Dr. Lourdes Mugica, Professor of Biology at the University of Havana, shares with us news of the first edition of the Cuban Ornithologists Year Book. Congratulations to this amazing group on their tremendous work and the creation of this excellent resource.
The last BirdsCaribbean International Conference celebrated in Guadeloupe (July 2019) had many positive outcomes for Cubans, but not all were evident during the conference. Firstly, a record number of Cuban people from all over the country — 20 persons — received support to attend the conference. This was possible thanks to the amazing efforts of BirdsCaribbean and its donors.
It was a great occasion not only for international exchange and networking, but for internal exchanges as well. During the conference, we Cubans organized a meeting to analyze the present status and future of Cuban ornithology, and how we could encourage more research, education, capacity building, and conservation throughout our island. Several initiatives were developed, including the publication of an annual Cuban Ornithologists Year Book (Anuario Ornitológico de Cuba 2019). We are excited to share the first one, and in doing so starting a new tradition. We hope to publish it annually.
The goal of the Cuban Ornithologists Year Book is to gather all the results obtained by Cuban ornithologists and volunteers during the year in different fields, all of them contributing in some way to ornithology and bird conservation. The Year Book shows what we have accomplished during the year, including publications, events, awards, PhD theses, capacity building, and national and international projects. Authors and institutions are listed for each activity. The Year Book also includes a Directory of Cubans and volunteers contributing to the results — email addresses and phone numbers are listed to facilitate scientific exchange. It was labor-intensive to gather all the information at the country level; it is great to now see it completed.
The results include the publication of 29 scientific papers, participation in 15 events with 40 presentations, 49 projects in progress, 1 PhD and 1 Undergraduate thesis defended, 6 awards received, and 8 capacity building courses delivered. All of this information is organized at the national, institutional, and personal levels. Some of the most outstanding results are highlighted. The Year Book concludes with a Directory containing contact information for the 50 Cubans involved.
Many thanks again to BirdsCaribbean for their support for several of the projects mentioned in the Year Book, and for helping so many Cubans attend the BirdsCaribbean conference in Guadeloupe that resulted in this major project.
Dr. Lourdes Mugica is a full professor at the University of Havana where she teaches classes on Conservation Biology and Biodiversity and Conservation. Her main areas of research are Bird Ecology and Bird Conservation, especially of waterbirds. She is also very active in outreach, capacity building and education efforts in Cuba. Download the Year Book here.
The Cuban contingent! A record 20 Cubans attended the 2019 Guadeloupe Conference, thanks to our generous sponsors! (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Looking back on 2019, the year provided us with a range of experiences. There was excitement, success, tragedy, and hope. When we reflect on all that we have accomplished this year, in both the good times and the bad, there was one common theme: collaboration. Sometimes it took the form of official partnerships and other times grassroots community efforts. Even fundraising, which was critical for efforts like hurricane relief, is a collaborative process. Here, we review some of the most important moments of the past year and acknowledge and thank all those who collaborated with us to further our mission. We are also grateful to our many members, volunteers, and donors who generously support our work. We have an awesome community!
Celebrating Success & Partnerships
The Cuban contingent! A record 20 Cubans attended, thanks to our generous sponsors! (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Keeping Birds Aloft! This was the inspirational theme of our 22nd BirdsCaribbean International Conference held in July. Over 250 delegates from 34 countries grabbed French phrasebooks and headed to the Karibea Beach Hotel in Le Gosier, Guadeloupe. The lively, productive and thought-provoking meeting was organized with our major partners, the Parc National de la Guadeloupe. Keynote speakers, workshops and brainstorming sessions helped participants plan how to engage their communities, combat wildlife trafficking, and address the varied environmental threats facing the Caribbean and its birds. A mentorship program for younger members was launched. (Check out what a few of our sponsored delegates had to say about how they benefited from attending the conference). Despite the profound topics being discussed, participants were upbeat and as would be expected of any Caribbean event, there was dancing on the final night!
At the conference, we were humbled and proud to receive the 2018 Partners in Flight Award. Our Board President Andrew Dobson accepted the award, presented by the U.S. Forest Service, in recognition of BirdsCaribbean relief and recovery work in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.
Ceremony celebrating the the opening of the restored Ashton Lagoon.
BirdsCaribbean was thrilled to celebrate the official reopening of the restored Ashton Lagoon, which took place on May 31, 2019. After 13 years of truly challenging work, our partners in the island archipelago between St. Vincent and Grenada – called the Transboundary Grenadines – proudly welcomed supporters and generous donors to Union Island. After a misguided tourism project at the site lay in ruins for 25 years, the neglected wetlands finally have a chance to reawaken. Orisha Joseph and her team at Sustainable Grenadines, Inc. (SusGren) were the stars of the show. Next step: to have the Lagoon and its surroundings designated as a Marine Protected Area.
During the restoration work, BirdsCaribbean organized a highly successful Interpretive Bird Guide Training Workshop on Union Island, empowering citizens from the Grenadines and beyond. In August, the Caribbean Birding Trail’s spectacular new website – https://www.caribbeanbirdingtrail.org – covering more than 150 birding sites in 24 countries, was launched. If you have not already done so, we invite you to explore – both virtually and in person, with our enthusiastic trained guides!
Devastation from Hurricane Dorian
Six Grand Bahama Island Birders carried out the first bird survey of the Eastern End of Grand Bahama Island one month after Hurricane Dorian. Left to right – Shelagh Paton-Ash, Delores Kellman, Gena Granger, Bridget David (recorder) and Erika Gates. (photo by Martha Cartwright)
Just a few weeks after our conference, we watched with heavy hearts as tragedy of incredible proportions struck the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama. The Category Five Hurricane Dorian, which lingered from September 1 to 3 over these islands, brought death and destruction to many communities, and devastated the landscape.
Immediately, BirdsCaribbean formed a response team to raise funds and deliver supplies. The first tentative forays by our Bahamian partners were subdued and sad, with moments of joy and relief when bird species such as the Bahama Parrot, thought to be badly impacted from the island by the storm, were discovered to be doing okay. As always, severe storms bring strong emotions in their wake – and for conservationists, deep anxiety over whether habitats and birds will eventually recover.
Our Hurricane Dorian Recovery Fund has raised US$29,000 to date, with less than one month to go. Thanks to our generous supporters, we shipped thousands of pounds of bird seed and hundreds of feeders. We also used funds to help replace equipment the Bahamas National Trust lost during the storm in addition to funding field surveys. Now the questions loom: Did the Bahama Nuthatch population survive? How quickly will the parrots recover? Will the waterbirds return? While there are encouraging signs, the future is still uncertain. There is much work to be done.
Supporting Conservation & Community
Participants of the shorebird conservation workshop on a field trip within Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
This year we also focused on our most vulnerable migratory species, shorebirds. We know these birds are in trouble; this is a global phenomenon. In February, we hosted the International Training WorkshopConserving Caribbean Shorebirds and Their Habitats in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico with 33 enthusiastic participants on “Conserving Caribbean Shorebirds and their Habitats.” Our partners were Manomet and local NGO Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña (SOPI).
Our Betty Petersen Conservation Fund provided support to finance direct conservation actions for three endangered Caribbean species: The Black-capped Petrel in Haiti, the Ridgway’s Hawk in the Dominican Republic, and the White-breasted Thrasher in St. Lucia. In all these projects, community involvement (especially youth) has been a key factor. In Haiti, entire farming communities that cultivate lands adjacent to the Petrel’s nesting colonies are pledging to protect these critical breeding areas while in the Dominican Republic, teenagers are volunteering to guard the hawks’ nests. This work would not be possible without the many generous donations to the Betty Fund.
Children in the Dominican Republic learn to celebrate their endemic raptor with the new Ridgeway’s Hawk brochure. (photo by Marta Curti)
Meanwhile, our dedicated citizen scientists have been hard at work again. Global Big Day was – well, really big. 846 checklists were posted on May 4 – over twenty percent more than in 2018. The Bahamas ran away with the top number of species this time – 138. Runners up were Puerto Rico and third-place Cuba were not far behind. In all, eighty percent of the Caribbean’s endemics were spotted in just one day. BirdsCaribbean is proud of its partnership with eBird through our portal eBird Caribbean. Have you downloaded the free mobile app? Every bird counts!
In 2019 we all learned how to protect birds by becoming the solution to plastic pollution. This was a hugely popular theme for the Caribbean region, which witnesses daily the scourge of plastic pollution and its harmful impacts on birds. Dozens of coordinators organized many events related to this theme for our annual Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival in spring and World Migratory Bird Day celebrations in fall, including beach and wetland clean-ups, raising awareness about the issue and how plastic pollution harms us and wildlife, and how to personally reduce your use of plastic. Many Caribbean countries are leading the way with this global problem by banning plastic bags, plastic straws, and styrofoam. And, we continue to train and empower local educators so that they can develop the next generation of bird conservationists and environmental stewards – watch this inspiring short story from one of our star educators, Natalya Lawrence.
Creative use of plastic waste to make bird feeders! St. Croix Environmental Association WMBD event. (photo by Jen Valiulis)
Finally, there were lessons learned (or re-learned) in 2019. In the face of climate change, Caribbean islands must build greater resilience, especially along their vulnerable coastlines. The restoration of wildlife habitat is critical. So is the sustained and determined protection of our most endangered bird species, including migratory birds, in the face of encroaching human development. But we cannot do it alone. We need the support and the active participation of the communities where birds live – and we need you!
Then, and only then, will Caribbean residents – humans, birds, and wildlife in general – truly thrive, and continue to thrive in the future.
Our sincere gratitude to all of our donors and funding agencies for your generous support in 2019, which allowed us to carry out the work highlighted above, and much more! And a big thanks to all of our awesome partners, members, and volunteers for your dedication and hard work. You all inspire us every day!!!
Bananaquit by Aslam I. Castellan Maure. This unique shot of our logo bird won an Honorable Mention in our 2019 Photography Contest.
BirdsCaribbean’s third biennial photography competition took place at our 22nd International Conference in Guadeloupe. The five judges found it difficult to decide on the winners in each of three categories, and in particular the Grand Prize Winner. Artistry, composition, technique, colour, humour – and a great love for the subject matter – were embodied in the striking photographs submitted. Photos were taken between July 21 and August 3, 2019 and uploaded via BirdsCaribbean’s Flickr site. The Grand Prize was donated by Vortex Optics. Click here to see all the photos submitted (hashtag #BCPhotoContest2019). The three categories were:
Endemics – including endemic and regional (West Indies) endemic birds of Guadeloupe;
Fun With Birds and People – showing humans, birds and nature interacting (including conference activities); and
Birds and Nature – featuring Guadeloupe’s non-endemic birds, close-up shots of other wildlife, natural habitats, and landscapes.
