BirdsCaribbean is expressing deep concern over three areas of Grenada — critical bird habitats and ecosystems — that are now being damaged from development: Mt. Hartman, La Sagesse, and Levera. This includes the island’s only Ramsar site (Levera) and other wetland and forest areas harboring a wide variety of wildlife, including endangered species of sea turtles, and the Critically Endangered Grenada Dove.
Projects underway in these three areas include large resorts, a marina, waterpark, and golf course, all of which will have wide-ranging and permanent negative consequences on the local ecosystems.
BirdsCaribbean is calling for the immediate cessation of destructive activities, pending the completion of proper Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and approvals, mitigation plans, and full and transparent consultations with stakeholders. See links below for how you can help.
BirdsCaribbean’s Executive Director Lisa Sorenson urges Grenada not to destroy or damage its last remaining wetlands. “Not only are these significant habitats for many vulnerable species of birds and endangered wildlife, wetland areas perform myriad important ecosystem services that improve the safety and health of local communities. These services are increasingly important and economically valuable in the face of climate change.”
Sorenson notes that Grenada is a leader for environmental conservation. It has recently embraced the concept of the “Blue Economy.” In 2013, Grenada went beyond its Caribbean neighbors’ commitments, pledging to protect 25% of its near-shore marine and coastal environment by 2020 under the Caribbean Challenge Initiative signed in 2013. Sadly, these developments and the failure to designate a majority of the protected areas proposed under its Protected Areas Systems Plan, make it increasingly unlikely that Grenada can meet its international obligations and national targets.
Sorenson pointed out that it appears that vegetation has been removed before an approved EIA/plan for all three projects, which would be in direct violation of Grenada’s Physical Planning Act of 2016. Moreover, the developments and the way they are being carried out does not seem consistent with Grenada’s own Blue Growth Coastal Master Plan, whose Guiding Principles and Goals call for Sustainability, the Precautionary Principle, Good Governance, and Equity.
We stand with our local partners and call for action from the leaders of Grenada’s government to protect Grenada’s invaluable natural assets from destruction. You can help – SIGN THE PETITION HERE and see more ways to help below.
Local conservation groups and partners of BirdsCaribbean in Grenada are alarmed at the recent deforestation of these areas. Jane Nurse of the Grenada Land Actors Platform (GLAP) commented: “We have engaged with decision makers, including the developers and the Physical Planning Unit, but have encountered mostly disappointing negligence. In rectification, we demand that our communities and civil society are consulted before development projects of such a scale are undertaken.”
Other members of the GLAP questioned whether Grenada could accommodate these mega-projects, from water, sewerage, and solid waste treatment, to road infrastructure and airlift, particularly at a time when the world is heading towards one of its biggest recessions. Jody Daniel-Simon of Gaea Conservation Network added: “There are numerous examples of our lands being cleared with no considerations of the ecological impacts; sadly, many of these projects fail because of insufficient funds, leaving behind them only a trail of debts and destruction.”
Mt. Hartman: Last Refuge for the Critically Endangered Grenada Dove and Vital Wetlands
In the Mt. Hartman Estate, dry forest habitat is in the process of being cleared for a new resort and marina that will be developed by the Hartman Resort Group Ltd (formerly Grenada Resort Complex LTD); this Chinese company now owns the property. Communications with the Grenadian Government’s Physical Planning Unit indicate that they are apparently unaware of the project and have not given any permission. There is no known EIA in progress.
The Mt. Hartman National Park was set up to protect habitat crucial to the survival of one of the rarest birds in the world, the Critically Endangered Grenada Dove, unique to Grenada. So special is the dove (there are only about 110 adults remaining) that it is recognized as Grenada’s National Bird. Over 90 other bird species have been recorded throughout the area, including the Grenada Hook-billed Kite, an Endangered subspecies, also endemic to Grenada.
Although the development falls just outside the National Park, it will be directly adjacent to it. Grenada Dove Biologist, Bonnie Rusk, indicated: “Development that is not done carefully, with sufficient mitigation to support the site’s ecosystem and species, will significantly impact the National Park and the purpose for which it was established—the conservation of the Grenada Dove.”
With its unique dry coastal scrub ecosystem and associated biodiversity, Mt. Hartman is internationally recognized as an Important Bird Area (IBA) and as an Endemic Bird Area (EBA) of the Lesser Antilles by BirdLife International, the world leader in bird conservation, and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it.
The Mt. Hartman Estate also encompasses the largest expanse of black mangroves on the island, as well as red mangroves, providing an important “nursery” for fisheries stock to the Woburn fishing community. The mangroves and wetlands act as a buffer zone for land-based pollution, and a natural filter for water. Mangroves have repeatedly been shown to provide protection from storms, hurricanes, and floods. The two wetlands provide critical habitat for numerous species of resident and migratory shorebirds and waterbirds, including many species of conservation concern.
An artistic rendition for the resort (see image below) shows that one of the two vital wetlands and the adjacent mangrove in the Mt. Hartman Estate will be destroyed to create a Marina in Secret Harbor; the other one will be severely impacted by the development. “We successfully protected these wetlands from prior proposed developments,” commented Dr. Sorenson. “It would be a sad loss for one of Grenada’s last remaining wetlands to be destroyed. It is difficult to understand how this can happen when the Government has pledged to protect its vital coastal resources for the benefit of the Grenadian people.”
La Sagesse: Destruction of Habitat for Endangered Turtles (Six Senses/Range Developments)
At La Sagesse—listed as a Natural Landmark and Area of Cultural and Historical Interest—there has been extensive clearcutting of mangroves and other vegetation on the headland and around the salt pond, to build the 100-room, Six Senses Resort (tagline “Sustainable is not something we do; it is who we are”). Permission to do the clearing was given by the Physical Planning Unit. Phase II, separate from the Six Senses Resort, adds a 185-room Luxury Hotel, catering to families. Both projects are managed by Range Developments through the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme.
While the EIA and project plan have been approved, only one Town Hall style community meeting was held last week after clearing had already taken place, contrary to the recommendations made in the EIA. Further consultations with the local community are apparently in the works following public outcry. Following a review of the EIA and development plans by scientists from Gaea Conservation Network, the developers have since promised to work with them to develop a mangrove and pond restoration plan; they also claim to have harvested mangrove propagules for restoration purposes. In their 9-page review, Gaea Conservation Network highlighted a litany of environmental concerns that should have been addressed in the EIA, based on the Terms of Reference provided by the developer.
Before the extensive clear cutting, La Sagesse Pond supported white and buttonwood mangrove, providing cover for Critically Endangered hawksbill sea turtles. It is also a nesting site for the Endangered leatherback turtle. A diverse array of some 89 bird species attracts birding tours to this site. Under an older National Parks and Protected Areas plan, the area was proposed as a Protected Seascape due to its outstanding features including a mangrove estuary, salt pond, 3 beautiful beaches, interesting geological formations, coral reefs, and excellent examples of littoral woodland and thorn scrub cactus woodland.
Levera: Grenada’s Large, Highly Diverse Wetland of International Importance
The Levera Wetland is Grenada’s only Ramsar site, designated as a Wetland of International Importance on May 22, 2012. Despite an EIA still being under way, forest has already been removed to build temporary housing for a one billion dollar resort, to be constructed under the CBI programme by the Singapore Heng Sheng (Grenada) Development PTE LTD company, who now owns the property. The mega-resort will include a water park, golf course, villas, and 500-room hotels (see artistic renditions of the development in the gallery below).
As a Contracting Party of the Ramsar Convention, Grenada has agreed to the wise use of its wetlands. Ramsar describes “wise use” as the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands and all the services they provide, for the benefit of people and nature.
The over 500-hectare highly productive ecosystem includes a variety of habitats: woodland, dry scrub forest, mangrove wetlands, beach, brackish pond, seagrass beds, and coral reefs. Surrounded by red, white, black and buttonwood mangroves, the large freshwater pond and beach area boast a large diversity of birds, with over 85 species documented on eBird Caribbean from 2006 to date. The site is also a critical area for the survival of the Grenada Hook-billed Kite, an Endangered sub-species endemic to Grenada.
Moreover, Levera is a critical habitat for numerous species of mammals, snakes and fish. The beach is the third largest nesting site for Endangered leatherback sea turtles in the Caribbean, with 600–1400 nesting activities recorded annually, according to Ocean Spirits (a local sea turtle NGO). Offshore, there are important foraging grounds for Endangered green sea turtles and Critically Endangered hawksbill sea turtles, as well as Critically Endangered elkhorn coral colonies growing in shallow waters close to the coastline.
Although the area is used by local fishermen and Grenadians for recreational purposes, there has been very little consultation with the community and no modification of the plans to address environmental and social concerns. Notably, a recent survey of stakeholders done in 2016 in the communities in and around Levera suggests that less than 15% of individuals support hotel development. More than two-thirds support the establishment of a National Park and Recreational Area and have suggestions for how they would like to see their community involved through a “co-management” approach.
It is unclear if the current deforestation—including for the purpose of building migrant workers’ barracks—was approved by the Physical Planning Unit, or whether an EIA has been undertaken for this development. Furthermore, there is strong evidence that funds for the Levera project have been grossly mismanaged in the past. (see here, here, here, and here). The development company’s website shares information on the Grenada Levera project from the home page, including a short video regarding the vision for this area (see photos in the gallery below) and how one can invest in the project through the CBI (Citizenship By Investment) programme.
Protect Grenada from Destructive Land Development – Final Thoughts
We must prevent future generations from wondering how Grenada managed to destroy so much of its natural habitat, a precious resource in which man and nature should exist in harmony. It’s not too late to put a stop to these developments, which are already having a significant damaging effect on the environment. Tourism is a key element of Grenada’s economy, but any new developments must take place within the context of true sustainability and sensitivity to these fragile ecosystems and the needs of local Grenadians.
In an online opinion piece dated August 25, 2020 in NowGrenada, S. Brian Samuel observes: “Naturally, tourism must play a central role in the regeneration of the Grenadian economy, but the crucial question is: What kind of tourism? You can’t fit square pegs into round holes; a country’s tourism strategy has to gel with its natural and human attributes.”
Local economies are best protected by protecting nature. We stand with our local partners and call on the Government of Grenada to immediately cease destructive activities at these sites and plan a way forward that protects Grenada’s natural assets for generations to come.
Note: After signing this petition, will ask for a donation – this is inherent functionality of petitions. The donations are used by as payment to boost the petition, and it is not possible to remove this feature from the petition. All donations go to and not the Grenada Land Actors Platform (consortium of concerned local citizens and groups) – we do apologize for this, and are working on a way for people that wish to do so to support the cause in Grenada directly through donations as well as signing the petition.
Artist renditions of the 3 developments are shown in the gallery below.
Artist rendition of the Six Senses La Sagesse Resort.
Artist rendition of the Mt Hartman resort development and marina. The development is adjacent to the Mt Hartman National Park and Dove Sanctuary, which was established to protect the Critically Endangered endemic species. Grenada Doves also occur in the Mt Hartman Estate where the development is taking place.
Artist rendition of the Mt Hartman resort development and marina. The development is adjacent to the Mt Hartman National Park and Dove Sanctuary, which was established to protect the Critically Endangered endemic species. Grenada Doves also occur in the Mt Hartman Estate where the development is taking place.
Artist rendition of the Mt Hartman resort development and marina. The development is adjacent to the Mt Hartman National Park and Dove Sanctuary, which was established to protect the Critically Endangered endemic species. Grenada Doves also occur in the Mt Hartman Estate where the development is taking place.
Artist rendition of the Lavera Resort development. The resort includes a waterpark, golf course and 500 room hotel.
Artist rendition of the Lavera Resort development. The resort includes a waterpark, golf course and 500 room hotel.
Artist rendition of the Lavera Resort development. The resort includes a waterpark, golf course and 500 room hotel.
A sample of the beauty and biodiversity of Grenada at the 3 sites is shown in the gallery below.
September is right around the corner and migratory birds are making their way south. World Shorebirds Day 2020 is Sunday, September 6th and we need your help to count Caribbean shorebirds at your favorite birding spot (or spots)!
This year’s Global Shorebird Count will take place from September 3 to 9, 2020. All across the Caribbean, birders will be compiling checklists from island to island and recording them on eBird Caribbean. Our migratory shorebirds are more vulnerable than ever, threatened by human activities that have changed or destroyed their habitat. Most species of shorebirds are in decline around the world.
Where are these fascinating birds to be found? While you will find them on shores and beaches, some shorebirds use habitats further inland, including freshwater and brackish marshes and ponds. Shorebirds are also fond of salt ponds, mud flats, mangrove areas, and tidal flats.
eBird Caribbean is a critical tool for tracking and understanding bird migration and population changes – never more so than for our shorebirds. If you do not have an account, it is easy to register – here’s a quick guide to enter eBird data online. There is even a free eBird Essentials course to get you fully oriented. Download the free mobile app for recording your data in the field.
Your checklists matter! We are so excited that of the top 25 countries around the world participating in the Global Shorebird Count from 2014-2019, the Caribbean was listed three times. Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Barbados – keep up the good work. Let’s see if we can add any other Caribbean islands to the list!
These three locations were certainly not the only areas in the region to participate. Islands from The Bahamas down to Trinidad joined in to count shorebirds with checklists from 19 islands/nations.
Make Your Shorebirds Count—Submit & Share Your Data!
To make your submitted data visible to World Shorebirds Day, please be sure to share your checklist with worldshorebirdsday eBird username of World Shorebirds Day, or add email address, to your contact list, and share all your related checklists. Only checklists made during the World Shorebirds Day count period between 3–9 September 2019 (inclusive) are eligible. Guidelines for sharing eBird checklists are here.
We hope you will visit as many sites as possible during the 6 days of the count! For more tips on how to do the Global Shorebird Count, go to the World Shorebirds Day website.
Shorebird ID Resources
Need a quick reference for a shorebird you spotted? Or an educational resource for your school or office? Download the pdf of our Quick ID Guide to Common Shorebirds of the Caribbeanhere. For use in the field, print on cardstock and laminate.
Also, check out our Common Shorebirds of the Caribbean poster, which is available in English, Spanish, and French. Download them from this page.
We also have available a two-page Common Shorebirds of the Caribbean ID Guide – you can download it here. All these ID resources work well in the entire Atlantic Flyway, not just the Caribbean islands.
Count Shorebirds & Stay Healthy
In these extraordinary times, we are still trying to get back to some sort new normal. However, in many countries, it is still not possible to do so. Participants of the World Shorebirds Day and the Global Shorebird Count should check their national guidelines to make sure their activities are in compliance with local health recommendations. Please take all the necessary precautions and stay safe, wherever you are!
What To Do if You See Banded Birds
Be sure to be on the lookout for banded birds! Especially Piping Plovers, Red Knots, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Ruddy Turnstones, and Sanderlings. You may report your sightings to and the USGS Bird Banding Lab which oversee all banding in the United States.
On 1 August, BirdsCaribbean (BC) opened the Call for Nominations for our Board elections. The nomination period will stay open for two months in total, closing at midnight 31 September, 2020.
By this time, everyone should be thinking about folks you know that would make a great addition to the BC Board of Directors. Reach out to those people, and ask them if they would be interested in being nominated. We are really looking for a strong pool of nominees to select for candidacy and run for election in November.
We are excited to announce and offer a “Meet the BC Board” Webinar scheduled for 1 September at 1pm EDT. We have created this webinar as an opportunity for ANYONE to learn more about our organization, what the BC Board of Directors does, and who we are looking for to fill our soon-to-be vacant seats! Our current as well as some past Board members will be hosting the event, and are excited to interact with you and answer any questions you might have. We will be ready to divide our attendees into breakout rooms so that we can ensure small, more personable conversations, and that all of your questions get answered.
Please add this event to your calendars, and register to join us on Zoom using the following link:
Serving on the BirdsCaribbean Board of Directors is a fantastic opportunity to help shape the future of an organization dedicated to conserving the region’s incredible birds and nature. We are a vibrant network and work with many partners throughout the region, including governments, NGOs, educators, tourism interests, communities, students, and more. The BirdsCaribbean Board is an extremely personable, inclusive, and enthusiastic group, and we are eager to bring new ideas and backgrounds to our leadership. Without a doubt, serving on our Board is an enriching and rewarding opportunity, and interested individuals should not hesitate to attend this webinar and then pursue a nomination.
Birds of the UK Overseas Territories has just been published! The book explores the birds and other wildlife of each of the 14 UKOTs with a particular focus on environmental threats and conservation issues. Six Overseas Territories are within our region: Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Turks and Caicos. Many BirdsCaribbean members have helped produce the detailed accounts.
The recently (July 2020) published Birds of the UK Overseas Territories includes detailed accounts of the biodiversity of 14 of the United Kingdom Overseas Territories (UKOTs) with an emphasis on their avifauna. Although the UKOTs are spread around the globe, of great interest to BirdsCaribbean members will be the chapters on Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
In terms of global biodiversity, these territories are remarkably significant. Among landscapes that range from coral atolls, through mangroves and dry forests to the ice sheets of Antarctica, the UKOTs support no fewer than 45 species of birds currently considered to be globally threatened. They are also home to a third of all the world’s breeding albatrosses, and nine of the world’s 17 species of penguin.
In a rapidly changing world, the UKOTs symbolise global crises in climate and biodiversity. Threats faced by their wildlife range from mortality of seabirds at sea through industrial fisheries, and on land as a result of introduced ground predators to the utter devastation of hurricanes in the Caribbean—which provide a stark reminder of our changing climate. The human impact on the wildlife of our planet has been increasing for centuries, but the next few decades promise to be critical.
This book explores the birds and other wildlife of each of the 14 UKOTs, with a particular focus on environmental threats and conservation priorities. Written by authors with a deep connection to the sites, this book represents an important stocktake of the biological richness of these special places in the early 21st century.
Lavishly illustrated with photos and maps it is well worth purchasing especially as all profits go to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds’ (RSPB) conservation work throughout the UKOTs.
Birds of the UK Overseas Territories – edited by Roger Riddington.
Published by T & AD Poyser
ISBN: 9781472977267 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9781472977250 (Hardback)
For purchase from the following vendors:
Amazon Smile: Remember to use and designate BirdsCaribbean as your charity to support when making purchases from Amazon (a portion of your purchases comes to us – every little bit helps!).
Every two years, BirdsCaribbean (BC) holds an election for its Board of Directors.
This year — 2020 — is an election year, and we need the involvement of our community members!
Serving on the BirdsCaribbean Board of Directors is a fantastic opportunity to help shape the future of an organization dedicated to conserving the region’s incredible birds and nature. We are a vibrant network and work with many partners throughout the region, including governments, NGOs, educators, tourism interests, communities, students, and more. The BirdsCaribbean Board is an extremely personable, inclusive, and enthusiastic group, and we are eager to bring new ideas and backgrounds to our leadership. Without a doubt, serving on our Board of Directors is an enriching and rewarding experience, and interested individuals should not hesitate to pursue a position.
The BirdsCaribbean Nominations Committee is ready to receive nominations.
The nomination period will remain open for two full months, closing on midnight 30 September. During this time, our community’s goal is to develop the best possible slate of nominees to provide leadership and growth for BirdsCaribbean.
Important lingo:
Nominees = individuals that have been nominated to stand for election
Nominator = the person making the nomination
Seconder = an additional person that supports the nominator’s choice
We are looking for Directors to join our leadership board.
Additionally we are looking for Directors that will take on operational duties: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Any individual, sponsored, honorary, or life member in good standing* may be nominated and may also nominate or act as a “seconder” (i.e., give a second endorsement) for a nominee. All nominators must make sure that their nominee is willing to stand for election.
Directors that have served two consecutive terms in a position cannot run again for that same position. These individuals can run for a different position. [This means that Andrew Dobson cannot run for President in the 2020 elections.]
Note that individuals who have been disqualified because they have served 2 consecutive terms may run for election for their previous posts after a break of 1 term (2 years) or more.
Note — If you would like to know if a prospective nominee is a current member of BirdsCaribbean, or if you are not sure of your membership status, please contact BirdsCaribbean’s Administrative Assistant, Delores Kellman. You can easily renew your membership or join BirdsCaribbean. Contact us if you would like to apply for a sponsored membership.
*The Nominations Committee will perform a thorough vetting of each nominee to make sure that they are suitable for candidacy.
Prior experience on the Board or another non-profit Board
Enthusiasm and commitment to contributing to the leadership and mission of BirdsCaribbean, a non-profit organization
Any BirdsCaribbean member in good standing can nominate any other BirdsCaribbean member in good standing. All members should be active in seeking out nominations for elected or appointed posts. We encourage you to open up dialogue with individuals that you think would be a great addition to the BirdsCaribbean Board, and encourage those individuals to run for election.
Note — the Nominations Committee will be considering the Board’s need for diversity and representation when developing the list of candidates for election.
Be ready to provide the following:
Nominee’s name, address, country(ies) of citizenship and residence.
Position the nominee is standing for.
Evidence of the nominee’s willingness to stand for election. This is a brief statement that the nominee must write, and then send to you to be added to the nomination form. This should be a brief statement of interest (describing in about 100 words why the nominee thinks they are eligible for the post and what they will contribute if elected).
Name and contact information of a “seconder” (i.e., another person that agrees with this nomination), who must also be a member in good standing.
The nominations will be reviewed by the Nominations Committee to ensure that the nominees are eligible and that the nomination forms are complete.
*You may nominate more than one individual. Please complete a new nomination form for each individual and each position they seek.
The deadline for receipt of nominations is 11:59 PM, 30 September 2020.
Save the date: 1 September (1pm EDT): — Join us for a 1 hour virtual session where you get to meet the current Board members, hear about their positions, and ask any and all questions you have about what serving on the BC Executive Board entails. More details on this event will be made available soon.
For more information on the entire election process, please visit our Elections blog article:
A galaxy of shorebirds! Craig Watson of the USFWS shares stories from the field on Year Five of Piping Plover surveys in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
On Piping Plover Cay
It was January 2020, and the Fish Fry festivities in Bight Park, Providenciales were in full swing as I arrived in Turks and Caicos, eagerly looking forward to a great couple of weeks of shorebird surveys in the islands. I soon discovered that my colleagues, now in their fifth season of surveys, had already experienced great success before I arrived. They recorded an astounding number of individual shorebirds on Black Rock—nearly 5,000, including over 2,800 Short-billed Dowitchers and 180 rufa Red Knot, a threatened species in the USA and Endangered in Canada.
