We are very excited to announce that the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) will be back this spring from April 22nd (Earth Day), to May 22nd (International Biodiversity Day. This year’s theme is “Loving Birds Is Human Nature.”
When members of the Media Working Group began brainstorming for possible 2022 CEBF themes, it was clear that we wanted the theme to express our understanding that a close relationship with our environment is natural! Our best selves acknowledge that an appreciation for what nature provides for us is essential to our survival. Humans have had a special kinship with birds for eons—their beautiful colors and songs bring us much joy and they provide us with so many ecosystem services and other benefits. In this year’s festival we aim to explore and celebrate this theme.
Endemic Bird of the Day
You can expect another fabulous line-up of new birds – 25 – for Endemic Bird of the Day on our website and social media (be sure to follow us, @BirdsCaribbean on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!). Each day we will feature a bird that is only found in the Caribbean. Along with stunning photos, range maps, and bird calls, we will provide free downloadable bird-centric activities and games – like the exclusive Caribbean endemic birds coloring pages, for your family or classroom!
You also won’t want to miss our webinars, which will 1) discover and learn how how to draw and color a Caribbean endemic bird, the Puerto Rican Spindalis, 2) teach the basics of bird identification, in our How to Identify Birds 101 presentation, 3) help you create a backyard that is a haven for birds and other wildlife but also the envy of your neighbors, and 4) share inspiring stories about how some of our members have connected to birds and helped them in extraordinary ways. See info to sign up for the first graphic below; we’ll share details to other webinars closer to the dates so you’ll be able to add them to your calendar. These will be held via Zoom and live streamed to our Facebook page.

Story and Poetry Competition
Sharpen your pencil, polish your pen, hit the keyboard—we are also hosting a Story and Poetry Competition! We are calling on the Caribbean community to write about a unique experience that you have had with a bird or birds that reflects our theme, Loving Birds is Human Nature. It could have happened in your backyard, nearby park, garden, wetland, forest or anywhere! It could be about the first time you really noticed a bird and got hooked on birding, or about how birds have changed your life in some way, or an unusual or special encounter that you had with a bird. We’re looking for uplifting stories that express our connection to birds and nature and what your experience revealed to you personally. Featured stories and poems will be shared on our blog and social media and there will be prizes! Stay tuned for more details on this competition!

CEBF Small Grants
In spite of COVID-19 restrictions continuing across parts of the region, our incredible CEBF island coordinators and educators find different ways to carry on with the festivities on their respective islands. BirdsCaribbean will once again offer small grants to help cover some CEBF expenses.
To apply, send a short proposal (via this form), no later than Monday 28 March, 2022 , with the following information: 1) Coordinator name, address, phone number and email (if applicable: name and email of a second person on the coordination team); 2) Country where CEBF will be held; 3) Organization(s) that will benefit from this grant; 4) A brief description of the activities you plan to organize in your island/country (include objectives and expected results), related to the festival theme if possible, and how a small grant (specify amount requested up to $500 maximum) would help you develop these further (max. two pages, including a simple budget). We understand that your activities may be restricted by COVID-19 so plan accordingly, for example with virtual or socially distant activities. (See list of sample eligible activities below); and 5) A list of any in-kind funding you can offer: such as volunteer staff time, other materials, etc. (include in your budget).
You may also send your proposal to CEBF Co-Coordinators: Eduardo Llegus (CEBF@BirdsCaribbean.org) & Aliya Hosein (Aliya.Hosein@BirdsCaribbean.org), and Lisa Sorenson (Lisa.Sorenson@BirdsCaribbean.org) with the subject line: CEBF Small Grant Proposal 2022. Please contact Eduardo Llegus if you have any questions or doubts about this. We are looking forward to hearing about the many exciting activities you will be organizing this year. The CEBF is a great opportunity for people of all ages to learn about and connect with the Caribbean’s 171 endemic bird species. We can’t wait for you to join us as we learn how to better love our birds and ensure their survival for years to come.

Sample of Eligible Activities (we encourage you to be creative!):
- Educational events in schools, communities, or virtual to educate about our endemic birds, such as: talks about endemic birds (local and regional) and why they are important
- Art, photography, music, and poetry writing events, performances, or competitions – organizing a local Poetry Competition with small prizes is especially encouraged this year!
- Hosting birding field trips (including teaching about bird ID and the use of eBird Caribbean and Merlin apps)
- Habitat clean-ups or enhancing habitats for birds, such as through plantings of native trees and bushes that provide food (nectar, fruit or seeds) and shelter for birds
- Making bird feeders
- Creating and sharing educational materials about your local birds
- Educating about the value of native plants and habitats for birds in your country
- Radio programs and quizzes
- Articles in local medial
- Distributing copies of Endemic Birds of the West Indies Coloring Book and holding coloring competitions (we are sending out more copies of the book in the coming weeks if you have not yet received your supply!)
- Removing invasive plants that are harmful to birds
- Church services dedicated to protecting God’s creation
- Conservation actions that individuals can take to help birds
- Outdoor stations with activities and games (e.g., scavenger hunts; many ideas and resources are available for free download in our BirdSleuth Caribbean curriculum) for individuals and families to participate and learn about birds safely during COVID, etc.