Below are the winners, with some comments from the judges:
Grand Prize Winner
Grand Prize Winner: Guadeloupe Woodpecker by Frantz Delcroix
Guadeloupe Woodpecker by Frantz Delcroix: The only endemic bird of Guadeloupe has just caught a moth and is sitting near his nest with his meal in his bill. “Nicely focused and composed,” with the light catching his rufous breast feathers.
1st Prize:Antillean Crested Hummingbird by Aslam I. Castellón Maure. The eye and the crest are in sharp focus. “It draws you into the picture…Great portrait.”
Antillean Crested Hummingbird by Aslam I. Castellón Maure
2nd Prize:Purple-throated Carib by John C. Sterling. A “wood fairy bursting out of the shadows. Dazzling and puzzling at the same time.”
Purple-throated Carib by John Sterling
3rd Prize:Guadeloupe Woodpecker by Judd Patterson. “Really sharp, especially eye, good habitat setting, exposure is spot on.”
1st Prize:Seabird Viewing by John Webster. A panoramic view of a field trip group. “This speaks to what the conference does…connect people to others passionate about birds and the actual environment all seek to preserve, protect and nurture…Could be oil painting!”
Seabird Viewing by John Webster
2nd Prize: Beach Break! by John Webster. “Great focus and depth of field. Good use of a smartphone!”
Beach Break by John Webster
3rd Prize: Recording Guadeloupe Woodpecker by Venicio Wilson Altamiranda. An atmospheric image… “Science and fashion in the shot. Note the foot lifted as he is working it.”
Recording Guadeloupe Woodpecker by VenicioWilson Altamiranda
1st Prize: Guadeloupe Anole by Judd Patterson. “Beautifully framed by the vegetation.” “Great composition, framing – green within green.” “The blurred foreground frame adds to the surprise moment for both anole and photographer.”
Guadeloupe Anole by Judd Patterson
2nd Prize: Three Pelicans Plunging by Holly Garrod. “I like the raw energy of this trio, as if they are doing an air show.” “The marvelous, crazy shapes of the birds – wings, beaks, feet.”
Three Pelicans Plunging by Holly Garrod
3rd Prize: Snowy Egret by Aslam I. Castellón Maure. “This is an amazing shot…the feathering reminds me of a fashion shoot with this gorgeous model.”
Snowy Egre by Aslam I. Castellón Maure
Honorable Mentions:Black-necked Stilt by Venicio Wilson Altamiranda. Stick Insect by Frantz Delcroix. Bananaquit by Aslam I. Castellón Maure. Congratulations to all our winners!
The Grand Prize winner will receive a Vortex Viper Angled Spotting Scope: 20 – 60 x 85. First Prize Winners will receive an Echo (2nd Generation) Smart Speaker with Alexa and Dolby processing. Those coming in second will receive an Echo Dot (3rd Generation) Smart Speaker with Alexa. Third place winners will receive a LETSCOM Fitness Tracker with Heart Rate Monitor, Slim Sports Activity Tracker Watch, Waterproof Pedometer Watch with Sleep Monitor.
Many thanks to our five fabulous judges: Ivan Mota, Skip Glenn, Andrew Dobson, Stephen Cutting and Emma Lewis, for their time, their keen eyes, and thoughtful consideration of each entry. Huge thanks also to Vortex Optics for donating the Grand Prize. Last but not least – our deepest appreciation to all those who entered the contest. We really enjoyed these beautiful shots, making it quite challenging for judges to choose.
Please enjoy this photo gallery of all the Honorable Mentions!
They Believe They Can Fly by Frantz Delcroix
Stick Insect by Frantz Delcroix
Black-necked Stilt by Venicio Wilson Altamiranda
Scaly-breasted Thrasher by Judd Patterson
Plumbeous Warbler. (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
Woodpecker Blues by John Webster
Bananaquit by Aslam I. Castellón Maure
Grassland Yellow Finch by Martin Gebauer
Walking Deshaies Guadeloupe by Venicio Wilson Altamiranda
New twin suspension bridges over breached gaps in failed marina causeway in the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
The local non-profit conservation organization Sustainable Grenadines (SusGren) welcomed guests to the lagoon’s (re)birthday celebration at its welcoming eco-friendly building on Union Island in the Grenadines on May 31, 2019. The building adjoins Ashton Lagoon, the largest natural bay and mangrove ecosystem in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. This area was legally designated a Conservation Area in 1987 and named as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International in 2008.
The story of Ashton Lagoon is worthy of honor and rejoicing, far and wide. The birthday party guests wore beaming smiles.
After 13 years of diligent work, SusGren, supported by its national and international partners, has succeeded in restoring the lagoon—not only for the well-being of the marine and bird life, but also for that of future generations of Union Islanders. Now it is transformed, blossoming into a beautiful place in which to learn, observe, and enjoy the bounties of nature.
Orisha Joseph, Sustainable Grenadines Executive Director, welcomes everyone to the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project Unveiling event on May 31st, 2019. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
As the King said in “Alice in Wonderland,” it’s best to begin at the beginning. The tale of Ashton Lagoon began some 25 years ago, in 1994. That year marked its decline—the moment when an overseas investor said: “Let’s build a golf course over the mangroves. Let’s build a marina for 300 boats!” as Joseph described it. A causeway was to join Frigate Rock to Union Island.
Map of Union Island ecosystems prior to the Ashton Marina Project and the airport runway extension (Map by Price & Price, 1998)
The following year, the investor went bankrupt. The project was abandoned, but the damage had already been done. Joseph described the development as a “catastrophe.” The causeway and marina berths, constructed from metal sheet piles and dredged coral, blocked the circulation of water, causing immense harm to the mangroves, reefs, and seagrass.
Thereafter, Ashton Lagoon languished. With its stagnant green waters and its degraded mangrove forest, locals—including fisherfolk who passed through to their fishing grounds—shunned it. It became a lonely place, Joseph recounted during her presentation in Guadeloupe (which you can watch below!).
But hope appeared on the horizon. In 2004, Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean Lisa Sorenson visited Union Island to deliver a Wetlands Education Training Workshop. The group took a field trip to the damaged lagoon and learned about the heartbreak residents and fishers felt living with the eyesore of the abandoned and algae-filled lagoon. Sorenson began work to raise funds, and in 2007, thanks to support from the USFWS, SusGren and BirdsCaribbean held a 3-day Participatory Planning Workshop with local stakeholders. All agreed (including, thankfully, donors) that something must be done. But wasn’t this a Herculean task?
An aerial view of Ashton Lagoon in 2004 shows how the failed marina disrupted the natural water flow. Impacts included stagnant polluted water in the lagoon and marked declines in marine life and the health of the mangrove. (Photo by Michele Kading)
Yes, it was. The Restoration Project was a tough, complex undertaking, not for the faint-hearted. Initially, stakeholders developed a vision for the management and sustainable use of the area, and wrote funding proposals. Surveys and monitoring of the ecologically sensitive area were conducted. And then, there were the engineering issues to be resolved. Joseph reserved special appreciation for the man she called her “miracle worker,” Ian Roberts, Engineer/ Works Supervisor for the restoration.
Joseph emphasized that, apart from the onerous technical issues that besieged them (how to deal with those horrible metal piles?) another challenge was a less “concrete” one: How to keep the local community engaged and interested. They were impatient and SusGren’s credibility and reputation were at stake on this small island with a population of 3,500.
The group went through a funding crisis in 2014—one that Joseph looked back on with wry humor. In 2016, when the funds began to work out, the project’s three broad objectives were refined. These were to restore the ecosystem; to strengthen the community’s resilience to climate change, for its economic benefit; and to increase environmental awareness.
In 2018, the water began to flow again. The “miracle workers” had created some breaches in the marina’s piles for it to flow through …after 24 years. “The lagoon said, ‘I can breathe again!’” laughed Joseph.
There followed a frantic period of activity, as SusGren worked on several projects simultaneously. The mangroves were flooded with new water and circulation in the lagoon restored through strategic breaches and culverts in the causeway and marina berths. Two bird towers were built (one named after Lisa Sorenson’s favorite seabird, the Royal Tern). The Interpretive Centre was built and some moorings at Frigate Island were created. A nursery of 3,000 red mangroves was created; the seedlings, donated by the Grenada Department of Forestry. They were planted using bamboo, rather than PVC. A community-owned apiculture and honey production enterprise started up (“bees like black mangroves,” noted Joseph).
Approximately 3,000 red mangroves seedlings were replanted in the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
There are also two bridges. After the marina causeway and berths were breached in several places to allow the water to flow freely, the bridges were needed to provide access to the whole causeway—a part of which had been washed away by storms—as a place to walk and watch birds and wildlife. Now, the marina berths are turning into “little islets” with mangroves and other vegetation—growing well and providing a roosting place for birds and habitat for other wildlife.
Hon. Camilo Gonsalves (Minister of Finance, Economic Planning, Sustainable Development and Information Technology) and Hon. Saboto Ceasar (Minister of Agriculture, Industry, Forestry, Fisheries, and Rural Transformation) on the suspension bridge at Ashton Lagoon at the May 31st Restoration Unveiling event. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.).
Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean, Lisa Sorenson felt a great emotional investment in the project. “I could not stop smiling at the launch!” she confessed. “We are so proud of SusGren, their local partners and the donors for persevering with the project. This is a shining example of what can be done, with vision and determination, to right an environmental wrong that occurred many years ago. SusGren did not give up on Ashton Lagoon. Now it is a wonderful place for people—and birds—to visit. An American Flamingo showed up there recently, for the first time!”
BirdsCaribbean continues to provide support for clean-up activities, tree planting and additional signs for the bird towers.
Importantly, members of the public are using the Lagoon Eco Trail, including schoolchildren and teachers, eager to learn. In July, Danny’s Summer School on Union Island went birding at the Lagoon, identifying birds and exploring the trail. “This is what brings me most joy,” admits Orisha Joseph. Those years walking round the lonely lagoon with a colleague are gone. Now, at last, it is appreciated by local people. Non-motorized recreational activities have begun to take off. Kite surfing is booming!
Sustainable Grenadines, Inc. Junior Rangers visit to the Ashton Lagoon Trail. Students poses with Hon. Camillo Gonsalves, Dr. Lisa Sorenson, and Mr. Herman Belmar (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
World Migratory Bird Day monitoring with the Stephanie Browne Primary School students and teachers. The students pose with bird ID cards outside of SusGren’s new headquarters at the lagoon. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.).
Of course, more work remains to be done. SusGren and its partners now face a number of new and different challenges. They had not quite been prepared for a sudden flood of publicity (for example, in the Caribbean Compass yachting magazine) and the thousands of “likes” on social media. “We were even featured in the phone book!” said Joseph, with a hearty laugh.
