With so many recent tragic and conflicted events occurring in the world, BirdsCaribbean wants to share something uplifting. As part of our continuing 30th Anniversary celebration, we present you with a two-minute glimpse of what our Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Mexican colleagues are doing to conserve birds and their expressions of appreciation to BirdsCaribbean. Please take a moment to enjoy their inspiring words and images.
First we hear from Alieny González-Alfonso, graduate student at the University of Havana. Together with her fellow students and professors, Alieny has been a a powerhouse of positive actions for understanding and conserving Cuba’s resident and migratory birds. She is studying Reddish Egrets for her PhD and participates in Caribbean Waterbird Census monitoring every year. Alieny also organizes events to celebrate our Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival and World Migratory Bird Day each year and coordinates activities across the island. Alieny also conducts teacher training workshops and leads activities for our BirdSleuth Caribbean education program. Congrats and thanks to Alieny and her team for her amazing work!
Next we travel to Puerto Rico and hear from José Colón-López. José is a legend in his native Puerto Rico. As a volunteer with SOPI, he has been active in studying and conserving the endemic and migratory birds of Puerto Rico and their habitats for over 30 years. He generously donates his time to train and mentor others, sharing his passion and vast knowledge with a new generation of conservationists. José is also a founding member of BirdsCaribbean and has been to every single conference of ours since the first one in St. Croix 30 years ago!!! Cheers to Jose and thanks for inspiring us with your dedication and energy!
Adriana Vallarino, Ph.D., is a professor a the Institute of Marine Sciences and Limnology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. She studies Masked Boobies and Least Terns in the Campeche Bank in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, vitally important nesting islands for many Caribbean seabirds. Adriana attended our International Seabird Training Workshop in San Salvador, Bahamas in 2012 and since then, has been carrying out innovative research and conservation work, including studying the impacts of micro plastics on seabirds. She also does a marvelous job organizing bird education events in Campeche, featuring birding walks, bird art and photography, mini workshops and more. We’re proud that Adriana is part of our network!
The videos highlight how our programs are engaging young and old in direct conservation, opening doors for scientific and educational exchange, and promoting sustainable livelihoods in ecotourism. Grab a cup of shade grown coffee, sit back and enjoy an inspirational moment.
Thank you to Esther Figueroa (Vagabond Media) for putting together this video and Ingrid Flores, JC Fernández-Ordóñez, and José Colón-López for Spanish translation. Photographs in the video are by Aslam Ibrahim Castellan Maure (Bee Hummingbird), Lisa Sorenson (American Flamingos), Wilfred Marissen (Reddish Egret), Aslam Ibrahim Castellan Maure (Blue-headed Quail-Dove), Jose Pantaleon (Cuban Trogon), Susan Jacobson (Western Spindalis), Lisa Sorenson (Viñales Valley, Cuba), Gary Donaldson (Trinidad, Cuba), Gary Donaldson (Zapata Swamp), AnnHaynes-Sutton (Masked Booby) and Arnaldo Toledo (Cuban Tody). Special thanks to our members, partners and supporters who make this work possible!!!
Cover of Caribbean Seabirds Monitoring Manual by BirdsCaribbean Seabird Working Group members (Sutton et al) – revised and updated, October 2018
BirdsCaribbean’s Seabird Monitoring Manual, released in English in 2015, has undergone final copy-editing and has been translated to Spanish and French. All three versions, now dated 2018, are downloadable in PDF format [EnglishSpanishFrench].
Yvan Satgé of the South Carolina Cooperative Unit of the USGS and Clemson translated the manual to French with help from Régis Gomès (Association pour la Sauvegarde et la réhabilitation de la Faune des Antilles), coordinated the translation to Spanish by J.C. Fernandez-Ordonez (Fundación Científica ARA MACAO), and laid out the final productions. The manual covers the underpinnings of a seabird monitoring program, provides protocols of varying levels of sophistication to survey seabirds at breeding sites, and provides life history information for the region’s seabirds. The manual serves as a training and planning tool for staff and volunteers and is meant to encourage an increase in knowledge of seabirds and their conservation needs across the region. The creation of the manuals was spearheaded by Ann Sutton, the co-chair of the Seabird Working Group of BirdsCaribbean.
Brown Noddy nesting in Bay Marigold, San Salvador, Bahamas (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
A reminder that BirdsCaribbean now holds the inventory of Bradley and Norton’s (2009) An Inventory of Breeding Seabirds in the Caribbean, currently out-of-print. This book provides a comprehensive look at the Caribbean region’s seabird populations, and is a resource that every seabird enthusiast should have in their library. The book is available for purchaseat a bargain price, with proceeds of the sale going to BirdsCaribbean. An excellent companion book is the Seabird Breeding Atlas of the Lesser Antilles (2012), available through its publisher, Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC).
With the manual now widely available, and the years passing since the seabird inventories noted above, the Seabird Working Group is faced with the challenge of undertaking surveys to update our state of knowledge. Let’s keep that conversation going, especially at the upcoming International Conference in Guadeloupe, July 2019.
BirdsCaribbean (BC) is celebrating our 30th Anniversary and we are getting messages from across the Caribbean thanking us for our work. Please enjoy this two-minute glimpse of our exciting work with founding members and some of our youngest and most enthusiastic bird conservationist from the islands of St Vincent and the Grenadines.
First up are Joe Wunderle, PhD, an icon of Caribbean ornithology and conservation, and Kate Wallace, educator extraordinaire, from the Dominican Republic (DR). Joe is a founding member of BirdsCaribbean and wildlife biologist at the International Institute of Tropical Forestry, US Forest Service, in Puerto Rico. Joe has studied the ecology of many birds in Puerto Rico and the region, including the Bananaquit, Kirtland’s Warbler and Puerto Rican Parrot. He has contributed to their conservation through his research findings and mentoring of countless students and BC members.
Kate joined the flock right after Joe. She has lived in the DR for 24 years, working first with the Peace Corps and then as a volunteer with BirdsCaribbean, Sociedad Ornitologica de la Hispaniola, Grupo Jaragua, and Grupo Acción Ecologica. Kate has been involved in our programs since the beginning, giving countless West Indian Whistling-Duck and Wetlands Workshops, coordinating Caribbean Waterbird Census counts, and organizing events for our Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival and World Migratory Bird Day each year. Oh, and did I mention Kate also promotes sustainable bird tourism and leads tours? She helped with Caribbean Birding Trail Guide Training Workshop in the DR and co-authored (with Steve Latta), Ruta Barrancoli: A Bird-finding Guide to the Dominican Republic.
Next take a virtual flight with us to St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) to meet Lystra Culzac and her students. Lystra is founder and director of SCIENCE (Science Initiative for Environmental Conservation and the Heritage Museum and Science Centre of SVG. Through BirdSleuth Caribbean and other bird education programs delivered by Lystra and her dedicated team, the children of St. Vincent are fast becoming expert bird watchers, knowledgable about science, and budding conservationists.
Then, hear from US Geological Survey biologist, Elise Elliot-Smith, how BirdsCaribbean has helped her connect with researchers and conservationist across the islands as, together, they work to protect endangered Piping Plovers and other shorebirds of conservation concern throughout their wintering range. We are grateful to Elise and all involved in these efforts!
Through BirdsCaribbean, and its in-country partners, our programs are engaging young and old in direct conservation, opening doors for scientific and educational exchange, and promoting sustainable livelihoods in ecotourism. By the end of the two minutes I am sure you will agree with life-long BirdsCaribbean supporter, Nick Sorenson that BirdsCaribbean is “the greatest organization on the planet.” 😊 So what are you waiting for, grab a cup of shade-grown coffee, sit back and enjoy an inspirational moment. You deserve it – we would not be here without your support!
Lystra Culzac (Director of SCIENCE) and children in St. Vincent and the Grenadines say thanks to BirdsCaribbean.
Thank you to Esther Figueroa (Vagabond Media) for putting together this video for us, Ingrid Flores for Spanish translation, and Jerry Bauer for videography. Photographs in the video are by Dax Román E. (Hispaniolan Trogon), Walker Golder (Piping Plover), Aslam Ibrahim Castellón Maure (American Flamingo), Steve Estvanik (Whimbrel), Wilfred Marissen (Ruddy Turnstone), Kevin Le (Painted Bunting), Dax Román E. (Black-crowned Palm Tanager), Jose Miguel Pantaleon (Hispaniolan Woodpecker), Frantz Delcroix (Barbuda Warbler), and St. Vincent Tourism Authority (St. Vincent Parrot).
BirdsCaribbean has “come of age,” and is saying goodbye to its youthful twenties. It is thirty years old this year! While taking a glance behind us, to see how far we have come, we are also looking forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
A Short History of Us
Our special 30 Year Anniversary logo!
So how did BirdsCaribbean come into being? Well, the first official meeting of the Society of Caribbean Ornithology (SCO) took place in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands back in May, 1988. However, its roots go further back, when first President Jorge Moreno, then head of terrestrial ecology in Puerto Rico’s Department of Natural Resources, met up with Dr. Herb Raffaele, who was then the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) Project Officer for Latin America and the Caribbean. These were two of the “Founding Fathers.” Moreno and Raffaele joined forces and invited “estudiantes de las aves” (students of birds) from around the Caribbean to a meeting in Puerto Rico, funded by USFWS. The following year there was another meeting. After these successes it was clear that they were onto something. They decided to create a new entity, and in 1988 the SCO was formed.
The First Meeting: Bedsheets for Blinds
Who were these “students of birds,” and what was the very first meeting like? Founding Fathers ornithologists Dr. Joe Wunderle and Dr. Herb Raffaele and José Colón described the first meeting as attracting a group of biologists, scientists and conservationists. They saw the study of birds as an avenue to advance their research, management and conservation goals. The meeting in St. Croix took place on an old sugar estate – and was not without its challenges. The building had no air conditioning and the windows had no shades or blinds, so some participants removed the sheets from their beds and covered the windows, to darken the room for presentations. However, it was very windy and this didn’t work so well. No one had been designated as the projectionist, so Wunderle’s wife, Dr. Jean Lodge, volunteered to run the slide projector.
Participants at the 1st Society of Caribbean Ornithology Meeting in St. Croix in 1988 (click on the image to see a larger version)
Bear in mind there was no PowerPoint in those days! Nor Internet, nor any of the luxuries and conveniences of technology that we now enjoy at our meetings. There were also no simultaneous translations, so volunteers provided short translations after each presentation. Besides, the programs for each annual meeting were fluid, to say the least. Some speakers were “no shows,” others turned up unexpectedly. And scheduling of Cuban participants was especially challenging given uncertainty as to who would actually receive permission to attend. Needless to say, participants in the early days learned to expect the unexpected. Fortunately everyone was adaptable.
Rosemarie Gnam (former Treasurer) shared one fond memory of this first meeting: After going out to dinner one night in St. Croix, participants found themselves locked out of the small hotel where most of them were staying. Jorge and others scaled the tall fence to gain access – and eventually they got a good night’s sleep.
Herb Raffaele shared another fun memory from the early days of the society: “Our earliest Caribbean bird conservation meetings, begun in the late 1980’s, were relatively simple affairs. All of the planning and organizing was done by Jorge Moreno of the Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources and all the funding for delegates from throughout the Caribbean was provided by the Latin America and Caribbean program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Everything was done on a shoestring budget, something in the order of $20,000, so corners were minimized at every opportunity. At one such meeting in Puerto Rico I remember driving up to the meeting site only to find this ratty old facility, completely rundown, surrounded by a towering cyclone fence that had to be scaled because no one had a key to its locked gate. When I queried Jorge about this choice of locations he reminded me with great satisfaction how this facility was such a bargain – it scarcely cost more than two dollars per night per person! However, after some attendees later heard gun shots, I suggested to Jorge that future budgets should allow more for accommodations. We have never met in such an inhospitable place again.”
Launching our 30thAnniversary on Video
Along the way, the largest conservation non-profit organization in the Caribbean has changed its name twice. It was incorporated as a non-profit organization in the U.S. in 2003 as the Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB). Then, in 2013, following deliberations at the International Conference in St. Georges, Grenada, it was reborn as BirdsCaribbean.
While looking back nostalgically at the early days, Joe Wunderle observes: “Now the Society has grown tremendously and has active outreach and education programs, training programs, including training of field biologists, bird guides, and more…We have got young people who are coming to our meetings and taking leadership roles in the society.” We hope that Joe would not call himself an “old fossil,” however. We would prefer to describe him and his colleagues from the 1980s as “pioneers.”
We are delighted to launch our 30thAnniversary celebrations – starting with the accompanying video from Joe Wunderle himself, talking about how BirdsCaribbean has evolved over the past three decades. More memories, stories and videos will follow!
Share your Memories!
If you have fun memories or old photos to share, please send them to: Lisa.Sorenson@BirdsCaribbean.org.
Many thanks to Joe Wunderle, Herb Raffaele, Rosemarie Gnam, Jose Colon and Emma Lewis for help with this article! Thanks also to Esther Figueroa (Vagabond Media in Jamaica) for putting together this video for us and to Jerry Bauer for videography. Photographs in the video are by Frantz Delcroix (Magnificent Frigatebird) and Rafael Arvelo (Hispaniolan Parakeets). Our cartographer, Aly DeGraff Ollivierre created our 30th Anniversary logo.
Participants at the 1st Society of Caribbean Ornithology meeting in St. Croix 1988. (click on the image to see a larger version). Let us know if you can identify unknown persons in these photos!
Black-Throated Blue Warbler visiting a feeder in Jamaica last week (photo by Ahhh…Ras Natango Garden and Gallery in Camrose Montego Bay)
The month of October always heralds a change in the seasons – even in the Caribbean. As the days grow a little shorter and the fierce heat of the sun lessens, it is also the season for hurricanes. For World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) 2018, Caribbean island residents are looking back at the terrible storms one year ago. But they are also celebrating the steady recovery of residents – and birds.
About 130 birds, a third ofthe 500 regularly seen species of birds in our region are summer or winter visitors. More than 30 events on 16 Caribbean islands are already lined up to celebrate these amazing birds. WMBD is officially celebrated on October 13 in the Caribbean, but can be celebrated any time in the fall when migratory birds are present. More than 80,000 Caribbean residents, friends and visitors will join in the activities, led by Environment for the Americas and BirdsCaribbean.
Children on a birding walk in Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines (photo by Sustainable Grenadines Inc.)
“Last year, for obvious reasons, we did not have a large celebration of WMBD,” says Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean Lisa Sorenson. “Hurricanes Irma and Maria had just hit numerous islands with terrifying force, and many of our partners were dealing with the damage. But now we are moving forward with great hope, as thousands of migratory birds return to our shores. We encourage our partners to celebrate progress made.”
The 2018 theme for WMBD in the Caribbean is “Year of the Bird.” This celebrates birds 365 days of the year, with a special theme each month. It also commemorates a full century – 100 years of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the most powerful and significant bird protection law ever passed. Visit this page for inspiring articles, messages and activity ideas.
The “Year of the Bird” is also an opportunity to look at critical issues affecting our birds – including those embarking on the challenging migration journey – that were addressed throughout this special year. These topics can become impactful WMBD action projects. For example, September’s Year of the Bird theme highlighted dangers for migrating birds – light pollution and glass windows. How can we make our homes more “bird-safe”?
Least Sandpiper – a common migrant to the Caribbean; this one has stopped for a rest in St. Maarten (photo by Binkie van Es)
Local coordinators on each island will raise awareness about simple actions that people can take to help birds each and every day. “Planting trees for native birds, encouraging people to keep their cats indoors and informing people how to create a bird-friendly yard, are just a few of the actions people can take,” said Regional Coordinator, Sheylda Díaz-Méndez. On the WMBD website for the Americas, partners can download activities, coloring pages, presentations, event flyers, banners, posters, social media materials and more for events and programs. Visit migratorybirdday.org for ideas on how to celebrate, an event map and updates throughout the month of October. Get the young people involved!
For WMBD in the Caribbean, learning about our migratory birds takes place in a diverse, harmonious setting. As in previous years, birding walks, tree plantings, clean-ups, church services, media interviews, street parades, fairs, information booths, games, drama and art competitions will form part of the WMBD celebrations. Innovative and creative ideas are always welcome.
October’s Year of the Bird action is to participate in Global Big Day on Saturday, October 6th. Just like Global Big Day in May, the folks at Cornell are organizing a worldwide Big Day in the Fall for the first time to celebrate and learn more about fall migration. Get all the information you need to participate at this link.
