher education institutions, research centers, government agencies, NGOs, the ecotourism industry, and the media. The event provided the platform for delegates to share their knowledge, ideas, science, and resources—strengthening the conservation community and re-energizing the fight to save our precious Caribbean birds.
Spanning five exciting days, the conference featured expert-led presentations, roundtable discussions, training sessions, networking opportunities, fundraising initiatives, and birding trips to observe Hispaniola’s diverse bird species, including its unique endemics.
United for Birds: A Community-Driven Mission
The conference began on July 18th with opening remarks by Sixto J. Incháustegui, President of Grupo Jaragua, who emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts to protect nature and wildlife. “Participation must come from all sectors of society to conserve biodiversity,” he stated.Frederico Franco, Vice Minister of Protected Areas at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, echoed this sentiment, stressing the need to work together to ensure a sustainable environment for our birds. He highlighted the significance of conferences like the BirdsCaribbean, noting that “they play a crucial role in sharing scientific knowledge and promoting sustainability as a national culture.”
Sixto J. Incháustegui, President of Grupo Jaragua. (Photo by Martin Rodriguez)
Frederico Franco, Vice Minister of Protected Areas at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
BirdsCaribbean President Adrianne Tossas and Executive Director Lisa Sorenson warmly welcomed the record-breaking 338 delegates from 32 countries and islands. “I am elated to see so many young people here,” Sorenson remarked, “Your interest in birds and environmental stewardship bodes well for the long-term conservation of our biodiversity, which is vital to our health and well-being.”
Keynotes that Ignite: Wisdom, Vision, and Passion for Birds
Each morning, delegates gathered to hear phenomenal keynote speakersshowcase the diversity of thought, culture, knowledge, and work within our community. On the first day, Dr. Yolanda León, a Dominican biologist and immediate past president of Grupo Jaragua, emphasized the importance of effective conservation action for birds and habitats. She honored Simón Guerrero, a beloved member of BirdsCaribbean and Dominican conservation stalwart who passed away earlier this year, by posing the question he always asked: “Does the species know?” She underscored the significance of ensuring species know we are working to protect them and their habitats, as reflected in populations thriving in healthy ecosystems.
Dr. Yolanda León, a Dominican biologist and immediate past president of Grupo Jaragua, addresses the delegates during the opening ceremony.
Yolanda answers the question “Does the species know?” during her talk.
David Lindo, also known as The Urban Birder, captivated the audience with his keynote address “Conservation at Your Doorstep.” He inspired delegates with his passion for learning about birds in urban spaces and his dedication to encouraging city dwellers to connect with their environment. His speech was a captivating blend of humor, insight, and inspiration, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees.
David Lindo, also known as The Urban Birder.
Delegates listening to David’s inspirational talk.
Chris Rimmer shared insights from 30 years of research in his talk “Bicknell’s Thrush: Conserving a Vulnerable Songbird in the Caribbean and Across the Hemisphere”. He outlined the necessary conservation actions to safeguard this migratory songbird in the Dominican Republic and Greater Antilles. Dr Steve Latta, in his talk “The Synergies of Advancing Conservation: Using Field Research and Avian Monitoring to Build Capacity and Conservation Awareness” emphasized that conservation research should also facilitate field training and capacity building, raise awareness, and demonstrate the interdependence of healthy communities and healthy ecosystems.
Chris Rimmer, Emeritus Executive Director of Vermont Center for Ecostudies, speaks to delegates about conservation priorities for the Bicknell’s Thrush.
Dr Steve Latta speaks to the crowd of delegates about creating nurturing relationships, and advancing conservation through training opportunities and awareness raising campaigns.
Other keynote presentations reinforced delegates’ belief in their ability to achieve their own bird conservation goals and become successful conservation leaders. Award-winning Antiguan conservationist Shanna Challenger delivered an inspiring, instructive talk “From Passion to Purpose: The Journey of a Caribbean Wildlife Conservationist.” She shared how the knowledge and skills acquired from various projects, trainings, partnerships, and mentorships transformed her approach to conservation and helped her to achieve remarkable successes, including the restoration of Redonda through the Rewilding Redonda project.
Shanna Challenger retelling the hard work it took for her team to restore Redonda Island.
Eric Carey reflected on his 20-year tenure as Executive Director of the Bahamas National Trust, during which he significantly expanded the organization from a 10-person staff to 90, and developed a 32-park system covering 2.2 million acres, a substantial increase from the initial handful of national parks. In his presentation, “20 Years Protecting Habitat and Species through the Stewardship of Conservation Opportunities in The Bahamas—Success Stories and Lessons Learned,” Carey highlighted the challenges and triumphs of conservation in The Bahamas, and how he and his team overcame obstacles to protect habitats and wildlife while gaining the support of local Bahamians.
Keynote speaker Eric Carey. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Finally, Dr. Terry Root addressed the pressing issue of climate change in her presentation, “Climate Change Impacts in the Caribbean.”Shedetailed the sobering realities of the ecological consequences for birds and emphasized the role of science in developing effective mitigation policies. Dr. Root concluded with a hopeful message, urging attendees to come together, take action, and pressure governments to shift the societal approach to combating climate change, much like the successful campaigns to reduce smoking.
Dr Terry Root addresses climate change and discusses the social marketing approach needed to combat it.
A good conference day starts with birdwatching
Each day of the conference, many of our delegates were up before dawn, eager to connect with nature and discover the incredible birdlife at the Jardín Botánico Nacional (Dr. Rafael María Moscoso Botanic Garden). Guided walks through the 400-acre nature preserve were led by members of Grupo Jaragua and Grupo Acción Ecológica. The Garden, known for its extensive variety of native trees, palm species, over 300 types of orchids, and diverse bird species, provided an ideal setting for these early morning explorations.
Group of early morning birding delegates at the National Botanical Garden in Santo Domingo. (Photo by Stefan Gleissberg)
Birders in action! (Photo by Bryan Naqqi Manco)
During the 2-3 hour walks, delegates explored wooded areas, stream-side habitats, and open palm savannas, offering excellent birdwatching opportunities, including the chance to spot endemic species. Participants were thrilled to observe endemic “lifers” like the Vervain Hummingbird, Broad-billed Tody, Hispaniolan Woodpecker, Black-crowned Palm-Tanager, and Yellow-faced Grassquit, all commonly found in the garden. Some were also fortunate enough to spot elusive species like the Limpkin, as well as threatened birds such as the West Indian Whistling-Duck and Hispaniolan Parakeet. Observing these birds in the tranquil garden setting was a refreshing way to start the day before diving into the conference’s stimulating presentations and discussions!
Water lilies at the garden. (Photo by Aaliyah Cunningham)
West Indian Whistling-Duck. (Photo by Rondell Smith)
The national bird of the Dominican Republic, the Palmchat. (Photo by Rondel Smith).
Collaborative Learning and Dialogue for Conservation Success
338 delegates from 31 countries gathered for workshops, presentations, discussions and to connect with fellow Caribbean conservationists.
This year’s conference featured a wide range of workshops tailored to the diverse bird conservation and research needs of our delegates. In the “Adaptive Project Management using Conservation Standards” workshop, participants enhanced their project management and implementation skills. The “Introduction to Data Analysis using R” workshop provided essential training on cleaning and analyzing data effectively for publications and reports. “Motus in the Caribbean” focused on the regional use of the Motus wildlife tracking system, offering critical guidance on designing, installing, and maintaining functional and robust Motus receiver stations, as well as planning collaborative projects. Additionally, “Navigating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Ornithology” addressed the cultural differences across Caribbean islands and emphasized the importance of ensuring that all stakeholders feel respected, accepted, and recognized for their contributions to bird conservation.
Jody Daniel (Gaea Conservation Network) explains to participants how to code and analyse their data using R.
Participants discuss threats and solutions among themselves during the Adaptive Management breakout sessions.
Todd Alleger speaks about the utility of Motus tracking stations in the Caribbean.
Participants engaged in interactive learning activities led by Marta Curti and Gabriela Diaz, utilizing “Environmental Education Guide: Raptors of the Caribbean” from The Peregrine Fund. These activities aimed to deepen participants’ understanding of the vital role of raptors in their ecosystems while enhancing their ability to educate others about birds of prey using the guide’s materials and strategies. Mark Yokoyama and Jennifer Yerkes of Les Fruits de Mer led a creative workshop titled “Make Your Own Coloring Activity Book,” which received high praise from participants for its innovative approach to teaching children about the natural world.
Dominican delegates with their raptor made with recyclable materials.
Jennifer Yerkes (Les Fruits de Mer) shares how the workbook ‘Booktastic’ will be used as an ideation and planning tool during the workshop.
Damany Calder reads the guidelines given in the ‘Booktastic’ workbook.
Mark Yokoyama (Les Fruits de Mer) shares insightful tips for creating engaging educational materials.
The “Connecting Birds and People: Environmental Interpretation as a Key Tool in Bird Conservation and Appreciation,” workshop highlighted the importance of interpretation in fostering bird conservation awareness among the general public. In “How to Publish Your Research and Conservation Reports with the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology,” participants received valuable insights into effective publication practices.
The workshop “Protect Insects, Protect Birds: Educational Tools to Celebrate WMBD,” presented by Environment for the Americas, addressed the current threats facing migratory birds and insects and the actions needed to slow their decline. Participants also learned how to organize and execute a successful bird festival. Finally, “Conservation Photography for Biologists, Artists, and Stakeholders” presented by Jerry Bauer, USFS International Programs, equipped attendees with skills to enhance their visual communication and inspire conservation action.
During the conference, we took the opportunity to assess BirdsCaribbean’s capacity-building initiatives and identify future priorities. Participants were asked to provide feedback via an online survey on how resources, training, equipment, and grants from BirdsCaribbean have helped them achieve their conservation goals. The conference also featured a collaborative session where participants worked together to create a comprehensive theory of change, or results tree. This involved identifying necessary intermediate results, specific actions, and SMART indicators to measure the impact of those actions. The group then reviewed and validated the problem tree and engaged in a hands-on activity to further develop the results tree by identifying specific actions, indicators, and implementers.
Christel Mohammed, BirdsCaribbean Communications Manager, and workshop facilitator, Jim Goetz.
Participants break into groups for the problem identification exercise.
Jethro van’t Hul shares the problems he faces as a conservationist working in the Caribbean.
Shanna Challenger adds a problem to her group’s results tree.
Problem tree being analysed and turned into a results tree by participants.
Group of participants discussing capacity building opportunities in the Caribbean.
As is customary at each BirdsCaribbean conference, local ornithological work was highlighted during the first symposium, ‘Hispaniola Day.’ Rosanna Guzmán-Pérez from the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales shared findings from her study on plant-frugivore mutualism in the Casabito cloud forest at the Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve, identifying the Hispaniolan Spindalis as one of the main seed dispersers in the forest. Pedro Genero Rodríguez from the Asociación Dominicana Fotógrafos de la Naturaleza discussed the critical role of Reserva Privada el Zorzal as a refuge for both rare migratory birds with specific habitat requirements and common bird species.
Pedro Genero Rodriguez, Dominican photographer, speaks to delegates about the use of wildlife photography in conservation.
Male Hispaniolan Spindalis feeding on berries. (Photo by Jose Miguel Pantaleon)
Andrea Thomen answers a question from a delegate on the domestic parrot trade in the Dominican Republic, during the Hispaniola Day symposium.
Hispaniolan Parrot eating. (Photo by Dax Roman)
Anne-Isabelle Bonifassi, Executive Director of Haiti National Trust, speaks about ecosystem restoration in Haiti, during the Hispaniola Day symposium.
Jennifer Wheeler presented “Mountain Top Strongholds: The Story of Haiti’s Black-capped Petrel” on behalf of Haitian researchers who could not attend. Delegates were deeply moved by a short film, The Diablotin Festival, which tells the heartwarming story of how the community of Boukan Chat, alongside a team of conservationists, humanitarians, and storytellers, has united to protect the endangered Black-capped Petrel.
Other pivotal symposia addressed key issues in Caribbean bird conservation. “Conserving Caribbean Threatened and Endemic Birds” focused on the impacts of natural threats like hurricanes and the illegal bird trade on island endemics and discussed strategies for protecting the region’s unique avifauna. “Ecology of Migrants and Importance of Stopover Sites in the Caribbean” highlighted crucial research on migratory patterns of Near Threatened species like the Kirtland’s Warbler, and the role of stopover habitats which are often targeted for development on islands.
The “Waterbirds, Wetlands, and CWC” symposium examined the interconnections between waterbirds and wetland ecosystems, the severe threats they face, and the outreach, advocacy, and actions needed to protect these critical habitats. “On the Ground Bird and Habitat Conservation: New Approaches, Success Stories and Lessons Learned” shared practical conservation methods and outcomes aimed at strengthening the management of green spaces including protected areas and urban parks like botanical gardens in the Caribbean for birds and other wildlife.
Simon Busutill shares the triumphs and challenges of protecting a nature reserve in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Grenada Dove. With fewer than 190 individuals left in the wild, we must act NOW to secure its survival. (Photo by Greg Homel)
Lourdes Mugica, co-author of the field guide “Birds of the National Botanical Garden of Cuba.”
Caribbean conservationists are also leading social transformation through art, social media, and environmental education to gain support for protecting our feathered friends. In the symposium “Outreach and Education: Raising Awareness and Engaging Diverse Audiences,” they shared what strategies have been successful (and what hasn’t) in involving local communities and stakeholders in bird conservation efforts.
Discussions on “Habitat Restoration and Best Management Practices” provided insights into effective restoration techniques, while talks from “Landbird and Endemic Monitoring– Challenges, Solutions, Needs, and Results” addressed various monitoring methods, results from current projects, and the emerging issues and challenges encountered at different stages of a monitoring project.
Miguel Landestoy shares the findings from his study on the distribution of the Bay-breasted Cuckoo in the Dominican Republic.
Bay-breasted Cuckoo. (Photo by Carlos Pedro, Macaulay Library- ML393609811)
Dr Mark Hulme, reports on the behaviour of the range restricted Trinidad Piping-Guan and pressures affecting the population.
The large turkey-like Trinidad Piping-Guan is only found in Trinidad’s mountainous Northern Range. (Photo by Wendell SJ Reyes (ML66246621))
Demonica Brown, of The Bahamas National Trust, explains how bird monitoring is carried out at the Lucayan National Park.
Mangroves at Lucayan National Park. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Claudia Mantilla shares the findings from her Oriente Warbler research in Cuba.
Oriente Warbler. (Photo by Ian Burgess, Macaulay Library- ML558957951)
Finally, the symposia “From Mountains to Mangroves…and the Sea: Challenges and Opportunities for Caribbean Seabird Conservation, Research, and Monitoring” and “Invasive Alien Species From Mangroves to Mountains” tackled the multifaceted challenges of seabird conservation across the region, especially those faced by researchers and citizen scientists during the 2023-24 Caribbean Seabird Census, and the impact of invasive species on Caribbean bird populations and ecosystems.
The abstracts for the BirdsCaribbean 24th International Conference can be viewed by session here.
The Caribbean Motus Collaboration’s “Let’s Talk Motus!” roundtable brought together Motus leaders from across the Caribbean and beyond to discuss their experiences using and managing Motus as a whole, from building and maintaining receiver stations, to deploying transmitter tags on birds, all with the goal of advancing partners’ Motus efforts and facilitating potential collaborations.
Maya Wilson, BC’s Landbird Monitoring Program Manager, provides an update on new Motus stations in the Caribbean.
Motus audience listens attentiviely.
“Advancing Bird Conservation and the 30×30 Initiative through new Caribbean subnational Protected Areas” introduced the Conserva Aves initiative to the Caribbean bird conservation and ornithological communities. Delegates discussed the potential, opportunities, challenges, and geographic priorities for the implementation of a Caribbean-wide initiative that would preserve essential habitat for birds and biodiversity over the next 5-6 years by catalyzing local leadership in the creation and sustainable management of new local protected areas. Teams worked together to develop recommendations for the expansion of the Conserva Aves initiative to the unique context of the Caribbean.
Sebastion Herzog leads a discussion on advancing bird conservation and the 30×30 initiative through new subnational protected areas in the Caribbean.
The Caribbean Bird Banding Program’s roundtable discussion explored “Landbird Monitoring in the Caribbean”. Participants discussed ideas to continue developing the Caribbean Bird Banding Network by investigating the needs of bird banders in the Caribbean.
Working Group Meetings
Caribbean Parrots
The BirdsCaribbean Parrots Working Group meeting was attended by 10 members from the Dominican Republic, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Trinidad and Tobago. Andrea Thomen chaired the meeting. Members reached a consensus that more effort should be directed towards fostering collaboration and sharing information among parrot biologists in the region. Additionally, members requested the creation of an online library for parrot research papers, technical reports, articles, and books.
Bird Educators Working Group
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival Coordinators Aliya Hosein and Eduardo Llegus, along with World Migratory Bird Coordinators Laura Baboolal and Miguel Matta, presented our bird educators with a fantastic set of CEBF and WMBD branded materials for their bird conservation outreach activities. The materials included t-shirts, bookmarks, buttons, bird masks, bird bands, and stickers. The stickers feature the artwork of Arnaldo Toledo and Anna Rose, showcasing a variety of Caribbean birds, including endemics, residents, waterbirds, shorebirds, migrants, and the seven selected migratory species for WMBD 2024.
Miguel, Aliya, Laura, and Eduardo with CEBF and WMBD materials for Caribbean coordinators and educators.
Organizations and educators were honored for their exceptional efforts in celebrating CEBF and WMBD over the past two years, consistently organizing creative and enjoyable activities for youth and local communities, and submitting their reports and photos.
We asked our delegates to Sing Like A Bird!
Our delegates have dedicated countless hours to studying our beloved Caribbean birds. They’ve uncovered critical nesting and feeding sites, as well as behaviors that enable these incredible birds to survive and thrive in the wild. But wait, can they sing like a bird? Hit play on the videos below to find out! It’s going to be amazing!
Exquisite artwork, rare first-edition books signed by the authors, heirloom-quality jewelry, premium Caribbean chocolates and rum, apparel that allows you to wear your love for nature and birds, and so much more, the Silent Auction always draws in a lively crowd at our conferences. Mix these irresistible auction items with highly competitive personalities and you’ve got a recipe for fundraising success!
Ancilleno explaining the rules of the auction.
A delegate places her bid during the coffee break.
Auctioneers Ancilleno and Andrew stirred the crowd into a bidding frenzy!
Caribbean ornithological books for auction.
A massive thank you to our generous delegates who donated handmade auction items from their home countries, and to our enthusiastic bidders who helped us raise US$4,700 for Caribbean bird conservation.
“It’s about this big.” Delegates browse the selection of items for auction.
“Hmm, how do I out-bid my competition?”
Stunning bird inspired jewelry were hotly contested at the aution!
Delegates try to decide which items they should place bids for.
A huge round of applause goes to Jennifer Wheeler, Linda Fuller and Natasha Atkins, for organizing the auction and all the volunteers who worked tirelessly to collect, categorize, and display the items, as well as our auctioneers Andrew Dobson and Dr Ancilleno Davis for keeping up the excitement and energy. Their hard work made this event a huge success, and we couldn’t be more grateful!
In search of Hispaniola’s beautiful birds
From mangroves to mountains, birding adventures were not in short supply in the Dominican Republic. Delegates explored vast mountain landscapes, enchanted forests, calm rivers, lagoons, and even rolling sand dunes, all in search of the country’s phenomenal endemic birds. Conference field trips to Sierra de Bahoruco, Reserva Privada Zorzal, Los Haitises and Cotubanamá, Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve, Cayo Arena, Punta Cana and Cordillera Central were led by local tour companies: Explora Ecotours, La Cua Birding Tours, Ova Trails, and independent guide Holly Garrod.
Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve.
Delegates birding at Ebano Verde.
A Hispaniolan Trogon perched quietly at Ebano Verde.
Andrew Dobson takes a photo of the Hispaniolan Trogon.
Some of our delegates are eagerly working on blogs about their incredible conference field trips. Stay tuned for their firsthand experiences!
We extend our sincerest gratitude to everyone who contributed to the overwhelming success of this conference! Working alongside our co-host and local partner, Grupo Jaragua, was a true pleasure. We must express our deepest appreciation to all the conference sponsors and donors, including The Rufford Foundation, Audubon, US Forest Service, Teleuniverso, American Bird Conservancy, Banco Popular, Caribbean Biodiversity Fund, Fondo Nacional para el Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Fondo MARENA) Dominican Republic, Naturalist Journeys, Vermont Center for Ecostudies, Mass Audubon, Cúa Conservation Agency, Vortex Optics, Rare Species Conservatory Foundation, and the FUPAROCA Foundation. Your generous support was instrumental in making this conference a resounding success!
We are truly thankful to everyone who provided funding and donated to help us provide travel scholarships to 93 Caribbean wildlife professionals and students, including those who participated in and donated to our 2024 Global Big Day fundraising event in May.
The conference provided an invaluable platform for Caribbean conservationists to connect with and learn from a diverse array of international and regional professionals, thereby enhancing their professional visibility and honing their skills. The exchange of ideas and perspectives has equipped them with fresh insights and innovative strategies to drive bird conservation efforts in the Caribbean.
We also thank American naturalist and painter Alex Warnick for making her stunning artwork available for us to use for the conference. Her gorgeous work adorned our conference t-shirt and buff, and was used across our merch and promotional material.
Special shoutout to our delegates who volunteered with conference related activities like taking photos, assisting with sales at the merch table, and being rapporteurs. A special thank you goes to Egido Sanz, Juan Carlos (JC) Hernández Ordoñez and Mario Merrero. We appreciate your willingness to give your time and talents!
Mario takes a break from conference tasks to have his photo taken in front of the wingspan banner.
JC helps a delegate from St Vincent and the Grenadines with registration at the conference.
Egido helped with many conference tasks, and here she is helping delegates register for the conference.
We are incredibly proud of what we have achieved in collaboration with our sponsors, donors, and delegates and eagerly anticipate the next conference!
Relive the fun moments through the #BirdsCaribDR24 Photo Gallery
This year, we went paperless for the conference program and used the Whova app!
Alieny and Matthew at the cocktail reception.
Howard gave us his best smile, while Ellie an Stefan continue chatting.
Alondra next to her poster on the use of social media to raise bird conservation awareness.
Dominican dancers in traditional dress at the opening reception.
Arnaldo and Lillian at the BC Merch table.
Audience at the Caribbean Birding Trail symposium
The Diablotín Team. (Photo by Yolanda Leon)
Caribbean Birding Trail symposium speakers: Dave, Holly, David, Ivan, and Manny, with Lisa.
Chocolate and honey for sale at the conference.
JC at the BC Merch table.
Laughs over cocktails at the opening reception.
Chit chat during the coffee break.
Damany and Jeanelle with their Spirit Mountain coffee.
Daniela, Maya, Todd, and Saul at the poster session.
Daveka and Giselle selling t-shirts at the BC Merch table.
Ellie and Sue at the opening reception.
Traditional Dominican dancers at the opening reception.
Geronimo and Elvin at the poster session.
Hand-knitted Black-capped Petrel chick by Jennifer Wheeler.
Hispaniolan birds in a row.
More honey for sale at the conference.
Birdlife Jamaica representatives having fun with our selfie board and Hispaniolan Parrot prop.
Laura and Todd enjoying the local Dominican music at the opening reception.
Joshua and Steve at the opening reception.
Kah Kow chocolates on display at the conference.
Lisa Sorenson with some of our Caribbean delegates.
Mark wins the bid! (Photo by Daniela Ventura)
Matthew at the poster session.
Puerto Rico en la casa! (Photo by Christina Rodriguez)
PROALAS Girls at the closing gala. (Photo by Gail Woon)
Shanna and Devon catching up during the coffee break.
First time BC Conference attendee Soraya proudly stands next to her poster.
A coffee lover’s dream come true!
St Martin and Anguilla delegates at the opening reception.
Representatives of the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Observatory at the poster session.
For more memorable moments captured at the conference, by our delegates, check out our photo album on Google Photos!
With Migratory Shorebirds already arriving in the Caribbean we are getting ready to celebrate World Shorebirds Day on September 6! This year we’re asking you to show some love to our shorebirds and join the Global Shorebird Count, which runs from September 2 to 8. BirdsCaribbean has everything you need to help you take part. Read on to find out how to take part, and why you (and your friends!) should join the count this year!
World Shorebirds Day is held every year on September 6. This day celebrates shorebirds, their amazing migration journeys, and most importantly, raises awareness of the threats they face and actively promotes their monitoring and conservation. The key event associated with this day is the Global Shorebird Count (GSC), which this year runs from September 2-8.
Whether you’ve never taken part in the GSC before, or you are a seasoned shorebird counter—make sure that this fall migration you Show Some Love to Shorebirds in the Caribbean!
How do you join in?
First, and most importantly—get out to your local wetland sites and get counting! Remember to record all the species you see and/or hear (including other non-shorebird species), and to note how many individuals of each species you spot. Take your time and scan the habitats carefully for birds, but be extra careful to stand and walk only in places where you won’t disturb the birds you are trying to count!
Counting shorebirds on the Turks and Caicos Islands. (Photo by Simon Busuttil)
Make sure to record what you are seeing, and to start a new bird list for each location. The best way to do this is using the eBird app on your phone. If you’re in the Caribbean, use the eBird Caribbean Portal. To check or change the portal you are using, go into your settings on the app and look for “Portal” then select “eBird Caribbean.” If you are recording your birds in a notebook be sure to note the start and finish time of your count and add your list to the eBird website once you are home.