Ashton Lagoon on Caribbean Compass cover
The Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project is still lobbying the Governments of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada—not only for funds, but to have the lagoon properly gazetted as a Marine Protected Area. On the ground, SusGren is tackling such issues as an invasion of cattle in the mangroves during the “let-go season” and management of vehicles. While increasing bird habitat, the organization wants to encourage community involvement that is orderly, and above all sustainable.
Kristy Shortte, SusGren Program Officer, conducts Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) bird monitoring from the Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Birding Tower (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Now, the tides are flowing again in the lagoon, and the jewel-like waters, turquoise and opal, are clear and free. The mangroves are busy with bird life. Marine life is thriving. Pedestrian and boat access has been opened up.
Residents of Union Island visiting Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
In some ways, the story of Ashton Lagoon is almost like a Hollywood plot: disasters, disappointments, struggle and ultimately a sense of triumph. The less glamorous sub-plot is the sheer hard work and determination to see the project through, tackling red tape and unexpected obstacles, worrying about funding. It is the story of many conservation non-profits across the region.
The story of Ashton Lagoon has a happy ending—but actually it has not ended. Ashton Lagoon is cared for, again. It has a bright future, for wildlife and for people.
Supporters of the Ashton Lagoon Project at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project Unveiling event on May 31st, 2019. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Partners and supporters of the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project included:BirdsCaribbean; the Phillip Stephenson Foundation; The Nature Conservancy (TNC); the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Program (CMBP); the German Development Bank (KFW) through the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (5C’s); the Global Environment Facility–Small Grants Program (GEF-SGP); US Fish and Wildlife Service, Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Fund, the St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Trust; Global Coral Reef Alliance; AvianEyes; Science Initiative for Environmental Conservation and Education; Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries and Industry; Construction Logistics, Inc.; Ministry of National Security, Lands and Survey Department; National Properties Limited; National Parks, Rivers and Beaches Authority; Grenadines Partnership Fund; University of New Hampshire; Union Island Environmental Attackers; Union Island Tourism Board; Union Island Association for Ecological Preservation (UIAEP); Union Island Ecotourism Movement, and others.
We invite you to enjoy the gallery of photos below. Hover over each photo to see the caption or click on the first photo to see a slide show.
Mermaid sign and mermaid on trail. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Cinders Creative Nest Preschool visit to the Ashton Lagoon area (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Tropical Mockingbird (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
SusGren Staff (Sonia, Chandra, and Orisha) and Dr. Lisa Sorenson crossing the gap in 2013 in the days before the bridges! This was necessary to carry out Caribbean Waterbird Census bird counts. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
American Flamingo spotted at Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Hon. Saboto Ceasar, (Minister of Agriculture, Industry, Forestry, Fisheries, and Rural Transformation) giving the featured address at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling Ceremony (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Everyone is excited about the new bridges! Hon. Saboto Ceasar, Orisha Joseph, and Dr. Lisa Sorenson (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Landbirds of Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines (side 1) – these waterproof bird ID cards help residents and visitors to know and enjoy the country’s beautiful birds. (cards produced by BirdsCaribbean)
Students from Stephanie Browne Primary School enjoy bird watching on World Migratory Bird Day 2019 (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Like mother, like son, birding in the Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Directional Signs along the Trail (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Ribbon cutting ceremony for the new office and visitor centre of Sustainable Grenadines, Inc. adjacent to Ashton Lagoon. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Birding Tower, named after local birder Katrina Collins Coy’s favorite bird (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Manchineel Tree warning sign – although poisonous to humans, the Manchineel tree is a valuable food tree for birds. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Migratory shorebirds now find great wintering habitat in the newly restored lagoon, mangroves and salt pond. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc)
Wetlands are wonderful places for birds, recreation and learning. View of the Twin Bridges, Ashton Lagoon, Union Island, St Vincent and the Grenadines. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
View of the causeway, marina berth islets, and Frigate Island from the Twin Bridges (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Visitors from Caribbean Tourism Authority (CTO) (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Royal Terns on remains of Ashton Marina (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Visitors to Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Humorous Signs Found in Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Alex Smith- SusGren Junior Ranger participating in the planting of mangrove seedlings project in the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Visitors from Caribbean Tourism Authority (CTO) (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Visitors on the Swing Bridges Following the Official Launch Ceremony for the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Wallets rest in the protected waters of the Ashton Lagoon mangroves. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc).
Signs at the Entrance of the Trail (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Yachts Anchored at Frigate Rock using SusGren mooring services (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
A Whimbrel, a migratory shorebird, visits Ashton Lagoon. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Mayreau Government School visits the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
View of the rejuvenating Ashton Marina (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Wilson’s Plovers are common residents of Ashton Lagoon; they nest on mudflats near the mangroves. (photo by Peter Duce)
Grenada Flycatchers are found only in Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. (Photo by Ted Eubanks)
View of suspension bridges and Union Island. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
View of the marina berth islets and Union Island from the Twin Bridges (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Kristy Shortte, SusGren Program Coordinator, conducting Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) bird counts (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Panoramic view from the second floor of SusGren’s new headquarters at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling Ceremony, May 31, 2019. (photo Lisa Sorenson)
View of mangroves and suspension bridges in the distance from the Royal Tern Observation Tower. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Beautiful performance by the Cultural Conquerors at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling event on May 31st, 2019. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc.)
Green Heron (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Ian Roberts, Engineer/ Works Supervisor, and Orisha Joseph on one of the suspension bridges that Mr. Roberts designed. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Hon. Camilo Gonsalves (Minister of Finance, Economic Planning, Sustainable Development and Information Technology) provides brief remarks at the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Unveiling event. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Ruddy Turnstone (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Educational signs found in Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Drone Shot of the Entrance to the Ashton Lagoon Trail (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
The Whimbrel is a fairly common winter visitor to Ashton Lagoon and other wetlands in Union Island. (photo by Peter Duce).
Landbirds of Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines (side 2) – these waterproof bird ID cards help residents and visitors to know and enjoy the country’s beautiful birds. (cards produced by BirdsCaribbean)
Shorebirds enjoying the peace of Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
A happy moment – Lisa Sorenson reunited with Martin Barriteau and Matthew Harvey at the restoration unveiling ceremony. Martin is the former Executive Director of SusGren and worked on the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project for many years. Matthew Harvey is a local fisher whose livelihood was harmed by the failed marina development. He never gave up hope that the lagoon would be restored.
One of the interpretive signs along the trail.
Many more shorebirds use the lagoon since it has been restored (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc.)
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Richmond Vale Academy, St Vincent- Visit to the Ashton Lagoon. (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Mangrove Sign (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Students from Stephanie Browne Primary School on World Migratory Bird Day, October 2019 (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Louise Mitchell (St. Vincent and the Grenadines Environment Fund ) and other attendees at the launch event marvel at the new gazebo and bridges. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc).
Swales from the Entrance (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Lisa and Orisha in front of the Royal Tern observation tower, named after Lisa’s favorite seabird. (photo by Ian Roberts)
1st Birding tower from the entrance, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Tower (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Brief remarks by Mr. Joaquin Monserrat, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy of Barbados, Eastern Caribbean and the OECS. (photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Mr. Edwin Snagg – Director Grenadine Affairs delivering brief remarks (Photo by Sustainable Grenadines, Inc.)
Read more about the Ashton Lagoon Restoration Project (and also a project at Belmont Salt POnd) at the links below:
By Emma Lewis, Blogger, Writer, Online Activist, and member of BirdsCaribbean’s Media Working Group, based in Kingston, Jamaica. Follow Emma at Petchary’s Blog—Cries from Jamaica.
Partners in Flight 2018 Leadership Award to BirdsCaribbean — a beautiful carving of a Bananaquit, our logo bird.
We are patting ourselves on the back! But the feeling is bittersweet…
It was a special moment at our 22nd International Conference in Guadeloupe on July 29, when BirdsCaribbean received a 2018 Partners in Flight Group Leadership Award. This was in recognition of our response to the devastation caused by Hurricanes Irma and Maria across several islands in September 2017. President Andrew Dobson accepted the award alongside many members who had participated in the hurricane recovery effort.
Our efforts were twofold: Immediate relief for Caribbean birds, providing for their critical needs after the storms passed. Despite expected post-hurricane logistical challenges “Operation Feeder Rescue” succeeded in delivering crucial food resources across the affected islands for over 60 species of birds. 4,000 nectar feeders, almost 2,000 bottles of nectar and five tons of bird seed arrived in the islands’ ports. Secondly, through fund-raising efforts we were able to fund fifteen small grants for post-hurricane assessments, restoration, and recovery of birds and their habitats. At the same time, BirdsCaribbean helped to raise awareness and knowledge among the public on these islands about the needs of birds stressed by hurricanes. Many realized that it was not only humans who had suffered, and eagerly volunteered to help in the effort.
Greg Butcher (USFS) presents BirdsCaribbean with a 2018 PIF Group Leadership Award for Hurricane Relief and Recovery for Caribbean Birds and Habitats, with Andrew Dobson (President, BirdsCaribbean) accepting. Pictured from left to right are persons who participated in the hurricane recovery effort: Jennifer Yerkes (St. Martin), Mark Yokoyama (St. Martin), Scott Johnson (Bahamas), Natalya Lawrence (Antigua and Barbuda), Stephen Durand (Dominica), Frantz Delcroix (hidden, Guadeloupe), Anthony Levesque (Guadeloupe), Jose Colon (Puerto Rico), Julissa Irizarry (Puerto Rico), Laura Fidalgo (Puerto Rico), Judd Patterson (USA), Eduardo Llegus (Puerto Rico), Alcides Morales (Puerto Rico), Fernando Simal (Bonaire), Kathleen Wood (Turks and Caicos Islands), Adrianne Tossas (Puerto Rico), and Jennifer Valiulis (US Virgin Islands). Note that not all persons that helped with hurricane relief and recovery were present at the conference for this award. (Photo by Fred Sapotille)
So, why bittersweet? Because, just a few weeks after receiving the award, our members in the Bahamas were hit with the worst natural disaster in the country’s history. The violent Category Five Hurricane Dorian hit the Abaco Islands and then Grand Bahama on September 1 and 2, stalling for nearly two days close to Grand Bahama. People and wildlife are again suffering.
Lisa Sorenson, Executive Director, explained: “BirdsCaribbean was thrilled to get this award, but saddened that our members and islands are again facing devastation. We learned so much from this effort in 2017 and in fact had a whole symposium on it in Guadeloupe. Many lessons were learned and we are applying them to our current efforts to help the northern Bahamas with recovery, including supplying bird feeders and seed, replacing items that were lost, and funding bird surveys and restoration actions.”
Partners in Flight (PIF) Awards recognize exceptional contributions to the field of landbird conservation, in the categories of Leadership, Investigations, Public Awareness, Stewardship, and Lifetime Achievement. The PIF Leadership Award honors an individual or group that demonstrates outstanding guidance and direction that contributes, or has contributed, to advancing Partners in Flight conservation efforts. BirdsCaribbean received a 2018 PIF Group Leadership Award for Hurricane Relief and Recovery for Caribbean Birds and Habitats.
