Making the Most of Covid-19 Isolation: Backyard Birding in Jamaica with Tips for Attracting and Photographing Birds


  1. Barbara Johnson says:

    Stu, this is a beautiful documentary of Jamaican birds. It is so relaxing to sit and watch the birds at my bird feeder and bath. I hope this will encourage more Jamaicans to start bird watching. So much to learn from these small creatures.

  2. Tyrone Rushie says:

    Excellent article and good therapy to help you recover from covid and other issues. Will be making a bird bath in Portland.

  3. Beryl Urquhart says:

    This is beautiful.I have learnt a.lot from you to set up my own bird sanctuary.I have a bird bath and.gradually the nirds are coming to drink and bathe in it.
    I do not know the names of the.birds but the.ones that came first are ground doves.Now your article has.given me inspiration to develop an interest.I Tower Isle where there are.many fruit trees and much vegetation.
    You can see the birds darting in and out of the ackee and apple trees.You compete with them to get any for yourself.Did you know that birds eat pomegranates’?
    And June plums.

  4. Betty C says:

    Thanks for this. My yard still has builders rubble and is quite bare but my my neighboring lots are empty and they don’t debush. I am going to try to at least set up a birdbath and see what happens. From Clermont Highgate St Mary

  5. Thanks for your kind words, Barbara, we will pass them on to Stu, and yes, birding is so relaxing and stress-relieving! We do hope Jamaicans and many others will be inspired to take up birding!

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