St. Vincent’s iconic Parrot still faces challenges from the La Soufrière eruption, but work is being done to help the parrot and relief supplies are on the way (thanks to many generous donors who responded to our emergency appeal)! As the dramatic month of April draws to a close, it is still a mixed picture for the island of St. Vincent, its wonderful parrots and other wildlife, and its people. This level of uncertainty is likely to persist for the foreseeable future, according to scientists, who are monitoring La Soufrière on a daily basis. Their message is that the smoldering, steaming volcano, which is fairly quiet for now, is “still dangerous.” As we have learned, the situation can change rapidly.

La Soufrière’s destructive path
Since we wrote about the volcano’s first eruption on April 9th, the volcano erupted again on the morning of Earth Day (April 22), with the plume of ash reaching as high as eight kilometers. This created some pyroclastic flows – a mixture of extremely hot volcanic ash and rocks that burns everything in its path. Since then, there have been flows of lahars (these are very fast-moving, dense mudflows or debris flows consisting of pyroclastic material, rocky debris, ash and water) along river valleys and gullies. To make matters worse, torrential rains on April 28 and 29 have created floods and landslides in several parts of the island (including the capital, Kingstown) exacerbating the flow of lahars through valleys. Residents are being advised not to go near rivers or streams, especially in the dangerous Red Zone in the north.
As of the evening of Thursday, April 29, the University of the West Indies (UWI) Seismic Centre reported that the volcano’s activity remained low. However, the lahars (some extremely hot) have caused considerable erosion and damage in all valleys that drain the volcano, bringing down many trees that have been carried into the ocean and are creating a hazard for shipping. In several parts of the island, damage to the forest has been quite extensive and rivers are filled with sediment. Earth tremors have been frequent. A recent survey noted many broken trees, weighed down by the heavy ash falls – even in the southern Green Zone where the danger is less. In some areas (for example, Jennings, Tiberoux, and Perseverance) trees have lost their tops and there was little sign of life in the forest. This is not good news for birds, including not only the St. Vincent Parrot but species such as the endangered Whistling Warbler and twelve other restricted-range endemic species, including the Grenada Flycatcher, Rufous-throated Solitaire, Purple-throated Carib, Brown Trembler, Lesser Antillean Tanager, Antillean Euphonia, and others.

Vincentians working hard for the birds
However, there is good news! Our partners on the ground at the Forestry Department of St. Vincent and the Grenadines are still seeing and hearing parrots. Local foresters are working hard for the birds; take a look at the photos and great videos below and on their Facebook page, where you will see them preparing and resupplying fresh fruit to the tall, spindly, but sturdy feeding platform stations that they constructed in the island’s Orange Zone (the central area where many of the parrots are located). Forestry staff have been clearing paths through the damaged forest, looking for stressed parrots and where they are concentrating, clearing waterways of fallen trees and branches in order to restore water supply in several areas, and at the same time doing humanitarian work – helping out their fellow Vincentians with supplies for shelters. Kudos to these brave and hard-working foresters!!! Forestry reports that they have a number of farmers that work with them and they are sympathetic to the plight of the parrots and putting our fresh fruit for them. Forestry is helping to supply this fruit. Members of the public are also calling in to Forestry to report that parrots, hummingbirds and other birds are showing up in areas where they do not normally occur. This shows that parrots are moving around searching for food – thank goodness they have wings! Hopefully, much of the population has been able to escape the eruptions and most damaged areas – time will tell as surveys continue in the coming weeks and months.
Help is on the way!
Thanks to the generous donations from friends and donors to the BirdsCaribbean fundraising effort, and the great support of international partners, we have shipped off supplies for the Forestry Department: a range of field equipment, including binoculars, respirators, backpacks, machetes, GPS units, walkie-talkies, cameras, and head-lamp flashlights; also tools and supplies such as hand drills, aviary wire, tarps, and hardware to repair and enhance the Forestry Department’s facilities for breeding captive parrots at the Botanical Gardens. The shipment also includes supplies to treat and care for rescued parrots—two veterinary “go-bags” (field kits containing all the critical care supplies needed to treat parrots in the field), Vita Seed Top Parrot Mix (300 pounds), hand-feeding formula and medicines to treat rescued parrots, and a portable oxygen generator and St Vincent Parrot-sized mask to help parrots in respiratory distress. The first shipment including all of the above items (1,625 pounds) is now en route to St. Vincent via Tropical Shipping sea freight – it will arrive on May 5th! Additional items still to be sent include nectar feeders for hummingbirds (many flowering plants have been badly damaged), seed feeders for other birds, and camping supplies to allow Forestry to spend the night in the field during parrot survey watches.

In these uncertain times, our caring local partners will continue to need our support. They are working hard in very challenging, often dangerous conditions to ensure that some of our most vulnerable Caribbean birds are assured of a safe and secure future. Later on, there will be a great deal of restoration work to do. At the moment, the volcano remains “in a state of unrest,” according to the UWI.
Jan 2022 Update
Our crowdfunding platform for this appeal, GoFundMe Charity, a separate arm of GoFundMe, unfortunately closed down this site, with a plan for all charities to operate fundraising pages on their main site, thus our crowdfunding page for this fundraiser is no longer available. However, you can donate here and designate your donation in the comments to help with the continued recovery of the St Vincent Parrot, Whistling Warbler, and other wildlife in St Vincent. We owe it to the gorgeous St. Vincent Parrots and their beautiful island home!
Thank you to all of the incredibly generous donors to our fundraising campaign for your support. This has been critical to allow us to purchase and ship relief supplies as well as send funds to our local partners in St. Vincent. A huge thank you also to our international partners who are supporting this relief effort, including Rare Species Conservatory Foundation, Caribaea Initiative, Fauna & Flora International, Vortex Optics, and the Farallon Islands Foundation. We thank our amazing local partners SCIENCE Initiative, the St. Vincent & the Grenadines Environment Fund, and the Forestry Dept for your support and hard work.
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