Thank you to Partners in Flight for this honor. Congratulations and thanks again to all who participated so enthusiastically in our recovery efforts for birds and habitats over the past two years. And sincere thanks to the many caring and generous individuals, organizations and companies that donated to help make this and our current efforts possible!
It goes without saying that every member of the BirdsCaribbean community deserves recognition for the amount of hard work and dedication they put into their professions—all of which are rooted in the effort to conserve Caribbean birds and their habitats. This is a family that knows long hours, hot days in the field, and perseverance in the face of work that is often unpredictable. It is a family of strong and passionate people.
But at every BirdsCaribbean conference we set aside a special block of time to acknowledge those of us that have managed to go even more above and beyond in a variety of distinguished ways. In the evening of the final day of the conference, all of our conference delegates gather in the largest presentation room. Although everyone is itching to hit the dance floor to celebrate the closing of another successful conference, they know that the Awards Ceremony is not only a ritual, but an important moment to show support for some of their amazing colleagues. We were pleased and proud to honor 12 special persons at our recent conference in Guadeloupe (July 2019) with an award.
On the final night of the Guadeloupe Conference, delegates gather in good spirits in anticipation of the Awards Ceremony.
Here’s a recap and another shoutout to all of our 2019 Award Winners:
Founders’ Award: This award is presented to the student who presents the best paper in conservation or management research at the biennial conference. All student presentations are judged by members of a Founders’ Award Committee, consisting of ~10 conference delegates and led by Joe Wunderle.
This year’s Founders’ Award went to Christopher Cambrone from Guadeloupe, for his outstanding presentation entitled, “Population genetic structures of two closely-related, Caribbean-endemic Columbid species, the Scaly-naped Pigeon, Patagioenas squamosa, and the White-crowned Pigeon, P. leucocephala.”
Christopher Cambrone takes home the Founders’ Award for best student presentation, recognition that earns him a Lifetime Membership to BirdsCaribbean. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
This is the fourth year that this award has been presented, but the first time an Honorable Mentions category was instituted (no doubt as a response to there being so many great student presentations, year after year). The two Honorable Mentions include (1) Spencer Schubert and his presentation, “Artificial perches as a technique for enhancing tropical forest restoration: a case study from the central Dominican Republic, and (2) Laura Fidalgo and her presentation, “Characteristics of Elfin-woods Warbler (Setophaga angelae) post-hurricane habitat structure.” More information on these presentations and past winners of the Founders’ Award can be found here.
President’s Awards: There were three particularly special community members that received the President’s Award, hand chosen by BC’s current President, Andrew Dobson. These individuals stand out for services and work they have done that are simply extraordinary, raising the bar to new heights. The winners of the 2019 President’s Awards went to (1) Jennifer Wheeler for all of the blood, sweat, and tears that she relentlessly gives to the BirdsCaribbean organization, (2) Doug Weidemann for 10+ years of devoted service to the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology, and (3) Anthony Levesque for being a leader for birds and bird tourism on his home island of Guadeloupe.
Anthony Levesque (right) looks up in surprise to see that he has won the President’s Award for his nonstop work with birds and bird tourism on Guadeloupe. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Educators Awards: These awards are given jointly by BirdsCaribbean and their partner, Environment for the Americas, to those that have excelled as educators in their communities. With great enthusiasm and energy, these persons have consistently organized fun and creative communities activities for both the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival and World Migratory Bird Day. Educators Awards were presented to (1) Andrea Thomen and (2) Hector Andujar, both affiliated with Grupo Jaragua in the Dominican Republic, (3) Ava Tomlinson who works with the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) in Jamaica, and (4) Kate Wallace (stay tuned for much more on her).
Hector Andujar accepts the Educators’ Award for Grupo Jaragua. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Three organizations were recognized for doing wonderful events and faithfully turning in reports with a gift of 3 pairs of binoculars to their organizations, thanks to the generosity of Joni Ellis and Optics for the Tropics. These were the Environmental Awareness Group of Antigua and Barbuda (Natalya Lawrence and her son Jordan accepting), Les Fruits de Mer of St. Martin (Mark Yokoyama and Jenn Yerkes), and Adrianne Tossas (who leads the Avian Ecology and Conservation Project at the University of Puerto Rico, Aguadillas).
Les Fruits de Mer (Jenn Yerkes and Mark Yokoyama on right) receiving recognition and binoculars for turning in reports of their World Migratory Bird Day activities.
Site Fidelity Award: Have you ever noticed one particular bird that stays year-round on your property, despite all of its flock leaving for periods of time? It’s always there, it’s always singing, and somehow it gets by and is content no matter the season and no matter the weather. Over the years, you come to depend on that bird to be there to brighten your day, and to be your friend. And that bird always does; it never disappoints. There is a special someone in our community that fills that same niche. The Site Fidelity Award is a special award designed to be given only once, in recognition of an individual that has been loyal to and supportive of the BirdsCaribbean family since the very beginning of the society’s existence…since 1988. That amazing person is Joe Wunderle, and we are extremely lucky to have him in this family.
Joe Wunderle (second from left) receives the one and only Site Fidelity Award for being the longest running BirdsCaribbean member that has not missed a single conference in 30 years! (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Lifetime Achievement Awards: These are the most prestigious awards, presented to the people in the BirdsCaribbean family that everyone knows and respects for the lifetime amount of work and dedication they have shown to our cause. It goes without saying, that these are remarkable individuals that have helped change the future for Caribbean birds and their habitats for the better. The 2019 Lifetime Achievement Awards went to (1) Kate Wallace, a woman that has served the Caribbean in so many capacities, including Peace Corps volunteer, researcher, naturalist, author, bird guide, educator, and community leader, and (2) Maurice Anselme, Director and longtime leading force behind the many environmental successes of the Parc National de la Guadeloupe.
Kate Wallace (far right), who earlier this year celebrated her 80th Birthday, is overwhelmed to have received a Lifetime Achievement Award (not to mention and Educators Award as well!)
Although these awards to Kate and Maurice do not include the extensive retirement packages they both deserve, they should each know that across the islands there are hundreds of doors open to them, with loving friends and colleagues waiting inside to welcome them.
So, congratulations again Christopher, Spencer, Laura, Jennifer, Doug, Anthony, Joe, Andrea, Hector, Ava, Kate, and Maurice. . .
You have, without a doubt, earned the recognition!
Photo gallery: Hover over each photo in the gallery to see the caption or click on a photo to view as a slide show.
Laura Fidalgo (center) accepts an Honorable Mention Founders’ Award for her work with the Elfin-woods Warbler in Puerto Rico. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Hector Andujar and Andrea Thomen, both with Grupo Jaragua in the Dominican Republic show off their awards after the ceremony. (photo by Yolanda Leon)
The Environmental Awareness Group, represented by Natalya Lawrence, receives recognition and a token of gratitude for organizing wonderful WMBD events and reporting back. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Spencer Schubert (center)) is proud to have received an Honorable Mention Founders’ Award for his graduate work in the Dominican Republic. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
The Avian Ecology and Conservation Project, led by Adrianne Tossas, receives recognition and a token of gratitude for organizing wonderful WMBD events and reporting back. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Jennifer Wheeler (right) has been a powerhouse for BirdsCaribbean. She fully deserves this President’s Award (and a night off)! (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
The Dominican Republic swept the awards this year! Andrea Thomen, Hector Andujar and Kate Wallace of Grupo Jaragua (photo by Yolanda Leon)
Andrea Thomen (center) receives the Educators Award for the strong impact she has made with youth and communities in the Dominican Republic. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Ava Tomlinson, Senior Public Education Community Outreach Officer with the National Environment and Planning Agency (Jamaica) received an Educators Award for the many wonderful events she organizes in different communities in Jamaica (accepted by Ann Sutton). (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Doug Weidemann (second from right) accepts a President’s Award for more than a decade of work he has invested into the Journal of Caribbean of Ornithology. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Maurice Anselme (with plaque), the Director of the Parc National de la Guadeloupe, dedicates his Lifetime Achievement Award to all the staff of his national park. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines is an innovative new avian field guide by co-authors Juliana Coffey and Alison (Aly) Ollivierre for the Grenadine archipelago shared between the countries of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada in the Eastern Caribbean. This is the first guide to specifically cover these transboundary islands, which are geologically, ecologically, historically, and culturally more similar to one another than to their respective mainland islands (Saint Vincent and Grenada). The book contains:
140+ pages of high-quality photographs of the birds and natural areas of the Grenadines
117 bird profiles with details on identification, diet, habitat, local knowledge, and sightings
14 detailed maps illustrating conservation areas and local toponyms on more than 50 islands and cays
Full chapter of previously undocumented local ecological knowledge, folklore, and prehistoric-to-modern-day human values of birds
To purchase via credit card (more buying options are listed below):
A page of seabird profiles in “Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines” with text detailing a description of each species, including identification, interesting facts, local knowledge, and symbols depicting habitat, diet, and migratory statusOne of the 14 detailed maps, featuring Mayreau and the Tobago Cays, in “Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines”First page of the “People and Birds” chapter of “Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines”
On one fateful rainy day in July 2011, Juliana and Aly met at the airport on Union Island where they had both just moved for work in their respective fields. Not only did they become neighbors, but they quickly became great friends. Early on in their friendship, they saw an opportunity to collaborate on their professional interests and passion for ornithology, cartography and participatory strategies for conservation and management. Both authors have a strong background in community-focused research with Juliana working in co-management and documenting local ecological knowledge amongst indigenous and fisherfolk communities in Canada, Saint Lucia and throughout the Grenadines, and Aly facilitating participatory mapping programs in the transboundary Grenadines and conducting research on participatory mapping in the Caribbean as a whole. Together their shared perspectives on the value of combining scientific with local ecological knowledge made for a perfect partnership.
Juliana and Aly have been living and working throughout the islands intermittently ever since, although not always at the same time or on the same island. Their continued commitment to completing this project allowed the book to be written and designed in all corners of the world—including at sea and remote field camps—as they regularly pursued other opportunities in their careers. They have conducted extensive literature and field research to ensure that this guide is regionally representative of the natural, cultural, and historical contexts of the islands. Local bird names, knowledge, and lore are highlighted throughout the book: compiled through consultation with over 100 stakeholders throughout the Grenadines.
The seven years the authors spent researching and writing Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines is evident in the book—the attention to detail and user-friendly design make the guide a valuable companion for any type of outing in the transboundary Grenadines! Juliana and Aly created this book with the following goals in mind:
serve as a valuable resource for local bird monitors to learn species identification and carry out surveys,
enhance the overall conservation and management of Grenadine resources,
educate the general public, and
be useful to both locals and foreigners with an interest in the avifauna of the region.