Any counts you do at Caribbean wetlands, mangroves, mud flats, coastal areas or beaches at any time of year can be Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) counts. If you are in the Caribbean, please choose one of the CWC protocols when you add your counts in eBird.
Finally, to contribute to the Global Shorebird Count, share each list on eBird with the eBird user ‘worldshorebirdsday’. This will ensure that your checklists are included in data analyses for the Global Shorebird Count. If you are new to checklist sharing, check out this quick tutorial on how to do it.
The answer is that our migratory shorebirds are more vulnerable than ever—they are threatened by human activities such as destruction of their habitats, pollution, disturbance, and climate change. Recent analyses show that shorebirds in North America are declining more than any other group of birds; in fact, more than half of 28 species studied were estimated to have lost more than 50% of their abundance in the last 30 years.
The Caribbean is an important region for migratory shorebirds. They rely on our mangroves, salt ponds, beaches, sand flats, and mud flats to rest and refuel as they continue on their long migrations. Some shorebirds may even spend the entire winter with us!
Semipalmated Plover (Photo by Gary McHale)
Black-bellied Plover (Photo by Ray Robles)
Greater Yellowlegs (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
The striking Black-necked Stilt has long legs for wading into deep water to find food. (Photo by Dan Pancamo)
The Global Shorebird Count helps to both map the distribution of shorebirds during migration, and to record their numbers. Data from citizen science initiatives like this and our Caribbean Water Bird Census are essential to help us identify and protect the key stopover and/or wintering habitats that shorebirds use. Protecting these habitats benefits people too because healthy coastal areas provide vital ecosystem services such as clean water, food, sustainable livelihoods, protection from storm surge, and much more.
Show double (or triple) the love!
The more information we have about shorebirds using Caribbean wetlands the more we can learn about their populations and which places are most important for them. So, if you want to show some extra love to the shorebirds, and increase our ability to conserve Caribbean shorebirds consider carrying out several counts at the same wetland(s) during migration season (August-October).
TCI’s extensive wetlands provide essential refuge for Near Threatened Piping Plovers during migration – this flock was spotted feeding at South Caicos. (Photo by Craig Watson)
If possible you can try to do 2 or 3 counts at your local shorebird hotspots per month during fall migration(August-October). More frequent counts can help us better understand important aspects of shorebird migration in our region—like how many individuals use Caribbean wetlands, the timing of migration, and how long they stopover at different sites.
Need some help with shorebird ID?
We know that Shorebirds can be tricky to identify, with some being especially difficult to tell apart. BirdsCaribbean is here to help with some useful tools! We have a Shorebird Poster and “Quick ID Guide” to get you started as well as handy Shorebird ID cards that you can download and print featuring common shorebirds of the Caribbean. Go to our shorebird resources page to find everything you need. Of course, don’t forget to take your favorite bird ID guide with you when you do your shorebird counts!
You can brush up on your CWC survey skills, waterbird ID, and shorebird ID before you go out on your surveys by watching our fantastic CWC and Shorebird ID webinars on YouTube. We also have series of shorebird ID shorts pointing out key features to help you distinguish between those tough-to-tell-apart species. Check our latest video all about peeps below, and see them all on our social media accounts or our YouTube Shorebirds Short Videos Playlist.
If you can get photos or even sound recording of the birds you see, these can be looked at/ listened to later. If you encountered any birds that were difficult for you to identify in the field, visual (or sound) evidence can be shared with birding colleagues and experts for ID support!
Where to find shorebirds?
The simple answer is: anywhere there is water. This means that, as their name suggests, you can find them at the beach and on other types of shorelines. However, some shorebirds will be further inland, including in salt ponds and salinas, freshwater pools, agricultural fields, and at brackish marshes and ponds. Shorebirds will also gather on mud flats, in mangrove areas, and on tidal flats.
Martha Cartwright and Cesar Montero searching for Wilson’s Plovers at Barbery Beach, Grand Bahama. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Shorebirds on a dike at Cargill Salt Ponds.
Flamingos and shorebirds share the mud and water at Monte Cristi in the northern Dominican Republic. (Photo by GAE)
You may not be quite sure of the best places to look in your area. If so, why not take a look for ‘hotspots’ at your local wetlands on eBird. Just take a look at the eBird hotspots map. Zoom in on your local area and then click on a hotspot to see what types of birds have been seen there recently.
What should you do if you spot a banded bird?
While counting shorebirds you may see birds with colourful bands on their legs. Do your best to record the band colors and any numbers or letters paying special attention to the location of the band or bands on the bird’s legs. Binoculars or zoom photography may allow you to clearly see the band colors and the numbers engraved onto the band—if you get a photo you will be able to send it along with your sighting. You can report your sightings and send any photos you have to and the USGS Bird Banding Lab, which oversee all banding in the United States.
Spotted a banded Piping Plover?
There are several projects that have banded Piping Plovers. The Caribbean is one of the wintering areas for these cute plovers (they are mainly found in The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, and Cuba, but are also recorded on other islands), so it’s always possible you might spot one! This 1-page guide which details what to do when you see a banded Piping Plover is available to download as a pdf here. We also have 2-page version with more information for you to use and share here. You can find out more about reporting banded Piping Plovers from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at this link.
Be social with your shorebird counts
Survey team in Cuba searching for Piping Plovers during CWC2023. (Photo by Daniela Ventura)
We love looking at photos of shorebirds, your local wetlands, and your smiling faces; so please share the highlights of your shorebird counts with us! Use a phone or any other camera that is available, but remember to tag @birdscaribbean and use the hashtags #WorldShorebirdsDay #GlobalShorebirdCount #ShowSomeLoveForShorebirds when sharing on social media. We look forward to seeing and sharing your amazing photos and reading your stories!
2024 saw our most extraordinary Big Day yet! It was a phenomenal day of birding, Caribbean commitment to avian conservation, soaring competitive spirit, and boundless potential to make valuable contributions to science and conservation.
On Saturday, May 11, birders in the Caribbean and around the world woke up extra early and excitedly joined forces for Global Big Day (GBD)! Twice a year, during peak migration times (once in spring (May), and once in fall (October)), birders worldwide leap into action and attempt to spot as many different bird species as possible within 24 hours. Besides the pure, adrenaline-pumping thrill of the day, the lists of birds recorded and submitted to eBird from across the globe are immensely valuable for science and conservation!
To say that Big Day numbers were impressive would be conservative—Global Big Day 2024 was a resounding success!7,725 bird species were recorded by over 63,000 people around the world. A mind-boggling 156,000 checklists were logged by eBirders in 24 hours!
In the West Indies, we proudly broke our previous records for participation and sightings! Big Day birders saw 551 West Indian species, thanks to the amazing efforts of 710 eBird observers—a fantastic increase of 199 observers from 2023! There were more species sighted (1354 total, 208 more than last year) and a huge leap in the number of checklists submitted—2755 total, nearly 1,000 more than last year—phenomenal!!!.
Figure 1: Global Big Day 2020-2024 comparisons showing changes in total number of eBird Observers in the West Indies, total species seen, and total number of eBird checklists submitted.
Welcome to our New eBirders and GBD Teams!
This year, many Caribbean islands saw an increase in the number of people taking part in Global Big Day. In fact, the number of eBirders in 2024 grew by more than 100% from 2023 in some countries! Special mention goes to Puerto Rico, who added 37 more eBirders in 2024, increasing participation by over 119%. What a great achievement! New recruits to the growing “army” of eBirders are always welcome, helping to boost birding records for the region.
Grenada experienced a 56% increase in the number of recorded bird species for Global Big Day, while Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Dominican Republic experienced increases of 28%, 27%, and 24%, respectively.
LGBT team members en route to count birds on La Désirade, Guadeloupe. (Photo by Anthony Levesque)
Subgroup of the Whistling Warblers taking a break from birding at the Botanical Gardens in Kingstown St Vincent. (Photo by Glenroy Gaymes)
This year we were also thrilled to welcome more national (island) teams to the competition! We thank the phenomenal team leaders and members of the following teams for joining us and giving the “OG teams” a run for their money (or checklists?): Bahamians, Birds and Botany, Bird Nerds Exuma, BVI Birders, USVI Flock, LGBT (La Gwada Birder Team), Saba Conservation Foundation, Statia’s Golden Warblers, Imperial Seekers, Whistling Warblers, and Econetics.
Dominica’s Imperial Seekers seeking out the magnificent Imperial Parrot for GBD 2024. (Photo by Garry Auguiste)
Members of Imperial Seekers in Dominica stop to take a selfie before beginning their GBD count. (Photo by Jeanelle Brisbane)
Our ultimate goal is to have a team representing each island in the Caribbean. We know we have the best birds and birders who always bring BIG energy, passion, and pride to conserving birds. If you would like to lead a team on your island for GBD 2025 please get in touch with us by emailing: and It’s not too soon to start plotting for Big Day 2025 domination!
Members of Wadadli Warblers in Antigua got in on the early birding action for GBD 2024. (Photo by Shanna Challenger)
Our Caribbean teams showed up and showed out this year! And in an incredible record-breaking year like this—there’s bound to be some surprising results! So, which longstanding Big Day champions were finally unseated? And which team scored those bragging rights? Who were our birding MVPs (MVBs?) in the Caribbean and beyond?
Members of The Palmchatters taking a break from birding in the Dominican Republic.
One Love Jamaica Birders team leader Justin with his team at Hope Botanical Gardens, Jamaica. (Photo by Justin Saunders)
Colossal country checklists and a new GBD Team champion
We know that the suspense is unbearable! Without further ado, we present the stats from this year’s team competition!
Once again, the multinational “Flying Pintails” led by Executive Director Lisa Sorenson topped the list seeing the most species—703! We might need to change their team name to the “Dominant Ducks!” With team members from a total of 12 countries, their impressive performance is perhaps not surprising. To put it in perspective, this works out to just 58 species per country which is still far less than for some of our national teams’ totals. Perhaps Lisa needs to get her team working harder next year…Or, on second thought, maybe that’s not such a good idea! Coming in second place for total species was another multi-national team, “President’s Perch” with a sizable 512 species, while the Globe-Trotting Todies trotted into third place with a respectable 418.
Figure 2: Global Big Day results for our 27 BirdsCaribbean Teams. The numbers in red show which team had the highest number for each category.
A subgroup of the Gundlach Team in Cuba ready to dominate the competition on the morning of GBD 2024.
The “Gundlach Team” from Cuba deserves a special mention for their champion work in community mobilization! Congrats to the incredible team leaders of Cuba’s national team for once again getting the most people involved, with a fabulous 86 team members entering their species lists on eBird. Yaroddys (Yaro) Rodriguez and Nils Navarro have set an exceptional example as team leaders, and have landed us once more in the happy position of having to figure out how to get around the limit of how many persons could be added to an eBird Trip Report! The “Gundlach Team” also saw an impressive 182 species. But this was a year unlike any other—and even that magnificent performance was not enough to hold on to their species count winning streak! In a shocking turn of events, for the first time in four years—and since the very inception of our GBD Teams Competition—the seemingly untouchable Cuban dream team has been dethroned as the West Indies species lead! Our 2024 West Indian Species count champions are the venerable “Piping Pawis” from Trinidad, who saw an extraordinary 214 species in the West Indies!
The large turkey-like Trinidad Piping-Guan is only found in Trinidad’s mountainous Northern Range. (Photo by Wendell SJ Reyes (ML66246621))
The victorious Piping Pawis counted birds from the mountains to the plains in Trinidad. (Photo by Mark Hulme)
A young member of the Piping Pawis team birdwatching in Brasso Seco, Trinidad for Global Big Day. (Photo by Giselle Ragoonanan)
Small teams, Big records
In the ‘species seen’ statistics, large multinational teams like “Flying Pintails” and “President’s Perch” dominated. However, when it came to species seen by each team member, our smaller teams performed exceptionally well. For instance, the two members of “Bird Nerds Exuma” each recorded an impressive average of 24 species. Similarly, the two members of “BVI Birders” and three members of “Imperial Seekers” recorded an average of 19 species each. It’s remarkable what the GBD Teams accomplished in just 24 hours of birding!
Figure 3: The average number of species seen per person for each of the 27 Global Big Day teams. Team Bird Nerds Exuma saw the most birds per team member with an average of 24 species/person.
Hot on the trail of Caribbean icons
The Global Big Day in the Caribbean offers birding teams the chance to discover and document the unique bird species found on the islands. While this can be quite challenging, Caribbean birders enjoy the opportunity to spot the feathered pride and joy of their countries.
Grenada Dove. With fewer than 190 individuals left in the wild, we must act NOW to secure its survival. (Photo by Greg Homel)
Puerto Rican Parrot eating fruit. (Photo by Tanya Martinez)
Barbados Bullfinch, endemic to Barbados. (Photo by Julian Moore)
The “Bajan Birders & Friends,” “Cayman Birding,” “Grenada Hook-billed Kites,” “Piping Pawis,” “Warbling Warriors,” and “LGBT (La Gwada Birder Team)” successfully found all their endemic birds on Big Day! The “Peeping Cuckoos,” “The Palmchatters,” and “Gundlach Team” all came really close, spotting about 82% of their endemics! Congratulations to all our teams for their outstanding efforts!
Figure 4: Percent of endemics seen (by proportion) on Global Big Day, 2024.
Biggest Big Day team birders
There are teams…and then there are the amazing individual birders.
This year we had some seriously monumental individual efforts. Topping the top team birders list was Marshall IIiff, who was birding in the US and recorded 166 species for the Flying Pintails. Marshall out bird-ed last year’s top birder from Panama—Beny Wilson who recorded 164 species in 2023. Beny didn’t go far in our rankings though, and is now holding on to second place for GBD 2024. Our top birders from the Caribbean and across the globe, respectively, on Big Day were:
Our top ten birders (or birding duos) with the most species in the West Indies were:
125 Jerome Foster – Piping Pawis
112 Mark Hulme and Alex Sansom – Piping Pawis
103 Xavier Ragbir – Piping Pawis
102 Ricel Polán Hernández – Gundlach Team
93 Eric Torres-Rivera – Warbling Warriors
85 Andrea Thomen – The Palmchatters
83 Noelia Nieves – Warbling Warriors
80 Nicolás Díaz Pérez – Gundlach Team
80 Josh Bajnath – Piping Pawis
Our top five birders located anywhere (not necessarily in the Caribbean) on Big Day were:
166 Marshall Iliff – Flying Pintails
144 Beny Wilson – Flying Pintails
134 Karina Anahi Esparza – Globe-Trotting Todies
132 John Garrett – Flying Pintails
125 Jerome Foster – Piping Pawis
Working hard for the endemics
Within the Caribbean, some birders went the extra mile to find the region’s endemic birds. So we want to give a special mention to the following birders who had 20 or more West Indies Endemics on their GBD checklist on May 11th:
Efrain Feliz – 27
Manuel López Salcedo – 26
Yusneyda Alarcón Jorge – 26
Ricel Polán Hernández – 25
Dayron Breto – 24
Nicolás Díaz Pérez – 22
Eric Torres-Rivera (Puerto Rico) – 22
Adriana Hernández Rodríguez – 21
Pedro Genaro Rodríguez – 21
Carlos Arévalo (Cuba) – 21
Andrea Thomen (Dominican Republic) – 21
Wilberto Rodríguez – 20
The biggest winner of all? Caribbean conservation!
In a year of incredible firsts, we are really proud of the epic increase in eBird checklists submitted this Big Day. With nearly 1000 more checklists submitted this year, we can’t help but feel deeply moved by how the dedication to science and conservation of our awesome teams! Thank you, thank you, thank you to our passionate team leaders and members. With you by our side, we will continue to make great strides in protecting birds and their homes, supporting communities, and sustaining future generations of bird advocates to come.
The Sky’s the Limit!
Our Big Day birding teams rallied together to raise funds for travel scholarships, enabling Caribbean nationals to attend our 24th International Conference in the Dominican Republic this July. With the support of 305 wonderful donors (Wow!!), we have exceeded our US$25,000 goal. A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved!
Group photo of Caribbean delegates at AOS-BC Conference 2022 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
These donations, along with sponsorships and support from other generous funders, have already benefited 44 deserving scholarship recipients. However, there are still many hardworking Caribbean conservationists, especially local applicants in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, in need of support to attend the conference. They are eager to improve their conservation aptitude while expanding their professional networks. Therefore, we have raised our goal to $30,000 to ensure these dedicated individuals can join us. Your donation can make a significant difference in the lives of these conservationists. Please consider supporting us here:
Black-necked Stilts in flight. (Photo by Ray Robles)
Every single bird recorded during our Global Big Day birding fundraiser counted towards our effort and every birder taking part helped make this year an amazing success! We want to thank everyone who helped us raise funds and donated to help Caribbean nationals attend the BirdsCaribbean 24th International Conference. It’s not too late to contribute to our 2024 fundraiser! Your donation will help us enhance our local partners’ capacity to carry out impactful bird conservation work:
Please note that the data used here is based on validated eBird records as of May 16th 2024. Sightings under review may not have been included in these totals in some instances. Please see the links below to explore the most up-to-date team trip reports.
2024 BirdsCaribbean Global Big Day Teams
List of teams and links to trip reports pages on eBird:
For Global Big Day 2024, we will be raising funds to help Caribbean delegates attend our conference in the Dominican Republic. (Hispaniolan Woodpecker pictured in graphic, photo by Jose M Pantaleon)
Every year, on Global Big Day (GBD), bird enthusiasts and nature lovers head to the great outdoors to observe and record the incredible diversity of birds in their corners of the world. The observations help scientists and researchers monitor bird populations, track migration patterns, and identify habitats that require conservation attention. This event, organized by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and eBird, encourages participation by individuals of all ages and skill levels.
We are thrilled to be hosting our exciting and popular teams competition this year on Saturday 11th May 2024. This year we are raising funds to provide support to Caribbean students and wildlife professionals to attend our 24th International Conference in the Dominican Republic. Having the opportunity to attend our conference can be a life-changing experience!
Rep your flag!
There will be national (individual islands) and multinational teams for birders of all backgrounds to join. We would love to have a national team for each Caribbean island so if you don’t see your island listed here, this is your opportunity to take up the mantle, create a team (we are here to help if needed), and showcase your island’s amazing birding community, ecosystems, and birdlife! You and your team have the power to make a significant impact on our understanding of Caribbean birds and their habitats!
Last year we had 17 teams compete with members spanning across 35 countries and raised over $20,000US for our Caribbean Bird Banding program. This year let’s go bigger—more islands, more vibes, more data—and show the world how passionate and serious we are about bird conservation!
24 joyous hours of watching birds, exploring new habitats, and making friends
During peak migration time in the spring, birders around the world head out to their favorite birding spots, or venture into new areas, to see, hear, and record as many bird species as they can in a 24-hr timeframe. Global Big Day runs from midnight to midnight in your local time zone. The data is entered into eBird (or eBird Caribbean specifically if you’re birding in the Caribbean).
No matter where you are—at home, a botanical garden, beach, river, or nature reserve—you can contribute important data, via eBird checklists, about the birds around you. You don’t need to be an expert birder or spend the entire day looking for birds. Just 10 minutes of birding in your backyard or from your balcony will count too.
A wetland in Puerto Rico. (Photo by Eric Torres Rivera)
For some of us, birding is more enjoyable when done with a friend or a group. Pairs or groups can carpool, help out with tricky bird IDs, share equipment like spotting scopes …and possibly snacks!
St Vincent crew at the end of Global Big Day, tired but happy! Mike and Lisa Sorenson, Glenroy, Joanne and Maeson Gaymes, and Jeff Gerbracht.
Youth spotting birds for Global Big Day, Puerto Rico.
Flock of flamingoes at Margarita Island, Venezuela. (Photo by Josmar Marquez)
Birding along L’Anse Aux Epines road, Grenada. (Photo by Gaea Conservation Network)
We are calling on our community to bird together in virtual teams during Global Big Day and engage in friendly competition to see which team can:
1) collectively see the most species of birds, and
2) raise the most funds.
Funds raised by BirdsCaribbean GBD participating teams will be used to fund travel scholarships for Caribbean students and wildlife professionals to attend our conference this July!
Prizes/ bragging rights will be awarded to
Bee Hummingbird (Photo by Aslam Ibrahim)
the team with the most creative name!
the “country/island team” that sees the highest proportion of their birds on Global Big Day (to control for differences in the number of species on each island!)
the team with the best “find” of the day (unusual, rare, plumage aberration, etc.)
the team with the best bird photo of the day (must be posted on eBird along with your list)
Last year the Bee Hummers Dream Team from Cuba and the multinational Flying Pintails swept the competition. Will your team be the one to dethrone these champs?
Preparing for a memorable Global Big Day is easy!
Participating in our teams competition on Global Big Day involves a few simple steps we’re here to help you so you can make the most of this exciting day!
First things first, if you don’t already have one, download the eBird app and set up your account. You will need it to submit your checklist/s. It’s FREE and you can sign up here! Assemble your birdwatching gear: binoculars, field guide, pencil and notebook, camera, comfortable shoes, and a hat. Decide on the birding hotspots you want to visit during the day. Local parks, nature reserves, and wetlands are excellent locations to find a diverse range of bird species.
Click the ‘JOIN A TEAM’ button on the campaign page. You can choose to join an existing team OR create your own team.
If you choose to create a team, personalize it with a fun name, photo, and your own lingo. NOTE: if you need assistance creating your own team, email and/or and they’ll will get you set up pronto!
Once set up, you should then invite family, friends, colleagues, and members of your birding community to join your team and/or donate to your team. It helps to set your own personal fundraising goal to help your team reach its overall goal!
By inviting people to your team, you are:
(1) raising awareness for BirdsCaribbean and the critical bird research and conservation work we do in the region,
(2) helping to raise funds for travel scholarships, and
(3) promoting Global Big Day, citizen science, and the importance of conserving birds and their habitats.
and/or . . .
2. Make a donation to one of the birding and fundraising teams.
By doing so, you will have helped Caribbean students and conservationists access mentorship, knowledge building fora, and networking opportunities that nurture and advance the future of Caribbean conservation; and encouraged that team to give it their all on Global Big Day.
and/or . . .
3. Commit to spending some time (or the entire day!) birding on Global Big Day (May 11), being sure to keep track of what you see and enter that information into eBird. We hope everyone will do this, whether or not they join a team or fundraise.
This will be a fun event to fundraise for and get excited about birds! Be ready to visit lots of birding hotspots, or set yourself up in a familiar spot and bird for as much of the day as possible, knowing that all of your teammates, friends, and BirdsCaribbean community members are doing the same!
If birding from the Caribbean, you should plan to submit your observations to eBird Caribbean. Then we’ll tally them up and see how we all did! We will send out more information about this as the event draws closer.
Why we need your support
The insular Caribbean is a critical region for birds. There are 180 species that occur here and nowhere else in the world! In addition, the islands provide a winter home for numerous migrants—many stay 6 months or longer—while others rely on the islands as stopover sites to rest and refuel during their long journeys north and south.
The Jamaican Blackbird lives in the forests of Cockpit Country and the Blue and John Crow Mountains. Its feeding style is similar to woodpeckers. It is threatened by destruction of its habitat (bauxite mining, illegal cultivation, etc.). (Photo by Judd Patterson)
Lesser Yellowlegs are a common migratory shorebird in the Caribbean; they are also one of the most hunted shorebirds in the Atlantic Flyway. (Photo by Hemant Kishan)
The elusive Endangered Whistling Warbler, an endemic bird to Saint Vincent. (Photo by Judd Patterson)
The development of a strong regional conservation community, through capacity-building training and career development opportunities at the island level for local people, is critical to ensure the preservation of island birds and their habitats.
How your gift will be Used
This Global Big Day fundraiser will fund travel scholarships for Caribbean students and wildlife professionals to attend our upcoming International Conference, 18th – 22nd July, 2024, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. These are dedicated persons who are on the ground, doing the working everyday to secure a future for birds and their habitats. Attending the conference is an invaluable opportunity for them to 1) build upon or gain new skills to address threats to bird conservation on their respective islands, and 2) network with the wider conservation community, share their work, and learn from others. For Caribbean students, this experience will help to kickstart their introduction into the ornithological and conservation community and they will benefit from mentorship opportunities.
Puerto Rican conservationist, Laura Fidalgo, presenting on her research on the post hurricane habitat structure of the Elfin Woods Warbler, at the BirdsCaribbean Conference in Guadeloupe.
Workshop Facilitator, Elijah Sands, from the Bahamas National Trust, uses videos from his portfolio to explain key concepts to the group. (Photo by Tahira Carter)
Participants in the Landbird Monitoring Workshop engage in classroom sessions before going out into the field. (Photo by Holly Garrod)
Gabriel Diaz speaks about her work to protect the Critically Endangered Ridgway’s Hawk in the Dominican Republic.
Participants in the Raptors of the Caribbean Workshop show off their bird of prey, a Secretary Bird, made from recycled materials. (Photo by Tahira Carter)
One group plans the activity they will teach to the rest of the workshop participants. (Photo by Gabriela Diaz)
BirdSleuth Caribbean Workshop group photo.
Participants sketch birds at the BirdSleuth workshop. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Bahamian conservationist, Dr Ancilleno Davis, explains how he converted eBird data into a dubstep track using analytical computer programmes R and Python, at the BirdsCaribbean Conference in Guadeloupe.
Our plan is to raise funds to help cover travel costs that will allow deserving participants to attend—including covering registration, airfare and/or hotel costs as necessary.
As with everything in the Caribbean, we will be successful when our whole community pitches in, so let’s do it together! We need your help to do this!
BirdsCaribbean brings you highlights from the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology in our feature “Just Published in JCO.” Here, Zoya Buckmire, the Lead Copy Editor for the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology, explores the innovative methods Caribbean researchers are using to overcome the challenges of monitoring bird populations.
