This year is different—very different.
BirdsCaribbean, like many other organizations, has had to “rethink” and restructure many of its regular activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF), celebrated each spring by diverse groups and partners throughout the Caribbean, moved into the online world for 2020. It transformed into a “virtual festival” from our homes—our “nest.”

Making the Most of the Challenge
In the 19-year history of the CEBF, we have always found fun and creative ways to connect people to our rich and diverse regional avifauna, with a special focus on the unique 171 species that live only in the region. Each year, partner organizations, led by BirdsCaribbean organize educational, social and scientific events, gathering people of all ages together at various birding “hotspots.” This year, the planned theme was to celebrate our Birds and Culture; but the challenges of COVID-19 and the social distancing restrictions on the islands’ residents presented unusual challenges for participants.
However, adjusting to difficult situations is nothing new for the region, points out CEBF Regional Coordinator Eduardo Llegus: “Caribbean people—and birds—are very resilient. We have endured catastrophic hurricanes, severe droughts, heavy rainfall and flooding, pollution, and a number of impacts on our environment caused by human activity.”
“Despite these challenges, our enthusiastic partners and bird educators still inspire everyone to help conserve our winged friends and their local habitats, as well as our natural resources, in harmony with humans,” he stressed.
The Virtual Festival Takes Off
Children, teens and adults engaged in a safe, fun, and educational “virtual festival” for CEBF 2020. Online discussions, webinars, courses, educational videos, bird puzzles, maps, eBooks, colouring pages, blog and newspaper articles all formed part of an exciting range of remote activities.

BirdsCaribbean launched pages from the recently published Endemic Birds of the West Indies Colouring Book on our website. This delightful book features 50 endemic Caribbean birds and includes a wealth of additional information on each bird. BirdsCaribbean is especially grateful to the artist Christine Elder, Mark Yokoyama, and many other contributors, including bird photographers. We featured an Endemic Bird of the Day for 50 days on our From the Nest page, and shared photos, puzzles, activities, videos, bird songs and calls, and more.
Throughout this spring, the online world was busy. Birds Caribbean was no exception, with visits to our website and to social media pages increasing by more than 500% in the last two months. BirdsCaribbean now has hundreds of new friends and followers, all engaged and interested in our work.
BirdsCaribbean partners created their own online initiatives for CEBF 2020, mainly on their social media pages, reaching more than 100,000 people all around the Caribbean region, and across the globe. The Bahamas National Trust offered the first online talk, exploring the mysteries of the legendary “Chickcharney”, an owl-like folkloric creature. Artist Christine Elder live-streamed hands-on workshops on Sketching Hummingbirds and Sketching Parrots assisted by parrot expert, Aliya Hosein, in Trinidad.

Further online presenters included Dr. Ancilleno Leno Davis, who read an inspirational mangrove story and took children on a virtual field trip in his mangrove-filled Bahamian back yard.

Dr. Adrianne G. Tossas, gave a wonderful presentation on Getting to Know the Endemic Birds of Puerto Rico.
Eliezer Nieves-Rodríguez and Coral Avilés gave a fun and informative webinar: Through Sounds and Photos: The Endemic Birds of the San Juan Bay Estuary in Puerto Rico.
Jeff Gerbracht from Cornell University’s Ornithology Lab taught us how to use the eBird and Merlin apps.
Antigua’s Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) held a hugely successful 6 session course “Birding for Beginners.”
There was more creativity on display, as Josmar E. Marquez from Venezuela presented a series of 4 videos on drawing and coloring some of the region’s endemic birds: Introduction to Drawing and Coloring Caribbean Endemic Birds; Antillean Crested Hummingbird and Puerto Rican Parrot; Blue-headed Quail-Dove and Cuban Tody; and Black-crowned Palm Tanager and Hispaniolan Lizard Cuckoo.

Cuban groups partnered with the University of Havana to focus on an Endemic Cuban Bird each day on Facebook, with wonderful photos and fascinating information on each species.

Les Fruits de Mer, BirdLife Jamaica, SOH Conservación, Grupo Acción Ecológica, Puerto Rican Bird Photographers and other Caribbean non-governmental organizations posted on social media about endemic birds and their habitats.

Learning New Ways to Connect
CEBF 2020 was remarkable, offering fresh insights and perspectives through the online experience. BirdsCaribbean and its partners entered a new world of creative possibilities, discovering fresh ways of communicating our important messages on endemic birds. We explored different options, learned to handle Zoom meetings and to present online, and stepped up our social media presence. The response was enthusiastic. The festival was more than just a substitute for regular organized, in-person events. CEBF 2020 highlighted in an innovative way the importance of our unique native wildlife, and emphasized how essential it is to protect our endemic species.
Visit BirdsCaribbean to find From the Nest page, our Youtube channel, and Resources page to enjoy our Endemic Bird of the Day series with photos, puzzles, activities, videos, and more. Follow BirdsCaribbean (@BirdsCaribbean) and your local nature groups on social media with #CEBFFromTheNest and #Festival_de_Aves_Endémicas_del_Caribe.
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival events are held annually between Earth Day on April 22nd and International Biodiversity Day on May 22nd. Contact your local environmental group to find out about events on your island, or contact BirdsCaribbean to organize an event of your own:
Thank you to all of our partners and friends across the region for participating so enthusiastically and making CEBF 2020 memorable and special. Enjoy the gallery below! (hover over each image to see the caption; click on each photo to see it larger and to view images as a gallery).