They’ve already received great feedback from local environmentalists, casual tourists, bird biologists, government officials and most importantly—the local fisherfolk and resource users who now take pride in seeing their knowledge represented in this publication. If you’re planning a trip to the Grenadines, this book is a must-have.
Alison Ollivierre (author), Lisa Sorenson (BirdsCaribbean Executive Director), and Juliana Coffey (author) at the book launch (Photo by Justin Proctor)
BirdsCaribbean was honored to officially launch this new and exciting avian field guide in July 2019 at their 22nd International Conference in Guadeloupe. Juliana gave a presentation on the local ecological knowledge research that went into the guide which provided additional information to the one Aly had given at the BirdsCaribbean 20th International Conference in Jamaica in 2017. After waiting four years since many of the BirdsCaribbean delegates had first learned about the upcoming book, everyone was excited to share in the celebration of this launch. The guide was especially praised for its skillful combination of scientific and local knowledge as well as its final chapter which focuses on interactions between people and birds in the Grenadines spanning from first occupation by Amerindians to the modern day.
The authors would like to thank everyone who assisted them throughout the duration of this project, including the more than 100 residents and visitors to the Grenadines who took the time to provide local knowledge and lore, and to all of the people that contributed to the crowdfunding and review of the book which made the publication possible. A complete list of acknowledgments is available in the book!
Buy the Book:
Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines can be purchased from BirdsCaribbean with a credit card below, or with a US check or postal money order made payable to BirdsCaribbean and mailed to 841 Worcester Street #130, Natick, MA 01760, USA.
Birds of the Transboundary Grenadines By Juliana Coffey and Alison Ollivierre 142 pages, section sewn softcover (7” x 5”), full color photographs and maps ISBN 978-1-9994585-0-8 Price: US$25 US shipping – $6.95 Canada shipping – $24.95
To purchase via credit card:
Please reach out to Alison Ollivierre if you’re interested in international shipping elsewhere and we can provide a shipping quote.
Books can be purchased within Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada at local businesses, for more information visit: www.grenadinesbirds.com/avian-field-guide
Please also consider helping Juliana and Aly fulfill their goal of getting copies of the books into the hands of all of the schools and relevant community organizations in the transboundary Grenadines! So far, more than one third of the books that have left their hands have been donated. Help them keep up this momentum with any donations that you can.
Interview with the Authors:
How did you first become interested in birds and birding?
Juliana: I first became interested in wildlife in general at a very young age, and at just five years old (even though I couldn’t spell the word “biologist”) I told my family that’s what I wanted to grow up to become. This was likely due to the plethora of stray animals that my parents let me take home and care for, always stating “no more pets!”, but always having room for just one more. When I was sixteen, I officially began my career with birds during a summer internship with a world renowned ornithologist, Dr. Bill Montevecchi, at Memorial University of Newfoundland, and was exposed to both the field research aspect and community outreach.
Aly: I first got excited about birds at an Audubon Youth Camp in rural Vermont in the 1990s when I had the opportunity to mist net and band birds with an ornithologist. I saved up for months for the first edition Sibley field guide, went birding with anyone who would go with me, earned the Girl Scout birding badge, and even competed on a youth team in the World Series of Birding in 2002.
Where did you go from there, did you decide to become ornithologists?
Juliana: I was very fortunate after my internship, that Dr. Montevecchi recognized my passion for wildlife, and decided to keep me involved in his work throughout my undergraduate degree. When I was 18 years old, he sent me to Labrador, Canada, to work in the field with indigenous seabird harvesters. Although I initially expressed that I did not want to work with hunters, his statement that “sometimes hunters are the best conservationists” changed my perspective entirely. After I saw first-hand how skilled and knowledgeable these hunters were, I very quickly became an advocate for traditional ecological knowledge and resource harvesting issues in marginalized communities, and that branched my career in a completely different direction. Since that time, I have always advocated for the consultation of local communities and the documentation of such knowledge that is threatened to be lost in future generations. I focus on seabirds, and as such, I have spent a considerable amount of time at sea and in remote seabird colonies ranging from the Arctic to the Southern Ocean, and working with fisherfolk.
Aly: By the time I got to university I had a hard time choosing between my interests in the hard sciences (environmental science, biology) and social sciences (history, sociology, international studies, political science). When I took my first geography class, I knew that was the perfect field to combine all my passions (think: environmental geography, historical geography, political geography). My career specialties are in participatory mapping and cartography, and while I didn’t become the ornithologist I thought I might be as a kid, I’ve found a really great balance doing conservation work with a geospatial focus.
How did you first end up in the Grenadines?
Juliana: I had been working as a fisheries biologist for a co-management board in an Inuit territory (Nunatsiavut) in northern Labrador and elsewhere in the Arctic. Prior to that I had completed my Masters degree research in Saint Lucia. After departing my job in the north, I wanted to continue in the same field, but gain additional international experience. I applied for a placement through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and was matched with the Sustainable Grenadines, Inc. (SusGren)—a transboundary NGO—in the Grenadines, and worked on implementing multiple grants ranging from research to community outreach.
Aly: After graduating from undergrad and completing an internship at National Geographic, I received a really amazing research fellowship through the Compton Foundation which funded my facilitation of a participatory mapping project I designed to map the important historical, cultural, and ecological heritage sites throughout the transboundary Grenadines to strengthen the countries’ joint application for designation as a mixed (natural and cultural) marine transboundary UNESCO World Heritage site. Through this, I also had the opportunity to work with The Nature Conservancy and SusGren on the marine multi-use zoning plan for the Grenadines. After I finished up my fellowship year, I knew I had to find a way to come back and work in the islands again!
What made you decide to create this field guide?
Juliana: During my career with birds, I always collected and relied on avian field identification guides, that enabled me to effectively do my work. During my bird surveys on Union Island, however, I quickly became aware that there was no field guide for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, nor Grenada, and not even a complete bird list. So, in essence, I needed a bird book for the Grenadines! Through my previous experience in collecting traditional knowledge I also noticed that there was an opportunity to document unwritten information to promote awareness and valuation of birds amongst residents of the Grenadines. I told myself it would be complete in a year. Seven years later, and through my partnership with Aly, it exceeds what I originally envisioned it could be. I could not have completed such an extensive project alone, without Aly’s complementary expertise and commitment. She has had a remarkable patience with me throughout this project since I regularly tell her, “I’m going to sea for a month with no phone or internet – I’ll work on that when I get back”. At times, I was living in a tent and using a generator to charge my computer, so I could have an update to send Aly when I returned from remote field camps.
Aly: This book was Juliana’s brainchild, but I loved the idea and went with her to that first bird meeting she organized back in 2011 when she first floated the idea of a bird book specific to just Union Island! In early 2013 Juliana was still talking about how much she wanted to write this book and I offered to come on board and partner with her to help make it a reality. Given my work with participatory mapping in the Grenadines, I had a lot of knowledge and contacts across all the islands and knew that if we combined our extensive expertise, we could only succeed in making an even better book together!
What was your favorite part about the 7 years you spent working on the book?
Local Ecological Knowledge Interview with Christopher Bartholomew and authors Juliana Coffey and Alison Ollivierre on Carriacou in 2014 (Photo by Vendol Ollivierre)
Juliana: There have been many wonderful times throughout this project. While sometimes it felt like we may never complete the book, I can say what an honest relief it was to finally send it to the printers, and to personally pick them up at a jetty in Saint Vincent. I am also so honored now to be back in the Grenadines to be able to officially donate copies to fisherfolk, local NGOs, schools and others who either helped us along the way or who have an interest in preserving the birds of the Grenadines. We met a lot of great people along the way, and despite rarely seeing each other, Aly and I have remained best friends and continue to work with each other on other projects.
Aly: My favorite part was definitely when Juliana and I were able to do our local ecological knowledge interviews in 2014. It was really important to us to ensure that we had accurately collected as much local knowledge as we could from each of the Grenadine islands and it was also just a lot of fun to travel around and talk to people about birds with my best friend and our local liaison (aka my now-husband, Vendol Ollivierre).
What work are you still involved with in the Grenadines?
Juliana: Currently I am working as a consultant for Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) on the “Conservation of Key Offshore Island Reserves” in the Grenadines. After 20 years of working with seabirds around the world, and 8 years of coming to the Grenadines, I can say that this is a dream project for me. The seabirds in the Grenadines are present in globally significant numbers, yet are located in remote and inaccessible areas and afforded little attention or protection. I work to bring awareness to the plight of seabirds in this region, train local seabird monitors, promote awareness at all levels of society and, of course, get out to see the birds!
Aly: While I am currently based in the USA and working full-time making maps for National Geographic, I am still actively involved with projects in the Grenadines. I serve on the Board of Directors for We Are Mayreau, Inc., which manages the Mayreau Community Centre; I am an Associate with Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) and assist with the Protecting Seabirds in the Transboundary Grenadines project; and I work for BirdsCaribbean as the Cartographer and the Caribbean Birding Trail (CBT) Project Coordinator. I also freelance as Tombolo Maps & Design and am currently working on a series of wall maps for the transboundary Grenadines!
“There’s really no way to gauge how valuable this experience was for me…As I sat with my new mentor at lunch, the lessons that he was passing on to me had been gained over forty, maybe fifty years of a career. So now it’s my responsibility to take the baton and carry it forward.”
Bradley Watson (BNT Science Officer) and Dr. Herb Raffaele (retired Chief of USFWS International Affairs Program) get to know each other at the Mentorship Workshop in Guadeloupe, July 2019.
Bradley Watson, a new staff member at the Bahamas National Trust who is working on the Kirtland’s Warbler, was speaking enthusiastically from the recent BirdsCaribbean Conference in Guadeloupe. At the conference in July, a new Mentorship Program was launched. Bradley’s mentor is Dr. Herbert Raffaele, former chief of the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Division of International Conservation, and author of Birds of the West Indies, among other books.
BirdsCaribbean Directors-at-Large Dr. Adrianne Tossas and Dr. Ancilleno Davis had developed the concept of a mentorship program, which they were able to debut at a workshop in Guadeloupe. Its purpose is to further BirdsCaribbean’s goal of building competence in education, conservation, and research in the region. Mentorship is one way of deliberately engaging and supporting the career development of young conservationists and professionals who were born, live, and work in the region. The exchange of information and guidance provided by mentors also helps to spur regional leadership in conservation and avian science.
A few weeks before the conference, delegates were offered a survey to participate in the new program, with 75 responding favorably. Due to the differing backgrounds of respondents, it was challenging to organize them into mentor-mentee pairs, but four main areas were determined to be most useful, based on the responses: conservation management, research, outreach and education, and ecotourism.
Mentors and mentees chat over dinner about careers in conservation – (left to right): Jeanette Victor (St. Lucia), Adrianne Tossas (Puerto Rico), Francoise Benjamin (Haiti), Jen Valiulis (US Virgin Islands), Lisa Sorenson (USA).
