This year we have featured seven waterbirds in our Caribbean Water Census graphic! Find out more about each of these beautiful birds in our blog posts and on social media.
Do you know this dapper dabbler? Our Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) 2023 featured bird today is the Green-winged Teal!
Green-winged Teals actually breed in the forest wetlands and river deltas of Alaska and Canada. But they migrate south during fall and some of them spend the winter with us in the Caribbean! So if you’re heading to a wetland for your #WaterbirdCount keep an eye out for them.
Males are recognized by their coppery orange head with a metallic green stripe through the eye, and a slate gray body with a buffy booty. Males also have a vertical white shoulder stripe. Females look similar to other female dabbling ducks – mottled brown – but they have an overall darker dappled plumage and a darker, thinner bill. From the right angle, or in flight, these birds display an emerald green speculum or wing patch from which they get their name.
You may also be treated to one of their many courtship displays, since male Green-winged Teal court females and form pair bonds on the wintering grounds. Often, males will surround one or more females in social courtship, performing ritualized robot-like displays such as the “Burp,” “Grunt-whistle,” “Head-up-tail-up,” and “Turn-toward-female.” These displays are accompanied by whistles and grunts. Females choose a mate from amongst these suiters. Males follow their mates back to the breeding area and defend her from advances by other males during egg-laying and early incubation.
CWC 2023 starts on Saturday January 14th and runs through Friday February 3rd. See below for detailed instructions and free downloadable resources to help you make the most of your waterbird counts and don’t forget to keep an eye out for Piping Plovers!