We had named a small cay northeast of South Caicos “Piping Plover Cay,” and sure enough, 43 Piping Plovers had already showed up. This amazing little bird is also Endangered/Threatened in the US and Endangered in Canada. This spot, where our team observed a high count of 88 Piping Plovers in 2017, is not just the most important site in the Turks and Caicos, but an important winter site for the entire Atlantic Coast Population. Most Piping Plover winter sites have less than 10 birds, while the numbers of Piping Plover on this tiny island exceed the 1% threshold for the biogeographic population.
A Special Bird and a Recovering Island
The following day brought some thrilling discoveries. I set off to conduct surveys with Dodley Prosper of the Turks and Caicos Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) and to our delight we located 5 Piping Plovers on Stubbs Cay. One was really special; it had been banded in New Brunswick, Canada as a chick, returning to the same Canadian location in 2019 and 2020 to breed! Moreover, while Dodley and I were surveying the small islands between Providenciales and North Caicos, the rest of the team found 32 more Piping Plovers on Little Ambergris Cay, west of South Caicos. This was more than we had ever found there in our five years of surveying. After Hurricanes Irma (and Maria) hit hard in 2017, sucking away several sandy beaches, no plovers were seen. Thus, it was comforting to realize that not only the habitat, but also the numbers of this species appeared to be rebounding on this uninhabited wetland nature reserve. This was a very encouraging start to our fifth season!
How We Got Started
Our annual surveys in Turks and Caicos began in early 2016. We wanted to know how many Piping Plovers and other shorebirds wintered there, and how important this scattering of over forty coral islands was for their fragile populations. After the hurricanes of 2017, we also assessed the storms’ impact on the birds and the places they made home during the winter months. Surveys have also focused on identifying potential threats to winter habitats.
Unfortunately, there are a range of threats that are common to many parts of the Caribbean: sea level rise caused by climate change factors; invasive species; disturbance from recreational activities; and development. It was important for us to work with many local partners, including the TCI DECR, who now have first-hand information to continue monitoring and protecting the most critical habitats. Now, the question is: will the significant numbers of Piping Plover, Red Knot, and Short-billed Dowitcher we have discovered in the past four years continue to use the islands during the winter? And how will the severe storms affecting Caribbean islands more frequently influence the shorebirds’ population?
Will these shorebirds, especially the Piping Plover, survive these growing challenges?
Over the next ten days, our team explored much further. We revisited many areas we had been to in previous years, discovered new sites, and even used airboats for the first time in our surveys to access shallow sand and mud flats that were otherwise inaccessible. The weather was good, the beauty of the islands was remarkable, and with our new discoveries more information is now available to help conserve shorebirds in the islands.
Piping Plovers Making Moves
This winter our total Piping Plover count was slightly over 140. This was the second highest since our high count of 193 in 2017, and far higher than our low count of 62 following Irma and Maria in early 2018. At this point, we are not sure whether this reflects a true rebound from the storms or shifts in the use of habitats afterwards. We will need to conduct further surveys to be able to find the real answer, and to understand the meaning of the numbers that we observe annually. Piping Plovers form a strong attachment to their winter homes. Individual birds are known to use the same areas each winter, which may include sand flats, smaller cays, or multiple beaches.
Based on our previous knowledge of how the birds use specific areas, we were able to split into two teams to survey extensive habitat within a couple miles of where Piping Plovers had been observed in the past. This led to an exciting and fascinating discovery: Piping Plovers were moving back and forth between these areas during their daily activities, even within the same tide cycle. With the two teams observing at the same time, we were able to record band numbers from birds moving around these areas at two locations on separate days. Success! Now we were able to get a grasp of the birds’ local movements.
An Airboat Makes A Successful Debut
The large sandy flat area surrounding Piping Plover Cay on the northern end of South Caicos and McCartney Flats on the south side of East Caicos have several nearby sites used by a single flock of Piping Plovers. Although the distance between these two sites is relatively short (~1.25 km), making it easy for the birds to fly back and forth, it is a struggle for us humans to search—unless, of course, we have two teams and an airboat. Numbers on Piping Plover Cay had dropped dramatically since the hurricanes, but we were thrilled to find that over 50 Piping Plovers were using these two surrounding areas.
This was the first year we attempted to use an airboat to conduct surveys. The Beyond the Blue fishing guides out of South Caicos assisted us and we were able to reach several areas that we had never been able to access previously. We could never forget our first (and only) attempt at a survey in the past, when we dragged kayaks across what seemed like endless sand flats. This time, we were at first concerned about airboats disturbing birds so we proceeded with caution, stopping at a distance and then wading close-in by foot. The birds were hardly disturbed at all; and we would never have found them without the use of the airboat.
Birds, Not Conchs, on Conch Cay
Conch Cay, between Middle and North Caicos, and East Bay Island National Park, just off the northeast coast of North Caicos, are neighbouring sites used by Piping Plovers. Conch Cay and the sand flats at the southern tip of East Bay are pretty close together (~1.5 km) making it a short flight for plovers. Again, it had been difficult for just one team to observe the birds’ movements to and fro. This time, while one team was surveying Conch Cay, those birds flew directly to where the team on East Bay was surveying (up to 30 individuals had been observed here in the past).
We had never seen Piping Plovers on Conch Cay before—another new site to document! We realized that these birds may utilize neighboring small cays and beaches as one larger site. In other words, it is all part of the same neighbourhood for them.
Three cays northeast of Provo—Dellis, Stubbs, and Ft. George—also proved to be Piping Plover wintering sites. For the first time a small flock was observed on Stubbs Cay. These birds flew in the direction of Dellis Cay and were relocated later by observing the same bird with the same black flag marker on its leg! This means that not just one or two islands need protection for the continued survival of the Piping Plover. They are actually moving around much larger areas. So, these entire complexes of islands, cays, and intertidal flats need to come under the conservation umbrella.
Snowy Plovers, Salt Flats and Flags
New findings did not end with Piping Plovers this year. On the old sandstone dikes of the South Caicos Cemetery Salinas (salt flats) we counted 17 Snowy Plovers. The Salinas are precious habitats for shorebirds and in our years of surveys we had only detected one Snowy Plover at Northwest Point Preserve two years ago! The Salinas support 21 species of shorebirds and 16 species of waterbirds, including large numbers of migrating Stilt Sandpipers, Short-billed Dowitchers, and Least Sandpipers. The Snowy Plover is a relatively uncommon resident in the northeast Caribbean, and another subspecies listed as Threatened in the U.S. It is fantastic to know that Snowy Plovers are year-round residents here in the Salinas on Turks and Caicos!
And the Piping Plovers waved flags! Perhaps one of the highlights this year was that nineteen (19) of the Piping Plovers we observed were tagged with unique color flags and codes, identifying the individual bird and its breeding origin. These birds breed in Canada and the U.S. and all but one were banded on their breeding grounds—which included beaches in New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia. One bird was marked as a migrant moving through North Carolina. Other flagged species recorded in the islands were Red Knot, Ruddy Turnstone, and Sanderling. These resightings are critical, as they are telling us where we need to protect and manage the places where they stop and settle. This will help sustain them throughout their travels, whether they are breeding in Canada, migrating, or wintering in the Caribbean! Keep an eye out for marked shorebirds on your island, report sightings ( and contribute to improving our collective knowledge!
Checking out New Spots
Our teams ventured further afield, visiting and surveying areas that we had not looked at in past years. One such area was the island of West Caicos and nearby cays. We had a bit of a bumpy ride out to the cays, but all in a day’s work! We found that some of the smaller cays really did not have suitable habitat for Piping Plovers. West Caicos had some beach areas on the east shore similar to other beaches where Piping Plovers were found. However, most of these beaches were very high energy—not a suitable environment for roosting or foraging birds. We did find a good population of Bahama Mockingbird, which was previously undocumented. The team also found good numbers of seven species of shorebirds including Stilt Sandpiper, Short-billed Dowitcher, and Lesser Yellowlegs, all identified as critical species in the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative.
For the first time we conducted comprehensive surveys in and around the Wheeland Ponds in Providenciales. It is an area of brackish ponds and mangroves, as well as old sand mining pits between Northwest Point and the Blue Hills area. Historically, the area was used for agriculture and sand mining, and for “wrecking”—the shipwreck salvage business. The salinity of the ponds along with the limestone outcroppings support the same types of wildlife, particularly birds, as in other areas. Our surveys detected approximately 20 species, 10 of which were shorebird species, with significant numbers of Black-necked Stilts, Killdeer, and Wilson’s and Black-bellied Plovers. Other birds of interest included American Flamingo, White-cheeked Pintail, and Least Grebe. Currently, the 96-acre area is being considered for inclusion in the Turks and Caicos national park system, as a critical habitat reserve.
Valuable Partnerships in Conservation
What would we do without our partners? The success of our surveys would not have been possible without this network of awesome people assisting in our efforts. The collaboration has grown over the last five years and now includes many local colleagues, most notably the TCI Department of Coastal and Environmental Resources (DECR). Although first led by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in recent years surveys have been jointly led by USGS, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and DECR. From the start, the DECR has provided boats and personnel every year, and over time their members have developed significant expertise in surveying shorebirds. For the first time in 2020, DECR was in charge and worked independently on a survey of Big Sand Cay.
BirdsCaribbean, SWA Environmental (Kathleen Wood), the Turks and Caicos Reef Fund (Don Stark), and the Turks and Caicos National Trust (supported by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) are local organizations that provided funding support, in addition to the survey assistance by Kathleen Wood. Big Blue Collective (Mark Parish), Beyond the Blue (Bibo), and local guides Tim Hamilton and Cardinal Arthur provided invaluable knowledge of the islands, the marine landscape, and skills in navigating the turquoise waters. In many cases these boat operators went above and beyond our expectations. They got us where we needed to go when we needed to be there, working long hours for not much pay.
Information sharing is what it’s all about. During our five years of surveys, we have observed approximately 80 bird species and roughly 13,000 individual shorebirds, providing DECR and local partners with the “know how” to assist in managing the natural resources of the islands. Data on Piping Plovers and other shorebird hotspots has been used by the TCI Government to inform all-important environmental impact assessments and other land management decisions.
It is likely the current pandemic may not allow international partners like myself to conduct another survey in 2021. However, we all hope that another year of surveys can be completed by our many great partners on the ground in Turks and Caicos. The islands are a true treasure for shorebirds and we need to protect and manage these precious places for the continued survival of the species and the environment.
Each year has brought new discoveries and the more we discover, the more effective our partnerships and conservation efforts become! The charming Piping Plover, a very special winter resident in TCI and Bahamas, remains an inspiration to us all.
Craig Watson is the South Atlantic Coordinator of the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture. His job is to coordinate bird habitat conservation efforts with partners for high priority species that utilize the Atlantic Flyway (Canada to South America). If you would like to help fund future surveys and conservation actions for Piping Plovers and shorebirds in the TCI, Bahamas and the region, please click here.
Enjoy the photo gallery below. Hover over each photo to see the caption; click on the first photo to see a slide show.
Piping Plover Cay, South Caicos (Photo by Craig Watson)
Junel Blaise of DECR assisting with surveys, Pigeon Pond and Frenchman’s Creek Nature Preserve (Photo by Craig Watson)
Piping Plovers on Stubbs Cay (Photo by Craig Watson)
Team surveying West Caicos, Sarah Neima, Elise Elliott-Smith, Craig Watson, Dodley Prosper, Junel Blaise (Photo by Jen Rock)
Dodley Prosper (formerly of DECR) surveying in the old sand pits of the Blue Hills area of Providenciales (Photo by Craig Watson)
Mark Parrish of Big Blue Collective assisting team surveying at Ft. George Cay, Providenciales (Photo by Craig Watson)
Reddish Egret dark phase (Photo by Craig Watson)
Black-necked Stilts, Whitby Salina Pond, North Caicos (Photo by Craig Watson)
Piping Plovers at Piping Plover Cay, South Caicos (Photo by Craig Watson)
Elise Elliott-Smith, Sarah Neima, Jen Rock, surveying Little Water Cay in Turks and Caicos. (Photo by Craig Watson)
DECR Conservation Officers Rodney Smith and Delroy Glinton assisting with access to islands for shorebird surveys (Photo by Craig Watson)
Crew surveying Little Ambergris Cay, South Caicos, Sarah Neima, Tyann Henry, Kathy Lockhart (Photo by Jen Rock)
Local guide Tim Hamilton, Craig Watson, Elise Elliott-Smith, Caleb Spiegel, Dickish Cay, Middle Caicos (Photo by Marley Hamilton)
Survey crew on Little Ambergris Cay, South Caicos, Foreground Eric Salamanca (DECR), Sarah Neima and Jen Rock (Environment and Climate Change Canada) Elise Eliott-Smith (U.S. Geological Survey), Background Kathy Lockhart and Tyann Henry (Photo by Caleb Spiegel)
Reddish Egret white phase (Photo by Craig Watson)
Wild Cow Run Beach, Middle Caicos (Photo by Craig Watson)
Piping Plover with flag on East Bay Island Reserve from Second Beach, Newfoundland, Canada (Photo by Caleb Spiegel)
Beach at West Caicos, first time surveyed (Photo by Craig Watson)
DECR boat assistance with surveys, Dellis Cay (Photo by Craig Watson)
Conservation Officers Rodney Smith and Trevor Watkins of DECR assisting with access to islands for shorebird surveys (Photo by Craig Watson)
Elise Elliott-Smith and Jen Rock on airboat (Beyond the Blue) (Photo by Caleb Spiegel)
Joe Grant’s beach, Joe Grant’s Cay, East Caicos (Photo by Craig Watson)
Team surveying Little Water Cay, Elise Elliott-Smith, Sarah Neima, Jen Rock, Craig Watson (Photo by Mark Parrish)
BirdsCaribbean, like many other organizations, has had to “rethink” and restructure many of its regular activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF), celebrated each spring by diverse groups and partners throughout the Caribbean, moved into the online world for 2020. It transformed into a “virtual festival” from our homes—our “nest.”
Making the Most of the Challenge
In the 19-year history of the CEBF, we have always found fun and creative ways to connect people to our rich and diverse regional avifauna, with a special focus on the unique 171species that live only in the region. Each year, partner organizations, led by BirdsCaribbean organize educational, social and scientific events, gathering people of all ages together at various birding “hotspots.” This year, the planned theme was to celebrate our Birds and Culture; but the challenges of COVID-19 and the social distancing restrictions on the islands’ residents presented unusual challenges for participants.
However, adjusting to difficult situations is nothing new for the region, points out CEBF Regional Coordinator Eduardo Llegus: “Caribbean people—and birds—are very resilient. We have endured catastrophic hurricanes, severe droughts, heavy rainfall and flooding, pollution, and a number of impacts on our environment caused by human activity.”
“Despite these challenges, our enthusiastic partners and bird educators still inspire everyone to help conserve our winged friends and their local habitats, as well as our natural resources, in harmony with humans,” he stressed.
The Virtual Festival Takes Off
Children, teens and adults engaged in a safe, fun, and educational “virtual festival” for CEBF 2020. Online discussions, webinars, courses, educational videos, bird puzzles, maps, eBooks, colouring pages, blog and newspaper articles all formed part of an exciting range of remote activities.
BirdsCaribbean launched pages from the recently published Endemic Birds of the West Indies Colouring Book on our website. This delightful book features 50 endemic Caribbean birds and includes a wealth of additional information on each bird. BirdsCaribbean is especially grateful to the artist Christine Elder, Mark Yokoyama, and many other contributors, including bird photographers. We featured an Endemic Bird of the Day for 50 days on our From the Nest page, and shared photos, puzzles, activities, videos, bird songs and calls, and more.
Throughout this spring, the online world was busy. Birds Caribbean was no exception, with visits to our website and to social media pages increasing by more than 500% in the last two months. BirdsCaribbean now has hundreds of new friends and followers, all engaged and interested in our work.
BirdsCaribbean partners created their own online initiatives for CEBF 2020, mainly on their social media pages, reaching more than 100,000 people all around the Caribbean region, and across the globe. The Bahamas National Trust offered the first online talk, exploring the mysteries of the legendary “Chickcharney”, an owl-like folkloric creature. Artist Christine Elder live-streamed hands-on workshops on Sketching Hummingbirds and Sketching Parrots assisted by parrot expert, Aliya Hosein, in Trinidad.
Cuban groups partnered with the University of Havana to focus on an Endemic Cuban Bird each day on Facebook, with wonderful photos and fascinating information on each species.
Les Fruits de Mer, BirdLife Jamaica, SOH Conservación, Grupo Acción Ecológica, Puerto Rican Bird Photographers and other Caribbean non-governmental organizations posted on social media about endemic birds and their habitats.
Learning New Ways to Connect
CEBF 2020 was remarkable, offering fresh insights and perspectives through the online experience. BirdsCaribbean and its partners entered a new world of creative possibilities, discovering fresh ways of communicating our important messages on endemic birds. We explored different options, learned to handle Zoom meetings and to present online, and stepped up our social media presence. The response was enthusiastic. The festival was more than just a substitute for regular organized, in-person events. CEBF 2020 highlighted in an innovative way the importance of our unique native wildlife, and emphasized how essential it is to protect our endemic species.
Visit BirdsCaribbean to find From the Nest page, our Youtube channel, and Resources page to enjoy our Endemic Bird of the Day series with photos, puzzles, activities, videos, and more. Follow BirdsCaribbean (@BirdsCaribbean) and your local nature groups on social media with #CEBFFromTheNest and #Festival_de_Aves_Endémicas_del_Caribe.
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival events are held annually between Earth Day on April 22nd and International Biodiversity Day on May 22nd. Contact your local environmental group to find out about events on your island, or contact BirdsCaribbean to organize an event of your own:
Thank you to all of our partners and friends across the region for participating so enthusiastically and making CEBF 2020 memorable and special. Enjoy the gallery below! (hover over each image to see the caption; click on each photo to see it larger and to view images as a gallery).
Artwork from the DR shared by Grupo Accion Ecologica.
The Dominica Forestry Dept did a lot of great sharing about birds found Dominica’s diverse habitats.
Dominica’s Forestry, Wildlife and parks Division challenged their followers to ID birds throughout the month.
Participants in our parrot sketching workshop by artist and naturalist Christine Elder, showed off their artwork on social media!
Sustainable Grenadines Inc in Union Island, did a fantastic job sharing sightings of birds at local habitats throughout CEBF!
Dr. Adrianne Tossas in Puerto Rico gave an outstanding webinar on the endemic birds of Puerto Rico, co-hosted by the DRNE and BIrdsCaribbean.
Ave Zona in Venezuela was active ni sarhing information about endemic birds and habitats for CEBF.
Bird Photographer in Puerto Rico shared many outstanding photos of Puerto Rico’s endemic birds.
BirdsCaribbean offered online puzzles of endemic birds with each Endemic Bird of the Day; these can be accessed at our From the Nest page.
Parrot expert and enthusiast, Aliya Hosein, in Trinidad, did a wonderful job sharing information, artwork, and stamps of the Caribbean’s endemic parrots
Corredor Biológico en el Caribe shared information about the much beloved endemic Cuban Tody for CEBF 2020.
We are excited to announce the recent release of an updated, second edition to the acclaimed field guide, Birds of the West Indies by Herb Raffaele et al.!
Birds of the West Indies was the first field guide to cover and depict all bird species known to occur in the region with any regularity, including infrequently occurring and introduced forms. Now fully updated and expanded, this stunningly illustrated book features detailed accounts of more than 600 species, describing identification field marks, ranges, status, songs and calls, and habitats.
There are more than 100 beautiful color plates that depict plumages of all the species—including those believed to have recently become extinct—as well as distribution maps, a color code for endemic birds, and an incisive introduction that discusses avifaunal changes in the West Indies over the past fifteen years, and the importance of conservation.
Noteworthy Features of the Second Edition:
Covers more than 60 new species, including vagrants, introductions, and taxonomic splits
Presents species in user-friendly order from ocean birds to land birds
Separates vagrants to minimize confusion with regularly occurring species
Updates the status of every species
Features illustrations for all new species and improved artwork for warblers and flycatchers
Color codes endemic species confined to one or only a few islands
And don’t forget: whenever you shop on Amazon (e.g., to buy the new field guide), please shop on Amazon Smile and designate BirdsCaribbean as your charity to support. You don’t pay extra, rather a portion of your regular purchase price comes to us – every little bit helps – thanks in advance!
Dr. Lourdes Mugica, Professor of Biology at the University of Havana, shares with us news of the first edition of the Cuban Ornithologists Year Book. Congratulations to this amazing group on their tremendous work and the creation of this excellent resource.
The last BirdsCaribbean International Conference celebrated in Guadeloupe (July 2019) had many positive outcomes for Cubans, but not all were evident during the conference. Firstly, a record number of Cuban people from all over the country — 20 persons — received support to attend the conference. This was possible thanks to the amazing efforts of BirdsCaribbean and its donors.
It was a great occasion not only for international exchange and networking, but for internal exchanges as well. During the conference, we Cubans organized a meeting to analyze the present status and future of Cuban ornithology, and how we could encourage more research, education, capacity building, and conservation throughout our island. Several initiatives were developed, including the publication of an annual Cuban Ornithologists Year Book (Anuario Ornitológico de Cuba 2019). We are excited to share the first one, and in doing so starting a new tradition. We hope to publish it annually.
The goal of the Cuban Ornithologists Year Book is to gather all the results obtained by Cuban ornithologists and volunteers during the year in different fields, all of them contributing in some way to ornithology and bird conservation. The Year Book shows what we have accomplished during the year, including publications, events, awards, PhD theses, capacity building, and national and international projects. Authors and institutions are listed for each activity. The Year Book also includes a Directory of Cubans and volunteers contributing to the results — email addresses and phone numbers are listed to facilitate scientific exchange. It was labor-intensive to gather all the information at the country level; it is great to now see it completed.
The results include the publication of 29 scientific papers, participation in 15 events with 40 presentations, 49 projects in progress, 1 PhD and 1 Undergraduate thesis defended, 6 awards received, and 8 capacity building courses delivered. All of this information is organized at the national, institutional, and personal levels. Some of the most outstanding results are highlighted. The Year Book concludes with a Directory containing contact information for the 50 Cubans involved.
Many thanks again to BirdsCaribbean for their support for several of the projects mentioned in the Year Book, and for helping so many Cubans attend the BirdsCaribbean conference in Guadeloupe that resulted in this major project.
Dr. Lourdes Mugica is a full professor at the University of Havana where she teaches classes on Conservation Biology and Biodiversity and Conservation. Her main areas of research are Bird Ecology and Bird Conservation, especially of waterbirds. She is also very active in outreach, capacity building and education efforts in Cuba. Download the Year Book here.