A Mentorship Workshop was held on the second day of the Conference to introduce and explain the purpose of the program. Participants spoke up about the needs of mentees in general, and considered ways in which mentoring would be most effective and beneficial. Afterwards, newly-paired mentees and mentors had dinner together. It was a lively meal where they got to know each other and shared information that was of value for both sides of the relationship. What was most exciting to watch was how so many of the pairs remained talking after dinner, late into the night, excited about their new friendships and eager to take advantage of the time they had together in person.
Josmar Marquez, a younger conservationist who works with the group AveZona in Venezuela, was paired with Simon Guerrero, a well-known professor and researcher from the Dominican Republic. “This program has been very enriching for me because it allowed me to discuss my work, specifically my research methodology, with an ornithologist with a different background than mine.” Josmar goes on to highlight how this mentorship program is fitting for a BirdsCaribbean conference; “I was given great advice not only by my mentor, but by so many other Caribbean colleagues surrounding me throughout the week we shared together. Now, together, we will be trying to implement and achieve results by the time we all see each other again at the next BirdsCaribbean conference!”
“It is really exciting that BirdsCaribbean has started a mentorship program,” exclaimed Cartographer and Caribbean Birding Trail Project Coordinator, Aly DeGraff Ollivierre. “It’s such a great way to share our collective knowledge and experiences with each other, and an excellent opportunity to form deeper relationships with our colleagues.””
Leno Davis and Adrianne Tossas get the Mentorship Workshop started at BirdsCaribbean’s International Conference in Guadeloupe, 25-29 July 2019. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Jane Håkonsson, a young ornithologist from the Cayman Islands, commented: “BC’s mentorship programme has provided me with a type of personal and professional support I would have otherwise not had access to. The programme has helped me narrow my focus and identify and prioritize developmental steps.”
BirdsCaribbean is extremely grateful to the group of 41 mentors who generously came forward to serve as role models for the new, younger members—offering their time, their valuable insights, and experience. We also thank the 34 mentees that took the initiative to reach out and get involved. These individuals are eager to learn and grow in their role as the new generation of science and conservation professionals.
Bradley Watson says being a mentee has given him a sense of purpose and direction. “I feel a bit of a responsibility,” he emphasizes. “When I look at what everybody else has done [for conservation, as reported at this conference], I know what I need to do, and how important it is.”
In these new-found partnerships, mentors and mentees will be moving forward together with the important mission of Keeping Caribbean birds aloft!
*If you would like to be a mentor or want to be connected with one, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Email Mentorship Program leaders Adrianne Tossas (agtossas@gmail.com) and Ancilleno Davis (ancillenodavis@gmail.com).
Mentor-Mentee pairs meet up at the workshop and immediately begin talking and sharing. Pictured from left to right: Ezra Campbell (Grenada), Hana Weaver (USA), Louis Mandela Wens Skendly H. (Haiti), Jose Salguero (Puerto Rico), Adam Kent (USA, Anne Campbell (Grenada). (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Video of Bradley Watson by Ancilleno Davis.
Special thanks for the conference are due to our major sponsor, Parc National de la Guadeloupe, as well as the Karibea Beach Hotel, Environment Canada, the U.S. Forest Service International Programs, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Para la Naturaleza, The David Webster Charitable Trust, Benjamin Olewine IV, American Bird Conservancy, Caribaea Initiative, Rare Species Conservatory Foundation, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Wildside Nature Tours, Optics for the Tropics, Inc., Holbrook Travel, Environment for the Americas, NuStar, the Bermuda Audubon Society, Vermont Center for Ecostudies, Vortex Optics, Carefree Birding, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Levesque Birding Enterprise, Amazona, The Friendship Association, Hideaways of Ti Heights, and many private donors and supporters.
Plunging Brown Pelicans put on a show each day next to our dining terrace at Karibea Beach Hotel, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe. (photo by Holly Garrod)
Plunging pelicans, soaring terns and majestic frigatebirds put on a dazzling show outside the dining terrace, as we ate delicious French cuisine. Impromptu discussions sprang up over coffee and drinks. Bright T-shirts, bird paintings and merchandise were on sale; members’ posters sparked intense learning sessions; and brilliant keynote speakers kept us on the edge of our seats.
It happens every two years, and it just keeps getting better. This year, BirdsCaribbean held its 22nd International conference in Le Gosier, on the French West Indies island of Guadeloupe. 250 delegates from 34 countries gathered for discussions, lectures, workshops – and perhaps most importantly, to connect with each other – under the theme, Keeping Caribbean Birds Aloft.
The conference took place at the lovely seaside Karibea Hotel from July 25 – 29, 2019. BirdsCaribbean partnered with the Parc National de la Guadeloupe for an exciting week of learning, sharing, and discovery.
While #BirdsCarib2019 is now behind us, the memories and friendships made will keep us aloft as we collectively continue to move our science and conservation work forwards. For those who were not able to attend this year and for delegates feeling wistful for woodpeckers and croissant, here is a recap of some of the highlights and activities that made this event so special.
All About Birds – and People
250 delegates from 34 countries gathered for out 22nd International Conference in Guadeloupe. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
The first day of the conference started with some rock n’ roll, literally, as our delegates were shaken awake by a 4.7 earthquake! On arrival, registration buzzed with the laughter and excitement of a family reunion – was it really 2 years ago that we saw each other last?
Our delegates quickly got to work birding across the island. Who was the first to see the endemic Guadeloupe Woodpecker? An incredible 422 checklists were entered into eBird Caribbean by our delegates and more than 95 bird species were detected. We couldn’t have done this without the help of our local guides. BirdsCaribbean conferences are great opportunities for local guides to showcase their islands, their natural beauty, and best spots for seeing wildlife.
And once again, the Guadeloupe conference highlighted the Caribbean’s amazing diversity—its birdlife, peoples, and cultures. A critical discussion during the conference was the need to expand and develop bird tourism in the region through BirdsCaribbean’s Caribbean Birding Trail (CBT). Everyone was excited that the CBT Project recently launched a new and much improved website.
Featured speaker, Anthony Levesque, shared his excitement and many accomplishments about his work with birds on Guadeloupe. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Always a highlight of our conferences, delegates packed the main room each morning to hear our passionate keynote speakers celebrate the diversity of thought, culture, knowledge and work within our community. On the first day, dedicated BirdsCaribbean member, Anthony Levesque, opened our traditional session to celebrate our host country – Guadeloupe Day – and shared his personal journey of how Guadeloupe, its nature, and its birds have shaped his life. His excitement was infectious as we applauded his own phenomenal efforts and felt his hope about the future for his island’s capacity for science and conservation.
We also welcomed Ambassador Dessima Williams to the island, an Elected Partner of the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute and former Ambassador to the United Nations, who inspired us to engage with the UN’s sustainable development goals to enable bird conservation. Other keynote presentations on each morning of the conference inspired delegates on topics as diverse as the evolution of beauty, relationships between birds and plants, landscape management, avian olfaction, and restoration of a damaged wetland.
Challenges, Solutions, Optimism
The Guadeloupe conference saw the launch of an exciting new Mentorship program* where younger BirdsCaribbean members paired with mentors that have more experience in their specific areas of interest, including scientific writing, data analysis, research techniques, conservation strategies, education, bird guiding, career development, and more. The launch culminated in an energizing mentee-mentor dinner, with pairs spilling out across the venue long into the evening, to share knowledge, inspire, support and learn from each other.
Conference workshops offered practical opportunities to learn new skills and share important knowledge, including grappling with data analysis in R, being the solution to plastic pollution, addressing shorebird harvesting, and becoming a media maestro.
Ancilleno Davis had the audience dancing to his dubstep remix of inspired by eBirders! (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Other topics addressed included the challenges to the survival of the region’s birds and habitats, including illegal wildlife trafficking, invasive species, and the threat of development. Several speakers and sessions emphasized the need for stronger advocacy, involving communities, and education to fight the greed that is the root cause of many of our environmental problems.
We heard inspiring stories about engaging young people through education and diverse audiences via social media, and explored visual art and dubstep music as conservation tools. We heard about valuable contributions to our scientific understanding of avian ecology, and learned how to address the challenges of hurricane recovery, caged birds and illegal wildlife trade. And we took the time to acknowledge and celebrate our successes, including invasive species eradication, endangered species recovery, and successful restorations of habitats believed too-far gone to ever be brought back.
The passion continues to flow
The heart of BirdsCaribbean and our conferences is the passion of our members to support conservation of regional endemic and endangered birds as well as migratory species that visit our islands. Most importantly, our conferences give us an opportunity to share and celebrate the new and continued work of our members. Much of what made this conference special is symbolic of all biennial BirdsCaribbean conferences and we encourage you all to look out for details about our next conference in 2021!
Delegates from Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines gather for a group pic. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
The momentum continues amidst the growing comradery and passion that the conference helped fuel. We will be sharing a series of posts over the next few weeks that highlight the work our partners have done, and provide more details on some of the presentations and conference content. If you have a suggestion for an article, please email us at info@birdscaribbean.org. Thank you for reading, and please subscribe and consider donating to help us “Keep Caribbean Birds Aloft”.
Special thanks are due to our major sponsor, Parc National de la Guadeloupe, as well as the Karibea Beach Hotel, Environment Canada, the U.S. Forest Service International Programs, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Para la Naturaleza, The David Webster Charitable Trust, Benjamin Olewine IV, American Bird Conservancy, Caribaea Initiative, Rare Species Conservatory Foundation, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Wildside Nature Tours, Optics for the Tropics, Inc., Holbrook Travel, Environment for the Americas, NuStar, the Bermuda Audubon Society, Vermont Center for Ecostudies, Vortex Optics, Carefree Birding, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Levesque Birding Enterprise, Amazona, The Friendship Association, and Hideaways of Ti Heights.
*If you would like to be a mentor or want to be connected with one, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Email Mentorship Program leaders Adrianne Tossas (agtossas@gmail.com) and Ancilleno Davis (ancillenodavis@gmail.com).
Ancilleno Davis had the audience dancing to his dubstep remix inspired by eBirders, say what?! (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Conference organizer-in-chief, Justin Proctor with Guadeloupe organizers, Maitena Jean, Catherine Chicate-Moibert and Anais Abatan. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Dominicans and Lisa Sorenson. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Busy and not-so-silent Silent Auction (Photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Arnaldo Toledo and Maikel Canizares show the beautiful t-shirt artwork created to fight the Caged Bird problem in Cuba, Caged Bird Working Group meeting (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Featured speaker, Beny Wilson, did a mini-training on bird guiding and the bird tourism market during the Caribbean Birding Trail session. (photo by Fred Sapotille).