We look forward to hearing about your activities and the birds that you’re seeing – please share them with us on Facebook, twitter and instagram.
Betty Petersen (1943-2013) was much-beloved by the conservation community for her kindness and generosity. (photo by Jeffrey Gordon)
BirdsCaribbean is very excited to announce the launch of the Betty Petersen Conservation Fund to advance the conservation of birds and habitats in the Caribbean region. We are thrilled by the response of the founding donors who have helped us already raise $127,000 towards our first-year goal of $150,000.
The Fund will provide competitive grants to groups or individuals who are engaging and empowering their communities to protect and sustainably benefit from their birds. We will begin accepting applications via our website on September 1st of this year.
Betty Petersen (1943-2013), a lifelong resident of Massachusetts, was, in her own way, a wizard. With nothing more than donated birding equipment, books, and a bit of cash, she turned local communities and school kids into committed conservationists, struggling NGOs into recognized players on the inter-American scene, and “paper parks” into real protected areas. And in the process she reminded us how rewarding it is to lend a hand when none is expected.
Betty’s connection to the Caribbean was strong. Birders’ Exchange, an initiative she began, provided equipment to ornithologists and conservation projects across the islands. It even had a special Cuba fund initiated by National Book Award-winning author, Phillip Hoose. Chilean-American author, Alvaro Jaramillo, stated that, “Betty was a force of nature… dedicated not only to the conservation of birds, but also in elevating local communities through education as well as helping them have the tools to be able to achieve their goals.”
At a recent gathering of Betty’s friends and family, Lisa Sorenson, our Executive Director, told the audience that she was so grateful for the outpouring of support we have already raised. “Just this month, we received another pledge of $25,000 from anonymous donors who want to inspire others to contribute to the Fund,” she commented. “Now our goal is to raise the remaining $33,000 by November so we can fund innovative projects in the Caribbean that will engage communities while reducing threats to birds and nature.”
Betty’s husband, ornithologist Wayne Petersen, recently said, “I am humbled and appreciative of everyone’s support and know this is exactly what Betty would want us to do to remember her.”
Betty Petersen helped many aspiring conservationists; we honor her legacy with this conservation fund.
Inspiration: Betty Petersen (1943-2013), a lifelong resident of Massachusetts, U.S.A. was, in her own way, a wizard. With nothing more than donated birding equipment, books, and a bit of cash, she turned local communities and school kids into committed conservationists, struggling NGOs into recognized players on the inter-American scene, and “paper parks” into real protected areas. And in the process she reminded us how rewarding it is to lend a hand when none is expected.
The Goal of the Betty Petersen Conservation Fund is to advance the conservation status of birds and habitats in the Caribbean region. The Fund provides competitive grants to groups or individuals to engage and empower communities and stakeholders to protect and benefit sustainably from their birds. The Fund and its grants will be administered by a designated advisory group within BirdsCaribbean.
Eligibility: Applications are invited from conservation organizations, academic programs or government working in the Caribbean. Successful proposals will benefit the conservation of birds and their habitats in the greater Caribbean region, including Bermuda, the Bahamas, and all islands within the Caribbean basin. Innovative projects that engage local communities and decision makers to alleviate threats and/or encourage sustainable use of threatened natural resources will receive priority for funding, as will projects that benefit high priority areas—such as Important Bird Areas or Key Biodiversity Areas—that are under serious threat.
Matching Funds: Applicants are encouraged to provide at least 1:1 matching funds toward the project cost. In-kind match qualifies. Proposals providing a higher match ratio may receive preference.
Application Guidelines
Applicants shall initially provide a pre-proposal in English, French, or Spanish. All require an English language version of the abstract.
Applications need to be emailed as a Microsoft Word document, with “Betty Petersen Conservation Fund Pre-Proposal” in subject line.
The application comprises a cover page, proposal (see guidelines below), and a curriculum vitae for the applicant that includes the names, affiliations, telephone and e-mail address for three individuals who can attest to the applicant’s effectiveness in previous bird conservation work.
A committee appointed by BirdsCaribbean will review the pre-proposals and may invite full proposals from applicants whose projects seem best aligned with the goals and most likely to affect positive change.
The committee may select one or more projects each year for funding.
Awardees are required to submit a report 13 months from the day of the award explaining the results of the project to that point and also an accounting of how funds were used. For single-year projects this will be considered the final report. Multi-year projects must report annually, with continued funding dependent on adequate progress and use of grant funds. In all cases, unexpected challenges as well as progress beyond initial expectations require notation.
Awardees are encouraged to present the results of their work at the biennial International Meeting of BirdsCaribbean and publish in The Journal of Caribbean Ornithology.
Redonda, a massive barren rock before removal invasive rats and goats. Christopher Columbus named the island in 1493 and claimed it for Spain. Redonda was later transferred to the British Crown and around 7,000 tonnes of seabird guano was harvested annually from 1865 to 1914. It is believed that rats were introduced to the island during this period. The mining community was disbanded during World War I, after which the island was uninhabited. In 1967, Redonda became a dependency of Antigua and Barbuda. (photo by Jeremy Holden/ Fauna and Flora International)
A campaign to remove invasive rats and goats from Redonda has yielded spectacular results for the island’s unique and special wildlife.
The bare, prominent rock rising defiantly from the sea, with its steep, brutal cliffs and lunar-looking landscape – this was Redonda – Antigua & Barbuda’s obscure sister. If conservationists had waved a magic wand, the results could hardly have been more spectacular. Within 12 months of starving goats and thousands of ravenous rats being removed from Redonda, this remote Caribbean island has witnessed a miraculous transformation.
Since the ambitious restoration programme was rolled out, in short time, the rock of Redonda has been transfigured from an inhospitable landscape to a greener haven. More importantly, the unique plants and animals native to this isolated, uninhabited outpost of Antigua and Barbuda are making a rapid recovery after being freed from an alien invasion.
The rat eradication and goat removal work was completed by June 2017, and Redonda was officially declared rat free the following year in July 2018. The entire population of black rats (Rattus rattus) was eradicated using Klerat, a bitter, waxy rat bait that has been used successfully to remove rats from dozens of Caribbean islands since the early 1990s. Klerat was readily eaten by Redonda’s rats but ignored by the native reptiles, mammals and birds. The bait was distributed at intervals of not less than 40 metres, even down the high cliffs, to be certain of reaching every rat. The eradication team lived on the island for more than two months to monitor bait uptake and remove rat carcasses.
The goat operation, which took more than six months, brought the healthiest animals back to Antigua alive. All were thin and stunted due to the lack of food on Redonda, but have since gained weight and begun breeding on Antigua.
The Critically Endangered and endemic Redonda Ground Dragon rebounded after removal of Redonda’s rats. (photo by Jeremy Holden/ Fauna and Flora International).
Freed from these invasive animals, this uninhabited outpost’s unique native plants and animals are making a rapid recovery. Numbers of the Redonda Ground Dragon, a rare black lizard found nowhere else on the planet, have doubled in number – just one of the many fantastic beasts that have been pulled back from the brink of extinction by removing the predatory black rats and plant-devouring goats.
It doesn’t stop there. In less than a year, numbers of the equally rare Redonda Tree Lizard have tripled, hundreds of new trees have sprung up, land birds have increased tenfold, and the island’s globally important seabird colonies – including Magnificent Frigatebirds and several booby species – are having their best breeding year on record. The now lush and vibrant island is a stark contrast to what we know Redonda to be. A landing helicopter, instead of whipping up clouds of dust now beat down on the gently yielding blades of grass. The dying sister is yet alive!
Speaking on behalf of the Department of the Environment, Dr Helena Jeffery Brown said: “The Government of Antigua and Barbuda considers the return to life of Redonda as a shining beacon in our collective efforts towards ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation that will bring us another step closer to attaining some of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets 3.”
The project’s coordinator, Shanna Challenger, of the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) and Fauna & Flora International (FFI), added: “This has been the opportunity of a lifetime – witnessing the rebirth of an island. Changes forecasted to happen in five years occurred within months. Our conservation efforts really show the benefits of invasive species removal on Caribbean island ecosystems.”
Blood, Sweat, Toil and Teamwork
The survival of Masked Booby chicks will no longer by threatened by invasive alien species. Redonda has regionally and globally significant colonies of seabirds, including Brown Boobies, Masked Boobies, Red‐footed Boobies, Magnificent Frigatebirds and Red-billed Tropicbirds. It was internationally recognised as an Important Bird Area in 2009. (photo by Salina Janzan/ Fauna and Flora International)
In conservation, successful outcomes can take years if not decades to materialise, yet spectacular results on Redonda appear remarkably swift. The reality, of course, is that this ‘overnight’ transformation was a long time in the making with months of blood, sweat, toil and – above all – teamwork to catch dozens of nimble goats and remove over 6,000 rats from every inch of Redonda’s rugged terrain. This island makeover involved meticulous planning, ingenuity, and edge-of-the-seat manoeuvres that included abseiling down sheer cliff faces to lay down rat bait and – thanks to the skilled pilots of Caribbean Helicopters Ltd (CHL) – landing equipment in very tight spots.
New Zealand-based Wildlife Management International Limited led the rat eradication team: “We have over 30 years of experience in clearing invasive species from islands,” said ecologist Elizabeth (Biz) Bell, “but having a ground team, rope access team and helicopter team using a combination of bait stations and scattering by hand to successfully target all of the rats makes the Redonda project unique.”
The British Mountaineering Council played a vital role in ensuring that even the steepest cliffs could be reached to lay bait to get to every single rat. Skilled as they were, the volcanic cliffs of Redonda presented an extremely challenging environment for the climbers to operate in.
The safe removal of the malnourished herd of rare-breed feral goats presented an altogether different challenge. The goats were skilled climbers too! Capturing and safely relocating them took much patience and well-thought out plans.
What’s Next for Redonda?
Flowering Prickly Pear Cactus on Redonda. (photo by Salina Janzan/ Fauna and Flora International)
The long list of organisations that cooperated in this mission reflects the complex challenges that had to be overcome. The government of Antigua and Barbuda along with the Environmental Awareness Group and Fauna & FIora International joined forces with leading technical specialists from the UK, USA and New Zealand.
Thanks to their collaborative efforts, Redonda has been rat free for a year, while the feral goats have been rehoused and are being cared for by the government’s Veterinary and Livestock Division on Antigua. Equipment has been installed and protocols have been implemented to prevent future invasions.
Redonda harbours unique species that occur nowhere else in the world and globally important colonies of seabirds. Many argue that Redonda’s unique and special wildlife, coupled with the historical remains of one of the region’s largest guano mines, warrants greater protection for the island. They’re not the only ones. A recent nationwide survey revealed that over 96% of Antiguans and Barbudans agree the island should be protected.
Preparations for designating Redonda and the surrounding sea as a reserve are now under way, led by the Redonda Steering Committee, chaired by the Department of Environment. Commented Dr. Robin Moore from US-based Global Wildlife Conservation, which has supported this project and is now helping with planning for the protected area, “It’s incredible to see this radical and rapid transformation of Redonda from a bare rock to a carpet of vegetation. As plants and animals continue to rebound, this could truly be a showcase sanctuary for wildlife.”
Funding for the Redonda Restoration Programme has been provided by the Darwin Initiative, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service – Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, and Global Wildlife Conservation.
By Natalya Lawrence (Environmental Awareness Group & BirdsCaribbean) and Tim Knight (Flora and Fauna International). For more information about the project, visit the Redonda Restoration Programme on Facebook. Hover over each photo in the gallery below to see the caption or click on a photo to see a larger photo and a slide show.
Before – Project camp on Redonda, February 2017 (Jenny Daltry/ Fauna and Flora International)
Isabel Vique and Shanna Challenger with one of the new trees in March 2018, 6 months after invasives were removed. (Jenny Daltry/ Fauna and Flora International)
Helicopter landing on a now green Redonda, October 2017, six months after removing rats and goats.
The rare endemic Redonda Tree Lizards have tripled in numbers. (Shanna Challenger)
Redonda transformed from bare rock to a carpet of vegetation within a few months after removal of invasives in October 2017. (Greg Scott Caribbean Helicopters).
Barren landscape on Redonda before invasive rats and goats were removed. (Elizabeth Bell)
American Kestrels are among a dozen birds to have recolonised Redonda in the past 12 months. (Jenny Daltry/ Fauna and Flora International)
Herbs, grasses and young trees on Redonda in March 2018. It’s hoped that the transformation of Redonda can be used as a global example of how a bare rock came to be a valuable and productive wildlife sanctuary. (Jenny Daltry/ Fauna and Flora International)
Vegetation returned to Redonda within months after removal of invasive rats and goats. (Shanna Challenger)
Redonda vegetation changes, including regrowth of ficus. (Elizabeth Bell/ Wildlife Management International)
Redonda rapidly becoming greener after invasive goats and rats were removed. (Elizabeth Bell/ Wildlife Management International)
Helicopter landing on Redonda before invasives were removed. (Jenny Daltry/ Fauna and Flora International)
Flowering Prickly Pear Cactus on Redonda. (photo by Salina Janzan/ Fauna and Flora International)
Magnificent Frigatebirds nesting on Ficus Tree – Salina Janzan/ Fauna and Flora International)
Magnificent Frigatebird soaring over Redonda – Jeremy Holden/ Fauna and Flora International)
Piping Plover “AP” spotted on Cayo Coco Beach in Cuba, March 2018. It was banded in New Brunswick, Canada in 2017. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
“Almost daily, we learn more about what astonishing creatures shorebirds are, but at the same time how their populations are disappearing,” said Dr. Charles Duncan, Former Director of the Shorebird Recovery Project and BirdsCaribbean Director-at-Large . “World Shorebirds Day celebrates their wonder and brings attention to their plights. And in that celebration, we are reminded of our connectedness to one another and all life on this good green planet.”
World Shorebirds Day logo featuring a Ruddy Turnstone.
World Shorebirds Day 2018 – Thursday, September 6 – is about more than raising awareness of these beautiful, sometimes elusive birds. Sadly, we also need to recognize that around half of our shorebird species are in decline globally. Critical habitat is shrinking – in particular the stopover sites where the migratory birds take a pause, or spend the winter. These include the remarkable Cargill Salt Ponds in Bonaire, recently designated as a Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) site of Regional Importance, Cabo Rojo Salt Flats in Puerto Rico, the first WHSRN site in the region, and many more.
World Shorebirds Day is an opportunity to learn more about the birds and their lifecycles. Moreover, citizen scientists can take action and participate in the Global Shorebird Count. You never know what unusual birds may appear in your binocular lens! Last year, a female Common Eider showed up in Bermuda. This year, a BirdsCaribbean birding tour in Cuba came across a leucistic Willet in the Zapata Swamp in March, as well as a banded Piping Plover, spending the winter in the Cayo Coco Cays on the north coast.
Note the leucistic (nearly white) Willet in the middle of a flock of Willets and Short-billed Dowitchers in Las Salinas, Zapata Swamp, Cuba. (photo by Ernesto Reyes)
Caribbean birders can register their chosen birding site via Google Maps hereand then do their shorebird count on the weekend of September 5-11, 2018, submitting findings on eBird Caribbean. If you’re new to eBird, check out this Quick Start guide. Note that shorebirds are a type of waterbird and any counts you do at wetlands, mangroves, mud flats, coastal areas or beaches count as Caribbean Waterbird Census counts. To increase the value of your count to science, be sure to count ALL birds at your site, including seabirds, herons and egrets, land birds, etc. This year, Bermuda Audubon Society will participate in the count by exploring Spittal Pond on September 8th.
To make your submitted data visible to World Shorebirds Day, please be sure to share your checklist with worldshorebirdsday eBird username of World Shorebirds Day (WorldShorebirdsDay) or add shorebirdsday@gmail.com email address, to your contact list, and share all your related checklists with us (only checklists made during the World Shorebirds Day count period between 1–7 September 2017 are eligible). Guidelines for sharing checklists are here.
Participate in the International Shorebird Survey (ISS)!
Some of our birds are already on the move. BirdsCaribbean invites all shorebird lovers to schedule some extra counts during the migration season (August to October and March to May) by volunteering for the International Shorebird Survey, a year-round initiative organized by Manomet since 1974. On eBird Caribbean simply do a Caribbean Waterbird Census entry, choosing the “CWC Point Count” or “CWC Area Search” on Step 2 of “Submit observations” in eBird Caribbean. After uploading, share the checklist with username “ISSData.”
