A vibrant new look, a larger-than-ever staff, and a blast from the past in our growing Archives collection – we’re excited to let our community know that good things are happening all around the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology!
New Website
First and foremost, we have been moving forward with much-needed software upgrades that will allow us to create and better manipulate a new website interface. Our goals include a much more user-friendly interface, where reviewers, authors, and readers can more easily find the information they need, submit manuscripts, and receive communications from us. And so we are excited to show you our new website. While we are still working out a few small kinks and improving some aesthetics, we’re proud of the new look and feel, and hope you enjoy it as well!
We are also excited to announce that 15 years (Volume 16 in 2003 to Volume 30 in 2017) of publications from the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology have been archived as free, downloadable pdfs with accompanying metadata on our Archives Page. Some of our more “seasoned” readers and authors might remember that prior to 2003, the journal was known as El Pitirre, which officially began with Volume 1 in 1988. We are now setting out to archive Volumes 1 through 15.
Archiving entire volumes of publications requires considerable time and patience, and none of this archival work could have been possible without a steady stream of people volunteering their time to bring this to fruition. Thank you for all that you’ve done!
More Staff
Next, in an effort to accelerate our publication pace, we have hired four additional staff members split between our Copy Editing and Production teams. Authors and reviewers should now expect quicker turn-around time, better communication from our end, and an even higher quality final product. Thank you to everyone for your patience of late as we train our new staff and continue to build greater momentum.
Page charges: While we continue to offer free, open access to all of our publications, we are pushing hard to take the JCO to the next level, but doing so requires a greater cost on our end that we hope to mediate with reasonable, low-cost page charges. As of January 1st, 2019, we will be instituting these charges. Please note that if you do not have the funds to pay, you will be given the opportunity to waive the fee during the manuscript submission process. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.
With new staff and systems in place, we are anticipating a considerable number of completed publications to be added to our current Volume 31 between now and the New Year. Please check back often to read all of the great work coming out of the Caribbean!
Thank you,
The JCO Editorial Board
Jason Townsend, PhD – Editor-in-Chief
C. Justin Proctor – Managing Editor
Doug Weidemann – Production Editor