Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) with us in 2024! This year’s theme is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”. Have fun learning about a new migratory bird every day. We have coloring pages, interesting facts, activities, and more. Download for free and enjoy nature with your family at home.
Migratory Bird of the Day: Wood Duck
Meet the dazzling Wood Duck! It is one of North America’s most stunning ducks, turning heads wherever it goes with its vibrant and ornate plumage. The elegant male sports a glossy green head with a long green, purple, and white crest at the rear, chestnut-coloured breast, black-and-white neck, orange-red bill, and brilliant red eye. Females have a more understated beauty with warm brown to grayish plumage, a pronounced white tear drop around the eye, white throat, and soft gray crest. Males in non-breeding plumage and juveniles resemble adult females.
True to their name, Wood Ducks live in or near forested swamps. They stand out among ducks for their ability to perch gracefully on tree branches and logs, thanks to their strong claws. Unlike most ducks that nest on the ground or in reeds, Wood Ducks favor snug tree cavities high above ground—sometimes directly over water. They rely on pre-existing holes, often crafted by woodpeckers or natural breaks in trees. The female selects the nest site, while the male waits nearby.
To make the cavity cozy, the female lines it with soft down feathers from her breast, ensuring warmth for her eggs. After hatching, the one-day old ducklings climb up to the cavity entrance and leap fearlessly, landing safely on the ground or water below, even from heights exceeding 50 feet! Their mother calls them, but the ducklings navigate this daring jump on their own—and land without injury!
A study in South Carolina found that 42% of nesting females returned to the same site the following year, highlighting the crucial need to protect these nesting trees.
Wood Ducks enjoy munching on aquatic plants, but they also eat seeds, fruits, insects, and other arthropods. When their aquatic buffet becomes scarce, they venture into the forest to forage for nuts or into fields to snack on grains. Ducklings feed exclusively on protein-rich insects and small invertebrates to fuel their rapid growth.
These birds can be found year-round along the Pacific Coast, in the Northwest, Midwest and Eastern United States, and in Cuba! Migratory populations winter in the southern U.S. and northern Mexico and are rare visitors to the northern Bahamas. Wood Ducks form pairs on their wintering grounds and males follow their mates back to their breeding areas. This means a male may make a long journey north one spring and a shorter one the next, depending on where his partner leads him.
In the early 20th century, hunting pressure coupled with loss of nesting sites pushed Wood Ducks to near extinction. Thanks to legal protection and artificial nest boxes, their populations rebounded, and the species is no longer considered threatened. However, preserving their habitats and the insects they rely on remains vital. Keep waterways clean, and opt for organic fertilizers and biopesticides to minimize harm to wetlands. Learn more about this species, including its range, photos, and calls here. Great news! If you’re in the Caribbean, thanks to BirdsCaribbean, you have free access to Birds of the World and you can find out even more in the full species account of this bird!
Thanks to Aliya Hosein for the text and Arnaldo Toledo for the lovely illustration!
Color in the Wood Duck
Download the Migratory Birds of the Day Coloring Page! Use the picture above and the photos on this page as your guide, or look up pictures of the bird online or in a bird field guide if you have one. Share your colored-in page with us by posting it online and tagging us @BirdsCaribbean #WMBD2024Carib
Listen to the calls of the Wood Duck
Female Wood Ducks have a loud “oo-eek, oo-eek” call that they make in flight or when disturbed.
Enjoy these photos of Wood Ducks

Activity of the Day
FOR KIDS: Some times birds can be hard to find! Your task in this activity is to find and identify the hidden bird in the given picture!
All you need to do is download and print this activity sheet. Then color in the spaces according to the instructions below to see what kind of bird this is. Once you have found them, describe or name the bird.
Esta actividad también se puede descargar en español en español. ¡Disfruta buscando todas las cosas de la lista!
Tu tarea consiste en encontrar e identificar el pájaro escondido en la imagen dada. Colorea los espacios según las instrucciones siguientes para ver de qué tipo de pájaro se trata. Una vez encontrado, describe o nombra el pájaro.
FOR KIDS AND ADULTS: Enjoy this video of a Wood Duck in the wild!