Every two years, BirdsCaribbean (BC) holds an election for its Board of Directors. The Call for Nominations is open, and will remain open until the night of 30 September.
This year — 2020 — is an election year, and we need the involvement of our community members!
Serving on the BirdsCaribbean Board of Directors is a fantastic opportunity to help shape the future of an organization dedicated to conserving the region’s incredible birds and nature. We are a vibrant network and work with many partners throughout the region, including governments, NGOs, educators, tourism interests, communities, students, and more. The BirdsCaribbean Board is an extremely personable, inclusive, and enthusiastic group, and we are eager to bring new ideas and backgrounds to our leadership. Without a doubt, serving on our Board is an enriching and rewarding opportunity, and interested individuals should not hesitate to pursue a position.
Some important vocab and distinctions:
Directors = Leaders of the organization
Board of Directors = Entire leadership group (all officers and directors)
Executive Board = Officers only
Positions on the Board of Directors that are open for election include:
4 Officer Directors (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and
1 Director-at-Large
Basic responsibilities of every Director:
Determine and promote the organization’s vision and mission
Ensure effective organizational planning
Determine and monitor the organization’s programs and services
Ensure adequate resources and manage resources effectively
Select the Executive Director
Enhance the organization’s public image
Participate in Board discussions
Promote BirdsCaribbean
Support BirdsCaribbean financially
Take a leadership role on committees
Reveal conflicts or issues
Directors that take on Operational Duties are called Officers, and are listed here:
Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Caribbean Ornithology
Directors without Officer positions are called At-Large Directors.
Over the coming months, BirdsCaribbean’s members will:
nominate good individuals for these Board positions, and then
vote on the individuals put forward for election by the Nominations Committee
This is an important opportunity for our community to shape the leadership and future direction of BirdsCaribbean!
The current members of the full Board of Directors may be viewed here.
The following positions are elected positions, and are all open for nominations, no matter the incumbent’s status.
President: Currently filled by Andrew Dobson, not eligible for re-election to this position (has served two consecutive terms). Position must be filled.
Vice President: Justin Proctor, eligible for re-election to this position.
Treasurer: Laura Bambini, resigning. Position must be filled.
Secretary: Hannah Madden, resigning. Position must be filled.
Elected Director-at-Large: Adrianne Tossas, eligible for re-election to this position.
More information on the roles and responsibilities of Directors and Terms of Reference for each of the elected Officer positions can be found here:
Elected individuals will serve a two-year term starting in January 2021 and ending December 2022.
Board members can serve in the same position for two consecutive terms (if re-elected for a second term). They must then take a two-year break or serve in a different position.
I want to nominate someone that is NOT from the Caribbean, is that ok? Yes, absolutely. Nominees can be from anywhere. However, we do want to strongly encourage nominations of Caribbean nationals.
Do I have to support BirdsCaribbean financially if I am giving my time as a Board member? At a minimum, you do need to be a member, so yes. Your financial support may come in a form other than cash (e.g., assisting with fundraising, grant-writing, membership drives, communications, etc.). Because the Board is responsible for contributing to the financial well-being of the organization, leaders of the organization must help find those funds.
Do I need to be a BirdsCaribbean member to nominate someone or to run for office? Yes, only members in good standing can nominate persons for a position or run for one of the elected positions on the board. If you need to renew your membership, you can do so quickly here. If you would like to join for the first time, click here.
In order to keep our community engaged with the elections, our goal is to keep you well informed of how and when BC members can be involved. Here is a timeline of what lies ahead:
1 August: Call for Nominations opens.
1 September (1pm EDT):Meet the BC Board Webinar — a 1 hour virtual session where you get to meet the current Board members, hear about their positions, and ask any and all questions you have about what serving on the BC Executive Board entails. More details on this event will be made available soon.
1 August – 30 September: Two months’ time during which nominations can be sent to the Nominations Committee.
1 October: Nominations are closed. The Nominations Committee reviews the nominations and agrees on a slate of candidates that they submit to the Board for approval.
1 November: The President will announce the slate of candidates and release the link to electronic ballots to BirdsCaribbean members.
1 November – 15 December: All BirdsCaribbean members should vote during this time.
20 December: The President will announce the results of the election.
31 December: Terms of Office for previous Board members end.
The most important part of the election process is the nomination period, a time during which we as a community seek out the best individuals to serve on our Board. In order to oversee this effort, BC has a Nominations Committee, which for 2020 is composed of the following individuals:
Andrew Dobson – President of BirdsCaribbean
Lisa Sorenson – Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean
Justin Proctor – Vice President of BirdsCaribbean
Hannah Madden – Secretary of BirdsCaribbean
Ancilleno Davis – Director-At-Large of BirdsCaribbean
Ann Sutton – former Secretary of BirdsCaribbean
Howard Nelson – former President of BirdsCaribbean
The Call for Nominations is open, and will remain open until the night of 30 September. During this time, our community’s goal is to develop the best possible slate of qualified individuals to run for election, and ultimately provide leadership and growth for BirdsCaribbean. Some traits of nominees that should be considered include:
Qualification for the post (please read the Terms of Reference for each position)
Prior experience on the Board
Diversity of geographic representation
Enthusiasm and earnest commitment to developing a non-profit organization
Any BirdsCaribbean member in good standing can nominate any other BirdsCaribbean member in good standing. All members should be active in seeking out nominations. We encourage you to open up dialogue with individuals that you think would be a great addition to the BirdsCaribbean Board, and encourage those individuals to run for election.
On 1 November, BirdsCaribbean will send an electronic election ballot to all BC members. The ballot will contain background information on all of the nominated individuals, though we encourage members to research their choices as thoroughly as possible before casting their votes. Remember that elected individuals will become the next BirdsCaribbean Executive Board, a group tasked with shaping the future of the organization. Make your vote a good and educated one!
Members will have six weeks (until 11:59pm EDT 15 December) to electronically submit their votes. All BirdsCaribbean members should vote during this time.
BirdsCaribbean will announce the election results on 20 December 2020. Newly elected Board members will receive specific training on how to fulfill their duties, and will also have the opportunity to connect with and learn from the Board member that previously held their position.
New Board members will officially begin their terms on 1 January 2021.
If you have any questions about your membership status or that of a prospective nominee, please contact Delores Kellman, BirdsCaribbean Administrative Assistant:
We have all had to adapt to a drastically different way of life in a very short time. One of our partners, the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) in Antigua and Barbuda, has risen to the challenge and made the best of a difficult situation. They organized an online “Birding for Beginners” course to encourage more people in Antigua to learn about local birds, take up birdwatching as a hobby, and to help with citizen science initiatives in Antigua. Here they describe the course and initial outcomes.
The Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) in Antigua and Barbuda is constantly seeking out means to connect our people with nature. EAG aims to promote a greater understanding of and appreciation for how our natural environment provides essential services that support our very lives.
Much of the work that EAG is involved in promotes the conservation of birds and their habitats. One of our goals is to encourage our residents to go out and become citizen scientists—observing birds, collecting data, and sharing it on a platform that can be used by scientists and decision-makers.
A Virtual Introduction to the World of Birds
But first, how do we get people to bird, if they don’t know much about the birds? And how do you bird during a pandemic lockdown? The EAG team decided to launch an online Bird Training session called Birding for Beginners, in the month of May. This consisted of six webinars that taught the basics of birding, including identification, behavior, habitat, ecology, Important Bird Areas, monitoring techniques, threats to birds, conservation, and ethical birding.
Antigua and Barbuda is home to numerous species of resident birds, and over one hundred species of migratory birds spend part of their year here. Birds are ubiquitous on our islands; they are found from the mountain tops of the Shekerley mountain range right down to the wave-chasers on our sandy beaches. We have big, imposing raptors and tiny little hummingbirds. We have land birds, shorebirds, wetland birds, and in-between birds!
Getting to Know Birds
During the webinars, the participants were challenged to learn to identify birds by their shape, size, colour, behaviour and location. For example, one should be able to look at a bird’s bill and decide if it’s a meat-eater, a seed-eater, an insect-eater, a fruit-eater, or otherwise. Some birds glide in flight while others flap. When feeding, some probe and peck, while others snap prey out of the air, or flip over everything in sight. How about their behaviour on the ground? Some run around, some pose majestically with a piercing gaze, and some even “twerk” (bobbing their tail incessantly)!
Participants learned about the important part birds play in our environment. The EAG webinars highlighted some of birds’ vital ecosystem roles. These include keeping the insect population under control, dispersing seeds, pollinating flowers, cleaning up carcasses, advising on the weather, enriching the soil – and even influencing fashion! Participants also learnt about birding “hotspots,” Important Bird Areas and Key Biodiversity Areas across our islands. Examples of these are our offshore islands, Christian Valley, Wallings, McKinnons Pond, and the Codrington Lagoon.
An International Study Group is Born
Of course, we also examined identifying common birds, as well as rare birds and resident and migratory species. We highlighted birds of conservation concern due to threats they face, both human-caused (e.g., destruction of their habitats) and natural (e.g., hurricanes). Special mention was made of our endemic Barbuda Warbler, found nowhere else in the world but – Barbuda.
To wrap up the course, participants learned how to implement actions to conserve birds, how to monitor them, and how to use the online applications eBird Caribbean and Merlin to identify birds and store their birding observations.
The participants were eager and enthusiastic, joining EAG via Zoom and Facebook. The interest was greater than expected and they all returned regularly to keep up with the course. Most of our participants were local, but others from across the region joined us – including participants from Anguilla, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts, and Trinidad and Tobago. Even persons from the UK and US who are regular visitors to the island followed the course!
Inspiration and Support – Thank You!
One of the participants, Shawn Maile, shared his thoughts in an article he posted on his LinkedIn: “I jokingly posted a status to say that maybe I should take up birdwatching. Next thing you know, I was signed up for an online birding course in the middle of a pandemic and starting a new hobby.”
He further commented, “Fast forward to the end of the course and I have currently logged over 25 different species of birds. I can no longer walk, drive, run, or simply go outside without seeing, hearing or sensing a bird. Now armed with the skills to identify and count the avian species, I can proudly say I am a certified beginner birder. Armed with my binoculars and ebird app, I forge into the unknown tracking and viewingmy winged friends.”
Following the course, we are pleased to announce the formation of our very own bird club, the Wadadli Warblers! Our first team outing occurred last week as we began field training at McKinnons Pond, all while wearing masks. We anticipate building up our team of local contributors who monitor birds and their habitats (e.g., participating in the Caribbean Waterbird Census), traveling the Caribbean islands to see the region’s incredible diversity of birds (there are 171 endemics) – and having fun doing it!
This training opportunity and ongoing mentorship would not have been possible without the support of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Cape Cod Bird Club, BirdsCaribbean, and the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival. Our participants were treated to a special appearance by Dr. Herbert Raffaele, former Director at USFWS Division of International Conservation (funding millions of dollars for conservation projects around the world), and award-winning author of several books including the important field guide, “Birds of the West Indies.” Special thanks to Dr. Lisa Sorenson of BirdsCaribbean for her assistance, and for being present at every webinar, supporting the presenters and answering questions.
We urge you to start appreciating our natural world. We urge you to take this time to reconnect to nature. Join the EAG and join the bird club too! For more information, contact us at 268-462-6236 or To donate and support our programs, click here. And enjoy the photo gallery below (click on each photo to see it large and view as a slide show).
Editors Note: Congratulations to the EAG team for this hugely successful and engaging online training. EAG has been a long-time partner of BirdsCaribbean and the 3 facilitators of this course, Natalya Lawrence, Shanna Challenger, and Andrea Otto, have all been active members of BirdsCaribbean. They have participated in our workshops and conferences and have been awarded many grants to carry out education, monitoring, restoration and conservation projects in Antigua and Barbuda. We applaud their enthusiasm, professionalism and sheer hard work to advance awareness, appreciation, and conservation of Antigua and Barbuda’s incredible biodiversity. We encourage you to support the amazing work of the EAG either through membership or a donation.
To learn more, check out the following articles and Youtube videos:
The ongoing Black Lives Matter movement continues to challenge us and to confront deeply-entrenched attitudes and assumptions about race that affect so many individuals and communities negatively. This includes the vibrant and growing communities of Black scientists, naturalists and birders, in the Caribbean and beyond. At BirdsCaribbean, we have been similarly inspired to reach out directly to the organizers of Black Birders Week, who swiftly took action following the Central Park incident – a blatant display of white privilege. We applaud this strong response, because their goals reflect our own: inclusivity, diversity, solidarity, teamwork – and of course, the common love of birds that brings us together.
Here is an article co-authored by three co-organizers of Black Birders Week, Amber Wendler, Alex Troutman, and Chelsea Connor, who met up with Executive Director Lisa Sorenson and other BirdsCaribbean leaders recently on Zoom. We look forward to continuing the dialogue, to building our relationship, to sharing ideas and to working together on concrete plans and actions that will empower Black birders and shine a light on their amazing work. Rome was not built in a day, as the saying goes, but we at BirdsCaribbean are committed to supporting Black Birders Week, fighting discrimination, and bringing hope. We are stronger together!
Black Birders Week was created in response to a racist incident in New York City’s Central Park: Amy Cooper, a white woman, called the police on Christian Cooper, a Black birdwatcher, and lied, saying, “There’s an African American man threatening my life,” when he politely asked her to put her dog on a leash in an area that required her to do so by law. Many people do not realize that racist incidents, such as this one, happen every day – they are just not captured on video. The recording of this incident highlighted some of the challenges Black people face when going birdwatching or participating in other outdoor activities. In addition to not feeling safe, many Black people feel as if they do not belong in outdoor spaces predominantly occupied by white people. Black Birders Week was organized by individuals of BlackAFinSTEM, which is a collective of Black birders, nature enthusiasts and scientists. The goal of Black Birders Week was to increase the visibility of Black birders and nature enthusiasts and promote inclusivity in the outdoors.
After Black Birders Week, co-organizers Amber Wendler, Alex Troutman and Chelsea Connor virtually met with members of BirdsCaribbean, so that we could all share our experiences and discuss how the birding community can take action to become more diverse and inclusive. It felt as if we all already knew each other and were friends, catching up after a few years of being apart. It was inspiring to hear everyone’s stories and the projects that they have worked on and plan to do in the future. We’re excited to meet in person next July at the next BirdsCaribbean International Conference in Trinidad, and we’re looking forward to continuing these conversations virtually in the meantime.
What does Black Birders Week mean to you?
Amber Wendler: Black Birders Week means a lot to me. It has given me a sense of community. I could not be happier to finally see so many other birders who look like me and have had similar experiences to me. I am blown away by all the support this week has received and it has given me hope for the future.
Alex Troutman: Black Birders Week means freedom, inspiration, and growth. Freedom to immerse yourself in nature. It has been inspiring to see all the people supporting Black Birders Week and saying that they are going to make a stand to make sure birding is inclusive for all people! Black Birders Week means growth, not only because I grew as a birder and individual by telling and hearing other birders’ stories; but also because the birding community is growing stronger in numbers and morally. More people stand to make a change, or call out actions and behavior discouraging others who do not fit the typical birder profile of an older white male.
Chelsea Connor: Black Birders Week meant getting my voice, and the voices of others like me amplified. We had been talking on and off about the struggle we face with the outdoors, but now we were more widely heard, and invited to share. I got to see so many Black people outside, doing what they love and to hear their stories and the inspiration that this event gave them. I’m so proud and that will all stay with me forever.
What did you take away from Black Birders Week and what do you want others to know?
Amber Wendler: People too often value biodiversity of nature more than diversity of people. Ensuring that Black people and other under-represented groups have access to and feel welcomed in the birding community and outdoor spaces leads to a diversity of ideas and perspectives, which greatly benefits the community and advances scientific research. I am truly amazed by the BlackAFinSTEM group. Individuals from this group saw an opportunity to bring awareness to an important issue, quickly came together to plan and were able to change the minds of many people.
Thanks to Black Birders Week, we increased the visibility and amplified the voices of Black birders. Individuals and organizations started to take action to make the birding community more diverse and inclusive, and many Black birders who previously felt alone now have a supportive community. However, it’s important to recognize that systemic racism was built up over hundreds of years and thus will not be fixed in a week. There is still a lot more work that needs to be done until all Black people will feel safe and welcomed in outdoor spaces. We all must continue to listen to people’s experiences, learn and take anti-racist action.
Alex Troutman: Black Birders Week has not only encouraged me, but it has also given me a sense of pride. First, I am proud that 30+ Black people in the STEM field who identify as birders could make this happen without ever being in a room together and not ever officially meeting each other besides Zoom sessions. Next, I had a sense of pride and encouragement from all of the support that we have been given from people who participated in Black Birders Week in some way, whether it was following with each day’s hashtag or viewing the live streams.
It has been encouraging to see all of the Black birders and Black nature lovers who are out there. I thought I knew a good bit of them, but Black Birders Week has allowed me to connect with so many others who I probably never would have met if it wasn’t for Black Birders Week. Some people were even within the same state. It has also been encouraging to see the younger generation get excited about birding! Black Birders Week gave me community, support, and encouragement to keep going! I hope that others got as much out of BBW as I did. I want others to see that everyone can and should be welcome to go birding without FEAR, DISCRIMINATION, and LACK of ACCESS. It truly takes everyone to make sure that nature can be used and enjoyed by all.
Chelsea Connor: I want people to remember that silence is complacency. A lot of the things that happen that are witnessed by someone can be stopped by the simple intervention of a white ally. Allies should use their platforms as much as possible to amplify the voices and experiences of BIPOC (Black and Indigneous People of Color) and to create paid opportunities and spaces for them where they are fully supported. Too often BIPOC get hired, but then they’re left alone to face discrimination and racism from their coworkers and peers.
I feel like Black Birders Week has definitely made that conversation start happening more. It’s so encouraging and heartening to see everyone who participated and still hearing about the effect it had for them. I expected the event to go over well, but the international recognition it got blew my mind. It makes me feel hopeful, like much needed change can start happening. I’ve also gotten to connect with so many great people and institutions and I cannot wait to see them grow. Depending on your background, you may not know what it’s like to not feel heard and then to finally have that – but I can tell you, it’s been quite an experience and I’m so happy to have had it. I can’t wait to see more representation of us outdoors and in the natural sciences. Thank you for being part of this too.
Sincere thanks to Amber, Alex and Chelsea for talking with us and writing this wonderful article! Big thanks also to our colleague, Andrew Rothman (@The_Rothman), for introducing us. We appreciated tuning into #BlackBirdersWeek events and look forward to further discussions, opportunities to partner, and actions we can take together to make sure Black birders are welcome and supported everywhere. We welcome Amber, Alex, Chelsea, and all others to our BirdsCaribbean community, a diverse network of wildlife professionals, birders, tour guides, educators, community members, and more. Stay informed about Caribbean bird news by signing up for monthly newsletter here. Join us here. And follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@BirdsCaribbean).
We know. It has been a difficult time, and you might be starting to get “itchy feet.”
You’re probably not quite ready to travel yet, but as soon as it is safe, where would you go?
Think green, forested hills filled with bird song; cool rivers with the splash of waterfalls and deep pools to enjoy; or inviting turquoise bays fringed with silvery white sands. This is the Caribbean, and it’s waiting for you!
Our Amazing Island Guides
BirdsCaribbean has the perfect tool to help you with your future plans: a newly updated Caribbean Birding Trail (CBT) Guide page! Expert local guides are essential to getting the most out of your travel experience, so we have gathered information on the best in the region—all within one handy directory on the CBT website.
These guides, from 21 islands—and counting—have completed the CBT Interpretive Guide Training Program or have obtained training or certification through other programs. They are trusted partners of BirdsCaribbean and the partner organizations we collaborate with on the islands. These knowledgeable guides will satisfy bird, nature, and adventure tourists of all kinds. From birding, boating, and botanical gardens to mountain trails, waterfalls, and even rum tours … there is something for everybody.
If you browse through our directory, you will see what an extraordinary range of expertise these local guides have to offer.
Our most recently trained guides in Grenada can take you out to sea, birding on sailboats (Vaughn Thomas at Archipelagics) and in kayaks (Kendon James at Conservation Kayak). Seasoned guides such as Adams Toussaint in Saint Lucia, and Lystra Culzac in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have been leading birdwatching tours for years. They know exactly where to take you to find all the unique birds of their islands, including the extra special (and incredibly beautiful) St. Lucia and St. Vincent Parrots.
You will also see that our guides offer tours in several languages. Binkie van Es on Sint Maarten speaks four languages, and David Belfan in Martinique speaks no less than five! If they have written a bird guide, this is also highlighted. For example, Erika Gates (Bahamas), Anthony Levesque (Guadeloupe), Ann Sutton (Jamaica), Kate Wallace (Dominican Republic), Roger Neckles (Trinidad and Tobago), as well as Birdy Jno Baptiste and Stephen Durand from Dominica are all published authors of field guides for their countries!
So … Where To?
Maybe you will opt for the largest island in the Caribbean: Cuba! There are 26 bird species on Cuba that are found nowhere else in the world, from the smallest bird in the world (Bee Hummingbird) to their beautiful National Bird (Cuban Trogon). There you can meet up with Ernesto Reyes, who will introduce you to these birds and so much more. Ernesto is a Cuban biologist with more than 15 years of experience with birds in Cuba, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and the Bahamas. He offers multi-day birdwatching and bird photography tours (including two tours with BirdsCaribbean) that allow visitors to observe more than 95% of Cuba’s bird species. What riches!
Maybe instead of big, you go small. You might consider putting Anguilla in your plans. This 35-square mile, neatly wrapped package of an island contains a surprising amount of biodiversity. Go with Jackie Cestero of Nature Explorers Anguilla to explore the island’s more than 20 wetlands—once the center of a thriving salt industry dating back to prehistoric Amerindian inhabitants. Today these wetlands provide critical habitat for both resident and migratory species as they travel along the Atlantic Flyway. Be sure to pack your snorkel and fins, because Anguilla’s extensive marine park system is home to a number of species of turtles, colorful reef fish, and corals. Many of the island’s beaches provide nesting habitat for endangered sea turtles and, if you’re lucky, you’ll also spot migrating whales and dolphins.
Make Your Plans Happen
Hopefully by now you’ve got some ideas of where to go, and who to go with. Whatever you decide, just be sure of two things: hire local guides and keep going back to the Caribbean! No two islands are alike.
The Caribbean Birding Trail (CBT) is a project of BirdsCaribbean. The CBT has been developed to connect people to the extraordinary places, diverse cultures, and people of each island. The CBT promotes authentic experiences that benefit local people and encourages the protection of the Caribbean’s natural resources, including birds and their habitats.
