Global Big Day 2023 was another whirlwind of birding, fundraising and fantastic photography! Thank you to all those who took part and for the amazing photos you sent us. We are absolutely delighted to announce all the ‘winners’ of our photography awards. Many of this year’s photos showcase the beauty of Caribbean birds and the ability of our community to build connections across the globe!
If you missed our Global Big Day 2023 report on teams and individual stats – click here
When great people, birds and art combine incredible things can be accomplished. A huge Thank You to everyone, especially our team leaders and generous donors for making Global Big Day 2023 a success. With a record number of teams- 17 – participating, we were able to raise close to $20,000 for our Caribbean Bird Banding Network – amazing!
Photography Award Winners 2023
Best Bird Photo! We especially congratulate this year’s first place winner- Aruba Burrowing Owl by Michiel Oversteegen.
The Second Place Best Bird Photo goes to Cuban Emerald by Roberto Jovel.
The Third Place Best Bird Photo goes to Julian Moore and his image of the Caribbean Elaenia.
An additional 13 categories were awarded to photographers from almost every team and corner of the world.
Most Beautiful Landscape: A wetland in Puerto Rico by Eric Torres Rivera
Urban Birds: White-cheeked Pintail ducklings huddled under a bridge by Michiel Oversteegen
Life in the Wild: Susan Davis on Bonaire captured this exciting confrontation between Brown Pelicans and a pair of Black-necked Stilts, who were determined to defend their nesting territory!
Best GBD Celebratory Drink: Mark Hulme celebrates a great day of birding, being in nature and seeing 106 bird species for the Piping Pawis on Big Day in Trinidad by Alex Sansom.
Best Shorebird: Sanderling, on Aruba by Michiel Oversteegen
Because one shorebird is never enough: Spotted Sandpiper looking determined to get somewhere, perhaps it realizes that it should be migrating north by now! By Susan Davis
Youngest GBD-er: Maison Gaymes, a young Big Day birder in St. Vincent and the Grenadines!
Sweetest Fluffiest Bird: Killdeer chick spotted on Aruba by Michiel Overstegeen
Best Selfie: We couldn’t just choose one! See who you can spot.
Three women Birders in Cuba
Adrianne Toassas birding for the Warbling Warriors in Puerto Rico
Beny Wilson and friends in Panama
Ciego Birding Cuba – Yaro Rodriguez and friends
Couple birding in Cuba
Couple birding in Cuba
Couple birding in Cuba
Group birding for the Bee Hummers Dream Team in Cuba
A young Cuban birder
Birding by Bike in Cuba
Josh Covill and Holly Garrod of the Globe Trotting Todies
Lisa and Mike Sorenson
Past BC president Andrew Dobson birding with members of the Presidents Perch
Nils and Diego Navarro birding in Cuba
Presidents Perch member Anna Dobson
Rafy and a friend birding in Puerto Rico for the Flying Pintails
Best Night Birding Photo: Bare-shanked Screech-Owl in Panama by Venicio (Beny) Wilson
Best Camouflage: Northern Potoo on Jamaica by Ann Sutton.
Best Bird Impersonation: The team from ARC conservation take the crown for their fun bird impersonations!
Best GBD Non-human Birders: Best birding companion by Lisa Sorenson.
Best Caribbean Endemic: A St Lucia Warbler stops foraging to investigate the photographer by Jerome Foster
Congratulations to everyone! And thank you for reminding us that nature is all around us and full of wonder.
White-necked Jacobin, Brasso Seco, Trinidad. (Photo by ARC Conservation)
A young birder takes notes in Cuba.
Canyon Wrens in the Lake Georgetown dam area Texas. (Photo by Brynne Bryan)
Mark Hulme birding along Tortuga Shortcut Road, Trinidad. (Photo by Alex Sansom)
Yellow Oriole bathing in wet leaves, Aruba. (Photo by Michiel Oversteegn)
Great Egret, Caño Majagual, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. (Photo by Alice V Falto)
Jamaican man looking for birds on GBD. (Photo by Simon C Shields)
House Finch. (Photo by Trevor Williams)
Green Heron, Aruba. (Photo by Michiel Oversteegan)
Learning about conservation in Trinidad. (Photo by ARC Conservation)
Lincoln’s Sparrow, Chicago. (Photo by Steve Constantelos)
Diego Navarro birding in Cuba. (Photo by Nils Navarro)
An Antillean Crested Hummingbird spotted in St. Lucia. (Photo by Jerome Foster)
Birding at Hellshire Wetlands, Jamaica. (Photo by Damion Whyte)
Eastern Bluebird, near Chicago. (Photo by Stave Constantelos)
Jamaican Woodpeck takes flight. (Photo by Simon C Shields)
Charles River Rocky Narrows Reservation. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Crimson-collared Tanager in Panama. (Photo by Beny Wilson)
King Philips Overlook, Rocky Narrows Reservation. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
On the road for GBD, Puerto Rico. (Photo by Eric Torres Rivera)
A group of birders during Big Day in Cuba.
Barn Owls in Bonaire. (Photo by Susan Davis)
Learning about conservation in Trinidad. (Photo by ARC Conservation)
Striped Cuckoo, Panama. (Photo by Beny Wilson)
View from the top of a hill whilst birding, Puerto-Rico. (Photo by Eric Torres Rivera)
White-cheeked Pintail, Aruba. (Photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
Alex Sansom looking for birds at Caroni Ric Fields, Trinidad. (Photo by Mark Hulme)
Green Ibis, Panama. (Photo by Beny Wilson)
Collared Plover, an uncommon bird on Barbados. (Photo by Julian Moore).
A Zenaida Dove looks for food along a path, St. Lucia. (Photo by Jerome Foster)
Carbon-neutral birding- A Cuban birder selfie with their bike.
A Scaly Breasted-Thrasher seen in St. Lucia calls to another individual hidden in surrounding vegetation. (Photo by Jerome Foster)
Beny Wilson and friends in Panama
Blue-tailed Emerald males in a territorial fight in Aruba. (Photo by Michiel Oversteegan)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Caño Majagual, Puerto Rico. (Photo by Alice V Falto)
Young birders joined in on Big Day in Cuba!
Black Swift seen in Barbados. (Photo by Julian Moore)
Fun at the ARC Conservation Global Big Day event, Trinidad. (Photo by ARC Conservation)
Chestnut-sided Warbler. (Photo by Trevor Williams)
Channel-billed Toucan Tortuga Short Cut, Trinidad. (Photo by Mark Hulme)
American Kestrel seen in Jamaica. (Photo by Simon C Shields)
Eastern Towhee. (Photo by Trevor Williams)
Sooty Tern, Aruba. (Photo by Michiel Oversteegen)
Northern Flicker. (Trevor Williams)
Semipalmated Plover in Bonaire. (By Susan Davis)
Mark Oberle birding at Port Orchard, Washington State.
Snowy Egret on the mud flats at Orange Valley, Trinidad. (Photo by Mark Hulme)
Mr Mallard relaxing at Auburn Cemetary birding hotspot. (Photo by Lisa Sorenson)
Eurasian Collared Dove, Temple by the Sea, Trinidad. (Photo by Mar Hulme)
Alex Sansom looks for waterbirds at Temple by the Sea, Trinidad. (Photo by Mark Hulme)
Birder getting the perfect shot in the Blue Mountains, Jamaica. (Photo by Birdlife Jamaica)
Tricolored Heron searches for food, Kaminda Lac wetlands Bonaire. (Photo by Susan Davis)