BirdsCaribbean is excited to finally announce all of our Global Big Day 2021 photography winners and share some of the many awesome photos that were taken on Global Big Day! We already reported on the team and individual stats and awards – click here if you missed the results from our record-breaking day!
Thanks to everyone that participated, especially our team leaders and generous donors, Global Big Day 2021 was a huge success. We had a record number of teams participating (15). And thanks to a game-changing challenge grant from a member of the President’s Perch team, we were able to raised close to $20,000 for our new Caribean Motus Collaboration – so amazing! Congrats to all the winners – enjoy the photos and gallery below!!!
Best Bird Photo: Rafy Rodriguez – Puerto Rican Tody

Second Best Bird Photo: Roberto Jovel — Cuban Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cuba

Third Best Bird Photo: Jerome Foster — Little Blue Heron, immature (molting), St. Lucia

Best Shorebird: Julian Moore — Ruddy Turnstone, Barbados

Youngest GBDer: (1) Joanne Gaymes – Maeson Gaymes in St. Vincent; (2) Anneke Mace – Holly Mace birding in New Zealand

Best Smiles: Andrew Dobson and teammates Patricia Zurita and Katrina-Dobson – UK

Best Selfie: Maikel Cañizares – The Bee Hummers Cuban Dream team, Cuba

Most Beautiful Landscape: Rafy Rodriguez

Urban Birds: Jerome Foster – Gray Kingbird on nest, St. Lucia

Life in the Wild: (1) Jerome Foster – American Kestrels mating, St. Lucia; (2) John Kricher – Mute Swan parent banishing Canada Goose; (3) Joanne Gaymes – Black-faced Grassquit female collecting nesting material, St. Vincent

Sweetest Fluffiest Birds: (1) John Kricher – Mute Swan cygnets; (2) Rafy Rodriguez – Green Heron immature

Enjoy this gallery of bird, people and scenery photos taken on Global Big Day by various team members in the Caribbean, US, UK, Costa Rica, Panama, Netherlands, and more!
Killdeer in Antigua (Xavier Roberts)
Barbados Bullfinch, endemic to Barbados. (Photo by Julian Moore)
Jeff Gerbracht selfie, yes, it’s snowing again for GBD in Ithaca, NY.
Antillean Mango in Puerto Rico (Rafy-Rodriguez)
Adrian Cobas birding in Cuba
Grassland Yellow Finches in Barbados (Julian Moore)
Scaly-breasted Thrasher (Jerome Foster)
Dickcissel, seen on Road from Hagerman (John Thomlinson)
Scaly-naped Pigeon in St. Lucia (Jerome Foster)
Mallard/Black Duck Hybrid (John Kricher)
Glenroy Gaymes birding with son Maeson in the St Vincent Botanical Gardens. (Photo by Joanne Gaymes)
Glaucous-winged Gull (Mark Oberle)
Wadden Sea-Netherlands (Pedro Lourenco)
Alligator – Altamaha Wildlife Management Area, Georgia (Joe Wunderle)
Red-billed Streamertail – endemic in Jamaica. (Photo by Claude Fletcher)
Jamaican Becard (Wendy Lee)
Birders with Beny Wilson at Panama Rainforest Discovery Center (Beny Wilson)
Snail Kite perched in Barbados (Julian Moore)
Orange-winged Parrot in Barbados (Julian Moore)
Submerged Pied-billed Grebe in Barbados (Julian Moore)
Pied-billed Grebe submerged in Barbados (Julian Moore)
Gray Kingbirds (Petcharies) – the 4 sentinels (Wendy Lee)
Yellow-Crowed Night-Heron in flight (Jerome Foster)
Holly Garrod and Josh-Covill, birding in Costa Rica, winners of most birds seen for GBD 2021!
Spring birding at hotspot, Mt. Auburn Cemetery, MA, (Lisa Sorenson)
Lesser Yellowlegs in Puerto Rico (Rafy Rodriguez)
Phyllis Pollack’s son and grandson at Berkeley Marina (Phyllis-Pollack)
Laughing Gulls and Maeson Gaymes in St Vincent (Joanne Gaymes)
Harlequin Ducks (Mark-Oberle)
Gorgeted Woodstar in Venezuela (Josmar-Esteban Marquez)
Jamaican Becard nest, reused every year (Wendy Lee)
Caribbean Martins in Barbados (Julian-Moore)
Semi-palmated Plovers in St. Vincent (Joanne Gaymes)
Lisa and Mike Sorenson birding in Massachusetts on Global Bird Day
Purple Martin nest with chicks. (John Kricher)
Eastern Phoebe (John Kricher)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron juvenile in Canash, St. Vincent (Joanne Gaymes)
Dunlins and Black-bellied Plovers (John Kricher)
Parrots in flight, Panama-(Beny Wilson)
Long-billed Dowitcher in Barbados (Julian-Moore)
Lauwersmeer National-Park, Netherlands (Pedro Lourenco)
Scenic Tractor Landscape in Puerto Rico (Rafy Rodriguez)
Jamaican Woodpecker (Claude Fletcher)
Greater Yellowlegs (Niels Larsen)
Painted Bunting, Darien, Georgia (Joe Wunderle)
Spotted Sandpiper in Barbados (Julian Moore)
Beny Wilson with GBD birding group, including Rick Morales and Ivan Skildsen (Minister of Tourism) in Panama (Beny Wilson)
Zenaida Dove in St Lucia (Jerome Foster)
Cattle Egret portrait, St. Lucia (Jerome-Foster)
American Kestrels with lizard prey (Jerome-Foster)
Yellow Warbler (golden) in Barbados (Julian-Moore)
Inquisitive Marsh Wren (John Kricher)
Tropical Mockingbird in a downpour, Trinidad (Mark Hulme)
Greater Antillean Grackle in Puerto Rico (Rafy-Rodriguez)
Wild Turkeys being wild turkeys (John Kricher)
Double-crested and Neotropic Cormorants, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge (John Thomlinson)
American Coot on nest in Barbados (Julian-Moore)
Little Egret in Dominica (Niels Larsen)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (John Kricher)
Yellow Warbler- in Antigua (Xavier-Roberts)
Jamaican Becard with insect prey (Claude Fletcher)
Long-billed Dowitcher in Barbados (Julian Moore)
Kiskidee in Trinidad (Mark Hulme)
White-crowned Pigeon in Antigua (Xavier-Roberts)
Spectacled Thrush in St. Lucia (Jerome Foster)
Wild Turkey Jaywalking on Plum-Island, Massachusetts (Lisa-Sorenson)
Chuck Wills Widow – migrant in Costa-Rica (Holly Garrod)
Returning Bobolinks (John Kricher)
Laughing Gull, St. Simon Island, Georgia (Joe Wunderle)