Through our CBT Interpretive Guide Training Program, we are partnering with operators and guides in the region to organize one of the most comprehensive guide training and certification programs in the region. The course is facilitated by National Association of Interpretation (NAI) Certified Interpretive Trainers, and participants learn not only to identify the local bird species and their connection to the environment, but also how to effectively communicate information to audiences in a meaningful and enjoyable way. To date, we have held International Training Workshops in Grenada, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Bonaire, Cuba, and St. Vincentand theGrenadines.
We would love to have your feedback. Have you been on a birding tour with a great birding tour guide from on or off our page? We’d love to hear about it. If you would like to recommend a great guide we don’t know about, organize a guide training program in your country, or want to know about the next program we might offer, drop us a line at and—when you do go on the Caribbean Birding Trail (and we hope you will)—let us know how it went for you.
Special thanks to our Caribbean Birding Trail Project Coordinator, Aly Ollivierre, and our website developer, Kathleen McGee, for working so hard to get the site updated over the past six months!
Check out our short video on the Caribbean Birding Trail:
It is with great excitement that we are finally able to break some very big news — effective today, Dr. Joseph M. Wunderle, Jr. will be serving as the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology’s new Editor-in-Chief!
For most of us, Joe is symbolic of Caribbean ornithology. He has lived and breathed it almost his entire life. You would be hard pressed to find a Caribbean researcher out there that hasn’t cited one of Joe’s papers, had the pleasure of working alongside Joe, or most importantly, befriended Joe.
But what makes Joe an exceptional choice to lead the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology (JCO) into its fourth decade, goes far beyond his extensive research and academic background. From the beginning, Joe has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the people of the Caribbean. He has taught and mentored numerous students, always sending them off into the world with a greater understanding and appreciation for the natural world around them.
In the world of peer-reviewed journals, we often talk about Impact Factors, which are a measure of how extensively a journal’s publications are cited, and thus a proxy for how important a journal is in its field. If we were to apply that same train of thought to the impact that Joe has had on the people, wildlife, and landscapes around the Caribbean, he would certainly be ranked highly.
And Joe is definitely no stranger to BirdsCaribbean (BC). He has been involved with the organization since its first year, 1988, earning him the Site Fidelity Award presented at last year’s Guadeloupe Conference. He has served as Vice-President of BirdsCaribbean from 1991–1995, and then took the reigns as President from 1995–1997. Joe has also been an active member of the Founders Award Committee (founded by Fred Schaffner) since it first launched at BC’s Grenada Conference in 2013. This committee awards the students who present the best papers in conservation research or management at the biennial conference.
Meanwhile, here at JCO, Joe’s name is a very familiar one. And while it’s true that some of our staff know Joe best in the following format — Wunderle, J.M., Jr., [Year]. [Article Title]. [Journal Name]. — we are all really looking forward to working more closely with the real Joe over the coming months. His leadership for JCO could not be a better fit.
Here are some great links for learning more about Joe:
On behalf of all the JCO staff, welcome aboard, Joe! We’re very glad to have you with us.
And to members of the BirdsCaribbean community far and wide, please don’t hesitate to reach out and send Joe a warm welcome to his new position as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology!
— Justin Proctor, Managing Editor of the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology and Vice-President of BirdsCaribbean
Magnificent Frigatebirds soaring like big black kites overhead are a familiar sight throughout the Caribbean. These birds are also commonly seen harassing and stealing food from other seabirds—a behaviour known as kleptoparasitism—earning them the reputation of being ‘Pirates of the Skies’!
These days, a careful watcher might also see a Magnificent Frigatebird fitted with a small tracking device. These birds are part of an ongoing project, ‘Regional-scale Conservation through Multi-territory Tracking of Frigatebirds,’ for which a workshop was held recently in Anguilla. Following the workshop, one of the attendees, Jennifer Wheeler, caught up with one of the project co-leads, Dr. Rhiannon Austin, in order to talk more about the history of the project and this unique seabird.
Jennifer, for BirdsCaribbean (BC): Hi Rhiannon. The workshop wrapped up just before COVID-19 shut down international travel. I’m glad you made it back to the UK—first off, how are you doing with coronavirus? I assume it has affected your work schedule?
Rhiannon: Thanks for asking! As in most places, it has changed things notably for us in the UK both professionally and personally, and we are all trying to adapt to the situation. I am currently employed as a Research Associate at the University of Liverpool, which has been shut since just after our workshop in mid-March, and we don’t know when it will reopen yet. Our fieldwork this season has been put on hold for now. However, we are doing our best to keep moving forwards and keep up communications. It is all about supporting each other.
BC: I believe we first crossed paths in mid-2016, when you were developing the proposal for the multi-island Frigatebird Project, but I think you had already started working in the region prior to that. What first brought you to the Caribbean?
Rhiannon: Yes, we corresponded in 2016, but met in person for the first time at BirdsCaribbean’s International Conference in Cuba, in July 2017, which was my first BC meeting. It was such a great experience and a fantastic opportunity to meet and hear from others working in the region. I first started working in the Caribbean in 2011, on a project with the Department of Environment (DoE) in the Cayman Islands that focused on Marine Protected Areas. Although my work on this project wasn’t related to seabirds, I became very interested in the seabird colonies on the islands, and always wanted to write a grant to go back and study them.
I did this after my PhD in 2015, and our grant was funded! At the time of the BC conference in 2017, I was managing our Darwin Plus project in the Cayman Islands, which started as a two-year collaboration between the DoE, Universities of Liverpool and Exeter, and the National Trust of the Cayman Islands. The project aimed to gain essential information on the at-sea movements, population status, and ecology of breeding seabirds in this UK Overseas Territory (UKOT). I was lucky enough to be able to continue working on the seabird populations here after this funding ended—last year was our fourth field season. The hope is that our collaborative group can continue studying these important populations over the long-term to gain a fuller understanding of inter-annual variability in behaviour and population responses to environmental change.
BC: So, your work with Cayman Islands frigatebirds led naturally to thinking about working across several islands?
Rhiannon: Exactly! The DoE and I started working together to tag and track frigatebirds in 2017. We collected some great data that really helped to improve our understanding of the at-sea movements and behaviour of this unique species during the breeding season. These data have also now been used to identify marine Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) during our Darwin Plus projects. We have discovered some interesting things about how Magnificent Frigatebirds from the Cayman Islands exploit their environment, including the tendency of birds to forage both coastally around reefs and sargassum drifts and within the open ocean. We have also detected sex-based differences in their foraging tactics, with males making more offshore trips than females when rearing chicks (you can check out our open access article in MEPS here).
Protecting this species is a real challenge as their large wingspans means that they have low energetic fight costs (i.e. they don’t have to use a lot of energy to beat their wings!), and therefore can forage over huge stretches of ocean. They don’t respect international boundaries and don’t need a passport(!), so it takes cooperative management from multiple nations to protect them across their entire range. The current project that I lead, along with Dr Jon Green at the University of Liverpool, really developed in response to these challenges. Our team wanted to do something to bring those working in the UKOTs together, to discuss ways to extend networks that will help to protect biodiversity. Frigatebirds are really a tool for helping to achieve this aim, as their unique traits make them a potential indicator species for marine biodiversity hotspots. They require better protection, as do multiple species and habitats within the Caribbean.
BC: Are all the Caribbean UKOTs involved in the current project?
Rhiannon: Yes, I am lucky enough to be working with partners in all 6 of the Caribbean UKOTs under the current project (Anguilla, British Virgin Islands (BVI), Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos, Bermuda and Montserrat), as well as BirdsCaribbean who it is great to be partnering with. The recent workshop on Anguilla was attended by partners from all of these territories including the Anguilla National Trust (Anguilla), Department of Environment – Cayman Islands Government (Cayman Islands), Jost van Dykes Preservation Society (BVI), Department of Environment and Coastal Resources – Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands (Turks and Caicos), Department of Environment – Government of Montserrat (Montserrat), Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Government of Bermuda (Bermuda), and BirdsCaribbean (see photo). It was great to bring everyone together to discuss the work that we are doing, and how it might help with the large task of addressing conservation issues within marine and coastal environments in the UKOTs.
I’m currently combining and analysing data from multiple Caribbean frigatebird populations to investigate what habitats this species uses at sea and on land (where they like to roost and feed), and to predict suitable habitat across the region (including within areas that we have no data for). The hope is to use frigatebird tracking data in habitat modeling approaches to identify areas of ecological importance relevant to not only frigatebirds but other mobile marine vertebrates. There is another year and a half left on this project and it will end with a large workshop that our project team plans to host during the next BirdsCaribbean Conference in 2021. We hope to open this up to those working in non-UK states and territories in the Caribbean that are interested in seabirds and related conservation issues.
BC: Have you found partners outside of the UKOTs?
Rhiannon: Yes, I’ve recently started a collaborative project with NGOs and Government departments in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. They have large and important populations of seabirds in this area but desperately lack funds for monitoring and conservation. We were due to start preliminary work on this project during the spring/summer, but this had to be delayed for now because of recent events. However, we are committed to seeing this happen once borders open up again and it is safe to proceed. Through the Frigatebird Project, we have also recently started collaborating with some fantastic conservation and research organisations in the States (the Avian Research and Conservation Institute – ARCI) and Canada (University of New Brunswick / NSERC), who have worked on frigatebird populations in the Florida Keys and Barbuda, respectively. I am also always keen to make new connections with those interested in the spatial ecology and conservation of seabirds and other marine vertebrates in the region.
BC: Where are you finding funds for this work?
Rhiannon: This work is largely funded by the UK Government’s Darwin Plus grant scheme, which aims to fund local projects to help protect biodiversity and the natural environment in the UKOTs. The team and I at the University of Liverpool have been lucky enough to have undertaken a number of projects in the UKOTs supported by Darwin Plus, and I really hope that our collaborative group will continue to have success working under this scheme, as our conservation and research activities continue in the Caribbean. My work in Mexico is currently funded by an ‘Early Career Researcher’ grant provided by the University of Liverpool, but we hope to seek funds for longer-term work in the future.
BC: Where would you like to see the project go in the future?
Rhiannon: We really hope that this project, and the outputs that it provides, will help to build new collaborations and working relationships amongst those in the UKOTs (and more widely) that have shared issues and/or knowledge that can be exchanged. The ultimate long-term goal is that this will lead to the development of transboundary management strategies. This a huge task and not an easy one that can be addressed in this project, as it requires involvement of so many nations and organisations. Here, we are starting by identifying training, data and management needs in the 6 UKOTS, and will then undertake supporting activities in these territories (for example, colony surveys or feasibility studies) that will hopefully lead to future funding and longer-term project work. Our final workshop in 2021 will focus on ‘Connectivity and Networks’, and it will be a great opportunity to make steps towards these objectives.
BC: Frigatebirds connect the Caribbean – and beyond. What else makes frigatebirds special?
Rhiannon: Frigatebirds are unique. If I could spend the rest of my lifetime studying them, I would be happy! They are very different from many other seabirds, both in terms of their at-sea behaviour and breeding strategies. Associated with this, they have evolved some intriguing morphological (body) characteristics. For example, they lack waterproofing on their feathers so are constrained to forage at the ocean’s surface. Because they don’t dive under the water, they also lack webbing on their feet, which are adapted for roosting in mangrove trees where they nest. Frigatebirds also have impressive wingspans which allow them to roam huge distances with ease, even when rearing chicks! They also have a very interesting breeding strategy. Females have much greater roles in parental care than males: while the male deserts the chick after only a few months, females may continue rearing chicks for over a year.
Frigatebirds get a lot of bad press because they regularly steal food from other birds. Did you know that the name ‘frigatebird’ and associated nickname ‘Man O’War bird’ refers to the warships favoured and feared by pirates between the 16th and 19th centuries? Personally, I think that this foraging tactic is fascinating and actually quite smart in an environment where prey distributions may not be predictable in time or space! Despite my obvious biases towards frigatebirds, we have a diversity of seabirds in the Caribbean (>20 species) that use a range of life history strategies to successfully exploit and breed in this environment. There is so much to learn. In addition to frigatebirds, I spend time working on boobies, gannets, and shearwaters, but the former remain my favourites!
BC: You have worked in other parts of the world, including the Mediterranean… how would you compare the two regions?
Rhiannon: I have always gravitated towards warmer climates, and I feel a strong affinity with the Caribbean. It is where I hope to be based in the long-term. I worked in the Mediterranean on shearwaters for 4 years, and the two regions do have some similarities. Both have high levels of biological connectivity between the many coastal habitats that they contain, and both experience high levels of human activity and associated pressures on their marine and coastal ecosystems.
As with the Caribbean, the Mediterranean has many conservation issues to overcome. However, there are a number of initiatives in the Mediterranean that we might be able to learn from to help with the particular challenges faced in the Caribbean. For example, recent efforts to undertake observer programmes onboard fishing vessels are helping to address bycatch of seabirds. Similarly, there are initiatives to identify and designate interconnected networks of MPAs. Spain’s efforts at site protection are a good example of this. Nevertheless, these types of conservation action only work if multiple stakeholders and nations work together in their efforts, which we all know is challenging. One of the reasons that I enjoy working in the Caribbean so much is its people, and the diversity of birds in the region, many of which we still know so little about. There is so much here to discover and protect!
BC: Do you have a favourite memory from the project that you would like to share?
Rhiannon: There are so many to choose from! Some funny and some just magical! I’ll give you one of both. I think one of my favourite ‘amusing’ memories was watching one of my research assistants (who hates fish) being regurgitated on by a frigatebird while in a very precarious position during work at the colony, which he could not move out of for about 10 minutes. He had to grin and bear being covered in half-digested fish while the rest of us tried desperately not to laugh as we worked!
Withholding regurgitates, the Booby Pond Nature Reserve on Little Cayman is one of my favourite places on earth! Working there over such extended periods of the year means that I am lucky enough to get to see sights and behaviour that few in this world observe. These include adults feeding their chicks, scuffles between nest neighbours, juveniles playing with nesting material in the sky, and fledglings finding their wings and taking off the first time! It is a privilege and an honour to work with such amazing creatures. The noise of the colony alone is something to behold! Imagining these sights and sounds is definitely a great way to find peace and calm while in lockdown in the UK (check them out in this video clip!).
BirdsCaribbean is excited to announce a new collaboration with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology that gives our members FREE access to Birds of the World – the best website for comprehensive information on all of the world’s species of birds.
Birds of the World is a powerful new online resource that brings together scholarly content from four celebrated works of ornithology into one rich and colorful hub where you can find comprehensive, authoritative information on birds. All of the information from Birds of North America and Neotropical Birds (originally published by the Cornell Lab) has been merged with information from Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive and Bird Families of the World (originally published by Lynx Edicions) into one online platform.
With the integration of millions of bird observations from eBird and images from the Macaulay Library, Birds of the World is the most powerful ornithological resource ever created. It’s a single platform where biologists, birders, and anyone with an interest in birds can explore comprehensive life history information on birds.
Every Bird has a Story
The platform includes 249 bird family accounts, and species accounts for all 10,721 known species. Content includes topics such as description, taxonomy, distribution, habitat, diet, behavior, breeding, movement, and more. All species accounts have range maps and a growing number have “intelligent maps”—science-based abundance maps and animated migration maps (created from eBird data). Magnificent colour plates from many of the world’s top illustrators are backed up by the massive Macaulay Library resource – a media asset of photographs, video and audio recording. Every species displays its IUCN conservation status and additional ornithological notes as appropriate. The common species names are even available in more than 50 languages!
And here’s a neat feature – because it is linked to eBird, when you are logged into Birds of the World each species account shows a blue badge indicating whether or not you’ve seen, photographed, or taken audio recordings of the bird. If you’re not yet an eBird user, now is a perfect time to sign up and start using this wonderful app to find birds, keep track of the birds, and contribute to science! And if you’re in the Caribbean be sure to use our special eBird Caribbean portal.
The Birds of the World home page has a few species accounts that are available for a free preview, allowing you to check out all the great info available on this site.
One overriding feature of the resource is that it will be constantly revised by ornithologists to include the latest taxonomic revisions and latest information about each species.
Thanks to our partnership with Cornell, full access to Birds of the World (BOW) is available for free to all current (2020) and Life members of BirdsCaribbean. So make sure you are a member to take advantage of this unique offer! Click here to become a NEW member.Click here to RENEW your membership. Once you become a member it may take several days to activate your access to Birds of the World – please be patient!
If you are not sure of your membership status, please contact our Administrative Assistant Delores Kellman, and she will be able to help you.
How to access Birds of the World: Current BirdsCaribbean members with an eBird account should simply use your ebird username login and password to sign in. If you have forgotten your username or password or have trouble logging in, please review this page to gain access. If you don’t have an ebird login but are a member of BirdsCaribbean, you’ll be getting an email from us with instructions on how to log in.
Contribute to Birds of the World
In exchange for free access to all BirdsCaribbean members, we have agreed to adopt and update a set of the Caribbean species each year. So would you like to contribute to Birds of the World? BOW is keen to use species experts to help author the species accounts. If you are interested in helping or would like to learn more, contact: Justin Proctor (, Managing Editor of the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology and Vice President of BirdsCaribbean.
Why Join BirdsCaribbean?
Not only will you have access to Birds of the World, but you will receive other benefits as well, such as discounts on our meetings, programs, and materials; the opportunity to meet and network with scientists, birders, educators, and conservationists across the region; and the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping in our urgent fight to save habitats from destruction and birds from extinction. Your membership also supports the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology, an open access, peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of ornithology within the Caribbean region.
Note that annual membership in BirdsCaribbean costs less than an annual subscription to Birds of the World.
Your membership helps our efforts to raise awareness, train and mentor conservation professionals, support research and monitoring, and engage people in citizen science and conservation actions. We look forward to welcoming many new members as well as welcoming back lapsed members!
Music producer Robin Perkins of Shika Shika fuses birdsong with art to benefit the conservation of Caribbean birds! Shika Shika is a record label without owners for music without borders.
My name is Robin. I’m a music producer, an environmentalist, and a long-time bird lover. From the name on my passport, to the name I use on stage, El Búho (the owl in Spanish), birds have always been part of my life. There is something magical and fascinating in their freedom, their diversity and, of course, their song…
I first started making music some five years ago, mixing traditional Latin American sounds with electronic music. I soon became fascinated with the idea of incorporating the incredible soundscapes of the natural world into my music and released my first EP: four tracks inspired by the song of four Latin American birds. This was the start of a beautiful journey that gave birth to “A Guide to the Birdsong”…
The project, which began in my small flat in Amsterdam in 2014, had a simple aim: to persuade a group of musicians or electronic music producers from a particular region of the world to create a piece of music inspired by the song of an endangered bird. Ten exciting artists paired with ten endangered birds. We would crowdfund the production of the album, the artwork and the vinyls. All of the profits would be donated to organizations working to protect these species.
The reaction for this first compilation, “A Guide to the Birdsong of South America” was incredible: we smashed our Kickstarter target, sold out of everything and raised almost US$15,000 for the non-profit environmental organizations Aves Argentinas and Ecuador’s Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco.
The story and the concept captured people’s imagination, drawing their attention to the plight of these beautiful species and their disappearing songs. The amazing music and eye-catching artwork supported concrete actions to preserve these endangered birds and their habitats.
Fast-forward five years and we are on the verge of releasing Volume II: “A Guide to the Birdsong of Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean.” The concept is the same but we have migrated north and shifted our focus to a new flock of species and artists. The movement has also grown with us as we met our crowdfunding goal by over 400%!
The resulting album, which will be released on June 26th, features ten tracks from artists from across the region. For example, Caribbean musicians such as Jamaica’s Equiknoxx and Cuba’s DJ Jigüe worked with the songs of the Jamaican Blackbird and the Zapata Wren. And Maracuya in the Dominican Republic composed the song for the Bay-breasted Cuckoo.
We are very happy to partner with BirdsCaribbean as one of our three beneficiaries. This organisation is committed to protecting not only birds and their habitats, but also all that is unique and authentic about the islands. The profits from the album will go to support their Caribbean Birding Trail project, which aims to promote authentic travel experiences that highlight birds and culture, benefit local people, and encourage the protection of the Caribbean’s unique birds and natural resources.
I have always firmly believed in the power of art and music as a tool for change, to deliver a message and raise awareness. My hope is that this project can go some way towards supporting those doing an incredible job in preserving birds, their habitats, and their songs for the generations to come.
Here’s a taste of the album – it’s the song for the Black Catbird (found in Mexico) – one song that has been released from the album thus far:
Editor’s Note:Robin Perkins is the creator of Shika Shika, a record label without owners for music without borders. Their mission is to bring together producers from around the world exploring the line between organic and electronic music. The platform aims to foster global collaboration between artists, designers, videographers, product designers and creative minds across continents.
We are so excited and honored to be partnering with Robin and Shika Shika on this amazing project! Thank you, Robin, and thanks to all for supporting this project! Below are images of the 3 endangered Caribbean endemic birds whose bird song is incorporated into the music on the album. Proceeds from the sale of the album, t-shirts, and artwork will benefit conservation of these birds through our Caribbean Birding Trail project.
Emma Lewis, writer and member of our Media Working Group, shares with us the unexpected joy and camaraderie we all felt birding “together” on May 9th, Global Big Day. Here is her report on the day’s adventures with photos and quotes from around the world.
On a humid, overcast day in Panama City, Beny Wilson settled down on his balcony with a mug of coffee—“on lockdown.” At the same time, birding colleagues in the Bahamas, also on stay-at-home orders, ventured no further than sunny verandahs and verdant gardens. Meanwhile up in Massachusetts, BirdsCaribbean Executive Director, Lisa Sorenson, put on a brave face as chilly gale force winds blew around her in the Westborough Wildlife Management Area.
All of these birdwatchers were connected by one goal, one event—Global Big Day 2020—a worldwide event in which birders set out to observe the most species of birds they possibly can see in a 24-hr period. However, this year the day came during unusual times, presenting new challenges, but also offering new rewards. There may never be another like it!
Birding “On Lockdown”
“Who thought we’d see the day that we were restricted to birding from our backyard?” said Kelsey from Cayman Birding—adding: “Although current COVID restrictions in the Cayman Islands made counting birds and numbers of species a lot harder, the challenge itself was worth it and definitely an experience to remember.”
With the Caribbean and much of the world still in “lockdown”, Global Big Day did not seem very promising at first. But the non-profit, BirdsCaribbean, decided to create a campaign to promote safe birding and raise funds for conservation—connecting people through virtual teams so as to promote friendly competition and comradery among birders who would need to be birdwatching alone this year. The days leading up to the event proved that people were excited to be involved, and come May 9th, competing teams spread their nets far and wide.
