BirdSleuth Caribbean, one of BirdsCaribbean’s flagship education programs, was featured in the April-June 2015 issue of ZiNG Magazine, the in-flight magazine of the Caribbean airline LIAT. The program uses a bird curriculum—specifically adapted to the Caribbean—to engage kids in science and conservation.
According to BirdsCaribbean Executive Director Lisa Sorenson, “As adults it’s easy to over-complicate things. Kids love being outside, they love interacting with the natural world and we often lose sight of that. We need to harness that enthusiasm and develop it in an active, fun, engaging way. By doing that you make a connection that lasts. That’s what BirdSleuth is all about.”
You can find ZiNG Magazine in the seat pocket in front of you anytime you are on a LIAT flight. You can also download a PDF of the article to learn more. The BirdsCaribbean-LIAT partnership also includes a regular featured called Caribbean BirdWatch which showcases birds and bird conservation on a different Caribbean island in each issue.