Welcome to our first ever Bird Zine Contest, being held as part of our Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival 2021 activities! We hope to inspire you to get creative and join the contest. We have some awesome prizes for winners in each age category plus 2 overall grand prize winners – see below! Please read the Contest Guidelines and Rules carefully and be sure to follow them. Read more about the CEBF theme for 2021 (Sing, Fly, Soar — Like a Bird) and the contest here. Detailed Instructions for making a Zine and the contest categories/ topics for your zine are in the ‘What is a Zine and Bird Zine Contest Instructions‘ document.
Contest Guidelines and Rules
Participants must belong to one of the following four age categories:
- 7 – 9 years old
- 10 – 12 years old
- 13 – 15 years old
- 16+ (Adult)
We welcome submissions to the contest* from all the insular West Indies including: the Bahamas, Bermuda, Turks and Caicos Islands, Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Cayman Islands), Lesser Antilles, Trinidad and Tobago, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. *Children and adults from other countries are most welcome to create a zine and share it with us, for inclusion in our Bird Zine Library online, but only folks from the countries/ islands listed above are eligible to be part of the contest.
We will accept zines in English, Spanish and French.
What to enter: you may create a physical zine or digital zine – details on each are below. Zines must be created using one of the four topics identified and described in the What is a Zine and Bird Zine Contest Instructions.
Physical Zines:
- Participants must select ONE topic from the list below.
- Choose between a four (4) page zine, i.e. one letter sized page folded in half OR an eight (8) page zine i.e. two letter sized pages folded in half and binded in the middle .
- The first page of the zine must be used as the cover with a title.
- Participants may use images (photos & artwork) only or images and text. Text-only zines will be disqualified.
- Participants may draw/trace or cut & paste images into your zine.
- At least one full body photo or drawing of an endemic bird must be included in the zine (see list of endemic birds here).
- The common name/s of the endemic bird/s featured in your zine must be included. You may include local bird names too.
- The information must be written in your own words, not copied from a source.
- Pages must be numbered (bottom left); excluding the cover page
Digital Zines:

Same as the above with the following additional guidelines:
- The zine can be created using Microsoft Word (blank template provided) or any other online design software.
- Zine must be created from scratch.
- Participants must obtain permission to use photos and credit the photographer.
- No videos may be embedded and no links may be shared in the digital zine.
- See example of St. Lucia Parrot digital zine booklet below.
Choose ONE from the following 4 topics:
Prompts for each topic are under the section ‘CEBF Bird Zine Contest Topics’ in the ‘What is A Zine and Bird Zine Contest Instructions’ document.
Winning Zines and PrizeS
Winners from each age category will receive the following:
- 7-9 year old – coloring books, colored pencil set, BirdsCaribbean hat & buff
- 10-12 year old- coloring books, coloured pencil set, BirdsCaribbean hat & buff
- 13-15 year old – coloured pencil set, copy of ‘Birds of the West Indies Field Guide’ (Herbert A. Raffaele et al.), BirdsCaribbean hat & buff
- 16+ year- coloured pencil set, copy of ‘Birds of the West Indies Field Guide’ (Herbert A. Raffaele et al.), BirdsCaribbean hat & buff
There will also be a Grand Prize for children (overall) and adults (overall). Each grand prize winner will receive a brand new pair of binoculars, outstanding for birding: Vortex Diamondback HD 8 x 42 waterproof binoculars which come with an Unlimited Unconditional Lifetime Warranty.
How to Enter your Zine
You or an adult can email completed zines to info@birdscaribbean.org with copy to aliya.hosein@birdscaribbean.org. Include your full name, age, country, selected topic, title of zine. Email subject: Bird Zine Contest
Physical zines: Scan and save as a PDF. Name PDF as follows [first name-last name-age-topic]
Digital zines: Save as PDF. Name PDF as above.
Submissions Deadline
By 11:59PM (EDT) on Sunday, May 30th, 2021
By submitting your zine to BirdsCaribbean as part of this contest, you agree that your zine may be shared on our website, social media, and BirdsCaribbean Zine Library online. All authors retain copyright and all zines will be credited with your name.
Zines will be reviewed by a panel of judges with points awarded for each of the following criteria:
- Originality
- Creativity and visual appeal
- Details clearly seen in art and images i.e. not blurry/ too large/ too small
- Correct bird photos or drawings used
- Correct information given; use of technical terms for e.g., endangered, dimorphic, nocturnal
- Easy to read and understand
- Interesting and correct details about bird/s included relevant to selected topic
- Handwriting is legible/ Font is legible (digital zines)
Don’t forget: Detailed Instructions for making a zine and the 4 contest topics are in the ‘What is a Zine and Bird Zine Contest Instructions‘ document. Any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us! Write to Aliya Hosein.