As May 9 dawned, Anneke Mace in New Zealand (a member of the phenomenal Flying Pintails team) had already completed her morning session with her baby—a “birding buddy who offered a lot of smiles, but not a single bird sighting.” Well, it’s early days yet.
Team Rivalry Heated Up
The rivalry was intense, but after all of the bird checklists were tallied several days later, the Flying Pintails were declared the winners, with a total of 865 species, 78 of which were species endemic to the West Indies. The other BirdsCaribbean teams put up valiant efforts, contributing hundreds of checklists and many additional species seen from around the world. They are eager for a rematch next time around! These included the Florida-based Spoonbills Dream Team; the President’s Perch, headed by BirdsCaribbean President Andrew Dobson; Cayman Backyard Birders; the Dark-eyed Junkies of Arkansas; the Far-Flung Flock of Friends, with members from Britain to Brazil; and the Catbirds and Dogbirds.
The Flying Pintails Team—88 members strong (including myself)—had a lot of fun and a lot of great adventures. The team’s WhatsApp group was buzzing with activity from the get-go, with Claire Spottiswoode sending in early reports from the Cape Peninsula in South Africa (total of 44 species observed). Virtual hugs were exchanged from the tip of Africa to team members far and wide. A photograph of warm African highlands (“The Orange-breasted Sunbirds flitting among the Erica flowers and the wing-flicking familiar Chats”) contrasted strongly with team member Jeff Gerbracht’s photo of a snow-covered field in the Finger Lakes region of New York State.
From my personal vantage point—our hot, dusty yard in Kingston, Jamaica—it was astonishing to see birding colleagues to the north battling the ever-deteriorating weather. “We’re freezing!” they cried, as the sun burned down on our city (now entering drought mode, with bush fires threatening). From either end of the two extremes, these were not perhaps ideal conditions for bird-watching, but perseverance was the name of the game. At home, our two dogs, Freddie and Lulu, lent moral support and searched the yard for cats.
“Today will be my first totally urban GBD,” commented team mate Beny Wilson; he had a nesting Ruddy Ground-Dove for company, obeying stay-at-home rules as well. We all enjoyed some lively Latin music in a video sent from Beny, as his binoculars stood ready for more great sightings. By contrast, in Maine, sleet splashed the windshield as intrepid birders, already inspired by colleagues’ contributions, headed to Mousam River estuary in Kennebunkport. Red-breasted Mergansers, Willet, and Red-throated Loons showed up to warm their hearts, but not so much their bodies.
“Bahama Strong” Made a Strong Showing
Global Big Day in the Bahamas was curtailed by their 24-hour COVID-19 lockdown on several islands. But you can’t keep a good birder down, and Pericles Maillis (and family) did their best—reminiscing on a baby Osprey spotted on Goulding Cay the Day-Before-Global-Big-Day (no, sorry, that doesn’t count, Pericles!) and posting a nesting bird on his verandah, as well as an adorable photo of his granddaughter in ballet dress against a backdrop of Bahama Pintails. Meanwhile, Erika Gates did a series of outings in her garden in a beautifully branded outfit. “I’ll be out until the Antillean Nighthawks are ‘singing!’” she posted, reporting at the end of the day: “Four checklists between 6:23 am and 8 pm, total of 6 hours from our garden at home (600 x 250 sq feet) on beautiful “Grand” Bahama—total of 32 species! Birds conforming to Lockdown!”
Martha Cartwright reported: “Locked into our yards for the weekend, Bahamas strong. From East fence to West fence, three times today, 2.5 hours, maybe 208 steps. Heart rate stayed at sluggish. Only garden homies to report, but nice to be part of such a brilliant team. Don’t deserve a drink but will have one anyway.”
Despite their limitations, Bahamians came in second for most birds seen in the Caribbean after Cuba, and ahead of Puerto Rico—from where Adrianne Tossas received virtual “abrazos,” from a forested hillside, from Esteban Marquez in Venezuela.
Babies, Birds…and Baby Birds
Another couple with baby in tow, Joanne and Glenroy Gaymes, set out on a hot day in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and observed:“Considering the state of the world right now, it gave us an opportunity to appreciate the beauty in front of us and make the best of what we have.”
And how were the birds looking? Photographic contributions came from far and wide. A Catbirds and Dogbirds team member reporteda Black-chinned Hummingbird trying to convince a female he was worthy of her love. In Venezuela, a Bat Falcon was observed from a window eating a Grey-breasted Martin (see video below) and a Pearl Kite was also tucking into some breakfast. In Trinidad, a Ferruginous Pygmy Owl looked sleepy and inscrutable and an early morning Tropical Kingbird was accused of being noisy (so, what is new for a Kingbird?).
Bat Falcon eating a Grey-breasted Martin in Venezuela (Video by Josmar Marquez)
A distant Ostrich (“the Flying Pintails’ only ratite”) was spotted on the Cape Peninsula of South Africa. Then up popped a Bee Hummingbird in Cuba—the smallest bird in the world; what a contrast! In Barbuda, John Mussington reported “lots” of Barbuda Warblers “right outside my window”—welcome news, while in neighboring Antigua a very young Bananaquit surveyed his new world from a low branch. A splendid Spotted Rail was among several rails seen by the Cuban team, who recorded more than 70 species, both at home and a little further afield. A “Dark-eyed Junkie,” Kate Chapman, fell in love with “the fledglings in my yard: Eastern Bluebirds, Carolina Chickadees, Carolina Wrens, and Downy Woodpeckers. Total of 13 bitty fledglings! Oh and my best mammalian bird was a playful muskrat!” Not to be outdone, a British birder from the Far-Flung Flock, Lee Ridley, spotted a Tawny Owl—at 4:00 a.m.!
Some Birds Were Special
As a golden sunrise brightened the sky in Sacramento, California, a slowly awakening Lois Goldfrank realized she had 103 messages on the WhatsApp group. By that time, over on the east coast, Lisa and Mike Sorenson looked distinctly colder than earlier in the day, with noses turning pink—but sharing a lovely photo of a sweetly singing Rose-breasted Grosbeak. “Absolutely frozen!” Lisa posted, “41 degrees and 45 mph winds!” While down in Trinidad, Mark Hulme celebrated his fiftieth species of the day with a glass of rum.
Some of us had our very special “Birds of the Day.” Mine was definitely the White-crowned Pigeon, a gorgeous bird that we see in our yard more and more often these days. This species (once very much a “country bird”) seems to be adapting very well to urban life, and can be seen flying over busy roads in the middle of the Kingston rush hour. For Wendy Lee, my colleague on Jamaica’s north coast, the lovely Caribbean Dove was her Bird of the Day. Both species are very valuable as seed dispersers. Erika Gates’ “Couple of the Day” were two courting Common Ground Doves—“a sign of hope as all had perished in our garden in Hurricane Dorian, except for one who finally found a mate.” Down south in Bonaire, Susan Davis’ prayer for a Crested Caracara was granted some 30 seconds later: “A Crested Caracara soared out of nowhere and crossed in front of my car. I put my eyes heavenward one more time, and silently said, ‘Thank you, God.’”
President’s Caribbean Team Members—Signs of Indiscipline!
So, the Flying Pintails flew away with top honours. A close rival and the team leader of President’s Perch, BirdsCaribbean President Andrew Dobson, commented dryly on seeing the results of the competition: “If I’d known it was that close, I would have tried harder.” His team underwent Zoom training events ahead of the Big Day and participants were advised to not party too late the night before the Big Day. Andrew commented, “Tania Pineiro in Cuba obviously misunderstood my English as she recorded two species of owl just after midnight.”
Other Caribbean team members broke one of the President’s many rules: “Folks in the Caribbean enjoyed the best of the weather but there were serious challenges of staying awake and refraining from alcohol (team rule #48). Martyn Kenefick didn’t read that far as he sat on the balcony of Asa Wright Nature Reserve [in Trinidad] with rum punch in hand—tough posting.” It is rumored that the President may defect to the Pintails, next time around; but somehow I feel his 21-country team may come back with extra determination. There are more “big birding days” on the horizon to contemplate!
Urban Life: Not Only About Humans
Beny Wilson reflected from his balcony: “This year quarantine forced us to look inward: towards the Urbe. The urban that has not respected the natural, assuming that natural is not human and human is not natural. Today, with this exercise, the world realizes the big mistake we have made. We understand by rediscovering that the urban is home to much life beyond human. Watching so much wildlife live well in the urban means we can live well too!”
eBird’s Jeff Gerbracht commented, “It’s so exciting to live vicariously through everyone’s bird adventures!” Perhaps this was what was so special about Global Big Day 2020. We were all communicating, sharing, laughing together, and most of all—seeing birds! For those who are going through anxious times at the moment, it was a day that lightened the heart and soul. The general consensus was that we should do it again. It brought us all together in surprising ways. As Andrew Dobson put it, “A great day’s birding—an impressive list of birds, new birding friends made, and funds raised for BirdsCaribbean.”
Thank you, take care and stay safe, all the birders out there.
Thanks to Emma Lewis, blogger, social and environmental activist, and avid birder based in Jamaica for this wonderful recap of Global Big Day! And thanks again to all who contributed to the fun and success of our first Global Big Day Fundraiser – both team members and generous donors!! If you have not yet had a chance to donate, it is not too late! We are still hoping to reach our goal of $20,000 raised for science and conservation of Caribbean birds. Click here to donate, and thanks!
Big thanks to Josmar Esteban Marquez for creating this wonderful recap of our Global Big Day – thanks to all who sent photos and videos!
John and Sonia Webster spent the day birding together in Barbuda, and their smiles are certainly prize-worthy!
Osprey with Parrotfish catch in Bonaire. (Photo by Susan Davis)
“I had to escape from lockdown just to include some seabirds 😅” Adrianne Tossas (Puerto Rico)
Bee Hummingbird in Cuba on Adrian’s list at Casa Ana in Caleton.
Blackburnian Warbler looking smart in breeding plumage. (Photo by Seth Inman)
Cuban Trogon in Ernesto Reyes’ Garden in Los Hondones, Cuba (Photo by Ernesto Reyes)
Mark Hulme (Trinidad) takes home the prize for Most Delicious Looking Adult Beverage. Mark confirmed that it was darn good.
Great Blue Heron, spotted by Richard Garrigus in New Hampshire. (photo by Richard Garrigus)
A mixed brood of White-cheeked Pintails shows up on cue in Aruba. This species is the namesake of The Flying Pintails team. (photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
Cape May Warbler male in Erika Gates’ garden, Grand Bahama. (Photo by Erika Gates)
All citizens were taking precautions against the pandemic in Santa Cruz, CA. (photo by Lois Goldfrank)
Adam Spottiswoode on his Dad’s back birding at sundown in Cape Town, South Africa
Justin and Marisol started their GBD with some of Colombia’s finest Bird-Friendly coffee, as well as a shout-out to NPR (note the mug).
Birder on Far Flung Flock braves the elements and enters her sightings in eBird.
Black-crowned Night-Heron in Aruba (Photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
Common Ground Doves in Aruba (Photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
Jennifer Mortensen and birding partner celebrating at the end of the day. (Photo by Jennifer Mortensen)
A mixed brood of White-cheeked Pintails (the Flying Pintails team namesake) in Aruba showed up right on cue. (photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
Best From the Garden Bird photo – a Green Heron by Erika Gates from her backyard in Freeport, Grand Bahama.
Joanna Gaymes and baby Maeson birding in Saint Vincent (Photo by Glenroy Gaymes)
Third Best Bird Photo goes to Susan Davis, for this shot of a Yellow-shouldered Parrot in Bonaire
Ferruginous Pygmy Owl in Trinidad. (Photo by Mark Hulme)
Jeff Gerbracht birding in the snow in upstate New York. (Photo by Jeff Gerbracht)
Yellow-shouldered Parrot having lunch in Bonaire. (photo by Susan Davis)
American Oystercatcher eating breakfast in Aruba. (photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
Mark Hulme starting the afternoon shift birding in Trinidad.
“I had to escape from lockdown just to include some seabirds 😅” Adrianne Tossas (Puerto Rico)
GBDer (Charles Duncan) bundled up in the most layers while surviving the most miserable weather: photo by Laura Blutstein — Massachusetts, USACharles Duncan braves horrific GBD weather in Maine to find birds!
Carib Grackle in Aruba (Photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
This is an adorable selfie of Jessica and Maydiel Cañizares birding in Massachusetts.
Hairy Woodpecker spotted in Maine. (Photo by Laura Blutstein)
Brown Pelican in Aruba (Photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
Best Bird Staying at Home Photo: Ruddy Ground Dove in Panama City, Panama, by Beny Wilson
Claire Spottiswoode and young birding buddy (Adam) in Cape Town, South Africa.
White-cheeked Pintail ducklings in Aruba (Photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
Andrew Dobson (Team Leader of President’s Perch) and family birding in the UK. (Photo by Andrew Dobson)
Four Cubans racked up large species lists for GBD!
Catriona (on President’s Perch team) had a snowy start in Ontario but is all smiles despite the cold!!!
Spotted Rail spotted in Cuba by Ernesto Reyes and Tania Pineiro. (Photo by Ernesto Reyes)
Searching for Killdeer in Fayetteville, Arkansas (Photo by Jennifer Mortensen)
Reddish Egret enjoying the quiet beach in Sanibel! (photo by Carefree Birding)
Get excited about seeing West Indian Whistling-Ducks in Puerto Rico in the summer of 2022! (Photo by Adrianne Tossas)
Snowy Egret in Aruba (Photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
BirdsCaribbean is excited to finally announce all of our Global Big Day 2020 prize winners! It was an action-packed day with so many unique adventures unfolding around the world. To everyone that participated — thank you, and we hope you had a great time!
Without further ado, let’s give a big congratulations to the following individuals:
1st Place: Miguel Garcia Cruz (114) — Flying Pintails
2nd Place: Daniel Hernandez (113) — President’s Perch
3rd Place: Hugo Santa Cruz (105) — Spoonbills Dream Team
Catbirds and Dogbirds
1st Place: Andy Forbes (60)
2nd Place: Jennifer Mercer (29)
3rd Place: Ann Tanona (18)
1st Place: David Winkler & David Bridge (75)
2nd Place: Natasha Atkins (61)
3rd Place: Erik Wing (50)
Flying Pintails
1st Place: Miguel Garcia Cruz (114)
2nd Place: Sharon Hull (92)
3rd Place: Steve Brezinski (91)
Dark-eyed Junkies
1st Place: Jen Mortensen & Brett DeGregorio (74)
2nd Place: Mitchell Pruitt (68)
3rd Place: Mike Slay and Christy Melhart Slay (59)
President’s Perch
1st Place: Daniel Hernandez (113)
2nd Place: Nigel Hacking (90)
3rd Place: Steve Cutting (88)
Spoonbills Dream Team
1st Place: Hugo Santa Cruz (105)
2nd Place: John Hannan (100)
3rd Place: L. Khil (96)
Best Bird Photo: Michiel Oversteegen — 3 Common Ground Doves, Aruba
Second Best Bird Photo: Adrianne Tossas — West-Indian Whistling-Ducks, Puerto Rico
Third Best Bird Photo: Susan Davis — Yellow-shouldered Parrot, Bonaire
Best Staying-at-home Bird Photo: Beny Wilson — Ruddy Ground Dove, Panama City, Panama
Best From-the-garden Bird Photo: (1) Erika Gates — Green Heron, The Bahamas, & (2) Emma Lewis — Loggerhead Kingbird, Jamaica
Best Selfie: (1) Jessica and Maydiel Cañizares — Massachusetts, USA, & (2) Jen Mortensen, Ozarks, USA
Most Beautiful Landscape: (1) Peter Hopkins — East Devon coast, UK, (2) Joanne Smith — Bermuda , & (3) Catriona Leven — Canada
Best Birding Location: Nigel Hacking — Burnt Balls(!), New Forest, England
Best “Camouflage”: Jeff Gerbracht — hair and beard blend in perfectly with the snowy backdrop, Finger Lakes, NY, USA
Best Smile: John and Sonia Webster — Barbados
Best Looking Coffee: Marisol Mata and Justin Proctor — Sanibel Island, FL, USA
Most Delicious Looking Adult Beverage: Mark Hulme —Trinidad
GBDer bundled up in the most layers while surviving the most miserable weather: Charles Duncan, photo by Laura Blutstein —Massachusetts, USA
Youngest GBDer: (1) Adam Spottiswood — South Africa, (2) Holly Mace — New Zealand, & (3) Maeson Gaymes— St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Most Enthusiastic First-time Birder (first eBird checklist ever submitted): (1) Linda Showalter — North Carolina, USA, (2) Beth Mortensen — Stevens Point, WI, USA, & (3) Nicole McHale — Sanibel Island, FL, USA
Most Determined Dawn-to-Dusk Birder: John Hannon — every corner of New York State, USA
The following prizes* have been graciously donated and will be delivered to a few of the top winners in the time it takes for a Wood Stork to fly from our warehouse to your home! (i.e., please be patient)
Free 1-year membership to BC which includes a 1-year subscription to Birds of the World: donated by BirdsCaribbean
All publication fees waived for one manuscript submitted to Journal of Caribbean Ornithology (offer never expires): donated by JCO
A personalized voicemail greeting for your phone recorded by President Andrew Dobson using his best English accent: donated by “friends” of Andrew Dobson
An adorable, handmade plush Black-capped Petrel chick: donated by Jennifer Wheeler
A one-of-a-kind crocheted Solenodon: donated by Kate Wallace
A coupon for 25% off the BirdsCaribbean conference registration fee for Trinidad 2021: donated by BirdsCaribbean
BirdsCaribbean Swag, including buff, chicobag, and hat: donated by BirdsCaribbean
New Endemic Birds of the Caribbean Coloring Book: donated by BirdsCaribbean
Custom-made BirdsCaribbean logo binocular harness: donated by Jessica and Maydiel Canizares
*Prize(s) awarded to eligible winners are likely to elicit extreme jealousy from friends, family, and neighbors. BirdsCaribbean is not responsible for prizes that suddenly go missing.
A big congratulations to all of our winners!
And thank you to everyone, everywhere, for participating in our Global Big Day campaign, and for making it such an awesome experience!
To view photos in the gallery, click on a photo and then advance through the images. Hover over a photo to see the captions.
Third Best Bird Photo goes to Susan Davis, for this shot of a Yellow-shouldered Parrot in Bonaire
John and Sonia Webster spent the day birding together in Barbuda, and their smiles are certainly prize-worthy!
Justin and Marisol started their GBD with some of Colombia’s finest Bird-Friendly coffee, as well as a shout-out to NPR (note the mug).
Mark Hulme (Trinidad) takes home the prize for Most Delicious Looking Adult Beverage. Mark confirmed that it was darn good.
Best Bird Staying at Home Photo: Ruddy Ground Dove in Panama City, Panama, by Beny Wilson
Get excited about seeing West Indian Whistling-Ducks in Puerto Rico in the summer of 2022! (Photo by Adrianne Tossas)
This is an adorable selfie of Jessica and Maydiel Cañizares birding in Massachusetts.
Nigel Hacking definitely wins for “Best Birding Location”.
Covert leader of the Dark-eyed Junkies, Jen Mortensen poses for a selfie – albeit a shady one…
Best From the Garden Bird photo – a Green Heron by Erika Gates from her backyard in Freeport, Grand Bahama.
GBDer (Charles Duncan) bundled up in the most layers while surviving the most miserable weather: photo by Laura Blutstein — Massachusetts, USACharles Duncan braves horrific GBD weather in Maine to find birds!
Young Maeson Gaymes and his Dad, Glenroy Gaymes, birding in St. Vincent and the Grenadines – photo by Joanne Gaymes
The biggest birding day of the year — Global Big Day —took place on Saturday May 9, 2020. More than 50,000 people from around the world joined in to record their sightings. Close to 300 participants from throughout the West Indies recorded 345 different species of birds! Cuba had the most species by country (135) followed closely by the Bahamas (126) and Puerto Rico (125). Regionally, 1,051 checklists were submitted, 205 more than last year. That’s an incredible achievement — way to go birders!
This year was quite a different experience as much of the world remains under stay at home orders or is following social distancing guidelines. Certainly many of the great open spaces that are go-to spots for birders were not open to the public for safety reasons. Nevertheless, eBird recorded a 32% participation increase from Global Big Day 2019 and more than 120,000eBird checklists were submitted. Many of us, birding from our backyards and balconies, contributed valuable knowledge about our urban and garden birds. Indeed, there has been a new and renewed interest in and appreciation of the wildlife in our yards, a silver lining to this pandemic.
For the first time, and what we hope to now have as a yearly tradition, BirdsCaribbean formed a Global Big Day fundraising campaign involving a friendly competition between teams of birders to support the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology (JCO). JCO is BirdsCaribbean’s in-house, peer-reviewed scientific publication has served our community for 32 years and counting and needs help to keep its publications free and open-access to the world.
Team Results
Over 160 people from across the globe joined one of seven teams and have so-far raised over $15,000, closing in on our original $20,000 goal! The seven teams varied greatly in size and geography but all had the common goal of seeing as many species as possible in a single day. Overall, the teams recorded a whopping 1,485 species in 43 countries – 106 species of which are endemic to the West Indies.
The Flying Pintails, led by Executive Director Lisa Sorenson, claimed the title for the most species (865) and the most West Indies endemics (78) recorded. This was the largest team by far, composed of 73 different individuals submitting eBird checklists from around the world. President’s Perch, a team of 32+ led by BirdsCaribbean President Andrew Dobson, came in a close second with 854 species and 62 West Indies endemics.
However, smaller and more local teams also had their advantages. When the total amount of species seen was divided by the number of people on the team, Far Flung Flock came in first, with an average of 33 species observed per person. The Dark-eyed Junkies observed a whopping 177 species, which is very impressive because their team of 16 were all based in the same country. Congratulations and thank you to all the teams for your enthusiastic participation; we will be sharing more about our experiences in a second GBD 2020 blog article.
The outstanding eBirder of our Global Big Day campaign was Miguel Garcia Cruz (Mexico) of the Flying Pintails, who over 11 hours recorded an incredible 114 species! He was followed by Daniel Hernandez(Mexico) of President’s Perch, who recorded 113 species. What a close finish! Both win a year’s membership in BirdsCaribbean and some awesome BC swag!