Depending on the timing of migration, you may see a lot of birds or just a few at your site(s). Don’t be disappointed if you only see just one. Remember that very effort counts and adds to our knowledge of shorebirds and waterbirds and their habitat needs in the Caribbean!
Good luck and we look forward to hearing about your findings and seeing your photos! Please share on our BirdsCaribbean Facebook page.
Banded Birds
Be sure to be on the lookout for banded birds! Especially Piping Plovers, Red Knots, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Ruddy Turnstones, and Sanderlings. You may report your sightings to BandedBirds.org and the USGS Bird Banding Lab which oversee all banding in the United States.
Handout from the US Fish and Wildlife Service that provides information about Piping Plover banding locations and how to read and record the flags for reporting.
It is unclear how many nuthatches may be left. Observations of two birds together and other single birds (including a juvenile) scattered across miles of forest indicate that five or more birds could survive.
The Bahama Nuthatch is an Endangered species, only known from native pine forest on Grand Bahama Island, which lies approximately 100 miles off Palm Beach, Florida. Closely related to the Brown-headed Nuthatch of the southeastern United States, the Bahama Nuthatch is considered by some authorities to be a distinct species (Sitta insularis) while others regard it as a subspecies (Sitta pusilla insularis) of the Brown-headed Nuthatch (Sitta pusilla).
Locations of Brown-headed (Bahama) Nuthatch sightings on Grand Bahama in ebird. Most sightings are in the Lucaya Estates Pine Forest. The sighting in Freeport is at the Rand Nature Center in November 1978.
Common on Grand Bahama in the 1960s, the species declined drastically. Extensive population surveys in the mid-2000s by Hayes et al (2004) and Lloyd and Slater (2009) confirmed that the birds had become very rare; it was estimated that 1,000 to 2,000 individuals remained, all within the “Lucaya Estates” area. It had not been seen since Hurricane Matthew hit Grand Bahama in October 2016.
Two search teams worked in coordination with Bahamas National Trust (BNT) to rediscover the bird during the breeding season, starting in April of this year. One team was led by Zeko McKenzie and his students at the University of The Bahamas-North, supported by American Bird Conservancy, and another by University of East Anglia (UEA) masters students Matthew Gardner and David Pereira, in conjunction with BirdLife International.
Both teams first observed nuthatches in May 2018, documenting their observations with photographs. McKenzie’s team observed five birds in all, starting with a sighting of two individual Bahama Nuthatches together on May 1. The next sighting was on May 23, over a mile from the first observation, and included a juvenile bird accompanying a Bahama Warbler. The juvenile was distinguished from adults by the lack of distinctive brown plumage on the crown of the bird’s head. A video recording of this juvenile Bahama Nuthatch by McKenzie was the earliest documentation of the species’ continued survival in 2018, and was followed by additional photographs of adult birds by both research teams later in May and in subsequent months.
The Bahama Nuthatch exhibits several highly unusual and endearing behaviors: It is one of the very few bird species that conducts co-operative breeding, in which young males assist with nest construction, nest sanitation as well as feeding of the female sitting on the eggs, nestlings and fledglings. It is also one of the few birds known to utilize a tool. On occasion, it uses a bark chip, held in its bill, to pry off bark portions during foraging for insects and grub. (photo by Carrol Henderson)
Dr. Diana Bell, from UEA’s School of Biological Sciences, said, “The Bahama Nuthatch is a critically endangered species, threatened by habitat destruction and degradation, invasive species, tourist developments, fires and hurricane damage.”
Regarding the moment when he saw the Bahama Nuthatch, Matthew Gardner recalled, “We had been scouring the forest for about six weeks, and had almost lost hope. At that point we’d walked about 400km (250 miles). Then, I suddenly heard its distinctive call and saw the unmistakable shape of a nuthatch descending towards me. I shouted with joy, I was ecstatic!”
“The photographs clearly show this distinctive species and cannot be anything else,” said Michael Parr, President of American Bird Conservancy. “Fortunately this is not a hard bird to identify, but it was certainly a hard bird to find.”
Parr continued, “Despite the critical situation for this species, other birds—such as the New Zealand Black Robin—have recovered from tiny populations. We are optimistic that conservation can also save the Bahama Nuthatch.”
All of the Bahama Nuthatches was observed within the Lucaya Estates, an area previously logged during the mid-1900s and since developed with many miles of roads for residential development.
Bahama Nuthatch photographed in July 2018. (photo by Erika Gates)
A last sighting and photographs of a pair of Bahama Nuthatches was made by Erika Gates, well-known Grand Bahama birder and guide and BirdsCaribbean Director, on June 28, 2016, prior to Hurricane Matthew on October 6, 2016. She is elated at the recent sightings of the bird. “This will hopefully generate sufficient excitement in the scientific community to begin aggressive research and map a much needed conservation strategy,” she commented.
Bahamian researcher Zeko McKenzie said, “Although the Bahama Nuthatch has declined precipitously, we are encouraged by the engagement of conservation scientists who are now looking for ways to save the species.” Zero had previously set up nest boxes for the Bahama Nuthatch, but they were not used.
“The Bahamas National Trust feels that research on endangered species, such as the Bahama Nuthatch, is really important,” said Shelley Cant-Woodside, Director of Science and Policy of the Bahamas National Trust, “especially in the face of a changing climate.”
“These recent observations confirm that the Bahama Nuthatch is not extinct; it is critical that we raise awareness about the precarious status of this unique species and do all we can to make sure it survives,” declared Lisa Sorenson, Executive Director, BirdsCaribbean.
Participants at BirdsCaribbean’s 18th International Conference in Grand Bahama in July 2011 were fortunate to observe this rare species on one of the mid-conference field trips to the pine forest. (photo by Erika Gates)
Colorful and friendly, the Cuban Tody is one of Cuba’s most beloved endemic birds. (photo by Aslam Ibrahim)
Join BirdsCaribbean, the Caribbean Birding Trail and acclaimed Cuban bird guide, Ernesto Reyes Mouriño, on the adventure of a lifetime in January or March of 2019.
Cuba is well-known for its amazing landscapes, vibrant culture and unique biodiversity. According to the new Endemic Birds of Cuba: A Comprehensive Field Guide, 371 birds have been recorded in Cuba, including 26 which are endemic to the island and 30 which are considered globally threatened. Due to its large land area and geographical position within the Caribbean, Cuba is also extraordinarily important for Neotropical migratory birds—more than 180 species pass through during migration or spend the winter on the island.
Our itinerary takes you to several of the best and most beautiful birding locations in Cuba, providing opportunities to see many of Cuba’s endemic species and subspecies as well as many migrants. Along the way, we will meet people in local communities, stay mainly in Bed & Breakfast establishments (casas particulares) and eat in private restaurants (paladars), allowing you to experience Cuba’s rich culture, delicious food, friendly people, and generous hospitality. We will also have the opportunity to meet and have discussions with local ornithologists and conservationists that have been working with BirdsCaribbean for many years.
BirdsCaribbean is offering two tours in 2019: an 8-day trip in January and a 12-day trip in March. Find detailed itineraries for both trips below. Traveling with us helps Caribbean birds as a portion of the proceeds from the trip supports our bird conservation programs and partners in Cuba and the Caribbean. See some of the world’s most beautiful and memorable birds, knowing you are helping ensure their welfare by supporting the people who study and protect them. Read testimonials and see photos from past trips in the gallery below.
Our 2019 tours are now full, but do email us to get on the waiting list or to be the first on the list for our 2020 trips.
Send an email to Lisa.Sorenson@BirdsCaribbean.org
Check out the report and photos from our January 2016 trip here and from our July 2017 trip to Havana and Zapata Swamp here. See testimonials and photos from past trips below. Purchase the new Endemic Birds of Cuba Field Guide here.
NOTE: The recent policy changes in the Cuban Assets Control Regulations do not affect BirdsCaribbean’s birding trips or the requirements of US citizens traveling with us. Their birding trips consist of group travel under the general license that authorizes travel transactions that support the Cuban people (also known as the people-to-people general license.) The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) requires that (1) all people-to-people travel be conducted under the auspices of an organization that is subject to U.S. jurisdiction and that sponsors such exchanges to promote people-to-people contact (BirdsCaribbean), and (2) such travelers be accompanied by a person subject to U.S. jurisdiction who is a representative of the sponsoring organization (the BirdsCaribbean trip leaders). While you are on the trip, BirdsCaribbean will ensure that you have a full-time schedule of activities that engage private citizens (e.g., local guides, Cuban biologists, private business owners), and avoid transactions with the State Department’s List of Restricted Entities and Subentities Associated with Cuba (“the Cuba Restricted List”).
Short-billed Dowitchers and Willets look a lot alike! (photos by Peter Hawrylyshyn, Macaulay Library ML82816481 & David Raynor).
I recently attended BirdsCaribbean’s week-long Caribbean Birding Trail Interpretive Guide Training Workshop on Union Island in St. Vincent & the Grenadines. I learned many things, including bird identification, guiding techniques and the importance of conveying a message on your tour. One of the highlights of the training for me, however, was learning to identify shorebirds.
Most shorebirds have long, skinny legs and long bills, allowing them to wade and feed on insects and other food in the shallow water and mud. Their long, pointed wings help them to fly quickly over long distances—many migrate each year from the Arctic to South America and the Caribbean. As an amateur birder, I am fascinated by the variety, similarities and subtle differences that exist between shorebirds.
During the training, we had the opportunity to visit Ashton Lagoon, Belmont Salt Pond and Richmond Bay on Union island, as well as the Salt Pond on the island of Mayreau. We observed a large variety of birds including plovers, turnstones, sandpipers, dowitchers, yellowlegs and Whimbrel and American Oystercatcher. The Willet, which belongs to the sandpiper family, and the Short Billed-Dowitcher initially posed the largest challenge for me to tell apart.
At first glance through my binoculars, I recognized the Willet as large and stocky with long legs and a thick, straight bill. The Short-billed Dowitcher bears a striking resemblance but is speckled which gives the appearance of nutmeg sprinkled along its back. The Short-billed Dowitcher also has a distinctive football-shaped tummy. Time and again, I had trouble with the ID. Once the Willet took flight, however, the black and white stripe along its wings became easily discernible and all confusion vanished from my mind!
Short-billed Dowitchers (above) and Willets (below) (photos by Jeff Gerbracht & Lisa Sorenson). Short-billed Dowitchers can be distinguished from Willets by their longer bill, which is yellowish at the base, white eyebrow stripe, “buffalo” hump when their head is down, yellowish-green legs, barring on flanks, and distinctive feeding method of probing up and down in the mud like a sewing machine.
The facilitators were very knowledge, insightful, and patient with the participants. They were willing to share and there were many opportunities to ask questions during coaching sessions in the field, as well as birding quizzes in the classroom. They motivated us by explaining that it was normal to make identification errors in the early stages of birding. They then highlighted subtle tricks that can be used to distinguish similar species such as the call, the way the bird moves, size and shape of the bill, and color patterns in the plumage.
As one of the leading nature-based personalized tour operators on the Island of Carriacou, I found immense value in this training workshop. My certification as a Caribbean Birding Trail Interpretive Guide provides me with a unique selling point and will significantly improve my ability to provide my guests with biologically and ecologically sound information on the birds we encounter.
Despite my significant improvement in shorebird identification, my biggest “take home” is the fact that I am a novice birder – and that I should not be afraid to tell a client that I cannot identify a bird we may encounter. I may be accompanying a very accomplished bird watcher, who would be able to identify the species and provide me the opportunity to learn from their experience. We can learn so much from each other—I am looking forward to this!
The Willet has a unique black and white pattern on its wings, which shows in flight and clinches ID of this species (photo by Andrew Dobson). The Short-billed Dowitcher has a white rump stripe extending part way up the back (no white on wings).
By Allison Caton. Allison is the Managing Director of Isle of Reef Tours in Carriacou, Grenada. She has worked as a guide for 4 years. Allison was one of 24 participants in BirdsCaribbean’s Caribbean Birding Trail Guide Training Workshop, held in Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, May 27 to June 1, 2018. The workshop was hosted and organized locally by Sustainable Grenadines Inc. Workshop topics were related to building a sustainable tourism market focused on birds, nature, and heritage, including bird identification and guiding, environmental interpretation, and marketing. With the training she has received, Allison is excited to start offering bird watching tours to her customers.
Editor’s Note
Allison Caton studies her bird ID cards to figure out a bird, along with fellow workshop participant Bryan Prince (left). Instructor and professional guide Beny Wilson (right) provides guidance. (photo by Aly DeGraff Ollivierre)
We thank Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) for sponsoring Allison’s participation in the workshop. EPIC notes the need for bird guides in the Grenadines: “The remote islands of the Grenadines archipelago are home to thousands of breeding seabirds, with some islands classified are regional or global Important Bird Areas. Unfortunately, these nesting sites suffer from poaching, introduced predators, and other threats. That’s where the Grenadines Volunteer Patrol comes in. This group of fishers, tour guides, and concerned citizens conducts seabird surveys to monitor populations and advocates on behalf of these crucial nesting areas.
One repeated request we receive from trainees during our workshops is to learn how to be a bird guide. This year EPIC was able to sponsor Volunteer Patrol members to attend a 5-day Caribbean Birding Trail Interpretive Guide Training Program hosted by Sustainable Grenadines and BirdsCaribbean. Participant Allison Caton noted that “the facilitators were top notch and the information was delivered in a serious, yet fun way.” She and others can now integrate this crucial knowledge, whether they currently run tours or plan to start a new business. Either way, it’s a win-win for the birds and the people who benefit financially from bird conservation.”
A big thank you to all of the sponsors of this workshop for their funding and/or in-kind donations:
Allison Caton receives her certificate of completion for the Caribbean Birding Trail Interpretive Guide Training Workshop in Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. (photo by Aly DeGraff Ollivierre)
Marshall Reynolds Foundation
KfW German Development Bank through Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC)
US Forest Service, International Programs
Optics for the Tropics
Palm Island Resort
Ministry of Climate Resilience, the Environment, Forestry, Fisheries, Disaster Management and Information
Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC)
Ridge to Reef Project Grenada
Carefree Birding
Private donors
Kings Landing Hotel
CBT Workshop Participants birding at Belmont Salt Pond, Union Island (good shorebird habitat, especially when a bit wetter!).
To read more about this workshop, check out entertaining blog posts by 2 other participants: Natalya Lawrence and Lloyd Joseph. See more photos in an album on our Flickr page.
Haitian students plant trees to help local birds. (Photo by Société Écologique d’Haïti)
“We’re so excited to have an event in Haiti this year!”
Ingrid Flores is delighted to add a new country to her map of events. She is the coordinator of the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF), organized every year by BirdsCaribbean. Partners across the region host events as part of the festival each spring. Its focus is on the types of birds that are unique to each island, or to the Caribbean itself. This year, events took place in at least 16 islands and involved over 2,000 people. Activities take place between April 22 (Earth Day) and International Biodiversity Day (May 22). This year, celebrations took place in at least 16 territories and involved more than 2,000 participants. Events ranged from lectures to bird walks, arts and crafts, tree plantings, exhibitions, and more.
For the first time, partners in Haiti joined the celebrations. The Société Écologique d’Haïti saw the CEBF as “the perfect opportunity” to boost nature education in Haitian schools. 290 students in Forêt des Pins and Les Cayes learned how hunting and caging birds is harmful. They also enjoyed planting trees and learning how trees help birds and people.
Ready to enjoy and help the birds in Puerto Rico!!! Activity by Fundación Ecológica Educativa, Inc.
In neighboring Dominican Republic, The Peregrine Fund led activities in five places during Ridgway’s Hawk Week. This beautiful hawk lives only on the island of Hispaniola. Listed as “Critically Endangered,” its numbers are falling. Over 300 schoolchildren and residents went on bird walks. They were thrilled to see a live hawk at one event.
On Jamaica’s south coast, the Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation visited children from toddlers to age 11 years at four local schools. At one school, teachers hung bird art made by the children from classroom ceilings. To the east, 50 members of BirdLife Jamaica visited the Source Farm Foundation and Ecovillage. They joined residents for guided bird walks in the nearby hills.
On the island of St. Martin/Sint Maarten, groups worked to restore wild spaces. The island still shows damage from Hurricane Irma. Les Fruits de Mer launched a new nursery to provide native tree seedlings at their Endemic Animal Festival. Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) hosted visits to the Little Bay Pond bird watching hut, which was rebuilt by with hurricane relief funds raised by BirdsCaribbean.