Roseate Tern adult on its nest incubating an egg and panting in the heat. Shark Cay, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. (Photo by Daniel Nellis)
Long-term monitoring of bird populations would be a breeze if scientists had unlimited time and money. In the real world, however, monitoring efforts are limited by funding, access, trained personnel, and time. This is the case throughout the Caribbean, especially on the more remote islands and cays. So how do we navigate these many challenges to collect the critical information we need to manage and conserve our bird populations? In three papers recently published inVolume 36 of the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology, researchers across the region explore our options—from synthesizing historical data to exploring new technologies, to maximizing the power of citizen science!
The value in historical surveys
Quality bird survey data is worth its weight in gold, but surveys conducted over different periods with different objectives and priorities can be difficult to compare. Nevertheless, these comparisons are necessary to identify trends in populations. Where consistent long-term monitoring data are lacking, it is possible to compare even a single season’s worth of historical data with current surveys to approximate trends.
This is precisely what Dr. Paige Byerly and her colleagues did with seabird data from the Virgin Islands, a region which is critical for breeding seabirds in the Caribbean. In their article “Current status and 21st century population trends of breeding seabirds in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands,” the researchers focused on seven species of seabirds (boobies, terns, and pelicans) known to breed in the archipelago, and compared data from the early 2000s with their own surveys conducted in 2016-2018. Whilst the population trends they found were dismaying, they were incredibly timely and necessary for the effective management of these birds and their breeding sites. Paige and colleagues demonstrate here that it is not impossible to form a cohesive picture from various disparate surveys over time—thus highlighting one way to make the most of the limited data available in the Caribbean.
The light morph of the Red-footed Booby. (Photo by Andrew Wright)
Extent of study region in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands with locations of important seabird nesting islands.
A pair of breeding Brown pelicans and their hungry chick. (Photo by Nelson Biffar)
New technologies for monitoring
The logistical problems of access and funding for surveys are compounded on the remote cays that are preferred by seabirds. A few miles east of the Virgin Islands, in Anguilla, the National Trust has been exploring their options to increase the efficiency of their monitoring efforts. Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) is an emerging tool that uses recording units and automated species recognition software to identify the birds present at a site. In 2020, Dr. Louise Soanes and her former colleagues at the Anguilla National Trust launched a pilot project to test the utility of this tool in the Caribbean context. By deploying recording units at several study sites and ground-truthing with regular point counts, they were able to compare the accuracy and effectiveness of PAM to more traditional point counting.
PAM is not without its kinks, of course, as species recognition software is not yet well developed for Caribbean birds (and their many dialects), which leads to many misidentifications. However, with time and additions to the database (which you can contribute to!), these automated identifications will improve. In their paper “Passive acoustic monitoring of birds in the Lesser Antilles—a useful tool for monitoring remote sites?”, Louise and colleagues describe these results and present recommendations for the best use of PAM throughout the region. With further testing and more widespread implementation, this tool has the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of monitoring, especially in remote and hard-to-access areas, and can support the establishment of more long-term monitoring programs in the region.
Small wading birds that are rarely recorded on Anguilla, like the Wilson’s Plover, were detected by the ARUs but not point counts. (Photo by Andy Morffew)
The SwiftOne Autonomous Recording Unit enhances research and conservation efforts by offering better energy efficiency, a more precise clock, greater customization for frequency settings, voice memos, and greater microphone sensitivity. (Photo by Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
A few species of birds, like the Pied-billed Grebe, were not detected by the ARUs possibly because they were too far from the unit for vocalizations to be recorded. (Photo by Becky Matsubara)
Some common birds on Anguilla, like the Mangrove Cuckoo, were only detected by ARUs during the survey. (Photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Dr. Soanes is also the Seabird Census Coordinator for the BirdsCaribbean Seabird Working Group, which recently shared preliminary results from thefirst-ever Caribbean Seabird Census in a webinar you can watchhere!
Making the most of citizen science
Citizen science data, like eBird records and community-mobilized surveys, provide a seemingly obvious solution to the various logistical and resource challenges of data collection in the Caribbean, but using these data comes with its own challenges. Because survey methods are unstandardized and user experience can vary greatly, from novice and casual birders to trained ornithologists, citizen science data must be taken—and analyzed—with a grain of salt. Some questions to consider are: how does observer experience affect detectability of birds in the field? And do observers perform differently depending on survey design (single- or double-observer) and who they are paired with? To answer these questions and more, graduate student Nicholas Bergen conducted his thesis research in Grenada using a citizen science experiment.
Detailed in their article “Effects of observer skill and survey method on forest bird abundance data: recommendations for citizen science conservation monitoring in the Caribbean,” Nicholas and colleagues involved 34 different observers (myself included!) in over 400 surveys across the island. By pairing observers of different skill levels and conducting both point-count and transect surveys, they were able to identify the most efficient survey type for citizen scientists (spoiler alert: it was point counts) and draw correlations between observer skill level and the detectability of different species. The authors provide several practical recommendations for the design and implementation of citizen science-based monitoring programs in the region including ideal timing, protocols, and observer pairings for the surveys.
Birding along L’Anse Aux Epines road, Grenada. (Photo by Gaea Conservation Network)
However, you do not have to create your own citizen science programs from scratch! eBirdis an incredible but underutilized resource in the Caribbean. Millions of observations from around the world and thousands of checklists from the Caribbean have been verified by Cornell Lab and uploaded to the database. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, creator and maintainer of the eBird database, has produced acomprehensive guide to the use of eBird data, including accounting for its various biases. With these challenges in mind, it is a goldmine of observations that can tell us lots about understudied areas and islands in the region, from “recording” new (previously unreported) species to identifying trends of decline. A few years ago, in our Volume 33,Ruby Bagwyn et al. used eBird data from The Bahamas to identify over 40 bird populations that had not been recorded over an 8-year period, highlighting the areas and species most in need of updated surveys. They suggested that we should use eBird to harness “the observational power of birdwatchers…to provide timely notice of declining or missing populations,” and spur us into action to prevent their extinction or extirpation.
These three examples from Volume 36 are just a sample of the incredible and innovative work being done across the Caribbean by researchers invested in our birds and their wellbeing. BirdsCaribbean is continually supporting monitoring in the region by adding to the skill sets and knowledge of Caribbean researchers through our capacity building efforts, including through our Seabird Working Group,Caribbean Waterbird Census program, Landbird Monitoring Network, and Caribbean Bird Banding Network. You can support our efforts to equip Caribbean nationals with the skills and resources they need to protect the region’s endemic, resident, and migratory birds here.
The Journal of Caribbean Ornithology is a peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of ornithology within the Caribbean region, publishing in English, Spanish, and French. We welcome manuscripts covering the biology, ecology, behavior, life history, and conservation of Caribbean birds and their habitats. The JCO also publishes conservation reports and mentors inexperienced authors to help them develop their manuscript for publication. The JCO relies on donations to keep all of our publications free and open-access. Support our non-profit mission and give a voice to Caribbean ornithologists and their work by becoming a supporter of JCO.
BirdsCaribbean brings you highlights from the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology in our feature “Just Published in JCO.” Here, Zoya Buckmire, the Lead Copy Editor for the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology, gives us a behind-the-scenes look at various research on birds and their conservation in Grenada.
Ramon Williams and John Holas conducting bird surveys on Hog Island.
Our feathered friends do not have it easy in today’s world. They face a myriad of threats from hunting, to habitat loss and land-use change, to climate change and all its related impacts. These challenges are especially felt by bird communities on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) like those in the Caribbean. These small islands are subject to unique economic, social, and ecological pressures, which translate to a unique set of challenges for resident fauna, and puzzling questions for those of us involved in their conservation. How are birds using and responding to natural and anthropogenic habitats on these islands? In what ways does this use differ from the well-studied continental regions? And critically, how should this inform conservation and management measures here in the Caribbean?
Using Grenada as a case study for his master’s thesis research, Ramon Williams, a local biologist, sought to explore some of these questions. In their recently published article “Avian use of anthropogenic and natural habitats in a Small Island Developing State,” Ramon and his advisors present some of their critical findings, including habitat preferences for some of the regionally endemic and range-restricted species we know and love. Ramon recently shared his findings in a webinar hosted by Gaea Conservation Network, which you can viewhere. We wanted to learn even more about his behind-the-scenes process, so Zoya Buckmire, Lead Copy Editor of the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology (JCO) and fellow Grenadian, reached out to the author with the following questions (responses have been edited for flow).
How did you first conceive of this study, and what motivated you to conduct this research?
We conceived this study because Grenada was lacking a comprehensive scientific survey to shed light on how anthropogenic disturbance affects the terrestrial bird community. As Grenada is a SIDS that has been undergoing rapid developmental changes, we found it important to understand the effects of these environmental changes on birds so that adequate conservation strategies could be implemented to help conserve both avian species and their habitats.
Comprehensive surveys for Grenada are few and far between, but Ramon’s work built upon the Ellie Devenish-Nelson and Howard Nelson’s “Abundance and density estimates of landbirds on Grenada,” published just two years prior in the JCO.
Tell us about a memorable moment during field research or data analysis.
My best memory during field research was when I had an incidental observation of the endemic Grenada Hook-billed Kite (Chondrohierax uncinatus mirus). Although we did not observe any Hook-billed Kites during our scheduled surveys, the incidental observation was spectacular! On 2 August 2017, we had to cancel our data collection due to rainy weather. At about noon, it was raining heavily, and as I stood on the balcony of my residence in La Fortune, Saint Patrick—I noticed a Hook-billed Kite up in the secondary forest canopy! I grabbed my binoculars and my phone and went out into the pouring rain to capture some low-quality photos and video of the kite.
Grenada’s endemic subspecies of the Hook-billed Kite is considered to be Endangered. (Photo by Andrea Easter-Pilcher)
A Grenada Hook-billed Kite chick. Female and male Hook-billed Kites work together to build their nests, which are shallow and cup-shaped and built from small twigs and sticks.
Male Hook-billed Kites tend to be a solid bluish-gray color on their heads and backs, while their breasts are grayish and adorned with pale streaking in horizontal bars. (Photo by Andrea Easter-Pilcher)
Tell us about a challenge you had to overcome during fieldwork or data analysis.
Our biggest challenge was navigating the unpredictable weather during fieldwork. On 1 August 2017, we went to Hog Island (one of Grenada’s many cays) to conduct one of our field surveys. While the survey was successful, the rain started pouring around 9 am and we had nowhere to shelter our field equipment on the uninhabited island. We resorted to using a trash bag to shelter our equipment from water damage.
Ramon and his team had to navigate unpredictable weather on Hog Island but they persevered and completed the bird surveys.
Run for cover! Ramon had to quickly use a trash bag to protect his equipment from the sudden rain.
Quincy Augustine, one of Ramon’s field assistants, attempting to navigate a flooded trail.
One of the key findings from Ramon’s research was that the birds in Grenada used a variety of habitats, including anthropogenic ones like agricultural and rural areas. While these human-altered landscapes supported higher densities of birds than natural cloud and secondary forests, the latter hosted more habitat specialists and species of conservation concern. Regional endemics like the Grenada Flycatcher (restricted to the Grenada Bank) rely on secondary forest and mature lowlands including mangroves. This demonstrates that while “natural” habitats are critical for birds, human-altered landscapes are also an important part of the available habitat mosaic—and they should all be maintained for our feathered friends.
What are your hopes for what your research will lead to?
We hope that our research can serve as a baseline for further research and help inform conservation decisions. As anthropogenic development continues in Grenada and other Caribbean islands with similar species and habitat requirements, further research is needed to monitor how the avian community is responding to the changing environment.
Will this work impact your own research agenda going forward?
Yes, we are continuing to conduct research on Grenada’s birds, and are currently working on research with Bananaquits—of which we have a melanistic subspecies in Grenada (Coereba flaveola aterrima).
Bananaquits are found throughout the Caribbean. They have a sharp, curved bill, black head and upperparts with a white eyestripe, gray throat, and yellow underparts. (Photo by Dominic Sherony)
The majority of Bananaquits in Grenada are of the black morph. (Photo by Paulson Des Brisay)
Is there anything else you would like to share?
We conducted a field outreach exercise on the island of Carriacou with both elementary and high school students. The primary goal of the exercise was to help the children with bird identification and hopefully inspire future ornithologists. The exercise had two phases: the first phase was a presentation on the defining identification characteristics of terrestrial birds; and the second phase involved a brief birdwatching exercise.
Ramon with primary school students in Carriacou after his bird identification presentation.
School students in Carriacou were led, by Ramon, through a short birdwatching activity around the school’s grounds.
Other recent work from Grenada
A heartening amount of important bird research has been published about Grenada’s birds in the last few years, most of which emerged from the former Koper Lab at the University of Manitoba (now at the University of Northern British Columbia). As a Koper Lab alum myself, I actually got my first exposure to the lab and their work through assisting with Nicholas Bergen’scitizen science experiment in 2016. From the lab’s bird banding activities, Alexandra Heathcote et al. publishedmorphological comparisons of a few resident landbird species, and Christopher De Ruyck did his dissertation onlandbird diets and the importance of agroecosystems as habitat. Those same banding activities led to the recognition of thesong variation of Grenada’s House Wrens and documentation of theirmorphological differences, contributing to Grenada’s population being declared its own subspecies (Troglodytes aedon grenadensis)!
Grenada House Wren singing. (Photo by Kim Wetten)
Ezra Campbell, another local biologist and Koper Lab alum, researched native raptors for her thesis, and her findings on theBroad-winged Hawk population were also published in the JCO in 2022. That same year, Arnaud Lenoble and colleagues published their research on theHook-billed Kite’s diet on the island. Ezra’s study found that Broad-winged Hawks are doing well in Grenada, where they are widely distributed and adapting well to changing environments, possibly to the detriment of the more specialized Hook-billed Kites. The hawks were even observed using old kite nesting trees and exhibiting aggressive behavior towards them, possibly pushing the endemic raptor out of its optimal habitat. A case of mistaken identity—where kites are often prosecuted for the chicken-stealing activities of the hawk (aptly nicknamed “chicken hawk” on the island)—further puts the kites at risk. Combined with Arnaud’s findings of the kite’s preference for medium-sized snails, which vary with the seasons and site and restrict the availability of suitable habitat, this endemic subspecies seems to have the odds stacked against it. Both of these studies emphasize the importance of further research to identify and protect suitable habitat for both species.
Broad-winged Hawk. (Photo by Ezra Campbell)
And a lot remains yet unpublished. For instance,eBird records indicate the presence/occurrence of 171 species in Grenada, a significant increase over the last record of 153 species from the 2019Complete Checklist of the Birds of the West Indies. Many of these “new” species have been recorded in the last 5 years by avid birders on the island, and if/when these records get published, they will contribute to our knowledge of the biodiversity, species distributions and population statuses across the region. Grenada is also part of the Caribbean Landbird Monitoring Network, with several local biologists being trained over the last few years in bird banding and landbird surveys using the PROALAS protocol. In fact, our next Bird Banding Workshop is being hosted in Grenada in early March, so stay tuned for updates on this! Together, these advances reassure me that for Grenada, the future of ornithology—and of the birds we are working to preserve—is bright.
The Journal of Caribbean Ornithology is a peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of ornithology within the Caribbean region. We welcome manuscripts covering the biology, ecology, behavior, life history, and conservation of Caribbean birds and their habitats. The JCO also publishes conservation reports and mentors inexperienced authors to help them develop their manuscript for publication. The JCO relies on donations to keep all of our publications free and open-access. Support our non-profit mission and give a voice to Caribbean ornithologists and their work by becoming a supporter of JCO.
Ruddy Turnstone, Port Royal, Jamaican. (Photo by Damany Calder)
Our 2024 Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) marked 15 years of data collection about birds at Caribbean Wetlands—a fantastic milestone! As always, many of our partners, friends, and colleagues took the chance to contribute to this amazing long-term dataset by heading out to their local wetlands to count waterbirds!
Read on for some 2024 CWC highlights featuring just a few of the wonderful birds seen, and exciting events held in celebration of our wetlands. Every single survey makes an important contribution—we are so grateful to everyone who took part in our 2024 CWC!
Kicking off the Count in Antigua and Barbuda
Over on Antigua and Barbuda, our wonderful partners, the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) adapted our colorful 2024 CWC graphic and took to social media to start off this year’s CWC! They encouraged birders to be citizen scientists and head out to their local wetlands—a great way to spread the word about this year’s count!
People Power in Puerto Rico
As always, we had great participation for the CWC regional count in Puerto Rico. The information that has been gathered there on shorebirds and other waterbirds as part of ongoing CWC efforts is an excellent resource!
This year, Daylene T. Quiñones Pérez, Favián D. Acevedo Caro, and Gabriela Hernández Torres teamed up to take part. They headed out on an impressive three CWC surveys looking especially for our coastal waterbirds! The group carried out two surveys to monitor the Brown Pelican population in Puerto Rico—one in Rompeola, Aguadilla, and the other at Parque Colon in Aguada. Their third count was on the cliffs of Parque Los Merenderos in Quebradillas, where they were monitoring the White-tailed Tropicbird population.
Surveying Puerto Rico’s coastline. (Photo by Daylene T. Quiñones Pérez)
A Magnificent Frigatebird. (Photo by Daylene T. Quiñones Pérez) T. Quiñones Pérez
Meanwhile, Dayamiris Candelario, of local nonprofit Organización Pro Ambiente Sustentable (OPAS), shared with us about the event that her organization coordinated. Teachers, students, and parents from Escuela Brígida Alvarez, led by staff of OPAS, completed their waterbird census in Puerto Nuevo Beach on February 2, World Wetlands Day. This beach is next to Cibuco Wetland Nature Reserve, a wetland in which the Cibuco river meets the sea.
Birding in spite of the weather, the group counts waterbirds at Puerto Nuevo Beach. (Photo by Dayamiris Candelario/OPAS)
Dayamiris says they headed out on a cloudy, damp, and slightly windy morning ready with their binoculars, bird guides, and ponchos. Undeterred by the weather, they counted 137 birds representing 14 different species! Students learned about CWC protocols, the importance of the CWC to further the conservation of wetlands, different techniques to use when carrying out surveys, and how to spot birds with binoculars. This exercise taught them first-hand about the vast biodiversity that can be found in coastal environments. These areas are highly regarded by locals and visitors to Puerto Rico for their recreational value.
A volunteer uses a Shorebird ID card at a Caribbean Waterbird Census count. (Photo by Dayamiris Candelario OPAS)
Celebrating World Wetlands Day! (Photo by Dayamiris Candelario OPAS)
Puerto Nuevo is a public beach awarded with a Blue Flag, an international program that recognizes beaches for, among other things, their environmental management and education efforts. You can find more out more about the work of OPAS on their Instagram or on LinkedIn pages. Learn more about Blue Flag certification here.
Volunteers of Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge continued their participation in the CWC with counts at Las Salinas and Laguna Cartagena. Check out their exciting Facebook posts about these visits!
Glorious Glossy Ibis
Jackie Cestero, the founder of Nature Explorers Anguilla, visited salt ponds and beaches all across Anguilla. This small island has an amazing 16 important bird areas (IBAs), most of which are wetlands or highly coastal areas. Jackie recorded an impressive 63 different species of birds during her CWC efforts! This included a Little Blue Heron, some smart looking Lesser Scaups, and a few very cute grebe chicks!
A juvenile Little Blue Heron at East End Pond Anguilla. (Photo by Jacqueline A Cestero)
A group of Lesser Scaups at East End Pond. (Photo by Jacqueline A Cestero)
A group of Pied-billed Grebe chicks. (Photo by Jacqueline A Cestero)
Another highlight was sightings of the Glossy Ibis at two different locations! You can read more about Jackie’s CWC counts in her blog post. Enjoy her video of Glossy Ibises below!
Shorebirds in St. Eustatius
Jethro van’t Hul, from St. Eustatius National Parks Foundation (STENAPA), told us about his team’s ‘big census day’. The group headed out and about in St. Eustatius and covered a whopping 14 sites with their CWC efforts! Jethro says they had quite a few interesting sightings including the Belted Kingfisher, Green Heron, Juvenile Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Osprey, Great Egret, 11 Pelicans in one flock, and four different shorebirds in one group! Jethro says they actually encountered quite a few shorebirds, including some they weren’t expecting. Their shorebird sightings included Semipalmated Plovers, Ruddy Turnstones, a Spotted Sandpiper, as well as Killdeer. He also let us know that, “This was a first survey for us, and the group generally felt very positive about it.” Let’s hope that this is the first of many CWC outings for the team!
Carrying out CWC surveys on St. Eustatius. (Photo by Jethro van’t Hul)
Juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron. (Photo by Jethro van’t Hul)
Semipalmated Plovers and Ruddy Turnstones on the beach. (Photo by Jethro van’t Hul)
Tourism meets science in Cuba
Participants in BirdsCaribbean’s January Bird Tour to Cuba combined ecotourism with citizen science! The group conducted CWC counts in many of the wetlands and coastal areas in the western half of Cuba! Yet again, shorebirds were stars of the show! The group had their best counts at Las Salinas De Brito where shorebird counts included 800 Black-bellied Plovers, 200 Short-billed Dowitchers, 52 Willets, and 15 Red Knots!
American Flamingos at Las Salinas De Brito, Cuba (Photo Andrew Dobson)
Reddish Egret at Las Salinas De Brito, Cuba (Photo Andrew Dobson)
A rare Great ‘White’ Heron, the Great Blue Heron white morph at Las Salinas De Brito, Cuba (Photo Andrew Dobson)
Connecting with an ‘old friend’ in Jamaica
BirdLife Jamaica members visited the historic fishing village of Port Royal, where waterbirds enjoy a friendly relationship with fishermen, often begging scraps. Amongst the birds seen was a Sanderling wearing some bands! This bird, ‘X19,’ is well-known in Jamaica now—it has been spotted in 2021, 2022, and now in 2024! This Sanderling was banded in Saskatchewan, Canada, which is over 4000 km from Jamaica! When birds get their bands, researchers estimate their age based on their plumage characteristics, species, and age at first breeding. When this Sanderling got banded in 2019, it was estimated that it hatched in 2017 or earlier, so we know that X19 is at least seven years old! Here’s hoping it makes many more winter trips to Jamaica in the future.
Sanderling – X19 stopped on another winter visit to Jamaica. (Photo by Damany Calder)
At a World Wetlands Day event organized by the Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation (C-CAM), local residents and students were taken on tours, by boat and on foot, of the pristine mangrove forest surrounding the Discovery Centre in Salt River. Although the wetlands were enduring a drought period, larger waterbirds, including flocks of White Ibises and Tricolored Herons, were observed. At another World Wetlands Day event at the Mason River Nature Reserve, a host of youngsters from local schools (kindergarten age upwards) learned about wetland birds and Jamaica’s endemic birds, engaged in bird bingo, and received posters.
Enjoy some photo highlights from CWC in Jamaica!
Students with posters of seabirds and endemic birds at Mason River. (Photo by NHMJ)
Brandon Hay, Science Officer at Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation, explains wetland birds to a group of students at Mason River Nature Reserve, Clarendon. (Photo by NHMJ)
Snowy Egret looks for scraps at Port Royal. (Photo by Damany Calder)
Lesser Scaup at Bushy Park (Photo by Wayne Sutherland)
Magnificent Frigatebirds at Whitehouse, Westmoreland Jamaica. (Photo by Wolde Kristos)
Blue-winged Teal and Common Gallinules spotted at Bushy Park, Jamaica. (Photo by Wayne Sutherland)
A Blue-winged Teal show us its ‘Blue-wings’, Bushy Park Jamaica. (Photo by Wayne Sutherland)
Spot the Northern Shoveler! (Photo by Wayne Sutherland)
Kids learning about wetlands and waterbirds at Mason River. (Photo by NHMJ)
Rare Sandpiper Spotted in Guadeloupe
Saving the best till last? Anthony Levesque tells us that on Saturday 3rd February, the last day of the CWC regional count, he was with a group of people at Gaschet reservoir in Guadeloupe. Here they had quite the surprise from a very unexpected visitor—a Baird’s Sandpiper!
Anthony says that the bird was “completely unexpected at this date—it is supposed to be far away in South America.” This shorebird is also very rare in the Caribbean, and Anthony notes that it was only the 2nd record of this species for Guadeloupe!
An unexpected Baird’s Sandpiper in Guadeloupe. (Photo by Anthony Levesque)
This lovely long-winged, long-distance migrant normally takes a more westerly route on its trip south for the winter. It also has one of the longest and fastest migrations of all bird species! The Baird’s Sandpiper breeds in the high-arctic and winters in South America. On their epic journeys south, they normally travel via Mexico and Central America, bypassing the Caribbean completely, making them a rare sight in our region! You can find out more about their migration in Birds of the World.
The Caribbean Waterbird Census is an ongoing, long-term survey effort that provides important data that helps us keep track of the birds using Caribbean wetlands, understand the threats they face, and raise awareness. We appreciate every single CWC count that gets done during the annual 3-week regional census in January and February. Thank you to all those who sent us highlights and all those who led or joined a CWC survey this year. If you missed this year’s regional census don’t worry—you can do a CWC count at any time of year! CWC counts at Caribbean wetlands are valuable year-round and add to our knowledge of the resident and migratory birds that use them. Just be sure to use a CWC protocol in eBird Caribbean when entering your data every time you do a count at a Caribbean wetland, and do your best to do a complete count, i.e., record all the birds you see and hear.Find out more about the CWC and how to participate here: and get practising for next year’s annual census!