Special commendations go out to the following birders who had 15 or more endemics on their GBD checklist on May 9th:
Adrian Cobas (Casa Ana, Cuba) – 23
Ann Sutton (Jamaica) – 22
Ernesto Reyes (Cuba) – 21
Tania Piñeiro (Cuba) – 21
Maria Milagros Paulino (Dominican Republic) – 19
Ana M. Suárez – 19
Maikel Cañizares Morera (Cuba) – 18
Adrianne Tossas (Puerto Rico) – 16
Closing in on our Fundraising Goal and Thank You!
The Flying Pintails to date are in the overall lead for fundraising efforts, with over $6,600 and counting. Though when we account for team size, Far Flung Flock is far ahead, with Catbirds and Dogbirds not too far behind. A huge THANK YOU to all who have supported our campaign either through a donation and/or by joining one of the birding/ fundraising teams. It was an incredibly fun day and we look forward to doing it again next year. In the meantime, if you are able, please donate to our campaign to support science and conservation of Caribbean birds. We are very close to our $20,000 goal, your gift could put us over the top!
Team Profiles and Results on eBird
You can visit each birding team’s page profile on eBird to see maps of the team’s countries/ islands where birds were sighted and their checklists. You can also visit each team’s GoFundMe page and donate to specific teams to help them reach their fundraising goal, or donate to the general campaign.
Do you study seabirds as a student, scientist, or independent researcher? Do you manage nesting islands or work in a seabird colony? Do you teach environmental education about seabirds or lead birdwatching groups? Are you a project director, a volunteer, a retiree active in seabird conservation? If so, we want to hear from you!
You can help BirdsCaribbean’s Seabirds Working Group (SWG) by letting us know who you are, what you do, where your activities take place, and/or how the SWG can help you. Just fill out our survey here! (Spanish and French versions are available below.)
Note: We recognize that most seabird work will likely be affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and we understand that your activities this year will be very different from any other year: when filling out the survey, just let us know what you would have done in a ‘normal’ year. Most importantly, we hope that everyone is safe.
Why seabirds?
Seabirds are among the most threatened groups of birds globally. The twenty-three species of seabirds that breed in the Caribbean and Bermuda are all under threat, with some having experienced dramatic declines in recent years. Many of these species have meta-populations, thus understanding their regional population trends and ecology is especially important. To conserve Caribbean seabirds efficiently, we must work together on multiple fronts to understand, promote, manage and protect this important group.
Why a Seabirds Working Group?
Since 1999, the BirdsCaribbean Seabirds Working Group (SWG) has been working to bring people who are studying and/or conserving seabirds together to promote seabird research and conservation. Its purpose is to:
Bring together those working on, and interested in, seabirds within the Caribbean
Provide a forum within which to share information amongst the community on (past, present and future) research, monitoring, and management activities in the Caribbean relevant to seabird conservation
Seek new avenues to extend seabird conservation activities within the Caribbean and support those already working towards achieving this goal!
During the last 20 years, we have seen a great increase in appreciation for the plight of Caribbean seabirds, and launched several research and conservation efforts. However, much remains to be done. Now more than ever, we need to keep working together for seabirds.
What’s happening with the Seabirds WG?
After many years as co-chair of the group, Will Mackin took a step back and, in 2020, Yvan Satgé and Rhiannon Austin joined Ann Sutton as co-chairs of the group. Their interest and enthusiasm promise to revitalize the group.
How can the Seabirds WG serve you better?
In order to strengthen our joint seabird efforts, we must first bring the group more closely together. Therefore, we are reaching out to seabird professionals who are working in the Caribbean, to find out who you are, where you work, and how the SWG can help. Please fill in our online questionnaire. This will help us to help you in your work. Also, please feel free to share the questionnaire with your colleagues and encourage them to fill it out.
HAPPY EARTH DAY! On this 50th Anniversary of Earth Day and during these incredibly difficult days, we are thinking of all of our friends around the world and hope everyone is safe and healthy. Earth Day is a great time to reflect on how important the natural world is to all of us and the simple actions that we can all take to reduce our impacts. And while we are home-bound, we can learn to better know and appreciate the birds and nature in our own backyards.
To say that the times are challenging is an understatement. We are confused and fearful at times. Avoiding contact with others outside of our household is an unusual and difficult transition; we are social beings by nature. It is important that we find ways to adapt to this situation, so we protect our mental health, while preserving our physical health.
The most important piece of advice that can be given at this point, is to stay active. Although we may not be able to leave the confines of our yards, we cannot allow ourselves to sink into a state where all is gloom and doom. Apart from catching up on, or picking up new, hobbies such as reading, cooking, or learning a language, one of the easiest and quickest ways to lower stress and anxiety levels is to immerse yourself in nature. The natural world has not stopped. Whether COVID-19 is with us or not, taking the time to observe our surroundings does much to improve our health and well-being.
The Home Observatory
Many of us are “on lockdown” these days. Whether our home is a high-rise apartment in the city, a house with a garden, or a townhouse complex, we are spending almost all our time indoors. We are not encouraging anyone to break “stay home” orders designed for your own health and safety; but there are many simple ways you can be close to nature without any harmful side effects. Right from your window, patio, or back steps, you can observe the birds that pass by. You will likely start to see “new” birds! Sometimes these may be common residents, that you may have never observed properly before. It is almost as if you are seeing them for the first time.
Now is a great time to look for migrants that have started their journeys northward from the Caribbean. Look for warblers such as the lively American Redstart, the Black-and-White Warbler, or the attractive Prairie Warbler. Which migratory birds are still with us, and which ones are arriving? Make a note of the dates when you see a warbler for the first time, or a summer migrant, or a more unusual visitor that might just be passing through. It is a time of change in the bird world.
While some species are embarking on great journeys, other resident and endemic birds are settling down in yards and gardens across the region. It is springtime and that means the start of the breeding season for many. You may see a Bananaquit collecting nesting material in your yard. You can watch the amusing antics of the Loggerhead Kingbird darting for food for its young ones.
Some birds, such as Jamaica’s White-chinned Thrush, sing melodiously during the breeding season. Like the Red-legged Thrush, it is a common visitor at gardens and can be seen hopping along country roads looking for insects, lizards, and frogs to eat. And now, at dusk, you may hear the rasping call of the Antillean Nighthawk, chasing flying insects.
Bringing the Birds to You
So, what can we do to bring birds closer to us? We would suggest that you maintain your feeders and if you have the space in your yard, put up a bird bath or spray to attract birds to your yard. The birds will come to you, happily bathing. As the weather is beginning to heat up, birds get thirsty too, so you will find them sipping water.
Or what about the raptors? There are still quite a number around, including the intimidating Broad-winged or Red-tailed Hawks, that boldly announce their arrival with a loud scream. Or even the fearless American Kestrels. How about the majestic, commanding presence of one of our larger visiting raptors, the Osprey? Nature has not stood still; it is alive and vibrant all around us.
Now you have time. Lots of it. So, why not spend it setting up an eBird account? (If you are in the Caribbean, use eBird Caribbean). You can start logging your counts on a daily basis and contribute to the global knowledge base on birds. Become a citizen scientist! You may enjoy wearing this new hat while on lock-down, and beyond. Do not forget to also keep a good bird guide at hand, or consult with a phone app, like Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Merlin Bird ID App.
Yards Are Good for You…and the Birds Too!
There is another activity that you might also enjoy, whatever the size of your yard. And you and the birds will benefit! Gardening is a popular, but an often time-consuming pastime that you may find you now do have some time for! The plants that suffered months of neglect due to our busy schedules can now become the pride of our eyes as we nurture them with attentive care. Having trees and small plants around the house has many benefits: Gardening is therapeutic and a healthy occupation; flowering plants offer nectar to birds and bees; trees and plants provide shade and vegetation around our homes; and trees lining our streets can lower temperatures by a few degrees. Many plants attract birds (and butterflies) also! For more information and ideas on what can work, explore our free, downloadable eBook on Native Trees and Plants for Birds and People in the Caribbean. For the less adventurous, how about trying your hand at an herb collection that can thrive in small pots? Basil and French Thyme grow easily in tropical climates.
For the industrious, try your hand at composting! With a bit of extra time on our hands, it is much easier to separate your waste. Do not forget to separate plastics for recycling and to refrain from dumping organic matter. Compost it and use it to fertilize your garden.
Finding Balance…With Nature
You see, being at home is not that bad at all. Just sit down, plan out a list of actions, and if you have children in the house, get them involved. I will never forget the first time my son picked a sweet pepper from the tree he nurtured himself! He watched over that plant from seed in the dirt to picking that pepper, and the look of pride as he picked it, and watched it being incorporated into our meals is unforgettable.
While our daily routines are disrupted, the birds happily continue with theirs. We can learn more about them and enjoy their day-to-day behavior. Who knows, they may help us to achieve that mental and emotional balance that we are seeking these days.
While we wait out this pandemic in the safety of our homes, it is important that we keep ourselves busy, focused, and grounded. Most importantly, let’s be responsible and be safe!
Earth Day, April 22nd, is also the start of our one month Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF). Join us as we celebrate the CEBF with our virtual “From the Nest” edition! The theme is Birds and Culture. We are sharing an Endemic Bird of the Day, colouring pages, online bird puzzles, webinars, and links to fun, free activities and resources to do with your kids. Follow us on social media (@BirdsCaribbean) and check our website every day for new stuff. We look forward to sharing with you about our beautiful endemic birds! #CEBFFromtheNest
Thanks so much to Natalya Lawrence, Emma Lewis, and Nathan Wilson for this inspiring essay.
BirdsCaribbean is excited to be hosting a fundraiser that focuses on the energy, excitement, and comradery that’s associated with Global Big Day!
Global Big Day is an annual event in which birders, often in teams, travel around an area trying to observe as many bird species as they can in a 24-hr period of time. Global Big Day is happening on May 9th this year!
Because of safety concerns with COVID-19, Global Big Day will have a different feel to it this year. Many of us will be birding individually, and from a safe place*.
In an effort to keep the event exciting, and give us all an opportunity to celebrate safe birding, BirdsCaribbean has created a fundraiser that brings us all “together” on virtual teams that can engage in friendly competition to (1) raise the most funds, and (2) collectively see the most species of birds on Global Big Day.
Once on a team, help personalize your team page with fun photos and your own lingo, and then invite family, friends, colleagues, or members of your birding community to join your team and/or donate to your team.
By inviting people to your team, you are (1) raising awareness for BirdsCaribbean and the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology, (2) encouraging more fundraising to keep the Journal going, and (3) promoting Global Big Day and the importance of conserving birds and their habitats.
and/or . . .
Simply making a donation to one of the birding and fundraising teams.
By doing so, you will have (1) helped support the Journal, and (2) encouraged that team to bird as hard as they can on Global Big Day.
and/or . . .
Committing to spending some time (or the entire day!) birding on Global Big Day (May 9), being sure to keep track of what you see and then entering that information into eBird. We hope everyone will do this, whether or not they join a team or fundraise.
This will be a fun event to fundraise for and get excited about! Be ready to set yourself up in a safe place* and go birdwatching for as much of the day as possible, knowing that all of your teammates, friends, and BirdsCaribbean community members are doing the same!
Everyone should plan to submit their observations to eBird (or eBird Caribbean). Then we’ll tally them up and see how we all did! We will send out more information about this as the event draws closer.
We are living in unprecedented times. The important role that science is playing in understanding COVID-19 and finding solutions is more clear than ever. What science does to inform and improve public health, it also does for conservation of wildlife and nature.
BirdsCaribbean’s mission is to conserve birds and habitats throughout the Caribbean islands. This depends in large part on science—investigating causes of species decline that can then inform management and conservation actions.
To share that science, our community of researchers depends on theJournal of Caribbean Ornithology (JCO). This in-house, peer-reviewed publication has served our community for 32 years and counting. But the JCO needs help to keep its publications free and open-access to the world. Explore the JCO here.
This fundraiser will benefit the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology.
We are proud of our Journal and want to keep it free and open access to everyone. To do this, we need help fundraising to cover the Journal’s modest operating costs.
JCO has recently experienced remarkable growth, including adding many new and talented staff members, creating a highly efficient workflow, building a new website, completing fully-accessible Archives dating back to Volume 1, Issue 1 in 1988, and so much more.
JCO is an invaluable resource to thousands of Caribbean students, researchers, and conservationists, providing an unparalleled body of ornithological knowledge for the Caribbean region through its free, fully searchable website. This is why we are asking for your help in fundraising for JCO.
No matter what, we hope everyone will participate. You can bird by yourself, create a team or join a team, and then fundraise! Or you can simply make a donation, investing in science to help Caribbean birds. No gift is too large or too small.
As with everything in the Caribbean we will be successful when our whole community pitches in, so let’s do this together. We know we can count on you to help!
Global Big Day is organized by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Last year, people in more than 175 countries participated, setting a record for the most birds seen in one day all over the globe. Learn more here about this important citizen scientist initiative.
(1) the team that raises the most funds
(2) the team with the most creative name and stylish fundraising page
(3) the team that sees the most bird species on Global Big Day
(4) the team that sees the most endemic species on Global Big Day
(5) the team with the best “find” of the day (unusual, rare, plumage aberration, etc.)
(6) the team with the best bird photo of the day (must be posted on eBird along with your list)
There will also be “Hidden Prizes”; the categories for these will be announced just prior to Global Big Day AND throughout the day on Global Big Day.
*Given the safety concerns the COVID-19 virus presents for doing Global Big Day counts, we recommend that you bird in your backyard. If it is safe to go out on May 9th be sure to choose birding locations that (1) comply with your municipality’s COVID-19 safety guidelines (i.e. social distancing and travel guidelines), and (2) comply with your personal safety preferences. And so whether you we will be birding at a local park, within your own backyards, or from your bedroom windows, we will all be enjoying the opportunity to distract ourselves with some safe, fun birdwatching. Additionally, we will all be birdwatching “together” for a great cause that unites us!
Thanks in advance for participating and supporting our fundraiser, however you can! We hope to see lots of teams forming throughout the Caribbean, US, Canada and beyond! We will keep you updated with more news and details about our Global Big Day, such as how to keep a count of your birds and enter your data on line – stay tuned!
Soaring above the tree tops of Los Haitises National Park is the mighty Ridgway’s Hawk. Conflicts with humans and changes in its forest habitat have made it hard for this species to survive. Marta Curti gives us an update on the exciting work of The Peregrine Fund to save this Critically Endangered raptor.
Since 2000, when we began our project to conserve the Critically Endangered Ridgway’s Hawk in the Dominican Republic (DR), we began to hire and train local crew members to help carry out the field work. In 2011, we increased our recruitment and training efforts greatly. One of our main goals is to make the project sustainable in the long-term, which means giving locals the opportunity and the means to support their families while working directly for conservation.
We currently have over 20 Dominicans employed on our project. Most were born and raised in the very communities where we work, right in the heart of Ridgway’s Hawk territory. These residents range in age from late teens to over 60. They are trained in nest searching, monitoring, data collection, data entry, tree climbing, banding, treating nests to prevent nest fly infestations, and environmental education techniques. They spend long hours in the field, hiking over rough terrain, sometimes in oppressive heat and humidity or torrential downpours, to monitor and protect the hawks. While we are always so grateful for the work they do, this year, more than ever, their commitment to this project has proved invaluable.
Communities Take Up the Reins During COVID-19
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Thomas Hayes (Ridgway’s Hawk Project Director) and Marta Curti (Ridgway’s Hawk Project Environmental Education Specialist), will not be able to travel to the DR for the next several months, if not longer. If this were a “normal” year, we would both be planning a trip now, as the next few months are critical to our project’s success. Ridgway’s Hawk breeding season is in full swing and it is important to continue monitoring, banding, and treating nests. Thanks to our local crew, this work is being accomplished without a hitch!
At our first reintroduction site, the Punta Cana Resort and Club, our team is monitoring 17 pairs. Six of these pairs have hatched 13 young so far this year, while 9 have eggs waiting to hatch! This is an incredible achievement, considering that Ridgway’s Hawks hadn’t been documented in this area since the 1970s and breeding pairs didn’t start to form there until 2013! Though our environmental education efforts have been postponed in order to maintain social distancing, we were still able to reach 1,594 individuals at the beginning of the year. Our crew in Los Limones had a beautiful mural painted at the entrance to the town.
Los Brazos: An Eco-Friendly Release Site for Ridgway’s Hawks
While our seasoned crews are doing an amazing job in Punta Cana and Los Haitises National Park, we are particularly grateful for the newest additions to our team – our crew from the town of Los Brazos, located within the Aniana Vargas National Park in Dominican Republic. The small town of approximately 100 people relies heavily on the production of shade-grown certified organic cacao. Young and old, men and women, work daily to harvest, dry, process, and sell the crop.
The town itself consists of one dirt road with houses scattered on either side. In and around the town are cacao plantations interspersed with tall trees, wildflowers and wildlife. To maintain the organic certification, they must heed certain rules: no use of pesticides, no killing of wildlife, no cutting of forests. This, and the fact that this area was designated as Aniana Vargas National Park in 2009, was the main reason we chose this area as the newest site for Ridgway’s Hawk releases. Though every area has its unique challenges when it comes to releasing birds of prey, we knew we would be ahead by leaps and bounds releasing birds here. Thanks to support from the Betty Petersen Conservation Fund, we were able to release 25 young hawks in this area in 2019.
Exciting News to Report
Though we had planned to release another group of hawks this coming field season, we have decided to postpone this year’s releases due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, thanks to our local crew, we have some amazing news to report. Our team has documented a pair of hawks building a nest in the area. This is the first pair formed from the previous year’s cohort of released birds, and a huge step in developing an additional hawk population in this region.
While there is so much uncertainty in the world at this time, it is an opportunity to focus on the things we are grateful for. I, for one, deeply appreciate the work of our amazing team and their unending dedication to protect this hawk. And I am grateful to the Betty Petersen Conservation Fund and BirdsCaribbean for continuing to support our work.
By Marta Curti, The Peregrine Fund. Marta began working as a field biologist with The Peregrine Fund (TPF) in 2000 when she worked as a hack site attendant on the Aplomado Falcon project in southern Texas. She has since worked as a biologist and environmental educator on several TPF projects from California Condors in Arizona to Harpy Eagles and Orange-breasted Falcons in Belize and Panama. She has been working with the Ridgway’s Hawk Project since 2011. This project is funded in part by BirdsCaribbean’s Betty Petersen Conservation Fund. Please donate to help this save the Ridgeway’s Hawk!
We’ve got you covered! The CDC and local governments recommend wearing a face mask when you go out, and even cloth/ home-made masks are helpful. Our BirdsCaribbean and Caribbean Birding Trail multi-purpose “buffs” work well for this.
We have two patterns available for sale: BirdsCaribbean logo and Caribbean Birding Trail logo (see photo to the right and in the gallery below). Get one of each so that you can wear on alternate days and wash them.
Many of our members have long worn our “buffs”—stylish tubular bandannas which can be worn in multiple ways. They are great as neck warmers, head bands, hair bands, caps, for mosquito protection in the field, and now as face masks.
If you would like to purchase one or more of our buffs, please use the links below. Apologies, but we are only able to ship to U.S. addresses right now. Limit of 6 per order.
Wear your buff and tag us! @BirdsCaribbean #BirdsCaribbeanStrong #HumansofBirdsCaribbean
Your purchase helps support our bird conservation programs – thanks!
To Use as a Face Mask:
Turn the buff inside out, then fold back it back either once or twice so that you have a double or triple layer of fabric for your mask. You are now ready to face the world with a comfortable and stylish mask! Stay safe!!!
Our buffs are made by the company Hoo-rag. The fabric is soft and stretchy. They have a UPF30 sun protection rating and are made of 100% moisture-wicking polyester microfiber. They come in individual packages.
Approx. 19” x 8.5”.
One size fits most. Machine wash cold. Line dry.
We are thinking of all of our friends and hoping everyone is healthy and staying safe. We are sending love, strength and positivity. We will get through this – together.
Sharpen your pencils and prepare your paints, everyone!
The Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) is just around the corner. This year, much of it will be celebrated virtually, as we continue to experience unusual challenges at this time. Nevertheless, BirdsCaribbean has a special surprise for young (and not so young!) bird enthusiasts: a beautiful 64-page Endemic Birds of the West Indies Colouring Book.
“We will be shipping out boxes, free of charge, to our partners to use in their education programs on birds and nature — and of course for their Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) celebrations,” noted Lisa Sorenson, Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean. “Due to the current difficult situation, we realize that the usual exciting CEBF events will not be possible and distribution of the colouring books will be delayed. In the meantime, we will share some pages online with everyone as part of our celebration of CEBF at home.”
With delicate, detailed wildlife drawings by naturalist, educator, and illustrator Christine Elder, and informative text by writer Mark Yokoyama, the book offers children of all ages the opportunity to learn interesting facts while learning the techniques of colouring the birds’ vibrant plumage.
The Colouring Book includes 50 endemic birds, with a focus on the most vulnerable, widespread, and colorful species. The front cover has an extra page that folds in and provides a Colouring Key to all 50 birds. There are also colouring tips, and background information on endemic birds, the threats they face, and how kids can help. At the end of the book there are Activity pages and a Glossary.
BirdsCaribbean is working on preparing the Spanish version of the colouring book — it should be ready within a few weeks’ time. The French version will follow soon after that.
“Kids are often amazed to learn that there are birds and other animals that live only on their island,” commented our writer, Mark. “These birds, and this book, can help them discover how special their home is.”
Artist Christine Elder said, “It was an honor to work with BirdsCaribbean to illustrate these beautiful endemic birds. I’m confident that this book will serve as a valuable tool for conservation and I look forward to seeing the children’s drawings.”
“BirdsCaribbean wishes to thank the U.S. Forest Service International Programs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and BirdsCaribbean members for their tremendous support for this project,” said Lisa Sorenson. “This Colouring Book has been a dream of ours for quite a long time. It was delayed by pressing issues, such as our urgent work on hurricane relief the past several years. We are so proud of the final product. We hope our partners and the public they serve will enjoy using it as a fun educational tool, and we look forward to receiving feedback.”
Help us get these books to children across the islands!
We are short on funds to ship this book to 25+ Caribbean countries as well as funding to print the Spanish and French versions. If you would like to help, please click here. No donation is too small!!
How to obtain copies of Birds of the West Indies Colouring Book
If you are an educator working for an NGO or government in the Caribbean and would like to receive one or more boxes of the coloring book, please fill out this form. To save on shipping costs, we are aiming to limit the number of shipments per country. We ask for help with distribution by a local institution to NGOs and governmental ministries for use at bird and nature education events.
You can download the colouring book for free on our Resources page.