A glamorous “Barbuda Warbler” (Shanna Challenger) and youth pose for a pic at the CEBF Bird Fair in Antigua.
Many BirdsCaribbean partners in Puerto Rico were busy in 16 locations, including schools. Here they spread the word about endemic birds. Students at a science high school in San Juan were full of questions. They expressed a wish to conduct their own bird counts next year.
In Antigua, the Environmental Awareness Group, Dept. of Environment and Ministry of Education hosted a Bird Fair for 3 primary schools. Shanna Challenger, dressed as a colorful Barbuda Warbler, shared information with the students about the country’s only endemic bird. Through arts and crafts, birding, and other fun activities, the students also learned why birds are important in our environment. “The students were really into it!” commented organizer Natalya Lawrence.
Some endemic birds are iconic on particular islands. One of these is the splendid Guadeloupe Woodpecker, the island’s only endemic bird. It was among many other birds spotted during a CEBF bird walk in Guadeloupe – the location of BirdsCaribbean’s 22ndInternational Conference in July, 2019.
“As many islands still recover from hurricane damage, we were excited to share local birds and nature with people,” said Lisa Sorenson, Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean. “For the 17th year, the festival has reached thousands of people across the Caribbean.”
Hover over each photo to see the caption; click on photos to see larger images and a slide show.
Gorgeous Ruddy Quail Dove on the Caribbean Endemica Bird Festival promotional poster in Guadeloupe. (Photo by Franz Delcroix.)
Bird walk in Guadeloupe for the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival
Adrianne Tossas giving a talk on Puerto Rico’s endemic birds at a girls Science Summer Camp.
Getting ready for a bird walk and survey at a girls Science Summer camp in Puerto Rico.
Introduction to bird watching in Haiti with Societe Ecologique d’Haiti.
Students in Haiti celebrate CEBF
Birding in St. Martin/ Sint Maarten with Binkie van Es.
The Wildlife Art Station was busy Les Fruit de Mer’s Endemic Animal Festival in St. Martin.
Boy Scouts in Puerto Rico learn all about Puerto Rico’s endemics birds.
Celebration of CEBF at Turabo University.
Arts and crafts for one of the bird festival events in Puerto Rico by Fundación Ecológica Educativa, Inc.
A fun celebration of CEBF in Puerto Rico with Fundación Ecológica Educativa, Inc.
A student compares her size to the size of various birds at an event in Puerto Rico with Fundación Ecológica Educativa, Inc. (Photo by Ingrid Flores)
Eliezer Nieves-Rodriguez and the San Juan Bay Estuary Program celebrating GLOBAL BIG DAY in the Piñones State Forest (Puerto Rico) as part of their CEBF.
Sharing information on the fascinating and beautiful endemic birds of Puerto Rico at the Ecoexploratorio (Science Museum).
Birding field trip at Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (JOBANERR), Puerto Rico
Youth in Cuba enjoyed learning about endemic birds
Ridgway’s Hawk art activity in the Dominican Republic, organized by the Peregrine Fund and local partners.
Ridgeway’s Hawk Week in the Dominican Republic was a fantastic opportunity to learn about this critically endangered bird.
Birding from the observation tower for Ridgeway’s Hawk Week CEBF Celebration.
Birding Group poses for Global Big Day and CEBF 2018 in Ponce, Puerto Rico.
Youth spotting birds for Global Big Day, Puerto Rico.
Display at CEBF celebration in Trinidad organized by Lester Doodnath.
Learning how to use binoculars at the CEBF Bird Fair in Antigua.
Students participating in the CEBF Bird Fair in Antigua.
Learning how to set up a bird feeder at Roseau Primary School in Dominica (bird feeder donated by BirdsCaribbean).
Barbuda Warbler Shanna Challenger leads a flock of students for a short flight at the CEBF Bird Fair in Antigua.
A student shows off her bird art at the CEBF Bird Fair in Antigua.
Learning about Caribbean endemic birds and why birds matter at the CEBF Bird Fair in Antigua.
Junior Prosper shows youth in Antigua how to use a spotting scope
Students from St. Martin Primary School in Dominica planted native plants for CEBF 2018.
Youth birding in Dominica for CEBF 2018.
BirdLife Jamaica members and guests take a bird walk at Source Farm. (Photo by Source Farm)
Sociedad Ornitologica Puerto Rico shares information about birds for CEBF 2018.
High school students in the Dominican Republic planting Hamelia patens shrub a native plant good for birds, organized by Simón Guerrero.
Birding activity with special education group in Puerto Rico by Yogani Govender
Youth learn about birds in Jamaica at C-CAM’s headquarters in Jamaica.
Young students celebrate CEBF in Jamaica with C-CAM (Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation)
At Earth Day and the CEBF 2018 start date, Asociación Puertorriqueña de Interpretación y Educación, Inc. (APIE) celebrated our endemic birds as part of their Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival. This activity was carried out with the co-host of the U.S. Forest Service and BIRDING PUERTO RICO.
CEBF Educational display @ Portalito HUB: Palmer of The U.S. Forest Service – El Yunque National Forest. (photo by Ingrid Flores)
Presentations on Puerto Rico’s endemic birds at Josefina Marrero Febus Elementary School. (photo by Glenda Lozada)
CEBF activity in PR at Centro Criollo de Ciencias y Tecnología del Caribe (C3Tec)
Endemic birds of PR poster – Centro Criollo de Ciencias y Tecnología del Caribe (C3Tec)
Presentation to children CEBF celebration Puerto Rico: Centro Criollo de Ciencias y Tecnología del Caribe (C3Tec)
Recording data for a habitat assessment activity in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Urban Green Lab. (photo by Laura Hidalgo)
Learning about endemic birds of Puerto Rico, Urban Green Lab activity (photo by Laura Hidalgo).
Materials to learn about the endemic birds of Puerto Rico, Urban Green Lab activity (photo by Laura Hidalgo).
Learning about endemic birds in Puerto Rico with Laura Fidalgo, Urban Green Lab
Enjoying Cuban endemic bird art for CEBF 2018 in Cuba.
An Inventory of Breeding Seabirds of the Caribbean. Hardcover book edited by Patricia Bradley and Robert Norton, is recommended for anyone with an interest in Caribbean seabird ecology, conservation and management.
The most recent, comprehensive look at Caribbean breeding seabirds is now available at an extremely reduced cost!
This island-by-island inventory of Caribbean seabirds includes colony locations and estimates of the numbers of breeding pairs, the severe threats that seabirds face, and proposals for research and conservation measures.
In the past two decades, global populations of seabirds have declined faster than any other group of birds, yet few conservation resources are expended to counteract this trend, especially among tropical seabirds. This volume includes twenty-five national accounts, written by professional and amateur ornithologists, and illustrated by maps specially prepared by William Mackin and The Nature Conservancy. This inventory brings together the best and most complete set of data on breeding seabirds that nest on the islands throughout the Caribbean, making it invaluable for anyone interested in sustaining seabird populations.
“Represents a major undertaking that is indeed original, significant, and an important contribution toward better understanding and ultimately conserving this extraordinary resource”. – Herbert A. Raffaele, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
“The Caribbean is biologically rich and varied. This book on seabirds ably demonstrates that the Caribbean is much more than just a holiday destination of sun, sea, and sand. I highly recommend it.” – John Chardine, Canadian Wildlife Service”
Originally distributed by University Press of Florida (for US$75), this book is now out of print. BirdsCaribbean has purchased remaining inventory, and is making this valuable book available for US$24.95 (members), $US29.95 (non-members) plus shipping ($4.00 US, $35.00 International).
Patricia E. Bradley, author of Birds of the Cayman Islands, The British Ornithologists’ Union Checklist and contributor to Birdlife’s Caribbean Important Birds Areas, is involved in bird conservation in the Cayman Islands.
Robert L. Norton, a contributor to Ecology and Conservation of Neotropical Migrant Landbirds, and The Birds of North America No. 649, has written about and studied seabirds in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands for the past 35 years.
The beautiful Bahama Parrot, one of three subspecies of the Cuban Parrot .(photo by Lynn Gape)
Scott Johnson shares with us his recent experience conducting surveys of Bahama Parrots in the wilds of Great Abaco with Dr. Frank Rivera-Milan— read on to find out more about the challenges these birds face and the results of their work.
The chilly 52 degree breeze stung my face as I headed to our champagne coloured SUV. As the vehicle started and warmed up, I waited patiently for Frank to leave our residence and jump into the jeep. We were staying at the Research Center of Friends of the Environment, a non-governmental organization in Marsh Harbour on the island of Great Abaco, The Bahamas. Once Frank got settled in the vehicle, we began our hour-long drive south to the home of the Bahama Parrots.
The Bahamas National Trust (BNT) is a non-governmental organization that manages the national park system of The Bahamas. It currently protects over 2 million acres of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in its 32 national parks across the Bahamian Archipelago. Great Abaco is the second largest island in The Bahamas, with no less than six national parks. Abaco National Park is the southernmost, consisting of a 22,500 acre terrestrial park and including the habitat of the second largest population of Bahama Parrots.
The Bahama Parrot, which is currently listed as a sub-species of the Cuban Parrot, has three populations on three islands in The Bahamas: Great Abaco, Great Inagua and New Providence. Population monitoring and assessments are important for the management and conservation of these charismatic birds.
Irma’s Impact
Classic pine forest habitat in Abaco—prime habitat for the Bahama Parrot.(photo by Frank Rivera)
In the destructive fall of 2017, Hurricane Irma passed over the southern Bahamas. devastating the Ragged Island chain. Irma also severely impacted the island of Great Inagua, home of the largest population of Bahama Parrots. After Irma had passed, there was great concern for both the parrot and the American Flamingo populations. How were they doing, and how had they been affected? The BNT decided to conduct post-hurricane assessments. Based on information from BNT park wardens on Great Inagua, most of the flamingos flew to other islands prior to the storm. The status of the parrots remained unknown. Because of logistical challenges, the BNT had to postpone the Bahama Parrot surveys on Great Inagua to late summer. They were anxious, however, to determine the status of the Great Abaco parrots, last surveyed in 2016. The BNT enlisted the help of population ecologist Frank Rivera-Milán, who helped me with the search for these lively birds. With financial support from Birds Caribbean and BNT, we travelled to Abaco on March 23rdand spent 10 days surveying the parrot population in the central and southern parts of the island.
Parrots Disturbing the Peace
The dynamic duo in the field – Dr. Frank Rivera-Milan (aka “Crazy Frank”) and Scott Johnson. (photo by Scott Johnson)
As we approached Abaco National Park, the cool, calm morning was interrupted by the vociferous squawking of dozens of parrots conversing with each other in the pine trees. I was super excited to see them, particularly because I had never seen Bahama Parrots on Abaco, let alone in the pinelands. As my mind began drift away from reality due to the sheer joy of hearing the birds, the survey point was just 200 meters away.
We stopped and parked the car at the point. We quickly got out, binoculars, range finders, and datasheets in hand (and around our necks) and listened and observed attentively. We were conducting point count surveys. Once a parrot was seen or heard, the information (such as the number of birds heard and seen, the distance from the point, food availability and habitat type) was recorded in our datasheet. We counted parrots at each point for 6 minutes.
Parrots – in Holes?
As we were continued counting, a pair of parrots flew into our survey area. “This pair is looking for a nest site,” Frank said. “The female is on the ground inspecting holes and the male keeps watch.” We watched as the female disappeared in the scrubby understory vegetation as the male remained perched on a pine branch just a few feet above her. Bahama Parrots are devoted couples; they tend to mate for life.
There is something very special about the Bahama Parrots on Abaco. They are the only parrots that habitually nest in solution holes underground – that is, holes or crevices created by rainwater dissolving limestone rock. This is an adaptation to the fire-dependent pineland ecosystem. In their holes, the birds can avoid the heat. No other New World parrot engages in such behaviour. Bahama Parrots feed on a variety of plants, such as West Indian Mahogany, Lignum Vitae, Cinnecord, White Torch, Gum-elemi aka Gumbo Limbo, and False-Mastic.
Dangers Lurk
Fire is one of several threats that Bahama Parrots face; too many fires (often set by humans) in the pine forest damage the habitat for parrots and other wildlife. (photo by Frank Rivera)
As we were driving to a survey point, we saw some rustling in the vegetation on the side of the road. It was a feral cat. These creatures are the biggest threats to parrots. Hurricanes are seasonal and of course, do not always hit Abaco. Cats present a different kind of danger – an everyday threat. They kill both chicks and incubating females. During the survey, we saw seven cats – three in areas where Bahama Parrots were known to nest. These cats gone wild have been a major conservation problem for the Bahama Parrot on Abaco. However, BNT Park Warden Marcus Davis and colleagues have been making tremendous efforts to remove this invasive species from the park. As a result, the numbers of parrots have increased from an estimated average of about 5,100 in 2008 to about 8,800 in 2016 – an impressive gain of nearly 60% .
Another regular threat is fire. One morning, as we were driving south to our study site, we noticed smoke in the distance, near the area where we had survey points. As we continued driving, the smoke increased and we saw fire in the pinelands and near the road. This fire had just been lit that morning. People often light fires to clear the understory so that they can hunt wild hogs, another invasive animal found in the pinelands.
Although fire plays its part in rejuvenating the pinelands, too many fires can cause great harm to the pine forest ecosystem. Frequent blazes can kill young pine trees and change the composition of the understory vegetation. Often, after pine fires, invasive bracken ferns move into the newly vacant space, blanketing the entire area. These invasive plants can quickly turn a once diverse understory, teeming with fruit-bearing shrubs that the parrots love, into a monoculture of ferns. Bahama Parrots will avoid these fern-dominated areas, which means that there is less suitable breeding and foraging habitat for them. For the Bahama Parrots, this is not good news.
A Healthy Population
Bahama Parrot feeding in a favorite tree – the Gumbo Limbo tree. (photo by Frank Rivera)
One evening, as we were driving along an old logging road in the pinelands, a flock of parrots flew into view and settled in the canopy of pine trees. Being the “somewhat” impulsive person that I am, I quickly jumped out of the vehicle and ran to the location where I saw the parrots. There they were, dozens of them squawking, their green plumage blending perfectly with the green vegetation, their white faces betraying their presence. The parrots then flew off in unison and headed to what appeared to be their roosting site. As I was observing and thoroughly enjoying the sight of these spectacular birds flying by in a huge flock, the ever-astute Frank was diligently counting. Ninety-three parrots!
After eight days of surveys, we analysed the data, using the program DISTANCE and other statistical software. Based on the survey data collected, we estimated that approximately 8,832 parrots dwell in central and southern Abaco. This suggests that the population appears to be stable and doing well – thanks to the management efforts of BNT’s park wardens. I take my hat off to them!
Conservation Partnerships Are Key
Upside down parrots! Bahama Parrots are partners for life. (photo by Scott Johnson)
The Bahamas National Trust, BirdsCaribbean and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service continue their partnership to accomplish the mission of managing and conserving wildlife and ecosystems in The Bahamian Archipelago and the Caribbean region. The Caribbean is home to a variety of important species, from endangered Rock Iguanas to American Flamingos. Wildlife management and conservation can be very challenging. It is not just about the animals and birds. It involves people, policy and laws, and the search for the right balance between the needs of humans and the needs of wildlife. As wildlife conservationists, we understand that our work illustrates the importance of biodiversity. We recognize that weare the active voices speaking up for the native and endemic plants and animals that may go extinct if no conservation action is taken.
It is always a joy to see our beautiful parrots flying wild and free. Let’s continue to work together to ensure that our future includes the amazing creatures that also call the Caribbean…home.
By Scott Johnson (Bahamas National Trust) and Frank F. Rivera-Milán (United States Fish and Wildlife Service). Scott is a Science Officer with the BNT; his work focuses on terrestrial fauna in the national parks and he loves Bahamian birds and reptiles. Frank is a Population Ecologist with US Fish and Wildlife Service. He frequently conducts field studies of doves and pigeons. He especially enjoys studying parrots.
Click on the photos below to see a larger version and slide show.
