The 14th annual Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) Region-Wide count is just around the corner! This year we are asking people to make a special effort to look out for Piping Plovers- read on to find out everything you need to know about CWC in 2023.
Starting in 2010 our annual CWC region-wide count has seen enthusiastic birders venture into wetlands across the Caribbean to systematically survey all types of waterbirds. This fascinating and varied group includes shorebirds, seabirds, wading birds, marsh birds, and waterfowl! In its 14th year CWC 2023 begins on Saturday, January 14 and runs until Saturday, February 3. As always we need you to help by surveying all types of waterbirds in the wetlands on your island! Anyone can participate in the CWC – just head out to your nearest wetland or beach, and record the birds you see. Detailed information about how to conduct surveys can be found here. A wonderful world of waterbirds awaits!
Note: Our beautiful CWC promotional graphics (created by Josmar Esteban Márquez) are available for free download in English, Spanish and French, and also as a template in Canva so that you can add your logo and modify it for your events – see links below. This year’s featured birds include (clockwise from upper left) the Brown Pelican, White-tailed Tropicbird, Little Blue Heron, Green-winged Teal, Clapper Rail, Pied-billed Grebe, and Piping Plover.
Why the CWC?
Why do we want to take part? It’s more than just an opportunity for another great birding excursion. The Caribbean is home to 185 species of waterbirds! Many of these are migratory but the group also includes many endemic species and a number that are endangered globally. Waterbirds and their wetland habitats in the Caribbean face a range of threats, including development, pollution, human activities, and climate change impacts. A structured, long-term survey program, like the CWC, is essential for understanding how to best conserve this exceptional group of birds and manage their habitats.
Help is at hand! Become a Waterbird expert!

How do you get started? We are here to assist you! If you have never participated in the CWC before or you just want some tips for how to plan and carry out your CWC surveys in 2023, then you can use our handy ‘CWC Survey Tips’ infographic to help you get started. This is also available in Spanish and French. You can also share these tips with others to encourage them to take part! Another great way to learn more about CWC and how to carry out surveys is to watch our webinar “How to Participate in the Caribbean Waterbird Census” which is available on our YouTube channel. And there are CWC survey guidelines here.
We know that waterbirds and shorebirds can sometimes be difficult to identify. One sandpiper can look very much like another. Long bill? Short bill? Yellow legs? But don’t despair! BirdsCaribbean is here to help you build your ID skills! We have free online resources that will help you pick out those plovers in their winter plumage and get to grips with your sandpiper ID – which is a fine art in itself.
You can get ready for your CWC surveys by downloading our ID Guide to Common Caribbean Shorebirds, which you may like to print and take with you. It’s really helpful to have a pictorial guide with you when you are standing in that muddy wetland or at the beach. You can also watch our two other CWC webinars on waterbird and shorebird ID. These and many other ID and outreach resources are available for you to use and download on this page.

2023 Piping Plover Alert
For CWC 2023 we are asking that people make an extra effort to look for Piping Plovers. Piping Plovers are small rotund shorebirds that are a delight to see. But they are also listed as “Near Threatened” by the IUCN, with a small population size. They breed in restricted areas of North America but migrate south in fall with some birds spending their winter in the Caribbean!

We already know about some of the main places where they spend the winter, like the Bahamas, Cuba, and Turks and Caicos. We also know they have been spotted in other places including Jamaica, Bonaire, and the Dominican Republic. It’s very likely that in the ‘right’ habitat there are more Piping Plovers to be found! Including in ‘new’ places on islands where we already know they winter. They may even spend their winters on some islands where they have not been recorded before. We would like to know more about their whereabouts and to record them on eBird.
It’s vital that we continue to learn more about the numbers and distribution of this rare shorebird in our region. Knowing where their habitat is will help us protect and conserve the beaches and wetlands that Piping Plovers and other shorebirds need to survive. Keeping an eye open for these birds is extra important, for this reason. We already have some resources to help you. You can find out all about surveying for Piping Plover, including ID tips, the habitats they use, and survey considerations in our recent Piping Plover webinar from expert Sidney Maddock. Check out also the ID cards and habitat types to look for Piping Plovers in this article. We also have information on what to do if you spot a color-banded Piping plover (or other bird) on our shorebird resources page.
Finally, check out the awesome Piping Plover merchandise, including t-shirts, hats, sticker and more – just what you need for your 2023 CWC surveys! Note: These items are shipped from the US so ordering via a US based mail service or doing a group order to a Caribbean island should help reduce shipping costs. Check our social media and web pages too, for more Piping Plover resources to come!
Don’t forget to eBird!
An important aspect of the CWC is that it is all captured and stored on eBird Caribbean. As you enter your sightings, you must be sure to use the CWC protocol on Step 2, under “Observation Type.” eBird is playing an increasingly crucial role in the CWC process. If you’re new to eBird, check out our helpful video here on how to use eBird and Merlin. If you need help with eBird submissions (it’s really not complicated!) or with setting up an eBird account, do contact Alex Sansom:
Have fun! Stay safe, count responsibly, and enjoy your day (or days) of counting during this three-week period!
Promotional Graphics for CWC 2023 are available in English, Spanish and French. We also have ‘CWC Survey Tips’ graphics in all three languages formatted for Facebook or Instagram . You can add your own logos or event information. Click on each image in the gallery below to enlarge then right click on an enlarged image and ‘save image as’ to download. You can also download our graphics from Dropbox here (higher resolution versions) or use these links to Canva to use our promotional graphics as a template (each link contains graphics in all three languages):
Facebook graphic and survey tips as a Canva template
Instagram graphic and survey Canva template
Promotional Graphics Facebook Format – Files for download
Promotional Graphics Instagram Format – Files for download
Survey Tips Facebook Format – Files for download
Survey Tips Instagram Format – Files for download