BirdsCaribbean is pleased to announce the 2024 cohort of grantees under two prestigious named awards, the David S. Lee Fund for the Conservation of Caribbean Birds, and the James A. Kushlan Research and Conservation Fund.
These twelve projects aim to advance the study and conservation of avifauna in seven different Caribbean countries: Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Mexico (offshore islands in the Caribbean Sea), St. Eustatius, and The Bahamas.
In this article you can read about the exciting plans proposed by each awardee. Stay tuned for results and accomplishments featured in future issues of the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology, blog articles, and presentations at our upcoming 24th BirdsCaribbean International Conference in Dominican Republic this summer.
Congratulations to these outstanding researchers and conservationists from our BirdsCaribbean community!
Establishing baselines in research, data and science for birds (BiRDS for birds) in The Bahamas
Dr Ancilleno Davis, Science and Perspective & University of The Bahamas
Baselines in Research, Data, and Science for birds (BiRDS for birds) is a program to establish baseline data for bird diversity, population estimates, and research or scientific standards that can be applied to research and conservation activities throughout The Bahamas. The program will provide training in the use of bird monitoring protocols and access to optical equipment to local students along with opportunities to participate in wildlife assessments. It is expected that this project will improve local biodiversity knowledge, and ultimately, will help trainees to have better opportunities for obtaining jobs in conservation in The Bahamas and insular Caribbean.
Distribution shifts of the Oriente Warbler: species assessment in Villa Clara province, Cuba
Claudia Mantilla, Center for Environmental Studies and Services of Villa Clara, Cuba
The Oriente Warbler (Teretistris fornsi) is endemic to central-eastern Cuba. In recent years, occasional sightings have been recorded in provinces outside its known range, such as south of Cienfuegos and north of Villa Clara. In this project, Claudia will conduct population surveys and bird banding to understand the species’ distribution in the westernmost part of the central region of the country (Matanzas, Cienfuegos, and Villa Clara), where it also overlaps with the congeneric Yellow-headed Warbler (T. fernandinae). The goal of this study is to determine the ecological requirements of the Oriente Warbler in order to promote the conservation of its habitat, since only 16% of its distribution is within protected areas.
Understanding the importance of a small urban park for conserving migratory and resident bird species in Havana
Daniela Ventura, University of Havana, Cuba
Havana is home for 47% of the bird species of Cuba, and is an important stopover and wintering site for migratory birds. Research efforts have been conducted in green spaces located in the less densely populated municipalities of the capital. Thus, to obtain a better understanding of urban bird communities within Havana, Daniela plans to expand a banding scheme initiated as part of BirdsCaribbean’s Caribbean Bird Banding Network to the Quinta de Los Molinos Park. Specifically, she intends to evaluate the migration phenology of Neotropical migratory birds that use the site as a stopover or wintering area, and determine the survival and overall physical conditions of migrant and resident bird species. The project will provide an indirect measure of the importance of urban forest fragments for supporting biodiversity, and will increase the awareness of park visitors about the need to protect wild birds.
Raising awareness and education on the endangered Jamaican Blackbird in a National Park
Justin Saunders, BirdLife Jamaica
In this project, Justin and a team of collaborators from BirdLife Jamaica, aim to create an innovative public education campaign to raise awareness about the endangered Jamaican Blackbird (Nesopsar nigerrimus) and its habitat in the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park. The project includes the development of educational signs within the park and the creation of a basic virtual tour to engage a broader audience. The educational outcomes will be evaluated at educational events at the park. The plan will be implemented in partnership with the Jamaica Conservation Development Trust, Jamaica Environment Trust, and the National Environment Planning Agency.
Conservation ecology of the Puerto Rican Oriole
Michael Ocasio, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Conserving Caribbean island endemics, like the Puerto Rican Oriole (Icterus portoricensis), requires an increased and specific understanding of the threats faced by these species. Notably, the Puerto Rican Oriole has shown worrying signs of reproductive challenges, including high rates of brood parasitism and low reproductive success. In this project, Michael aims to assess the oriole’s population dynamics through point counts, banding, radio tracking, and nest monitoring across different habitats and elevations. His results on the species abundance, survival, and reproductive success will contribute to the Puerto Rico State Wildlife Action Plan, the USGS list of Species of Greatest Conservation Need, and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, while also fostering collaborative and effective conservation efforts in the Caribbean.
Investigating male and female vocalizations of an understudied endemic Caribbean songbird in Puerto Rico
Michelle Moyer, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
The Puerto Rican Oriole (Icterus portoricensis), one of 18 endemic species on the island of Puerto Rico, remains significantly understudied. Improving our understanding of how the orioles use sex-specific songs is necessary to develop effective conservation management plans. Preliminary work in 2023 indicated that male and female orioles may sing different songs, but at similar rates. Increasing the sample size by recording additional individuals is crucial for gaining an accurate understanding of the singing behavior of this species. Through this project, Michelle will engage undergraduate students from the University of Puerto Rico in point counts and mist-netting, and intends to co-develop management strategies in collaboration with Para La Naturaleza.
Understanding the social and spatial organization of the Palmchat in the Dominican Republic
Qwahn Kent, Princeton University
In this project, Qwahn aims to investigate the social and spatial organization of the Palmchat (Dulus dominicus), a communally breeding bird endemic to Hispaniola. The Palmchat plays a crucial role in the ecosystem—it disperses seeds and provides nesting sites for several species, including the critically endangered Ridgway’s Hawk, which nests on top of Palmchat nests. Qwahn will band individual Palmchats and will use a social network analysis to understand their complex organizations. Morphological features of nesting trees will be measured, and a machine learning algorithm will be developed to predict Palmchat nest locations. This research has conservation implications, since the spatial organization of Palmchat nests and their movement patterns influence both patterns of seed dispersal, as well as nest site availability for the hawks.
Help the Bridled Tern return to Isla Contoy National Park, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Jonathan Nochebuena, Mexican Association for the Conservation of Birds and their Habitats (AMCAH)
The Bridled Tern (Onychoprion anaethetus) breeds on Isla Contoy, a small Island off the Caribbean coast of Yucatan, Mexico, which is considered a site of international importance for the conservation of seabirds. In 2019, AMCAH started a project to protect the terns’ nesting areas, with the support of park managers and the local group Friends of Isla Contoy. This new project intends to continue the monitoring and banding efforts with community participation, and to develop measures to help increase the species’ population. This initiative will also help raise community awareness about threats to seabirds in general.
Avifauna of Las Balsas wetland, Gibara, Holguín, Cuba
Ailen Anido, Museo de Historia Natural Joaquín Fernández de la Vara, Gibara
The wetland Balsas de Gibara in Holguin consists of a large area of mangroves, coastal lagoons, mudflats, and salt marshes located between two rivers that flow into Gibara Bay. High concentrations of waterfowl have been reported in this site, including new bird species for Cuba. Ailen and her team will carry out an inventory of the birdlife of this important site using BirdsCaribbean’s Caribbean Waterbird Census protocols. They will train local residents in bird identification and survey techniques to engage them in the field work throughout the year. She also intends to increase awareness of the high ecological value of this protected area by promoting sustainable practices, such as the creation of a birdwatching club and bolstering bird and nature tourism.
Update of the status and trends of American Flamingos in Cuba
Susana Aguilar, University of Havana
The Cuban population of the American Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber), the only flamingo distributed through the Caribbean, is one of the most important in the region. The species depends on estuaries and saline lagoons, making it vulnerable to climate change. In this project, Susana seeks to update the information about the status of the American Flamingo in the island by assessing its current distribution, and estimating its abundance and number of nests in the breeding sites. She and her team will carry out field expeditions to verify new potential nesting sites in remote coastal wetlands of central Cuba, using drones in their surveys. Results are expected to contribute to the improvement of management decisions for the species in Cuba.
Characterization of the community of aquatic birds associated with the wetland of the San Miguel de Parada Fauna Refuge
Yanelis Sánchez, Empresa Flora y Fauna, Santiago de Cuba
Cuban wetlands are important stopover and wintering areas for numerous species of migratory waterbirds. However, they are increasingly being polluted by industrial discharge of solid and liquid waste, like the case of San Miguel de Parada Wildlife Refuge in the province of Santiago, Cuba. Yanelis will be conducting monthly surveys in this wetland throughout the year to determine the composition and structure of the waterfowl community. Moreover, she intends to identify and monitor nesting colonies from May to June, describe their habitat characteristics, and assess the breeding success for different species. As part of the project, she also wants to promote the recovery and conservation of the Santiago de Cuba Bay by implementing effective management actions and educational campaigns.
Enhancing conservation initiatives for Red-billed Tropicbirds in Boven National Park, St. Eustatius
Jethro van’t Hul, St. Eustatius National Parks (STENAPA)
The Red-Billed Tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus), an iconic seabird species with striking red bills and long tail streamers, faces imminent threats to its population on the Caribbean island of St. Eustatius. Previous research estimated only 300-500 breeding pairs. Through this study, Jethro aims to reassess the population on Pilot Hill, and compare counts with a second study site on the cliffside area of Boven National Park where no data has been collected previously. Monthly surveys will be conducted in both locations, and video recordings will be taken to estimate the number of potential nesting pairs in a section of the Boven cliffs. His goal is to obtain a more accurate population estimate of nesting pairs to support further conservation efforts in Boven National Park.
Are you working on, or planning a research or conservation project with Caribbean birds?
Jennifer Mortensen, from the University of Arkansas, retrieving camera trap data with a team of conservationists from the Saint Lucia Forestry Department, including Stephen Lesmond, Therence Eugene, Jeannette Victor, and Jonathan Cornibert (from right to left).
Our next call for proposals will be advertised in the fall of 2024. Members of BirdsCaribbean conducting research and conservation work are eligible to apply. Stay informed and don’t miss our announcements by subscribing to our monthly newsletter,joining our Listserv, and following us on social media (@BirdsCaribbean on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Linked In).
BirdsCaribbean thanks our generous donors for supporting these awards, and encourages others to donate to these programs, as well as to consider endowments or other large awards to ensure that our vital grants programs can continue indefinitely. You can help us to continue supporting these invaluable projects by making a donation here.
If you prefer to donate via check, please make this out to “BirdsCaribbean” and in the memo section, note the fund you are donating to. If you have questions, or would like to make other arrangements for donating, feel free to contact Jennifer Wheeler, BirdsCaribbean Financial Officer ( Checks can be mailed to: BirdsCaribbean, 841 Worcester St. #130, Natick, MA 01760-2076
BirdsCaribbean switched into top gear for 2023. With a lot of ground to cover, we were quickly up and running! Here are some of the highlights of the year…
Focus on one adorable but elusive waterbird…
Our Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) region-wide count, from January 14 to February 3 2023, included an ‘added’ Caribbean-wide Piping Plover survey. This species is listed as “Near Threatened” by the IUCN with an estimated global breeding population of just 8,400 birds. The search was enhanced by beautiful graphics and merchandise by Josmar Esteban Marquez. Sightings were tracked live and plotted on a map. During the survey, these attractive but vulnerable birds were spotted in The Bahamas (a great success!), the British Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Word of our search spread far and wide and we also received sightings from the Caribbean coast of Mexico! Please continue to keep a sharp eye open for these small, round birds, which are often seen in small flocks on sand flats and might also be found in mangroves, mudflats, and other shoreline areas.
A Piping Plover in winter plumage with an all-black bill.
A Piping Plover chick. Piping Plovers breed in restricted areas of North America.
A small flock of Piping Plovers in winter plumage. (Photo by Walker Golden)
Just how do you spot those easily camouflaged, tiny plovers? Graphics from Josmar Esteban Marquez shared all the tips!
click to download as a pdf
During CWC 2023, an abundance of waterbirds were spotted across the region by diligent birders, young and old, as they kept their eyes peeled for the elusive Plover! Some of the wonderful waterbirds seen on our 2023 census included a white-morph Great Blue Heron on Bonaire (a rare sight outside Florida and Cuba); a diverse gathering of shorebirds on Cuba (including Dunlins, Sanderlings, Short-billed Dowitchers, Least and Western Sandpipers, Semipalmated and Wilson’s Plovers and many others); and and some ducks enjoying some winter sun on Jamaica (including Green-winged Teals, Ring-necked Ducks, and Lesser Scaups).
Survey team in Cuba searching for Piping Plovers during CWC2023. (Photo by Daniela Ventura)
Looking for landbirds…
After the volcanic eruption of April, 2021, St. Vincent’s landbirds, especially two vulnerable endemic species, the threatened St. Vincent Parrot, and endangered Whistling Warbler, faced new dangers—both in the short and long term. We thought it fitting to continue building the capacity of Caribbean conservationists to identify and monitor landbirds using standardized survey protocols.
Thanks to funding from theCritical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and BirdsCaribbean members, partners and donors, we organized a Landbird Monitoring Workshop on St. Vincent with 24 participants, including from neighboring islands(Grenada, St. Lucia, and Montserrat).
Participants and facilitators of the Caribbean Landbird Monitoring Workshop at Montreal Gardens, St Vincent.
Demonica Brown and Maya Wilson assemble the Motus antenna. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Bob and Maya constructing the base frame. (Photo by Demonica Brown)
Grand Bahama Motus Installation team: Lisa Sorenson, Todd Alleger, Bradley Pinder, Cesar Montero, Maya Wilson, Demonica Brown and, David Cooper. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Maya and Todd checking cables. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Demonica and Bob Davies digging the hole for the base of the tower at the Lucayan National Park. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
Cesar and Todd attaching the antenna to the Motus tower at the Lucayan National Park. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
We were out and about again! Celebrating our beautiful endemics
Did you know we now have 180 endemic birds in the Caribbean region? And we celebrated these one-of-a-kind birds during our Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) from April 22 to May 22, 2023—with a special emphasis on water conservation. What would our birds (and we humans) do without water? With the increased heat (it was a very hot summer) we may have seen our birds drinking at bird baths—they get thirsty like we do! With the climate change crisis pressing on us, this was a very important theme to emphasize, and our partners across the region took it on enthusiastically.
A young girl plays a bird game during the CEBF festivities as a member of the Luis-Munos Marin Foundation looks on. (Photo by Eliezer Nieves Rodriguez)
Students help plant native trees for birds and other wildlife at the National Botanical Garden.
Birding along L’Anse Aux Epines road, Grenada. (Photo by Gaea Conservation Network)
Felix Raul Figueroa, photographer and member of Grupo Ecología de Aves, looks on as students from Ciénaga de Zapata color the Cuban Parrot. (Photo by Grupo de Ecología de Aves)
Ashy-faced Owl, Dominican Republic. (Photo by Jay McGowan- Macaulay Library-ML162362421)
Yaritza Bobonis with Lola the Puerto Rican Parrot mascot. (Photo by Fundación Amigos De El Yunque)
Information about the festival and endemic birds of Cuba was shared via radio interviews.
Children and ARC Conservation members wear their hand crafted masks.
Jamaican Mango, perched. (Photo by Clive Daelman)
A Conservation Opportunity member sensitises participants about the threats posed by marine pollution. (Photo by Conservation Opportunity)
In 2023, the CEBF once again hosted in-person events and the response was tremendous—over 10,000 persons participated from The Bahamas down to Trinidad and Tobago! Our citizen scientists of all ages were out in numbers, with mangrove explorations, BirdSleuth Caribbean’s learning activities, school visits, habitat cleanups, art workshops, a birding for kids excursion, and even a floating classroom field trip!
On the Caribbean Birding Trail in Turks and Caicos
As the year-end drew closer, discovery, learning, and empowerment were words that came to mind during the Caribbean Birding Trail (CBT) Interpretive Guide Training Workshop in Turks and Caicos Islands, which took place from October 23 to 27, 2023. Twenty-four participants were trained in the Islands’ beautifully unique environment during an intensive five-day workshop. The trail now includes 138 birding sites and ten hotels and eco-lodges in 24 countries—all combining amazing birding experiences with learning and information on ecosystems, cultural and natural heritage, and more.
Beny leads the group along the Bird Rock Point Trail. Several field trips throughout the week allowed participants to get acquainted with TCI’s best birding sites! (Photo by Christel Mohammed)
Tangles of red mangrove prop roots at Wheeland Pond. This extensive wetland is a haven for birdlife and a true shorebirder’s delight!
Flamingo Pond is a must-visit spot for American Flamingo lovers! Depending on the time of the year, flocks at this wetland on North Caicos can number in the thousands!
Class is in session! 24 participants from a range of backgrounds formed our CBT TCI cohort.
Ecotour guide and participant Geneile Robinson thumbs through her Birds of the West Indies field guide while distinguishing between waterbirds!
Lisa gives the class one of the toughest pop quizzes of all! How many different species of shorebirds are in the picture?
Participant and Biology teacher Amanda Brittain consults her Seabirds of the Caribbean card for gull ID support.
Rick’s demonstration of an interpretive talk where he played the role of a hammock salesman was so transportive that the class was convinced that he really was trying to hawk them hammocks for a while!
This was our seventh CBT training. We are deeply thankful to our Turks and Caicos sponsors—the Sandals Foundation, the Turks and Caicos National Trust, Darwin Plus Initiative, the Turks and Caicos Department of Environment and Coastal Resources, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Marshall Reynolds Foundation, Shika Shika, and Vortex Optics.
Bonding over Bird Banding! Workshop #2 in the Dominican Republic
Bird banding is an essential component of birding science worldwide. It is a complex and technical issue that requires longer training sessions. We returned to the Dominican Republic again in March of last year (the location of this year’s International Conference), continuing our work of nurturing a committed community of trained banders. The response from our highly intelligent group of trainees was enthusiastic.
Participants learned to set up and close mist nets during the workshop. (Photo by Josh Covill)
Participants at the banding workshop, earlier this year, in the Dominican Republic. (Photo by Joshua Covill)
Daniela Ventura del Puerto (Cuba) provides instruction on bird molt to workshop participants Giselle Raganoonan (Trinidad) and Elvin Manual Vargas Estevez (Dominican Republic).
Caribbean bird banders have gone abroad!
We sent some of our bird banders off to the United States and Brazil for immersive banding experiences. The interns reported back to us (Grenadian Zoya Buckmire at Klamath Bird Observatory in Oregon, Puerto Rican Dayamiris Candelario at Willistown Conservation Trust in Pennsylvania) on their exploration of new landscapes, new ecosystems—and, of course, new birds! We would like to thank all our partner organizations and generous donors who supported these internships. Once again, we were happy to add new dimensions to our young trainees’ experiences, so they may return to their countries to establish new programs and projects. Empowerment is key!
Seabirds under pressure
Despite a range of challenges, our dynamic Seabird Working Group has been addressing the critical state of Caribbean seabirds for some time now. The first-ever Caribbean-wide Seabird Census is ongoing, for 2023 and 2024. Over 300,000 pairs of breeding seabirds have already been counted at over 58 sites! Caribbean seabirds, like those in other areas of the world, are threatened by human activities—including pollution (especially plastics), climate change, invasive species, and unsustainable fishing practices. The Census continues! Please contribute your thoughts and findings, watch the webinar updates, and follow the admirable work of our Seabird Working Group this year!
Map 1: Countries participating in the Caribbean Seabird Census. Note that for large countries, the whole country is colored even though only a few localized sites may be censused.
Juliana Coffey identifying seabirds with seabird patrol volunteers, Union Island. (Alison DeGraff Ollivierre)
Grenadines Guardians seabird survey. (Photo by Juliana Coffey)
Magnificent Frigatebird nesting colony. (Photo: Jeff Gerbracht)
Masked Booby adult and chick. (Photo by Ann Sutton)
More direct funding for research and conservation work!
From combating the illegal bird trade in Cuba, to surveys of our most endangered endemic Caribbean hawk in Haiti, thanks to our grant awards, 10 innovative new projects are helping us to protect and learn more about the region’s understudied birds and habitats! Stay tuned for our upcoming blogs sharing exciting project results and accomplishments.
The 2023 cohort of grantees under our three named awards, the David S. Lee Fund for the Conservation of Caribbean Birds, the Betty Petersen Conservation Fund, and the new James A. Kushlan Research and Conservation Fund.
Have we forgotten something? Oh, yes…
Last but by no means least, Global Big Day 2023 was another huge success, with increased numbers of Caribbean birders participating. Our region saw more birds (a total of 515 species) and more humans (511 posting on eBird) than on any other Global Big Day. Once again, competition among our teams was heated—and once again, our Executive Director Lisa Sorenson’s multinational “Flying Pintails” dominated! Hmmm…
NOTE: Please remember to record ALL your bird sightings, whether in your backyard or out on a birding excursion, on eBird Caribbeanvia their website or phone app. Your bird notes make a difference in helping scientists identify the “what, when, how many, and where” of our region’s birds!
Networking is key…
As you can see, building and strengthening networks across the region has always been a significant part of our work, and it was the same in 2023. Our network of scientists (including citizen scientists), students, educators, non-governmental and community organizations, as well as nature-friendly companies and government entities, continues to grow.
Talking birds: Justin Saunders lends a listening ear to a young birder. (Photo by Stuart Reeves)
Daniela and Elvin take a closer look at a bird’s wing while another participant John Holas looks on. (Photo by Josh Covill)
Yvan Satge discusses birds at sea with fishermen. (Photo by Jacob Gonzalez-Solis)
María Paulino hosts a group discussion with students at the National Botanical Garden.
Levardo, Estefania, and Junel discuss the finer points of binocular adjustment.
In addition to the Caribbean Bird Banding Network, the Caribbean Motus Collaboration, and the Caribbean Landbird Monitoring Network, we are also building a vibrant group of trained interpretive guides through the Caribbean Birding Trail. This person-to-person aspect of our work is important for knowledge-sharing, interaction, and “comparing notes” with each other. A great deal of teamwork goes into all these endeavors, as you can see from our reports. All of this creates a positive and nurturing environment. We have great faith in our newly-trained Caribbean citizens, who are both enthusiastic and action-oriented. They want to see progress and improvements for our wonderful birds and their habitats.
We look forward to keeping in touch with you all! Here’s to 2024!
A huge thank you to all of our members, partners, and donors. This work would not be possible without your dedication, passion, hard work, and financial support.
BirdsCaribbean brings you highlights from the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology in our feature “Just Published in JCO”. Here, Zoya Buckmire, the Lead Copy Editor for the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology, gives us a behind-the-scenes look at various research on the Critically Endangered and endemic Ridgway’s Hawk.
The Ridgway’s Hawk is one of the most critically endangered raptors in the world with fewer than 400 individuals remaining. It is endemic to Hispaniola. (Photo by Dax Román)
Few things are more exciting than the rediscovery of a once-extirpated species, and the case of the Ridgway’s Hawk (Buteo ridgwayi) is no exception! This Critically Endangered raptor is endemic to Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), but despite its historically widespread distribution, it had not been spotted in Haiti since 1962. A chance encounter on one of Haiti’s satellite islands prompted hope and a follow-up study as Anderson Jean and colleagues sought to confirm their suspected sighting of the species. Thus began an epic scavenger hunt to rediscover this unique hawk on the Haitian side of Hispaniola! The authors shared a behind-the-scenes look at their discovery and their ongoing work to conserve the Ridgway’s Hawk.
Map showing current known Ridgway’s Hawk distribution on Hispaniola. (Map by Leah Dunn of The Peregrine Fund)
The first sighting in 2019 was entirely by chance—or rather, by fate. Anderson Jean andMaxon Fildorwere conducting a rapid ornithological assessment of Les Cayemites, two islands off the southwestern coast of Haiti, as part of a baseline study for the recently declared Baradères-Cayemites protected area. They were compiling information on the terrestrial vertebrates present to inform the management plan for the region. It was then that they spotted two raptors in flight—rushing to document what they could, they speedily took pictures, videos, and audio recordings to aid in identification. One of those two birds was later identified as a juvenile Ridgway’s Hawk, the first sighting of the species in Haiti in over 50 years, and the first sighting for Les Cayemites in over a century.
Juvenile Ridgway’s Hawk spotted by Anderson Jean and colleagues on Petite Cayemite. (Photo by Anderson Jean)
Adult female Ridgway’s Hawk with a green vine snake on Petite Cayemite. (Photo by Thomas Hayes)
With this confirmation, the authors returned the following year with a purpose, partnering with The Peregrine Fund to conduct systematic surveys on the Baradères Peninsula and both Petite and Grande Cayemite. Between 2020 and 2021, the group detected as many as 19 Ridgway’s Hawks in the region—a veritable population! And not only is a population present, it also has the potential to persist as the birds are breeding.
The authors describe their most memorable moment as the instance, in 2021, when they found two nests on Grande Cayemite for the first time. Whilst the nest was located high in a tree on a weak branch too high and risky to climb, the evidence of breeding was enough. On the smaller cay, Petite Cayemite, they have only observed one breeding pair to date, but that pair has nested every single year since they were spotted in 2019. Another exciting development is that the authors banded their first Ridgway’s Hawk chick in 2023, which will surely provide more insights to this ongoing research.
Ridgway’s Hawk nest in a gumbo limbo tree with a juvenile hawk perched above. (Photo by Anderson Jean)
Ultimately, Jean and colleagues hope that their research will contribute to the body of knowledge on this charismatic species, and help conservationists understand the causes of population decline and to increase the population size in Les Cayemites. They are continuing their search in nearby areas like Pestel, Grand Boukan, and Gonâve Island. Although White et al. did not find any sign of the species in their 2012 raptor survey of Gonave Island, it is possible that Ridgway’s Hawk have recolonized the island in the decade that has since passed. Anderson Jean and his colleagues hope to eventually witness the reintroduction of the species throughout its historical range.