Devoted couple – Bahama Parrots pair up for life. (photo by Frank Rivera)
Lookout! Only in Abaco do you find a parrot crossing sign! (photo by Scott Johnson)
Bahama Parrot surveying his domain. (photo by Scott Johnson)
93 is the count for a huge flock of parrots that flew by. (photo by Frank Rivera)
Scott Johnson getting ready for the next count. (photo by Frank Rivera)
Bahama Parrots perched on a bare tree. (photo by Frank Rivera)
Pine Forest habitat with bracken form understory following fire passing through the area. (photo by Frank Rivera)
Scarlet Tanager in full breeding plumage glory, observed on Grand Bahama, May 5th, 2018 (Erika Gates/ Macauley Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Every year, Global Big Day is an all-out effort to get the “big picture” on birds across the planet. This year, it hit a new world record. In one single day (May 5, 2018) 29,866 people ventured outside in 170 countries, finding 6,963 species, These numbers equate to approximately two thirds of the world’s bird species in just 24 hours! 1.6 million bird sightings by citizen scientists and avid birders worldwide were recorded on eBird.
This year was a particularly important one for the Caribbean, since many islands are still in recovery mode after the passage of two hurricanes in 2017, and it was important to check in on how the bird populations are doing several months later. BirdsCaribbean members and partners made significant contributions to the global total from the Caribbean*, with 453 species reported. The weather was not kind on May 5, with stormy and rainy weather across several islands. Nevertheless, 254 participants braved the elements to count birds. They spotted an impressive 102 endemic birds on May 5. A much higher number of checklists was submitted this year: 926, nearly doubling the previous number of 567.
Which Caribbean islands came out on top? Trinidad and Tobago had 178 species (woo hoo!), but of course this is not a level playing field with the rest of the region! The Bahamas and Puerto Rico ended up “neck and neck”, with 136 and 135 species each – some way ahead of third-place Guadeloupe with 83. Cuba and the Cayman Islands rounded out the top five.
A rare Eurasian Spoonbill was included in Barbado’s Global Big Day checklist (Julian Moore/ Macauley Library at the Cornell Lab or Ornithology)
Top eBirders Eric Torres-Rivera and Julio Salgado from Puerto Rico spotted 104 species each; Puerto Rican birders submitted a remarkable total of 249 checklists. This was an encouraging result from the island that suffered such destruction from 2017 hurricanes. BirdsCaribbean is also happy to note that Dominica, which was ravaged by Hurricane Maria, recorded 32 species, thanks to Forestry Officer Stephen Durand.
Bermuda Petrel (Cahow) chick receiving a health check on Global Bird Day, Nonsuch Island, Bermuda (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
There were some rare and unexpected finds, noted Jeff Gerbracht, eBird’s Lead Application Developer at Cornell Lab of Ornithology. “Eurasian Spoonbill and Pacific Golden Plover were both seen at the same site in Barbados. It is most unusual for these species to be seen together, especially in the Western Hemisphere.” View the checklist here.
“The Black Kite, a European species rarely seen on this side of the Atlantic, was reported and photographed on the island of Inagua in the Bahamas,” said Gerbracht. “Also, Lisa Sorenson (BC Executive Director) and her husband Mike were on Bermuda with BC President Andrew Dobson, seeing all the local birds, including a robust Bermuda Petrel (Cahow) chick.
We hope everyone enjoyed the day and we thank you for your participation and commitment to our region’s beautiful birds. Next year will be even more fun!
How did your country do on Global Big Day? Find out here.
An overall report for Global Big Day is available here, with nice summaries for each region. The total species list for the West Indies (Bahamas, Greater and Lesser Antilles) is here.
*NOTE: The Global Big Day summary statistics in this article include the islands of the West Indies (Bahamas and Greater and Lesser Antilles), plus Bermuda, Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao, and Trinidad and Tobago. These islands comprise the region where BirdsCaribbean carries out its mission.
Plenty of migrants were seen on Global Big Day, like this Blackpoll Warbler spotted in the Cayman Islands (Peter Davey/Macauley Library at Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
eBird is the world’s largest biodiversity-related citizen science project, with more than 100 million bird sightings contributed each year by eBirders around the world. A collaborative enterprise with hundreds of partner organizations, thousands of regional experts, and hundreds of thousands of users, eBird is managed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.Submit your birding checklists and join the eBird family! You will find more details on registering and recording your sightings here.
If you bird in the Caribbean, be sure to use our portal—eBird Caribbean. This will give you access to our special protocols for the region (e.g., Caribbean Waterbird Census) and our latest news and updates on birding in the islands.
By Emma Lewis (@petchary), blogger and birder in Jamaica
Black-crowned Palm Tanager, endemic to Hispaniola. (photo by Dax Román E.)
Your contributions to the past three Global Big Days have set back-to-back-to-back world records for the most bird species seen in a single day. Thank you. On 5 May, we’re looking for another world record, and we need your help. With over 170 endemic species and many regional specialities, the Caribbean is a great place to get outside and look for birds this Saturday.
Just like past years, you just have to go out and enjoy birds. Here’s our two-step guide:
Watch birds on 5 May: You don’t need to be a bird expert, or go out all day long. Even 10 minutes in your backyard will help. Global Big Day runs from midnight to midnight in your local time zone. You can report birds from anywhere in the world.
Enter what you see and hear on eBird Caribbean: You can enter your sightings via the website or—even easier—use the free eBird Mobile app. You can enter and submit lists while you’re still out birding, and the app will even keep track of how far you’ve walked, so you can just focus on watching birds. While you’re downloading free apps, try out the Cornell Lab’s Merlin Bird ID app for help with identification.
Go birding for 10 minutes around your home, or for 10 hours across your entire county, state, province or country–and submit your sightings to eBird Caribbean. Every Bird Counts. Global Big Day is also a great way to celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival, ongoing now!
No matter what you do, have fun, enjoy the birds you find, and share your sightings on eBird Caribbean and our Facebook page. Because in our world, every bird counts.
#BirdYourWorld #CEBF2018 #GlobalBig Day #YearOfTheBird
p.s. Don’t forget to enter your Caribbean bird counts into eBird Caribbean – our own portal. All the data goes to the same place (Cornell Lab of Ornithology) but we have some of our own protocols (Step 2 of data submission), for example, counts conducted at wetlands, ponds, mud flats and beaches can be entered as Caribbean Waterbird Census counts.
The Great Lizard Cuckoo is endemic to the Bahamas and Cuba. They have a loud ka-ka-ka-ka-ka call and can be spotted perched in trees and running along the branches. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
It’s springtime in the Caribbean and all across the islands, the landscape will be painted with the vivid colours of the striking yellow and pink poui trees, the gentle blue from the blossoms of the Lignum Vitae, and so many other trees, bursting with colour. This too is the time when our birds settle down to nest and raise their chicks.
This year, 2018, is an extra special celebration of our birds. The year was designated “The Year of the Bird” by the National Geographic Society (NatGeo) to commemorate 100 years of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. This was (and remains) a powerful document that has lessened the human threats on birds. Some 15 Caribbean countries and 40 organizations will celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF), now in its 17thyear. More than 100,000 Caribbean residents, friends and visitors will join in the activities, led by BirdsCaribbean. For 2018, the region’s largest wildlife conservation-focused NGO will support the theme “The Year of the Bird.” April 22 (Earth Day) marks the beginning of the festival, which will end on May 22 – the International Day for Biological Diversity.
Children having fun on a bird walk and count at Ashton Lagoon, Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadine. (Photo by Orisha Joseph)
In the nearly two-decade history of the CEBF, BirdsCaribbean and its enthusiastic partners across the region have always found fun and creative ways to connect people to our Caribbean endemic birds. The endemics – which are found only in our region and nowhere else in the world – are one way in which people who live in or visit the Caribbean islands can easily appreciate and understand nature more deeply and incorporate these lovely birds into their lives. The birds simply “speak for themselves.” The festival seeks to encourage responsible behaviour in humans of all ages and walks of life to conserve our birds and our natural environment. This is even more critical in the wake of 2017’s devastating hurricanes. The recovery and the resilience of our bird populations must also be recognized in the coming months.
Why is the CEBF important? Well, the Caribbean is well known for its high level of endemism. Of the 565 species of birds in our region, 173 are unique to us. Some may be easier to spot than others; some may be only found in one country. The CEBF is also an expression of who we are and how we connect with the environment. It brings people together, whatever their ages, abilities, nationalities or cultural backgrounds. Learning about our birds takes place in a diverse, harmonious setting. In previous years, church services, radio and television interviews, street parades, fairs, information booths, drama and art competitions have all formed part of the CEBF celebrations.
Planting firebush (Hamelin patens), an excellent native plant for birds, especially hummingbirds. CEBF activity at The Academy in the Dominican Republic. (photo courtesy of Simon Guerrero)
You do not have to celebrate birds and support conservation through your local organization alone. Earth Day’s philosophy is for individuals to take action. There is a lot that you can do all by yourself, or in small groups, to help birds and the environment. Grab a friend or two and head outside to admire nature, noting the birds you see. Stick decals on your glass doors to reduce bird collisions. Plant a native tree, to add to the beauty of your home. This will also become a home for a variety of creatures – including birds. What other actions can you take that will help our birds?
NatGeo has partnered with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, National Audubon Society and Birdlife International and many other organizations for The Year of the Bird. Each month brings a new theme and a new, specific call to action, promoting the conservation of birds: there are inspiring articles, informational features, fun quizzes, photographs and insights into the incredible world of birds to be explored online.
Visit birdscaribbean.org or find BirdsCaribbean on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more information about the CEBF, with updates throughout the month. For more information on how to #BirdYourWorld, visit the official site for tips and resources.
By Emma Lewis and Natalya Lawrence, members of BirdsCaribbean’s Media Working Group. Thanks to the US Forest Service, Environment for the Americas and Optics for the Tropics for supporting our Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival!
The colorful and friendly Cuban Tody, known locally as “Cartacuba.” (photo by Bill Hebner)
Join Holbrook Travel and BirdsCaribbean for an unforgettable birding tour of Cuba’s foothills, wetlands and coast, November 3-13, 2018.
Cuba’s protected natural areas, geographic isolation, and limited development combine to create an ideal destination for birders. The country’s diverse habitats support over 360 avian species, more than two dozen of which are endemic to the island. Join BirdsCaribbean and Holbrook on this 11-day program, where you’ll have the opportunity to observe specialties like the Cuban Tody, Cuban Trogon, Zapata Wren, and Oriente Warbler, and explore dry scrub, mangrove, wetland, and coastal ecosystems. Gain deeper insight during meetings with Cuban conservationists to discuss projects and governmental policies. During your travels, meet Cuba’s friendly people and discover the rich history and culture for which the country is known.
Program Highlights
Learn how an urban park in Havana is connecting locals with nature.
Watch for target species like the Cuban Grassquit and Olive-capped Warbler and meet with residents at Las Terrazas, a community and reserve that is a model of sustainability and ecotourism.
Go birding at La Güira National Park, several sites in the Zapata Swamp, and on Cayo Coco, where we will have an excellent chance to see most of Cuba’s endemic birds, as well as many regional endemics.
Visit the limestone cave that was Ernesto “Che” Guevara’s headquarters during the Cuban Missile Crisis and an excellent place to spot Cuban Solitaire and Scaly-naped Pigeon.
Alejandro Llanes receives his certificate upon completion of BirdsCaribbean’s Caribbean Birding Trail Interpretive Guide Training Workshop, October 2018. Left to right Instructor Rick Morales, course organizer Maikel Canizares, Alejandro Llanes, Instructors Lisa Sorenson and Beny Wilson. (photo by Ernesto Reyes)
Our local bird guide will be Alejandro Llanes Sosa. Alejandro is a research ornithologist at the Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática in Havana, where he studies and bands birds. He has expert knowledge of Cuba’s birds and natural history and has guided specialized bird tours for Holbrook since 2015. Alejandro recently completed BirdsCaribbean’s Interpretive Bird Guide Training Workshop, held in Cuba in October 2017. He received certification as a Level 5 (highest level) Caribbean Birding Trail guide. Alejandro is dedicated to advancing ornithology and bird tourism in Cuba and is a warm and kind person. He looks forward to sharing Cuba’s beautiful birds, landscapes and culture with you!
Our group leader is Lisa Sorenson. Lisa Sorenson is an ornithologist, conservation biologist, and executive director of BirdsCaribbean. She has been working in the region for 30 years, starting with field research on the White-Cheeked Pintail in the Bahamas for her PhD. Lisa coordinates many of BirdsCaribbean’s programs, raises funds, mentors young Caribbean wildlife professionals, develops materials, and facilitates training workshops in conservation education, bird research and monitoring techniques, and bird guide training. She is passionate about the region’s amazing and unique birds and habitats and has dedicated her life to their conservation. She has traveled to and worked with partners in nearly every country in the region and is looking forward to sharing her love of Cuba and its people with you.
A common mode of transportation in Cuba. (photo by Roland Bahret)
BirdsCaribbean, its members and partners note the controversy surrounding the export of two Sisserou (Imperial Parrots Amazona imperialis) and ten Jaco (Red-necked Parrots Amazona arausiaca) from Dominica to a facility in Germany on March 17th, 2018. Both species are endemic to Dominica, both are globally threatened, and the habitats of both were badly damaged by the passage of Hurricane Maria in September 2017. The Sisserou is Dominica’s iconic national bird, appearing on its flag, coat-of-arms, Parliamentary Mace and other national symbols and instruments. The Sisserou has long represented a unique flagship of national pride for Dominicans.
The Parrots Were in Good Condition
Rescued and rehabilitated Imperial Parrot (Sisserou) on the right; 18 year old Sisserou female on the left. Also a rescue (having fallen from the nest), this female successfully reproduced in captivity in 2010. (photo by Stephen Durand)
While there is no doubt that disastrous events like hurricanes pose a serious threat to the persistence of endangered species, there is evidence that both species are resilient and recovery in the wild is possible. Dominica’s parrot populations were greatly affected but recovered after Hurricane David in 1979. Their survival has been aided by multiple conservation measures taken in Dominica including parks and protective legislation, community outreach and education events, programs to reduce agricultural conflicts, complemented by research and monitoring.
Despite the confidence of local and international experts (who have been working in Dominica with the parrots since 1981) that on-island efforts to support the recovery of local populations would be successful, some politically-appointed individuals within the Government of Dominica, apparently decided to facilitate the export of these parrots as an “emergency measure” to support the establishment of a captive breeding population in Germany by the Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots (ACTP).
Conservation Issues for Threatened Bird Species
This action raises many issues concerning the conservation of threatened bird species. BirdsCaribbean has engaged with local partners in the region for 30 years, and we support the position of most threatened species specialists that:
Conservation programmes for threatened species should be guided by recovery action planning based on sound science, engagement by all stakeholders, and international laws and guidance.
Conservation programmes for threatened species should focus firstly on recovery of wild populations in the wild, with captive breeding as a last resort.
There are many risks associated with captive breeding, including risks in transport, transmission or exposure to new diseases, acclimation to a new environment, and loss of genetic diversity and natural behaviors. These programs must be carried out in an extremely careful manner and risks increase if the program is in another country.
Captive breeding programs can be an effective and important conservation tool (e.g., as shown for the Puerto Rican Parrot), but they must be based on sound science, be proposed and vetted transparently to the conservation community, and wherever possible, be in the country of origin.
Threatened species programs must involve and empower to the maximum extent possible the local organizations and communities who are ultimately the stewards for the species.
Red-necked Parrots (aka Jaco) in aviary on Dominica, recovering and doing well following Hurricane Maria. (photo by Stephen Durand)
BirdsCaribbean suggests that there are legal, scientific and ethical reasons to question the export of Sisserou and Jaco parrots from Dominica.
The export of globally threatened species is controlled under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to which Dominica and Germany are both signatories. Export permits are granted through the local CITES management authority, which may only license export of threatened (Appendix 1) species under very strict conditions. In Dominica, this is the Environmental Coordinating Unit (ECU). BirdsCaribbean has been reliably informed that the permit for the export of these parrots to Germany was not granted by the ECU and the ECU was not consulted. (see https://goo.gl/dB9SF2). Additionally, Dominica was under suspension of all trade under CITES since January 2018 for failure to file annual reports for three consecutive years. Therefore, no CITES Appendix I species should have been permitted for export.
The Situation Was Not an “Emergency”
Any argument that the export was justified as an “emergency” action is contradicted by the following:
All of the exported animals survived the hurricane;
The female Sisserou at the aviary had lived there for 18 years and successfully reproduced at the aviary in 2010;
Ongoing parrot surveys reveal that both species’ wild populations also survived the hurricane, with the ecologically common Jaco parrot now widely distributed and some sightings of wild Sisserous; known to be shy and difficult to survey in the wild;
The aviaries were in the process of being refurbished, with new enclosures, wire and supplies already sent to Forestry;
The aviary birds were examined and attended to with multiple animal-care teams from IFAW;
The exported Jaco parrots were being prepared for release into the wild;
No proposal for emergency action was presented to Forestry, the personnel responsible for animal-care at the aviary, nor ECU.
