Birders showed up for the Global Shorebird Count – and so did the shorebirds!
Our Caribbean partners were thrilled to see some exciting and unusual birds (including a “first” for Bonaire!) during one of the most eagerly anticipated events on the birding calendar. The Global Shorebird Count took place from September 1 – 7, 2022, around World Shorebirds Day (September 6). These annual counts, carried out by thousands of volunteers and professionals worldwide, contribute valuable information on the populations, distribution, and migration of these fascinating and varied species. Across the Caribbean islands, it is an opportunity for birding groups, individuals and non-governmental organizations to focus on many of our most vulnerable migratory species. For many of our partners, it also helps birders to “reconnect” with our beautiful yet fragile coastlines that serve as resting and feeding stopovers for shorebirds.
“Lifer” shorebirds spotted in Cuba
The Bird Ecology Group of the University of Havana, Cuba, represented by Daniela Ventura, went out, with “two passionate photographers” in tow, to count shorebirds on Playa del Chivo, a small coastal habitat outside the Bay of Havana. The area is well known as an important stopover for many shorebirds. It was a late afternoon trip, and while many Short-billed Dowitchers, Western and Least Sandpipers, Ruddy Turnstones, Killdeers, Semipalmated Plovers, Sanderlings, and more were observed, it was also an enjoyable and relaxing experience. “We enjoyed the sunset and the spectacle of the birds gathering to spend the night,” reports Daniela. (click on the photos below to view larger)
The Cubans spotted two lifers: Piping Plover and Whimbrel. “The latter is an uncommon transient and winter resident in Cuba, so a real treat!” noted Daniela. As so often happens, the Whimbrel was spotted just as the group was about to leave, and the last rays of the sun were barely sufficient for taking a photograph.
An unexpected flying visit in Guadeloupe
The Association Ornithologique de la Guadeloupe (AMAZONA) also had a truly exciting experience, according to Anthony Levesque. During a count at Pointe des Châteaux on September 3, the group spotted a flock of no less than eighteen Hudsonian Godwits. “They land only for a few seconds before leaving to continue South, en route to South America!” Anthony reported. It was a memorable moment in time.

Jamaican birders brave the mud
The BirdLife Jamaica family visited two locations on the island’s south coast on September 4. In the wetlands of Portland Cottage, the team recorded 26 species of birds, braving the twin challenges of incredibly sticky mud and the possible appearance of crocodiles. Another challenge was counting the Least Sandpipers! They spotted a bird that was a “lifer” for most of the group: the Gull-billed Tern.
In the beautiful Crane Road and Parrotee wetlands of St. Elizabeth, a small team led by tour guide and BirdLife Jamaica Vice President Wolde Kristos spotted the Black-bellied Plover and Spotted Sandpiper, among a number of species. In terms of numbers, Sanderlings, Snowy Egrets, and Laughing Gulls topped their list.
A first for Bonaire!
Susan Davis of Bonaire Bird Tours reported some early birds (literally!) “I was surprised to see a Buff-Breasted Sandpiper enjoying a cooling bath in a small rain puddle. These migrating shorebirds generally arrive on Bonaire in October and November, so being able to see one in early September was definitely a treat!” She had previously given a group of ten birders instructions on how to use eBird Caribbean, where species are recorded. Susan was also thrilled to see that one migrating Hudsonian Godwit, first observed in August with another, was still present to be counted during the Global Shorebird Count!
During the Global Shorebird Count, nearby non-shorebird species are also recorded on eBird. It was a particular thrill for Susan when she spotted a mysterious, small raptor in her rear-view mirror, while driving home along the shore. She stopped, and identified this elegant bird as a White-tailed Kite – a new bird for Bonaire!
“It was stunning in its beauty and seemed to exude a calm, mellow demeanour, not at all alarmed by my presence just 30 feet (10 meters) away,” Susan enthused. You can read more here: https://www.bonairebirdtours.com/the-white-tailed-kite-a-new-bird-for-bonaire/
Shorebirds at sunset in Trinidad
It was a trip to the wetlands of Trinidad on September 4 for Alex Sansom, Mark Hulme, and Laura Baboolal. Again, this was a beautiful evening sunset trip, to Orange Valley and Temple by the Sea on the island’s west coast. Hundreds of Semipalmated and Western Sandpipers were seen, joined by Lesser Yellowlegs. All were hungrily feasting on microorganisms (biofilm). Willets, Whimbrels, and Black-bellied Plovers were also seen.
On World Shorebirds Day itself, the same group visited Trinidad’s Caroni Rice Fields. Despite the extreme heat, the shorebirds showed up. It was a good test of shorebird ID skills for the birders as a variety of shorebirds were spotted: Short-billed Dowitchers, several species of Sandpipers, besides American Golden Plovers and Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs.
As always, the Global Shorebird Count brought pleasant surprises – and a deeper appreciation of the region’s charming shorebirds. Participants came away all the more determined to help protect these vulnerable beauties and the habitats that are so important to them.
A huge thank to you all who participated in the 2022 Global Shorebird Count! If you have not yet submitted your checklist(s) to eBird Caribbean, it is not too late. Be sure to choose the CWC Point Count or CWC Traveling Count as your protocol and share your checklists with username “WorldShorebirdsDay” to ensure that your counts are included in any analyses of shorebirds from this community science effort. For additional information on the CWC (Caribbean Waterbird Census) and for free downloadable shorebird ID resources, click here and here. If you have any questions, please contact our Waterbird Program Manager, Alex Sansom.