La Gonâve Island, Haiti. (Photo by Justin White)
Amidst this exciting rediscovery in Haiti, on the other side of the island of Hispaniola, another fascinating investigation was underway! Samantha Hagler and colleagues studied the breeding behavior of the species—looking particularly at pre-breeding behavior—observing and recording the birds to gain insights into how they form and strengthen pair bonds. This research supports ongoing conservation efforts to restore the Ridgway’s Hawk population, including a past project by The Peregrine Fund that translocated hawks to create a new population in Punta Cana. Translocating the hawks was a challenge within itself, with initial successes limited by high mortality rates due to power poles near the sites. Dwyer et al. document the creative solutions that had to be used to minimize hawk mortality, leading to eventual success of the program.
Ridgway’s Hawks hatched in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic thanks to The Peregrine Fund’s Assisted Dispersal Program. (Photo by The Peregrine Fund)
Ridgway’s Hawk parent feeding its chick in the nest. (Photo by Dax Román)
At the newly established population in Punta Cana, Hagler et al. tracked three established breeding pairs to compare them (and their behaviors) to the source population in the Los Haitises National Park. Interestingly, pre-breeding behaviors actually differed between the two groups. This could be a function of the populations’ size, density, or different levels of development—and raises even more questions that will be critical to better understanding and conserving the species.
Between these two populations in the Dominican Republic and the newly found population in southwestern Haiti, the future of the Ridgway’s Hawk looks brighter than in previous years. Thanks to the award of a BirdsCaribbean Betty Petersen Conservation Fund grant, Anderson Jean is continuing his urgent work to map and protect Ridgway’s Hawk populations in Haiti. His surveys will be further extended to the larger island of Grand Cayemite. To additionally address anthropogenic threats, the team will initiate an educational campaign directed at local communities, especially schoolchildren and farmers. Outreach materials will be distributed in the communities and a special curriculum will be presented in local schools.
We look forward to further research and reports on this important endangered and endemic raptor, as it provides hope for the conservation of other raptors throughout the Caribbean.
The Journal of Caribbean Ornithology publishes the peer-reviewed science on Caribbean birds and their environment that is so important to inform conservation work. All of the publications are free and open-access.
Demonica Brown and Maya Wilson assembling the Motus antenna. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Our Motus stations are multiplying! Twostations were recently installed in The Bahamas, bringing the total to six stations in just over a year—starting with two in Puerto Rico, followed by one each in Jamaica and Barbados. You may ask, “Remind us what Motus is?” The Motus Wildlife Tracking System, often abbreviated to “Motus” from the Latin word for movement, is an international collaborative research network that uses coordinated automated radio telemetry to facilitate research and education on the ecology and conservation of migratory animals. Put simply, it tracks the movements of small animals and birds in flight.
The Caribbean Motus Collaboration (CMC) aims to fill the geographical gap in the network in the Caribbean. As more stations are added, we will be able to learn more about the movements of migratory birds throughout the islands. It is exciting work! We look forward to a future filled with Motus stations to help us learn more about how to preserve these remarkable species on their journeys. Here, Demonica Brown, Science Officer at The Bahamas National Trust, shares her story of how the first two Bahamian stations were installed, and the impact they will have.
Wildlife backpackers on the move
Flying animals such as birds, bats, and insects are safely captured by trained professionals and “tagged” with tiny, lightweight transmitters that look like miniature backpacks. When these animals fly within the range of receiver stations, detection data is transmitted and added to the database. Motus is a powerful tool that allows researchers to gain a greater understanding of how these species, especially birds, move around.
Kirtland’s Warbler fitted with a lightweight nano-tag. This tiny transmitter lets researchers track the movements of tagged birds, bats, and even large insects with precision across thousands of miles. (Photo by Scott Weidensaul)
The various types of Motus tags that can be attached to animals to track their movement. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
The islands of The Bahamas are popular wintering grounds for many migratory bird species. Similarly to tourists that travel to the Caribbean to escape the cold in their home countries, winter migrants from North America make their way down the eastern coast of the US to our beautiful islands, where many of them remain throughout their non-breeding season (fall through early spring). For some migrants, our islands serve as a stop-over location along their migratory pathway as they make their way further south. Over 300 species have been recorded in The Bahamas, with migratory species accounting for more than half of them.
A male Green-winged Teal ventures across the mud. (Photo by Hemant Kishan)
Palm Warblers were named based on a specimen collected on Hispaniola, but this is far from a ‘tropical’ bird year-round. They are one of the northernmost breeding of all warblers (only the Blackpoll Warbler breeds farther north). (Photo by Ryan Schain Macaulay Library- ML223997711)
In winter Willets can be found on beaches and mudflats, where they use their long bills to probe for food. (Photo by Jesse Gordon)
Four stations slated for three Bahamian islands
Through the Caribbean Motus Collaboration, four new Motus stations will be installed across the country. Two stations will be set up on the northernmost island of Grand Bahama (described here). In the coming months, a third station will be installed on Eleuthera in the central Bahamas and finally, a fourth station on Great Inagua in the south! The installation of these stations is a big step towards better understanding how migratory, resident, and endemic species move throughout our islands and the Caribbean at large. I had the opportunity to assist with Motus tower installations on Grand Bahama, a first for myself.
Cesar and Todd attaching the antenna to the Motus tower at Rand Nature Center. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
Cesar and Todd attaching the antenna to the Motus tower at the Lucayan National Park. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
Since I reside in Nassau (the capital of The Bahamas), located on the island of New Providence, I first needed to get to Grand Bahama. Fortunately, this only required a quick 30-45 minute flight. Upon arrival, I was picked up by Lisa Wildgoose (Rand Nature Center Office Administrator) and headed to drop off my bags at my host home for the next few days. There I met my host Martha Cartwright, a Grand Bahama resident and fellow birder, who graciously welcomed me into her home.
Getting started on Grand Bahama, still feeling Hurricane Dorian’s effects
Lisa and I then made our way to The Rand Nature Center (RNC), one of three national parks on the island. This park protects 100 acres of pine and coppice forest, as well as a freshwater pond, making it a hotspot for birds. There I met with the rest of the Motus installation team, which consisted of Lisa Sorenson (BirdsCaribbean Executive Director), Maya Wilson (BirdsCaribbean Landbird Monitoring Program Manager), Todd Alleger (Northeast Motus Collaboration Installation Expert), and Cesar Montero (Caribbean Motus Collaboration Trainee). Also on hand to assist were two BNT Park Wardens, Bradley Pinder and David Claire. Director of Parks, Ellsworth Weir, provided crucial assistance with procuring supplies and getting all of the shipped Motus equipment out of customs—no small feat!
Grand Bahama Motus Installation team: Lisa Sorenson, Todd Alleger, Bradley Pinder, Cesar Montero, Maya Wilson, Demonica Brown and David Cooper. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
After catching up for a bit, we reviewed plans for the remainder of the week. To get started, Maya, Bradley, and I would start the work at Lucayan National Park (LNP) while the remainder of the team worked on getting additional supplies from the hardware store.
The scenery on the drive along the Grand Bahama Highway was somber. In 2019 Hurricane Dorian had ravaged this island for two full days. Winds of 185 mph, storm surge (up to 23 feet) and salt-water inundation drastically damaged pine, coppice, and mangrove habitats on both Grand Bahama and Abaco. These serve as vital habitats for many bird species, and their destruction resulted in the decreased population of many species including endemics such as the Bahama Swallow, Bahama Warbler (potentially extirpated on GB), and Bahama Nuthatch (potentially extinct). Though this is my second time visiting Grand Bahama post-Hurricane Dorian, it is still a sight to take in, with miles and miles of trees snapped in half. However, it was encouraging to see continued signs of regeneration, especially young pine growing, amongst the vast stretch of dead pine stands.
New pine trees and poisonwood growth after the devastation by Hurricane Dorian in 2019. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
It was hard labor—shovels, buckets, and mixing cement!
After a 25-30 minute drive, we finally arrived at Lucayan National Park (LNP). Established in 1982, this park protects both marine and terrestrial habitats, including one of the world’s longest-charted underwater cave systems. There we were joined by Delores Kellman (BirdsCaribbean Administrative Assistant) and Bob Davies (BNT volunteer), who generously offered to assist. The station was going to be located on the back of the rebuilt LNP Gift Shop, and our first task was to dig the hole for the base of the station. Pickaxes and shovels in hand, the team quickly got to digging.
Taking turns to dig the hole for the base of the tower behind the Lucayan National Park Gift Shop. (Photo by Demonica Brown)
Delores Kellman helps Maya to dig the hole for the base. (Photo by Demonica Brown)
Demonica and Bob Davies digging the hole for the base of the tower at the Lucayan National Park. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
About a quarter of the way down, we were met with a slight issue—our hole quickly started to fill with groundwater! This resulted in us needing to bail out buckets of water multiple times throughout the morning. After reaching an acceptable depth, the team worked on creating the frame that would hold the concrete when poured. With a few fittings to the hole, leveling, and other necessary adjustments, the frame was finally set and the 5-ft Rohn section (first section of the tower) was added and stabilized.
Water in the hole! The hole for the base of the tower filled with water. (Photo by Demonica Brown)
Delores bailing water from the hole. (Photo by Demonica Brown)
We returned to LNP the following morning to continue working on the station. While waiting on the equipment needed to complete the base, the team worked on assembling the antennas for the tower and preparing the cables. Three antennas for each of the 2 standard radio frequencies used by the Motus network were assembled, for a total of six antennas. This process was simple and went by quickly with everyone helping out. As the Motus expert, Todd gave each antenna a final look to ensure that everything was in place! Once complete, we resumed work on the base of the tower. With the 5-ft Rohn base section secured in place, it was time to add cement to set it in place for good. Mixing cement by hand can be a laborious task, but thankfully we had the help of a mixer which made the process easier. Many bags of cement later, we were ready to pour!
Bob and Maya constructing the base frame. (Photo by Demonica Brown)
Many bags of cement are needed to build a sturdy base for the Motus tower. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Pouring cement into the mixer. (Photo by Demonica Brown)
“Many bags of cement later, we were ready to pour.” (Photo by Demonica Brown)
Todd and Cesar ensures the tower is placed at the center of the base. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Lisa and Maya assembling one of the antennae for the tower. (Photo by Demonica Brown)
Todd and Cesar check the antenna before it is attached to the tower. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Base beautifully decorated with flowers and plants. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
While the rest of the team finished preparing the base, Lisa and I worked on collecting leaves and flowers of native plants, which were gently pressed into the top of the wet cement. With the cement successfully poured, and beautifully adorned, all it needed was time to dry. We finished off the remainder of the day at the Rand Nature Centre, where we prepared for the station installation the following day.
Demonica and Lisa with the various plants they collected to adorn the tower base at Lucayan National Park. (Photo by Demonica Brown)
A birding break…
I started my final day with the team with one of my favorite hobbies: birding! Martha planned a morning tour and led us to a few birding spots on the island, including Dover Sound and Barbery Beach. Perfect weather allowed us the opportunity to record about 27 species in total, including an unexpected lifer sighting for myself (Purple Martin). Overall, the morning was a success! We also were fortunate enough to spot five Bahama Swallows near a cell tower along the Grand Bahama Highway on our way to LNP to pick up supplies. Eventually, it was time to get back to work and continue work on the RNC station.
The group pauses to take a selfie while birdwatching at Barbery Beach, Grand Bahama. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Martha Cartwright and Cesar Montero searching for Wilson’s Plovers at Barbery Beach, Grand Bahama. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Martha, Cesar, Demonica, Maya and Todd birding at Barbery Beach, Grand Bahama. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Bahama Swallow swoops low to the ground. (Photo by Brendan Fogarty)
…Then, back to work!
At RNC, I assisted with preparing the remaining antennas and cables for the station. Once assembled, colored coordinated electrical tape was added to antennas of the same frequencies and then down the cables for ease of reference when installing them to the mast and connecting to the receiver. Finally, it was time to erect the Rohn tower onto the base plate that was secured onto the existing concrete near the main entrance of the building. Once set in place and secured with bolts, it was then bracketed to the building for extra security. The next steps would then be to attach the antennas and coaxial cables and connect them to the receivers.
Entrance to the Rand Nature Center, Grand Bahama. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Maya and Todd checking cables. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Motus station receiver with attached cables. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Motus tower set up complete at Rand Nature Center, Grand Bahama. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
And the work continued…
Eventually, my time with the team came to an end and it was time to return home. The Motus team, however, kept hard at work and completed both installations before departing that weekend!
It is exciting to have these towers set up. I am looking forward to the data that will be collected and the research they will help to advance. In fact, the station at Lucayan National Park has already detected a migratory shorebird—a Semi-palmated Sandpiper that was tagged in Quebec, Canada! I am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to assist with this amazing work and to have the ability to see first-hand the work that goes into these installations. I would like to give a special thank you to BirdsCaribbean for including me in this work and to Martha Cartwright for her hospitality!
Semipalmated Sandpiper (Photo by Sipke Stapert)
Demonica Brown is an early-career environmental scientist serving as a Science Officer at the Bahamas National Trust. In her current role, she focuses on avian and terrestrial matters in which she executes multiple bird-related projects involving monitoring migratory and resident birds. Understanding the importance of protected areas to these species, she is passionate about conservation and collecting valuable data that can also further aid in their management. She hopes to pursue a master’s in wildlife and environmental conservation and to conduct much-needed research on local threatened, endangered, and endemic bird species.
BirdsCaribbean thanks our members and donors who made the installation of these two Motus stations possible, including the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Action Fund and American Bird Conservancy (ABC). A huge thank you to Cesar Montero, and to Todd Alleger and the Northeast Motus Collaboration for their ongoing support (Todd now works as the Atlantic Flyway Motus Technical Coordinator with ABC). Thanks also to Martha Cartwright, Delores Kellman, and the BNT staff and volunteers who assisted in getting these stations up. Finally, much gratitude to Ed Gates and the late Erika Gates for supporting our crew on this visit with accommodations, transportation, and delicious meals. We dedicate these two new stations to the memory of Erika Gates, who was always striving to advance bird knowledge, awareness, and conservation in Grand Bahama and the Caribbean.
BirdsCaribbean is excited to invite applications to participate in a 5-day training workshop focused on bird banding, an important tool for research and monitoring! Through a blend of classroom and field-based activities, participants will learn about the basics of bird banding—from setting up a mist-net to examining molt patterns. We’ll also discuss and demonstrate some of the benefits of joining our new Caribbean Bird Banding Network. We’re very excited to take our bird banding workshop to the Lesser Antilles this year! In partnership with Gaea Conservation Network and the Grenada Fund for Conservation, the workshop will take place in Grenada, from March 7-11, 2024.
Why do we need to band birds?
A Cuban Tody wearing a BirdsCaribbean band about to be released. (Photo by Daniela Ventura)
Bird surveys, like those we will cover in our upcoming Landbird Monitoring Training Workshop, provide valuable information about bird communities. Bird banding is another tool that can give us deeper insight into how our birds are doing. By individually marking and assessing birds in the hand, we can collect data that can tell us about their demography and health, including:
Looking at fat scores and weights to assess the body condition of birds in different habitats and at different times of the year, which in turn sheds light on the quality of the habitats these birds are using;
Aging birds using plumage to investigate demographic patterns;
Using recapture records to learn about survivorship and longevity;
Assessing the presence or absence of breeding characteristics to better understand the timing of breeding and life history for many of our understudied Caribbean endemics; and
Finding out which migratory routes our shared birds are taking, and gaining a better understanding of factors influencing survival and longevity of species.
Over the long-term, banding can also help us understand patterns and trends in bird populations, to aid in their management and conservation.
About the workshop
This workshop is the third annual Caribbean Bird Banding (CBB) Training Workshop. It will cover many of the same topics explored in our previous CBB Training workshops held in The Bahamas (March 2022) and the Dominican Republic (March 2023). The workshop is designed for Caribbean wildlife professionals and volunteers who are interested in gaining more experience with bird banding. Prior banding experience is not required. However, priority will be given to applicants who are likely to continue training to gain the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to initiate avian research and/or banding programs on their home islands.This workshop will focus on banding landbirds. We hope to provide banding training opportunities for other bird groups in the future.
The purpose of the workshop is to:
Provide participants with a basic understanding of bird banding techniques and best practices.
Discuss what it takes to set-up and run a bird banding station.
Prepare participants for additional bird banding training and potential North American Banding Council (NABC) certifications (bander, trainer) in the future.
Share information about the other training opportunities, resources, and community available through the CBB Network.
Daniela Ventura del Puerto (Cuba) provides instruction on bird molt to workshop participants Giselle Ragoonanan (Trinidad) and Elvin Manual Vargas Estevez (Dominican Republic).
Several NABC-certified trainers will share their knowledge in the classroom, at the mist-net, and at the banding table, covering topics like:
Proper set-up and placement of a mist-net
Extracting birds from mist-nets using the body-grasp technique
Starting a banding station
Bird first-aid and safety
Bird banding ethics and basics
Using bird banding for education and public demonstrations
Aging birds using both WRP and Howell-Pyle terminology
Molt patterns
Bird banding is a complex skill to learn. This workshop is intended to be a starting point, and participants should not expect to leave the workshop with the necessary qualifications to band birds independently. To become fully immersed and practice what was learned at the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to be considered for a bird banding internship at one of several partner bird observatories.
In an effort to decrease the amount of time spent in the classroom, some workshop sessions will be held virtually prior to the in-person workshop. These virtual sessions will also be made available to a wider audience. Stay tuned for more information!
Funding and Logistics
We aim to include approximately 15 participants in this workshop. BirdsCaribbean has funding for a limited number of need and merit-based scholarships to cover the costs of travel and participation. Participants who are able to contribute all or part of their costs can help us enhance the workshop content and allow us to include additional participants/trainers. We encourage applications from all candidates who are well-suited to make use of this training, regardless of their financial ability. Participants should plan to arrive in Grenada on March 6th and depart on March 12th.
Participants at our Caribbean Bird Banding Workshop held in the Dominican Republic earlier this year. (Photo by Joshua Covill)
If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please fill out this form by 22 December 2023.
BirdsCaribbean would like to thank J.C. Fernández-Ordóñez for the Spanish translation.
Oportunidad de Capacitación: Taller de Anillamiento de Aves en el Caribe
BirdsCaribbean se complace en invitarle a participar de un taller de capacitación de 5 días centrado en el anillamiento de aves, una importante herramienta para la investigación y el seguimiento. A través de una combinación de actividades de aula y de campo, los participantes aprenderán los fundamentos del anillamiento de aves, desde la instalación de una red de niebla hasta el examen de los patrones de muda. También discutiremos y demostraremos algunos de los beneficios de unirse a nuestra nueva Red de Anillamiento de Aves del Caribe. Estamos muy contentos de llevar nuestro taller de anillamiento de aves a las Antillas Menores este año. En colaboración con Gaea Conservation Network y el Fondo de Granada para la Conservación, el taller tendrá lugar en Granada del 7 al 11 de marzo de 2024.
¿Por qué necesitamos anillar aves?
Los estudios sobre aves, como los que trataremos en nuestro próximo taller de capacitación sobre seguimiento de aves terrestres, proporcionan información valiosa sobre las comunidades de aves. El anillamiento de aves es otra herramienta que puede darnos una visión más profunda de cómo están nuestras aves. Marcando y evaluando individualmente a las aves en la mano, podemos recopilar datos que nos informen sobre su demografía y salud, entre otros:
Observar las puntuaciones de grasa y los pesos para evaluar la condición corporal de las aves en diferentes hábitats y en diferentes épocas del año, lo que a su vez arroja luz sobre la calidad de los hábitats que estas aves están utilizando;
Envejecimiento de las aves mediante el plumaje para investigar patrones demográficos;
Utilización de registros de recaptura para conocer la supervivencia y la longevidad;
Evaluar la presencia o ausencia de características reproductoras para comprender mejor el momento de la reproducción y el ciclo biológico de muchas de nuestras endémicas caribeñas poco estudiadas; y
Averiguar qué rutas migratorias siguen nuestras aves compartidas y comprender mejor los factores que influyen en la supervivencia y longevidad de las especies.
A largo plazo, el anillamiento también puede ayudarnos a comprender las pautas y tendencias de las poblaciones de aves para contribuir a su gestión y conservación.
Sobre el taller
Este taller es el tercer Taller Anual de Capacitación en Anillamiento de Aves en el Caribe (CBB). Cubrirá muchos de los mismos temas explorados en nuestros talleres previos de Entrenamiento en CBB llevados a cabo en Las Bahamas (marzo 2022) y República Dominicana (marzo 2023). El taller está diseñado para profesionales y voluntarios de la vida silvestre del Caribe que estén interesados en adquirir más experiencia en el anillamiento de aves. No se requiere experiencia previa en anillamiento. Sin embargo, se dará prioridad a los solicitantes que tengan posibilidades de seguir formándose para adquirir los conocimientos, habilidades y experiencia necesarios para iniciar programas de investigación y/o anillamiento de aves en sus islas de origen. Este taller se centrará en el anillamiento de aves terrestres. Esperamos ofrecer oportunidades de formación en anillamiento para otros grupos de aves en el futuro.
El propósito del taller es:
Proporcionar a los participantes una comprensión básica de las técnicas de anillamiento de aves y las mejores prácticas.
Discutir lo que se necesita para montar y dirigir una estación de anillamiento de aves.
Preparar a los participantes para formación adicional en anillamiento de aves y posibles certificaciones del Consejo Norteamericano de Anillamiento (NABC) (anillador, formador) en el futuro.
Compartir información sobre otras oportunidades de formación, recursos y comunidad disponibles a través de la Red CBB.
Varios formadores certificados por la NABC compartirán sus conocimientos en el aula, en la red de niebla y en la mesa de anillamiento, abordando temas como:
Montaje y colocación correctos de una red de niebla
Extracción de aves de las redes de niebla mediante la técnica de agarre del cuerpo
Puesta en marcha de una estación de anillamiento
Primeros auxilios y seguridad de las aves
Ética y fundamentos del anillamiento de aves
Uso del anillado de aves para educación y demostraciones públicas
Envejecimiento de aves utilizando terminología WRP y Howell-Pyle
Patrones de muda
El anillamiento de aves es una habilidad compleja de aprender. Este taller pretende ser un punto de partida, y los participantes no deben esperar salir del taller con las calificaciones necesarias para anillar aves de manera independiente. Para sumergirse por completo y poner en práctica lo aprendido en el taller, los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de ser tenidos en cuenta para unas prácticas de anillamiento de aves en uno de los varios observatorios de aves asociados.
En un esfuerzo por reducir el tiempo de permanencia en el aula, algunas sesiones del taller se celebrarán virtualmente antes del taller presencial. Estas sesiones virtuales también se pondrán a disposición de un público más amplio. Esté atento para más información.
Financiación y logística
Nuestro objetivo es contar con aproximadamente 15 participantes en este taller. BirdsCaribbean cuenta con financiación para un número limitado de becas basadas en la necesidad y el mérito para cubrir los costes de viaje y participación. Los participantes que puedan contribuir con la totalidad o parte de sus costes pueden ayudarnos a mejorar el contenido del taller y permitirnos incluir más participantes/formadores. Animamos a presentar solicitudes a todos los candidatos que estén en condiciones de aprovechar esta formación, independientemente de su capacidad financiera. Los participantes deberán prever su llegada a Granada el 6 de marzo y su salida el 12 de marzo.
Si está interesado en participar en este taller, complete este formulario antes del 22 de diciembre de 2023.
Hundreds of thousands of migratory shorebirds are already on the move, and we are getting ready to celebrate World Shorebirds Day 2023! Diverse habitats and food supply make the Caribbean an attractive destination for shorebirds and a veritable birders’ paradise, so why not take part in the Global Shorebird Count this year? BirdsCaribbean has everything you need to help you #ShowUpForShorebirds (and show out!) in the best possible way.
World Shorebirds Day is held every year on September 6. This day celebrates shorebirds, their magnificent migration journeys, and most importantly, raises awareness of the threats they face and actively promotes their monitoring and conservation. The key event associated with this day is the Global Shorebird Count (GSC), September 1-7.
Across the Caribbean (and the entire globe!), groups of birders will be out looking for and counting shorebirds and recording what they find on eBird Caribbean. Some birders will go out in ones and twos; others in small groups. Wherever you are, whoever you are with, or even if you are on your own—we welcome your participation and contribution to citizen science.
This year, we have a special mission for you: we are asking you to do more than one count if possible. Read on to find out why.
Why should you #ShowUpForShorebirds?
The answer is that our migratory shorebirds are more vulnerable than ever, threatened by human activities such as destruction of their habitats, pollution, disturbance, and climate change. Recent analyses show that shorebirds in North America are declining more than any other group of birds; in fact, more than half of 28 species studied were estimated to have lost more than 50% of their abundance in the last 30 years.
Least Sandpiper – a common migrant to the Caribbean; this one has stopped for a rest in St. Maarten (photo by Binkie van Es)
The Caribbean is an important region for migratory shorebirds. They rely on our mangroves, salt ponds, beaches, sand flats, and mud flats to rest and refuel as they continue on their long migrations, or they may spend the entire winter with us.
The Global Shorebird Count helps map the distribution of shorebirds during migration and record their numbers. This data is essential to help us identify and protect key stopover and/or wintering habitats that shorebirds use. Protecting these habitats benefits people too because healthy coastal areas provide vital ecosystem services such as clean water, food, sustainable livelihoods, protection from storm surge, and much more.
Thanks to the great work you all are doing in gathering data through the Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) and the Global Shorebird Count, the importance of this region for waterbirds and shorebirds is becoming better understood at a rapid rate. However, scientists are telling us that to further document numbers and long-term trends, more frequent monitoring data are needed, especially during migration. Thus, this year we invite you to visit your nearby shorebird sites and carry out 2 or 3 counts a month during migration season (August-October), ideally a week to 10 days apart. If you’re able to do this, bravo, and thank you! Your efforts will help us learn much more about shorebirds in the Caribbean—you’ll be doubling or tripling your impact for shorebirds.
