This year marked the 12th anniversary of the Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC). Shanna Challenger and Britney Hay from the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) update us on the highlights of this years CWC activities on Antigua. Find out what the group saw during their citizen science surveys and who made the winning mask in their fun and creative ‘Bird Mask-erade’ !
We’ve all heard the age-old saying “birds of a feather flock together” – but when counting birds, we realize that birds not of a feather will still flock together, making counting an even more challenging experience, requiring a sharp eye, and close attention to detail.

It’s a beautiful Sunday evening, and the sun is beginning to make its descent. You arrive at the mangrove, armed with your mask, binoculars, reusable water bottle, and most importantly, insect repellent. White feathery heads dot the lush mangrove, and you get into position, ready to count the mysterious colony of egrets or “garlings”. As you look through your spotting scope and begin your count, you take a closer look and realise that the seemingly monotonous flock of egrets also includes other species, such as Yellow-Crowned Night Herons, Brown Pelicans, and Little Blue Herons. As you excitedly record the numbers of birds seen, you look around for the final three minutes, and a majestic Osprey flies overhead just in time to be included in your count.
What’s described above is a typical experience of being a birder and participating in the annual Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC). This year marked the 12th anniversary of this region-wide wetland bird and waterbird monitoring program, spearheaded by BirdsCaribbean. The CWC, which took place between January 14th and February 3rd across the region, aimed to raise awareness of wetland birds and their habitats by engaging different agencies and individuals in monitoring and conservation. Across the Caribbean, avid birders took to their favourite wetland bird sites to record the number and species of wetland birds in the spirit of conservation.

Members of the EAG’s birding club, the Wadadli Warblers, and friends were sure to get involved in the CWC action this year. The 21 participants were split among three different wetland sites: the Fitches Creek Mangrove, McKinnon’s Salt Pond, and Nevis Street Mangrove. Except for the Nevis Street Mangrove, each of these sites are considered Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) because of the notable species and numbers of native and migratory birds that they regularly support.
At each site, CWC Level 2 counts were conducted by the respective teams, affectionately named the “Nevis Street Noddies”, the “McKinnons Mallards” and the “Fitches Creek Falcons”. During the census this year, a whopping 42 species of birds were seen between the three sites. Preliminary findings showed the evidence of nesting White-Cheeked Pintails, as ducklings were observed at McKinnons; and the surprising presence of Laughing Gulls, which are not usually seen until later in the year. Collecting this data is invaluable for monitoring the health of waterbird populations and their habitats in our Antiguan wetlands. It is beneficial to both birds and people, since we rely on the same habitats for our health and well-being.

Unfortunately, each of these sites were under pressure, threatening the bird species that lived there. Pollution through illegal dumping, noise, invasive species, and infrastructural developments were all examples of this.
This year’s census was the most robust CWC data collection effort to date and we applaud our teams for their contributions as citizen scientists. For the grand finale of the CWC activities, the EAG encouraged the Wadadli Warblers to participate in a Bird Mask-erade, where members were tasked with designing a face mask inspired by their favorite wetland bird. In addition to celebrating the CWC, the friendly competition sought to link our culture with our love of the environment, while providing a keepsake of our current times during the pandemic. The winner of the competition, Auriel Hunte, won a Birds of the West Indies field guide (new Second Edition!), written by renowned author Herb Raffaele, and a $50 food voucher for her feathery Snowy Egret-inspired mask.
Click on the photos below to view them larger.
More fund photos from EAG’s ‘bird Mask-Erade’ (click on the photos below to see the them larger in a gallery).
The Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) works to raise awareness about the importance of waterbirds and the need for conservation efforts to improve their habitat, especially in local Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) like the McKinnon’s Saltpond, and the Fitches Creek Mangrove. Our work is possible through support provided by BirdsCaribbean, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. BirdsCaribbean also thanks the US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Forest Service, Canadian Wildlife Service, Manomet, and our members and donors for supporting our Caribbean Waterbird Census and Shorebird Monitoring and Conservation Projects!
Find EAG on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EAGAntigua
And Twitter: @EAGAntigua
BirdsCaribbean thanks our members and donors for helping to make this work possible!