BirdCaribbean is surprised that a permit would be granted by any authority, because it would appear that the export is detrimental to on-going local conservation efforts. We are especially concerned about the export of the Sisserou, partly because their local breeding populations are smaller, and partly because two individuals are not sufficient to establish a breeding programme. This calls into question the scientific justification for this export and whether there may be additional requests for exports in the future.
BirdsCaribbean Supports Dominican Experts, Local Partners
Imperial Parrot feeding on palm fruits in the wild. (photo by Bertrand Jno Baptiste)
In addition, the scientific authority for CITES in Dominica, the Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division, was also not consulted about the export—no proposal, conservation plan or agreement was shared with the team in charge of parrot conservation on the island. Instead the arrangements were apparently made in secret and the birds taken without the knowledge or permission of either CITES authority on the island.
Our Dominican partners remain committed to the on-island conservation programs and the protective measures it has developed for its parrots over many years. Thanks to generous donors, BirdsCaribbean has assisted in Hurricane Maria recovery by shipping more than US$12,000 worth of supplies to aid recovery of Dominica’s parrots, including bird feeders, bird seed, tools and field equipment. We have long supported outreach, education and surveys conducted by Dominica’s own experts, who have decades of experience and knowledge. We believe that the conservation of Dominica’s parrots is best done in Dominica by Dominicans, – supported, but not undercut, by foreign entities.
We know that the people of Dominica are resilient and proud of their beautiful birds and in particular, their National Bird, the Sisserou. For this reason alone, the recent removal of these birds from the island calls for far more explanation and justification than has been made public.
What You Can do to Help
Rescued and rehabilitated Jaco parrots at the aviary in Dominica. (photo by Stephen Durand)
BirdsCaribbean is one of thirteen signatory organizations expressing concern over the recent export of endemic parrots from Dominica to Germany. We include here a joint communication shared today, April 5, 2018, with the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as well as representatives within CITES, the government of Dominica, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the European Union. Read the UNEP letter.
It is a pleasure to announce the publication of the first issue of the Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Cuba by Nils Navarro Pacheco and Ernesto Reyes Mouriño (No 1, 2017). This publication will serve as an official list and platform for work in the field of ornithology within the Cuban archipelago, as well as keeping the ornithological community updated on changes in taxonomy, systematics and new additions to the bird list of Cuba.
Earlier lists or volumes describing the birdlife of Cuba (Garrido and Montana, Catalogo de las Aves de Cuba 1975; Garrido and Kirkconnell, Field Guide to the Birds of Cuba, 2000; and Endemic Birds of Cuba, Navarro 2015) provide ample details on species behavior, habitat and range. This new checklist condenses and provides updated and new information on conservation status, endemism, abundance, breeding, and seasonality for 398 naturally occurring species and 15 exotics.
The checklist is beautifully illustrated with color photographs of Cuba’s 28 endemics on the back cover. The authors intend to update the list on an annual basis as verifiable information becomes available. With increased numbers of homegrown birders and professional ornithologists as well as foreign contributions, a “living” checklist under the careful stewardship of Navarro and Reyes makes perfect sense.
Cuba is the largest island in the West Indies and boasts 28 endemics as well as some of the most important habitats found in the region. Cubans, with support from abroad, have responded to the need to protect these habitats especially for endemic birds by developing many national parks and reserves, conducting ornithogical research, delivering outreach and education programs, and monitoring birds, for example, through the Caribbean Waterbird Census. While these efforts may have limited resources, the Cuban people and the conservationists they support are very proud of their birds and significant achievements. That passion bares fruit in this checklist when you look through the references and supporting documentation.
As one who is particularly interested in the ever-evolving state of West Indian avian biogeography, I appreciate the inclusion of a short communications section with articles on recent sightings and banding records and photographs of documented (with citations) recent rarities. I have no doubt that at least two factors—climate change and the increase in knowledgeable observers—are contributing to requisite checklist updates which the authors also recognize. The authors in fact encourage reporting of bird sightings through eBird Caribbean (Cornell Lab of Ornithological Database). Reports are vetted by local experts and contribute greatly to our knowledge of the status and trends of migratory and resident trends and status of species in Cuba as well as the West Indies. Many of you already understand that neotropical migrants, for example, spend only a few months (May-August) raising young on the North American continent before returning to the tropics. As you may have sensed, checklists of birds anywhere are outdated by the time they go to press.
So, in the tradition of James Bond’s Supplements to the Checklist of the Birds of the West Indies (1956-et seq.), this checklist is expected to provide intermittent updates founded by substantiating evidence and hopefully commentary by two of the leading field biologists in Cuba. I have worked with both Nils and Ernesto on reviving Christmas Bird Counts in Cuba since 2012 and can attest to their depth of knowledge and commitment to preserving the natural patrimony of Cuba. This and subsequent updates to the checklist should be a part of any West Indian ornithological library, both private and public, as a resource to measure changes in status of both resident and migratory Cuban birdlife in this hemisphere.
The checklist, published by Ediciones Nuevos Mundos, is a 40 page booklet, 8.0 x 11.5 inches in size, illustrated, with saddle stitch binding. The first print run is in English. The checklist can be purchased from the publisher for $12.00 (plus $3 shipping) at this link. A downloadable version is available here.
Robert Norton is a founding member of BirdsCaribbean (then the Society of Caribbean Ornithology); initiating author of the West Indies Region report (1980- ) North American Birds, American Birding Association; West Indies regional editor Christmas Bird Counts, National Audubon Society; eBird reviewer, Virgin Islands, Cornell Lab of Ornithology; coauthor w/ Patricia Bradley, Inventory of Breeding Seabirds of the Caribbean, 2009.
Black-necked Stilts and White-cheeked Pintail forage in harmony in an Antiguan wetland. (photo by Colin Banks)
In Antigua, when we think of wetlands we think of swamps—smelly, waterlogged places riddled with wicked mosquitoes and starving sandflies. Why, oh why would we want to spend precious life moments at a swamp?! While some may find wetlands unappealing, in Antigua and across the Caribbean they perform vital ecological functions. In an area where tourism flourishes, they also have unexplored economic potential, if managed sensitively.
On February 2nd, 1971, understanding the importance of wetlands to human life and wellbeing, an international treaty was signed in Ramsar, Iran, called the Ramsar Convention or Convention on Wetlands. Annually on 2nd February, since 1997, we recognize the value of these watery spaces on World Wetlands Day. In the Caribbean, as we struggle to balance development and frugal use of our natural resources and as we begin to understand how these wetlands support our economy and health, this celebration is necessary. This year’s theme is “Wetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future.”
Christian Cove Wetland is a hotspot for many species of wetland birds. (photo by Shanna Challenger)
Why is the celebration of World Wetlands Day a vital date on the Caribbean calendar? Because, as important as our wetlands are, they face real threats, primarily from backfilling, urbanisation, development, and use as illegal dumping grounds. Sadly, the Fitches Creek Swamp, one example in Antigua, can be called Cooks Dump Part II. While swamps are naturally strong smelling, a properly-functioning swamp, not adversely manipulated by human hands does not bear these overpowering, nauseating odours.
Wetlands are areas where water covers the soil, permanently or seasonally. They vary from country to country and may be naturally occurring or artificially made. In Antigua and Barbuda, wetlands include mangrove swamps such as Christian Cove and Fitches Creek Swamp; dams such as Bethesda, and Potworks; ponds such as McKinnon’s; reservoirs such as Wallings Reservoir; Creeks such as Indian Creek, and lagoons such as our internationally known and Ramsar-designated site, the Barbuda Lagoon.
Binoculars and spotting scopes are perfect for counting birds; Sophie Steele and Andrea Otto participate in the 2018 Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC). (photo by Shanna Challenger)
How are wetlands important to us? Wetlands reduce flooding. Think of them as a sponge. They soak up floodwater, releasing it gradually. They are also excellent filters. In built-up areas where concrete and asphalt have replaced water-absorbing soil, surface run-off is increased during rains. The plants in wetlands filter this run-off, which can include untreated sewage, pesticides and fertilizers. Some of these pollutants can also be trapped in the soil below the water in the areas. Water leaving wetlands is in considerably better “shape” than when it entered.
Wetlands in Antigua and elsewhere in the Caribbean act as an effective barrier against wind and wave action during storms. Think of them as a naturally occurring wall or breakwater. They are also important for our fisheries. Marine wetlands are nurseries for our sea life: fish, shrimp, lobster and the list goes on. Just think about the Barbuda Lagoon, and Antigua’s famous lobsters! No wetland, no baby fish, no big fish.
Now to the fun part! As a major tourist destination, Antigua & Barbuda can add to its product by promoting the use of wetlands. With interpretive signage and non-intrusive boardwalks and paths, wetlands can support eco-tourism (both locally and internationally). In Antigua & Barbuda’s wetlands you are surrounded by wildlife, including resident birds such as the sleek-looking Green Heron; migratory birds that travel jaw-dropping distances to flee the cold such as the tiny, unassuming Ruddy Turnstone, or the majestic Osprey that swoops in, perches and immediately demands your attention. Residents can take their exercise routine to the wetlands and have a refreshing walk on paths or boardwalks. Carefully managed non-motorised water sports in some wetlands can also be a boon for the economy.
In addition to nature, there is almost always a significant historical link to our country’s wetlands. There is the Pre-Columbian settlement at Indian Creek, or the wells dug close to wetlands in Bethesda and Parham, some dating back to the 1800s, still seen today.
Spotted Sandpiper searches the water’s edge for invertebrates. (photo by Nick Hollands)
Our wetlands support high fashion too! One Antiguan bird guide often relates his stories of taking internationally acclaimed designers to wetlands where they sit, observe, and ponder on colours for the new season.
Visiting Caribbean wetlands can be a pleasant, relaxing experience – a place also to learn and observe. Many of the wetlands in Antigua & Barbuda are quite accessible – so, if you are interested in wetland birds, you are welcome to contact the Environmental Action Group in Antigua at eagantigua@gmail.com. They will be happy to recommend sites to visit and hook you up with a local, knowledgeable birder. Also, don’t forget to take strong insect repellent; the mosquitoes and sand flies are no myths!
By Natalya Lawrence, Coordinator, Offshore Islands Conservation Programme, Environmental Awareness Group, St. John’s, Antigua & member of BirdsCaribbean’s Media Working Group.
The sun sets behind the Red Mangroves of birding hotspot – Fitches Creek Swamp. (photo by Shanna Challenger)This cartoon says it all – destroy our mangroves and there will be consequences!
A rare Common Merganser (female) was spotted in the 2018 CWC in Bermuda. (photo by Andrew Dobson)
Midwinter in the Caribbean is not as chilly as it sounds – and it is a good time of year to count the region’s waterbirds, as most of them are not on the move somewhere else at this time. There is also the opportunity to do an annual health check of the wetlands that support this varied and fascinating group of birds. This year was very much a mixed picture. Reports from the islands brought some discouraging news, but also some exciting sightings.
Every year, intrepid BirdsCaribbean partners and volunteer citizen scientists put on their water boots and go out to count those birds that frequent our rivers, coastlines and wetlands. 2018 marked the 9th annual Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC), the region-wide waterbird and wetland monitoring program. The CWC forms part of the International Waterbird Census (IWC) – the largest volunteer waterbird count in the world, organized by Wetlands International and now in its 52nd year. This year’s three-week counting period began on January 14 and ended on February 3 – including World Wetlands Day, February 2. The collected data is recorded on the newly designed eBird Caribbean online platform.
The results of the 2018 CWC have not been altogether encouraging. We might have expected this in light of the devastating hurricanes that tore through numerous islands last year, damaging fragile wetland habitats already threatened in recent years by human activities. For example, the island of St. Eustatius (Statia) reported a “very poor count,” with a small number of tropicbirds, one Osprey and one Belted Kingfisher noted. Our friends on the Turks and Caicos Islands, which were impacted by Hurricane Irma, also counted fewer shorebirds in general; numbers of Piping Plovers were notably lower than in previous years, according to a survey supported by BirdsCaribbean’s Hurricane Relief Funds.
Normally common, only a few White-cheeked Pintails have been spotted on Sint Maarten since Hurricane Irma hit in the fall of 2017. (photo by Binkie van Es)
Binkie van Es is very worried about the bird populations on Sint Maarten following the devastating impacts of Hurricane Irma. In the period shortly after the storm he found lots of shorebirds all over the Island but lately they are almost completely absent. Also missing are big parts of the local population, there are only small numbers of White Cheeked Pintails (normally a few hundred), almost no Black-Necked Stilts (normally about 300), half the population of the Brown Pelican (the national bird) was lost, and only a few pairs of migratory ducks are present. He commented, “There is food and water for the birds but habitat is destroyed so no shelter. Also some of the ponds have unusually high water levels making it difficult for waders.”
Antigua’s CWC team, led by Andrea Otto and including some up-and-coming youngsters, surveyed several wetland areas. Their observations at McKinnon’s Pond were encouraging, with good numbers of Brown Pelicans, Magnificent Frigatebirds, Cattle and Snowy Egrets, and Herons (Little Blue, Great Blue, Tricolored and Green, all present). The less common Yellow-Crowned and Black-Crowned Night Herons were accompanied by a family of White-cheeked Pintail ducks. At Christian Cove, among other species, the birders reported “over 250 Black-necked Stilts entertained us with their comical gait and amusing, knobbly pink legs.” At the Bethesda and Potworks Dams, more ducks and grebes were observed in numbers, among them Blue-winged Teals, Ruddy Ducks and Pied-billed Grebes, feeding and diving alongside herons and Common Gallinules. Several Ospreys also delighted the CWC team as they fished.
Black-crowned Night Heron spotted at McKinnon’s Pond, Antigua. (photo by Shanna Challenger)
Sadly, however, the team did not see any West Indian Whistling-Ducks at all. This Caribbean endemic species, a resident on some islands and a vagrant on others, is listed as Vulnerable largely because of deterioration of habitat, predators and hunting. Antigua and Barbuda are normally a stronghold for this species so it is concerning that the duck has not been sighted in recent months. It is hoped that the 2017 hurricanes did not reduce the population of this beautiful bird any further across the region.
On Guadeloupe, the picture was not a cheerful one. In the previous two years, around 300 Semipalmated Sandpipers and Semipalmated Plovers were present on the shoreline of Anse-Bertrand. This year, a solitary Semipalmated Plover was counted. There have been fewer ducks in the past two years even before the storms, and the Guadeloupe National Park reported generally low numbers of waterbirds on Fajou Islet.
Rare bird for the Caribbean: a Whistling Heron, native to South America, has been spending the winter in Curacao. (photo by Michelle da Costa Gomez)
However, the picture was not all “gloom and doom.” There was no cause for disappointment in Bermuda. Unusually, three goose species were counted (Snow Goose, Brant Goose, and Canada Goose). Amongst 17 duck species, the highlights were the White-winged Scoter (only the sixth record for Bermuda), Black Scoter and Common Merganser. However, the headlines were stolen by the first ever record of a Northern Fulmar on 8th Jan and the arrival of about 1,000 Killdeer in the first week of January, as a result of Storm Grayson in the northeast US.
Spectacular sightings included the continued appearance of the rare Whistling Heron (first spotted on Curacao on December 13 2017). On January 17 at Blue Bay Curacao Golf & Beach Resort, a Willet, several Stilt Sandpipers and Short-billed Dowitchers, and 238 American Flamingos were seen at St. Michiel, a Ramsar site on February 3, displaying courtship behavior.
Participants in BirdsCaribbean’s January Bird Tour to Cuba conducted CWC counts at Las Salinas in Zapata Swamp and other wetland areas in Cuba. White Ibis, Roseate Spoonbills, White Pelicans, and numerous species of herons, egrets, seabirds, marsh birds, and shorebirds were recorded at different locations in the swamp. A special treat was a boat ride in Santo Tomas, a sawgrass marsh deep within the swamp, to find the endemic Zapata Wren and Zapata Sparrow – a few individuals of both species were seen and heard.
Several islands, including Jamaica and Bonaire, organized birdwatching trips as part of their recognition of World Wetlands Day. The Anguilla National Trust conducted its CWC activities on February 1, the day before, with a bird count at East End Pond Conservation Area and Mimi Bay Pond. At East Pond, despite a somewhat gloomy afternoon, the Anguilla team spotted a number of waterbirds, including the Great Blue Heron, Greater Yellowlegs and Black-bellied Plover.