We can’t do it alone
Individuals, groups and communities must come together to conserve shorebirds and the habitats we both depend upon. This is why we need you to join the GSC to help count shorebirds, invite others, and share how awesome shorebirds are. You may even discover new or rare birds on your islands! Feel free to use our cool graphics to promote World Shorebirds Day (see below), and invite your friends and family to count shorebirds too.
We’ll be here to help you every step of the way.
Grupo Acción Ecológica members counting shorebirds in the Dominican Republic. (Photo by Maria Paulino).
Fernando Simal surveying shorebirds. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad-Working on bird ID during a bird count.
Orisha Joseph and her team counting waterbirds at Belmont Salt Pond, Union Island, St Vincent and the Grenadines.
Where to find shorebirds?
Where should you look for shorebirds? The simple answer is: anywhere there is water. This means that, as their name suggests, you can find them at the beach and on other types of shorelines. However, some shorebirds will be further inland, including in salt ponds and salinas, freshwater pools, agricultural fields, and at brackish marshes and ponds. Shorebirds will also gather on mud flats, in mangrove areas, and on tidal flats.
Wild Cow Run Beach, Middle Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands (Photo by Craig Watson)
You may not be quite sure of the best places to look in your area. If so, why not take a look for ‘hotspots’ at your local wetlands on eBird. Just click on ‘Explore’ on the eBird Caribbean site, and find ‘Explore Hotspots.’ You can open hotspots on a map and then click on a hotspot to see what types of birds have been seen there recently.
A view across the newly created wetlands and coastline at Walkers Reserve in Barbados. (Photo by Shae Warren, WIRRED)
How to participate in the count
Have an eBird account
eBird Caribbean is a critical tool for tracking and understanding bird migration and population changes—never more so than for our shorebirds. If you do not have an account, it is easy to register—here’s a quick guide to enter eBird data online.Check out our helpful video here on how to use eBird and Merlin.There is even a free eBird Essentials course to get you fully oriented. Download the free mobile app for recording your data in the field. Recording your findings on eBird is not only satisfying and enjoyable, but you are directly contributing to the global knowledge base of birds—what, when, and wherever they are to be found.
If you need help with or have questions about eBird checklists or with setting up an eBird account, do contact Alex Sansom:
Count shorebirds
Visit your local sites where shorebirds occur and do a count. Record all the species you see and/or hear (including other non-shorebird species; see below) and how many individuals of each species. We recommend spending a minimum of 6 to 10 minutes at each site (longer if there are a lot of birds) and scanning the entire area carefully with your binoculars to detect birds, which can easily blend into their surroundings (mud, water, vegetation, etc.). Be sure to record the start time and duration of your count if you’re using a notebook (the ebird mobile app will do this for you). Start a new checklist each time you change locations.
A mixed shorebird flock seen during Roots & Shoots CWC survey, Puerto Rico. (Photo by Miguel Angel Rivera)
Count shorebirds on as many different locations as you can during the Global Shorebird Count period (1-7 Sept). Then, if possible, repeat your counts at these same sites 2 or 3 times a month during fall migration (August through October). Repeated counts will greatly add to our knowledge of shorebird movements and migration patterns!
Note that shorebirds are a type of waterbird. So, any counts you do at wetlands, mangroves, mud flats, coastal areas or beaches at any time of year count as Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) counts. When you do your counts please choose one of the CWC protocols in the eBird app or when you submit or edit your data online. When you are using the mobile app make sure that you are using the eBird Caribbean Portal. To check or change the portal you are using, go into your settings on the app and look for “Portal” and select “eBird Caribbean.”
Each time you complete a checklist, be sure to share it with ebird username worldshorebirdsday. This will ensure that your checklists are included in data analyses for the Global Shorebird Count.
Coral Aviles listing birds on eBird, Blassina Canal Puerto Rico. (Photo by Eliezer Nieves)
Rinse and repeat
As mentioned above, we ask that, if possible, do 2 or 3 counts at your local site or sites per month during fall migration(7 to 10 days apart is ideal). Scientists are telling us that we need more data on shorebird migration through the Caribbean, including which species pass through, how many individuals, the timing of each species’ migration, how long they stopover, where they go next, etc. The best way to get this local and regional data is through repeated counts!
Shorebird ID and FREE resources for the field
We know that Shorebirds can be tricky to identify, and some are especially difficult to tell apart. BirdsCaribbean is here to help you with some useful tools! We have a Shorebird Poster and “Quick ID Guide” to get you started as well as handy Shorebird ID cards that you can download and print featuring common shorebirds of the Caribbean.
Shorebird identification can be tricky but with practice and our ‘Quick ID Guide’ it gets easier. (Photo by Kristy Shortte)
We also have a list of some best practice tips to help make your count go as smoothly as possible. You can download and share this infographic with your fellow birders. When you go out on your survey, a spotting scope or a camera with a good zoom lens, as well as binoculars, will make for very helpful tools. They will help you get a closer look to pick out the identifying features of the birds, without disturbing them. Photos can be looked at and shared later if you have any birds that were difficult for you to identify in the field. Birding colleagues and experts can explain further if they have visual evidence of the bird! (Did we say some are quite tricky to tell apart?)
Promotional graphic templates – feel free to modify for your counts
Promotional Graphics for World Shorebirds Day 2023 are available in English, Spanish and French. We also have ‘Global Shorebird Count Tips’ graphic formatted for Facebook or Instagram . You can add your own logos or event information. Click on each image in the gallery below to enlarge then right click on an enlarged image and ‘save image as’ to download. You can also use these links to Canva to use our promotional graphics as a template (each link contains graphics in all three languages):
While counting shorebirds you may see birds with colourful bands on their legs. Do your best to record the band colors and any numbers or letters paying special attention to the location of the band or bands on the bird’s legs. Binoculars or zoom photography may allow you to clearly see the band colors and the numbers engraved onto the band – if you get a photo you will be able to send it along with your sighting. Look out for bands especially on Piping Plovers, Red Knots, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Semipalmated Plovers, Ruddy Turnstones, and Sanderlings. You can report your sightings and send any photos you have to and the USGS Bird Banding Lab, which oversee all banding in the United States.
Keep a sharp eye out for Piping Plovers, including banded birds!
There are several different projects banding Piping Plovers and if you see a banded Piping Plover you can report it to the correct person using the information below. This also provides a guide to reading the bands and the information that will be useful to send when you report a banded bird. The tips in this guide are useful for any banded birds you see, not just Piping Plovers! You can find out more about reporting banded Piping Plovers from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service here. This 1-page guide is available to download as a pdf here. We also have 2-page version with more information for you to use and share here. And a square infographic that you could share on social media here.
Share your shorebird stories
A Cuban birder takes a selfie with his bike at the beach.
Tag us in your photos on social @birdscaribbean and let us know how your counts are going and what you’e finding!
Use the hashtags #ShowUpForShorebirds #WorldShorebirdsDay2023 #GlobalShorebirdCount2023 #CaribShorebirds #DoubleTheImpact
We love looking at photos of shorebirds, your local wetlands, and smiling faces. We will be excited to share your photos and findings on our Global Shorebird Day wrap-up blog! See our 2022 blog here.
If you’ve got little explorers, be sure to download the following activity* sheets and take them with you to the beach:
Beach Scavenger Hunt. This activity is suitable for children ages 4 to 7 years old. They are asked to find plants and animals at the beach.
Beach Bird Bingo. This activity is suitable for children ages 8 to 12 years old. They are asked to find items on the list four in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally. They do not need to touch or collect any of the items on the list.
Talk about this with your children before beginning any of the activities. They should not touch or collect items on the lists. When observing birds they should speak softly. They do not need to get close to the birds but if they need to, ask them to do so slowly and quietly. You can check off the items (with a pencil or pen), as they are located. When everyone has had a chance to look for the items listed, come back together to chat about what they were able to find or see. For example, why is the bird’s beak long and straight?
*These activities were not designed to teach a child how to name and identify shorebirds but rather to give them space to explore and feel connected to their natural environment. Parents and guardians, you will not need to worry about your own knowledge of birds or plants. All you need to do is accompany and participate with your child in these activities.
The endangered Whistling Warbler, an endemic bird to St. Vincent in need of more monitoring (Photo by Judd Patterson).
In April 2021, La Soufrière Volcano, on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent, erupted for the first time in 42 years. Explosive eruptions and heavy ash fall devastated ecosystems, leaving many species without homes and unable to forage in the wild. St. Vincent’s wildlife, especially endemic landbird species like the threatened St. Vincent Parrot and endangered Whistling Warbler, faced grave peril. The conservation community swiftly formed an emergency group, raising funds and providing much-needed assistance to the Forestry Department working on-the-ground in St. Vincent.
As St. Vincent’s forest regenerates, there is still work to be done to assess the impact of the volcanic eruptions on wildlife populations. A historic lack of research and funding means that there is limited baseline knowledge about the ecology and population status for most of the forest birds on the island. Thanks to funding from theCritical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and BirdsCaribbean members, partners and donors, we have launched a project to build capacity and provide the data needed for long-term landbird species protection. Read on for a second update on this vital work to study and conserve St. Vincent’s unique birds!
Human activities are a threat to the landbirds—and then came the volcano…
Landbirds, as their name implies, spend the majority of their lives on land, and include birds like hummingbirds, raptors, doves, flycatchers, and songbirds. They forage and breed in a variety of habitats in the Caribbean, from gardens, parks, open savannas, and cultivated areas, to scrub and many different types of forests at varying elevations. Many habitats have already been lost, and those remaining are constantly threatened by destruction and degradation from land-based development, cutting of trees for charcoal and timber, and also pollution, invasive species, and climate change. These factors mean that landbird populations, already at risk, experienced another blow to their survival with the eruption of La Soufriére in 2021.
Mesopotamia Valley, one of the most cultivated areas on St Vincent. (Photo by Nandani Bridglal)
How are the landbirds doing now? Enter the CLM Network!
Assessing the status and recovery of endangered wildlife populations is now an urgent priority. In collaboration with the St. Vincent Forestry Department and other partners, we launched the “Conservation of the Endangered Whistling Warbler Project” in April 2022 to monitor the Whistling Warbler and other forest birds, build local landbird monitoring capacity, prepare a Conservation Action Plan for the Whistling Warbler, and raise awareness for landbird species. In January 2023, we held a Caribbean Landbird Monitoring Training Workshop to 1) build local capacity to monitor forest birds using standardized protocols, and 2) establish a long-term monitoring program on St Vincent.
This project is held under the banner of the Caribbean Landbird Monitoring (CLM) Network, through which BirdsCaribbean has been building the capacity of Caribbean conservationists to identify and monitor landbirds. Using these data, we can expand our knowledge of how birds use different habitats in space and time, and enable researchers to assess the status and trends of their populations in relation to habitat, climate, and natural and anthropogenic activities and threats.
Post-eruption clean-up exercise in Hermitage, St. Vincent, on April 2, 2021. (Photo by the SVG Forestry Department)
The elusive and endangered Whistling Warbler. (Photo by Mike Akresh)
The Vulnerable St Vincent Parrot. (Photo by Mike Akresh)
Ash plume on April 9th at 4 PM, the first day of eruptions (photo by Richard Robertson, UWI Seismic Research Centre)
Valley on the Leeward side of St. Vincent showing severe damage to trees and vegetation. (photo by Richard Robertson, UWI Seismic Research Centre)
Under the Caribbean Landbird Monitoring (CLM) Network, BirdsCaribbean has been building the capacity of Caribbean conservationists to identify and monitor landbirds using standardized survey protocols. Using these data, we can expand our knowledge of how birds use different habitats in space and time, and enable researchers to assess the status and trends of their populations in relation to habitat and climate variables. The first CLM Training Workshop was held in the Dominican Republic in February 2022, followed by an introductory workshop in Puerto Rico in July 2022 in conjunction with the AOS-BC meeting. For this workshop, we head to another enchanting Caribbean island, this time in the Lesser Antilles.
Landbird Monitoring takes wing in the Lesser Antilles
St. Vincent (St. Vincent and the Grenadines) is brimming with bird life and is home to legendary species found nowhere else in the world like the St. Vincent Parrot, Whistling Warbler, and the Grenada Flycatcher (also endemic to Grenada). Other beautiful regional endemics include the Antillean Crested Hummingbird, Purple-throated Carib, Lesser Antillean Tanager, Lesser Antillean Euphonia, Brown Trembler, and Rufous-throated Solitaire.
The Grenada Flycatcher is a landbird that is endemic to both St Vincent and Grenada. These two were spotted at the Botanical Gardens of St Vincent and the Grenadines. (Mike Akresh)
The workshop’s content and sessions were facilitated by: Jeff Gerbracht and Ingrid Molina (both from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology), Lystra Culzac-Wilson (Science Initiative for Environmental Conservation and Education – SCIENCE), Glenroy Gaymes (Wildlife Unit, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Forestry Department), Dr. Mike Akresh (Antioch University), Dr. Maya Wilson (BirdsCaribbean), and Dr. Lisa Sorenson (BirdsCaribbean).
During the workshop, 24 Caribbean wildlife professionals representing NGOs and government agencies in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Montserrat, and Grenada learned how to use the Programa de América Latina para las Aves Silvestres (PROALAS) landbird monitoring protocols. These protocols were originally developed in Latin America to survey birds in tropical habitats. We have adopted the methodology (PROALAS Manual, Caribbean version) for our Caribbean Landbird Monitoring Program and are training our local partners in its use.
Group photo of workshop participants and facilitators at Montreal Gardens, St Vincent. (Photo by Timothy Vaughn)
Bountiful Birds at the Botanical Gardens
Curator’s House at the Botanical Gardens of St Vincent and the Grenadines.
The workshop was held in the Curator’s House at the Botanical Gardens, just outside the capital city of Kingstown. At over 250 years old, it is the oldest botanical garden in the Western Hemisphere, and an important conservation site. This is also the location of the Nicholas Wildlife Aviary Complex, which maintains a captive population of the vulnerable St. Vincent Parrot.
This location was perfect for learning, discovery, and practice. The Botanical Gardens and nearby Anglican Pastoral Centre’s small forest patch support a variety of bird species, allowing participants to quickly step out of the classroom to practice carrying out PROALAS point counts and transect surveys. The lessons entailed estimating distance using both stride lengths and range finders, marking survey areas, and recording count data in the eBird app (Caribbean pack). But perhaps the most intense and highly rewarding process for participants was learning to identify the birds around them.
Landbirds are often small busy birds that perch briefly, usually hidden by leaves, before darting off to another tree. Fortunately, participants were guided by local birding veterans Lystra Culzac (Director of local NGO SCIENCE) and Glenroy Gaymes (Chief Wildlife Officer, St Vincent Forestry Department) for these bird identification sessions. They reiterated the importance of using field marks, with help from the Merlin app and the Birds of the West Indies field guide, as well as songs and calls, to correctly identify the birds they spotted.
Forestry Officers (St Vincent and the Grenadines) conducting transect surveys behind Anglican Pastoral Centre.
Ingrid Molina explaining monitoring methods to participants.
Dr Maya Wilson presenting on the importance of monitoring landbirds.
Kayroy Baptiste (Union Island Environmental Alliance) entering data into PROALAS survey sheet during transect survey behind Anglican-Pastoral Centre.
Practice makes perfect
Following several preparatory sessions, including “Bird ID 101,” “Landbirds of St Vincent and the Grenadines,” and “How to Use Binoculars,” the participants headed out to the Botanical Gardens to practice identifying birds. The group’s concentration and determination were palpable! Those working in small groups whispered to each other about the nuances of colors, bill shapes, tail lengths, and other field marks. Others pointed out the different bird calls, another important means to ID forest birds. Some of the more experienced birders in the group even used the opportunity to take their bird knowledge and identification skills to the next level, mentoring less experienced birders and adding “lifer birds” to their personal lists!
Lystra Culzac-Wilson introduces participants to the landbirds found in St Vincent.
Dr Mike Akresh helping participants identify birds at the Botanical Gardens.
Jeff explaining binocular specs to participants.
Participants practicing using their Vortex binoculars. (Photo by Mike Akresh)
Lystra Culzac-Wilson highlighting the differences among species of doves found in St Vincent.
Lystra and participants practice identifying birds in the Botanical Gardens.
Conquering wild terrain and rough weather to master PROALAS in the field
Botanical gardens and reserves in urban landscapes provide refuge for birds and other wildlife. But realistically, most of our poorly studied and threatened species, including the Whistling Warbler, inhabit rugged forested areas. All of the participants are normally tasked in their jobs with traversing rivers and climbing steep hills—often in unpredictable weather. The workshop’s trajectory naturally shifted from practice to on-the-ground application.
Fieldwork over the next several days began with 5 am wake-up calls to catch the bus to the Vermont Nature Trail or Montreal (part of the Central Mountain Range Forest Reserve). Early risers were rewarded with “gram worthy” views of pristine moist forests and lush undulating ridges. At Vermont Nature Trail we were delighted to see and hear St. Vincent Parrots! Here, on narrow slippery trails with dense vegetation on either side, participants had to rely upon their knowledge of the PROALAS protocols and bird identification by sound to yield the best data for their surveys. Participants displayed sheer professionalism and dedication, working together to improve their skills while braving the less than ideal environmental conditions (yes, we had some downpours!). The team discussed survey methods, assigned tasks, and helped each other with bird identification and equipment use.
Stream along the Vermont Nature Trail. (Photo by Mike Akresh)
Amonie Holas (Gaea Conservation Network) using a rangefinder to calculate distance during the survey on Vermont Nature Trail.
Ansaki Roberts (SVD Forestry Department) marking a point count station with flagging tape on the Vermont Nature Trail.
Participants conducting a point count survey at Vermont Nature Trail. (Photo by Maya-Wilson)
View from the parrot observation deck at Vermont Nature Trail. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Participants identifying and recording birds along the Vermont Nature Trail.
St Vincent Parrot quietly perched on a tree, Vermont Nature Trail. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Briefing before start of surveys at Montreal Gardens.
Participants identifying birds with Lystra Culzac-Wilson at Montreal Gardens.
A Purple-throated Carib sitting in her nest was spotted by Lisa at Montreal Gardens. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson).
On the last day we headed to the dry forest on the leeward side of the island at Zion Hill. Along the way we stopped at Buccament and Layou to survey waterbirds for the annual, regional Caribbean Waterbird Census, which was ongoing at the time. Bird identification reached a crescendo when Jeff set up the spotting scope for everyone to get a closer look at the shorebirds. The most popular among the group was an American Oystercatcher! We were all jumping back in line to catch a second look at this snazzy bird with its carrot-like beak.
Buccament Bay, St Vincent.
Jeanette (St Lucia National Trust) and Aloysius (St Lucia Forestry Department) looking for waterbirds at Buccament Bay.
Identifying waterbirds for CWC2023, St-Vincent. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
The Layou River in St. Vincent is an important freshwater site. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Caribbean Waterbird Survey at Layou Bay. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
American Oystercatcher using its unmistakeable red-orange beak to forage.
And the CLM Network grows
After a non-stop week of birding and learning, participants returned to their home countries to start the next phase—designing and implementing their own landbird monitoring programs, educating their communities about local landbirds, and contributing information to an accessible online Caribbean landbird monitoring database. This mass Caribbean capacity building is ultimately what these workshops are about. This type of training enables participants to develop sustainable and homegrown programs in their own countries, laying the groundwork for a future where our endemics can be known and protected through deeper appreciation, ongoing monitoring, comprehensive Conservation Action Plans and policy interventions.
In particular, we are excited to see the St. Vincent Forestry Department lead their own landbird monitoring programs to understand and conserve the St. Vincent Parrot, Whistling Warbler, and other forest birds. In addition, both Forestry and SCIENCE are raising awareness with children and communities about St Vincent’s special endemic birds and how important it is to protect their forest habitats. Stay tuned for further updates reporting on the results of our monitoring and education programs!
Forestry staff and workshop facilitators during a brainstorming session for a landbird monitoring plan for St Vincent, at Montreal Gardens.
Participants shared how their workshop experience would support their own conservation work:
“I am now able to organize a [landbird] monitoring program for my island and use the eBird app.”
“The workshop deepened my understanding of landbird ecology and how to efficiently monitor these birds.”
“I really appreciated being able to connect with other Caribbean conservationists and build my network.”
“The workshop gave us the tools, equipment and knowledge to collect data about landbirds.”
The workshop “provided me with the necessary skills to properly survey a [bird] population.”
“It has increased my understanding of what should and should not be done when monitoring landbirds.”
Acknowledgements: BirdsCaribbean is grateful to the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for funding this Caribbean Landbird Monitoring Training Workshop. We also want to express our deepest appreciation to Mr. Fitzgerald Providence and his staff at the St. Vincent Forestry Department for their help and support, and to Vortex Optics for assistance with binoculars for all participants. Special thanks to our workshop trainers and to all of the participants for an incredible workshop. Finally, we thank BirdsCaribbean members, partners, and donors for your support, which made this work possible.
BirdsCaribbean has years of experience organizing and executing workshops and each one comes with its own unique challenges and opportunities. Here are some of the behind-the-scenes preparations for this CLM Training Workshop.
Getting there
Even though in some cases islands are miles apart, inter-Caribbean travel is rough. Economy flights are expensive between islands because airlines have to pay high taxes at each airport and each airline has fixed flight schedules. This meant some participants had to overnight on another island before flying to St. Vincent or leave St. Vincent a day later. Maya had to be methodical in selecting flights so that everyone got to St. Vincent on time for the start of the workshop. We suggest that Maya add ‘travel agent’ to her CV.
Field Reconnaissance
Workshop facilitators also have to scout for suitable locations for the field sessions. This entails selecting the site, visiting the site, collecting sample data and vetting for safety. During the recon mission at the Anglican Pastoral Centre, our very own member of the Media Working Group, Aliya, slipped and fell down one especially steep part of the trail. Although Glenroy told us “what happens in the forest stays in the forest,” we think it’s too funny not to share. Aliya admits that she is prone to falling but that this event stood out to her because it was “not an abrupt fall I am used to. I slowly slid down the trail and it felt like I was never going to stop!” We hope that Aliya and her legs have since worked out their differences.
Workshop and outreach materials
Flights are expensive and so is shipping to the Caribbean! Every opportunity to meet in-person is an opportunity to share printed materials and equipment. It really would not be a gathering of Caribbean people if suitcases of goods other than clothes were not brought to the event! We used this opportunity to share field guides, binoculars (again, massive thanks to our donors), rolls of flagging tapes, stacks of waterproof notebooks, nest cameras, Endemic Birds of the West Indies coloring books, and stickers.
Rolls of stickers of birds endemic to the Lesser Antilles. Each roll contains 1000 stickers. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Close-up of the Whistling Warbler sticker with the call to “Protect & Love Our Endemic Birds.”
The beautiful stickers were designed by Josmar Esteban Márquez featuring 11 Lesser Antillean gems; Green-throated Carib, Antillean Crested Hummingbird, Bananaquit, Rufous-throated Solitaire, Whistling Warbler, Scaly-breasted Thrasher, Lesser Antillean Tanager, Grenada Flycatcher, Mangrove Cuckoo, and St Vincent Parrot. They were custom-made for use by the various NGOs and government agencies partners during their conservation outreach and education activities at schools and thus bear the name of the bird with a call to “Protect & Love (heart symbol) our endemic birds.”
We underestimated the time it would take to divide and distribute stickers (1000 per roll per species). Since the workshop was coming to an end, we needed all hands-on-deck to cut and package the stickers for each of the NGOs and government agency representatives. Indeed, teamwork makes the dream work! But next time we’ll get a head start.
Workshop facilitators sorting, tearing and packaging stickers for our partners during the workshop.
Stephon and Antwone (Montserrat National Trust) receiving outreach materials from Lisa.
Kristy Shortte (Sustainable Grenadines) receiving outreach materials from Lisa.
Forestry staff receiving outreach materials from Lisa.
Aloysius Charles St. Lucia Forestry Department receiving outreach materials from Lisa.
Ajhermae White Montserrat Department of Environment receiving outreach materials from Lisa.
Kayroy Baptiste and Roxanne Froget (Union-Island Environmental Alliance) receive outreach materials from Lisa.
The annual BirdsCaribbean Seabird Working Group (SWG) newsletter is now available! Catch up on the latest research, conservation, restoration, and education projects happening across the Caribbean – in English, Spanish, and French!
In this issue of the SWG newsletter learn about the ongoing Caribbean Seabird Census and how you can get involved. SWG members have created a suite of resources (webinars, bird ID cards, trendy field apparel, and much more!) to ensure you are well equipped for your seabird census. Visit the Seabird Working Group webpages and our Seabirds Resources page to access these resources.
Click on the images to view and download newsletters in English, Spanish and French.
The newsletter also provides updates on the spread of Avian Influenza in the Caribbean and recent and ongoing regional projects and publications, including a seabird conservation plan for the Cayman Islands, Brown Pelican monitoring project on Sint Maarten, GPS tracking of Red-footed Boobies in St Vincent and the Grenadines, and more.
Also in this issue’s “seabird spotlight” meet Cuban seabird researcher Antonio Garcia Quintas! He is using traditional, modern, and state-of-the-art methods to help us better understand the breeding behavior and requirements of nesting terns and gulls in Cuba.
Interested in connecting with the SWG and its members? Please take advantage of the many avenues for communication described in the newsletter, including their Facebook group, and if you have seabird news to share, let us know! We would love to feature your work in the next issue!
