The Endemic and Threatened Species Working Group (ETSWG) is conducting a survey of conservation action on Caribbean endemics to better plan, support, and understand current conservation efforts to protect Caribbean endemic birds.
You don’t need to be a member of the ETSWG to take the survey! Anyone working on Caribbean endemics, in any capacity, is invited to complete the survey. Your valuable feedback will help the ETSWG better support conservation work on these amazing species!
│ Click here to take the survey │
About the ETSWG
The ETSWG includes academics, funders, practitioners, independent researchers, government agency and NGO staff, and amateur ornithologists, who all have an interest in conserving the Caribbean’s endemic and threatened bird species. The ETSWG meets online quarterly for members to update each other on their recent conservation and research activities, share information about opportunities such as funding, and support one another to address conservation challenges such as development activity. The Group also holds in-person meetings at the biannual BirdsCaribbean conferences – the last one was held in Guadeloupe in 2019 – and plans are underway to host another in-person meeting at the AOS-BC Conference in Puerto Rico this June!

Why a survey?
We already know that human and resource capacity is a challenge for conservation across the region. We also know that while some Caribbean endemic species are getting excellent conservation and research focus, many others need more. To try to address these issues, the ETSWG is keen to develop activities that facilitate information sharing and support collaborations between researchers and practitioners. To help the Working Group develop future activities, the wider BirdsCaribbean community is asked to share what could be done to best address needs in Caribbean endemic bird conservation.
The survey seeks to first get a sense of current conservation capacity within the region. Questions such as, “where are you located?” and “how much do you collaborate within the region?” aim to collect this information. The survey also asks about the threats to species, as this helps the group to understand the kinds of conservation needs across the region (e.g., training on policy engagement, invasive species management, etc.), as well as provides a horizon scan of emerging threats and which species may not be getting the conservation effort they need. In addition, the survey asks what activities you want to see the ETSWG provide to help your conservation efforts.
Share your ideas in the survey! Let us know what would help build your capacity – whether it’s training on species recovery planning or monitoring, hosting a database, mentoring, or more – and we’ll work on developing future activities to fit these needs.

Want to get involved?
Visit the ETSWG’s webpage to learn more about member activities and read summaries from previous meetings to get an idea of the issues monitored. The ETSWG listserv, a sub-group within the BirdsCaribbean listserv, shares announcements of meetings, funding opportunities, ideas and news about Caribbean endemics – sign up on the ETSWG webpage! The group also uses WhatsApp as an informal means to share information. Let us know if you’d like to be added to the group! Anyone on the BirdsCaribbean listserv with an interest in endemic and threatened bird species can request to join and new members are encouraged!