BirdsCaribbean (BC) is celebrating our 30th Anniversary and we are getting messages from across the Caribbean thanking us for our work. Please enjoy this two-minute glimpse of our exciting work with founding members and some of our youngest and most enthusiastic bird conservationist from the islands of St Vincent and the Grenadines.
First up are Joe Wunderle, PhD, an icon of Caribbean ornithology and conservation, and Kate Wallace, educator extraordinaire, from the Dominican Republic (DR). Joe is a founding member of BirdsCaribbean and wildlife biologist at the International Institute of Tropical Forestry, US Forest Service, in Puerto Rico. Joe has studied the ecology of many birds in Puerto Rico and the region, including the Bananaquit, Kirtland’s Warbler and Puerto Rican Parrot. He has contributed to their conservation through his research findings and mentoring of countless students and BC members.
Kate joined the flock right after Joe. She has lived in the DR for 24 years, working first with the Peace Corps and then as a volunteer with BirdsCaribbean, Sociedad Ornitologica de la Hispaniola, Grupo Jaragua, and Grupo Acción Ecologica. Kate has been involved in our programs since the beginning, giving countless West Indian Whistling-Duck and Wetlands Workshops, coordinating Caribbean Waterbird Census counts, and organizing events for our Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival and World Migratory Bird Day each year. Oh, and did I mention Kate also promotes sustainable bird tourism and leads tours? She helped with Caribbean Birding Trail Guide Training Workshop in the DR and co-authored (with Steve Latta), Ruta Barrancoli: A Bird-finding Guide to the Dominican Republic.
Next take a virtual flight with us to St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) to meet Lystra Culzac and her students. Lystra is founder and director of SCIENCE (Science Initiative for Environmental Conservation and the Heritage Museum and Science Centre of SVG. Through BirdSleuth Caribbean and other bird education programs delivered by Lystra and her dedicated team, the children of St. Vincent are fast becoming expert bird watchers, knowledgable about science, and budding conservationists.
Then, hear from US Geological Survey biologist, Elise Elliot-Smith, how BirdsCaribbean has helped her connect with researchers and conservationist across the islands as, together, they work to protect endangered Piping Plovers and other shorebirds of conservation concern throughout their wintering range. We are grateful to Elise and all involved in these efforts!
Through BirdsCaribbean, and its in-country partners, our programs are engaging young and old in direct conservation, opening doors for scientific and educational exchange, and promoting sustainable livelihoods in ecotourism. By the end of the two minutes I am sure you will agree with life-long BirdsCaribbean supporter, Nick Sorenson that BirdsCaribbean is “the greatest organization on the planet.” 😊 So what are you waiting for, grab a cup of shade-grown coffee, sit back and enjoy an inspirational moment. You deserve it – we would not be here without your support!

Thank you to Esther Figueroa (Vagabond Media) for putting together this video for us, Ingrid Flores for Spanish translation, and Jerry Bauer for videography. Photographs in the video are by Dax Román E. (Hispaniolan Trogon), Walker Golder (Piping Plover), Aslam Ibrahim Castellón Maure (American Flamingo), Steve Estvanik (Whimbrel), Wilfred Marissen (Ruddy Turnstone), Kevin Le (Painted Bunting), Dax Román E. (Black-crowned Palm Tanager), Jose Miguel Pantaleon (Hispaniolan Woodpecker), Frantz Delcroix (Barbuda Warbler), and St. Vincent Tourism Authority (St. Vincent Parrot).