BirdsCaribbean recently lost a dear friend, a conservation stalwart and defender of Caribbean birds, Erika Gates.
Sadly, Erika passed away on December 13, 2021 in Grand Bahama, after a battle with cancer. It is with heavy hearts that we extend condolences to her husband, Ed Gates, and her family, as well as to her colleagues, friends – and the many who benefited from her mentorship and kind spirit.
Erika was a delightful, warm, and charismatic person. She worked tirelessly for many years to champion, restore, and protect native habitats on her adopted home island of Grand Bahama (GB). Erika’s passion for birds inspired so many people to “take action” and get involved in their conservation.
She was a dedicated educator, hosting annual celebrations of our Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival and World Migratory Bird Day events in GB and at her restored Garden of the Groves.
Erika opened up the eyes of hundreds of new people to the joys of birding and the importance of conservation. She loved visiting schools, taking both children and community members on birding field trips, and trips to plant native trees and gardens. Her love of birds and can-do positive outlook inspired so many to learn and love the birds she so fondly taught about. She generously shared her knowledge with everyone she met.
Erika was also a pioneer in ecotourism and avi-tourism, trained many guides, and helped to develop our Caribbean Birding Trail project. She provided dozens of jobs to local people in her innovative ecotourism businesses, demonstrating that providing economic opportunities does not have to happen at the expense of the environment.
Erika’s remarkable life story is an illustration of her focus and resilience. She never let obstacles stand in her way. Her husband Ed recalls, “It may be her Germanic roots, but she did have a drive to do things and make things better.” Erika was born in Germany during wartime, in 1942. Her childhood was spent in the dangerous, unstable atmosphere of post-war Germany; her mother cared for her and two older brothers while her father spent time in a prison camp for German officers in Canada. Her love of birds may have started from as early as eight years old, when her brother began taking her birdwatching.
There is no denying that Erika had an energetic, adventurous spirit, which endeared her to many. This started at an early age, when as a teenager she took kayaking trips down the Rhine in Germany with her brothers. She pursued her love of the outdoors in The Bahamas and many other locations: biking, hiking, camping, kayaking, and even dog sledding. She trained as an instrument-rated pilot and flew a twin-engine plane between Freeport and Florida for over ten years. In her earlier years, she was also a professional tennis player and an umpire, and ran two tennis clubs in Freeport, encouraging young players.
Erika was truly a beloved member of our BirdsCaribbean community. Beautiful, intelligent, caring, loving, funny, generous, revered, compassionate, highly respected, full of productive energy – these are a few words that friends and colleagues are using to describe Erika. We will sorely miss Erika’s presence at our conferences, workshops, and field trips.

Erika served on our board for 4 years (2015-2018). She was a long-time supporter of BirdsCaribbean and our mission; she had so much love and regard for our community.
“There are no words to express how much gratitude we have for her amazing life – her friendship, kindness, and countless contributions,” commented Executive Director Lisa Sorenson. “Erika has left us far too soon, but her spirit is flying free, soaring with the birds she loved so much. She will always be with us, in the songs of beautiful birds in our gardens and in the sound of the wind blowing through the trees.”
Rest in peace, dear Erika. Your amazing life will continue to inspire us, and we will strive to continue your legacy of protecting Caribbean birds and nature.

Erika Gates played a significant – or rather, a starring role in the development of eco-tourism on her island home. She was co-founder of the Ecotourism Association and founded Grand Bahama Nature Tours, where she trained nature guides, providing many jobs for young Bahamians. She was a strong supporter of the Lucayan National Park, established on the island in 1977. Her work was lauded by tourism officials (she received several awards).
Erika had an unrivaled passion for birds, and assisted with the development of several birding trails, including BirdsCaribbean’s Caribbean Birding Trail. She inspired other eco-tourism groups, including on other islands such as Bimini. She regularly organized and hosted bird events and festivals, including the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival and World Migratory Bird Day. Erika served as a Board Member of BirdsCaribbean from 2015 to 2018. She was especially supportive of several Cuban projects and the elaboration of a book on birds of the National Botanic Garden, providing invaluable encouragement and advice.
One of her greatest loves – and a deep-seated commitment – was for the 12-acre Garden of the Groves on Grand Bahama. After the onslaught of several hurricanes, by 2004 these botanical gardens had been abandoned and left to ruin. Along with Michelle Hanson, Erika committed herself to restoring them in 2008.
