The 20th International Meeting of BirdsCaribbean begins on Saturday.Over 40 international delegates have already arrived in Kingston, Jamaica for the 20th International Meeting of BirdsCaribbean, which officially kicks off on Saturday. Coverage of the meeting has appeared in local and regional media including the Observer, Repeating Islands and Ornithomedia (Français). Many of the early arrivals will be spending tomorrow at an all-day workshop learning how to prepare bird study skins. Study skins can be used in educational activities, like teaching the different parts of a bird, and they also form the foundation of museum collections around the world used for scientific research.
The meeting includes five days of workshops, presentations and field trips. Approximately 200 delegates from the Caribbean and beyond are attending the meeting. For more information about the meeting, visit the meeting website. Keep an eye on this blog for updates throughout the meeting and watch #Caribbeanbirds, #BirdsCarib2015, and #Caribbeannature on your favorite social media platform.