If you would like to purchase a copy of the coloring book (US$7.99 + shipping), we anticipate that we will be able to ship you the book by the end of April. At this time, we can easily sell only to customers in the U.S. or Canada, and in small quantities (e.g., 6 or less). (Customers in other countries, or in need of large quantities, should contact Lisa Sorenson).
You can purchase up to 6 copies of the book via PayPal using the menus below (PayPal will add the shipping). If you prefer to purchase via check, please make the check out to BirdsCaribbean and mail to: BirdsCaribbean, 841 Worcester St. #130, Natick, MA 01760. On your check, indicate the total number of books you would like and calculate the total cost for the books plus shipping by referring to the chart below.
There is a $1 discount for paid-up (2020) BirdsCaribbean members; if you wish to join BirdsCaribbean, click here. If you need to renew your membership, click here. If you are not sure of your membership status, please contact our Membership Manager, Delores Kellman).
Are you staying home right now? Sit back, relax and enjoy this vivid account of a trip around four islands, an adventure in search of the Amazona parrots. Ryan Chenery, the Barbados-based CEO of Birding the Islands will take you there. Ryan’s company is a proud partner of BirdsCaribbean’s Caribbean Birding Trail (CBT) and shares our philosophy of directly involving and benefiting local communities. Birding the Islands tours often using CBT-trained local guides—not only contribute to conservation efforts across the islands but also to support locally owned businesses. These tours are multi-faceted, but…“We always come back to the birds!” says Ryan.
Birding the Islands and BirdsCaribbean February 2020 trip to: St. Lucia, Dominica, St. Vincent, and Trinidad
Day 1: St. Lucia, Airports and Aupicon
We exit the plane at the vibrant Hewanorra International Airport and get straight into some productive airport birding. We easily spot the endemic subspecies of Carib Grackle and seemingly ever-present (yet fascinatingly split) near endemic subspecies of Bananaquit, flitting from one heavily laden calabash tree to another. A juvenile Merlin perched high atop a swaying Australian Pine is a surprising and welcome addition to our fledgling Lesser Antillean list. What a great start!
As we make for our first birding hotspot of the trip, the spectacular scenery of St. Lucia leaps out at us. This is a breathtakingly beautiful island – the perfect blend of towering forest-covered mountains and pristine white sand beaches lined by sparkling turquoise seas. It is no wonder that, centuries before, the French and British fought fiercely and passionately for the right to fly their flag atop its highest peak.
We plan our arrival at the sprawling Aupicon Wetlands to coincide with the return to their roosts of several species of heron and egret. After our vehicle winds its way through a corridor of towering Coconut Palms (their produce once the primary export crop of this lush tropical island), we catch our first sighting of migratory Blue-winged Teal and resident Common Gallinule – the brilliant blue wing coverts of the former and radiant red frontal shields of the latter gleaming in the last of the sun’s rays. Adding to the spectacle, large flocks of Snowy as well as Cattle Egrets now begin a near continuous approach to favoured roosting sites in the middle of the wetlands. The darting bills and dancing legs of Tricolored and Little Blue Herons contrast nicely with the bobbing of Pied-billed Grebes and American Coots (white-shielded Caribbean subspecies). A lone Osprey returning from the sea with a freshly caught fish is the cue for us to head to our accommodation for dinner.
Day 2: Endemic Overload!
The morning begins at our peaceful Inn, tucked away in quiet Mon Repos, where we enjoy a delicious buffet breakfast (yes, more freshly picked pineapple is on its way Nick!) on the sweeping veranda overlooking the densely forested hillsides and glittering waters of Praslin Bay.
Mon Repos is ideally located in the vicinity of some of the last remaining Dry Atlantic Forest on the island, and we start the morning’s birding by entering this wilted, scrubby landscape… only to be treated to absolutely cracking views of an inquisitive Mangrove Cuckoo. This seemingly impoverished habitat also yields our first three endemic sightings of the trip. A charming pair of St.Lucia Black Finch forages amongst the leaf litter, their pink legs dancing amongst the crisp brown leaves. With every step closer the gleaming black of the male provides an ever more diagnostic contrast to the soft cinnamon brown of his mate. We also see a stunningly patterned St. Lucia Oriole; and a brilliant adult St. Lucia Warbler, its subtle patterns fully visible in the neutral morning light.
We continue northwest over the dominant mountainous spine of the island and down to the scenic west coast, gliding through the sleepy towns of Laborie and Choizeul. There is a striking difference between the rich fertile soils found here in the shadow of the cavernous Mt. Soufriere and the parched earth of our last birding site. While living beneath a volcano is not without its risks, the rewards can also be great – as evidenced by the wealth of produce in the form of yams, dasheen, sweet pototato, plantains and much more being sold here at small roadside stalls. The unparalleled fertility of this region also attracts large numbers of indigenous birds, drawn to the wondrous variety of fruiting citrus trees. We soon find ourselves surrounded by a host of other new and exciting regional specialties.
First to appear however is a curious and hitherto unknown species—“the rare St. Lucia Bum Bird”! Or at least that is what we call the odd rufous-feathered buttock sticking out of a large ripe grapefruit at the side of the trail. It is not until the head of the owner of said buttock emerges from the depths of the fruit cavity, that we are able to accurately identify it as a Lesser Antillean Bullfinch. No sooner had our group exchanged smiles and taken photos than a flurry of wings announced the arrival of a splendid Gray Trembler! As is so often the case with this fascinating near endemic (known only to the tiny islands of St. Lucia and Martinique), upon landing the bird immediately begins to convulse its entire body in a violent trembling motion – hence its name. The brief display over, the trembler proceeds to sink its impressive bill into the fleshy centre of the grapefruit, from which the bullfinch had been so unceremoniously usurped!
“Beak plunging” appears to be the order of the day. An obliging Lesser Antillean Saltator is the next to start tucking into a meal. This time, the weapon of choice is a gargantuan cone-shaped beak, and the victim—the soft flesh of the golden orbed breadfruit.
The birding, already going well, suddenly and unexpectedly gets even better as out of the valley below a pair of St. Lucia Parrots wing their way up towards us and perch not 30 feet away. Perfect light and unimpaired views allow for an absolutely enthralling encounter with this large and stunningly patterned parrot—the first in our Search for the Amazonas!
We round off a terrific morning’s birding with a delicious buffet lunch of creole chicken, steamed mahi mahi, fried plantain, and yam pie… all washed down with freshly squeezed lemonade and enjoyed on the balcony of The Beacon—the restaurant with an unrivaled view of the magnificent twin-peaks of Les Pitons.
Back at our locally owned accommodation some of the group enjoy a relaxing late afternoon swim in the pool before dining on yet more delights prepared by the Paris-trained chef. Tonight’s specialty: lobster bisque, flank steak (or Creole mahi mahi) and crème caramel.
Day 3: A Breezy Farewell
Today sees us make for the pride of St. Lucia – the splendid Des Cartiers Rainforest. Upon arrival, we enjoy our pre-packed breakfasts before starting our way along the well-maintained trail. Here we are immediately transported into another world – one dominated by towering emergents, prehistoric tree ferns and dangling lianas.
When in St.Lucia, Birding the Islands works alongside local guide and BirdsCaribbean partner, Vision, who is a superb “birtanist” (birder and botanist rolled into one) and as we walk, Vision pauses to point out the many fascinating native tree species all around us (and explain their myriad uses). These make for fascinating topics of conversation between birding hotspots.By far the most dominant tree here is the mighty Lansan. It is known only to four Lesser Antillean islands. Its aromatic resin is a key ingredient of the slow-burning incense still used widely in St. Lucia homes to ward off evil spirits.
Our first bird experience in Des Cartiers is certainly one of the most memorable: a St. Lucia Parrot poked its head out of a nest cavity some 50 feet above us. But this ancient forest is to have many more surprises in store before we leave. At an observation area with breathtaking views of the riverine valley below, we enjoy incredibly close views of the Antillean Euphonia daintily hopping amongst strands of mistletoe. A pair of Lesser Antillean Flycatchers interrupt proceedings with a low fly-by. Other arrivals during our time at this site include a fabulous Green-throated Carib effortlessly gleaning insects from the underside of a leaf, a positively delicate St.Lucia Pewee seemingly freeze-framed on a looping vine, and an overly inquisitive Pearly-eyed Thrasher.
After a lunch enjoyed on the white sand shores of Cocodan, our final birding stop of the day is the towering peak of Moule a Chique, where we brave the blustery winds to look down upon Red-billed Tropicbirds hurtling beneath us – their brilliant pure white plumage contrasting perfectly with the deep blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
Later that evening after a pre-dinner cocktail, we settle in to dine on Kingfish (delivered earlier from the traditional fishing village of Dennery, where the previous day we had the opportunity to witness an intense bartering culture in action). Experiencing the culture of the islands as well as supporting local communities, while illustrating the correlation between us visiting birders and the economic prosperity of many local businesses and citizens is extremely important for Birding the Islands Ltd and our partner BirdsCaribbean. We adopt this approach on every island we visit.
Day 4: Dominica, A Day of Close Encounters
The large boulders dotted throughout this islands’ lush landscape point to a violent volcanic past. However, as our vehicle makes its way around long winding corners and upwards along the coast, the sight of sparse tree canopies and fallen forest giants are glaring reminders of the after effects of a far more recent natural disaster (Hurricane Maria in 2017). This leaves us with a deep appreciation of the hardships endured by the inhabitants of this wild and stunningly beautiful land.
Arriving at our cliff-side hotel, we enjoy a hearty lunch of line-caught tuna, steamed plantain, and veggie rice, enjoyed throughout in the company of a Red-legged Thrush and an absolutely brilliant Purple-throated Carib—its dazzling throat glinting in the sun as it feeds.
Later in the afternoon, a sudden downpour restricts any extensive foray into the sprawling Syndicate Estate. But before the rain falls, we are treated to what surely must be one of the closest ever encounters with a Red-necked Parrot (Jaco) in the wild! Having entered the Estate in the presence of Dr. Birdy (Bertrand Baptiste) himself—the most experienced bird guide on the island and long-time BirdsCaribbean partner, we soon find ourselves surrounded by the gleeful calls of several Jaco in the fruiting trees around us. However, one particularly close cry draws us towards a heavily laden guava tree. In the heart of the sparsely leafed tree one of these brightly coloured Amazonas delicately plucks a swollen guava from the tree with its beak, and flies to a low cecropia perfectly positioned over our path. Following an excited period of hastily focusing scopes and training binoculars on the bird, we soon realize that the parrot is so distracted by its food that we can slowly approach—until we are standing a mere 15 feet beneath it! A full half an hour elapses with us caught up in this magical moment with this beautiful bird. Finally, its meal finished, it flies off towards a more secluded area.
What an experience!
Tonight we soak up the tropical ambiance at a candlelit dinner in the outdoor restaurant of our hotel—the sounds of the rolling waves beating against the black volcanic shores below.
Day 5: To the Seas!
After a mid-morning arrival at the bustling port of Roseau, we board our vessel and jet across the waters off the southwest of the island, in search of the giants that call Dominica’s deep oceanic trenches home. A whale-watching trip can be rewarding for pelagics, but in addition to the usual suspects of Magnificent Frigatebirds, Brown Booby and Laughing Gulls, this trip surprisingly only reveals a Sooty Tern and a Red-footed Booby as new species for the trip. The whales however are far more cooperative. We do not have to wait more than twenty minutes before the captain bellows “BREEEECH”! He knows these waters well, and skillfully guides us towards a pod of mighty Sperm Whales in such a manner that the next surfacing is far closer than the last. We are so close we can even listen via hydrophone to the popcorn popping sounds emanating from the giants as they hone in on prey below us!
From the bow of the boat we are afforded superb views as some of majestic behemoths rest near the surface, before resuming their feeding. Sadly the excitement of the encounter apparently proves too much for the engine of our craft, resulting in an earlier than planned end to our whale-watching adventure.
Maintaining our maritime theme of the day, we enjoy sumptuous fish tacos for lunch (what on Earth is in that sauce?) before settling in to a quiet final night at our beach-side hotel on Dominica. The spectacular Brown Pelicans in the height of breeding plumage settle in to roost in nearby trees.
Day 6: A Day of Wonder
On our final day in Dominica we wake at dawn to travel into the montane forest for which this island is so renowned. As the skies clear, the birds begin to steadily appear. The methodical notes of Black-whiskered Vireo, a startlingly pugnacious Antillean-crested Hummingbird, and an inquisitive andscratchy-throated Plumbeous Warbler all provide us with excellent views. An obliging male Blue-headed Hummingbird steals the show by feeding at a flowering ginger growing conveniently close to our trail.
The fluid musical notes of a House Wren (Antillean) later lead us to a copse of flowering coffee, and an audience with this endemic subspecies. Increasing research on these islands is leading to many new species splits and the identification of a plethora of endemic subspecies throughout these closely neighbouring islands. That this wren (and many other subspecies in the Lesser Antilles) may well attain full species status in years to come is very possible indeed.
The awesome power and force of the hurricane season of two years ago has transformed this forest. A large number of trees have been either felled or their canopies have been blown off. This has resulted in a huge increase in the amount of sunlight reaching the forest floor, which has in turn provided young saplings with the impetus needed in their never ending quest for the heavens. Out of devastation comes new life, and here in this magical setting, new life is all around us. Right on cue, Liz spots a young Red-rumped Agouti scurrying out of a path in front of the group.
Back at the hotel we enjoy our now customary three-course meal before setting off for the airport. An afternoon flight to St. Vincent awaits!
Day 7: St. Vincent, The Perfect Send-off
Serenaded by the calls of Yellow-bellied Elaenia and the gentle cooing of Scaly-naped Pigeons, we enjoy breakfast in the spacious open-air dining room of our beachfront hotel, located on the south west coast of spectacular St. Vincent. As we chat and await our meals, we briefly lower our cups of freshly brewed Vincentian to watch a school of flying fish—scales glistening in the early morning sunshine—leaping from the vast expanse of Caribbean Sea. Their gliding attracts the attention of a large number of Brown Boobies and Magnificent Frigatebirds, who immediately alter their flight course in pursuit. The boobies begin shallow exploratory dives, while the frigatebirds attempt to snatch the gliding fish from mid-air. A closer inspection with binoculars also reveals a boiling sea below the birds—perhaps an indication that this feeding frenzy was started by large predatory Dolphin or Crevalle targeting the flying fish from below.
What a start to the day.
Ahh—here come the omelettes!
After breakfast, the wonderful and knowledgeable Lystra Culzac (Caribbean Birding Trail certified guide) arrives to guide us to the birding hotspots on the island (the best of which requires her having negotiated with landowners for access to private land). We journey along the wave-ravaged Atlantic coastline, through the coastal settlement of Georgetown, with her black sand beaches and wind lashed rooftops and onward north to the volcanic slopes of towering Mt. Soufriere.
Its entrance guarded by brilliantly sapphire-headed St. Vincent Anoles, the well-maintained Soufriere Trail is lined with two species of endemic begonia. The raging Atlantic is clearly visible to the east, and expansive montane forest lines the volcanic slopes to the west. This is a forest in which the weird and wonderful come alive before your eyes. First, we spot the unique dark morph of Coereba flaveola attrata (endemic subspecies of Bananaquit) and St. Vincent Tanagers gorging themselves high in a fruiting fig. The eerily ethereal call of the Rufous-throated Solitaire, deep low notes of Ruddy Quail Dove and positively hyperactive vocalisations of Scaly-breasted Thrashers and Brown Tremblers (an entire genus restricted to the Lesser Antilles) all lead us deep within this ancient primary forest.
However the star of the show is so far remaining elusive…and quiet.
The song of the Whistling Warbler can travel for miles. We reach a now dry river bed, which for millennia slowly carved its way through the dark volcanic bedrock beneath our feet – and we hear THE CALL.
Cautious spisshing lures the tiny vocalist ever closer, until in a flash there he is—flitting ever so briefly out of the dense undergrowth, before once again retiring to a dark tangle of mistletoe and epiphyte-laden trunks. This is a Critically Endangered species and we are fortunate to have had even a glimpse.
Some treasures are meant to remain secret.
St. Vincent is a largely quiet and laid back island. We pass several rural communities tucked into the pocketed hillsides of a mountainous interior, on our way to the largest remaining roost of St. Vincent Parrotson the planet.
The tracks leading up to this secret location are narrow and heavily potholed, so we abandon our van and climb aboard a 4wd SUV—the only vehicle capable of making this ascent.
Crossing streams home where Green-throated Caribs bathe, lined with a multitude of tropical butterflies, we soon arrive at a quiet small holding perfectly framed by a scenic ridge.
As we arrive at the summit of the ridge, that quintessential call of parrots the world over begins to echo out of the east.
They are coming…
The birds first arrive in pairs (their constant calls seeming to reassure their respective life partners of their presence in the now steadily fading light), but slowly their numbers build, to the point where dozens of this once critically endangered parrot are winging their way over our heads.
The thrill of being directly beneath them is exhilarating. However, we are only able to get a clear view of the truly spectacular deep blues and vibrant greens and oranges of their flight feathers when the parrots begin to tack hard and low down towards their favoured roosting trees, against a backdrop of the lush, verdant, forested valley below. These are stunningly beautiful birds. As they settle in to land, there are audible gasps of delight from our group.
We spend a full hour in the presence of St. Vincent’s national bird, enjoying every rhythmic twist and turn of their approach. This is one of the undoubted highlights of the trip.
A celebratory Dinner that night is a selection of creole fish dishes, washed down by the local Hairoun beer!
Day 8: Trinidad, The Spectacle
Several of us wake early to enjoy another dip in the calm waters typical of this Caribbean coastline. Then we settle into a delicious breakfast of pancakes and french toast, or for those of us feeling adventurous—salt fish buljol with all the local fixins!
The short 15-minute drive to the airport is filled with fond reminiscing of the variety of unique Lesser Antillean species seen… but we also talk about the many South American wonders that await.
We touch down in Sweet Sweet T&T (as the popular soca song so fondly refers to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago) and are met by beaming Lester Nanan (our terrific local guide and grandson of the renowned conservationist Winston Nanan). We board a large comfortable bus and as we have arrived at midday, it is not long before a cooler is produced and we begin tucking into pre-ordered(and gigantic) chicken rotis (done the traditional Trinidad way—bone and all) as well as veggie rotis brimming with large chunks of mango, papaya, eggplant and more.
Trinidad is such a contrast to the small quiet islands of the Lesser Antilles that we have spent the last week travelling between. The area around the airport especially has the feel of a large metropolis. But (delicious rotis in hand) we are soon leaving all this behind and making for one of the treasures of the Caribbean—the Caroni Swamp.
En route we stop to bird productive grasslands, sheltering such vibrant secrets as Red-breasted Blackbird and Saffron Finch. We visit sheltered ponds and canals home to a plethora of water—loving species—from blazingly neon-crowned Yellow-hooded Blackbirds and nesting White-headed Marsh Tyrants to Southern Lapwing and Pied Water Tyrants.
The birding is thick and fast, but as 3pm arrives, we gather back at the bus in fervent anticipation of our next destination.
There are several wetlands in the Western Hemisphere that get birders’ hearts racing, and the Caroni Swamp is one of them. This sprawling 12,000-acre wetland is home to one of the greatest spectacles in the animal kingdom—the return to roost every evening of over 3,000 Scarlet Ibis!
Although this is the main event, the warm up acts are none too shabby, as evidenced by the pair of roosting Tropical Screech Owls, their intricately patterned breast feathers perfectly mirroring the marbled bark of the White Mangroves in which they roost. We have good views of the superb stock-still Boat-billed Herons from our flat-bottomed boat, as it negotiates its way through the mangroves.
As we edge deeper into the swamp, the long tendril-like roots of Red Mangroves seem to reach ever further into the water, providing prime perching positions for an unbelievable array of species. The roots are festooned with oysters, barnacles and home to a plethora of Mangrove Crabs…and occasionally Mangrove Boa. A magnificently coiffured Masked Cardinal and dainty Bicolored Conebill, along with both Green and Pygmy Kingfishers, all give us cause to pause and admire. We are even treated to a vociferous exchange between warring factions of Grey-necked Wood Rails!
After almost an hour of delightful travel we approach the famous roost site, a welcome low tide ensuring an added bonus encounter with 30 American Flamingos.
As we tether the boat, and start to share out the locally brewed rum punch and freshly baked pastries, wave upon wave of 50, 100, 200 ibis at a time begin continuously streaking by. Before long the dark green of the mangrove island upon which they roost is unrecognisable. It has been transformed into a rhythmic and convulsing mass of colour. The brilliant reds of the breeding adults contrast perfectly with the soft subtle pinks of non-breeders—all set against the wondrous backdrop of Trinidad’s stunning Northern Range.
An unforgettable experience.
Later that evening we arrive at the world-renowned Asa Wright lodge where a delicious buffet dinner awaits us. We duly indulge, before strolling to our cottages located in the heart of the densely forested Arima Valley.
Day 9: Dawning of the Light
At daybreak we make our way to the veranda of the main lodge where, coffee in hand (locally harvested from trees on the Asa Wright estate), we settle in and prepare for what is surely one of the most incredible birding experiences in the region.
Below us, the waking sun is proving the catalyst for the inhabitants of this vast rainforest to begin to stir. The sprightly melody of a Cocoa Thrush, the rapid-fire staccato of a White-flanked Antwren and cat-like call of the Spectacled Thrush, mixed in with the somewhat demonic laughter of the Barred Antshrike combine and build to a feverish crescendo.
As more light steadily filters down through the canopy, the last of the nocturnal brigade (in the form of Pallas’s Long Tongued Bats) begin to surrender their positions at the feeders to a veritable onslaught of colour.
A sudden white flit across the feeders—the breast of a White-chested Emerald; a sprinkle of neon pink – the stunning crown of a male Ruby Topaz; brilliant orange ear tufts and a gently bobbing tail diagnostic of the bedazzling Tufted Coquette.
And still they come.
There are the dazzling rich blues and emerald greens of Blue-chinned Sapphires and glistening Copper-rumped Hummingbirds—so close you can see the minuscule fluffy white garters on their legs.Purple as well as Green Honeycreepers, White-bearded Manakins, and Violaceous Euphonias all join the fray. In the distance, away from this hive of activity, a pair of Green-backed Trogons are taking turns to diligently and carefully excavate a cavity in a termite nest affixed to a gargantuan trunk. A dozen feet below them, a lone Golden Olive Woodpecker silently begins its measured investigation of the same tree.
With all of this birding brilliance, we almost miss breakfast…almost.