New friends (Photo by Fred Sapotille)
Group selfie attempts. (Photo by Fred Sapotille)
St. Martin delegates, Jenn Yerkes, William Allanic,and Mark Yokoyama, in Les Fruit de Mer uniforms.(Photo by Fred Sapotille)
Prepping conference bags with the Cubans (Photo by Justin Proctor)
Conference t-shirts for sale on Day 1 of the conference (photo by Mark Yokayama)
Herb Raffaele supporting new Grenadines bird guide with authors Aly Ollivierre and Juliana Coffey. (Photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Anthony Levesque (Guadeloupe) won a President’s Award for his bird research, education and conservation work in Guadeloupe. (Photo by Fred Sapotille)
Guadeloupe conference souvenir bird bands. (Photo by Fred Sapotille)
Old friends reunited: Leo Douglas and Maurice Anselme. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Dessima Williams, wowed us with her inspiring and poetic keynote talk. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Keynote speaker, Richard Prum, dazzled the audience with his fascinating talk on The Evolution of Beauty and bird mating tactics. (Photo by Fred Sapotille)
Our fearless translators provided English-French-Spanish translation throughout the entire 5-day conference! (Photo by Fred Sapotille)
The right person, Stephen Durand, got this one-of-a-kind binocular harness with Imperial Parrot artwork by Jessica Canizares (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Important conference notice about dancing with Herb at the party on the last night.
Keynote speaker, Tomas Carlo, gave an exciting talk on bird-plant interactions and their consequences for habitat restoration. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
The Founders Award for Best Student Paper went to Christopher Cambrone.(Photo by Fred Sapotille)
Main conference room at Karibea beach Hotel. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Jennifer Wheeler sounding the conch to signal the start of a session. (Photo by Fred Sapotille)
Kate Wallace (Dominican Republic) won a Life-time Achievement Award for her 20 years of tireless bird education and outreach work. (Photo by Fred Sapotille)
Andrea Thomen (Dominican Republic) shares her work with Leo Douglas (Jamaica / USA). (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
Two of our fearless leaders, Justin Proctor (Birdscaribbean Vice President) and Lisa Sorenson (BirdsCaribbean Executive Director) on the first morning of the conference. (Photo by Fred Sapotille)
Maurice Anselme, General Director of the Parc National de la Guadeloupe (PNG) and Mylene Musquet, Executive Director of PNG, on the last evening of the conference. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Much learning took place at the evening poster sessions. (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
“Keeping Caribbean Birds Aloft” was the theme of BirdsCaribbean’s 22nd International Conference in July in Guadeloupe.
Keynote Speaker, Orisha Joseph (Sustainable Grenadines Inc) told us about the incredible restoration of Ashton Lagoon in Union Island. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Delegates from Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines gather for a group pic. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Leno Davis talks about engaging diverse audiences through creative avenues, like music and art (photo by Mark Yokoyama)
250 delegates from 34 countries gathered for our 22nd International Conference in Guadeloupe. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Bird Hide at Grand Etang on Waterfalls Field Trip.(Photo by Anais Abatan)
We thank Director of the Parc National de la Guadeloupe (PNG), Maurice Anselme, and his fabulous crew for outstanding help with organizing the conference! (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Keynote speaker, Dr. Howard Nelson, called for more collaboration across the Caribbean to save birds and their habitats. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Smiling volunteers help with conference check-in, left to right, Jen Mortenson, Alieny Gonzalez, Natasha Atkins, Arnaldo Toledo. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
The Cuban contingent! A record 20 Cubans attended, thanks to our generous sponsors! (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Featured speaker, Anthony Levesque, shared his excitement and many accomplishments about his work with birds on Guadeloupe Day. (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Plunging Brown Pelicans put on a show each day next to our dining terrace at Karibea Beach Hotel, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe. (photo by Holly Garrod)
Keynote Speaker, Gabrielle Nevitt, shared her exciting research an avian olfaction and the ability of seabirds to smell plastic! (photo by Fred Sapotille)
Dancing with the local performers on the last evening of the conference. (Photo by Fred Sapotille)
Learn how to get your work and message into the media!
Do you want to raise awareness, change minds or let your community know what you are doing? Do you want better attendance at events or more volunteers helping your team? You need to get your message out, and media is made to do that. Two workshops at the BirdsCaribbean Conference in Guadeloupe will help you improve your media skills and get the most out of your local newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and social media channels. Build and maintain a media list. Plan out your media calendar for the year. Learn how to write an effective media release. Get better photos to attract more attention. Find out how to prepare for great radio and TV interviews. Learn how to create engaging social media posts that get lots of Likes, Comments and Shares.
Interested? Get ready by filling out our media survey. Share areas where you would like help, and tell us how you are using media right now. We will share the overall results at the workshops. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6DXV2BC
Before the conference, feel free to send a recent media release to media@birdscaribbean.org and we will give you some feedback on it (by email or in person, not in front of everyone at the workshop).
Come to the workshop with your media list, your media calendar and a recent media release, printed or on your computer. If you are missing any or all of these, don’t worry! You’ll have them by the end of the workshop.
“Keeping Caribbean Birds Aloft” is the theme of BirdsCaribbean’s 22nd International Conference in July in Guadeloupe. Parc national de la Guadeloupe is our local host. (artwork by Guillaume Zbinden)
Every two years, BirdsCaribbean holds its international conference. The meeting is the largest of its kind, attracting hundreds of guests from the region and beyond. This year, it will be held on the island of Guadeloupe from July 25-29, partnering with local host, Parc national de la Guadeloupe.
BirdsCaribbean is the largest conservation group in the region. Its members come from nonprofits, forestry departments and universities all over the region. They do research, save wild spaces and share the magic of birds and nature all over the Caribbean. At the conference, over 200 members will gather in one place to share the latest in research and more.
The conference is important because it is the one time when people working all over the Caribbean come together to learn and share. Training workshops teach skills like how to do a bird survey. New research and techniques for helping birds are shared. This know-how is brought back to dozens of islands where it can be used to save rare birds or protect valuable habitats.
This year’s conference is “Keeping Caribbean Birds Aloft” (or “An nou poté mannèv pou zozio karayib volé” in Créole). In keeping with the theme, the conference will feature many ways to help birds in the Caribbean.
“Our birds face many challenges, and we want to address them,” noted Lisa Sorensen, the Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean. “We will work on how to protect birds from threats like plastic pollution or habitat destruction. We are also working to promote birds for their value as a tourism attraction and the benefits they provide to people.”
The Guadeloupe Woodpecker is found only on the island of Guadeloupe; conference delegates will have a chance to see this bird on conference field trips. (photo by Frantz Delcroix)
You can learn more about the conference here, including keynote speakers, workshop themes and field field trips. Registration is open – it is not too late to join us! BirdsCaribbean is also still seeking sponsors to help delegates attend that would not be able to otherwise. Click here to help sponsor a delegate – any donations are gratefully received! Sponsorship donations are tax-deductible for US donors.
BirdsCaribbean is very grateful for the help and financial support of many companies and organizations to make this conference a success, including Parc national de la Guadeloupe, Karibea Beach Hotel, Environment Canada, US Forest Service International Programs, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, para la Naturaleza, Benjamin Olewine IV, American Bird Conservancy, Rare Species Conservatory Foundation, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Caribbean Initiative, Wildside Nature Tours, Carefree Birding, Optics for the Tropics, NuStar, Vermont Center for Ecostudies, Bermuda Audubon Society, Holbrook Travel, Levesque Birding Enterprise, AMAZONA, and The Friendship Association.
And it’s a FACT that our Guadeloupe Conference in July will be a damn good time…
Because your BirdsCaribbean family—along with great birds, stunning landscapes, and a warm French culture—all anxiously await you!
Dearest delegates and potential delegates far and wide,
We are now less than 3 months from conference time, and I’m happy to report to you that everything is lookin’ good!
Our Conference Organizing Committee has been working around the clock for the last 5 months to ensure that your time in Guadeloupe is going to be the best it can be! And we have no intentions of dialing it back until we’ve made sure that all of you are at the Karibea Beach Hotel with a smile on your face, an ocean breeze in your hair, and a cold drink in your hands.
I can confidently say that we’ve created what promises to be an unforgettable adventure for you. Don’t miss out! If you haven’t yet acted on any of the other deadline reminders we’ve sent out, please take this one seriously – May 7th (less than 10 days from NOW!) is the deadline for a GREAT MANY THINGS!
Ok, with the paperwork behind us, let’s give you a glimpse of what we’ve been putting together!
First, the Karibea Beach Hotel is going to be our venue, and it won’t disappoint. The presentation and meeting rooms are comfortable and sized just right; the socializing space where we’ll be having our coffee breaks is set up perfectly to mingle with old friends and meet new ones; the backdrop is a beach looking out over the ocean towards the western half of the island, where Le Soufriere dominates the landscape; and the personal rooms are close-by, comfortable, and come with quite the view!
We’ve got 6 exciting Keynote Speakers lined up. Be sure to make time to meet with as many of them as you can during a coffee break or over a meal!
The field trip options before, during, and after the conference are abundant and diverse. We’re throwing as many opportunities to explore the island at you as we possibly can! Climb a volcano, snorkel the mangroves, island hop down to Dominica and Martinique, watch the Caribbean Martins come in to roost in downtown Pointe a Pitre, explore the Deshaies Mountains, or experience Guadeloupe’s famous waterfalls – staying active won’t be a problem!
The Program itself is filling up quickly. We’ve already had dozens of excellent presentation and posters abstracts submitted, which means that our symposia from shorebirds to hurricanes to technology will be rich with new and exciting talks and information. Likewise, we are overflowing with interesting workshops and engaging training sessions. We’ll be sure to get the full digital version of the conference PROGRAM out to you before you head to Guadeloupe, so you can start making some decisions on what you’d like to attend!
Don’t forget, there are several PRE-CONFERENCE workshops ready for you to attend. Please make sure to adjust your travel accordingly and also let us know that you’ll be attending!
Restoring Habitat through World Migratory Bird Day Cleanups
Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation
Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Harvest Workshop
And if you’re coming to Guadeloupe to see some awesome birds, the island will not disappoint.
284 bird species have been observed in Guadeloupe, including 81 nesting species reported since the year 2000.
Guadeloupe hosts 8 bird species that are endemic to the Lesser Antilles, 5 species that are endemic to the Lesser Antilles + Puerto Rico, and 1 species entirely endemic to Guadeloupe – the Guadeloupe Woodpecker.
A huge thank you to Frantz Delcroix and Anthony Levesque for allowing us to showcase some of their stunning photographs:
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, our conferences wouldn’t be teaming with a diverse crowd of scientists, conservationists, and students if it wasn’t for the generous support of donors that help sponsor delegates to attend. PLEASE CONSIDER helping sponsor a delegate – our conferences can be life changers for our community members that don’t normally have the financial means to travel, personally network with leaders in their field, and attend workshops and symposia that can help them better their work. Help shape the future of the Caribbean you love, and please considering sponsoring a delegate.