Lastly, the SWG expects that the group will continue to thrive with the support, dedication, and ideas of new members. The SWG welcomes everyone – from experienced researchers to citizen scientists and casual seabird spotters.If you have any questions or are interested in joining, do not hesitate to contact them!
Global Big Day 2023 was another whirlwind of birding, fundraising and fantastic photography! Thank you to all those who took part and for the amazing photos you sent us. We are absolutely delighted to announce all the ‘winners’ of our photography awards. Many of this year’s photos showcase the beauty of Caribbean birds and the ability of our community to build connections across the globe!
If you missed our Global Big Day 2023 report on teams and individual stats –click here
When great people, birds and art combine incredible things can be accomplished. A huge Thank You to everyone, especially our team leaders and generous donors for making Global Big Day 2023 a success. With a record number of teams- 17 – participating, we were able to raise close to $20,000 for our Caribbean Bird Banding Network – amazing!
Photography Award Winners 2023
Best Bird Photo! We especially congratulate this year’s first place winner- Aruba Burrowing Owl by Michiel Oversteegen.
The Second Place Best Bird Photo goes to Cuban Emerald by Roberto Jovel.
The Third Place Best Bird Photo goes to Julian Moore and his image of the Caribbean Elaenia.
An additional 13 categories were awarded to photographers from almost every team and corner of the world.
Most Beautiful Landscape: A wetland in Puerto Rico by Eric Torres Rivera
Urban Birds: White-cheeked Pintail ducklings huddled under a bridge by Michiel Oversteegen
Life in the Wild: Susan Davis on Bonaire captured this exciting confrontation between Brown Pelicans and a pair of Black-necked Stilts, who were determined to defend their nesting territory!
Best GBD Celebratory Drink: Mark Hulme celebrates a great day of birding, being in nature and seeing 106 bird species for the Piping Pawis on Big Day in Trinidad by Alex Sansom.
Best Shorebird: Sanderling, on Aruba by Michiel Oversteegen
Because one shorebird is never enough: Spotted Sandpiper looking determined to get somewhere, perhaps it realizes that it should be migrating north by now! By Susan Davis
Youngest GBD-er: Maison Gaymes, a young Big Day birder in St. Vincent and the Grenadines!
Sweetest Fluffiest Bird: Killdeer chick spotted on Aruba by Michiel Overstegeen
Best Selfie: We couldn’t just choose one! See who you can spot.
Three women Birders in Cuba
Adrianne Toassas birding for the Warbling Warriors in Puerto Rico
Beny Wilson and friends in Panama
Ciego Birding Cuba – Yaro Rodriguez and friends
Couple birding in Cuba
Couple birding in Cuba
Couple birding in Cuba
Group birding for the Bee Hummers Dream Team in Cuba
A young Cuban birder
Birding by Bike in Cuba
Josh Covill and Holly Garrod of the Globe Trotting Todies
Lisa and Mike Sorenson
Past BC president Andrew Dobson birding with members of the Presidents Perch
Nils and Diego Navarro birding in Cuba
Presidents Perch member Anna Dobson
Rafy and a friend birding in Puerto Rico for the Flying Pintails
Best Night Birding Photo: Bare-shanked Screech-Owl in Panama by Venicio (Beny) Wilson
Best Camouflage: Northern Potoo on Jamaica by Ann Sutton.
Best Bird Impersonation: The team from ARC conservation take the crown for their fun bird impersonations!
Best GBD Non-human Birders: Best birding companion by Lisa Sorenson.
Best Caribbean Endemic: A St Lucia Warbler stops foraging to investigate the photographer by Jerome Foster
Congratulations to everyone! And thank you for reminding us that nature is all around us and full of wonder.
Mark Oberle birding at Port Orchard, Washington State.
Birder getting the perfect shot in the Blue Mountains, Jamaica. (Photo by Birdlife Jamaica)
Channel-billed Toucan Tortuga Short Cut, Trinidad. (Photo by Mark Hulme)
Mark Hulme birding along Tortuga Shortcut Road, Trinidad. (Photo by Alex Sansom)
White-necked Jacobin, Brasso Seco, Trinidad. (Photo by ARC Conservation)
Alex Sansom looking for birds at Caroni Ric Fields, Trinidad. (Photo by Mark Hulme)
American Kestrel seen in Jamaica. (Photo by Simon C Shields)
Green Ibis, Panama. (Photo by Beny Wilson)
Lincoln’s Sparrow, Chicago. (Photo by Steve Constantelos)
Tricolored Heron searches for food, Kaminda Lac wetlands Bonaire. (Photo by Susan Davis)
Blue-tailed Emerald males in a territorial fight in Aruba. (Photo by Michiel Oversteegan)
View from the top of a hill whilst birding, Puerto-Rico. (Photo by Eric Torres Rivera)
Black Swift seen in Barbados. (Photo by Julian Moore)
Striped Cuckoo, Panama. (Photo by Beny Wilson)
Yellow Oriole bathing in wet leaves, Aruba. (Photo by Michiel Oversteegn)
A Scaly Breasted-Thrasher seen in St. Lucia calls to another individual hidden in surrounding vegetation. (Photo by Jerome Foster)
Birding at Hellshire Wetlands, Jamaica. (Photo by Damion Whyte)
A Zenaida Dove looks for food along a path, St. Lucia. (Photo by Jerome Foster)
Beny Wilson and friends in Panama
Collared Plover, an uncommon bird on Barbados. (Photo by Julian Moore).
Canyon Wrens in the Lake Georgetown dam area Texas. (Photo by Brynne Bryan)
Sooty Tern, Aruba. (Photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
On the road for GBD, Puerto Rico. (Photo by Eric Torres Rivera)
Young birders joined in on Big Day in Cuba!
An Antillean Crested Hummingbird spotted in St. Lucia. (Photo by Jerome Foster)
Eastern Bluebird, near Chicago. (Photo by Stave Constantelos)
Charles River Rocky Narrows Reservation. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Fun at the ARC Conservation Global Big Day event, Trinidad. (Photo by ARC Conservation)
A group of birders during Big Day in Cuba.
Snowy Egret on the mud flats at Orange Valley, Trinidad. (Photo by Mark Hulme)
Alex Sansom looks for waterbirds at Temple by the Sea, Trinidad. (Photo by Mark Hulme)
Great Egret, Caño Majagual, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. (Photo by Alice V Falto)
White-cheeked Pintail, Aruba. (Photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
Jamaican man looking for birds on GBD. (Photo by Simon C Shields)
Jamaican Woodpeck takes flight. (Photo by Simon C Shields)
King Philips Overlook, Rocky Narrows Reservation. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
A young birder takes notes in Cuba.
Learning about conservation in Trinidad. (Photo by ARC Conservation)
Eastern Towhee. (Photo by Trevor Williams)
Carbon-neutral birding- A Cuban birder selfie with their bike.
Northern Flicker. (Trevor Williams)
Semipalmated Plover in Bonaire. (By Susan Davis)
House Finch. (Photo by Trevor Williams)
Mr Mallard relaxing at Auburn Cemetary birding hotspot. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Learning about conservation in Trinidad. (Photo by ARC Conservation)
Barn Owls in Bonaire. (Photo by Susan Davis)
Diego Navarro birding in Cuba. (Photo by Nils Navarro)
Eurasian Collared Dove, Temple by the Sea, Trinidad. (Photo by Mar Hulme)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Caño Majagual, Puerto Rico. (Photo by Alice V Falto)
Chestnut-sided Warbler. (Photo by Trevor Williams)
Crimson-collared Tanager in Panama. (Photo by Beny Wilson)
Green Heron, Aruba. (Photo by Michiel Oversteegan)
On Saturday, May 13, birders in the Caribbean and around the world got up (early) and out in force for Global Big Day! Twice a year, during peak migration times (once in spring and once in fall) birders around the world spring into action and try to spot as many different bird species as they can in 24 hours. Besides the sheer enjoyment of the day, the list of birds collected and submitted to eBird from across the globe are hugely valuable for science and conservation!
The Big Day numbers were, as usual, quite impressive. Global Big Day in 2023 was a huge success, with 7,636 bird species recorded by over 58,000 people around the world! An amazing 3.2 million bird sightings were logged by eBirders in 24 hours!
In the West Indies, Big Day birders once again increased in numbers and saw 515 species in total, thanks to the amazing efforts of 511 eBird observers! There were more birds, and more humans watching them, in 2023 compared to the previous years (see the stats on the graph in Figure 1).
Figure 1: Global Big Day 2020-2023 comparisons showing changes in total number of eBird Observers in the West Indies, total species seen, and total number of eBird checklists submitted.Figure 2. The number of ‘new’ people taking part in Global Big Day in 2023 (compared to 2022) in the West Indies, including all those who took part in the region.
This year, many Caribbean islands saw an increase in the number of people taking part in Global Big Day. In fact, the number of eBirders in 2023 grew by more than 100% from 2022 in some countries. Special mention goes to the Dominican Republic, who added 40 more eBirders in 2023, increasing participation by over 170%. What a great achievement! New recruits to the growing “army” of eBirders are always welcome, helping to boost birding records for the region.
What about the number of species seen? Looking at the eBird data from all those who took part in the West Indies (not just our BirdsCaribbean teams – see below for team stats!) – Cuba once again edged out the others for the most species seen – 172! Trinidad and Tobago were hot on their heels this year with a total of 170, with Puerto Rico in third place with an amazing count of 132 species!
Banding Together for Caribbean Birds—Fundraising Success!
Our Big Day birding teams stepped up again in 2023 to help raise funds for bird conservation in the Caribbean. This year, those funds are going towards our Caribbean Bird Banding program. Our Global Big Day fundraiser was another stunning success! Together, our 17 participating teams from across the Caribbean and beyond have raised over $19,300 USD so far. We are over 90% of our goal of $20,000. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who took part or supported us so far!
Funds raised will support more bird banding training workshops, like this one held in The Bahamas in 2022, to build conservation capacity in the Caribbean.
These donations will continue to provide bands and other resources to Caribbean banders. They will also help us host and support more international training workshops, internships and additional training sessions. You can STILL donate to help us reach our goal (we are SO close).
How did our BirdsCaribbean Teams do in 2023?
Well… (drum roll)…
This is what we all want to know: what are the stats from this year’s team competition? Once again the multinational “Flying Pintails” led by Executive Director Lisa Sorenson topped the list! Not only did they see the most species – 702 – they topped all the other categories too! Including most West Indies Endemics – 52. We might need to change their team name to the “Dominant Ducks!”
With team members from a total of 14 countries, their impressive performance is perhaps not surprising. To put it in perspective, it works out to just 50 species per country, far less than for some ‘national teams’ totals! Perhaps Lisa needs to get her team working harder next year. . . Or, on second thought, maybe that’s not such a good idea!
Coming in second place on total species was another multi-national team, “President’s Perch” with 457, and the Globe-Trotting Todies trotted into third place in the total species seen with 271. (You can see a full round up in Figure 3 below.)
Figure 3. Global Big Day results for our 17 BirdsCaribbean Teams. The numbers in red show which team had the highest number for each category.
The “Bee Hummers Dream Team” from Cuba deserves a special mention for getting the most people involved, with a fabulous 63 team members entering their species lists on eBird. They also saw an impressive 170 species within the West Indies (just beating the “Piping Pawis” from Trinidad, who saw 169). Some of these races were tight!
Ciego Birding Club. Yaro Rodriguez friends Big Day birding in Cuba.
“Small is beautiful” for some teams!
Whilst the large multinational teams might have dominated in the ‘species seen’ stats (we’re looking at you “Flying Pintails”) when it came to species seen by each team member the smaller teams really shone. The nine team members in the “Far Flung Flock of Friends” totaled an impressive 25 species each (on average). Within the “national” teams, the “TCI Royal Terns” stood out with their three team members recording 20 species for each on average. That’s pretty intense! (you can see all the stats in Figure 4).
Figure 4. The average number of species seen per person for each of the 17 Global Big Day teams. Far Flung Flock of Friends saw the most birds per team member with an average of 25 species/person.
Biggest Big Day team birders
Of course, we shouldn’t forget the outstanding contributions of individual team members! This year we had some seriously impressive individual efforts. Topping the top team birders list was Beny Wilson, who was birding in Panama and recorded 164 species for the Flying Pintails !! For this fabulous feat, Beny wins some awesome BC swag!
Our top five birders (or birding duos) located anywhere (not necessarily in the Caribbean) on Big Day were:
164 Beny Wilson – Flying Pintails 161 Paul Rodewald – Flying Pintails 160 John Garrett- Flying Pintails 148 Holly Garrod & Joshua Covill – Globe Trotting Todies 118 Jeff Gerbracht – Flying Pintails
Our top five birders (or birding duos) with the most species in the West Indies were:
106 Alex Sansom and Mark Hulme – Trinidad and Tobago (Piping Pawis) 94 Eric Torres-Rivera – Puerto Rico (Warbling Warriors) 94 Ricel Polán Hernández – Cuba (Bee Hummers Dream Team) 85 Julio Salgado – Puerto Rico (Warbling Warriors) 80 Xavier Ragbir – Trinidad and Tobago (Piping Pawis) 78 Susan Davis – Bonaire (Flying Pintails)
Beny Wilson and friends birding in Panama for the Flying Pintails
Broad-billed Motmot one of 164 species seen by Beny!
Crimson-collared Tanager anther bird spotted by Beny!
Josh Covill and Holly Garrod birding for the Globe Trotting Todies
Jeff Gerbracht on Big Day birding for the Flying Pintails
On the trail of the island endemics
Of course, in the Caribbean, it isn’t all about how many species are seen. Global Big Day is also a chance for teams to find and record their endemic birds. On some islands, tracking down all the island endemics can be more of a challenge than others! But we should note that “Bajan Birders & Friends” and “Cayman Birding” both found ‘their’ endemic bird on Big Day.
Figure 5. Number and percent of endemics seen (by proportion) on Global Big Day, 2023.
The Warbling Warriors in Puerto Rico really stepped up to that challenge, finding all 16 endemics. The “Bee Hummers Dream Team” in Cuba, and the “Palmchatters” on Hispaniola also came pretty close to 100% of endemics seen. Well done to all!
Looking for Endemics a Puerto Rican Woodpecker. (Photo by Alice Falto)
Another endemic woodpecker! A West Indian Woodpecker spotted in Cuba. (Photo by Roberto Jovel)
Working hard for the endemics
Within the Caribbean some birders went that extra mile to find the region’s endemic birds. So we want to give a special mention to the following birders who had 20 or more West Indies Endemics on their GBD checklist on May 13th:
Adrian Corbas (Cuba) – 32
Ricel Polan Hernandez (Cuba) – 26
Wisdenilde Navarro (Cuba) – 21
Franklin Zakhur Howley-Dumit Serulle (Dominican Republic) – 20
Idania Garcia Castillo (Cuba) – 20
Eric Torres-Rivera (Puerto Rico) – 20
Every single bird recorded during our Global Big Day birding fundraiser counted towards our effort and every birder taking part helped make this year an amazing success! We also want to thank everyone who helped us raise funds and donated to help support bird banding in the Caribbean. It’s not too late to contribute to our 2023 fundraiser – we are so close to our $20,000 goal! Your donation will help us empower our local partners to learn more about Caribbean birds through bird band, building the region’s capacity for bird conservation through our Caribbean Bird Banding Network.
2023 BirdsCaribbean Global Big Day Teams
You can visit each birding team’s page profile on eBird to see maps of the team’s countries/ islands where birds were sighted and their checklists. You can also visit each team’s GiveButter page and donate to specific teams to help them reach their fundraising goal, or donate to the general campaign.
Common Gallinule seen by Julian Moore on Barbados during Big Day
Enjoy some more photos captured by members of BirdsCaribbean’s various Global Big Day teams on 13th May, 2023. (keep an eye out from more Big Day photos in our “Big Day Photo Contest” results).
Elvin removing a cuckoo from a mist net. (Photo by Josh Covill)
BirdsCaribbean’s Caribbean Bird Banding Network recently held their second bird banding training workshop in the beautiful Dominican Republic. Read on for a delightful personal account of this workshop from local high-school teacher and dedicated Dominican biologist Elvin Manuel Vargas Estévez.
On the fresh morning of March 8th, 2023, in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic, one of the most rewarding experiences of my life as a biologist would begin. I was participating in a Bird Banding Workshop organized by BirdsCaribbean. It sounds beautiful just to say it, but the true beauty lies in how and what happened there to consider it so valuable.
I must admit—I have always been a wildlife lover since I was a child. But my four-year-old self could never have imagined that I would have a bird in my hands, measuring its anatomical proportions, carefully observing the arrangement of its feathers, and eagerly looking for molt limits. However, today I feel immense excitement knowing that it is now part of my life, allowing me to continue to educate myself and contribute knowledge to avian conservation and society.
Setting up mist nets and sowing euphoria
On the first day of the workshop, my colleague Gerónimo Abreu and I were so excited to start the activities. We talked about what we wanted to do that day from the moment we woke up until we left our room. Once everything was ready, we headed to the main hall and dining room of the Ranch, where lead banding trainer Holly Garrod explained to us with great enthusiasm what we were going to do that day. With clear instructions, we took the necessary equipment and set off to explore the area that would be our morning workplace for the next four days.
The non-traditional, open-air classroom where learning, sharing and discussions took place during the workshop. (Photo by Elvin Estévez)
The process of setting up mist nets is an art that is not as boring as it may seem. Well, it’s true that it’s probably not the most exciting part of a bird bander’s day, but there is a certain magic in the process. The first time I saw a mist net was during a bird banding demonstration that Holly did at the Botanical Garden in Santiago. There I learned that setting up and taking down nets is like a climbing sport. We drive stakes firmly or look for a stable attachment, and “climb with the net” to maintain tension at all times. How interesting! Something as methodical and procedural as setting up a mist net can become fun if you look at it with different eyes.
I remember how the other participants were attentive to everything that moved, what the trainers said, and what more experienced banders did. Throughout that first day, I kept learning about the nets, observing how the more experienced bird banders worked, and learned how to enter banding data while eagerly waiting to hold and band a bird for the first time.
Participants learned to set up and close mist nets during the workshop. (Photo by Josh Covill)
“Don’t be afraid, you are in control, not the bird”
As a child, I used to watch many programs on channels like Animal Planet and Discovery Channel with deep curiosity, as I have always found wildlife fascinating. However, animals did not captivate me solely for their majesty, such as lions and other big cats, or for their incredible sizes, like hippos and rhinos. For me, the greatest treasure in observing an animal is being able to understand its unique behavior and social interactions, at both inter- and intraspecific levels. That’s why I was so amazed when I started focusing more on birds as my birdwatching hobby developed. As fellow ornithologists and birders know, there is nothing more unique than a bird’s behavior.
The first time I held a bird in the context of bird banding was at the Santiago Botanical Garden. I was given the opportunity to release a freshly banded bird and it was a beautiful experience. However, it pales in comparison to the moment when I released a bird from its bag, held it properly, and took the necessary measurements before banding it and then releasing it. This whole process was so exciting for me that it came with a mix of nervousness.
When I was about to process my first bird, Juan Carlos (JC) Hernández Ordoñez was the one supervising my work. I am infinitely grateful to JC as he helped me learn the proper technique and gain confidence to safely handle a bird. I remember very clearly how at the beginning my nervousness caused my hands to shake a little when taking measurements and analyzing the bird. It was then that I heard JC say, “Don’t be afraid, you are in control, not the bird.”
Elvin banding a Palmchat. (Photo by Josh Covill)
That is when I realized that my nervousness, perhaps driven by the fear of hurting the bird, was only adding stress that was being transmitted to the animal. If you are nervous and stressed, the bird you are holding will be too. But if you control the situation and remain calm, the bird you are processing will eventually calm down as well.
By the end of the course, about five birds had passed through my hands, and all but one showed no signs of stress that would warrant a premature release. It is amazing to have an animal in your hands for the right purpose, and then release it knowing that someone, another bird bander or even a birdwatcher, may encounter it some day in the future. The banded bird connects us to a shared conservation goal and binds us to it in an intimate way.
Molt, molt, molt!
Wait, who said that it was only about knowing how to handle a bird, taking it out of the net, and banding it for release? That’s excellent, but I’m sure you’ll be interested in knowing the age of the individual you’re holding, or at least an approximation. Why is it useful for us to know the age of the bird we’re banding? Well, among many things, it allows us to understand the ecological role that the individual is playing, or will play in the near future. If it has already gone through a reproductive stage, if it will seek to reproduce soon, if it has recently left the nest. Or if it is simply a fully mature individual that has been interacting with the surrounding ecosystem for more than two years. Of course, in addition to age, there are other things we can learn with greater accuracy with a bird in the hand, such as its sex or health status, which, of course, will help us quantify and infer more aspects of the bird’s life cycle.
A bird in the hand allows us to learn about the age and health of the bird. (Photo by Josh Covill)
Molt, also known in birds as the replacement of feathers, is key to bird banders. These patterns of feather replacement, or molt patterns, can help us determine the age of a bird. When I first learned about molt, I was amazed by the beauty of this natural process in all birds. I admit that at first my “operating system” almost failed due to so much information to process. At that moment, I realized how we were all connected by another common interest throughout the workshop: molt! It was incredible. If we were at the banding table, we talked about molt. During and after lunch: more conversation about molt. Before sleeping: a study session on molt. We were obsessed with learning more and more about molt, practicing the Wolfe-Ryder-Pyle (WRP) method (a system for aging birds based on their different plumages) countless times, and even immersing ourselves in Peter Pyle’s book “The Identification Guide to North American Birds” as if it were our “bible.” How much I enjoyed all of that! As my friend Daniela Ventura said, we were becoming “molt nerds” and we were enjoying it.
Daniela and Elvin take a closer look at a bird’s wing while another participant Amonie Holas looks on. (Photo by Josh Covill)
The best part is realizing that we never really stop learning, because Pyle’s book does not have all data about all birds. In fact there are birds for which we have little or no data. Those occasions when we encountered individuals with unique molting strategies, challenging molt limits, and deceptive alternate (breeding) plumages were the perfect setting for creating a session where trainers discussed what the correct code would be to describe the age of the bird, and the rest of us watched attentively as these interesting analyses unfolded. The fact that you can always come across these unique and challenging situations is, for me, part of the magic that birds hold in their molt strategies.
Birds Connecting the Americas
Undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful things about the workshop is the opportunity to meet people with similar interests and visions. Since we arrived at Rancho Baiguate in Jarabacoa on the afternoon of March 7th (a day before the official start of the workshop), we realized this benefit. After dropping off our luggage in the assigned room, we immediately went to dinner and sat at a table with Holly, Maya, Steve, and Zoya. From that moment on, we got to know each other and had many conversations about various topics, and it was very enjoyable. But if there’s one thing that stands out above all else, it’s how birds were the center of many of those conversations. Yes, I understand it may seem obvious, but even though we knew we would meet people who shared the same love for birds and conservation as we do, it’s always an indescribable pleasure to be able to talk and connect in person. Throughout the workshop, we met and interacted with incredible people, and we expressed our desire to work together on different approaches, always revolving around birds.
Coming together to learn. Holly teaches the group about molt. (Photo by Maya Wilson)
Making lasting connections at the bird banding training workshop. From left to right: Daniela, Gerónimo, Elvin and Zoya.
Participants at the banding workshop, earlier this year, in the Dominican Republic. (Photo by Joshua Covill)
Examining a Hispaniolan Woodpecker wing for signs of molt. (photo by Josh Covill)
Elvin banding a Black-throated Blue Warbler (photo by Maya-Wilson)
Finding common ground with people who share similar research and conservation interests is great because valuable knowledge is shared in those encounters. However, this would not amount to much if genuine connections are not formed—concrete connections that allow for efficient and organized collaboration. That’s why we were all very excited with the presentation of the BirdsCaribbean Caribbean Bird Banding (CBB) network and the Institute of Bird Population’s monitoring program for overwintering migratory birds, otherwise known as MoSI (monitoreo sobrevivencia invernal). It’s fascinating!
I want to express how thrilled and engaged we all were when the CBB network was introduced. The fact that we are being presented with a way to stay connected is more valuable than it may seem because it encourages more organized efforts: joint research proposals, shared databases, and fundraising for future projects. Similarly, I find the MoSI program incredible as it specifically focuses on connecting different bird banding stations where data on molt and plumage condition of banded species are provided. What does this do for us? It helps us primarily to understand how birds are changing their molt strategies, which, in addition to updating our records, helps us understand how species are being affected by various factors such as habitat loss and climate change.
My Plus/Delta
The Plus/Delta dynamic was key to the performance and experience we had in the workshop. Every afternoon, we took a moment to discuss the positives of the day (the “Plus”) and what we wanted to improve on in the next day’s work session (the “Delta”). It was very productive, as we listened to each other’s daily experiences, had the opportunity to share our achievements, and set goals for the next day. It is very gratifying to remember how, thanks to Plus/Delta, Gerónimo and I reflected on something that filled me with particular joy and satisfaction.
At the beginning of the article, I mentioned how after each morning’s banding session, we would casually talk about the things we were able to accomplish and say, “But tomorrow I want to be able to do this.” And that’s how, thanks to our trainers and fellow workshop participants, we were able to accomplish each and every one of those things we said we wanted to do.
My Plus, as some of us would say at the end, was the entire workshop. I am infinitely grateful for the opportunity to connect with so many incredible people through birds, and at the same time, learn so much alongside them. My experience was invaluable, and I am satisfied with everything I was able to achieve in those five days. The fact that I was able to band birds for the first time and know that I had the opportunity to contribute useful knowledge through it is amazing. The mini-courses on molt were amazing, our shared obsession made us connect so much that there was not a moment during the workshop when we were not making references to WRP codes or molt limits. Even during the farewell dinner, while we talked about everything, references to aspects of molt in birds would occasionally arise, and it was fascinating.
