The annual BirdsCaribbean Seabird Working Group (SWG) newsletter is now available! Catch up on the latest research, conservation, restoration, and education projects happening across the Caribbean Basin – in English, Spanish, and French!
This issue outlines the outcomes of the 2021 Seabird Fest and presents plans for a 2023 regional seabird census – which includes an informative seabird webinar series, focused on the techniques required to survey seabirds in the Caribbean.
Review updates on recent and ongoing regional projects and publications, covering Least Terns, Red-billed Tropicbirds, and Brown Pelicans, among others. The newsletter also features a “seabirder spotlight” on Patricia Bradley, conservationist stalwart in the Cayman islands and the wider Caribbean region.
Learn about the Seabird Working Group’s co-chairs, who are working hard behind the scenes to ramp up activities and communications, and find out the many ways that you can connect with the Seabird WG and its members, including our Facebook group!
Interested in getting involved? Please take advantage of the many avenues for communication described in the newsletter and if you have seabird news to share, let us know! We would love to feature your work in the next issue!
P.S. Don’t forget to visit the Seabird Working Group webpages and our Seabirds Resources page. If you would like to order copies of our beautiful Save Our Seabirds Posters (available in English and Spanish), and “Inventory of the Breeding Seabirds of the Caribbean” book, we would be glad to get these resources into your hands!
P.P.S. We are keen to hear from you if you enjoyed our newsletter! Please let us know if you have any recommendations on how to improve future editions.