Following the publication of BirdsCaribbean’s new graphic novel, “Sami the Snowy Plover: Stories of Survival,” its author and illustrator Josmar Esteban Márquez learned how Sami’s story has inspired one Puerto Rican boy! Keep reading to find out more.
The creative arts reach people in different ways, lighting a spark among adults and children of all ages. They can also take children on a voyage of discovery – including birds. Recently, Josmar Márquez received this delightful message from Antoni Arce Quiñones in Puerto Rico:
“Hi Josmar! My child was inspired by Sami’s story. He made a plover for his school presentation and named it Sami. Thanks for your drawings.”
Supported and published by BirdsCaribbean, Marquez’ graphic novel “Sami the Snowy Plover,” (available in English and Spanish), had inspired Quiñones’ young son, Alonso. So much so that he, with help from his Dad, had created a beautiful sculpture of another member of the plover family, the Wilson’s Plover! This shorebird is more common than the Snowy Plover in Puerto Rico where Alonso lives, but faces many of the same conservation challenges as ‘Sami’. He presented this beautiful and detailed model to his classmates at the Montessori School EENUAM (Ecological School for Children Uniting the World), sharing the message of plovers as an example of shorebird migration.
Sharing a love for shorebirds
Quiñones recounted that his son has always been an animal lover, but his particular love for birds grew from around the age of six. More recently, he has become fascinated by plovers and other shorebirds. His father has encouraged his interest, buying books for him and taking him on regular birdwatching and shorebird counting trips. Alonso printed out and read Sami’s story, and decided to name his Wilson’s Plover creation after him.

Alonso’s interest in animals and birds was fostered at his school, in his fauna and flora class. José Salguero-Faría, a biologist and ornithologist at the University of Puerto Rico and and member of the local birdwatching organization SOPI (Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña), encouraged Alonso and his classmates’ interest in birds in general during a shore-birding field trip.
Further fun, facts, and activities to be had
According to his Papa, Alonso has been enjoying the drawing tutorials video series, also from Josmar Esteban Márquez , on the BirdsCaribbean YouTube channel and the coloring books and other online activities. from BirdsCaribbean. This includes our Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival’s “From the Nest” series, which features fun facts about our endemic birds, as well as coloring pages, puzzles, and activities for kids! These products are all available free of cost; we encourage our members and followers to share them with younger family members and the young at heart!
Recently, plovers have become Alonso’s passion. We hope that the love of a child will help raise awareness and bring hope for Sami and other endangered shorebirds!
resources from BirdsCaribbean for children:
The BirdsCaribbean Zine Library can be found here:
(in English and Spanish)