Celebrate the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) with us in our virtual “From the Nest” edition! Have fun learning about a new endemic bird every day. We have colouring pages, puzzles, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Endemic Bird of the Day: Puerto Rican Bullfinch
The Puerto Rican Bullfinch is endemic to Puerto Rico, where it is known as “Comeñame”. It is ~ 7.5 in (19 cm) long and weighs ~32-33 g. The male is slightly larger than the female. Adults have a black body with a reddish-orange colored band on the crown, throat and under the tail. Juveniles are a dark olive-green color, with a pale reddish-brown marking under the tail. All ages have a large, heavy finch-type (conical) beak.
The Puerto Rican Bullfinch can be spotted in woodlands and forests (dry and humid) and shade coffee plantations throughout Puerto Rico at all elevations. It is a common bird but shy and secretive, so more often heard than seen. The nest is shaped like a cup with an entrance in the side and the female lays 3 dull-green eggs with dark spots. During the breeding season, usually from February to June, the male is aggressive and territorial. Banding studies suggest that bullfinches have long-term territories or home ranges. Bullfinches forage mainly in vegetation but also on the ground. They eat seeds, fruits, flower buds, small insects, spiders and mollusks.
Bullfinches sing much of the day and throughout the year, but especially during the breeding season. The song of this bird is a series of loud or rising whistles whip whip whip followed by a high-pitched trill or buzz. The second song is a whistled coochi, coochi, chooochii and it also has a low tsuit call note that sounds like striking two stones together. The Puerto Rican Bullfinch is not currently threatened, but it may be declining due to destruction of its forest habitat. We must be vigilant and monitor this beautiful bird to safeguard its long-term survival. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here.
Colour in the Puerto Rican Bullfinch!
Download the page from Endemic Birds of the West Indies Colouring Book. Use the drawing above or photo below as your guide, or you can look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your coloured-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #CEBFfromthenest
Listen to the song of the Puerto Rican Bullfinch
The Puerto Rican Bullfinch’s call is a distinct series (2–10) of rising whistles followed by a buzz. It also whistles coochi-coochi-coochi and a mid-strength check or tsuit call note.
Puzzle of the Day
Click on the image below to do the puzzle. You can make the puzzle as easy or as hard as you like – for example, 6, 8, or 12 pieces for young children, all the way up to 1,024 pieces for those that are up for a challenge!

Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS & ADULTS: Enjoy this fabulous close-up video of a male Puerto Rican Bullfinch feeding on banana in Puerto Rico.