The entire day is ours to walk the myriad trails coursing through the private forests of Asa Wright, and after breakfast we begin by heading down Jacaranda Trail for an encounter with Oilbirds. Isolated from the rest of the bird world in a family of their own, living in caves and using echolocation to negotiate their nocturnal feeding forays, this is easily one of the strangest birds we connect with on the trip. The cave at Asa Wright is one of the most accessible sites to see them in the world and we are rewarded with sensational views! On our way back, and after passing under a spectacular Bee Orchid, we soon enter the realm of the Bearded Bellbird—its otherworldly metallic call boldly proclaiming this land to be his. Once we have tracked the call down to a favoured perch, the bird is brilliantly visible, its superb wattled neck flickering in the shafts of sunlight with every resounding CLANK of its call.
After this excitement we retire in the heat of the day to the veranda, where we continue to watch the birding entertainment on show. Some of us round off the afternoon with a dip in the cool fresh water pools found throughout the Centre grounds.
After dinner, our night walk provides a fascinating insight into the lives of some of the nocturnal residents of these forests. Huge Trinidad Chevron Tarantulas cling to bamboo stalks; minuscule but “swerve-worthy” scorpions, velvet worms and land crabs line the banks of the roadside; and bats flutter almost constantly overhead.
Day 10: Desserts and Delightful Birding
The Asa Wright Centre grounds are superb, but to get a true sense of the variety of inhabitants of the highest peaks in the Northern Range, one must take to the Blanchisseuse Road. We do so on our final full day in Trinidad.
Birding is slow and steady at first, with initial stops revealing sightings of Tropical Parula and a magnificent pair of Collared Trogons. Later the ground appears alive with army ants, allowing for a close (but not too close) examination of the intricate relationship that Cocoa and Plain Brown Woodcreepers as well as Great Antshrikes have with these tiny marauders of the forest floor.
We enjoy lunch at a local chocolatier’s farm, where the proprietor explains that his return to the land and harvesting of cacao has had a positive effect on many local communities in and around Arima, with an upturn in financial independence. The birding is good here too, for Rufous-breasted Hermit, Turquoise Tanagers, a Lineated Woodpecker, and hordes of Yellow-rumped Caciques all appear as we are wrapping up our chicken pelau and treating ourselves to a dessert of his delicious chocolates!
At our final stop, the scale of diversity and sheer beauty of the birds of the Northern Range is truly revealed. Rufous-tailed Jacamars swoop from favoured perches to pluck swallowtail butterflies effortlessly from the air. A pair of Scaled Pigeons select the highest possible perch and turn purposefully to catch the last of the afternoon light on their brilliantly chevroned breasts. A young Forest Elaenia pleads with her parent, which ever so delicately plucks and then proffers a berry to its offspring to take a bite. Later a flock of seven spectacular Blue-headed Parrots silently wing their way in to a nearby cecropia and are joined at the canopy by a stunning Channel-billed Toucan. We cap off our frenetic and highly rewarding birding of the highlands with a young Yellow-headed Caracara flying directly over our bus. A pair of Tropical Kingbirds is hot in pursuit.
Day 11: A Ferruginous Farewell
On our final day of the trip, and after our now customary morning visit to the veranda, we take a leisurely stroll along the driveway that winds its way into the Asa Wright Centre. The forest that has yielded so many of its treasures to us has one more surprise in store: a superb sighting of a Ferruginous Pygmy Owl, which staunchly resists the urge to flee from incessant harassment by a large mixed flock of tanagers and flycatchers.
Life in the rainforest is never dull…for any of us!
At the airport, before boarding our flight, we pay a visit to the best Doubles hut on the island and positively chow down on these uniquely Trinidadian delicacies. There’s no way we were going to come to Trinidad and not have Doubles. The fusion of chickpeas, sweet tamarind sauce, pickled cucumber and hot sauce lights up the taste buds, and is a perfect send off to our tour—a tour which has given us a true flavour for the spectacular birding that the Lesser Antilles and Trinidad has to offer.
Thanks to our Caribbean Birding Trail partner, Ryan Chenery and his company Birding the Islands, for this positively wonderful and enticing trip report! To learn how you can join Ryan and BirdsCaribbean on our next In Search of the Amazonas tour (Nov. 21st to Dec. 1st, 2021) please contact Ryan at To learn more about the Caribbean Birding Trail, birding sites, tours, and guides throughout the islands, click here.
Josmar Marquez, from AveZona, has lead bird monitoring projects on Coche Island in Venezuela since 2018. In addition to data collection, his work involves mentoring young conservationists and promoting nature-friendly behavior changes in the local community of the island. Here, Josmar describes his most recent Snowy Plover monitoring season and some exciting firsts for shorebird monitoring in Venezuela. (More photo and Español debajo)
In Venezuela, thanks to the support of the BirdsCaribbean David S. Lee Fund, AveZona and the ARA MACAO Scientific Foundation have carried out population surveys of Snowy Plovers (Charadrius nivosus tenuirostris) on Coche Island. A large number of the birds have been recorded in the “Salina de San Pedro de Coche.” This has lead to an appreciation and increased value of the island as this species is threatened in the Caribbean region.
Our project formally began in 2019, and since then we have conducted monitoring visits monthly to the San Pedro de Coche salt pans. Before we stepped foot in the field, the first step was to receive permission from the Ministry of Ecosocialism (MINEC) for the relevant permits to be able to move forward with the project. Thankfully, we were successful.
During our monitoring visits, we record the following information: number and location of Snowy Plovers, their age (adults or juvenile), sex, and any reproductive activity. In addition to monitoring, we also have indivudally marked some of the birds. Our team marked the first Snowy Plover in Venezuela in September 2019. It may seem like a small feat but it represents a lot of work! The birds are marked with black flags and white codes (right leg) and metal rings (left leg). Marking the plovers will help us better understand the behavior of each individual and to determine their site fidelity. In addition, we can learn if there is any migratory movement across the Caribbean for our local population of Snowy Plovers. To date, we have tagged seven individuals.
In February and March, 2019, we were fortunate to count Snowy Plover nests and chicks in the San Pedro salina. Joining us for this activity were students from the local community at Napoleón Narváez Bolivarian High School. It was rewarding to share information about these precious birds with young people and they were amazed to learn that the salina is so important to the Snowy Plover and other bird species (for example, Least Terns also nest there).
How many plovers are there?
Currently, we are partnering with with Adrián Naveda-Rodríguez from the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture at Mississippi State University, United States. Together, we are working on the detectability and abundance of the Snowy Plover in eastern Venezuela. The preliminary analyses are using samples from the non-reproductive season, from counts made at 12 points in the San Pedro de Coche salina.
We modeled the relationship between detection probability and air temperature, time of the day, and distance to salt. We included covariates for the number of feral dogs, horses and salt miners when modeling abundance. Detection probability was negatively affected by the distance to salt piles (0.49, 95% CI=0.49-0.5). Abundance was not associated with the presence or abundance of domestic animals nor salt mining activities. We estimated there were 96 (95% CI: 46-201) and 116 (95% CI=61-220) Snowy Plovers in February and December, respectively. We hope to present this information in more detail at the next NAOC and subsequently we plan to publish our results in a scientific journal.
Our group participated in the 22nd International BirdsCaribbean Conference in Guadeloupe in July 2019 and in the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting in October 2019 in Panama. We were so excited to present the latest results from our research and the ways in which we involve the community in our projects.
A community effort
Our partnership with the community has continued beyond school field trips. Recently, we created a unique bird-inspired mural in the school of “La Uva” community which, of course, included depictions of the Snowy Plover and the Least Tern. It is truly a beautiful work!
One of the reasons for working in this region is to promote the integration of communities that have historically been marginalized from science and conservation. In search of improving this situation, we are carrying out activities within this project that integrate and dignify the local community, and also give recognition to the worldview of the inhabitants of the biological diversity of their island.
Since the beginning of this project, we understood that in order to protect the salina and other places on the island, it is necessary to work hand in hand with the locals. We are very grateful for the school district of Coche Island, which has allowed us to work with educational institutions. Also, we are especially fond of the Napoleon Narváez Lyceum High School 9th Grade class, and teachers from various educational institutions for their receptivity and commitment. There are many locals that have opened their doors and hearts to this project and our team: Antonio Ros, Daniel Serva, Oscar Riera, Jose Gonzalez, Jesus Escalona, JC Fernández Ordoñez.
Many obstacles can arise when executing a project of this magnitude in Venezuela, but thanks to the constant support of BirdsCaribbean (including the David S. Lee Fund for Conservation) we are achieving our objectives. It’s very important to carry out this project that will help us to better understand the population of the Snowy Plover in the islands of the Venezuelan Caribbean. For me, it is a beautiful, very peculiar bird with very interesting habits. Luckily, in Venezuela it still can be observed very frequently in some places. Being able to say that there is a reproductive colony on Coche Island, and that it remains to this day, is a light of hope in the face of the global ecological crisis.
Please enjoy these short videos showing our work with the community from our Ave Zona Facebook page!
Josmar marquez, de AveZona, ha liderado proyectos de monitoreo de aves en Isla Coche, Venezuela, desde el 2018. Además de la colecta de datos, Su trabajo consiste en asesorar a jóvenes conservacionistas y la promoción de cambios conductuales ambientalmente amigables en la comunidad local de la isla. Aquí, Josmar describe su más reciente temporada de monitoreo del Chorlito Nevado.
En Venezuela gracias al apoyo de la beca David Lee, de BirdsCaribean, AveZona y la Fundación Científica ARA MACAO realizan el proyecto de evaluación poblacional del Chorlito Nevado (Charadrius nivosus tenuirostris) en la isla de Coche. En “Salina de San Pedro de Coche” se ha registrado un alto número de aves, lo que ha llevado a un aumento en la apreciación del valor de la isla para la especie, que se encuentra amenazada en la región del Caribe.
El proyecto comenzó formalmente en 2019, y se están realizado salidas mensuales a la salina de San Pedro de Coche. Antes de dirigirnos al área, el primer paso fue recibir el permiso del Ministerio de Ecosocialismo (MINEC) para el estudio de campo. Afortunadamente, tuvimos éxito.
Durante las visitas de monitoreo, anotamos la siguiente información: cantidad de individuos y localidad, edad (adultos o juveniles), sexo, y actividad reproductiva del Chorlito Nevado. Además del monitoreo, también hemos marcado algunos individuos. Nuestro equipo marcó el primer Chorlito Nevado de Venezuela en septiembre de 2019. ¡Toda una hazaña! Se usaron banderas negras con códigos blancos (pata derecha) y anillos metálicos (pata izquierda). Marcar los individuos nos ayudará a entender mejor su comportamiento y determinar su fidelidad al sitio. Además, podríamos llegar a saber si existe algún movimiento migratorio entre esta población y el resto del Caribe. Hasta la fecha se han logrado marcar 7 ejemplares de Chorlito Nevado.
Durante los meses de Febrero y Marzo de 2019 logramos contar nidos y pichones de Failecito en la Salina de San Pedro. A esta actividad asistieron jóvenes del Liceo Bolivariano Napoleón Narváez. Fue muy gratificante compartir información sobre estas preciosas aves con los jóvenes y se sorprendieron al saber que la salina es tan importante para el Chorlito Nevado y otras especies de aves (por ejemplo, el Charrán Menor también anida allí).
¿Cuántos Chorlito Nevados Hay?
Actualmente, nos estamos asociando con Adrián Naveda-Rodríguez del Departamento de Vida Silvestre, Pesca y Acuicultura de la Universidad Estatal de Mississippi, Estados Unidos. Juntos, estamos trabajando en la detectabilidad y abundancia del chorlito nevado en el este de Venezuela. Los análisis preliminares están utilizando muestras de la temporada no reproductiva, de conteos realizados en 12 puntos en la salina de San Pedro de Coche.
Modelamos la relación entre la probabilidad de detección y la temperatura del aire, tiempo del día y la distancia a las pilas de sal. Incluimos covariables para la cantidad de perros salvajes, caballos y mineros de sal al modelar la abundancia. La probabilidad de detección se vio afectada negativamente por la distancia a las pilas de sal (0.49, IC 95% = 0.49-0.5). La abundancia no se asoció con la presencia o abundancia de animales domésticos ni actividades de extracción de sal. Estimamos que había 96 (95% IC: 46-201) y 116 (IC 95% = 61-220) Chorlito Nevados en febrero y diciembre, respectivamente. Esperamos poder presentar esta información en la próxima reunión del NAOC y publicarla posteriormente en alguna revista científica.
En agosto de 2019, nuestro grupo participó en la conferencia internacional de BirdsCaribbean en la isla de la Guadeloupe, y en noviembre de 2019 en la Reunión del Grupo de Aves Playeras del Hemisferio Occidental, en Panamá. Allí presentamos los avances de nuestra investigación, y las maneras en que involucramos a las comunidades en este proyecto.
Un Esfuerzo Comunitario
Nuestra asociación con la comunidad ha continuado más allá de las excursiones de la escuela. Recientemente, creamos un mural único inspirado en las aves en la escuela de la comunidad “La Uva” que, por supuesto, incluía representaciones del Chorlito Nevado y el Charrán Menor. ¡Es realmente un trabajo hermoso!
Una de las razones para trabajar en esta región es promover la integración de comunidades que históricamente han sido apartadas de la ciencia y la conservación. En busca de mejorar esta situación, estamos llevando a cabo actividades dentro de este proyecto que integran y dignifican a la comunidad local, y también reconocen la cosmovisión de los habitantes sobre la diversidad biológica de su isla.
Desde el comienzo de este proyecto, entendimos que para proteger la salina y otros lugares de la isla, es necesario trabajar de la mano con los lugareños. Estamos muy agradecidos con la dirección del municipio escolar Obteniendo todos los detalles perfectos en el Isla de Coche, que nos ha permitido trabajar con las instituciones educativas; así como con el Liceo Napoleón Narváez y los jóvenes de 9no grado, y docentes de varias instituciones educativas por su receptividad y compromiso. Hay muchos miembros de la comunidad que han abierto sus puertas y corazón a este proyecto y a nuestro equipo: Antonio Ros, Daniel Serva, Oscar Riera, Jose Gonzalez, Jesus Escalona, JC Fernández Ordoñez.
Pueden surgir muchos obstáculos al ejecutar un proyecto de esta magnitud en Venezuela, pero gracias al apoyo constante de BirdsCaribbean estamos logrando nuestros objetivos. Es muy importante llevar a cabo este proyecto que nos ayudará a comprender mejor la población del chorlito nevado en las islas del Caribe venezolano. Para mí, es un pájaro hermoso, muy peculiar con hábitos muy interesantes. Afortunadamente, en Venezuela todavía se puede observar con mucha frecuencia en algunos lugares. Poder decir que hay una colonia reproductiva en la Isla de Coche y que permanece hasta el día de hoy es una luz de esperanza frente a la crisis ecológica mundial.
Aliya Hosein shares about her recent trip to Saint Vincent to learn more about the endemic St. Vincent Parrot, one of the most beautiful and colorful parrots in the region!
I recently enjoyed an exciting trip to St. Vincent and the Grenadines. I spent nine days on this wonderful, mountainous island; and I can certainly say that St. Vincent Parrots (Amazona guildingii), flying over the lush ridges at Jennings Valley, was the most memorable sight of all.
I spent months preparing for this trip. I carefully planned lodging and flights and made endless calls to my friend Cathlene Trumpet, who is a Forestry Officer with over fifteen years of service to the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Forestry Department. Among the questions I asked her were “Who sells the best burgers and donuts on the island?” and “Where should I go to see the parrots?” Then it was time to leave Trinidad and fly towards my adventure.
Cathlene and I met through the Conservation Leadership in the Caribbean (CLiC) Fellowship Program. For 18 months we worked on an intense, sometimes hilarious, and occasionally scary project on the illegal trade in Blue and Gold Macaws in Trinidad. I remember being in awe as Cathlene related stories about the national campaign to build pride among Vincentians for their endemic parrot. Later, I flipped through my “Parrots of the World” book to find a picture of it.
In the past the St. Vincent Parrot, locally called the Vincie Parrot, was targeted for the local and international pet bird trade because of its beauty and rarity. Although St. Vincent and the Grenadines is made up of over 32 major islands, the St. Vincent Parrot is found only on the mainland of St. Vincent. Poaching and hurricanes, from colonial times to the present day, are still significant threats to the parrot’s habitat. These pressures have resulted in it being listed as Vulnerableon the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, and in Appendix I by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). It is estimated that there are only 850 St. Vincent Parrots in the wild.\
How Gorgeous is the St. Vincent Parrot!
This parrot lives mainly in the upper west and east ridges of the central mountain range, just south of Mount Soufriére and the La soufriére volcano at elevations between 125 to 1,000m. It is a large parrot, certainly larger than the Orange-winged Amazon (Amazona amazonica) I am used to seeing in Trinidad. About 40 cm long, it is mostly bronze-brown, multi-colored with yellowish white, blue and green head, greenish-bronze upperparts. It has grey feet, reddish eye, and violet blue-green wings. Its tail feathers are centrally banded violet-blue with broad yellow tips. Two morphs exist: a yellow-brown morph and a less common green morph. Male and female birds are similar. The parrot feeds on the flowers, nuts, fruits and seeds of many plants such as Ficus, Clusia and Cecropia.
There Is More to Be Learned
Before making the trek up into the moist montane forest to see the parrots, I had the pleasure of meeting the Director of the Forestry Department, Mr. Fitzgerald Providence. Initially I was intimidated by his title and stacks of reports on his desk. But once we settled down in his office, I was relieved to find out that he was delightfully welcoming and eager to tell me about St. Vincent.
We chatted about the island’s biodiversity; about flora and fauna both known and waiting to be discovered. He had noticed that the feeding habits of the parrots were changing. The parrots are now visiting agricultural areas on the island. He attributed this change to the influence of climate change on fruiting patterns of the parrot’s natural food plants. In general, however, he felt that much was still to be known about the St. Vincent Amazon. This parrot was proving to be quite mysterious. I was hooked and more than ever wanted to see them in the wild.
Afterwards we visited the Botanical Garden of Saint Vincent where there is a breeding facility for the parrots. The breeding program was established to provide a safety net for the parrots should there be a sudden decline in the wild parrot population following, for example, a hurricane.
An Early Morning Start
The next morning, Cathlene, Ray – her fellow Forestry Officer – my friend Nandani and I headed to Georgetown in a 4-wheel drive along the winding highway. It was five in the morning and people were already up and moving. The radio was airing an announcement to farmers and a reminder of the soon-to-be closed hunting season. We stopped to pick up Ian, another Forestry Officer, before continuing along the highway.
After about 20 minutes we ventured off into a narrow rugged road leading to Jennings Valley. We arrived at a farmed property with a small cottage. The sun was now beginning to rise and I really did not expect to see or hear any parrots. About 10 minutes into our uphill walk to the look-out point we heard their loud squawks “quaw….quaw…quaw” followed by shrieking “scree-ree- lee.” It was enough to stop us in our tracks. Pairs of parrots were emerging from the ridges north of us. It was still too dark and all we saw were their silhouettes.
As the sun began to rise more parrots began flying out, sometimes directly above us. I was mesmerized by the many colours of the St. Vincent Parrot in the sunlight, against an all-green backdrop. At times it seemed as though the pairs were touching each others’ wings while flying. The largest flock we saw was a group of twelve. They were all squawking, possibly deciding where to go to have breakfast. By now we had reached the look-out; a plateau with mountain views on the northern, western and southern sides and the deep blue Atlantic Ocean on the eastern side.
For about an hour or so we continued to see parrots flying over. Only one pair flew down into a golden apple (Spondias dulcis) tree near the cottage. I could not see what they were doing from my vantage point, but my guess is that they were feeding, because they were very quiet. A flock of three flew over us. Ian suggested it was a family in which the parents, with their stocky bodies and short tails, were leading the way, with their offspring straggling behind. After this sighting there was a lull in activity. The parrots either rested at the top of the trees or disappeared into the trees along the mountain ridges. We waited for about an hour again before leaving.
It really was a remarkable experience seeing the St. Vincent Parrots flying free, with people who truly appreciated their beauty. Nevertheless there is still a lot to learn about these birds’ ecology and their role in the island’s montane forests. Not much is known beyond its population estimate and description of nesting sites. An understanding of its habitat requirements and reproductive biology are critical components of well-developed protective measures to ensure the long-term survival of this incredible bird on the island.
Article by Aliya Hosein, member of BirdsCaribbean’s Media Working Group. Aliya works as the Leader of the Welfare and Wildlife Program at the Centre for the Rescue of Endangered Species of Trinidad and Tobago. She is a biologist and avid conservationist, especially fond of parrots and hummingbirds.
BirdsCaribbean is excited to support Nils Navarro’s newest project: an updated, comprehensive Field Guide to the Birds of Cuba. This is an ambitious and exciting venture, and we need your help to make it a reality!
Nils Navarro is Co-Chair of the Caribbean Wildlife Art Working Group of BirdsCaribbean. He has dedicated his life to the study and conservation of the biodiversity of his native Cuba as well as other areas of the West Indies and Latin America. He holds a degree in Fine Arts with a specialization in painting. An extraordinarily versatile and internationally recognized wildlife artist and illustrator, Nils’ work is characterized by a refined technique combined with a profound understanding of the biodiversity of the Caribbean region. He is an avid conservationist and has pioneered the promotion and formation of young wildlife illustrators and artists in the Caribbean and Latin America. He co-authored the ground-breaking Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Cuba in 2017 and has published a new edition each year since.
Nils began work on the field guide over a year and a half ago. The new guide will contain the largest number of illustrations by species published by any guidebook on Caribbean birds. Nils will be accomplishing this over five years by drawing upon a thorough review of the literature, museum collections, and field work, as well as Nils’ personal experience, and his role as an eBird reviewer for the island. The field guide will cover the different species, subspecies and plumages, dimorphism, and much more, through a new and practical structure never before used for such a guide.
There has never been a better time to produce a guidebook like this. For the first time in the history of the country, there is a local community movement of birdwatchers who are making significant contributions to the knowledge of Cuban birds. This is accomplished through platforms based on citizen science (eBird Caribbean) and sharing knowledge (via Facebook), and the local community requires an updated comprehensive field guide for identification. Many of these people use a field guide as the main tool for their work. In addition, many people from all over the world visit Cuba to birdwatch. They will appreciate having a a new comprehensive guide that covers all of Cuba’s birds.
If you’re interested to purchase Endemic Birds of Cuba: A comprehensive Field Guide by Nils Navarro, click here. This book covers the endemic birds of Cuba as well as the regional endemics.