We’re excited to share with you a new coloring book: Color and Protect the Snowy Plover. The coloring book was created by talented artist and naturalist, Josmar Esteban-Márquez, in honor of this year’s World Shorebirds Day celebration (3 to 9 September).
Josmar created this coloring book to provide a fun resource for kids to learn about Snowy Plovers—small gray-brown and white shorebirds that live on Caribbean beaches and salt flats. The coloring book highlights how vulnerable these birds are to disturbance and predation, and how each of us must take care not to step on or trample their nests or disturb them when they are breeding.
Josmar studies and monitors shorebirds on offshore islands and cays of Venezuela. He bands migratory and resident shorebirds to learn more about their movements, habitat use, survival, and population size.
Josmar is also a passionate conservationist. He is well aware of the many threats to shorebirds and is doing all he can to raise awareness about how special these birds are and how everyone can help to protect them. Josmar takes youth of all ages birding, creates amazing bird art murals with kids, and holds community festivals to celebrate shorebirds.

The Coloring book is available for free download in English and Spanish. We anticipate having a French version available soon. Enjoy the coloring book story and illustrations with your kids and download pages or the whole book for your child to color in. Learn more about Snowy Plovers here.
Snowy Plover Coloring Book in English
Snowy Plover Coloring Book in Spanish