More storms followed, but on each occasion, including after the devastating Hurricane Dorian in 2019, Erika brought the Gardens back and reopened. Naturally, birding was an integral part of her work there, as her reports on the Gardens’ website show. It is now a lovely oasis, with walking trails, native trees, a lagoon, and of course many species of birds.
Those whom she trained and mentored at the Gardens praised her “energy and compassion,” as well as her hard-working, down to earth approach.
Erika’s kindness and compassion was not only for humans. She rescued and cared for hundreds of cats and dogs, and kept an amazing “cattery” for dozens of abandoned and wild cats at her home.
Once news reached the BirdsCaribbean community that Erika was very ill, messages of hope and love began pouring in. Erika passed away on the evening of December 13, 2021. The below tributes were shared from members of our community:
Sandy Buckner (Sandy sent this message before Erika passed)
Dear Erika – You are in our thoughts with great affection for who you are, for all you have done and for all the pleasure you have brought to so many. Bringing joy, knowledge and the wonders of nature in these islands to so many. As we go into the Christmas Bird Count, yet again this year, know that we will be thinking of you and Ed, and all your personal birding community, and wishing you were with us here on New Providence. As we gather after the CBC at Sandyport, we will most certainly raise a glass to you remembering how often you have stayed with us. We thank Lisa for letting us know. Wishing you comfort. Love, Sandy and Hugh.
Howard Nelson and Ellie Devenish (Howard and Ellie sent this message before Erika passed)
Dear Erika and Ed, Ellie and I are so distressed to hear that you have been so unwell. We were very much looking forward to the chance of seeing you in the summer at the Puerto Rico meeting of BirdsCaribbean next year and even a chance of perhaps re-living our trip to Grand Bahama and visiting you there some time soon. I have very fond memories of our time on the Board together and the fun we all had at the NAOC! Do know that all our thoughts are with you and we are praying for you.
Andrew Dobson, Past President, BirdsCaribbean
“This is such awful news – ‘devastating’ as you say. Such a wonderful, caring person – she doesn’t deserve to suffer in this way. I loved staying with her in the Bahamas and sharing her passion in tennis as well as birding. In my most recent correspondence (October), she told me she was in Germany and had been birding some eBird hotspots as well as participating in Global Bid Day where she was thrilled to see 36 formations of more than 1600 Common Cranes migrating from Scandinavia across Germany right over her home near Koblenz.”
Rosemarie Gnam
This news is devastating. I am so sad to hear this and it just confirms to me how quickly things can change with cancer. Please pass my prayers onto Ed and her family. She did so much for Bahamian bird conservation. More later. A hug, Rose.
Kate Wallace
Dear Erika, Such a special lady. We will all miss you much! If hugs can be sent by email, here is mine! Abrazos, Kate
Ann Maddock
Her spirit has been carried on the wings of all the birds she loved. Sidney and I are so blessed to have known her as our friend. You may not know this- but Erika and Ed have a truly special loving relationship. They adore one another and care so deeply about one another.
Lynn Gape
Such devastating news. Erika was an inspiration to so many and she was always willing to provide support. Sincere condolences to her friends and family.
Carla Montalvo Martínez
Very sad news. I’m very sorry for her family and the ones who knew her. Her spirit is free and she will always be an inspiration for everyone who knew her. Prayers and strength for her family and colleagues.
Carol Beidleman
I am so deeply saddened to hear this news. I have fond memories of Erika’s graceful and smiling presence at meetings, particularly at Garden of the Groves on Grand Bahama in 2011, and I’ve had such appreciation for her dedication to the birds and to inspiring others to learn and care about them. My sympathies to her loved ones.
Eric Carey
Erika is a legend in the birding sphere and nature tourism industry in The Bahamas. She was a pioneering trailblazer in nature tourism, and greatly influenced and impacted many individuals and companies in that arena. She was a valued BNT partner in Grand Bahama in particular, and especially at the Lucayan National Park. She is revered in our country, and highest respected in many other countries. She will be sorely missed and will never be forgotten. Condolences to her Dear life partner Ed. May all who knew her be comforted by the many many memories she made in The Bahamas and across the Caribbean. Rest In Peace Dearest Erika.
Frantz and Eric Delcroix
This is a very sad day, I have no words to tell you all that I feel. Please Lisa, assure Ed of our support, from the bottom of our heart.