Zapata Wren, endemic to the Zapata Swamp in Cuba, singing its heart out. (photo by Ernesto Reyes)
Since 2010, the CWC has provided critical insights into waterbirds’ stopover and wintering sites – large, small and sometimes unexpected – helping us to build a picture that informs conservation efforts and planning for future programs. We hope that counts later in the year and into 2019 can provide us with more fascinating discoveries that will help us to understand our changing habitats and the behavior of our endlessly intriguing waterbirds.
By Emma Lewis, Blogger, Writer, Online Activist, and member of BirdsCaribbean’s Media Working Group, based in Kingston, Jamaica. Follow Emma at Petchary’s Blog—Cries from Jamaica.
Editor’s Note: Thanks to our fantastic network of dedicated CWC participants! Your observations are adding to our knowledge of bird distribution and abundance in the Caribbean, especially important this year because of the hurricanes which impacted so many islands in the fall of 2017. Everyone, including visitors and residents, is encouraged to continue doing counts and entering your observations in eBird Caribbean. Participation is easy – learn more at this link.
American Flamingos courting in St. Michiel, a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance, in Curacao (photo by Michelle da Costa Gomez)The International Waterbird Census enters its 52nd year as one of the largest citizen science programmes in the world. Up to today, the census has counted 1.5 billion waterbirds in 50,000 sites in about 180 countries. Every blue dot on the map shows where volunteers have taken part in the International Waterbird Census in the years since 1967.
Additional photos from CWC activities are featured in the gallery below. Hover over each photo to see the caption; click on photos to see larger images and a slide show.
Sunset at Potworks Dam Reservoir – very low water levels this year (photo by Shanna Challenger)
A flock of Willets and Short-billed Dowitchers take flight in Las Salinas mangroves, Zapata Swamp, Cuba (photo by Ernesto Reyes)
Birding expert Junior Prosper (Environmental Awareness Group) teaches his son how to use the spotting scope to view wetland birds in Antigua. (photo by Shanna Challenger)
Boat ride in Santo Tomas, Zapata Swamp, Cuba to look for the endemic Zapata Wren and Zapata Sparrow. (photo by Lisa Sorenson)
CWC participants in Antigua at McKinnon’s Pond. (photo by Shanna Challenger)
A young birder, Jordan Lawrence, helping spot birds for the CWC count in Antigua (photo by Natalya Lawrence)
Half the population of Brown Pelicans disappeared in St. Maarten after Hurricane Irma. (photo by Sipke Stapert)
A rare wintering sea duck in Bermuda: White-winged Scoter. (photo by Andrew Dobson)
1,000 Killdeer showed up in Bermuda after winter storm Grayson in the Northeastern U.S., January 2017. (photo by Andrew Dobson)
Yellow-throated Warbler—one of many migratory birds that has benefitted from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. (photo by Bill Hebner)
What year is it? Well, last time we checked, 2018 was already well under way. So, is there anything special about it?
Yes, for bird enthusiasts there is. The National Geographic magazine has declared 2018 the Year of the Bird, recognizing the centenary of the historic Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Over the years, this Act has extended its influence across the Americas, helping to save the lives of literally billions of birds.
Encompassing twelve months of storytelling, science research and conservation efforts, the Year of the Bird is a partnership between the National Audubon Society, National Geographic, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, BirdLife International and dozens of other partners. Participants will examine how our changing environment is driving dramatic losses among bird species around the globe and highlight what we can do to help bring birds back.
Participating organizations include nonprofit and conservation groups, state and federal agencies, zoos, nature centers, and ornithological societies that are working together to raise the visibility of birds and inspire action (don’t forget the hashtags #BirdYourWorld and #YearoftheBird) throughout 2018. And BirdsCaribbean is a part of the project, too.
So, how do we in the region go about “birding our world” in 2018? What should we be doing to celebrate this special year?
Firstly, if you have not already done so, sign up at www.birdyourworld.org – not only for monthly updates, but for a Call to Action. For example, February was the month for the Great Backyard Bird Count – four days of tallying our bird observations and recording them on eBird, to give scientists a picture of what’s happening globally.
The month of March will focus on a topic that is dear to our hearts in the Caribbean: Native Plants for Birds.
Download a copy of our free eBook in English or Spanish to help you create a bird-friendly yard.
In post-hurricane islands in particular, this theme is especially appropriate. Our environment is changing, with particular challenges for our birds. By making sure that we grow native plants in our gardens and backyards, in containers and on verandahs, we are providing birds with the food and shelter they need – and helping them to adapt and survive. We can create a natural sanctuary for our birds.
BirdsCaribbean has already produced materials that will definitely help you to focus on native plants and birds during the month of March. Some visits to your local plant nursery may be necessary, or you may be able to propagate plants and trees that are in your neighborhood.
A very useful guide is our free eBook, Heritage Plants: Native Trees and Plants for Birds and People in the Caribbean. You can download this in English here, and it is also available in Spanish. This beautifully illustrated book focuses on both native and migratory birds in the Caribbean, and the plants and trees that attract them. For example, did you know that the slow-growing Lignum Vitae tree is a favorite of orioles, mockingbirds, tanagers, grackles and more; and that hummingbirds, bananaquits, and orioles are particularly fond of cactus flowers?
Another online resource is our free webinar, co-hosted in 2015 with the Bahamas National Trust, on bird-friendly gardening: Native Plants for a Bird-Friendly Yard. You can tune in here.
A Bee Hummingbird in Cubs perches in Firebush (Hamelia patens)—a beautiful native plant. The nectar and fruit are a favorite of hummingbirds, bananaquits, thrashers, tanagers and finches. (photo by Jessica Rozek)
“Birds and native plants are made for each other thanks to millions of years of evolution,” says Dr. John Rowden, Director of Community Conservation for the National Audubon Society, which has its own Plants for Birds online public database.
“With our changing climate and rising temperatures, there is an even greater need to nurture our beautiful birds,” commented BirdsCaribbean President Andrew Dobson. “Across the Caribbean, birds face many threats, including spreading urbanization, which is eating into bird habitats. So, let’s make the effort to focus on our native plants and trees – for the sake of the birds. They will feel right at home.”
By growing native plants, you can help protect birds while turning your home into a private wildlife paradise. It’s a “win-win,” for you and the birds.
By Emma Lewis, Blogger, Writer, Online Activist, and member of BirdsCaribbean’s Media Working Group, based in Kingston, Jamaica. Follow Emma at Petchary’s Blog—Cries from Jamaica.
Migratory shorebirds like Ruddy Turnstones and Sanderlings rely on Caribbean beaches and wetlands for a safe haven during migration and overwintering. (Photo by Max Schwenne.)
The fall of 2017 was a tumultuous one for the Caribbean. Hurricanes beat relentlessly on our islands, destroying homes, toppling trees and darkening cities. The storms hurt both people and nature, damaging forests, wetlands, and the animals that live in them.
Despite the challenges, bird enthusiasts across the region rallied to learn about migratory birds. At events all over the region, people young and old took time out from rebuilding to connect with nature. It brought people together with each other and with local birds.
These events were part of International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD). IMBD focuses on the natural enchantment of birds and uses this to motivate a passion for their conservation through an annual conservation theme. In 2017, this theme highlighted the importance of stopover sites, those places where migratory birds rest and refuel before continuing their journey. IMBD takes place all over the Americas, and is coordinated by Environment for the Americas. Caribbean events are organized by BirdsCaribbean, and take many forms.
Dr. Adrianne Tossas (right) and her students at the University of Puerto Rico assessed the impact of Hurricane María on the numbers and diversity of birds in mangrove and coastal native forests as part of their IMBD celebration. (photo courtesy of Adrianne Tossas).
Dr. Adrianne Tossas involved students at the University of Puerto Rico in a study that will examine whether Hurricane María changed the numbers and diversity of birds in mangroves, coastal native forests and the seashore. Ingrid Flores, the Puerto Rico IMBD Coordinator, taught the value of wild spaces to migratory birds with school children at Instituto Las Américas of Caguas, Puerto Rico.
In Haiti, Anderson Jean from Société Écologique d’Haiti took 150 guests to Les Cayes to learn bird identification. In Cuba, a team led by Alieny Gonzalez visited schools to explain why stopover sites are key to migratory birds. Youth were amazed to learn that some birds can use wind gusts in their favor to “ride out” a tropical storm and survive. Grupo Jaragua in the Dominican Republic worked with more than 1,000 people during presentations and bird walks.
In the Dominican Republic, Grupo Accion spent two days with students of ABC school – they studied migratory birds and native plants that are “bird-friendly. They also learned how to use binoculars and identified 46 species of birds in a field trip to the Botanic Garden in Santo Domingo.
Coordinators in Cuba (Alieny Gonazalez and Ianela Garcia) talk about the importance of stopover sites for migratory birds with a youth club in Cuba. (photo courtesy of Alieny Gonzalez)
On islands impacted by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, hundreds of hummingbird feeders and bags of bird seed were given out to help local birds. These were donated by BirdsCaribbean, thanks to generous donations to the organization’s hurricane recovery fund on Razoo. “Food for our birds was in seriously short supply following the hurricanes,” commented IMBD Coordinator Ingrid Flores. “People and schools were happy to receive these items so that they could help birds in their back yards survive through a rough patch.”
“Through International Migratory Bird Day, we work to engage people of all ages to make their homes and towns safe places for birds,” says Susan Bonfield, Executive Director of Environment for the Americas. For many islands in the Caribbean, creating safe spaces for birds can also be part of our recovery.
Editor’s Note: Thanks to all of our Caribbean coordinators for once again organizing amazing IMBD events this year! Thanks also to Lizzie Mae’s Bird Seed for donated “Hurricane Relief Bird Seed” and to Classic Brands and Songbird Essentials for discounted and donated hummingbird feeders. Thank you to Environment for the Americas for help with educational materials. And big thanks to the many donors that supported our Hurricane Recovery Fund on Razoo (still raising funds for recovery projects!).
Additional photos from celebrations around the islands are featured in the gallery below. Hover over each photo to see the caption; click on photos to see larger images and a slide show.
Materials for IMBD celebration in Carriacou Island-Grenada, organized by Keisha Clarke
Schoolchildren excited to learn about birds – IMBD in Carriacou Island, Grenada
Birding Field Trip – Carriacou Island, Grenada, organized by Akeisha Clarke
Youth birding for IMBD-Carriacou Island, Grenada
Special stickers help kids remember lessons learned – Carriacou Island, Grenada
A male Yellow Warbler in the Bahamas
Ingrid Flores presenting Birds of Pterocarpus forest
Children enjoy the migratory bird puzzle, Carriacou Island, Grenada
Ingrid Flores with primary children following IMBD activities
Ingrid Flores with a group of Graduates students of Universidad del Turabo at Pterocarpus Forest.
Bird feeder made at the Shorebird Festival organized by SOPI (Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña)
Side 1 of brochure produced by AMAZONA in Guadeloupe – all about the Caribbean Martin
Side 2 of brochure produced by AMAZONA in Guadeloupe – all about the Caribbean Martin
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad-Birds in Agriculture conference
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad-Black Friday Bird Count
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad-Flyer-habitat conservation
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad-Group Photo – habitat conservation
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad-Black Friday bird census
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad – Shorebirds sighted on bird count in October.
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad – Oct bird count
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad-Selfie time during the bird count
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad-Working on bird ID during a bird count.
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad-schoolyard birding
Proyecto Reverdece tu Comunidad – Second graders give feedback on bird ID Workshop.
Sheylda Diaz-Mendez and students at University of PR, Arecibo campus
Students show off materials in Univ. of Puerto Rico, Arecibo campus.
Birding at Shorebird Festival organized by the Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña
Shorebird Festival organized by the Puerto Rican Ornithological Society
Ingrid Flores at IMBD information table at Shorebird Festival
Birding at Shorebird Festival organized by the Puerto Rican Ornithological Society
Birding at Shorebird Festival organized by the Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña
Learning about birds at the Universitarios Pro Ambiente y Biodiversidad workshop in Puerto Rico.
Urban Green Lab-making bird journals with youth in Puerto Rico
Urban Green Lab-youth with their bird journals-
Urban Green Lab-PRHome-made bird feeder activity with youth in Puerto Rico
Grupo Accion in the Dominican Republic – group photo with students 2017
Students learned how to use binoculars and spot birds with Maria Paulino-Grupo Accion Ecologica, Santo Domingo, DR
Youth birding at Grupo Acción Ecologica IMBD activity in the Botanical Garden in Santo Domingo
Andrea Thomen (Grupo Jaragua) talks with students about migratory birds in the Dominican Republic
IMBD activity at Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (JBNERR)
Children complete IMBD puzzle at Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (JBNERR) event
Environmental Biology Association of University of Turabo – Festival event for students
Environmental Biology Association of University of Turabo – Festival event for students – showing materials
Education Coordinator for Jobos Bay NERR (JBNERR), Ernesto Olivares gives a talk about migratory birds
Environmental Biology Association of University of Turabo group photo
Eliezer Nieves Rodriguez at San Patricio Forest with Boy Scout Troup 685 getting ready for a bird census.
Eliezer Nieves Rodriguez at San Patricio Forest with Boy Scout Troup 685.
Eliezer Nieves Rodriguez leads students on a bird Census at the San Juan Bay Estuary via boat with Univ. of PR Human Geography students.
Students at Specialized School of Science and Mathemathics of San Juan color in drawings from BirdsCaribbean Migratory Birds of the West Indies coloring book.
Eliezer Nieves Rodriguez and students at Specialized School of Science and Mathemathics of San Juan.
Eliezer Nieves Rodribuez gives a talk about birds and restoration of the estuary at a San Juan Fashion Event.
Eliezer Nieves Rodriguez with students at a workshop and bird census with the San Juan bay Estuarine Program and UPR with the Environmental Interpretation Course
Banding demonstration Bermuda with Bermuda Audubon Society.
Teacher Johannie Mercado and kindergarten students celebrate IMBD in PR.
Teacher Johannie Mercado and kindergarten students celebrate IMBD in PR.
Art activity to learn about birds and celebrate IMBD in PR.
Kindergarten students of teacher Johannie Mercado prepare soil for planting native trees.
Teacher Mayra Ortiz and students in Puerto Rico participate in IMBD for the first time
Teacher Mayra Ortiz and students at Notre Dame Middle School
Wilson’s Plover adult and chicks. This is an excellent opportunity to gain multi-species shorebird and seabird ID and monitoring experience. (photo by R.J. Wiley)
Your help is needed to protect beach-nesting birds, nests, and young. Conservian is planning for Year 3 of their shorebird and habitat conservation program in the Bahamas. Come join them for the adventure of a lifetime!
BirdsCaribbean, the Bahamas National Trust and Conservian are seeking a weekly crew of 8 to 10 enthusiastic volunteers for our Bahamas shorebird and seabird habitat conservation project in May 2018 aboard our 75ft schooner research schooner. This is an excellent opportunity to gain field experience and shorebird ID skills. Trip cost for one week is $1,350 and includes your bunk, onboard meals, water, and ground transportation associated with project. Participants will fly to the Bahamas each week to designated airports for shuttle transport to schooner. A valid passport is required. Airfare and insurance are not included.
Project Summary
We need volunteers to help count birds and remove invasive plants from coastal habitats. This year we are visiting the Exuma Cays including two of the world’s largest Audubon’s Shearwater colonies and the world’s first and most beautiful Land and Sea Park. We are also going to the Joulter Cays and Andros for a week to some of the most important Piping Plover winter habitat. Both trips have ample opportunities to enjoy the beaches, islands, reefs, and marine life of the Bahamas while helping conserve the birds and other wildlife.
Our days will be filled with much adventure aboard the 75ft schooner “Avalon”. (photo by Margo Zdravkovic)
Our days will be filled with much adventure. The focus of the work is surveying for beach-nesting bird breeding pairs, nests and young, and working with local volunteers to implement protective measures in the field. Focal species include Wilson’s Plovers, American Oystercatchers, Least Terns, Audubon Shearwaters and other colonial nesting species. We will work in both populated and remote areas, sail blue Caribbean waters, visit white sandy beaches, boat to little islands, conduct ground surveys for beach and cay nesting birds, nests, and downy chicks, and meet new people. We will work with local volunteers to post and sign shorebird sites and control invasive Australian pine. Field crew will assistant with collecting data on breeding pairs, habitat assessment and human-created disturbance. Field crew will also assist with shipboard duties; sailing, cooking and cleaning. There will be time to fish, snorkel, enjoy the breath-taking beaches, and visit local island towns.