Elvin receiving his Certificate of Achievement from Holly and Juan Carlos (JC).
And what about my Delta? My Delta is a collection of things. It is clear that I want to continue to educate myself to grow this newly created wonderful network of bird banders in the Caribbean. In addition to that, I want to fight to make my country, the Dominican Republic, a place where ornithology, conservation, and science in general receive their deserved recognition and support from society and authorities. The love or curiosity for nature is in some way part of all human beings, but it is clear that not everyone can be expected to understand the complex ecological processes behind the beauty of the natural world.
Beyond that, I understand that in every nation, there must be a solid system where anyone willing to serve through scientific knowledge can find support and guidance. For this reason, one of my long-term goals (a goal that is shared by many of us attending the workshop) is to advocate for the reinforcement of the importance of avian conservation and government support for research related to it, both in the Dominican Republic and throughout the entire Caribbean.
About Elvin:Elvin Manuel Vargas Estévez, is biologist interested in bird behavior and avian conservation, from the Dominican Republic. He is a high-school science teacher at O&M Hostos School in Santiago and also volunteers with the Santiago Botanical Garden to survey and monitor the bird population in the Garden. Elvin is incredibly passionate about inspiring and educating the next generation of nature enthusiasts. He hopes to continue learning about birds and acquiring new skills that will help him make a positive impact in bird and wildlife conservation.
Acknowledgements: BirdsCaribbean thanks the US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Forest Service International Programs, and all of our members and donors whose support helped make this workshop and our Caribbean Bird Banding Network possible.
To learn more about our Banding Workshops and Caribbean Bird Banding Network, check out the links below:
In 2022, Cuba held its first ever bird banding workshop, part of BirdsCaribbean’s ongoing efforts to build a banding community in the Caribbean. Find out more about bird banding in Cuba and about how the workshop went from Cuban bird bander and ornithologist Daniela Ventura.
Daniela Ventura banding a Cuban Green Woodpecker supervised by banding trainer Juan Carlos Fernández Ordóñez (Photo by Holly Garrod)
The year 2022 was pivotal for bird banding in the Caribbean. Earlier in March, the first Caribbean Bird Banding Workshop was held in The Bahamas. Bird researchers and conservationists from several islands, attended with the goal of learning about ethical and scientific banding protocols and acquiring the skills to successfully run their own banding stations. The long-term dream is to develop a network of collaborators, spread across the region, that can contribute with insights into bird movements and population status of migratory and resident species. This event alone would have sufficed to call the year a landmark. But we Caribbeans like to think BIG.
Therefore, the Caribbean Biological Corridor (CBC) partnered with BirdsCaribbean to host the first ever Banding Workshop in Cuba, which took place from November 4th to the 18th in Santiago de Cuba. Cuba being the largest island in the region with the longest banding tradition, is an essential part of this network. The goal of this workshop was ambitious: gather people and institutions with current banding protocols in the island to organize them into a National and Regional Banding Network and host a North America Banding Council (NABC) certification. NABC certification is widely accepted as the banding standard throughout the Americas. This is the certification that BirdsCaribbean is aiming to use as part of the Caribbean Bird Banding Network.
This workshop represented a milestone in my bird banding career. Back in March, I would not have imagined that my banding skills were going to be tested that soon. The NABC certification is a rigorous process of theoretic and practical exams that evaluates your abilities and knowledge in bird banding, according to the standards and practice of that institution. I accepted the challenge. It meant a great incentive to boost my skills, and if I became certified, I would be confident enough to pursue my long-cherished dream of starting my own banding station in Havana. With those motivational thoughts in mind, and the prospects of seeing some eastern endemic birds that I don’t get to see often, I embarked on the wearisome 12-hours bus trip to Santiago. It would prove to be worth it.
A very long and thin island
Havana, the capital city and my hometown, is 868 km away from Santiago de Cuba, the second most important city in the country, which is famous for its carnival and its scorching sun all year round. The tiresome road trip was endurable thanks to the best company I could possibly have: my friends Esteban Márquez and Juan Carlos Fernández (JC). Their good humor guaranteed the trip was joyful. Actually, sometimes I was just about to doze off and JC interrupted it with a joke. During the long journey to Santiago, we were picking up participants from other provinces.
Arnaldo Toledo checking the molt on an Oriente Warbler at the banding station. (Photo By Daniela Ventura)
The ride took us all night and so we arrived at our destination at the same time the first dawn chorus of birds began singing. The Ecological Reserve Siboney Juticí is a karstic landscape of marine terraces—ancient ocean floor now elevated gazing at the Caribbean Sea. The typical coastal shrubby and thorny vegetation is a paradise for migratory warblers and plenty of Cuban endemics, like the Oriente Warbler, Cuban Gnatcatcher, and Cuban Bullfinch. It was a perfect location for the longest running banding station in Cuba, named after the German scientist that was a pioneer of Cuban ornithology: Juan Cristóbal Gundlach. The first four days of the workshop were scheduled to be spent here, coinciding with the monthly period of banding sessions occurring at the station.
We arrived yawning and with sleepy eyes, only to meet an incredible welcoming committee. Freddy Rodríguez Santana, the leader of the station and the most dedicated and diligent workshop organizer, received us with a beaming smile. The station and protected area staff were also cheerful and active, almost as if it wasn’t 5 am in the morning! They seemed ready to start working and I, honestly, was only longing for a bed.
We didn’t have to wait for long for coffee and breakfast. Behind that magic brew that stirred us all a little, was the heart and soul of the banding station: Emelina. She is the keystone that holds the station and everyone together. Eme (as colleagues called her lovingly) is more than the excellent cook that prepares the delicious food and drinks that keeps you sane in the melting hot weather. She is also a kind and caring woman so all of us, workers and visitors alike, become instantly her spoiled children.
When the introductions were over, Freddy quickly rushed us to the rooms, so we could settle in and rest a few hours before the work started. The objective of the day was setting up the mist nests for the upcoming banding session, and to officially inaugurate the workshop.
Learning about Cuba’s longest running banding station
Mariam Curbelo checks mist nets during a net run. (Photo by Daniela Ventura)
The workflow of a constant-effort banding station has a unique flavor. For twelve years, researchers of BIOECO and the staff of the protected area (some of whom have banding training and certification from Germany) have conducted monthly banding sessions at the reserve. Not even hurricanes nor a pandemic have stopped their committed work. We witnessed its smooth organization from the moment we arrived. Each person plays an invaluable role, from the field technicians that know the exact location of every single net, to the researchers that band the birds and take the data. Setting up the nets is an essential process of every banding protocol. A total of 22 nets are placed along three different trails. The park’s staff kindly took their time to show us and guide us through the process step by step. Left alone they would have done the job in less than half an hour. That is how well they do their job!
With the nets ready to start banding the next day, we headed to the classroom to receive the official welcoming. Thirteen participants from all around Cuba, and my friend Esteban from Venezuela, were going to receive training in the nitty-gritties of banding birds for scientific endeavors. Esteban’s main motivation, along with another three of us, was taking the NABC exam that would allow us to be the first Caribbean certified banders. Even though the stakes were high, we had the best teachers: Holly Garrod and JC Fernández, NABC trainers, and of course, the staff at the JCG station with their gathered experience of 12 years of nonstop field work.
A season of Blackpoll Warblers
A male Blackpoll Warbler in fall migration and winter plumage. Males in breeding plumage in spring look very different—they have a black cap and white cheek patch. (Photo by Anthony Levesque)
I was expecting to meet and get a closer look at birds that I can’t find so easily at mist-nets in western Cuba. But Blackpoll Warblers were a treat beyond my wildest daydreams. I had the privilege to band a few of the dozens of individuals we caught during these three days. Blackpolls are world champions in the bird migration contest. Some individuals are known to fly up to 8,000 km from their breeding grounds in Alaska to their wintering areas in Brazil. They also take a route that leads them to fly out over the Atlantic Ocean sometimes three-days long without making any stop. That easterly path is the reason why they are more commonly found in places like Santiago, and very rare in the western side of Cuba.
Uncommon birds for me, but the daily bread for our banding colleagues in Santiago, were Cape May Warblers and Black-throated Blue Warblers. Cape-Mays can be very tricky to age and sex, because there are a lot of individual variability and overlap, but Black-throated proved easier for me. These challenges of new species were just exactly what we needed to get ready for the NABC exam. A bander must also be prepared to deal with species that he or she has never encountered before. That is why learning the theory behind molt strategies and molt extents in bird families in general is a requirement for getting a better understanding on the topic. And why we not only had the morning sessions at the banding table, but presentations about these subjects in the afternoons. Luckily, we had Emelina´s miraculous coffee to keep our brains working!!
Butter butts in the cloud mountains
La Gran Piedra Biological Station sign. (Photo by Daniela Ventura)
Packing jackets and scarves are not something you would expect for a banding trip to Santiago, which is known as the “tierra caliente” or “hot land” to Cubans. But precisely because I am a daughter of the tropics, temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius already make me shiver. The second part of our banding training was going to take place in the cloud evergreen forest of Santiago’s mountains. From the melting sun and heat of Siboney, we moved to the chilly weather of Gran Piedra biological station. The landscape was surreal. We got up before dawn every day, only to walk into a never-ending cloud. We felt the moisture dampening our clothes and boots, and chilling our bones to the core… Ok ok, you might think I am exaggerating. But if you do not believe me, ask Holly, who knows the winter in cold Montana and was as frozen as me. Luckily, even the sun warms up there, so as the day grew old, the temperature got mildly cozy, neither too cold nor too hot—the perfect weather for banding.
Female Yellow-rumped Warbler, showing off her “butter butt.” (Photo by Karen Gallo)
And the perfect weather too for some northern warblers that do not usually migrate far south, it seemed. I had never seen a Yellow-rumped Warbler before, and for that week at Gran Piedra, I must confess I almost got tired of them. There were just too many, an incredible and rare event not only in Santiago, but in Cuba. These birds are known to be facultative migrants, which means there are years when most of the population ventures farther south, and there are others when they mostly stay close to their breeding areas. Scientists do not yet understand well the mechanisms regulating these cycles, but they believe it has something to do with their favorite food, caterpillars, which also have complicated population cycles. Imagine our bewilderment when during one net check there were 15 “butter butts” in just a single net, waiting for us to band them. They proved a “hard pill to swallow” because of the variation in their winter plumage.
Esteban and I were actually quite worried we that we might end up with a somewhat tricky Yellow-rumped during our NABC exam. And if you know Murphy´s Law, well as a matter of fact, that was just what happened. But it allowed us to practice our skills before the exam. An important lesson we learned during that week was that in this banding business, accuracy is better than precision. If we are not certain of a bird’s age or sex, it is better to be less precise by saying “I honestly don’t know”. Bander’s ethics are important not only regarding bird safety, but also to ensure the quality of the data we are gathering.
Uncovering the mysteries of Cuba’s iconic endemics
We also had the chance to band some of the more stunning and iconic endemics, like the Cuban Tody, Cuban Pygmy-Owl, and Cuban Trogon. The study of our resident birds has for a long-time been a pending subject of Caribbean ornithology. There are mysteries waiting to be unraveled and bird banding can allow us to unearth some of them. For example, it can help us decipher the reason behind todies having both blue and brown eyes. Or if there might be size or plumage differences among the sexes in trogons where males and females appear to look identical. I was lucky to band one of the two Cuban Trogons we caught at the nets. These were also the first Trogons ever banded in the Gran Piedra station!! This was a great opportunity for me to practice the cone-shape or “ice cream” grip, the handling method used for birds with short tarsus (the lower part of a bird’s leg) like trogons. Using the appropriate handling technique for each bird is one of the first lessons for a bander to master. Our aim is to always improve and update our knowledge and practice to ensure bird safety.
Testing Times
Daniela and Josmar consult Pyle the bird bander’s “bible” and discuss molt with JC. (Photo by Mariam Curbelo)
The days passed in a blur of banding practice in the morning, molt theory during the afternoons, and night outings to marvel at the pair of Stygian Owls that lived in the pine trees surrounding the banding station. But for the four of us who had a rapidly approaching and demanding exam, our days also included a lot of study of Pyle, the bird bander’s “bible,” looking through wing pictures, and reading of the bander’s study guide. Eventually, the first day of the certification arrived. The examiners put to test our abilities at extracting birds from the nets, and also our handling and banding skills. The practical exam also included the setting up of mist nets.
That afternoon, we had the most dreaded and unnerving part of the certification: the four-hour long written exam that comprised questions ranging from bird safety to molt theory. We needed a minimum of 80% of correct answers to be qualified as banders. I remember the feeling of relief when I handed my exam sheet to Holly. Evaluations were not finished yet, so I went to bed tired but at least more relaxed knowing that the toughest part was over. During the remaining sessions we were going to be examined in the use and understanding of the Pyle guide, and a test where we were expected to accurately identify species, age, and sex from 10 bird photos.
Supporting Success
As we were drawing near the end of the certification, exhaustion and tension were high. I must acknowledge the supportive spirit of the workshop participants, the station’s staff, and our examiners alike. They all put up their best smiles, and constantly cheered us on. Emelina almost fed us too much and made us drink nearly too much coffee. But I don’t have enough “thank you” words for every person that tolerated my stressful humor or made me laugh those days. I know that I owe them a huge debt that I can now call myself a NABC certified bander!!
For in the end, thanks to our trainers and all the support I received, I achieved my goal – I left the workshop as a NABC certified bander, as did Josmar! Later, two of my Cuban colleagues Carmen Plasencia Leon and Arnaldo Toledo, would finish the final portion of the exam and leave the second BirdsCaribbean Banding Workshop in the Dominican Republic (February 2023) as NABC banders. Back in Fall 2022, Zoya Buckmire from Grenada received her NABC certification whilst interning at Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO) in Oregon. This means that in the last year the Caribbean Bird Banding Network has now helped the first five Caribbean banders get their NABC bander certification. This lays the foundation for the future growth of the network.
Processing a recaptured Oriente Warbler, a Cuban endemic and a focal bird at Santiago´s banding scheme. (Photo by Daniela Ventura)
Partipants heading to-open mist nests placed alongside the road at La Gran Piedra Biological Station. (Photo by Daniela Ventura)
Arnaldo Toledo reads a combination of metal and color bands on an Oriente Warbler. (Photo by Daniela Ventura)
An endemic Cuban Pygmy Owl in the hand.
I said earlier that the Cuba Banding Workshop was a milestone. But it wasn´t because I proved myself in a challenging exam. It was the invaluable lesson that if we as a country want to have a broad understanding of our bird population dynamics, we have to work with a team spirit. We have to go for independence and self-sufficiency and develop our own research objectives, and training opportunities. This workshop was the first step towards that ambitious goal.
About Daniela:I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and I am part of the Bird Ecology Group of the University of Havana. As a professor trainee I give lectures and seminars in Ecology and Vertebrate Zoology. I am also a graduate student. My research interests include bird population dynamics, movements, and migration. I am a passionate bird bander and molt nerd, and recently created a banding station at the National Botanical Garden in Havana, a dream project of mine. I believe that long-term monitoring of bird populations will greatly increase our knowledge about the ecology of our resident and understudied species, and will highlight the importance of Cuba and the Caribbean as a wintering and stopover site for Neotropical migrants.
Science communication and public outreach are also very close to my heart. Organizing activities for the Caribbean Bird Endemic Festival and World Migratory Bird Day, and managing the social media accounts of the Bird Ecology Group on Instagram and Facebook, perfectly combine my interests in bird conservation and public outreach. I am a fervent advocate of the idea that research needs to be shared in every step of the process, and that science must be taken out of the ivory tower of academia and be made by and for all people. Empowering locals and creating community alongside building conservation networks should be the goal of all Caribbean islands. As a proud member of BirdsCaribbean, my dream is to keep contributing to the development and success of bird research projects in the region, as well as educating the next generation of conservationists.
Acknowledgements: BirdsCaribbean thanks all of our members and donors whose support helped make this workshop and our Caribbean Bird Banding network possible.
We’ll be participating in this year’s Global Big Day (GBD)—the biggest birding day of the year—on Saturday, May 13, 2023, and raising funds to grow our Caribbean Bird Banding Network.
We are bringing back our popular teams competition, and celebrating together the bird diversity, excitement, and camaraderie that’s associated with Global Big Day.
Last year, Global Big Day virtually brought together more than 51,000 birders from 201 countries and submitted 132,000 checklists with eBird. This is the current world record for a single day of birding.
For BirdsCaribbean, the event was also successful—15 teams with members from 29 countries reported a total of 1,078 species and raised $13 734. We had so much fun doing this. Together we can make this year even better! Learn more below and on our Global Big Day GiveButter Teams page – join the fun here!
24 hours of learning, counting and sharing
During peak migration time in the spring, birders around the world head out to their favorite birding spots, or venture into new areas, to see, hear and record as many bird species as they can in a 24-hr period of time. This event helps scientists understand global bird populations and raises awareness of issues affecting them—and we need your help to do it!
No matter where you are, you can submit important data, via eBird checklists, about the birds around you. You don’t need to be an expert birder or spend the entire day looking for birds. Just 10 minutes of birding in your backyard or from your balcony will count too.
But birding is more enjoyable when done with a friend or a group. We are again calling on our community to bird together in virtual teams (you can decide if you want to join your national team or not) during Global Big Day. And engage in friendly competition to see which team can:
1) collectively see the most species of birds, and
2) raise the most funds.
Funds raised by BirdsCaribbean GBD participating teams will be used to grow our Caribbean Bird Banding Network by providing bands and other resources to Caribbean banders, providing more training opportunities and supporting bird banding projects across the islands.
The ‘Join a Team’ button is located just below the header graphic.
If you choose to create a team, personalize it with a fun name, photos and your own lingo. NOTE: if you are outside the US or Canada, we will need to assist you with the first step of creating your own team; after this you will be able to manage the team (email and she will get you set up pronto!)
All team leaders and members should then invite family, friends, colleagues, and members of your birding community to join your team and/or donate to your team. It helps to set your own personal fundraising goal to help your team reach its overall goal!
By inviting people to your team, you are
(1) raising awareness for BirdsCaribbean and the Caribbean Bird Banding Network,
(2) helping to raise funds for Caribbean bird research and conservation, and
(3) promoting Global Big Day, citizen science, and the importance of conserving birds and their habitats.
By doing so, you will have (1) helped advance knowledge of Caribbean birds through bird banding which gives us a more detailed look at birds’ life histories, and (2) encouraged that team to give it their all on Global Big Day.
and/or . . .
3. Committing to spending some time (or the entire day!) birding on Global Big Day (May 13), being sure to keep track of what you see and then entering that information into eBird. We hope everyone will do this, whether or not they join a team or fundraise.
Group of birders in the Dominican Republic. Photo by Zara Palmer.
This will be a fun event to fundraise for and get excited about birds! Be ready to visit birding hotspots or set yourself up in a safe place* and bird for as much of the day as possible, knowing that all of your teammates, friends, and BirdsCaribbean community members are doing the same!
If birding from the Caribbean, you should plan to submit your observations to eBird Caribbean. Then we’ll tally them up and see how we all did! We will send out more information about this as the event draws closer.
Why this is Important
The insular Caribbean is a critical region for birds. There are 176 species that occur here and nowhere else in the world! In addition, the islands provide a winter home for numerous migrants—many stay 6 months or longer while others rely on the islands as stopover sites to rest and refuel during their long journeys north and south.
The development of a strong regional conservation community, through capacity-building training and career development opportunities at the island level for local people, is critical to ensure the sustainable preservation of island birds and their habitats.
How your Donation Will be Used
This Global Big Day fundraiser will support the Caribbean Bird Banding (CBB) Network, allowing us to continue providing bands and other resources to Caribbean banders, host more international training workshops , support Caribbean banders to attend internships (read about Zoya’s incredible internship at Klamath Bird Observatory) or other opportunities to practice and develop their skills, and grow and expand this network to more Caribbean islands.
Bird Banding Training Workshop participant David Walters placing a band on the leg of a Palm Warbler. Photo by Josh Covill.
The first webinar, ‘Banding Together – Creating the Caribbean Bird Banding Network, Part 1’ will be held on Friday, April 21 at 2 PM EDT. Join the BirdsCaribbean Caribbean Bird Banding (CBB) Network live and learn what bird banding is, its applications and how it can change the future of Caribbean bird conservation.
The second webinar “Banding Together—Creating the Caribbean Bird Banding Network, Part 2” will be held on Thursday, May 4th at 4 pm EDT. Several Caribbean Bird Banding (CBB) Network members, including Daniela Ventura del Puerto (Cuba), Zoya Buckmire (Grenada), Hector Andujar (Dominican Republic), and Dayamiris Candelario (Puerto Rico), will share what they have gained from being part of this initiative, and exciting plans for expanding bird banding in the Caribbean.
As with everything in the Caribbean, we will be successful when our whole community pitches in, so let’s do this together! We need your help to do this!
Team Up to WIN
Prizes will be awarded to
the team that raises the most funds
the team with the most creative name and stylish fundraising page
the team that sees the most bird species on Global Big Day
the “country/island team” that sees the highest proportion of their birds on Global Big Day (to control for differences in the number of species on each island!)
the team with the best “find” of the day (unusual, rare, plumage aberration, etc.)
the team with the best bird photo of the day (must be posted on eBird along with your list)
We are happy and proud to congratulate our President Adrianne Tossas, who has received an Outstanding Women in STEAM award from the University of Puerto Rico for contributions to scientific research and education.
Adrianne Tossas giving an acceptance speech for her award.
Adrianne was nominated by her peers to be part of the 4th Power of Women in Science symposium that took place at the main campus of the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras on March 31, 2023. The event celebrated the achievements of 25 women professors who excel in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM). In a special ceremony, the Vice President for Research acknowledged the nominees representing the 11 campuses of the University of Puerto Rico, with a special recognition that was prepared and presented by young women from different local schools.
Adrianne has been a professor of biology at the University of Puerto Rico in Aguadilla since 2008. As part of this position, she has led about 200 students in their first research experiences through the Bird Ecology and Conservation Project. Through the course Introduction to Research she engages undergraduate students in bird monitoring and mentors them to apply for graduate programs. Every semester, small groups of 10 to 15 students receive training in bird identification techniques, surveying protocols, experiment design, scientific writing, and skills for oral presentations.
Recognition for Outstanding Women in STEAM program invitation.
Adrianne with faculty of UPR Aguadilla after receiving her award.
Adrianne Tossas with fellow award recipient and woman in science Brenda Ramos during the event.
Both women and girls received awards for their contirbutions in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, and maths.
Here is more on our President’s work and achievements:
Landbird monitoring
In 2009 Adrianne Tossas started monitoring the avian community of Guajataca State Forest, a natural reserve in the northern karst region of the island. Point counts are conducted every spring, allowing for the assessment of 37 bird species, including 12 of Puerto Rico’s 18 endemic species. This 15-year comparison has shown population changes related to an extreme drought in 2015 and the passage of Hurricane María in 2017. The combined effects of both events caused a 10-20% difference in overall bird abundance from 2016 to 2018 compared to 2009-2015. Almost five years after the hurricane, the average number of individuals per count was still lower than baseline estimates.
Audiomoth Automatic Recording Unit (ARU) set up on a tree to record songs and calls of forest birds. (photo by Lisa Sorenson).
A new monitoring project with AudioMoth digital recorders began in this forest in 2022, to assess the singing activity of bird species. Approximately 3,000 minutes per month were recorded in February, May, July and August 2022, and January- March 2023. The open-source software ARBIMON was used to analyze the findings of the most abundant species. The top-five most frequently detected were the Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola), Black-whiskered Vireo (Vireo altiquus) Puerto Rican Vireo (Vireo latimeri), Puerto Rican Bullfinch (Melospiza portoricensis), and Adelaide’s Warbler (Setophaga adelaidae). Ongoing data collection will permit comparing patterns over time.
Since the forest trails were inaccessible for almost a year after the passage of Hurricane María, Adrianne designed new projects in coastal areas to engage students in bird monitoring.
White-tailed Tropicbird
White-tailed Tropicbird egg. (Photo by Mary Gillham)
Since 2018 the group has been assessing the size and annual fluctuations of populations of the White-tailed Tropicbird (Phaeton lepturus) when they return from the sea to breed in the rocky cliffs of Quebradillas in northern Puerto Rico. This is the species’ only breeding site on the main island, since it is mostly known to nest on cays off the eastern coast. Biweekly surveys were conducted during the reproductive season, which extends from December to July, detecting a yearly average of 70 tropicbirds (range of 0 – 94 individuals). These data suggest that the population consists of approximately 50 breeding pairs; however, this number could be larger because the cliffs provide potential nesting sites beyond the study site. A count conducted along a broader extension of the cliff in February 2023 recorded a total of 206 individuals.
Brown Pelican
Adrianne and Brown Pelican on a boat during the 2023 Caribbean Waterbird Census.
Since 2019 the group has been assessing the population status of the Caribbean Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis occidentalis) on the coast of Aguadilla. From 2019 to 2021, up to 49 individuals were counted in 38 monthly surveys, including adults with reproductive plumage and juveniles. In October 2021 the group found an active breeding colony with 53 nests in a steep cliff bordering the seashore. A second nesting season is currently under study. No surveys have taken place in this area since 1993, even though this is one of the only three pelican breeding sites in Puerto Rico. These data are helping local conservation groups to promote the creation of a new nature reserve in coastal Aguadilla.
We congratulate Adrianne on her inspiring work in science and education and on her well-deserved award!