Grand Bahama Island Birders
Our appreciation for birdwatching, nature – caring for our planet, was developed and encouraged by Erika gates, our birding guru, mentor and friend. Her spirit will continue with us.
Margo Zdravkovic
This is impossibly sad news. Sending my love and condolences.
Natalya Lawrence
I’m so very sorry to hear this! As a young birder, I remember receiving training in the Bahamas and Erika would be present on some of our trips. I only remember her ever-ready for birding. She pointed out a number of species to us and taught which were migratory, resident, introduced… I learnt so much from her. Sending sincerest condolences to Ed, her friends, BNT, and the people of the Bahamas.
Nils Navarro
Thanks for keeping us informed about Erika, I am so sorry to know about her passing, my most sincere condolences to her family and friends. Rest in peace, Erika.
Leo Douglas
Very sad news! Erika was such an inspiration. Our deepest sympathies to all her loved ones and dear friends. In sympathy!
Will Mackin
My whole family is so sad to hear this. I signed the four of us up for a tour from her company in 2019 when we visited Grand Bahama. She ran the tour herself and personally guided us. It was such a fun day hanging out with a celebrity and a pioneer. We were inspired and honored. She will be missed around the Caribbean and the World. RIP. Condolences to all who were lucky enough to call her a friend.
Andrew Rothman
I’m so sorry to hear. Such a kind, passionate person.
Lisa Yntema
I am so sorry to hear of Erica’s passing. She was a remarkable woman, with her wonderful combination of intelligence, organizational skills, compassion, perseverance, humor, and generosity. Although I didn’t know her well, I join the many who will miss her. My condolences to her family and all who hold her dear.
Rosemarie Gnam
I want to add my condolences to those of others. Erika was a remarkable woman and the inspiration for nature tourism in The Bahamas. I still remember the first time I met her, at a then SCSCB meeting, and the kindness she showed me. I lost a winning bid in the Silent Auction for a hibiscus print that she had donated to the Auction. She sent me another print when she returned home from the meeting. Her thoughtfulness is still remembered. My sympathy and prayers to her husband. Ed and family – may your memories provide comfort during this very difficult time. Thank you for sharing Erika with us.
Carolyn Wardle and members of the Bird Club of New Providence
We have lost a true pioneer for the environment but are happy to have known a wonderful and talented champion for the birds. The Bahamas and particularly Grand Bahama have been blessed to know Erika and her legacy will live on. She brought the Garden of the Groves back to life and created her own Garden of the Gates and passed on her extensive knowledge to members of the Grand Bahama Island Bird club. Let’s celebrate a very special person.
Jeff Gerbracht
I’m so sorry to hear this. Erika’s enthusiasm, kindness and heart touched so many others in so many wonderful ways. Her passion for The Bahamas, birds and people were always a joy to be near. My sincere condolences to Ed, her family and her many friends.
Lyndon John
So sorry to hear this sad news. As with so many of you, Erika’s charismatic energy and joyful nature certainly made an indelible impression on me during my visit to Grand Bahama in 2015. My condolences to Ed and family as well as to her BirdsCaribbean family.
Joni Ellis
Thank you, Lisa, for sharing the details and albeit sad news. She was a champion and important member of BC. We will all be sending healing thoughts and meditations to her family.
Adrianne Tossas
This is a sad moment for BirdsCaribbean… I remember being around Erika as a very pleasant experience, because of her charm, positive aura, and joy for the birds and life in general. I join all her friends and family members in the sorrow.
Aly Ollivierre
Such sad news, Erika was such a wonderful lady. Deepest condolences to her family and friends.
Greg Butcher
Erika hosted Linda and I for a wonderful visit on her property and all over Grand Bahama in March of 2018, before the devastating hurricane. She, of course, was a wonderful hostess, making sure we enjoyed everything about the island. We got to meet Ed and reunite with Martha and Delores. It was a fantastic trip!
One of my best memories was seeing Erika’s cat colony – a wonderfully kept-up series of cages that hosted feral, unadoptable cats. The Grand Bahama Humane Society had (has?) a similar colony that allows cats to live humanely without being subjected to the tribulations of life alone outdoors. We took some pictures that I share with others facing the dilemma of what to do with unadoptable cats.
