Join us for the BirdsCaribbean 22nd International Conference, registration is now open! Please visit the conference website to register and to find information about field trips, travel support, accommodations and much more. The Call for Papers and opportunity to apply for Travel Support is also open (see below).
BirdsCaribbean and Parc National de la Guadeloupe have been working hard to put together a diverse, interesting, and relevant scientific program for the 2019 conference. And of course there is plenty of room for adventure and bird-watching in our pre, mid and post conference field trips. Hike a volcano or head to the waterfalls with chances to see Caribbean endemics like the Guadeloupe Woodpecker, Brown Trembler and Purple-throated Carib.
The conference theme is “Keeping Caribbean Birds Aloft.” “Keeping” implies that we, as a Caribbean community, are: 1) actively involved in the effort, and 2) working on ways to build resilience in the face of many challenges that Caribbean birds are facing. “Aloft” is an encouraging choice of words that reminds us what we’re all in this for – to see our Caribbean birds 1) in flight, 2) alive and well, 3) in their natural place, and 4) thriving.
To learn more about the amazing island that is hosting us this year, BirdsCaribbean Vice President Justin Proctor detailed his scouting trip to Guadeloupe here.

Call for Papers & Travel Support
Remember to check the conference website over time as information will continue to be added and updated. This includes plenary speakers, workshops, symposia, round-tables, and more.
See you in Guadeloupe! #BirdsCarib2019