The Dominican Republic, renowned for its pristine beaches and tropical charm, also boasts 33 endemic bird species and a wide range of habitats — from coastal mangroves to misty cloud forests. At our 24th International Conference, attendees had the opportunity to experience this natural diversity firsthand. The submissions we received for our photo contest beautifully captured the essence of the unique birds and landscapes of this Caribbean gem. We’re excited to showcase the winning shots that highlight the avian diversity of the Dominican Republic.
The judges were impressed by the stunning composition, technical skill, humor, and rich emotion reflected in the submissions. Photos were taken between 15th and 25th July, 2024 and uploaded to Flickr (photo sharing site). Click here to view all the photos submitted in the contest (labeled with tag: BCPhotoContest2024). The Grand Prize for the contest was generously donated by Vortex Optics.
Photographers had the opportunity to submit up to six photographs in each of three categories:
- Endemics – including endemic birds of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti) and regional endemics;
- Fun With Birds and People – showing humans, birds and nature interacting (including conference activities); and
- Birds and Nature – featuring Hispaniola’s non-endemic birds, close-up shots of other wildlife, natural habitats, and landscapes.
Grand Prize Winner
Hispaniolan Parakeets by Rondel Smith. The judges were unanimously captivated by this vibrant and energetic photo. Their comments highlight its engaging qualities: “A brilliant shot, full of life and movement. The composition is perfect, drawing the eye to each bird in turn—it feels as if even the birds are having fun!” Another judge noted, “Excellent composition and framing. It’s dynamic—you can almost hear the noise and sense the social interaction. The colors are striking, and the image sparks conversation.”
Hispaniolan Parakeets are known for their noisy, social behavior, often seen in large, chattering groups, just like in this photo. They’re a common sight on the rooftops of Santo Domingo, where their lively interactions are hard to miss!

1st Prize: Broad-billed Tody by Juan Oteyza. “Great capture of this gorgeous bird emerging from its nest hole.” “Eye level with subject, intimate, shows behavior, teaches about the natural history of Broad-billed Tody.”

2nd Prize: Palmchat by Rondel Smith. “This photo really works with such an interesting green pattern formed by the palm fronds.” “Picture is in focus, there is a nice angle of the bird on the palm frond, it’s well lit, and there is a nice eyeshine.”

3rd Prize: Hispaniolan Mango by Noelia Nieves. “I love the way this composition between bird and plant is color coordinated! The head is in such sharp focus.”

Honorable Mentions: Hispaniolan Spindalis by Tommie Catanach and Broad-billed Tody by Michael Ocasio.
Fun with Birds and People
1st Prize: For the Love of Birds by Giselle Deane. “This picture for me sums up the wonder and delight of birdwatching.” “Shows the joy of birding while bringing people together.”

2nd Prize: Kayakers by Martin Rodriguez. “Great composition of three very happy people!” “Good in-focus shot complemented by a nice blurred background.”

3rd Prize: Silent Auction by Daniela Ventura. “No doubt about what is going on here. Captures the energy of the atmosphere very well.” “Nice picture, good subject.”

Honorable Mention: En busca de aves en la belleza de las dunas by Isamar Flores.
Birds and Nature
1st Prize: Cucu (Burrowing Owl) by Martin Rodriguez. “Eye to eye with subject, good depth of field, great definition, habitat, moment of surprise.”

2nd Prize: Village Weaver by Rondel Smith. “Very eye-catching, good composition, definition, it’s dramatic.”

3rd Prize: Village Weaver by Tommie Catanach. “An extraordinary pose has made this a really interesting photo.” “Photo shows movement and bird behavior, has good light and subject balance.”

Congratulations to all our winners!
The Grand Prize winner will receive a Vortex Viper Angled Spotting Scope: 20 – 60 x 85. First, Second, and Third Prize winners will receive $100, $50, and $25 Amazon gift cards.
A heartfelt thank you to our three outstanding judges — Andrew Dobson, Ivan Mota, and Nick Hollands — for their time and careful evaluation of each submission. We are also incredibly grateful to Vortex Optics for generously donating the Grand Prize. We deeply appreciate the artistry and dedication everyone brought to capturing the diverse wildlife and conference events with such respect. Thank you to all participants in the contest!
Enjoy this photo gallery of all the Honorable Mentions!