Ernesto Reyes
Dear Lisa. I am so sorry to get this email too late!! I am in Hondones with a very poor signal. It is terrible to hear that sad news!! Send to Ed and Erika all our Love from Cuba. I will remember her as the great person that she was, unfortunately I don’t have the opportunity to see my pictures on her walls by myself but she was so happy to hang some of my first pictures in her house. Warmest and big hugs to Ed and Erika’s family from a Cuban friend.
Lourdes Mugica
Erika was special with Cuban people, with her kindness she provided support to several Cuban projects, helped the 1917 BirdsCaribbean meeting to be celebrated in Cuba, and always encouraged us to complete the book on the birds of the National Botanic Garden in Cuba, that is almost ready – we are so sorry that she couldn’t enjoy it! Our deepest condolences to Ed, her family and friends. We all will miss her smile, positive energy and passion for birds that was part of all BirdsCaribbean meetings. We will always have fond memories of Erika! Rest in Peace. Lourdes.
Zeko McKenzie
Such grief-stricken news to receive. Dr. Hayes and I send our condolences to the Gates family. I will always remember Mrs. Gates’ hugs and welcoming smile. She will be missed. May her spirit rest in peace.
Herb Raffaele
This is very sorrowful news. Erika was a very special person who left an extraordinary legacy in The Bahamas and beyond. She will be missed, but well remembered by all of her friends throughout the Caribbean. I extend my heartfelt condolences to Ed, her family, and friends.
Leo Douglas – 14 Dec (sharing photo of Erika and Margo)
I shared this photo of Erika last night, and wanted to share it with everyone – as for me, it captured so well the life and spirit of a woman who touched so many in such deeply personal ways with her passion and joy for living. We will miss her dearly. A true loss for our community.
Tyrone Buckmire and the Grenada Fund for Conservation
The Grenada Fund for Conservation Family (Zoya, myself and our Directors) extend sincere condolences to Ed and all the members of Erika’s household, as well as her extended BirdsCaribbean family. She was truly a stalwart and a champion for all our feathered friends, and her passion, compassion and commitment will be missed. May she rest in eternal peace.
Anne Campbell and Team, Smithy’s Garden /Caribbean Horizons Tours, Grenada
Sincere Condolences to all the family and friends on the passing of such an amazing and accomplished woman. Just reading about some of the incredible bird conservation initiatives Erika Gates started, or was so wholeheartedly involved with, is warming to my soul – here is someone who lived life to the fullest, contributing, influencing, sharing and caring about people and the environment! May she Rest In Peace and May all who were touched by her incredible legacy continue to champion her cause. God’s blessings and comfort to all.
Eric Salamanca – TCI
I want to express my deepest condolences to the family of Madam Erika Gates. Since I joined BirdsCaribbean in 2008 (formerly known as SCSCB) until recently, I have had a chance to meeting Madam Gates in The Bahamas and other Caribbean countries where the meetings were held.
Alcides Morales
My most sincere condolences to her family and friends. Erika, an inspiring example of what we can achieve. Rest in peace.
Judd Patterson
I, too, was touched by the passion and kindness that Erika exhibited daily. My wife and I visited Grand Bahama in 2014 and stumbled upon Garden of the Groves. Erika was hosting the annual CBC and instantly invited us to join the compilation event and dinner. She generously shared advice on where we could go the next day, and we talked about a potential photo book to document the flora and fauna of her wonderful gardens. I continue to be inspired by her deep roots in conservation projects across The Bahamas/Caribbean. My sincere condolences to her family and friends.
Katy Krigbaum (sharing a photo of Erika with the Krigbaum family)
I was heartbroken to read that Erika Gates passed away. She was such a generous, giving and inspirational woman. She guided me several times on Grand Bahama Island, and took my mother and my children birding there in 1999. I was lucky to be on her team for the first ever Christmas Bird Count on Great Abaco in 2003. She made sure everyone on the team saw each bird her keen eyes spotted. Her work and tenacity in promoting birding and conservation in the Bahamas was accompanied by such grace and enthusiasm.
Here is a photo of her, my Mom (Esther Krigbaum) and my children (Felicity, 5 and Will, 7) on that unforgettable day birding on Grand Bahama Island in July, 1999. That smile of hers is so radiant.
My condolences to Erika’s husband and the Caribbean birding community for the loss of such a champion.
NOTE: If you have stories, memories, a tribute, and/or photos of Erika you would like to include in this tribute article, please send them to: Tahira Carter, BirdsCaribbean Communications Manager Tahira.Carter@BirdsCaribbean.org