The Guadeloupe Woodpecker is endemic to Guadeloupe. (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
Join us for the BirdsCaribbean 22nd International Conference, registration is now open! Please visit the conference website to register and to find information about field trips, travel support, accommodations and much more. The Call for Papers and opportunity to apply for Travel Support is also open (see below).
BirdsCaribbean and Parc National de la Guadeloupe have been working hard to put together a diverse, interesting, and relevant scientific program for the 2019 conference. And of course there is plenty of room for adventure and bird-watching in our pre, mid and post conference field trips. Hike a volcano or head to the waterfalls with chances to see Caribbean endemics like the Guadeloupe Woodpecker, Brown Trembler and Purple-throated Carib.
The conference theme is “Keeping Caribbean Birds Aloft.” “Keeping” implies that we, as a Caribbean community, are: 1) actively involved in the effort, and 2) working on ways to build resilience in the face of many challenges that Caribbean birds are facing. “Aloft” is an encouraging choice of words that reminds us what we’re all in this for – to see our Caribbean birds 1) in flight, 2) alive and well, 3) in their natural place, and 4) thriving.
To learn more about the amazing island that is hosting us this year, BirdsCaribbean Vice President Justin Proctor detailed his scouting trip to Guadeloupe here.
Brown Trembler photo by Anthony Levesque
Call for Papers & Travel Support
The Call for Papers is also open with a deadline for submission on April 15th. Thinking about submitting a talk or poster? Check out the themes/sessions at this year’s conference.
If you are in need of Travel Support to attend the conference, please visit this page and fill out the application form as soon as possible!
Travel to Guadeloupe is a bit challenging – we are encouraging everyone to register and sort out their flights as soon as possible – procrastination is not advised! We offer lots of great information and support for finding a flight on our Travel Logistics page.
Remember to check the conference website over time as information will continue to be added and updated. This includes plenary speakers, workshops, symposia, round-tables, and more.
See you in Guadeloupe! #BirdsCarib2019
The beautiful Scaly-breasted Thrasher is endemic to the Lesser Antilles. (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
The Brown Trembler is endemic to the Lesser Antilles. (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
The Purple-throated Carib is a spectacular Caribbean endemic. (Photo by Anthony Levesque)
Will you see this shy Forest Thrush in Guadeloupe this year? (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
Spectacular natural features of Guadeloupe await. (Photo by Fabien Salles)
Our Vice President, Justin Proctor, reports on his recent scouting expedition to Guadeloupe to plan for our 2019 BirdsCaribbean Conference. Read all about the behind-the-scenes action and updates on conference prep. Everyone is invited to join us at what will be an epic gathering of bird lovers and conservationists from around the region and beyond!
Local Organizing Committee at the Parc National de la Guadeloupe headquarters in St. Claude
After just returning from our first scouting trip to Guadeloupe, I’m excited to report back that we are moving full steam ahead with conference preparations for the summer of 2019! A big thank you to everyone that supported the trip and threw so much hospitality my way, including Parc National de la Guadeloupe, my local hosts Lydie and Franck, our beloved birder/guide/photographer Anthony Levesque, and everyone in between. You have helped set into motion so many good things to come!
For many of the BirdsCaribbean community, this conference will excitingly be their first trip to Guadeloupe. I can already promise that this French island, along with its amiable and good-humored people, will not disappoint. You can expect to jump into an entirely different and unique flavor of Caribbean culture, language, food, and sights to see.
I’m excited to share with you a few preliminary details of the preparations underway as well as a sneak preview of what awaits you in the beautiful French West Indies island of Guadeloupe!
Anthony Levesque and Justin Proctor planning for the conference (drinking Carib and spotting swifts flying by) (Photo by J. Proctor)
The Conference Theme
One of our first big challenges with a BirdsCaribbean conference is settling upon a conference theme. Truth be told, the conference theme is a big deal – it sets the overarching tone for the conference, including the plenary speeches, workshops, symposia, and presentations. The theme must be both important and specific to the hosting island, but also largely applicable to the wider Caribbean. The process of whittling down the best ideas can take weeks, and involves a wide range of people. I found that in the final days of deliberation in Guadeloupe, that the entire process served as a great excuse to bond with both the Local Organizing Committee and their fresh Guadeloupean coffee. So without further ado, we are excited that we have settled on the following theme for the Guadeloupe Conference:
“Keeping Caribbean Birds Aloft”
“Keeping” implies that we, as a Caribbean community, are: 1) actively involved in the effort, and 2) working on ways to build resilience in the face of many challenges that Caribbean birds are facing.
Frégate superbe; Magnificent Frigatebird; Fregata magnificens (Photo by Frantz Delcroix)
“Aloft” is an encouraging choice of words that reminds us what we’re all in this for – to see our Caribbean birds (1) in flight, (2) alive and well, (3) in their natural place, and (4) thriving.
Another great idea that came out of our brainstorming was to feature the conference theme in Creole, rather than defaulting to French, as Creole is officially spoken on Guadeloupe and also prominently spoken in a few Eastern Caribbean islands and Haiti. It therefore speaks to a wider breadth of Caribbean peoples. The Local Organizing Committee is currently working on translating the message as accurately as possible, but here is a first draft:
“An nou gadé zozio carayib an lè”
The Conference Venue
The venue we choose for the conference is critical. We have a long list of criteria that we try to fulfill when we make this decision, ranging from logistical efficiencies to quality of work spaces to whether the venue adequately represents the island hosting the conference. One of the key elements that we continue to rank high on our list is to what extent the layout of the venue can create an atmosphere that encourages the gathering of people together. While the organized elements of the conference are the core of the entire event, we also recognize the importance of creating time and space for delegates to spend time with each other more informally. Having the right kind of space readily available nearby to the main events is crucial for galvanizing these interactions.
Right now, we have our number one choice selected, and we really like it. What follows in the coming weeks is a negotiation with that hotel and ultimately the creation of a contract with all parties involved. Once we’ve solidified that, we will make the announcement. For now, know that we will be in the Le Gosier area of Guadeloupe (see map below), which offers itself as an excellent launch-pad to any part of the island.
Orienting Yourself
French West Indies (Map by J. Proctor)
Welcome to the French West Indies: seven territories under French sovereignty located in the Lesser Antilles of the Caribbean. French Guiana, although located on the mainland of South America, is often lumped in.
The main butterfly-shaped landmass of Guadeloupe is actually two islands separated by a salt river. The western island is Basse-Terre, and the eastern island is Grande-Terre. Indeed there are only two bridges that connect them.
Guadeloupe (Map by J. Proctor)
The Pointe-à-Pitre international airport (PTP) as well as the location where the conference is going to be held, Le Gosier, are both located on Grande-Terre, only a few short kilometers from one another and centrally located. Note the extensive Parc National de la Guadeloupe that spans almost the entirety of Basse-Terre island, with the highest peak in the Lesser Antilles, La Soufrière (an active stratovolcano, mind you), in the southwest corner. Also take note of the three major Guadeloupean islands just a short ferry-ride away: Îles des Saintes, Marie-Galante, and La Désirade. Interested in birding on all three? So are we!
Some Highlights
La Soufriere – the tallest peak in the Lesser Antilles – makes for a great day hike (Photo by J. Proctor)
Let’s get right to it. The birding is excellent, and made even better by the habitats and landscapes you’ll be passing through to see the most emblematic species on the island. Iconic waterfalls (chutes d’eau), wet tropical forest speckled with Caribbean tree ferns, and black volcanic sand beaches (plages) offer but a few backdrops for you to enjoy some of the best birds (oiseaux), including the:
Guadeloupe Woodpecker (Melanerpes herminieri)
Forest Thrush (Turdus lherminieri)
Plumbeous Warbler (Setophaga plumbea)
Purple-throated Carib (Eulampis jugularis)
Brown Trembler (Cinclocerthia ruficauda)
Antillean Euphonia (Euphonia musica)
Ringed Kingfisher (Ceryle torquata stictipennis)
There are a lot of people currently working on putting together a series of pre-, mid-, and post-conference field trips that will offer you the best that Guadeloupe has to offer. Once we have a list of solid options, we will send out a survey for you to rank them based on your interest in each one. That will help us to ultimately generate the best options to offer to all of you. We’re aiming for a good mix of terrestrial, coastal, and inter-island birding options, so stay tuned!
Engoulevent piramidig; Antillean Nighthawk; Chordeiles gundlachii (Photo by A. Levesque)
Getting the most out of your trip to Guadeloupe
Cyathea arborea on the slopes of La Soufriere (Photo by J. Proctor)
For many English and Spanish speakers, it might be a bit daunting to step onto an island where the dominant language is French (and Creole). Knowing that many of us may not have the chance to master the language before July of next year, I suggest the following: take a couple hours to learn some key phrases between now and then. Being able to say “Good morning, how are you?” in the local language (accompanied by a friendly smile, of course), goes a long way. You’ll also be much more successful at finding your way to the local bakery, which I promise you’ll thank yourself for.
French is filled with vowels. It’s really not intuitive how you string them together and then pronounce them. I realized this a few years back when I was reading a book aloud to a group of students and came to a passage with the words “faux pas”. In a desperate attempt to not draw attention to myself, I went with the pronunciation “fox paws” and hoped for the best. Two students immediately called me out on it and I’ve been ashamed ever since.
So, if you want to jump on the bandwagon and improve a bit before conference time, why not spend some time with Duo, and his free, fun-to-use online language program, Duolingo? And if the first thought that comes to your mind is, “what species of owl is that?”, then I suggest you read down through a lengthy forum that attempts to not only answer that question, but also the owl’s gender, clothing choices, and adorable expressions. After a little practice with Duo’s help, you’ll be donning a French beret and happily waving a fresh baguette in celebration of your new language skills.
P.S. – I’ve included a visual to help get you going with some of the island’s most important vocabulary: La boulangerie!
Local boulangerie, where all your dreams come true (Photo by J. Proctor)
Closing Thoughts
Although we are 300 days from the conference, our Scientific Committee is getting organized and will soon be ready to start accepting proposals. Right now we encourage all of you to start thinking about suggestions for workshops, symposia, keynote speakers, and presentations that you would be interested in seeing. We’ll be sending out the call for all of those in the coming weeks.
Our official conference website is almost ready to be launched. There you will find your one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about the conference. We’ve updated the look and feel of the website this year, so we hope you like it!
Last, but not least, Guadeloupe’s beaches and rum are top notch. No Caribbean conference is complete without dabbing in a little bit of each. So bring your mask and snorkel, remember to hydrate before you hit the local bar, and come ready to have an all-around good time!
See you in Guadeloupe! #BirdsCarib2019
And if you haven’t done so already, please sign up for our monthly newsletter in order to receive up-to-date news and information regarding the conference. Follow us also Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@BirdsCaribbean). We’re looking forward to seeing you in Guadeloupe!