Project Activities:
Protect, post & sign shorebird & seabird sites
Collect new data on nesting shorebirds, seabirds & habitat
Locate and protect shorebird & seabird nests and downy young
Observe/assist with bird banding (conditions permitting)
Control invasive Australian pine on beach habitats
Work with local volunteers to accomplish the above goals
Snorkel reefs in gin clear waters
Learn saying crew skills
Fish for dinner-catch of the day!
Qualifications: Applicants must be responsible, adventurous, in good physical condition, enjoy working in teams and be capable of walking several miles during warm weather in the Caribbean. Applicants must be comfortable living communally onboard a schooner and riding in small boats to access survey sites.
May 2018 Expedition Schedule and Locations:
Aerial photo of the Joulter Cays, Bahamas (photo by Margo Zdravkovic)
Choose one week or more:
Week 1: Joulter Cays & North Andros – May 6-13 (Nassau Int. Airport) – shorebird focus
Week 2: Northern Exumas – May 13-20 (Nassau Int. Airport) – seabirds and shorebirds
Each week includes 7 nights aboard the schooner. If you have a special interest in seabirds, then participate in week 2.
The trip is being led by Margo Zdravkovic (Conservian) and Will Mackin (BirdsCaribbean Seabird Working Group co-chair) with assistance from Jennifer Wheeler, Lisa Sorenson, and The Bahamas National Trust. If you would like to join our conservation crew for a week or more, please contact Will Mackin, Margo Zdravkovic or fill out the short form here. The review of applicants is ongoing and will continue until positions are filled.
If you can’t go, we can accept donations of any amount to sponsor the trip. If you know of someone who would want to come, please send us their contact information.
Project partners include: BirdsCaribbean, Bahamas National Trust, International Conservation Fund of Canada, USFWS/NMBCA, LightHawk, Dow AgroSciences, Grand Bahama Nature Tours, Optics for the Tropics, Grand Bahama Port Authority, Bahamas Public Parks & Beaches Authority, Bahamas Environment, Science & Technology Commission, Rand Nature Center, Abaco Friends of the Environment, Treasure Cay Community Center, Royal Bahamas Police Force/Marine Support.
BirdsCaribbean’s second biennial photography competition took place at our 21st International Conference in Cuba, July 2018. The three judges thoroughly enjoyed looking through 72 photos submitted on BirdsCaribbean’s Flickr (look for tag “BCPhotoContest2017”) by many fine photographers.
This year’s contest featured three distinct categories as well as an overall Grand Prize Winner. The Endemics category showcased the bird species found only on Cuba. Fun with Birds and People highlighted both human-bird interaction and the International Conference itself. Birds and Nature explored birds as well as their habitats and the other animals and plants that make up island ecosystems.
The judges had a challenging time deciding on the winners in each category—they considered composition, focus, colour and overall interest of each photo. After some debate, the judges were unanimous in their decisions for the following prize winners.
Captured! by John Webster – First Prize winner in Fun with Birds and People category
First Prize – Captured! by John Webster, with a fun backstory: A local Cuban woman (not attending our conference) was painting a Belted Kingfisher using an illustration from Herb Raffaele’s Birds of the West Indies Field Guide as a reference. Herb, the good birder he is, spotted her working on the painting that was to be sold to the next tourist. Naturally, Herb was intrigued. Not knowing her understanding of copyright, he introduced himself as the author of the book. She was shocked and a little sheepish to be caught copying the artwork. This amazing moment was well captured by John Webster. In the end, to properly honor the author, she presented him with the freshly rendered kingfisher. ¿¡Que suerte?! Second Prize – Zapata Wren Here we Come by David Southall Third Prize – That’s the Bird! by Aly (DeGraff) Ollivierre Honorable Mention – Linda and Bee Hummingbird by Jessica Rozek
Whoooose there? Bare-legged owl by David Southall, First Prize Winner in Endemics Category
Congratulations to all the winners! The grand prize winner will receive a pair of Atlas Optics Sky King Binoculars (10×42) and JBL Flip 3 Splashproof Portable Speaker. First prize winners winners will receive a Woofit Wireless Bluetooth Speaker, second place will get a signed copy of Wildlife of the Caribbean and third place will receive a signed copy of Birds, Beasts & Bureaucrats. Thanks to our sponsors Eagle Optics and Princeton University Press for donating these fabulous prizes.
Thanks also to our three wonderful judges, Andrew Dobson, Skip Glenn, and Ivan Mota, for their time, expertise, and careful consideration of all the photos.
Finally, thanks to all the photographers who participated in the contest! Many excellent shots were submitted, making the decision on the winning photos a real challenge for the judges. To see the entries in each category, follow these links: Endemics, Fun with Birds and People, and Birds and Nature.
The Journal of Caribbean Ornithology (JCO) is excited to announce the release of a Special Issue on the Status of Caribbean Forest Endemics (Volume 30, Issue 1). Inside you’ll find a total of 10 publications, 9 of which focus on different forest endemic birds from central Cuba down to Grenada. The tenth publication provides statistical evidence of the JCO’s invaluable role as a multi-lingual, regional scientific journal that outshines other ornithological journals through its distinct subject strengths, especially in terms of papers published on the distribution and abundance of forest endemic species.
Map showing locations of research on various Caribbean forest endemic birds featured in the Special Issue of JCO.
In this Special Issue, we highlight those strengths with a collection of publications specific to forest endemic birds, many of which have become icons and flagship species for their specific island communities. In some cases, there is good news to report, whether it be population growth or range expansion, while in other cases, there are greater causes for concern and subsequent action on our part. The extirpation of the Golden Swallow from Jamaica, for example, is a stark reminder of the vulnerability of some of our forest endemics, and a prime example of the complexities of the problems that island birds face.
As stewards of island bird communities, we know that we must often be two steps ahead when it comes to making informed decisions with local conservation management practices. Islands are filled with diverse fauna and flora that interact in ways that can’t be seen anywhere on the mainland, but simultaneously their populations can often suffer the most from even the smallest disturbances. Our resilience must make up for those species that have such little of it. And here at the JCO we firmly believe that making the most current and impactful research available to our Caribbean community is one of the many critical steps towards doing exactly that.
The following are brief synopses of each publication you’ll find in our Special Issue, which we hope will quickly spark your interest in reading through each in more detail.
Our Special Issue starts off in the forests of Montserrat, a habitat heavily impacted by volcanic activity over the last twenty years. In Bambini et al.’s Current population status of four endemic Caribbean forest birds in Montserrat, current populations of four endemic forest birds are surveyed for, including the Bridled Quail-Dove (Geotrygon mystacea), Forest Thrush (Turdus lherminieri), Brown Trembler (Cinclocerthia ruficauda), and Montserrat Oriole (Icterus oberi).
To the east, on the island of Puerto Rico, Anadón-Irizarry et al. provide us an invaluable update on the Status and recommendations for the recovery of the Elfin-woods Warbler (Setophaga angelae) in Puerto Rico. In light of devastating impacts to forest habitats by recent hurricanes, this work will be pivotal in helping post-hurricane conservation efforts understand the species’ vulnerability and most pressing needs.
Lastly, we set sail back up towards the Greater Antilles, finding our way to the beautiful island of Jamaica, and in particular its Cockpit Country – a region known for its seemingly impenetrable (yet still vulnerable) geography of karst-limestone hills. Herlitz Davis’ publication on Forest disturbance has negative consequences for the persistence of Jamaica’s threatened and endangered bird species in Cockpit Country brings forth evidence of an association between forest disturbance and bird distribution patterns in a globally important area for bird species that is under pressure from all sides by various types of habitat disturbance.
Pulling back to an island-wide view, Proctor et al.’s time censusing the remote corners of Jamaica for aerial insectivores completes an ongoing effort to determine whether any Jamaican Golden Swallows persist on the island in light of there having been no individuals reported since the 1980’s. The Last search for the Jamaican Golden Swallow (Tachycineta e. euchrysea) confirms the local extinction and highlights the importance of using new knowledge to strengthen conservation plans for the subspecies that persists on the island of Hispaniola to the northeast.
Great Goat Island (foreground) and Little Goat Island.
BirdsCaribbean, the region’s largest conservation organization, warmly welcomes news that the Government of Jamaica is planning to establish a Wildlife Sanctuary at Goat Islands, in the Portland Bight Protected Area (PBPA).
“This is a great Christmas gift to Jamaican and international campaigners, who have advocated in recent years to have Goat Islands protected,” said Lisa Sorenson, Executive Director of BirdsCaribbean. “We wish to congratulate Prime Minister Andrew Holness’ administration for this bold and forward-thinking move.”
Sorenson pointed out that the PBPA was designated an Important Bird Area (IBA) and Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) by BirdLife International. “These are nature’s biodiversity hotspots,” noted Sorenson. “Goat Islands include important and threatened habitats for birds and other species, especially its pristine mangrove systems and dry limestone forest.”
BirdsCaribbean also warmly commended the Jamaica Environment Trust (JET), under the leadership of Diana McCaulay, for its determined advocacy, as well as the Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation (C-CAM), supporters and advocates from all walks of life. “Diana McCaulay is a staunch defender of Jamaica’s environment,” said Sorenson. “We wish her all the best in her retirement and look forward to working with JET’s incoming CEO Suzanne Stanley, and with all our Jamaican partners in 2018.”
West Indian Whistling Ducks are a threatened regional endemic, resident in the PBPA. They have been declining in Jamaica due to loss of wetland habitat.
The PBPA, including Goat Islands, is home to 17 endemic birds (found only in Jamaica) and many resident birds, such as the West Indian Whistling Duck – one of the most threatened waterfowl in the Western Hemisphere Endemic species include: Jamaican Lizard Cuckoo, Jamaican Oriole, Jamaican Owl, Jamaican Tody, Sad Flycatcher, Jamaican Spindalis and Jamaican Mango. The area is a critical refuge for numerous neotropical migrants, including ducks, warblers, waterbirds, shorebirds and seabirds, that spend the winter or stop off in the area.
“The Caribbean islands are fragile, and increasingly vulnerable to climate change impacts, as well as human activities such as tourism and housing developments. This has been a very difficult year for Caribbean birds on numerous islands, after two devastating hurricanes. We are delighted by this positive news as the year draws to a close,” said Sorenson.
Thanks to all of our members and partners that have supported us in this campaign through writing letters, signing petitions, spreading the word with your networks, and more. Your efforts have paid off and we thank you! – Lisa Sorenson
Read about the decision to save Goat Islands from development in 2016:
Normally lush and green, Trafalger Falls in Dominica, the nature isle, suffered serious damage to natural areas from Hurricane Maria (photo by Mark Lopez)
The islands of the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico and the surrounding marine areas provide essential habitats for many migratory and resident birds, including endemics that occur nowhere else in the world. In September 2017, many islands in the eastern and central Caribbean were ravaged by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The impacts on human livelihoods, infrastructure, homes and businesses are being addressed to some extent by governments and the traditional relief agencies. The impacts on natural habitats, species, conservationists and conservation projects are harder to assess and quantify, but no less dire. Thanks to many generous donors to our Hurricane Relief Fund, BirdsCaribbean has established a fund to aid the recovery of birds and bird habitats by supporting conservationists and recovery projects on hurricane-affected islands.
To provide resources to advance the recovery and ongoing conservation of birds and their habitats on islands affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
To assist conservationists working on these islands regain capacity lost in the hurricane and necessary to undertake recovery and conservation projects.
Grants from the fund are available to BirdsCaribbean members and partners or individuals/groups undertaking work on the islands seriously damaged by Irma and Maria: Dominica, Barbuda, Anguilla, St. Eustatius, St. Barts, St. Kitts, Saba, St Martin/Sint Maarten, British and US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Montserrat, Turks and Caicos Islands, and Cuba. Applicants may be non-government organizations, government agencies, or private individuals, based on or off the islands in question.
Projects must contribute to the conservation of any Caribbean birds and their habitats affected by hurricanes. Preferred projects are those that will benefit threatened endemic species (island or regional), and local or regionally significant populations or species of conservation concern (migrants and/or residents). Activities that help in the recovery of Important Bird Areas, Key Biodiversity Areas, Ramsar sites, mangroves, or Protected Areas are also preferred.
Blue-headed Hummingbird, endemic to Dominica and Martinique. Very few individuals have been seen since Hurricane Maria devastated the island of Dominica. (photo by Paul Reillo)
Other criteria that BirdsCaribbean will consider include:
Does the project address an immediate, short-term conservation issue that was caused or exacerbated by the hurricanes?
Are objectives and activities associated with the expenditure clearly linked?
Is the request realistic and reasonable? Has there been an effort to leverage these funds to raise funds from other sources?
Does the applicant have sufficient experience and organizational skills needed to complete the activities outlined in the request?
Does the request show evidence of thoughtful planning and details?
The BirdsCaribbean Hurricane Relief Fund is positioned to support small grants – up to US$5,000. Expenditures should be immediate (as soon as funding has been received) and ideally completed within 6-12 months. Larger grants of up to $10,000 may be considered but will require a more detailed application. Matching funds are not required but contributions should be documented where possible.
Requests may be made of the fund at any time. Requests will be reviewed and granted on a rolling basis (that is, first come, first served) until funds are exhausted.
Recipient will acknowledge receipt of funds and confirm their expenditure. Project recipients will be expected to document their activities with photographs and post updates on Facebook if they have access to the internet. A short blog article describing your activities for BirdsCaribbean’s monthly Newsletter is also requested.
If you have questions about eligible activities or requests for assistance (e.g., advice on how best to carry out surveys and monitoring), please contact BirdsCaribbean Executive Director, Lisa Sorenson (Lisa.Sorenson@BirdsCaribbean.org)
Funding must be used for short-term activities that are directly related to assessment of or recovery from hurricane impacts.
Assessment of impacts and identification of conservation needs for birds and their habitat post hurricanes; e.g., surveys, assessments, and monitoring of high-priority species and their habitats that may have been affected by the storms.
Implementation of conservation/recovery actions; e.g. habitat clean-ups, clearing of trails, and restoration or enhancement work, such as re-planting of mangroves and native trees lost in the storms.
Emergency support for vulnerable species; e.g., feeding programs for endemic parrots in damaged forests.
Provision of shortfalls to pre-existing projects that are facing issues as a result of hurricane damage; e.g., loss of materials, infrastructure or equipment
Capacity restoration; e.g., office and field equipment which was lost or damaged in the storm, such as binoculars, scopes and tripods, computers, cameras, backpacks, GPS units, etc. or materials for community outreach and education.
Restoration of infrastructure that supports nature-based livelihoods damaged by the hurricane; e.g., repairs to boardwalks, blinds, etc., especially in parks and protected areas.
Implementation of outreach and education events that raise awareness about the impacts of storms and climate change on wildlife and ecosystems and how local people can help; e.g., promoting citizen science monitoring using eBirdCaribbean and iNaturalist (especially important in the wake of hurricanes), feeding birds to help them survive post-hurricane food shortages, planting native trees that are beneficial to wildlife, promoting recycling, planting of native trees, and energy conservation, advocacy for properly-planned post-hurricane development, etc.
*The following list is not in order of priority.
If request is for materials rather than cash (e.g., equipment or supplies, please provide specifics). Note: BirdsCaribbean can assist with the purchase of discounted binoculars, spotting scopes/tripods and some other items).
What type of activity is associated with this request? See list of Types of Activities above.
Provide a brief explanation of the request, including an explanation of how will the funds be used, your desired outcomes, and expected benefits (to birds, habitats and people).
If the request supports multiple items or activities, please provide a brief explanation of budget, e.g., a simple table. There is no requirement for matching funds but where they exist in cash or in-kind please document them, as this will help BirdsCaribbean raise further funds.
Briefly note your experience in managing similar projects:
Provide names of other project leads, partners, sponsors, or any mentors who will be assisting with this project:
**Applicants may request funds for materials, travel, equipment, and repairs or restoration work. Stipends may be requested to pay for someone’s time if they are not already employed and volunteers are not available, or to pay persons who lost their primary source of income due to the hurricane and are willing to work short-term on your project for a small amount of pay (please justify). Stipends should be reasonable, e.g., $50-100/day to complete the work)